EMC’14/Tokyo 15P-B2 Electromagnetic interference examples of telecommunications system in the frequency range from 2kHz to 150kHz Kazuo Murakawa, Norihito Hirasawa, Hidenori Ito, Yasunori Ogura EMC Engineering Group NTT EAST Corp. Tokyo, JAPAN Abstract— Recently malfunctions of telecommunication installations caused by switching noises of electric equipment or devices have been increasing. The switching noises usually have low frequencies between 2 kHz and 150 kHz. This paper shows some electric interference examples of telecommunication system cause by ac mains noises in frequency range from 2 kHz to 150 kHz. This paper also shows a necessity of emission requirements below 150 kHz for all equipment against EMC problems. Power line Keywords— switching noise, ac mains conduction noise, 2kHz to 150kHz, EMI examples on telecommunication equipment, emission requiremet Telecom line IINTRODUCTION 20ms/div Fig.1 Measured noise wave shapes on a power mains and a telecommunication line P o w e r lin e + 30 PS (dBm) It is important to reduce CO2 emissions by minimizing equipment power consumption in the world. There are many ways to reduce CO2 emissions, such as increasing power circuit efficiency, reducing power consumption itself, and using sleep modes. One way to reduce equipment CO2 emissions is to increase the efficiency of ac/dc or dc/dc convertors. For these purposes switching power circuits are used in electric equipment as well as telecommunication installations and power systems. Initially, switching frequencies were in the range of few kHz, but now switching frequencies in the range of 2 kHz to 150 kHz are used in order to increase efficiency and downsize power circuits, particularly frequency transformers. A side effect is that these power circuits become a source of electromagnetic noise with a wide frequency range. This power spectrum noise causes malfunctions of equipment connected to ac mains [1]. Fig.1 shows a measured noise wave shapes induced on both an ac mains and a telecommunication line. An inverter circuit of the heater generates a switching noise as shown in Fig.1. Sharp pulse noises are generated on ac mains and large common mode noises are induced on a telecommunication line as shown in Fig.1. Fig.2 shows power spectrums of them by using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis. According to results of Fig.2, the noises have wide frequency ranges. In this case, most of power spectrum is at frequency below 150 kHz as shown in Fig.2. 0 - 70 + 30 PS (dBm) I. T e le c o m li n e 0 - 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M F r e q u e n c y (H z ) Fig.2 Copyright 2014 IEICE 581 Power spectrums on a power mains and a telecommunication line EMC’14/Tokyo 15P-B2 Fig.3 shows obtained noise sources of malfunctions after investigations. There are many noise sources such as heaters, lighting, elevators, electric vehicles and electric fences which can cause malfunction of equipment as shown in Fig.3. Fig.4 shows investigated noise frequencies which cause equipment malfunctions. According to Fig.3, a percentage of a frequency range dc-150kHz is about 60%, 150 kHz-1MHz is about 24%. This means low frequency noise problems still dominant. In the following sections, two case studies related to malfunctions caused by emission noises below 150 kHz have been discussed. Electric Heater charger with 50-500Vdc is utilized for charging. The battery charger is powered by 200Vac. In a customer premise, an ADSL modem is connected to a personal computer (PC), and a radio receiver is connected to 100V ac mains. These ac mains are provided from two transformers for 200Vac and 100Vac. There is another customer premise as shown in Fig.5. The customer also uses an ADSL services. When the batter charger operates, EMI problems occurred. Because many bit error occurred on ADSL modem, then ADSL modem can not keep network connection (Link Lost or Link down). 