305 INDEX OF PERSONS. An uteriak (•) aft.er a number denotes that the name oooura more than onoe OD that page. Beferenoes to Arma are printed in italic,. Thia Index doea not include the names of Pereons contained in "The 4096 Quartiera of King Edward VII." Abbott. 182 AbiDRdon, Earl of, 143 Abraham, 288 Abyndon, 111• Ackland, 215 Acton, 99 A.dam, 242 Addison, 288• Addison, Joseph, 213, 288 AJBeck, 184, 186, 285 Agaa, 801 Ainsworth, •ee Aynesworth A.ialabie, A.slaby, 201, 290 Ajora, 30'l A.kid, 289 A.lbott, 182 A.lferta, 292 A.llairi, 289 Allen, 223,224•,285,286 Allerton, 275, 277• A.lleyn, 288,289,291 Allford, Alford, 183•, 184•, 185, 186, 188•, 189 Allington, see Alyngton Allot, 191 A.lmodia, wife of Robert Count of Mortain, 804 Alston, 289 A.ltham, 187 A.Ines, 289 A.lyngtoo, 100.A.mbrosius Anrelianua, ID-, ~. 21•, 22•, 73, '14, 75•, 76•, 77•, 79•, 80, 51•, ~. 110, 111•, 172,178 .A.mootta, Hampcottea, 225• Amities, 243 .A.myaa,190 Andrews, 165, 188 y Anger, 198 Anne, 202 Antrobus, 168 Arbonin, 60, 61 Arthington, 41 Arthur, King, 18-22, 78-82, 170-173 Arthur, Prince, 87 Arundel, de, 31 Arnndell, 107 Ash, 90 Aahby,286,290 Ashfield, Asahefeld, 102, 103,227 Allhfordby, 166 Asten, 274. Astley, 8, 198, 226 Aston, 7, 8•, 34, 35, 104., 220 225• 226· Atkin~, 188i, 188 Atkinson, 188, 189, 285, 290, 292• Atte Lee, 80 Aurelius Conan, 21 Austen, Austin, 151, 222, 283 Avenon, 7 Ayleway, 229• Ayliff, 167 Aynesworth, 189 Ayres, 276 Ayscongh, 196, 255 Babington, Babyngton, 105•, 241 Babthorpe,201,248 Bachiler, Bachelor, 270.284 Baehiler, Bachelor, 273 Bacon, 97 Baggs, 189,291 Bagley, 288,291 Bagro, de, 189 Baines, ,ee Baynes Bainton, 193 Baker,40, 186, 2~,286 Balfour, 298 Bambridge, Bambridg, Bambrig, 185, 188, 285 Banc, de, 292 Banister, Bannister, Ban. ester, 195, 274., 276, 283 Bann, Banne,95,96• Barclay, 240 Barden, 42 Bardolf, Lord, 139 Barker, 140, 182•, 187, 286 Barkham, 286 Barkley, 70; see alao Berkeley Barmston, 113 Barne, 225 Barnes, 261,290 Barnfield, 119 Barnhouse, 205 Bamho.ae, 204, Barnaby, 166 Baronneau, 61 Barre, 15~ Barrington, Lord, 231 Barro, de, 186 Barry, Barrey, 293 Barton, 247 Barton, Elizabeth, 140 Barwe, 158• Batrick, 187, 285 Batty, 193 Baudoin, 196 Bayley, 184, 185, 289 Bayne, 254 Baynes, Baines, 50, 120 306 Beadle, 9()41 Beale, 265 Beard, 29()41 Beau, 126 Beauehiunp, 28•,303 Beaufort, 214, 30'J, 303• Beavis, 183• Beck, 186 Beckenfalbe, 302 Beckwith, 121,200 Bedingfield, 99 Belhoua, 26 Belknap, 14 Bell,71 Bellasis, Belasyse, Bell. uses, 40, 196 Bellchamhers, 287 Bellew, Bella Aqua, 109 Bellinus, King of Britain, 76 Bellot, Belleott, UH•, 222 Bellows, 186 Belton, 44 Benn, 187 Benson, 286, 289 Bentham, 9'J• Bentley, 301 Berblock, 66 Beresford, 184, 186 Berkeley, 104, 163•, 202; ,ee also Barkley Bermingeham, de, 247• Bernard, 231, 30'J Demers, 291 Berriman, 291 Berwick, 294 Benc~k 294 Bost, 228 Besylo, 103• Bethell, 123, 195 llett, 185•, 186, 188, 189• Bettenharn, oo• Bczar, 202 Bezardiar, de la, 187 BigA'e,Biggs, 125-126 Bigge, 125 Biggs, 125-126, 186 Billing, 224 Binckes, 2i2, 271i, 277•, 211,•, 21:11. 2sa• Bingham, Bvnghum, 24•, 34, 35, H», 242• Binns, 191 Hi1111y, Binney, 18-1-, 188 Hlabve, 71 Hlnckall. 186 Blackburn, Blakehurne, l!Jl nlack,•tt, 287 Blnc k Ill ()TI', 297 2ss• Blake, 292, 300, 301 Blnckwnll, INDEX OF PBRSONS. Bla.keburne, Bl&ck. burn Blantyre, Lords, 144. Blenherg, 198 Blount, 120,229 Blower, 6 •• 7, 226• Blundell, 17, 9()41, 91•, 92•, 93•, 94•, 95•, 96•, 165, 167 Blundey, 96 Bluntesdon, 215 Blythe, 38 Blytheman, 125 Blytou, 244 Bohon, 231 Bois, de, 35 Boleyn, ~. 158• Bolour, 28• Bond, 286 Bonus, 184, 185•, 186• Bonville, Lord, 163 Bonville, Boucvile, 163• Boon, 291 Booth, 13•, 187, 238, 2a8 Borough, 166 Bosco, de, 35 Bosun, 108• Bosvilc, 36• Boteler, 34, 165; see al,o Butler Bourchier, Bourghthier, Boutchier, Bowcher, 29, 158•, 163.. 10;;, 289 Bowen, 123, 240 Bowes, 122 Bowles, 199 Bowyer, 149•, 183, 188 Boyle, 13, 159 Boynton, 46 Brnhourn, 290 Braddock, General, 252 Braddyll, 286 Braddys, Braddis, 289, 291 Bradestone, do, 107 Bradshaw, 275, 276 Brngge, 291 Brakdl, 188 Brakin, 227• Hramspnth, 2-li• . 8n11111ling, 2iH ! Brathwayt , 119 : Bray, 218 Hreadnlbano, Earl of, 233 Hreuius, King of Britain, i6 I Brcnnock, 288 · Brereton, 18:J, 184, 186 Hresworth, 24-0 [ Breton, 246• . Brett, 216 . I i I Brewer, 186, 286 BreWBter,801 Bridger, 183•, 186, IP, 189, 286 Bridges, 94•, 189, 391• Briggs, 47 Bright, 290 Briluton, 206 Brimstleld, BaroDSof, 141 Brinan, 287 Briscoe, 142 Bristol, Earl of, 70 Bristow, 260 Britisa.111, 287 Brittain, 93 Brocaa, 215 Brocket, 118 Brodrick, 232 Bromley, 11, 87• Brook, Brooke, Broke, 17, 38, 46, 84, 94•, 95•, 96•, 165•, 158•, 160, 216, 226, 227•, 2-&0, 288 Brookes, 92, 95• Broome, 193 Brooner, 157 Brough, 189, 285 Broughton, 2~, 286 Brown, Browne, 96, 188, 184, 186•, 188, 193, 196, 218, 219, 261, 262, 286•, 287•, 291, 292 Brusria, Brustil, 59, 60 Buchanan, Bushannan, 187, 285 Baek, 126, 218 Buckingham, Duke of, 86, 303 Buckingham, Earls of, 141 Buckton, 266 Bogden, 186, 287, 288, 290 Bulkeley, Bulkley, 1699, 189 Bull, 188 Bullficld, 187•, 288 Bulmer, 200 Bumet, 61 Dunne, 301 Bunt, de, 189 Bartlet, ~. 