www.dalekovod.com Steel lattice towers for 10, 20 and 35 kV transmission lines INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEPLOYMENT OF TOWERS Publisher: DALEKOVOD-PROJEKT d.o.o., 2010. e-mail: dalekovod.projekt@dalekovod.hr Ovitak engleski.indd 1 PROJEKT 3/26/10 2:20 PM STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. BASIC INFORMATION ON PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF TOWERS 3 3. CONDUCTOR ARRANGEMENT ON THE TOWER 5 3.1. 3.2. TOWER HEAD TYPES OPTIONS FOR MODELLING TOWER HEADS 5 7 4. TOWER TYPES AND STRENGTH CAPACITY 8 4.1. 4.2. TOWER TYPES TABLE WITH DRAFTS AND DATA ON ADMISSIBLE TOWER LOADS NAH2 NAL2 NAP2 ZAE2 ZAH2 ZAJ2 ZAL2 ZAM2 EXAMPLE OF SELECTING AND MONITORING TOWERS FOR CERTAIN LOAD CONDITIONS 4.3. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5. RECOMMENDED SELECTION OF TOWERS (APPLICATION TABLES) 5.1. MOST COMMON STRUCTURE AND CROSS SECTIONS FOR NON INSULATED CONDUCTORS IN DIFFERENT CLIMATE CONDITIONS 21 5.2. 5.3. CONDUCTOR SUSPENSION SETS CONDUCTOR TENSION SETS 23 32 6. ORDERING INFORMATION AND STRUCTURE TAKEOVER 34 7. ASSEMBLING THE STRUCTURE 36 8. TOWER FOUNDATION 38 1 21 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 1. INTRODUCTION In order to comprise all requirements of distributors, and at the same time use the simplest possible storage solutions and to reduce maintenance costs i.e. to unify the construction, a suitable group of steel lattice towers was designed for assembling 20 (10 and 35) kV distribution lines. Towers were designed between 1980 and 1983 for the requirements of the Elektroprivreda company, as part of the medium voltage tower standardisation program for ZEOH at that time, and are now part of the DALEKOVOD d.d. Zagreb manufacturing assortment. By using extensive experience in design, production and construction of transmission line towers and data on their use, 3 suspension (N – NAH, NAL and NAP) and 5 tension (Z – ZAE, ZAH, ZAJ, ZAL and ZAM) towers were designed, in line with the “Regulation on Technical Standards for Construction of Overhead Power Lines of Nominal Voltage Between 1 and 400 kV” Official Gazette 65/88 (O.G.RH 55/96), where each of them can be used in different conditions present on the transmission line route. For each tower type a structure prototype was made and it was tested under test load. Based on the examination of the project documentation (calculations and manufacturing blueprints), examination of the prototype structure, testing results and by participation in tests, IGH as the authorised organisation issued attests on testing. Over 25 years of experience in using towers indicated all structural advantages, precisely because of the possibility of their differentiated use, their suitability to most common situations and deployment requirements. Accordingly, new types of accessorises and new manufacturing technology improvements were made to: the structure itself, presentation of acceptable loads and methods for control and selection of the structure model for the relevant load of each single tower design type group. To the names of towers the additional mark 2 was added, (N – NAH2, NAL2 and NAP2) and (Z – ZAE2, ZAH2, ZAJ2, ZAL2 and ZAM2). For each single tower type a project documentation was prepared according to the currently valid technical regulations and professional HEP standards (Steel Lattice Tower Standardisation for 20(10) kV Network, mark N.022.03, class no. 4.08/92). These instructions are intended for designers, builders and contractors of medium voltage transmission lines, as also to employees in charge of their maintenance, and are to insure quick and simple reference in selecting and deploying structures, i.e. in reaching the optimum solution. 2 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 2. BASIC INFORMATION ON PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF TOWERS 2. 1. THE PURPOSE OF THE STRUCTURE With difference from towers designed for very specific cross sections and structures of conductors, these towers represent typified structure solutions where each type can be used in different geographical conditions for more different types of conductors, with different cross sections and structures. For the required conductor cross-section and specific locations, by correct selection of the maximum working stress and corresponding arrangement of suspensions, i.e. points of connecting the earth wire to the structure, each tower can be used: in all climate conditions: • nominal wind load 500 – 1100 (1300) N/m2 • additional load coefficient 1 to 4 x 0.18.d daN/m’ on all terrains, without regard of the configuration for earth wires with different cross-sections: • AL/Č between 35/6 mm2 and 150/25 mm2 • other types of insulated and non insulated conductors, that put weight on the tower with the corresponding resulting tension force and wind facing surface for connecting post type, long rod, string insulators (directly to the cross-arm, over hinges, shackles, extension links and spacers) for one, and for two systems with, or without earth wire for use of additional equipment without requiring customisation of the structure: • overhead and underground cable tap-offs, overhead-underground transition • line disconnectors (with or without remote control), malfunction detection, etc. as gantries 3 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 2. 2. BASIC STRUCTURE INFORMATION Towers are four sided pyramids of steel - lattice grid. Made of standard hot rolled profiles connected with bolts, with single diagonal filling in the total length of the tower. Two sides of suspension towers that are designed for light and medium loads shall be made of horizontal steel plate welded to tower main legs instead of diagonals fixed with bolts. Corrosion protection of all tower parts is made by hot dip galvanizing, in quality that satisfies renown world standards. All towers are designed with parallel sides of the upper section (tower head without incremental adjustments). In this way it is possible to use same cross-arms for different disposition of earth wires – numerous different symmetrical and asymmetrical heads, and makes possible to connect same accessories on different tower heights as also on different types of towers. Tower sections with incremental adjustment are selected on purpose to use one or at most two different profile dimensions for tower main legs at all heights. Each tower section diagonal has the same length, profile dimension and corresponding bolts. Type, material, dimensions and manufacturing of tower structures enable: simple storage and transport (for different dimensions and transportation means) quick installation and removal (by elements, sections, as a whole) with or without mechanisation changing the function of a tower on the already constructed transmission lines simple maintenance and interventions during exploitation: • open profiles suitable for monitoring and maintenance • simple replacement of damaged elements and reparation of corrosion protection 4 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 3. CONDUCTOR ARRANGEMENT ON THE TOWER 3. 