1.1 MHz radiated emission from the battery charger caused a jamming on not the radio receiver but also a radio receiver near by the customer. A customer premise Otherwise includingunknown EV ADSL modem SPD Metal telecom line DVD recorder PC Battery Charger Lighting(LED) → AC Transformer (6600 100/200V) Radio UPS Noise sound 200V Earth 100V Transmission error IP Equipment Transmission speed down Other customer premises Water pump Electric fence Electric Vehicle TV booster SPD Earth ADSL modem ac Panel Metal telecom line AM Radio Radio PC Earth Fig.3 Noise sources that cause equipment malfunction Fig.5 Telecom installation configurations of customer premises 1MHz> 0.15-1MHz dc-150kHz Fig.4 Noise frequencies that cause equipment malfunction. II. CASE STUDY 1 In this section, an example of ADSL service trouble caused by an electric vehicle (EV) is discussed. Information for this case study is shown as follows: Service: ADSL service Phenomena: Bit errors, Link connection down Noise source: Battery charger for EV Victims: ADSL modem, PC, Radio receiver Fig.5 shows telecom installation configurations of customer premises. In Fig.5, EV is an electric vehicle, and a rapid battery Copyright 2014 IEICE 582 Fig.6 shows common mode conductive emission noise wave shapes on ac mains lines and ADSL telecom lines at the ADSL modem of the customer. After the battery charger starts, conductive emission levels apparently increase, and the levels are over 12Vp-p and 6Vp-p for ac mains and telecom line respectively as shown in Fig.6. The voltage spectrum for noise wave shapes is shown in Fig.7. In Fig.7, a horizontal line and a vertical line show a frequency in Hz and a voltage level in dBV. According to the result of Fig.7, emission levels apparently increase between 10 kHz and 1MHz. This frequency range is almost same of the signal frequency range of ADSL services. In order to solve this EMI problem, we put a common mode choke coil (CMC) on the telecom line and a noise cut transformer on ac main of the ADSL modem as shown in Fig.8. However, it is required to add ac main filter at EV dc charger, because the emission level of EV dc charger is still high. Fig.9 shows an emission measurement result after additive mitigations. In Fig.9, a horizontal line and a vertical line show a frequency in Hz and a voltage spectrum in dBV, respectively. According to Fig.9, measured conductive emission levels are to be lower than those shown in Fig.8, and the emission level difference between EV dc charger on and off is less than a few dBV. After the mitigations, the link down problem of the ADSL modem is also solved, however, the radio jamming at the customer premise unfortunately remains because radio emission level for EV dc charger is still high. EMC’14/Tokyo 15P-B2 @Point A ac Mains (cold-E) 20 12Vp-p ADSL Signal frequency band ( Voltage spectrum(dBV) Voltage V) 8 0 Charging starts -8 Not charging Charging -140 6.25k 10k 100k 1M ( ) 10M 31.2M 10M 31.2M frequency Hz [200ms/div] (a) A conducting emission on telecom line (a) A conducting emission on ac mains 20 Voltage spectrum(dBV) 8 @Point B Telecom line (L1-E) Voltage V) 6Vp-p (0 Charging starts -8 Not charging Charging -140 6.25k 10k 100k [200ms/div] Fig.9 Voltage spectrum after EV dc charger mitigation Fig.6 Common mode noise wave shapes on ac mains line and a telecom line @Point B Telecom line (L1-E) Power spectrum dBV) ADSL signal band (26k ( ) (b) A conductive emission on ac mains (b) A conductive emission on telecom line 0 1M frequency Hz III. ~3.75MHz ) CASE STUDY 2 In this section, an example of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service trouble caused by an electric heater is discussed. Conditions of this issue are as follows: ( Service: -60 VoIP over FTTH (Fiber to the home) Phenomena: Acoustic noise on telephone in cold seasons -120 31.2 Charging Noise source: Electric heater ( “DENKI KOTATSU”) Not charging Victims: 100 10k 1k 100k Fig.10 shows a telecom installation at a customer premise, where VoIP is provided by FTTH service. ONU/HGW is an optical network unit and home gate way. CONT. BOX is a controlling equipment for a door phone and a telephone. In a winter season, an electric heater as shown in Fig.10 operated. The electric heater is connected to ac mains. The CONT.BOX and the telephone as well as the electric heater are connected to same ac mains line. A cable between ONU/HGW and the CONT.BOX is a LAN cable. 