106• Burgh, 35, 239 Bnrghley, Lord, 8, 139 Burmiston, 290 Burn, 221 Burnell, 37, 104 Burridge, 122 Burton, ISO-, 184, 185, 187, 230, 287, 291• Bushannan, 187 Bushell, 249 INDEX OF PERSON& Butcher, 292 Butler, oo•, 128, 196; al,o Boteler Butterfield, 186, 286 Butterton, 219 Butvelyn, Butfelyn, 246 Byngham, ue Bingham Cade, 142 Calthorpe, 102, 162 Camell, 184, 186 Camoya, de, 102• Campbell, 13 Campion, 8911 Caninu, 21 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 112 Cantillon, 285, 286 Cantore, 286 Canyngea, 34• Capea, 169 Cardican, 25 Cardonell, 197 Careleu, Carele1, Carlie, 11•. 72• Carington, 212• Carloa, Don, 61 Carman,Cerman, Cermen, Kerman, Kirman, 2748, 276•,277,278,2soe,288 Carnally, 285 Camarvon, Earl of, 72• Carnie, 286 Carrington, Baron, 212 Carter, 285 Carvalho, 187,285 Cary, Carey, 142,186,288, 291 292• Caryl: 285 Caryafort, Lord, 184, Caaaenhol, 59 C&IIIOy,226 Ce.awalhon Lawhir, 77 Canlet, 60 Cavalay, 115 Caw, King, 78 Cawdron, 190 Cayley, Caley, 258 Cecil, Robert, 139 Cerdic and Cynric, 778 Chadwick, 40 Chalie, 59-61 oxa«, 59 Chaloner, 118-124 Chaloner, 118 Chalvedon, 245 Chamberlain, Chamberle)'De, 70, 201, 244• Champerd, 101 Champion, 285• Channel, 285 Chapman, 94, 95, 212, 261 Chardin,~,291• Charlemagne, 22 Charle, I., 49, 65,116,117, 120, 193, 219, 250 Charles II, 142,220,258 Charlo1Worth, 206 Charleton, 208, 291 Chamock, 289 Che.atelon, de, ~ Cheales, 166 Cheke, Cheek, 72• Cheney, 186, 188•; abo Cheyne Chepatede, 105 Cheater, 86• Chetwode, 106 Chetwynd, 8, 226 Chevenyng,de, 105• Cheyne, 108• ; ,u al,o Cheney Chichester, Bishop of, 30, 108 Chichester, Earl of, 197 Child, 187, 287, 290, 291 Cholmeley, Chomley, 182, 199-203, 248-253 Cholmeley, 199, 248 Cholmeley, Nathaniel, 251• . Christia, 286 Christian, 290, 292 Christiani, 291 Christolo, Christoloe, 187, 290,491 Clapham, 26, 30 Clark, Clarke, 67, 00, 168, 229•, 230, 288•, 290; see also Clerk Clarmont, 60, 61 Clavyle, 108• Clay, 40 Clayton, 190 Cleeve,~,281,282• . Clemonda, Clemence, 219 ' Clere, 185 Clerk, 32, 33 ; see also Clark Clervaux, lH. Cliffe, 38 Clifford, 248 Clifton, Clyfton, 31 Clinton, eee Clynton Cloudesley, 45 Cloudhervey, 287 Clyfton, see Clifton Clynne, 34• Clynton, Lady, 247 I Cl)'Dton, Lord, 247 u, I 307 Cout, 290 Cobbe,Cob, 119,250 Cockcroft, Cockroft, 186, 189,291 Cockfield, 112 Cookhill, '6 Codrington, 294 Coel, King, 18, 171 Coghill, 142 Coke,98 Colborn, Coleborne, 183• Colet, Dean, 3 Collins, Collyna, ~. a•, 216 Collinaon, 292 Colson, 285 Colvile, Lord, 199 Coly, 25 Colyford, 81 Compton, 251 Comyn, 248 Coningaby, 142 Conny, 14, 898, ~ Constable, 185, 200 Constans, son of Conatantine the Emperor, 73•, 74•,758, 76,171 Constantine ap Tydwall, 21, 73, 74 Constantine, Emperor of the West, 19, 20, 74•, 75•, 768,170, 1718 Constantine of Damnonia, 21, 73 Constantino the Bleued, 73, 74, 75,82 Constantino the Great, 18•, 21, 22, 73, 76, 77, 78• Constantine the Usurper, 73, 76, 82 Constantius Chioma, 18, 778, 78,170 Conway, Lord, 91 Conyers, Lord, 200 Coo, 212 Cook, Cooke,88, 188,233, 234,250,255,287,29'~ Cooper,44, 121,184 Coorte, 287 Cope, 223,226 Copley, 38, 158• Corbet, 221 • Corinto., 185 Cork, Earl of, 13 Cornelio, 289 Cornet, du, 271 Ooteel, 70 Cotter, 285 Cotton, 118, 224 Courey, 114 Courtenay, 110-,1118 308 ,J1\ INDEX OF PERSONS. Courtman, 16, 17, 91, 9211, I Davie, Davie,, 95•, 146, 93• 94• 95• 96• 156• I 182, 189•, 238,292• 157~. 236, 237• ' ' Davylers, 215 Dawson, Dawsonne, 168, Coventry, IM 184; see also Dorson Coventry and Lichfield, De Capell-Brooke, 158 Bishop of, 141 Oraddook, Cradocke, 2, De La Warr, Lord, see La Warr 211•, 291 Crafford, Craford, Cray- De Mato, 288 De Monte, D'Mont, 286• ford, 13•, 238 Deneye, 246• Cragge,288 Denison, 193 Crahow, 183 Dering, 261 Crake, 249 Desborougbe, 89• Creowlin, 291 De Silva, 286 CreBBovere,33•, 34• Desosia, de Sosia, 184 Oreasy, 25• Dethek, 105• Crewe 221• 222• Devereux, Deveroe, 23•, Crewe: Lord: 222 151,304 Crewe-Read, 222 Crispc, 274, 276•, 277•, Devon, Earls of, 110, 111• Dezirah, 290 278, 283• Dick, 123 Croft, 253 . Croke, Cv6oke, Crook, 7!, Dickin1, 186, 285 Dickinson, 292 -182, 1fh•, 2ifl, 29'..!• Dickon,ion., 66 Croker, 239 Dighton, 192, 302• Crompton, 8, 220 Cromwell, Oliver, 106, 283 Dillarne, 2•, 217 Dillon, 217 Croome, 230 Dioeletian, 20 Crosland, 116 Dixon, 183, 184•,188, 287 Crosley, 191 Dobbins, Dobyns, 286•, CroBB, 185, 107 289• Orowder, 106•, 167• Doget, 191 Crump, 183•, 184, 291 Dolben, 285 Cruys 29• 30 2-16• Cruz, de, 290 ' Dolphin, 95 Domingos, 290 Culpeper, 32• Cumberland, Earl of, 200 D0mi11i11nc, 2r>-1• Dormer, 226, 302 Cu1wglas, 21 Dormer, Lndy, 8 Curgenwin, 289• Dorrington, 2, 21;• Curtis, 43, 44, 195, 203 Dorson, 285 Curzon, Curson, 24 Dougla», 127, 139• Cutler, 195 Cystennyn, son of Mnxi- Dowdall, 23!l Downe, 3U mus, 74• , Cystennyn Vendigaid, 73, Downes, 69, 301 D'Oyley, 250 ! 