1. TOWER HEAD TYPES On towers it is possible to have virtually any arrangement of conductors i.e. any tower head type. Types used for non insulated conductors are: Symmetrical heads formed by two sided cross-arms • G – gama • D – delta • T – trapez [trapezium] • B, BU – bačva [barrel] (B without, and BU with the earth wire) Asymmetrical heads formed by one sided cross-arms • J, JU – jela [fir] (J without, and JU with the earth wire) Cross-arms are mounted on the upper section of the tower with the possibility of connection on every 0.85 m of the section, where necessary. For the central conductor of the head D and for the earth wire on heads BU and JU, the top frame structure is mounted at the top of the tower, hereinafter named only as – top. Besides cross-arms for types of tower heads, it is also possible to attach on towers suspension equipment and structures (frames, cross-arms, etc.) customised for suspending insulated conductors, cables, devices, etc. 5 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT TOWER HEAD TYPES SYMMETRICAL HEADS G - GAMA D - DELTA B, BU - BAČVA [BARREL] T - TRAPEZ [TRAPEZIUM] ASYMMETRICAL HEADS HEAD CONSTRUCTION CROSS-ARM LENGTH a, b, c = 0.95 1.20. 1.45. 1.60 (1.80)m SPACING BETWEEN CROSS-ARMS HEAD HEIGHT USEFUL TOWER HEIGHT DESIGNATION OF THE HEAD SHAPE G, D, B, T, J = towers without earth wire BU, JU = towers with earth wire J, JU - JELA [FIR] 6 x, y, z = nx0.85m s=x+y+z h=H-S x=0 x = n x 0.85 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 3. 2. OPTIONS FOR MODELLING TOWER HEADS SYMMETRICAL HEAD CROSS-ARMS ASYMMETRICAL HEAD CROSS-ARMS DOUBLE SIDED CONSOL ONE SIDED CONSOL TOP 7 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 4. TOWER TYPES AND STRENGTH CAPACITY 4. 1. TOWER TYPES Basic purpose: suspension – line towers in the transmission line route: NAH2, NAL2, NAP2 tension: ZAE2, ZAH2, ZAJ2, ZAL2, ZAM2 The order of towers corresponds to the tower weight order and their implementation from lighter conditions towards the heavier load on the transmission line route. Tension towers for transmission lines, besides their main purpose to decrease the load, angle-tension, end-tower and towers with tap-offs, can also be used as suspension ones (in case larger medium spans and/or higher towers are required). Nominal height: 9 m, 11 m, 13 m, 15 m – all towers (tower NAH2 up to 13 m for standard use) 17 m, 19 m and 21 m – additional height for tension towers Nominal heights are specific for all tower types, and they should be used when placing orders. The actual height from bottom to top, according to the manufacturing documentation is equal to nominal height with tolerance between 0.5 m and + 0.25 m, depending on the tower type and height. It is indicated on the sketch of each tower, above the nominal height indicated in brackets. Tower height from the connection point on the tower top to the ground is equal to the real height of the structure, according to the sketch of the tower + height of the foundation. Overall standard increase of height from the foundations amounts to 30 cm and can be increased for certain tower locations if necessary. To reduce the costs of solving property issues when constructing transmission lines, additional tower heights were designed. They make possible to use towers with longer spans and to reduce the number of towers in the transmission line route. TOWER STRENGTH CAPACITY - NOMINAL TOWER LOAD The strength capacity of each single tower is conditioned by the basic implementation i.e. load conditions for which the tower is designed for, and are defined by the nominal load and allowed torque with the resulting sum of horizontal forces. Nominal load corresponds to the maximum force on the top of the tower, that tower main legs can support for certain load according to the mentioned Regulation for Overhead Power-lines. Values stated for loads caused by wind relate to payload. The strength capacity of each tower is controlled by testing the structure prototype used for its basic purpose, and this is certified by the adequate attest. 8 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 4. 2. TOWER TABLES According to the table of allowed tower loads it is possible to select, i.e. to monitor the tower for different types of the head and for different load combinations (standard use, additional tap-offs, during reconstruction, repairs, etc.). Tables also state the recommended dimensions of the foundation for specific tower heights in relation to the characteristic soil bearing capacity, and approximate weight of the tower structure without cross-arms. 9 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT Tower type mark NAH2 Nominal voltage 20 (35) kV Nominal tower height(s) 9, 11, 13 m Nominal load Rx, Ry (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the tower height) Basic load safety factor 1.5 Exceptional load safety factor 1.1 Wind force on the structure 2.6xW SUSPENSION TOWER NAH2 SIDE X SIDE Y 1. Basic wind load - W Nominal tower height N/m2 m 9 11 13 (15) 9 11 13 (15) 9 11 13 (15) 9 11 13 9 11 13 500 600 750 900 1100 2. Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 art. 69.1 exceptional load Admissible load on the cross-arm top: Hy Vz art. 69.1 art. 68.1a, 69.1. kN 3.25 7.00 2.70 5.00 2.30 3.40 1.90 2.80 Nominal tower height Tower weight Foundation part L Soil σdop m kg cm 9 290 139 11 360 141 13 420 146 kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER TOWER FOUNDATION 10 Nominal load for ∑ Vz = 8kN Rx (Ry=0) Ry (Rx=0) art. load 68.1b art. load 68.1c kN 5.5 3.3 4.8 2.5 4.6 2.1 3.7 1.4 5.4 3.1 4.6 2.2 4.4 1.7 3.5 1.0 5.2 2.7 4.3 1.9 4.1 1.3 2.4 0.6 5.0 2.5 4.0 1.5 3.7 0.9 4.7 2.0 3.6 0.9 1.8 0.4 Foundation dimensions A T cm 80 190 60 180 80 170 60 160 60 150 80 200 60 190 80 180 60 170 60 150 80 200 60 190 80 180 60 170 60 150 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the tower height or 10.3 m) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure SUSPENSION TOWER NAL2 SIDE X SIDE Y 1. Basic wind load - W Nominal tower height N/m2 m 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 500 600 750 900 1100 2. Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 art. 69.1 exceptional load EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Nominal load for ∑ Vz = 10.6kN Rx (Ry=0) Ry (Rx=0) art. load 68.1b art. load 68.1c kN 6.8 3.7 6.5 2.9 6.7 3.4 6.3 2.6 6.4 3.0 5.9 2.2 6.1 2.6 5.5 1.6 5.7 2.0 5.0 1.3 Admissible load on the tower peak: Hy Vz art. 69.1 art. 68.1a, 69.1. kN 5.2 11.0 4.4 8.9 3.8 6.3 2.7 5.2 Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg part L cm 9 320 138 11 425 144 13 490 111 15 620 144 Foundation TOWER FOUNDATION 11 NAL2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m Rx, Ry Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation dimensions A T cm 80 210 80 180 80 190 80 160 80 150 80 220 80 190 80 200 80 170 80 150 100 220 100 190 100 200 100 170 100 150 100 230 100 200 100 210 100 180 100 150 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the 8.5 m section) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure SUSPENSION TOWER NAP2 SIDE X SIDE Y 1. Basic wind load - W Nominal tower height N/m2 m 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 9 11 13 15 500 600 750 900 1100 2. Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 art. 69.1 exceptional load EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Nominal load for ∑ Vz = 8kN Rx (Ry=0) Ry (Rx=0) art. load 68.1b art. load 68.1c kN 8.2 7.0 10.7 6.9 5.5 7.9 6.8 10.5 6.5 5.1 7.5 6.2 10.3 5.8 4.3 7.0 5.5 10.1 5.0 3.4 6.1 4.7 9.8 4.1 2.5 Admissible load on the cross-arm top: Hy Vz art. 69.1 art. 68.1a, 69.1. kN 8.3 11.0 7.8 8.0 6.9 6.0 6.4 5.2 Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg part L cm 9 390 124 11 575 177 13 650 101 15 785 185 Foundation TOWER FOUNDATION 12 NAP2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m Rx, Ry Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation dimensions A T cm 100 220 100 190 100 200 100 170 100 160 120 220 120 190 120 200 120 170 120 160 120 230 120 200 120 210 120 170 120 160 120 240 120 200 120 220 120 180 120 160 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) TENSION TOWER ZAE2 SIDE X ZAE2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m (17, 19, 21 m) R=Rx + Ry Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the 8.8 m section) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure TOWER PEAK PLAN VIEW 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Allowed load 1. Reduced to the tower top Load situation R=Rx+Ry 2. At the point of action on the structure Vertical load ∑Vz Horizontal load for torque (kNm) kN 20 68.2 kN 11.3 10.2 11.0 9.0 10.3 11.9 8 Mt=0 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 19.5 19.5 15.0 19.5 17.5 19.5 19.5 14.0 19.5 17.0 19.5 19.5 69.2 Exceptional 15.5 20.0 Mt=8.6 9.0 9.0 Art. a b 68.1 c Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 8 8 Mt=5.2 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 11.5 11.5 8.0 11.5 9.0 11.5 11.5 7.5 11.5 8.5 11.5 11.5 Mt=10.7 7.6 7.6 Basic wind load - W N/m2 1100 Wx 600 1100 Wy 600 - 3. Allowed vertical load Vz on the cross-arm for: Hy=0 kN Hy=5.3 kN Hy=7.7 kN Hy=10.42 kN kN 11.8 8.9 6.3 5.2 kN 11.3 8.3 6.1 5.2 kN 11.0 8.0 6.0 5.2 kN 10.7 7.7 5.7 4.7 EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER The tower can be used only if all three conditions for allowed load (1, 2 and 3) are satisfied Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg Foundation part L cm 9 390 112 11 500 168 13 585 106 15 715 183 TOWER FOUNDATION 13 Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation dimensions A T cm 140 200 120 180 140 180 120 160 120 160 140 220 140 180 140 200 140 160 140 160 160 220 140 190 140 210 140 170 140 160 160 230 160 190 160 200 160 170 160 160 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) TENSION TOWER ZAH2 SIDE X ZAH2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m (17, 19, 21 m) R=Rx + Ry Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the 8.8 m section) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure TOWER PEAK PLAN VIEW 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Allowed load Load situation 1. Reduced to the tower top R=Rx+Ry Art. 68.2 kN 17.6 17.0 17.8 16.2 17.3 18.9 69.2 exceptional 24.2 a b 68.1 c Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 2. At the point of action on the structure Vertical load ∑Vz Horizontal load for torque (kNm) 10.0 Mt=0 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 28.0 28.0 26.0 28.0 27.0 28.0 28.0 25.0 28.0 26.0 28.0 28.0 Mt=7.5 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 16.0 16.0 14.0 16.0 15.0 16.0 16.0 13.0 16.0 14.0 16.0 16.0 34.0 Mt=12.5 19.0 19.0 Mt=15.0 14.0 14.0 kN 34.0 10.0 10.0 Basic wind load - W N/m2 1100 Wx 600 1100 Wy 600 - 3. Allowed vertical load Vz on the cross-arm for: Hy=0 kN Hy=5.3 kN Hy=7.7 kN Hy=10.42 kN kN 11.8 8.9 6.3 5.2 kN 11.2 8.3 6.1 5.2 kN 11.0 8.0 6.0 5.2 kN 10.7 7.7 5.7 4.7 EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER The tower can be used only if all three conditions for allowed load (1, 2 and 3) are satisfied Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg Foundation part L cm 9 570 112 11 730 168 13 860 106 15 1045 183 TOWER FOUNDATION 14 Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation dimensions A T cm 140 230 120 200 140 210 120 180 120 180 140 240 140 200 140 220 140 180 140 160 160 240 160 200 160 220 160 180 140 160 160 250 160 210 160 230 160 190 160 160 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) TENSION TOWER ZAJ2 ZAJ2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m (17, 19, 21 m) R=Rx + Ry Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the 8.8 m section) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure SIDE X TOWER PEAK PLAN VIEW 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Allowed load Load situation 1. Reduced to the tower top R=Rx+Ry 2. At the point of action on the structure Vertical load ∑Vz Horizontal load for torque (kNm) kN 36.0 68.2 kN 26.0 23.5 25.2 22.8 24.3 27.3 12.0 Mt=0 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 39.0 39.0 36.0 39.0 37.0 39.0 39.0 35.0 39.