Questions and Example Problems from Chaptdr 18 QuestionI Threediffererrtmaterialsof identicalmassesareplaced,in tum, in a specialfrcczerthat can extractenergyfrom a material at a certainconstantrate.During the cooling process,each material beginsin the liquid stateandendsin the solid state;the figure below showsgraphsof the'temperatueT versustime t for the threematerials.(a) For material 1, is the specificheatfor the liquid stategreaterthan or lessthan that for the solid state?Rank the materialsaccordingto (b) their freezing-pointtemperatures,(c) their specificheatsin the liquid state,(d) their specifrc heatsin the solid state,and (e) their heatsof fusioir, all greatestfirst. Q = c,",oT dVlt = c.r".,dT/dt: .ca.r*b^t t**r*, (o) @-tul l&^'1 (l) l^e (b) L53 (b) lr_a!3 (.) .\"r (c) (b) a\) J ) | 1.3'e. +--Question 2 A sampleA of liquid water anda sampleB of ice, of identical masses,areplacedin a thermally isolated(insulated)container andallowedto cometo thermal equilibrium. Graphsb through f areadditionalsketchesof T versust, of which oneor more areimpossibleto produce.(a) Which is impossibleandwhy? (b) In the possibleones,is the equilibrium temperatureabove, below, or at the fieezing point of water?(c) As the possible situationsreachequitibrium, doesthe liquid partly freeze,fully freeze,or undergono freezing?Doesthe ice pafily melt, fully melt. or undergono melting? (a) _ I 3f*otr*.f -2_+ JrTna*-+ry:2,*,c iD'"?- D\ ^ )/"-*4,^,r-."t ' 7' l=* Iflf '--- 7' 1.._ t/ II I-?- I I \a) (tt '! t |\ I f' Y J 1' I II re l.t) I l ru,fr"-lq"r ' _no,^ (/) t1) d". no)tq*A 4l ^,\2 +xttA r".er,,,,,1 q\s'Ib ("),_mtr#&'"* E"yH#A*P 21WW8".* 'e- /rt) /r-e /i..d*Z Question3 The figure showstwo closedcycleson p'V diagramsfor a gas.The threepartsof cycle 1 areof the samelength and shapeasthoseof cycle2. For eachcycle,shouldthe cycle be traversedclockwiseor counterclockwiseif (a) the net work W doneby the gasis to be positive and (b) the net energytransferredby the gasasheatQ is to be positive? (") b{& __:=-- (b) )r4tt ,Jo<^'ota" )ia A F= &-W r$ax , /\ro -1.c, .rr llla -A,)uv"ri Al-'O Q= \4/ Problem 1 At what temperatureis the Fahrenheitscalereadiagequalto (a) twice that ofthe Celsiusand (b) half that of the Celsius? T, = q/ga" * 3{ (") ---+ '/rT. 7, = AT. T, = l&o"c Ao furt -f n 2 1 n'tr' F -13 )-=- -i J lo -t1 | 6r,J -" 2^a J4 ? " EI - Problem2 An aluminum-alloyrod hasa lengthof 10.000cm at 20.000oCanda lengthof 10.015cm at the boiling point of water.(a) Wtral is the length of tle rod at the freezingpoint of water?(b) What if the lengthof therod is 10.009cm? is the temperature L = lO,ooocn /JL=/-arT 6f- TD.oooC' AL: o,olscn d = ----o -<=& LbT O,olScm ( to .ooo" - ) ( rc'o"" c) t-.. AT= 3! L-1 = ( o . o o g c m) ( ro. ".o.-)( t a2"rc./.-) = 4?.1C" l_---_1 I - - l - - - ort \' Q r or. '"' I l, I I Problem3 At 20'C, a rod is exactly 20.05cm long on a steelruler. Both the rod andthe ruler areplacedin an ovenat 270"C, wherethe rod now measures20,11cm on the sameruler. What is the coefficientof thermalexoansionfor the materialof which the rod is made? *+ drJ*,t = r- |y'b/c|| +,,^- b*L'& 19-x, /tfie ^,har,v?o)i'x Jrjt"ZM ) Ar*A Jff" ]o. \lc".r .t6h^h *L M" AZ = L-)./)-r -p"tfu"""^t -tA" O ".