74,75 Drapers' Company, 0, 2251 Drew, 197 Druiff, 288 Daccuz, 289 flu Bois, 185, 285 I Dacre, Lndy, 13f, Due, 59•, 61 , Dncrc, Lords, 13(i• ; Duck, 69• Dnkt•, 33 Dudley, Guildford, 4 Iruke, 15, :-12, 112•, 154• ' T>nltun,281 Danby, Wi I rummer, 2i3, 2i·l, 2i5•, '[ D"rcll, :w:1 2ili• zrt» 2i8• 280• 281 •: :?~3 Dusbwood, IH5 Duundr-b-yn. Dnundelyno, Dummultun, 111 lliO, 11.H • · J>1111b:11·, 144 1. Davenport, I icvonport. : Duncan, IH6 J 291• I D1111,lns, Loni, 123 Dnveutre, di.', 25 Dunwich, Yicount, 100 I I I t I J , I Durham, Bishop of, 67, 256,269 Durtant, 288, S90 Dutton, 6•, 188, ilOl, 224•, 287' Dye, 272, 276, 277, 278, 280,283• Dylclylfe, 24 Dymond, 193 Dyneley, 48 Dynham, 163 Dyrwent, 103 Dytton, 161 Dyve, 161• Eakine, 96 Eamonson, 122 Eaat India Company, 409 Ebroie, de, 304• Ecbyngham, 158• Edgworth, 261 Edmond&,257 Edmund,, I, 2, 231 Ednyved, 74 Edward VII, 51-58, 127-134, 174-181, 262-270 Edwardee, 898, 90 Edwarde, 14,287 Egan, 31 Egerton, 220 Elerker, 69 Elford, 182• Elizabeth, Queen, 4, 8, 66, 84, 86, 87, 139,140,149 Ellerton, 42 Elliott, Eliot, IM, 186, 188, 277, 285 EJJis, 193, 248 Elmedon, de, 308, 31 Ely, Dean of, 196 Emerson, 183 Emes, 232 J,;mml'd, 287 Empson, 189 Emrys Wledig, 75, 77, 171. 172 England, 187 Euglefield, 202 English, 188 Errington, 43 Essex, Earls of, 304 J,;gtbury, 158 Estrella, 189 Ettricke Etthrick 261 200 J t t En, Henry Coant of, ao. Eudhnf, King of Britain, 74 Evans, 146, 183, 188 Everdon, 246 INDEX OP PEMONS. 809 Fleming, 36 Fletcher, 1688 Flower, 72, 238 Fooquett, 287 Fogire, 32 I Fouthill, Baroni of, 141 I Forbe, 290 Force, do la, 292 . Ford, Forde, 49, 288 Forder, 288 Forerah, 189 Fairfax. 1158, 119, 120, Forlow, 183 Forster, 1088, 260 122,201, 203•,249 Jo'nirfnxof Cameron, Lord, Forteacne, 27 2-19 Foster, 49, 68•, 1698 , Fotheringham, 167 Fairfax, Viscount, 201 Fonlis, 121, 2o8 Jo'nirfax-Cholmeley, 203 Fonlkos, 222 Fnlkland, Viscount.A,1"2 Fountayne, 688 Fnlmonth, Viscount, 222 Fnno, 252 Fournier, 59 Farmer, 189 Fowell, Fowghell, 688 Fowerdew, 68 Faucet, 288 Fowke, J,'fowkea, 187, 278, Faueonberg, Earl, 40 284 Fauconberg, Lord, 248 Fowle, Fowl, 688, 184•, Fauconbridge, Viscount, 116, 196 185• 290 Feild, see Field Fowle;, 68• Fenton, 45 Fownes, 68 Fcnys, ,ee Fiennea Fox, Foxe, 698, 186, 188, 224 Feriera, Ferreira, 187 287 Jo'oxcroft, 698 Forman, 89 Fernnndes, 292 J,'oythed, 69 Jo'ramlingham, 698 Ferrand, 618 Ferrera, 34, 35, 10,I, 1638, Jo'rumpton, 698, 708 Jo'rancia, Frannoea, 708, 20'l, 2478 183, 209 Ferrera of Chartley, Lord, iso, 151 Franck, Francke, Franke, 708 Fessera, 187 Fettipluce, Fotypaoc, 6, Francklyn, 70 34• Frankland, 194-199 Fil'l,l, Feild, 1648, 166•, 1''r1111kla11d, 194 Ji'ra8<'r,188 1m•, 182•, 187 Fiennos, Fenye, Fynea, Fraunces, see Francia 30, 136• Freake, Freke, 70, 71, 96 Frcchevyle, F'inrh, Fynch, Fynche, Frochevill, 136• Frvehvilo, 708 Frederick, 289 F'iuchor, Fyncher, 136 Freemen, Jo'rcman,46, 708, Finny, 122 Fisher, 119 71 •, 1868, 186• Pitch. 97, !18• Frelnnde, 243 Fitz Ueruld, Robert, 72 Frelovo, 71 Fitz Hardinge of BoreFrr-nch, 71 huven, Viscount, 233 Frere, 71• Fitz Herbert, 297 Freston. 71• Fir z hujrh. Lord, 113 Frevilk-, see Fryville Fitz Junu-s, 28 Frier, 71 Fitz John, 100•, Ul Fripp, 285 ; ,ee al,o Fitz Lewis, 136 Phripp Fitz Willinm, Fitzwilliam, Frobisher, Frobnaher, 71, :1r., 7:!, 101 •. 1609 135 Frodsham, 118 Fleetwood, 119, 182, 183•, 184•, Jfl8, 286, 287 Frogmcr, 135 Fromandea, 135 Frome, 1358 Frost, 135 Fry, Frye, 135•, 21'-216, 302.304 Fry or, 135• ; ,ee a l,o }'rier Fryaton, Fryatone, 28,298, 102 Fryville, de, 36 Fuller, 5, 135•, 219 Fuhnerston, 135 Fnrlonge, 135 Fnrlonger, 135 Fnmaaae. 135 Fnmivall, 186 }'one, 1368 Furthe, 186 Furtho, 12 Fynch, ,ee Finch Fyncher, see Fincher Fyndern, 136• Fynea, see FiennCB Evr.rcll, 12, ~ Jo:,·erin~ham, 114 Jo;n•rone, William de, 804 Evt'reon. 286 EvruR, Walter, 30-' Jo:xr.tl'r, Bishop of, 216 Exct<>r. Prior uf, 31 Eyes, 290 Eyton, 199, 286, ZQOe II ·1 I Gabbett, 237 Gage, Gauge, 244, 246 Gainsford, 182, 188 Gall, 151, 222 Galloane, 186 Gallway, 198 Gamage, 227 Games, 286 Gammock, 29'.! Garland,~ Garrett, Garratt, 95, 287 Garrick, David, 221 Garthahore, 60 GBBOOigne, 1 14•, 115•, 193, 200, 258 Gatta, 289 Gange, se« Gage Gawdy, Gawdry, 69 Ga,y,93 Gaywood, 291 Gcdding, Geddyng, 33• (ke, 232 Geffn,ys, lOi• Grgon, ~ Gcor~-e,287, 2811,289,292 Gerard, Gerrard, 286 Gerard, Lord, 153, 223 Oerur<I, '"" Jcrrard Gerim, 288 Gemon, 298 Gerontius, 74, 75 Gczar, 189 Gibbon, lRG, 188,290 Uihhons, Gibona, 224 GibbH, 2298 Gibson, 288 a10 GiJfard, Gilford, Gylrord, 1•, 8•, 116, 141-142, 183•, 184•, 186, 189, 226• Gilbort (P Gilbert), 183 Gildaa, 19, 78, SO-, 170-, 171•, 172•, 173 Giles, 287 Gill, Gyll, 196, 265-256, 286,288 Oill,255 Gilliott, 114 Gillot, 191 Glamboy, 293 c.Hement, 103 Glendon, 94• Glonoester, Dean of, 196 Glover, 184•, 189, 256, 291 Glynne, 221 Goddard, 7• Goldaborongh, 114, 18ge, 286• Goldsmith, 184 Goldthorpe, 257 Gomer, 292 Gomes, 188, 189, 286, 288 Gonsalves, 288, 290 Goodenough, 213 Goodman, 285, 290 Goodrieke, 258• Goodwin, 97 Goose, ,ee Gose Gorge, 24, 25, 27. 