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 69.2 Exceptional 35.8 36.0 Mt=17 26.0 26.0 Art. a b 68.1 c Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 12.0 12.0 Mt=7.5 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 23.5 23.5 19.0 23.5 20.0 23.5 23.5 18.0 23.5 19.0 23.5 23.5 Mt=21.5 18.0 18.0 Basic wind load - W N/m2 1100 Wx 600 1100 Wy 600 - 3. Allowed vertical load Vz on the cross-arm for: Hy=0 kN Hy=5.3 kN Hy=7.7 kN Hy=10.42 kN kN 11.8 8.9 6.3 5.2 kN 11.2 8.3 6.1 5.2 kN 11.0 8.0 6.0 5.2 kN 10.7 7.7 5.7 4.7 EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER The tower can be used only if all three conditions for allowed load (1, 2 and 3) are satisfied Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg Foundation part L cm 9 730 114 11 935 170 13 1140 106 15 1390 183 TOWER FOUNDATION 15 Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation dimensions A T cm 160 240 120 220 160 210 120 200 120 170 160 250 140 220 160 230 140 200 140 170 160 260 160 220 160 240 160 200 160 170 160 280 160 230 160 250 160 210 160 170 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) TENSION TOWER ZAL2 ZAL2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m (17, 19, 21 m) R=Rx + Ry Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the 10.45 m section) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure SIDE X TOWER PEAK PLAN VIEW 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Allowed load Load situation 1. Reduced to the tower top R=Rx+Ry Art. 68.2 kN 34.5 33.6 34.9 33.0 34.5 36.2 69.2 Exceptional 47.5 a b 68.1 c Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 2. At the point of action on the structure Vertical load ∑Vz Horizontal load for torque (kNm) 14.8 Mt=0 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 55.0 55.0 50.0 55.0 52.0 55.0 55.0 49.0 55.0 51.0 55.0 55.0 Mt=7.5 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 35.0 35.0 30.0 35.0 31.0 35.0 35.0 29.0 35.0 30.0 35.0 35.0 46.0 Mt=22 41.0 41.0 Mt=29 26.0 26.0 kN 46.0 14.8 14.8 Basic wind load - W N/m2 1100 Wx 600 1100 Wy 600 - 3. Allowed vertical load Vz on the cross-arm for: Hy=0 kN Hy=5.3 kN Hy=7.7 kN Hy=10.42 kN kN 11.8 8.9 6.3 5.2 kN 11.2 8.3 6.1 5.2 kN 11.0 8.0 6.0 5.2 kN 10.7 7.7 5.7 4.7 EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER The tower can be used only if all three conditions for allowed load (1, 2 and 3) are satisfied Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg Foundation part L cm 9 1035 130 11 1305 183 13 1485 189 15 1825 183 TOWER FOUNDATION 16 Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation Dimensions A T cm 180 240 140 230 180 220 140 200 120 180 180 260 140 240 180 230 140 210 140 180 180 270 160 240 180 240 160 210 160 180 180 280 160 250 180 260 160 220 160 190 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Tower type mark Nominal voltage Nominal tower height(s) TENSION TOWER ZAM2 ZAM2 20 (35) kV 9, 11, 13, 15 m (17, 19, 21 m) R=Rx + Ry Nominal load (allowed horizontal load Hx and Hy reduced to the tower top - over the 12.5 m section) Basic load safety factor Exceptional load safety factor Wind force on the structure SIDE X TOWER PEAK PLAN VIEW 1.5 1.1 2.6xW Allowed load 1. Reduced to the tower top Load situation R=Rx+Ry Art. 68.2 kN 45.0 41.8 44.8 41.1 44.4 47.2 69.2 Exceptional 62.0 a b 68.1 c Cross-arm length a, b, c m 0.95 1.20 1.45 1.60 2. At the point of action on the structure Vertical load ∑Vz Horizontal load for torque (kNm) 16.0 Mt=0 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 68.0 68.0 65.0 68.0 66.0 68.0 68.0 64.0 68.0 65.0 68.0 68.0 Mt=7.5 ∑Hx ∑Hy kN 40.5 40.5 35.0 40.5 36.0 40.5 40.5 34.5 40.5 35.5 40.5 40.5 58.0 Mt=27 50.0 50.0 Mt=38 31.0 31.0 kN 58.0 16.0 16.0 Basic wind load - W N/m2 1100 Wx 600 1100 Wy 600 - 3. Allowed vertical load Vz on the cross-arm for: Hy=0 kN Hy=5.3 kN Hy=7.7 kN Hy=10.42 kN kN 11.8 8.9 6.3 5.2 kN 11.2 8.3 6.1 5.2 kN 11.0 8.0 6.0 5.2 kN 10.7 7.7 5.7 4.7 The tower can be used only if all three conditions for allowed load (1, 2 and 3) are satisfied Nominal tower height m Tower weight kg Foundation part L cm 9 1260 130 11 1600 183 13 1850 189 15 2260 183 EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER TOWER FOUNDATION 17 Soil σdop kN/m2 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 120 + PV 150 200 + PV 250 ≥500 Foundation dimensions A T cm 200 250 160 230 200 220 140 210 120 180 200 260 160 240 200 240 140 230 140 200 200 280 160 260 200 250 160 230 160 190 200 290 160 270 200 260 160 240 160 200 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 4. 3. EXAMPLE OF SELECTING AND MONITORING TOWERS FOR CERTAIN LOAD CONDITIONS hR = section of load reduction The resulting force reduced to the top of the tower for a specific load must be less or equal to the nominal load. Also, it is necessary to fulfil the combined conditions including the allowed torque, sum of horizontal forces and the allowed load on the cross-arms, depending on the length of the cross-arm. In case of higher then permitted vertical load on the cross-arm, the cross-arm should be reinforced by stays or props. Rx, Ry, – load reduced to the tower top Hx, Hy, Vz, – load at the point of action on the structure Rx = (Hx1· h1+Hx2· h2+Hx3· h3+⏐Vz2–Vz3⏐· .a) /hR ΣHx = Hx1 + Hx2 + Hx3 ≤ dopΣHx Ry = (Hy1· h1+Hy2· .h2+Hy3· h3) / hR ΣHy = Hy1 + Hy2 + Hy3 ≤ dopΣHy Rx + Ry ≤ dopR ΣVz = Vz1 + Vz2 + Vz3 ≤ dopΣVz MT = ⏐Hy2 - Hy3⏐· a 18 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES EXAMPLE 3 x Al/č 95/15 mm2, σ = 95 N/mm2 conductors: ČIII 35 mm2 , σ = 240 N/mm2 earth wire: semi-sum of adjacent spans: aW = 200 m weight span: agr = 400 m Hypothetical tower ZAJ w = 900 N/m2 wind pressure (load): dt = 1.6 x 0.18 √d daN/m’ additional load: purpose of the tower on the route: angle-tension line route deviation angle: α = 150° selected head type: JU22 Load in line with the “Regulation on Overhead Power Lines of Nominal Voltage Between 1 and 400 kV” (Official Gazette no. 65/88, OG no. 55/96). Vx Vy Vz Zx Zy Zz Sx Sy kN kN kN kN kN kN kN/m2 kN/m2 a 5.4 - 6.8 4.3 - 4.2 - - b 6.1 - 2.5 4.3 - 1.1 2.6 x 0.9 - c 3.6 0.7 2.5 2.9 0.4 1.1 - 2.6 x 0.9 1.8 6.7 2.5 1.4 5.3 1.1 - - 2.7 10.1 6.8 - - - - - - Load situation art. 68.1 68.2 P.V. N.V. 5.4 - 6.8 4.3 - 4.2 Pzu - - - 2.1 8.0 4.2 Nzu 5.4 - 6.8 - - - 69.2 19 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT Reduced to the top of the tower and sum of forces: Load situation art. 68.1.b. Rx =[4.3x8.8+6.1x(7.1+5.4+4.55)+2.5x1.45]/8.8 = 16.6 kN Ry = 0 R = 16.6 kN ∑Vz =1.1+3x2.5 = 8.6 kN ∑Hy = 0 ∑Hx = 4.3+3x6.1 = 22.6 kN MT = 0 Load situation art. 68.2. Rx = (1.4x8.8+1.8x17.05+2.5x1.45)/8.8 = 5.30 kN Ry = (5.3x8.8+6.7x17.05)/8.8= 18.30 kN R = 23.6 kN ∑Vz = 8.6 kN Selected: tower ZAJ2 dop R = 27.3 kN > 23.6 kN dop ∑Vz = 12 kN > 8.6 kN MT = 6.7 x 1.45 = 9.7 kNm < 10.5 kNm ∑Hy = 5.3+3x6.7 = 25.4 kN < dop ∑Hy = 28.5 kN za MT = 10.5 kNm ∑Hx = 1.4+3x1.8 = 6.8 kN < dop ∑Hx = 28.5 kN za MT = 10.5 kNm control for load situation art. 68.1.b. ∑Hx = 22.6 kN < dop ∑Hx = 36 kN za MT = 0 Load situation art. 69.2. MT = 10.1x1.45 = 14.7 kNm < 17 kNm ∑Hx = 4.3+2.7+2x5.4 = 17.8 kN < 26 kN za MT = 17 kNm ∑Hy = 10.1 kN < 26 kN za MT = 17 kNm control of the vertical load on the cross-arm Vz = 6.8 kN, Hy = 10.1 kN ≈ 10.42 kN za ″a″ = ″b″ = 1.20 m dop Vz = 7.7 kN > 6.8 kNm za ″c″ = 1.45 m dop Vz = 5.7 kN < 6.8 kNm THE LOWER CROSS-ARM IS TO BE REINFORCED BY STAYS (OR PROPS) 20 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 5. RECOMMENDED SELECTION OF TOWERS 5. 1. MOST COMMON STRUCTURES AND CROSS SECTIONS FOR NON-INSULATED CONDUCTORS IN DIFFERENT CLIMATE CONDITIONS The application tables define the recommended types of towers and appropriate purpose of the tower in the route, for certain conductor cross sections and specific max. working stress, conventional shapes of tower head type and when used in different climate conditions,. For suspension towers the allowed wind span is stated (semi-sum of the adjacent spans), as also for the tension towers the allowed route deviation angle is present. Towers are selected based on the most appropriate wind span relevant for the construction of the tower, and the allowed electric span. Electric spans defined in tables refer to use of post type isolators (string 0.00m), on the adjacent towers with equal spans of conductor suspension i.e. equal tower head type. Actual electric spans should be precisely defined and controlled depending on the suspension equipment and head forms of adjacent towers. The working stress of conductors does not influence the admissible wind spans for suspension tower structures. Still it conditions the required tower height (influence on the conductor sag) and the possibility of using the tower in case of exceptional load (influence on the breaking strength). The allowed wind spans stated for conductor suspension sets are equal for a specific tower head type, conductor cross section and basic wind load without regard to the quantity of the conductor working stress. The allowed sum of vertical forces relates to vertical load of conductors and suspension equipment and electrical devices (disconnectors, etc.) placed on the tower. ELEMENTS DEFINED BY THE TOWER HEAD TYPE MARK head type: G, D, J, B, T JU, BU - with earth wire upper cross-arm length: 1 234- 95 cm 120 cm 145 cm 160 cm distance between upper cross-arms, i.e. between the top and the upper cross-arm: 21 1 - 85 cm 2 - 170 cm 3 - 255 cm 4 - 340 cm DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT TOWER HEAD TYPE - all measures are in centimetres 22 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 5. 2. CONDUCTOR SUSPENSION SETS CONDUCTORS Al/č 50/8 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 500 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 107 152 115 137 185 206 165 260 72 165 260 1,6 89 126 96 114 154 171 137 216 60 137 216 2,5 73 104 79 94 128 142 114 179 50 114 179 170 235 195 180 265 215 200 ADDITIONAL LOAD ΣVz (kN) dop ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 8,0 NAH2* 10,6 NAL2 9 11 13 315 330 9 – 15 350 320 330 satisfies all stated electric spans CONDUCTORS Al/č 50/8 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 600 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 105 149 113 134 182 201 162 254 70 162 254 1,6 87 124 94 112 154 168 134 212 59 134 212 2,5 72 102 78 93 125 139 111 175 49 111 175 130 190 157 145 220 170 155 185 200 225 ADDITIONAL LOAD ΣVz (kN) dop ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 8,0 NAH2* 10,6 NAL2 9 – 15 13,6 NAP2 9 – 15 250 260 270 250 satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans 23 260 430 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT CONDUCTORS Al/č 50/8 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 750 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 102 146 111 131 178 197 158 249 69 158 249 1,6 85 121 92 110 148 164 132 207 57 132 207 2,5 71 100 76 91 122 136 109 172 48 109 172 130 205 100 145 115 105 165 130 115 160 180 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 8,0 NAH2* 10,6 NAL2 9 – 15 13,6 NAP2 9 – 15 185 195 205 185 195 satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans CONDUCTORS Al/č 50/8 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 900 N/m2 335 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 101 144 109 130 175 195 156 246 68 156 246 1,6 84 120 91 108 146 162 130 205 57 130 205 2,5 70 99 75 89 121 134 107 169 47 107 169 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) Dop 8,0 10,6 13,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 190 154 140 NAL2 9 11 – 15 210 NAP2 9 11 – 15 NAH2* 145 225 220 170 155 190 150 120 205 160 130 105 80 60 115 90 65 135 100 70 235 210 265 225 115 145 125 165 140 240 275 satisfies all stated electric spans 24 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES CONDUCTORS Al/č 50/8 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 1100 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1.0 100 142 108 128 173 192 154 243 67 154 243 1.6 83 118 90 107 144 160 128 202 56 128 