* nv..,a*{ "^-A\ )a A L = ( )*) ( t)- to 7c")(ar""c-J-o"c) -) fr\, a fu^l ,), 'g )*, )-\h "n - ]o.o!.^) ()o-llcr1 AL L bT "4 = o. oSBc,r., M'r/'a :J i4 + 6.oSga61 : O ' ll5 crr\ : LL -lo"^= Y.,oZsl (ro,os",n)Cr5oc") ,- O,ll5cn) L-.--_-"-- Problem 4 What massof steamat 100.0oCmust be mixed with 150.0g of ice at its melting point, in a thermallyisolatedcontainer,to produceliquid waterat 50.0oC? C'_\= qrjo-r/fr.f -.tfut"-irg ) Q,,1"^ +.Qi^o =O -uootah) L9= 332* 1o3:/f1 Zv = ).r5{e,lo3s/y* -- TqeL- + tqs c-,ATs t te; /4 -t tqa \aTi lJ,ot^" - loo.o"c J A1 = -$o.6c" -- - Eb-DK ' It- So'o"c? -- So.oc" fr',,,-\ =6-cI AT-"a = So'oi' {ns = ( o-rsolti) (r.ttto/p,.r<)(9".of |rl, (/u -c-oT,) : t.....9T;* ni k lTl: = IOcC- AT. * n; L+ (Lu-c-aT") !!o -t s"Yil(zz z, ro'-t/ yz) (1esr"* to's/b) - (q nos/rx.L)(- sr.ok) f0r= O.633F1 - 339 =6 Problem 5 Calculatethe minimum amountof enerry, in joules, requiredto completelymelt 130.0g of silver initially at 15.0"C. --) JJ, ^.,rlJl'-d -7; = /5.o"c aTtK f\ u( = la35)< T. 'JL : \lv 'T: *L /rfuta ;a ^ -'r- - \_-lr) /J r lA35 K t t't 4-+ T { AD"Ae )Qrrr,+o& -,v)"r4 -S/rr.* \ .t'*,,'4" .Fl^-* 4"-, )-L'A)o'..fuw.d L+- l05'\oayK fq: Q = (:au-t/vx.u)(o.r:oKx)(rr:sK-tasx) + O'l?oKg (ro5" rcta/v') ( o. ruoKT) t- I| Q - 4-A't"loqf,- I Problem 6 Two 50.0 g ice cubesare droppedinto 200.0 g of waterin a thermally insulatedcontainer.If the water is initiaJlyat 25.0"C, andthe ice comesdirectly from afteezer at-15.0'C, what is the final temperatureat thermalequilibrium? t0.,;q= O.teofg --'4 f, = 6"g'OooFg nq "r& \ a,q*rl.tvry Tg<CfC nb i^2 "wclb, rr-*qri4 :::- dW'tp.r^.e,H) 7+ > o'g 7a'-,a=r.s.o'c T;, ^i" = 't 5.D'c- ,Arclf 7) =" C,-.q = l9orfr2'r \t= -l5.o"C -+ O"C : ^.rrJE cAa",gr .b-*4 "6,^" +'z.y\ Iq ;,." Clir ^'fi", = (o a'oFgx ).e:os/ra.v)( l s.o c) \x- 3 3 3 0 5 g_ = 1a1os71rg.K Lr= 333t1ot57,o ""O^ b.mryt"g "rerr;rJ Q = m*,,4 Cu*, aT.,h dt uldbr -|4ae).s.o"q -r o"C i. 4r"i = (o.:oovg;(alco5l€-r)(-es.oc) a=* 1 . .l D * l o qc ,ru-f ^*r; l\7r..dtrac i Q = m.ut, L4- = CD"tooFg) </vs).= 3. 33,. toq=. 1aa31163 ,$ = D'C ! Ot- +g"#^* + Q^--x. =O -=> m,^1C; aTn -r n Lg ,CI*,,*,,e,_& AT;_rc =o>u) (s [\= tn= l = u .0.05!!? u > a P q : b 3 = 53s 3ZZ^1otsr/p* Problem 7 from 40 Pato 10 Pa. A sampleof gasexpandsfrom I .0 m3to 4.0 m3while its pressuredecreases How much work is doneby the gasif its pressurechangeswith volume via eachof the three patlr shownin the p-V diagramin the figure below? W = ( tJV q gdl s o k\ cr,vr,,},-rt {44d4^r,o --r WL ve^.{l,rd nntt't'ttr.o n-\^ s., -- ,o,^.r.q-t,^ Jrt ^-^r'\ rt W= P AV ) W'D -10 0 9 A: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Volume(m3) V/"= llof ,^Atr z1r;,v\r<-* ,|tlxz-Ir^ou Ja{l ...,x/^r,{ = (loP.)(t.o"l) : alAo--.-,p = -lov*so C : = (qoPq)(a." -w^) -o W=prV+O ) } = lot W= Spdv= f t(-,orr.r9dV-?ST \ryr= O + p av '= o=+(lop^)(4.o,,'31.o".)