28 Gorges, 272•, 280, 281 • Goring, 103 Goakey, 288 Goss, Gosse, Goo88, 290, 291, 292 Gosset, 199 GoBS)ett, 214• Gostlin, 188 Goetling, 186• Gonrney, 207 Graham, 121 Gramound, 24 Grandison, ViB<'ount, 233 Grandy,286 Gratian, Emperor of tbo West, 74•, 171 Graves, 272 Gray, 186•, 188, 189; see also Grey Green, Greene, 115, 100, 292 Greenfield, see Grenfield Greenbaugh, 291 Greenway, 223 Greenwood, 192-193 Greenwood, l 9'J Greg, 40 INDEX or l>ElUJONS. Gregory, 120, 189 Grenfleld, 165 Grenville, 198 Gresham, 183, 255 Gressam, 289 Greville, 257 Grey, 163; se« also Gray Greystoek, 247 Grioe, 36 Griffin, 210 Griffith, 187, 261, 286, 287• Grigeby, 40 Grimes, 253 Grimes-Cbolmeley, 253 Groos, 103 Grossen, 189, 285, 292 Grudgfeild, 186 Grymbaude, 101, 100 Guillelmus, filius Walterii, 304• Gulliver, 289 Gunter, 260 Gnortigim, Guorthigorn, Gnrthigem, 21, 22, 81 Glll'lley, see Golll'lley 1 I I ' I : · ' I I I 1 I I · 'I Harding, 6, 224•, 225, 275, 277• Hardress, 48 Hardwin, 276, 278, 284 Hare, 193,191,199 Harewood, Lord, 122 Hargrave, 256 Harman, 246 Hamett, 286 H ameys, 105• Harrington, HAryngton, 214•, 230, 247• Harris, 195,273,274,284, 287, 288,289,291, 292• Harrison, 124, 184, 186, 201, 801 Hart, 29oe, 291 Hartley, 256 Hartwigh, 286 Harvey, 122, 167 Harwood, 288• Haryngton, '" Harrington Haslewood, Haeelwood, Heslewood, 14, 90, 184, 186, 241• Hastinge, Hastynges, 100•, 104, 2~ Hastier, 187 Hastynges, Lord, 104 Hacon, 101• Hasyldone, 29 Hnddock, 183, 187•, 291 Hatfeld, 23 Haese, 291 Hathewyk, 26• Hale, 122 Hatsell, 189 Hall, 39, 1-w•, 187, 216•, Hatton, Sir Christopher, 2;';4, 260, 286, 288, 289 139,140 Hall, 144, 216 Haunaard, 110• Halliwell, 193 Hay,de la, 113,244-,261 Hayes, 95, 96 Halloway, 186 Halton, 34 Hayland, 115 Hamilton, 232• Rayna, 292 Hamilton of Blanter- Heald, 50 fenne, 143-144 Heath, 72 Hamilton of Broomhill, Heath field, 184,286, 287•, 72 290 Hammond, 187 Heaton, 288, 289 Hamo 212• Helen, mother of Conllampden, Hampdon, stantine the Great, 18, 246• 76, 77,78•, 171 Hancock, 188 Helen, wife of Maximus, Jlankeford, not Hauke. H,76 ford, um• Helewoll, Hellowoll, 161 Hans, 188 Hollows, 185 Hansard, see Haunsard Hendrickson, 291 Hnnsby, no Hengist and Bona, 75 Hanslip, 168• Henning, 291 Hanson, 259 Henry VII, 303 Henry VIII, 8, 139, 141 Harbin, 287, 288•, 289 llerehof, 292 Harby, 142 Hereford, Viscounts, SOI Harcourt, Hareconrt, Harecnrt, 60, 161, 162•, Hereward, 172 244,245 Herioi, 292 INDEX 0.11' P~NS. Heriz, 213 Heron, Herron, 285, 290 Heronden, 208 Heron clefl., 208 Hellewood, ,ee Huiewood Hewett, Hewitt, Hewillen, 188 Hewston, 183, 184 Heywood, 221 Hibbert, 96 Hieb, 188 Higginson, 188•, 189 Highgrove,288 Highlord, 186 Hildesley, 200 Hill, 7, 16, 17•, 68, 91, 9211, 94, 9o•, oo•, 156, 191, 223, 225•, 240; see aleo Hnll Hiller, 186• Hilton, 26• Hinmers, Hynmers, 182• Hirst, de, 106 Hitch, 284 Hobson, 266, 261 Hodelstone, see Huddleaton Hodgea, 287, 289 Hodshon, 124 Hogendyck, 287 Holbridge, 285• Holcombe, 33, 186, 186, 291 Holgate, 49 Holland, 297• Holland, Cornelim (Regicide), 212 Hollier, 288 Holme, 49, 195 Holt. 188•, 186, 189, 286, 287• Honorius the Emperor, 74, 171 Honywood, 2298 Hoo, 168• Hope, 188 Hoper, 61 Hopkin ap Einion, of Brecon, 145 Hopkins, 188 Hopkinson, 49 Hore, 34 Horne, 289 Hornyold, 618 Horsey. 24• Horsfall, 268• Hoskins, 99 Hotham, 116, 249, 260 Hotspnr, 139 Houghton, 108 Ho111'80n, 286 m• Hovenden, 120 How, 187,288 Howard, 35, 1()()41, 101, 187, 201, 232 Howell, 247•, 286 Howson, 286 Howth, Lady, 303• Howth, Lord, 214, 303, 304 Huddleston, Hodelatone, 160 Hughes, 146 Hull, Holle, 28, 89 Humfrey, 263-256 Humf,~11. 263 Hun, 62 Hunloke, 62 Hunnings, 164-169 Hun11i1,Hu11111, 62 Humton, 62 Hunt, 62, 63, 186•, 289 Hunt, 62•, 63 Hunter, 41, 256, 289 Hunter alia, Vennor, 63 Huntingdon, Earl of, 229 Huntley, 60 Hunton, 63 Burdis, 63 Hurst, 289 Hussey, Huse, 187, 224, 211•, 281•, 294 H1t81e1J, 2948 Hutchinson, Anne, 280 Hutchimon, 63 Hutton, 63• Hutton, 638 Htu:ham, 63 Hyde, 261 Hylk, 648 Hynmers, ,ee Hinmers Hyrwe, 101 Hywel ap Sir Matthew, 145 311 Ingram, 186,267-269, 288, 801 Ingram, 267 Inkeraall, 64 Insula, de, 190 Ireland, 64• Ireland, 64 Ire11umger, 65 Iaaao, Iaaacke,65•,289 Isaacke, 65 Isham, 247 I,le,, Ilea, 64 Ison,, 65 ltbel, 65 ItheZ, 65 Ivatt, 65 Ivatt, 65 Ivory, 186 I1od, 66 Jackson,66, 948,968 Jack.on, 668 Jacob, 1499 Jacobs,287,288 Jacobaon, Jacobsen, 183•, 186 Jacomb, 66 Jadwyn,67 Jadu;yn, 67 Jaggard, 261 Jakes, Jaque,, 67, 137 James, 678, 188 Jame,, 67•, 137 Jame, aZia, Jea1ne•, 137 James I, 8, 219, 254, 271, 272,296 James II, 220 James V, King of Scotland, 127 Ja1U11, 137 Jamon, 64 Jaque,, Jake», 67, 137 Jardin, du, 