202 2.5 69 98 74 88 119 132 106 167 46 106 167 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 9 11 13 145 115 55 155 120 55 165 125 60 145 110 – 155 120 – 80 55 – 90 60 – 100 70 – NAL2 9 – 15 160 170 180 175 155 190 165 95 45 110 50 125 65 NAP2 9 – 13 15 340 150 190 165 220 185 8,0 NAH2* 10,6 13,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type satisfies all stated electric spans 8,0 ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** 195 140 225 145 10,0 ZAH2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** 310 260 360 300 * => Tower type NAH2 with cross-arm length 1.45 m (J21, J22, B) and 1.6 m (G4), does not satisfy the required mechanical resistance and stability requirements in case of exceptional load i.e. in case of conductor breaking. ** => Allowed wind spans are defined for the higher wind area due to the fact that towers have over 15 m. For the defined wind it is also necessary to use adequate electric spans. 25 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT CONDUCTORS Al/č 70/12 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 500 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 110 156 119 142 155 212 170 268 74 170 268 1,6 93 132 100 119 131 179 143 226 62 143 255 2,5 77 110 83 99 109 149 120 188 52 120 188 170 145 140 190 160 150 210 175 160 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 10,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 NAH2* 11 13 NAL2 260 270 9 11 – 15 285 260 270 260 235 satisfies all stated electric spans CONDUCTORS Al/č 70/12 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 600 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1.0 108 153 116 138 187 207 166 262 72 166 262 1.6 91 129 98 116 157 175 140 220 61 140 220 2.5 76 107 82 97 131 146 117 184 51 117 184 280 230 220 140 115 110 155 125 115 180 140 125 330 300 160 175 210 190 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 10,6 13,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type NAH2* 9 11 13 NAL2 9 11 – 15 NAP2 9 11 – 15 200 210 225 200 satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans 26 340 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES CONDUCTORS Al/č 70/12 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 750 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 105 149 113 135 182 202 162 255 71 162 256 1,6 88 126 95 114 154 170 137 215 60 137 215 2,5 74 105 80 95 128 142 114 179 50 114 179 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 10,6 13,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type NAH2* 9 11 13 NAL2 9 11 – 15 NAP2 9 11 – 15 150 160 satisfies all stated electric spans 225 180 165 195 160 150 210 170 160 80 120 95 85 135 105 95 240 220 235 115 140 125 160 140 230 260 satisfies all stated electric spans CONDUCTORS Al/č 70/12 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 900 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 103 147 111 133 179 199 160 251 70 160 251 1,6 87 124 94 112 151 168 134 212 59 134 212 2,5 73 103 78 93 126 140 112 177 49 112 177 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 155 125 115 165 130 120 180 140 125 155 125 100 165 130 105 85 65 50 95 75 50 110 80 55 NAL2 9 11 – 15 170 165 220 195 190 170 205 180 105 95 115 100 135 115 NAP2 9 11 – 15 satisfies all stated electric spans 190 220 8,0 ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** 200 160 225 180 10,0 ZAH2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** 8,0 10,6 13,6 NAH2* satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** 27 365 295 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT CONDUCTORS Al/č 70/12 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 1100 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 102 145 110 131 177 196 157 248 69 157 248 1,6 86 122 92 110 149 165 132 208 58 132 208 2,5 72 102 77 92 124 138 110 174 48 110 174 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 9 11 13 120 90 45 125 95 45 135 105 50 120 90 – 130 95 – 65 45 – 70 50 – 80 55 – NAL2 9 11 – 15 145 130 155 135 165 145 145 120 155 135 80 35 90 40 100 45 NAP2 9 – 13 15 155 135 175 150 160 115 180 120 270 225 295 255 NAH2* 10,6 13,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 8,0 ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** 10,0 ZAH2 9 (11 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** 290 220 140 110 * => Tower type NAH2 (for all head types) and tower NAL2 with cross-arm length 1.6 m does not satisfy the required mechanical resistance and stability requirements in case of exceptional load i.e. in case of conductor breaking. ** => Allowed wind spans are defined for the higher wind area due to the fact that towers have over 15 m. For the defined wind it is also necessary to use adequate electric spans. 28 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 500 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 108 188 120 152 216 243 204 321 89 204 321 1,6 92 160 102 129 184 207 174 273 76 174 273 2,5 77 134 86 109 155 174 146 230 64 146 230 275 245 235 120 165 135 130 185 150 140 310 170 205 180 230 210 300 325 350 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 10,6 13,6 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type NAH2* 9 11 13 NAL2* 9 11 – 15 NAP2 9 11 – 15 220 230 245 220 satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 600 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 104 183 116 147 210 236 199 313 87 199 313 1,6 88 155 99 125 179 201 169 266 74 169 266 2,5 74 131 83 105 150 169 142 224 62 143 224 230 195 185 90 135 110 100 155 120 110 260 135 165 150 190 165 267 300 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type NAH2* 9 11 13 220 185 175 250 205 195 180 215 185 175 NAL2* 9 11 – 15 13,6 NAP2 9 – 15 8,0 ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 750 N/m2)** 310 240 10,0 ZAH2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 750 N/m2)** 480 380 10,6 satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans 29 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 750 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 99 178 111 142 204 229 193 304 84 19 304 1,6 85 151 95 121 173 195 164 259 72 165 259 2,5 71 127 80 101 146 164 138 218 60 138 218 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 165 140 130 180 145 135 