=E Problem 8 Gaswithin a chamberpassesthroughthe cycle shownin the figure below. Determinethe enerry transfenedby the systemasheat duringprocessCA if the energyaddedasheat Qasduring processAB is 20.0 J, no energyis transferredas heatduringprocessBC, and the net work done duringthe cycleis 15.0J. a Qo*= + Ao.o5 N ti \\ oi \.' \_xBc - \./ / Q*" = -\-,/ 4*, = -Lr"a*+ ( Q > O .a.^n"',,.-e M oll4 a'Lb'Ld" ) J 2.UJ ( -LI-W AT Q*"* Qe.'ci"*) /l L = l o ttJ,Arc.e^& 6)r'-.sLe,4-,bE=O Q4e * Oa"" Qg6 -W \n/ - (:)*p, - Qe. "A= / 5'o5 - eo.o5-o5 - E "==-- ^\ -r- - W Problem9 The figure below showsa closedcycle for a gas.From c to b, 40 J is transferredfrom the gasas heat.From b to 4 130J is transferredfrom the gasas heat,andthe magnitudeof the work done by the gasis 80 J. From a to c, 400 J is transferredto the gasrisheat.What is the work doneby the gasfrom a to c? (Eint: You needto supplythe plus andminus signsfor the given data.) j o /v-yj;- &^ = -L/o5 Q:-=::::=:.u \n/o6 = as- eu:-:L:gr Wuo = :39: -.===-:-- Oo" = 4ool W^"=? Q,'a<e*t'''--z AE= Q-W = o '==-:- l.'+.-^- ov <o) ( e"4:" (O"" * Q"u i Qu" ) _ (W^"'W.u' Wu) =o Wo^ = Qo"* O"r"* Quq-W"r Wuu '= 4oor r (-ror) + (-'ta"r) -('=)Woo -- 3 lo f,- ...-a f :os) ,w,.cu|ot.t)pt.t4 W >o rrri;,* AV>o Probleml0 A cylindrical copperrod of length 1.2m andcross-sectionalarea4.8 cm' is insulatedto prevent heatlosstlrough its surface.The endsaremaintainedat a temperaturedifferenceof100 C' by havingone end in a water-ice rnixture andthe other in boiling water and steam.(a) Find the rate at which energyis conductedalong the rod. @) Find the rateat which ice melts at the cold end. l.J,r., 4" trc'i)"' ei,8"\tiama loooL-o"clooco = looK zlot Ws (b) Q=roL+L l = D'/L+ = t%r /1,;z3z' t035/fz p = (rrotwA.X)(4.r" ro'!^'>)(looK) i"an P = lcW d%t' * L+* P=(d'%*)L' 9JZ = 4-tt-t? \ -Yt/' -E Problem11 (a) What is the rate of energyloss in wattsper squaremeterthrougha glasswindow 3.0 mm thick ifthe outsidetemperatureis -20'F andthe insidetemperatureis +72"F? (b) A storm windowhavingthe samethicknessof glassis installedparallelto thefirst window.with an air gapof 7.5 cm betweenthe two windows. What now is the rateof energyloss if conductionis the only important energyJossmechanism? ?*-s." XA (rH--l-)/L = 3,O mq,- J,O* lo -rv\ L ^^art /J.'l'-\-o'' l.: /n- - )\ do- " - /7t ^ "2oF) .r tl (") A fn Yd I \ - \ |/ 1,u w/m.l( ?, I cp^t = -.-<. 4'.,"*r i4. -T.) qSFo' L ._T*u - -1, lx-3'7 '----> 7.^'1. = ----K rT 1^!@ ' Kt** a,_\ Y,-s/ t/"l = 5l"lC" J-..--_ 5"D* lO - fr) rI ( b) (\ " )< D i. t \_ + LA K.o P"gJL = \tvt/ra l-r t1 LProblem12 Ifyou wereto walk briefly in spacewithout a spacesuitwhile far from the Sun (asan astronaut doesin the movie 2001),you would feel the cold of space-while you radiatedenergy,you would absorbalmostnonefrom your environment.(a) At what ratewould you lose energy? (b) How muchenergywouldyou losein 30 s?Assumethatyouremissivityis 0.90,andestimate otherdataneededin the calculations. ?rd = P"* - ?.-n*= ae A (tn- r;: ) ?p; - L€ AT" t O. 5t"?^lf $n Nt t = o"9o A "" An,* -f x 3o"K (zroK,J^ro,..l) . ') (e'"r;{ wA'rJ(a. (s't'^I" ( ldt ?o"S^ P*"r- (r) t' lDqW P= E/t -----)E = Pt JF. E = (?"lo'v)(:os) ':' * 5 ,-l'*;" 2'.,\D'd