187 I'An,on, Janson, 64 Jurci«, 137• Ibbetson, 61 Jason, 137 Ibgrat•e, 64 Ja,pe,·, 138 Idle, 46, 47 Jasson, 138 Igrayne, 75 llketisbale, llketsale, 104,• Ja••on, 138 Jawdrell, ,ee JodrelZ Ilslye, 200 Jay, 204 Inch, 183,287,291 Jeamea, 137 Inchiquin, J.:arl of, 233 Jearsoy, 183•, 187 Ingaldesthorp, 107 Jefferson, 204 Inge, •ec Ynge. Jeffer~on, 204 Inge, 64 Jeffery, 204• lngleby, 37 Jeffreys, Geffreys, 104•. Inglose, 102 204 lngoldeby, 120 312 J-ffrey•, Jefrnys, 204• Jupe, Juppe, 278, 274, 275, 276, 277•, 278, Jeffre71, Ba.ron,204 281, 288, 284• ; aee al,o Jeg<m, Gegtm, 204 Jekyll, 205• Jope Jutabam, 188• Jek11ll, 204 Jenke•, 206 JenkeM nliaa Jone,, 206 Jmkinatm, 205 Jenney, Jenny, Ienny, 98, 104, 2194t Karman, Kirman, "1IJ Carman Jenney, 206 Jennings, Geninga, a•, 5, Kan:ell, 298 218•, 223, 292 Ka11, 295• Jewning,, 205 Kaye, 124, 259 Kaynell, 135 Jmyna, Jmn11na, 206 Keayne, 284• Jemingbam, Jemegan, Keck, 295 125 Keck, 295• JetTard., 206 Jeney, Earl of, 41, 233 Keeling, Keelinge, Keli"'1, 295 Jervea, 206 Keightley, 200 Jerves,206 Jeuopp, 2()6e Keinaha,n, 296 Jeuopp, JeHope, 206• Keley, 296 Kelfe, 296 Jewer, 215·216 Jewkes, 206 Kelley, 296 Jobs<m, 206 Kelley, 296 Jodrell, Jawdrell, 206, 2<ll Kember, 296 John of Gaunt, 214•, 303 Kemble, 296 Kemp, Kempe, 210-211 Johnes, 2<ll Kemp, Kempe, 296• Joline,, 2<ll Johnson, 89, 92, 187, 189, Kempton, 297• 2<11•, 208•, 262, 276, Kendall, 297• 277•, 278, 284, 286•, Kendall, 297 Kenne, 297 288, 290", 291 Johnson 2<11• 208• Kenrick, 297 Johnson', Sam~el, 221 Kenrick, 297 Kensey. 297 Jolles nlina Jo11le,, 208 Jolliffe, 209 Kent, 297 Jolliffe, Jo11liffe, 209 Ke11t, 297 Jolly, 301 Kenyon, Kennyan, 297 1 Kenyon,Kc111111an,297 Joll11, 209 Jones, 187,209,2104',288, Keppes, 298 291, 292, 293• Kercher, 298 Jone», 205, 2CJ9e, 210, 293• Kercher, 298 Jones alias Jhone«, 293 Kerke, 298 Jope, 284; see allo Jupe Kerr, 239 Jopaon, 49 Kerslcy 298 Jordan 282• 294• Kenley, 298 Jordn11: 294• Kerton, ~ee Kirton Joscelyn of Louvaine, 139 Kert•ill, Karrell, 298 Jour, Jower, Jewer, Kery, 298 215-216 Keterich, Ketriclgc, Jour, Jour«, Jtneer, Jouier«, I Ceterich, 298 : Kething, 299 215,295 Jowles, 2n5• Kcthi11g,299 Jo11·le, ol ia« Joueles, 295 Kettill, 299 Joyles, 20R Kettill, 299 Joyner, 295 Kovitt, 299 Keynes, 25•, 242 Jo11ncr, 295 Julian, sou of Constantine Koyte, 298 the Emperor, 74 Ke11te, Kete, 298 Jumper, 295 Kiaerma,ter, 2Q9 . I I Kiderminater, 2994' Kidermiuur, 199 Killaloe, Bishop of, 289 Kilmorey, Lord, 231 Kimboll, 189 King, 148,186,233 Kipling, 278, 284 Kirk, see Kerb Kirton, Kerton, 5•, 6•, 11, 88, 151, 217, 218, 223• 224• 1188 225 Knipe, 'Nipe, Knowles, 187 Knyvett, 97, 98,801 KUBtennyn ap Kuen ap Llewellyn, 171 KUBtennyn ap Tydwal, 171 Laci, Walter de, 804, Laeon, 6, 224 Lacy, 187 Ladd, Ladde, 188,291• Lafrailla, 289 Lake, 168 Lamb, 16 Lambert, 214 Lamplugh, 121 Lane, 189,218,22()11,287 Langdale, 61, 114, ll'r' Langdale, Lord, 117 Langley, ieo-, 256, 259-262 Langle11, 259 Langton, 118, 162• Large, 183, 188 Lascelles, 200 Laaham, 21SLatchward, 286 Lateward, 286 Lathon, 286 Latimer, 5 Laundcrmore, 28 Law, 186, 188, 1894t, 200 Lu Warr, Lord, 271 Lawrence, 221 Lawson, 45, 116 Lawton, 221, 222 Laying, 198 La Zouche, 103,104, Leather Sellers Company, 87 Lee, 304',45,64, 185,196, 285 ; ,ee also Legh and Leigh Leeds, Duke of, 227 Lefruilla, 200 Legard,248 Legatt, 188 .tNDll OF P:IRSONS. ,n Legh, 49, 118, 124; alao Lee and Leigh Leglize, 59•, 609 Leiceeter, Abbot of, 35 Leioeater, Earls of, 85 Leigh, 17, 95, 260; we ai,o Lee and Legh Lelocu, 189• Leman, 291 Lennard, 136 Lennox, Earl of, 127 Leeolu, 188 L'Estrange-Astley, 198 Leatraunge, 2488 Lett, 1868,285,287 Leulcenore, eee Lewknor Leveaon, 7•, 83,878, 150, 2258,226• Lewcock, 289 Lewis, 188, 199, 288 Lewis Dwnn, 145-149, 233.234 Lewis Owen, of Peniarth, 143 Lewke, 70 Lewknor, Leulcenore, 2428 Lewy,, 66 Lewy, ap Rhys ap Owain, 145 Ley, 222 Lichfield, Earl of, 196 Lightfoot, 2241, 2868 Lillie, William, 88 Lilly, 289 Limerick, Archdeacon of, 288 Limerick, Dean of, 18 Lindsey, 291 Lieter,256,289,2918 Lister-Kaye, 124 Little, 40 Littleton, 184, 186, 187• Littleton aliaa Lodge, 658 Littleton aliaa Lodge, 66 Littleworth, 189, 287 Livise, 290 Llewellyn, 18 Lloyd, 220 Lockaon, 291 Lodbroke, de, 2o Lodge,50,658 l,od.ge, 66 Lodington, 16 Loghtyndon, de,32 Longueville, Longeville, 12 2478 Lord', 98•, 96 Loterell, 26 Lott, 184 Loundea, 114 Love, 188, 290 Loveigne, de, 244• I 318 Masten, 188, 287• Mason, 199,281, 2928 M688Cn, 185 Maesingberd, 165 Maetora, 182, 291 Matheson, 1698 Mattarum, 187 Maude, Mawd, 69 Maulay, 1108 Mauleverer, Maleverer,37, 41, 42,114 Maunaoll, Mansell, 12-18, 88-96, 153-158, :.!36-241 Maunsell, 12, 2358 Mawd, ~9 Maxen ap Llewellyn, 171 Maximus, Emperor of the West, 208, 73, 74•, 76, 111• Maxwell, 291 Maydenwell, 165 Mayer, 287 Mayhew, Mayhue,187,285, Machell, 224 2ss• 291 292 Macknight, 187 Mead, i86, 285 Mackritb, 189, 2891 Meath, Bishop of, 209 Maddox, 292 Medlycott, 16 Madocks, 145,146, 1478 Medrod, 77 Madras, Madraas, 285, 290 Melant, de, 35 Mell, 184, Maelgwn Gwynedd, 778 Mellish, 1838, 185 Maeaman, 287 Maglocune, 21, 77 Melottie, 28.'