195 155 145 165 135 130 180 145 135 90 75 70 105 80 75 115 90 80 NAL2* 9 11 – 15 190 200 235 215 205 190 225 200 100 125 110 145 125 13,6 NAP2 9 – 15 210 235 8,0 ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** 210 170 240 195 10,0 ZAH2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** 8,0 10,6 NAH2 satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 900 N/m2)** 380 310 190 155 380 320 satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 900 N/m2)** CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 900 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 96 174 108 138 199 224 190 299 83 190 299 1,6 82 148 92 118 170 190 161 254 70 161 254 2,5 69 125 78 99 143 160 136 214 59 136 214 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 135 105 100 145 115 105 155 120 110 135 105 85 145 115 90 75 55 40 80 65 45 95 70 50 NAL2 9 11 – 15 165 150 155 190 165 165 145 175 155 90 80 100 90 116 95 13,6 NAP2 9 – 15 170 195 8,0 ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** 170 140 195 155 10,0 ZAH2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** 280 220 320 265 8,0 10,6 NAH2* satisfies all stated electric spans satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1100 N/m2)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1100 N/m2)** 30 310 295 155 120 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 BASIC WIND LOAD W = 1100 N/m2 Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets ELECTRIC SPANS (m) HEAD TYPE G2 G4 D11 D21 D12 D22 J11 J21 J22 B21 B22 B23 1,0 94 172 106 135 195 220 187 294 81 187 294 1,6 80 146 90 115 166 187 159 250 69 159 250 2,5 67 123 76 97 140 157 134 210 58 134 210 ADDITIONAL LOAD ∑Vz (kN) dop 8,0 .10,6 13,6 8,0 10,0 * ALLOWED SEMI-SUM OF ADJACENT SPANS (m) (wind span) tower type 9 11 13 100 80 40 110 85 40 115 90 40 – – – – – – 55 60 – – – NAL2* 9 11 – 15 125 110 135 120 145 125 125 110 135 115 70 30 75 35 85 35 NAP2 9 – 13 15 210 230 250 220 235 125 105 135 115 155 130 255 235 255 120 140 165 185 180 185 90 95 100 220 190 265 220 NAH2* ZAE2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** ZAH2 9 – 15 (17 – 21)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** satisfies all stated electric spans (W = 1300 N/m2)** => Tower type NAH2 (for all head forms) and tower NAL2 with cross-arm length over 1.20 m does not satisfy the required mechanical resistance and stability requirements in case of exceptional load i.e. in case of conductor breaking. ** => Allowed wind spans are defined for the higher wind area due to the fact that towers have over 15 m. For the defined wind it is also necessary to use adequate electric spans. 31 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 5. 3. CONDUCTOR TENSION SETS Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 TOWER HEAD TYPE TOWER TYPE THE PURPOSE OF THE TOWER IN THE TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE ALLOWED WIND SPANS FOR THE STRUCTURE (CONTROL ELECTRIC SPANS) aw=(l1+l2)/2 (m) G2, G4 (G1, G3) D11, D21 (D31, D41) ZAL2 ZAJ2 ZAL2 ZAJ2 ZAL2 Ka 90° KR 120° – 180° KR 145° – 180° Ka 90° KR 120° – 180° KR 130° – 180° Ka 90° KR 120° – 180° Ka 90° i KR 120° – 124° D12, D22 (D32, D42) ZAJ2 KR 125° – 129° KR 130° – 139° KR 140° – 180° ZAL2 Ka 90° KR 120° – 180° J11, J21 KR 130° – 134° (J21*) ZAJ2 KR 135° – 180° ZAL2 Ka 90° KR 120° – 180° KR 125° – 129° J22 (J22*) ZAJ2 KR 130° – 139° KR 140° – 180° 32 260 W (N/m2) ≤ 1100 200 320 ≤ 1100 160 1100 210 ≤ 900 370 ≤ 1100 130 1100 180 900 230 ≤ 750 160 1100 220 900 280 ≤ 750 200 1100 260 ≤ 900 270 ≤ 1100 320 ≤ 1100 165 1100 220 ≤ 900 200 1100 260 ≤ 900 380 ≤ 1100 170 1100 185 900 240 ≤ 750 210 1100 270 900 340 ≤ 750 280 1100 350 ≤ 900 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES Maximum conductor working stress, σ = 95 N/mm2 Conductor suspension sets CONDUCTORS Al/č 95/15 mm2 TOWER HEAD TYPE TOWER TYPE THE PURPOSE OF THE TOWER IN THE TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE ALLOWED WIND SPANS FOR THE STRUCTURE (CONTROL ELECTRIC SPANS) aw=(l1+l2)/2 (m) W (N/m2) B21 ZAM2 KR 155°-180° 230 (B31) ZAM2 σ = 70 N/mm2 Ka 90° i KR 120°-180° 150 ZAM2 KR 150°-180° 250 ≤ 1100 130 110 ZAM2 σ = 80 N/mm2 Ka 90° i KR 120°-180° 160 900 200 ≤ 750 ZAL2 R 180° 300 ≤ 1100 135 1100 175 900 220 ≤ 750 170 1100 210 900 270 ≤ 750 330 ≤ 1100 140 1100 180 900 225 ≤ 750 ≤ 1100 B22 (B32) ZAM2 B23 KR 125°-180° ZAM2 σ = 80 N/mm2 Ka 90° i KR 120°-180° ZAL2 KR 165°-180° (B33) ZAL2 σ = 80 N/mm2 KR 125°-180° Vertical forces must not exceed the allowed vertical forces for certain load scenarios and for specific cross-arm lengths, as defined by the strength capacity table i.e. by the allowed load for a specific tower. The defined wind spans allowed for the sharpest route deviation angle, is increased for other angles and can be controlled according to the tower strength capacity table Head types marked with * (J21*, J22*) are applied in cases when the torque at the basic load exceeds the values from the strength capacity table. In this case the MT value relates to the length of the higher, and not lower cross-arm. 33 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 6. ORDERING INFORMATION AND STRUCTURE TAKEOVER When place orders for towers it is necessary to state the required number of a certain type of towers, their height, as also to required number of cross-arms. Cross-arms are defined by a specific type of tower, by the head type and arrangement of conductors suspension on the tower. E.g. For the transmission line route with suspension insulator strings, hanged over hinges, type of the head J21 and J22, towers type NAL2 – 5 pieces and ZAE2 in the function of suspension tower – 1 pc., and the tension towers, head type D21 and D22, tower type ZAJ2 – 2 pcs., and head type J21, tower ZAE2 – 1 pc., it is necessary to place the following order: Towers: tower NAL2 – 13, 3 pcs. tower NAL2 – 15, 2 pcs. tower ZAE2 – 17, 2 pcs. tower ZAJ2 – 11, 2 pcs Konzole za nosivo zavješenje vodiča preko zastavica: NAL2: 2 – 10 pcs. J3 – 5 pcs. ZAE2: J2 – 2 pcs. J3 – 1 pc. Cross-arms for tension of conductors over hinges: ZAJ2: TOP – 2 psc. D2 – 2 pcs. G3 – 1 pc. (tap-off ) ZAE2: J2 – 2 pcs. J3 – 1 pc. For the structure (cross-arm, application of stays or props, auxiliary equipment girder) that is not covered by the catalogue, it is necessary to deliver the request accompanied with relevant technical documentation, i.e. description based on which it is possible to make a proposal and prepare an offer for the elements required. The standard corrosion protection of the structures is performed by hot dip galvanizing for normal atmospheric conditions. Still it is also possible to deliver structures without corrosion protection or with additional protection (painted), and this is necessary to be clearly stated when placing your order. When taking over the structure, the client is delivered the building blueprints and documentation proving the quality of the material, structure and corrosion protection of both the installed elements and of the structure as whole, according to the static calculation of the tower. 