Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits IDEALAMPLIFIERS Amplification most important principle of electronic circuits small signals of currents and voltages need to amplify small signals large signal applied to input available at the output Ideal Transformers Both coils wound on the same iron core have the same flux φ Any changing in the flux φ V∝N V = N (dφ/dt) N F the number of turns ١ induced voltage Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits ac (dφ ) flux induced voltage ac the voltage ratio (rms) V2 N 2 = =a V1 N 1 (X) no loss of power means Pin = Pout a step - down in current a step up in V and vice versa then I 2 V1 N1 1 = = = I 1 V2 N 2 a the simple model of the real device ٢ (Y) Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits the terminal behavior of the model F the controlled source model Eqn (X) F satisfied by using a controlled voltage source, V 2 = a V1 Eqn (Y) F satisfied by using a controlled current source, I1 = a I2 Transformer passive device Pout never excess Pin ٣ Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits (Home work )Practice Problem P. 75 HERE Real and Ideal Amplifiers Transistor active device F amplifies weak signals In the circuit model of a real amplifier Ri determined ii F from Vi + tell us F AVi the controlled voltage source. V in one part determined V in another part of the circuit Vo F consisting F Ro Û RLF controlled by Vi RL = ∞ F Ιο = 0 F Vo = A Vi Factor A F the gain of the real amplifier. ٤ Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits In practical case Ri Vi = Vs R s + Ri RL ∴ Vo = AV i Ro + R L The gain of the real amplifier Ar = Vo AVs [Ri / Rs + R1 ][RL / Ro + RL ] Ri RL = = A⋅ ⋅ Vs Vs Rs + Ri RL + Ro For good performance Ri F large Vi ≅ Vs F unaffected by Rs Ro F small Vo ≅ AVi F unaffected by RL For an ideal amplifier Ri = ∞ Û Ro = 0 F then Vo = AVi = AVs or A = Vo / Vs = Vo / Vi In ideal amplifier A F constant F independent magnitude or frequency of vs. ٥ Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits Operational Amplifiers (OP amps) using in analog computers F mathematical operations Fig. F represent the differential amplifier ٦ Ch(2) Signal Processing Circuits Conventional symbol F (OP amps) F all voltages F measured with respect to ground It F an integrated circuit F less than dollar With very high Ri F very low Ro F get A = 105 or more it F widely used in amplification instrumentation waveform generation. ٧