> Mainstone, 184• Melthorp, 121 Maleverer, se« Mauleverer Mennell, 248 Malmeyns, 158• :\fonwynnek, 32 Malstone, Maltstone, 31 •, Mercer, 271• 32 Merchant Adventurers of Manley, 222 England, 208 Mannel'I, 116, 142 Merchant Taylora' ComManning, 96 pany, 4, 10,83, 86,149 Mansell, aee Maunsell Merlin, 21 Marcus, Emperor of the Merriman, 273. 274, 234• We11t, 19, 74 Metcalfe, 184, Hl6 Ma111'6"lt of Anjou, Queen, Meverell, 286, 289 168 Michael, 187 Markedon, 111 Michell, 7•, 2258; see also Mitchell Marlborough, Duke of, 197 Middleton, 114, 118,256, Marmyon, 1098 288 Migulson, 292 Marrow, 188 Mildmay, 68, 224 Mal'lll',290 Miles, 96 Marsh, 938,968, 198 Marshal, Earl, 26 Miller, 185 Marshall, 49,257,286 Milton, 184 Mart.in, 124, 187, 188, Mint.ridge, 153, 223 258• 292 Mitchell, 202; 11ee alao Michell Martin'.Edmund11, 1, 2 Mitton, 191, 192 Martins, 185 Modred, 21 Martyn, 24, 188 Mohun, Lord, 142 Marvile, Marvayle, 298 Marwood, 88 Mone (? Mohun), 27• .Mary I, 4, 223 Monk, 185, 186, 1878 Love!, Lovell, 104,308 Lowe, de la, 111 • Lowell, 36 Lowndes, Loundes, 114 Lozton, 66 Lucas, 184,, 185•, 1868, 215 Lucking, Lucking&, 187, 188 Lucy, 16, 156 Luhom, 288 Lumley, 458, 197, 260 Lumley, ViBOOunt, 260 Luteward, 286 Luttrell, Loterell, 26 Lux, 288 Lydcott, 219 Lyley, 190 Lyon, 137 Lr,on, 137 814 INDEX OF PERSONS. Monmouth, Earl of, 219 MonlllUls,292 Monsell, 240 Montagu, de, 31 Montagu, Lord, 4, 107 Monte, Mont, de, 286, 292• Mont.eagle of Brandon, Lord, 240 Montford, 30 Montfort, Simon de, 35 Moor, Moore, More, 32, 72, 95•, 166, 183•, 228, 239 Moore, 227 Morbred, .229 Mordaunt, 14, 15 More, ue Moor Morella, Counta de, 61• Moreton, 12, 222 i ,ee alao Morton Morgan, 271 Morioe, 215 Morley, Moorley, 184, 185, 187 Korria, Morriu, 95, 290 JCor,ki1oe, 67 Morta.in, Robert Count of, 304 Mortimer, Mortymer, 69• Morton, 27 Morton, Mourton, roe, 94, 95, 96; see alao Moreton Moae, 184, 186 Moseley, 196 Mostyn, 148• Mountsorell, de, 28• Moyle, 33• Mulder, 287 Mulgrave, Lord, 253 Murray, 198 Newt.on, 116 Nicholaa, 199, 218 Nicholls, Nichell,, Nechells, 1, a•, 6, 9, sa•,218, 22a,225 Nicholoa, 285 Nicks, 182, 286, 288, 289, 292 Nipe, 188 Noel, Nowelle, 1069 Norbury, :ua• Norfolk, Dukes of, 26•, 101, 101• Norman, 267 Normandy, Richard,Duke of, 304 Northampton, Earl of, 251 Northey, 184, 185• Northumberland, Counteu of, 30 Northumberland, Earls of, 101•, 139, 1409 Norton, 13 Nottingham, 899 Nottingham, Earl of, 26 Nowell, 289 N owera, 27•, 28 Nugent, 240 Napier, 120 Naylor, 13, 186, 192, 193 Neale, 261•, 2i6 Ncchclls. ire Nicholle Needham, 189, 221 Nennius, 170, li2 Ne~Jiel<l, 294 Nettleton, 101 Ncuburgh. see Ncwburl?h Ncvilc, Nc,·illc, 50, 10;•, 200• NP\'ilc-Grcnt'ille, 19R Ncwburgh, Xenbnrgh, 28 163 244 245• New~netl~, Alurquie of, 116 Nowcomcn, 164-169 Newell, 189 I Ochta, son of Hengiat, 76 Oedison, 288 Offley, 1-11, 83-88, 149-153, 217-231 Olftey, 227, 230 Oglethorpe, 114 Oldhallc, 26•, 28 Oliver, 239•, 240 Oneal, 183•, 2881 Orchard, 288 Ord, 182•. 188• Orkney, Countess of, 232, 233 Orkney, Earl of, 232 Ormathwaite, Lord, 187 Ormond, 159 Osborne, Osborn, Osbnrne, Osbarn, 85, 22;•, 246 Osmunde, 48 Otley, 2R9 Ottey, 289 Ovenden, 120 Overeud, 25~ OH 34• 1w• ioso":~in Vinrldu: 74 Owen, 7, 148, 286 (>u.·,· 11, 210 Owston, 1!13 Oxenden, 182 Oxford, Counteu of, 35•, 100' Page, 189, 208, 292 Pa,e, 208 Paine, Pain, Pa;yne, 24•, 271,278,276,284, 289, 292 Paiaburg, Counteu de, 117 Palgrave, 280 Palli1er, 195 Palmer, 43, 126 Parham,182,2879 Parker, 185, 239•, 240, 285,286 ParkiD8, 899 Parnell, '" Pernell Parr, 185 P&r10n, 286 Paraone,299 Pauana, 184 Pawlet, Lord, 250 Pawling, 187 Pawl;yn, 88 Pa;yne, ,ee Paine Pa;yne-Gallway, 198 Peacock, 131,2381 Peake,68 Peblig,74 Peck, 115•, 262 Pegge, Dr. Samuel, 21 Pelham, 197 Pembrugge, 159 Penfold, 96 Peniston, 188 Penston, 125 Penteney, Prior of, 24, 28 Penwern', de, 32•, 33 Perceho.y, 115 Percy, 107, 115, 138-141 Pereira, Perera, Periera, 187•,286, 288,290 Pernell, 287 Perrott 140• Perry, i83, 185,287 Pery, 239', 240' Pett, 230 Pettit, 14, 89', 90 Pever, 293 Pewer, 293 Pexall, 215 Phenney,285 Philip, Archduke, 303 Philip, King of Spain, 86 Phillips, 71, 292 Phipps, Phippes, 14, 16, 154 Phripp, Phrip, 285, 288 i see 11/,u Fripp Pickt'tt, ~91 Pierson, 106 Pigot, Pygot, l'igrwn, 289 ™ INDEX OP PERSONS. 