34 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES DETAILS OF THE CROSS-ARM TOP SUSPENSION TOWERS Standard suspension sets over hinges (delivery with note - suspension sets over hinges) Standard suspension over the post type insulator or shackles ADDITIONAL PLATES FOR DOUBLE SUSPENSION (delivery with note - for double suspension) PLATES FOR SINGLE SUSPENSION (Delivery without notes) TENSION TOWERS Standard suspension over hinges (Delivery without notes) FOR ALL CROSS-ARMS When placing orders for cross-arms (for suspension over “V” extension links or isolators, that is for suspension equipment where the standard elements are not adequate) it is necessary to additionally state the suspension mode and type, i.e. the suspension equipment catalogue number 35 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 7. ASSEMBLING THE STRUCTURE The foundation part of the structure is placed within the foundation excavation, it is centred and fixed, and then the concrete is cast in the foundations. Further assembly is made after the concrete solidifies. The structure can be mounted element by element (one element at the time), in parts (sections) or in one piece (complete). Sections of the towers are composed of main legs of max. length 6m connected with diagonals, and the same section is used for towers of different heights without requiring additional works on the structure as such. In this way the storage (number of positions) and assembly of towers is simplified. It makes possible to very simply use them on different locations in case the existing tower is to be disassembled, as also makes possible to use then for lower heights, that is the foundation section can be used for both equal and for higher towers. 36 FOUNDATION SECTION SECTION 3 FOUNDATION SECTION SECTION 2 SECTION 2 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES 37 DALEKOVOD - PROJEKT 8. FOUNDATIONS l => useful length of the foundation extension L => foundation part of the structure d ≥ 20 cm (as required) The foundation dimensions are recommended for each type of tower, according to the nominal load and height of the tower in question. Foundations are calculated according to the Sulzberger method for several different characteristics of bearing, non-aggressive and stable soil. Soil characteristics are established according to the abovementioned Regulation for Overhead Power-lines obtained by geo-mechanical tests used in designing transmission lines over many years of experience for: gravel and gravel-sand soils, sandstone, flysch, etc. free of groundwater, σdop = 250 kN/m2 with groundwater, σdop = 200 kN/m2 clay and clay-sand soils free of groundwater, σdop = 150 kN/m2 with groundwater, σdop = 120 kN/m2 for foundations on solid rock the strength capacity, ódop > 500 kN/m2 the minimum dimensions are conditioned by the geometry of the foundation, tower structure and method used in making the foundations. The foundation is made for simple structure as a not-reinforced concrete block without shoe, into which is placed the foundation part of the structure. To insure simpler installation in cases of deep foundations, the construction of foundation extensions is proposed, in this case it is possible to use smaller profiles than the dimensions of tower main legs. It is required to use concrete, pressure strength class C20/25, that does not lose strength by ageing. By standard the foundation is made with crown d = 20 cm over the ground. If required (flood water, increased security height of the conductor, construction on inclined plateau, etc.) the structure is made with appropriate heightening of the foundations. For soils of lower/poorer characteristics and conditions, deviating from the defaulted ones, as also for different technology used (e.g. shallow foundations), the adequate foundations shall be recalculated. In this case it is also necessary to take into consideration the standard length of the foundation part of the structure (L) characteristic for each tower, or consult the manufacturer of the structure for possible manufacturing of customised foundation section (e.g. for anchoring screws). 38 STEEL LATTICE TOWERS FOR 10, 20 AND 35 kV TRANSMISSION LINES EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER LOOSE SOIL AND SOILS IN GROUND WATERS ROCK EXCAVATION PERIMETER END TOWER, Ka 90º EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER EXCAVATION PERIMETER ANGLE TENSION TOWER, KR α - line route deviation angle SOIL CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE RECOMMENDED FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS SOIL GRAVEL-SAND, FLYSCH, SANDSTONE, etc. CLAY-SAND ROCK GROUND WATERS NO YES NO YES NO min σdop (kN/m2) 150 120 250 200 >500 min γ (kN/m3) 18 9 18 9 19 min Ct (kN/cm3) 0.07 0.04 0.11 0.06 0.17 min b (degrees) 10 7 14 11 20 min mb 0.40 0.35 0.4 0.35 0.45 39 President of the Management Board: Davor Đurđević • Project Designer: Branka Podobnik • Collaborator: Tomislav Stojčević DALEKOVOD-PROJEKT d.o.o. • design, control, consulting and engineering • 10000 Zagreb, Marijana Čavića 4 e-mail: dalekovod.projekt@dalekovod.hr • Tel: +385 1 24 11 100 - Operator • Fax: +385 1 24 52 381 www.dalekovod.com Steel lattice towers for 10, 20 and 35 kV transmission lines INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEPLOYMENT OF TOWERS Publisher: DALEKOVOD-PROJEKT d.o.o., 2010. e-mail: dalekovod.projekt@dalekovod.hr Ovitak engleski.indd 1 PROJEKT 3/26/10 2:20 PM