315 Ratcliff, lSZ-, 184, 21,•, 215• Rawlineon, 40 Ray, 186 &ymond, o•, 84 Read, Rede, 101, 102,222, 261 Reaeon,292 Rebiera, see Ribiera Redman, 115, 200 Rend,261 Reebury, 92 Reydon, de, 26• Plumpton, Plompton, 115, Reyley, 287 200 Reynell, 31, 32, 216• Poelea, de, 290 Jl.e11Mll, 216 Poirier, 182•,287•, 288• Rhett, 198 Polard, 29 Ribiera, Ribeira, Rebiera, Pole, 106•, 2<11 285,286,287 Pommn.re, de, 189 Riocard, 45 Pontinell, 291 Rice, 240 Poole, 42 Rice ap Owen Griffin ap Pope,23941,801 Nicholas Fitz Urian, Porter, 115 210 Portland, Earl of, 232• Bice ap Thomas, 210 Pott, IM Richards, 61 Potter, 12 · Richnrdaon,182,183, 184•, Ponlten, 184 186•, 188•, 189, 285, Ponncett, 186 286• 290 Powell, 226 Rioksh~w l Power, 111 Rickl!On, 189, 2 Powney, 198,290 Ridel', 186, 287, 291 Poynings, Ponynge1,SOBidgate, 239, 240 Poyntz, 246• Ridgley, 288 Pnaoot, 260 Ridler, 288 Prelton,289,801• Rigby,272,280,281• Prianb:,Pryaolx,260,271 •, RiTera, 286 273 Rivero, de la, 201 Price, 187, 221 Rivero, d', 187 Proby, 184•, 185•, 189•, Riven, de, 150• 285 Riven, Earl, 46 Procter, 167 Roach, Roch, 276, 277, Proue, 245 278,284; seealao Roche Puckering, 142 Robert Blannohmayne, 35 Pne, 1Robert le Boseu, 36 Pugh, ~, Robert de Ebrois, 304 PuieMU', du, 233 Roberts, 185, 292 Pollen, Pulleyno, 46, 201 Robcrtehaw, 102 Pullosdon, 2_3• Robinson, 278, 284, 201 Putt, 250 Robsou, 291 Pygot, RH Pigot Roche, 40, 199; s,e al,o Pyke, Pike,9, 191,243 Roach Pyldrin alias Dummer, Rackley, 37 273 Roddra, de, 189 Pyrot, 160 Rodrigues, 185, 288 Rogen,168•,211•,285 Rogers alias Rogenon, 217 Rogerson, 83•, 1~. 211•, Baboyne, 103 222 Radcliffe, 37 Ro~r, 106 Bamaden,49 Bokeby, 41 Rolfe, 227, 2soe Rolle,260 Rolston, 41 Romsey, 24• Roodee, 44 Roes, Roa, 112,200 Rooa, Lord, 303 Roper, 216 Rosa, d', 186 Roaairo, Rosario, Rozairo, de, 184, 180•, 285•, 286•, 287•, 288, 289, zgoe, 2Sl2• Roee,2279 Rotbertne Guauteridee, 304• Rous, 97-100 Rone, Baron, 100 Routh, 45 Robeza, 188 Ruehbrook, Rolchebrok, de,243 Russell, 185, 196, 203 Runin, Emperor-of, 149 Rutland, Ear la of, 116, 142 Ryder, ,ee Rider Ryke,27•,33• Ryley, 185, 289• Ryther, 110-, 116 Rytte, 27, 33• Pii:e, see Pyke Pilkington, 100Pitt, 184, 181, 188, 1894', 289 Pittman, 189, 287• Plater, Platter, Playter, 246• Playmer, 289 Pie, 289 Plough Company, 270-284 Plowden, 203 Plumbo, 286 Plumbtree, l Sacheverell, 109 Sadler, 223 St. Alban, 78 St. Davids, BiRhup of, 198 St. George, 36, 104, 243, 244• St. German, 21 St. John, de, 244 St. Lawrem ..'C, 304 St. Leger, 30 St. Patrick, 21 Ballowe, 109 Salmon, 289, 294 Baltmnn L? S11lmo11). 294 Salvin, Salvavn, 8Hh·ein, 110-,200, 201,224 Salwl'~-, 23• Samborno, 271, 273, 283 Sampson, 1)5 Sanders, 167, 168, 189; see also Saunders Sandford, 165 Sandys, 291 Banpoy, 186 Sannden, 121 Saunderson, 196 nmu S16 OP PD80NS. Savago.~ Sint'lair, Sinclare, SeyntSavile,37,250,268 cler, Sinkler, 187, 189, Suton, 201 244•, 245, 2909, 291 Saye and Seal, Lords, 30 Skelton, 48-51 Sayer, 255 Skelton, 48 Bayon, 182,183 Skillicorne, 67 Scarborough, Earl of, 197 Skipwith, 113, 212 Scarth, 199 Skoina, 285 Scattergood, 2909 Skrine, 00Sohenrich, 61 Slaney, 8,226 Soholey, 193 Slater, 50 Boobies, de, 304 Smart, 187, 291 Scott, 286 Smelt, 196, 198, 258 Sorope, Scroope, 43, 231 Smith, 44, 51, 86, 99, 167, 187, 211-213, 218, 259, Sorope of Bolton, Lord, 115,200 272, 273•, 275•, 211•, Seaton, 188, 189,2909 284•, 285,290,291,292 Sedgwick, 42 Smith, Henry (Regicide), 212 See,102 Seeley, 18941 Smithson, 141, 256 Segood, 290 Smyth, 12, IOI.•, zaoe, Segrave, de, 26 ~. 24()e, 274•, 211•, Sergeantson, 123 278•,280, 281,283 Snawden, 50 Sewell, 187, 285 Sewerhy, 118 Sodaye,Sodye,223,224 Seymour, 216 Somerset, Ducheas of, 303• Seyntoler, ue Sinclair Seyve, lot.• Somerset, Duke of, 214•, ' 303 Shaape, 184• I Somerville, 72, 290 Shalee, 189 Shallum, 292• : Soothcll, Southwell, 49 Sharman, Sherman, 05, Soeia, do, DeBOBia, 183, 184 96 183• Sha.rpe,285 Sotillo, 160 Shaw, 192, 289; see also I South, 38 ·1 Souza, de, 188 Shore Shearwood, 189 Spain, Philip King of, Shephard, Shepheard, 183, I 303 I Spence, 255 188 Spencer, 287 Shcppy,297 Sherman, Sharman, 95, Spring, 240• Spry, 60 96, 183• Sherwar. 187 1 Squyer, 109• 1 Sherwood. 214 Stables, 183, 187, 292 Shewcr, 216 1 Stafford, 47, 105, 106,303 Shewood, 125 Standish, 39 Shiercliffe, 41 Stanley, 39 Shillyngford de, 32• Stanton, 243 Stapleton, Stapelton, Shipley, 50 Stapylton, 28, 161•, Shipman, 187 rn~·, 242, 249 Shore, 1, 231 ; see olso Shaw Stapleton, Lords, 113• Starling, 188 ~hotuMhroke,100• · St,•plll'n 251 Shrvd, 21:18 ' Stephon~, 251 Shute, 231 Shuttleworth, 222 Stepney, Stcpneth, 142 Siddell, 188, 189, 291 Stewart, 127 Stigill. 31•, 32 Sidney, see Sydnf'y Sidwell, 188 Stileman, Stylcman, 186•, I 188, 189 Silva, de, 186, 187. 286 Silvester, Sylvestre, 60 St ilgoc. St ilgroe, 287, 280Stock, 188 Simonds, 289 Bt«m,~ Stone, 285, 290 Stourton, Sturton, 117, 254 Strachey, 40 Stradbroke, Counteaa of, 100 Stradbroko, Earls of, 100Strafford, Earl of, 195 Straugeway1, 200, 289 Strelley, 113 Strickland, 202, 203•, 250, 253• Stringer, 41 Strode, 250 Stubbs, 185,202,287,290 Sturton, e« Stourton Styleman, Stileman, 1~, 188,189 Sudeley, IOI. Suffolk, Archdeacon of, 40 Supple, 158 Surriage, 197 Suuex, Earle of, 215 Sutton, 113, 124, 232, 242•, 247, 261 Swan, 286, 288 Swetc, 23, 24 Sweyn, 215 Swift, 206 Bwift, 206 Swinnerton, 221 Swinton, Sir John, 140 Sydney,243• Sykes, 47 Sylvestre, 60 Symmes, 246• Syon, 186 I j Taillard, 100Talbot, 195, 197 Talmage, Tamadge, 276, 284• Tanfield, Tanfeld,34, 00-, 108, 161 Taniteley, de, 23 Tatyngton, de, 246 Taunton, 213• Taylor, 38,187,285,288 Tebbutt, 96 Teknt'll,285 Tempest, 249 Templer, 187 Ter, Man1ues dcl, 61 Terern, 288 Terry, 96 Testas, 69, 61 Theakatone, 249 INDEX OF PERSONS. Theobald Walter, 112 Theodosius the younger, 75 Thomas, 210, 275, 287, 289 Thompson, "6, 185, 266, 288 see ai,o Tompaon Thoreaby, 42-4.7 Tho,·eibv, 42 Tborndon, 162 Tbomdyke,164, 165 Thornton, Thometon, 30, 201 Thorowgood, ll29 Thory, 166 Thorgarland, 100.192 Thurgarland, 190 Thwayta, 43 Thwong, 117 Thynne, 208 Thtpine,208 Tichborne, Tychebourne, 102• Tight, ooe Timbrell, 182 Titford, 186• Tocotes, 108 Tompson, 89; ,ee abo Thompson Tonya, 285 Tooker, 126• Topcliffe, 114 Topham, 196 Torriano, 184. Tourney, 186 Towe, 191 Towerale, 215 To,vnraw, 641 166 Traske,280 Travies, 292 Treder, 288 Trelaweleu, uoe Trelawney, 282 Trenchfield, 183•, 187, 188•, 285 Treris, 110 Trethenek,33• Trethynnok, 21• Trevor, 196, 205 Triaufl!, 29'.l Trotter, 120, 250 Troughton, 185•, 186,188 Troutbeck, 36 Truesell, 34, 108 Tryon,60 Tucker, 240 Tuestonberg, 292 Tunatall, 201 Turberville, 109 Turfrey,272,280,281 Torian, 289 Turnaunt, 248 317 Wager, 84. Waidson, 183 Wakeman, 217 226 Walbn.nk, 202 Wo.ldegru.ve, 35, 212 Walker, 45, .291411 Waller, 239, ~ Wallis, 95, 112, 186, 289•, 201 Wallaoourt, Lords, 301 Walraven, 292 Walrond, 106• Walsh, 187• Walsingham, Lord, 198 Walsingham, Sir Francis, 139 Walter, 17, 86 Walter Evrua, 304 Walterins Vicecomes, 304• Walton, 202 Walton, Isaac, 220 I Wandesford, 266 Ufford, de, 216 Waples, 96 Underhill, 89 Ward, Warde, 14•,89,255, Unketle, 188 286,288 Unwyn, 151, 223 Ware, 21J2 Urswick, 114 Warner, 98, 186• Utbur, 96 Uther Pendragon, 21, 22, W arnet, 220• Wamford, 224 73•,15•,16•,82, 112 Warre, 1899,285•, 289 Utteworth, 31• Warter, 115 U vedale, 243• Warton, 72 Warwick, Earls of, 210, 272, 281•, 308 Washborne, Wassheborne, 23•, 111• Vandaneeve, 189 Washington, 37 Vandenham, 188 Watoley, 292 Vandonzi, 287 Wathen, 291 Vane, Sir Henry, 280 Watson, 44 Van Luhom, 185 Wntts, 96, 187 Vaughan, 148,293 Waugh, 39 Vause, 89 Wnvell, 186,187, 188 Vav&BOr, Lord, 112 Wn.y, 288, 292 Vav&BOnr, 112-117, 124 Webley, 186 J"ava.tour, 112 Wl'edon, 286 l'"11no1Jr Vennor, 63 Weeds, 94 Vera, 186 Weld, 227 Veres, de, 290 Wellesford, 102• Vernon, 109• Victor, son of Maximus Wells, 200 W olshand, 189 the Emperor, 74 Wentworth, 87, 38•, 39, Villain, 290 41 252 Villiers, 232• Weoiey, 288 Vincent, 239, 240 Wcscndoonk, 189 Vita Monte, 186 Vortigeru, 19, 75•, 76, West, 291 West, 138 171 Westbury, Wcsbnry, 184., Vortimer, 76 188, 180, 286, 290 Vortipor, 21 Westhorpo, 164, 166 Voter, 186•, 187, 189 Westlake, 32, 33• Voy, Voye,286,292 Turner, Turnor, 39, 83, 251 Turpin, 186 Turton, 196 Turville, Turvylle, 31, 285,290 Tussingbam, 212 Tuttee, 286•, 288 Twiggo, 238•, 239 Twisleton, 249 Twync, 151, 228 Twyaden, 250 Tyohebourne, ue Tichbome Tydwall, King of Armorlea, 78, 74 Tyler, 287, 3)3 Tyrell, 160 318 INDEX OF PERSONS. Westmorland, Earl of, iOO Weston, 2•, 11, 86, u;1•, 162• 153• 223• Wb~n, Warton Whatley, 285 Wheeler, 182, 183, 186, 286 Wbcelowee, Wbeelowe, 16,91,92,94•,95,167•, 168• Whetham,278,284 Whethill, Wbetcll, Whitell 6• 224• Whichco~, Whitchcote, 288 Whinyatee, 199 Whitby, 200 Whitclyff, 108 White, 5, 6•, 186, 218•, 223•, 224•, 226 Whitoman, 189 Whitfield, 194 Whitwell, 166 Wichenley, 206 WicherMlet1,206 Wickham, 249 Wioks, 184 Wiggen,, 60 Wigmoro, 287 Wilde, Mee Wy!d-, Wildman, 45 Wilkin110n,258 Wilks, 182, 183, 184 Willcox, 18:.l•, 184•, 186, 186 W,ll<!hc.or:~. 18.J. Will<>nlmlc, 105, 100• William Llyn, 146 Williams, 137, 187, 287, 288• Williama of Penbedw, 148 Willmore, 292 Willoughby, 31•, 202 Willye, 219• Wilson, Willson, 100, 122, 239, :a.we, 277, 279, 284, 287• Wilt., Earl of, }Qi• Windsor, Wyndeaorc, 27, 216 Wineyard, 187 Wing, 271• Winn, 262; seeal,o Wynne Winthrop, 272, 273•; 277, 278,279,282 Winton, 186 Witford, 299 Witham, 60 Withera, 224, 229 Withinbrook, 286, 289 Witmenta!ia, Vita Monte, 186 Wolsey, Cardinal, 139 Wombwell, 36-42 Wombwell, 36 Wood, Woode, Wode, 24, 47, 99, lOS, 289•, 290, 291 Woodall, 189, 288 Woodcock 126 Woodoll, i86, 187 Woodford, 66 W oodroffc, Woodruffc, 6, o• 37 223• 224• 254 Woodvil~, Wydovyll~, 161 z: Woolnough, 286• Wooeter, Wonater, 274, 284 Worcester, Bishop of, 220 Worcester, Earl of, 107 Wordinge, 69 Wordsworth, 4,2 Wonley, 197 Wrather, 240 Wray, 238, 239• Wright, 201, 202, 217•, 249•, 286•, 2909, 292•, 301 Wrotch, 286 Wrotteeley, 6•, 224•, 225• Wyard, 111 Wyatt, 4 Wydevylle, see Woodvile Wyke,23 Wylde, 123, 217• Wynch, 123 Wynne, 146, 148•, 228 : see aZ.o Winn Wy11hard, 101 Yale, 1829, 183•, 186, 186, 187, 188, 189 Yarborough, 166 Yelverton, 97• Ynge, 10"..! York, 96 York, Archbishop of, 63 York, Dean of, 63 ZoU<~ho, Zouch, Zuche, Zuschc, 103, Jc», H!5