3.12M Frequency (Hz) Fig.7 Voltage spectrum of nose wave shapes A customer premise EV SPD CMC Telephone, CONT.BOX ADSL modem Metal cable PC Door Phone Battery Charger Noise cut transformer CMC IT Radio ONU/HGW AC Transformer (6600 100/200V) → TRF1 Earth Telecom wire Fiber cable Telephone TRF2 SPD ADSL modem Other customer premises Acoustic noise Earth ac mains Metal cable CONT. BOX Radio Control wire Electric Electricheater heater PC Earth Fig.10 A telecom installation configuration at a customer premise Fig.8 Additive emission mitigation on EV dc charger Copyright 2014 IEICE 583 EMC’14/Tokyo 15P-B2 Fig.11 shows emission noise measurement results. Fig.11 (a) is a measured nose wave shape and Fig.11 (b) is a calculated voltage spectrum of the noise wave shape at the telephone. According to Fig.11 (a), the wave shapes have sharp pulses with 10ms period. Fig.11 (b) also shows the noises of ac mains and the telecom line is likely to be synchronized each other. Fig.11 (b) shows the noises have a wide frequency noise between 100Hz and 100 kHz. After investigation at the customer premise, a noise source is an electric heater. It is found that when the electric heater is switched off, the acoustic noise can not be heard. A F2-1K filer (CMC, its center frequency is 1 kHz) is put on the telecom line in order to reduce the noise levels as shown in Fig.12. After the mitigation, the acoustic noise problem has been solved. IV. CONSIDERATIONS Fig.13 shows an emission limit of CISPR.15(1). In Fig.13, a horizontal line and a vertical line show a frequency in Hz and emission limits in dBuV. Calculated emission levels for the case studies 1 and 2 including another example (an electric fence) are shown in Fig.13. The emission levels which caused malfunctions of telecom equipment exceed limits (1)(2) at several frequencies as shown in Fig.13. 120 120 Disturbance limit voltage at ac mains (dBuV) In a winter season, the customer said that acoustic noise can be heard from the telephone, and in a spring season, the issue is solved. After inspection, it is found that the acoustic noise can be heard when the electric heater is on. 100 100 CISPR.15 NTT TR.174001 (Quasi peak limit) 808 0 606 0 404 0 EV (conducted voltage at ADSL modem) Electric heater (conducted voltage at phone) 202 0 00 1.E+ 10044 Electric fence (induced voltage at modem) 1 .E+0 55 10 1.E+066 10 Frequency (Hz) 1.E+7 07 10 1 .E+08 8 10 Fig.13 Emission requirement of CISPR.15 V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, two case studies of EMI problems are introduced. Broadband services, ADSL and PLC are widely used in customer premises. For examples, ADSL signal uses a wide frequency band between 26 kHz and up to a few MHz. Switching or inverter circuits are usually used in electric/electronic equipment, and these circuits usually generate broadband conductive emission noises below 150 kHz as well as over 150 kHz. These emission noises of several equipment are not always limited, then high level conductive and radiated emission noise can transmit through ac mains and telecom cables as well as air. These emission noises can cause malfunctions or damages on telecom equipment as well as electric/electronic equipment. CENELEC and CISPR or other international bodies have started to study EMC requirements below 150 kHz, but unfortunately the tasks have not finished. Fortunately, CISPR.15 is one of existing EMC requirement which covers below 150kHz. In any way, it is required to establish EMC requirements for all equipment below 150 kHz in order to establish appropriate electromagnetic environments. (a) An emission noise wave shape (b) A voltage spectrums for ac mains and telecom line at the telephone Fig.11 Conductive emission noise Door Phone REFERENCES ONU/HGW [1] CISPR Publication 15, “Limits and method of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lightning and similar equipment 7th edition”, Nov. 2005. [2] CISPR Publication 11, “Industrial, scientific and medical equipment Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement 5th edition”, May 2009 CMC CMC Fiber cable Telephone ac mains CONT. BOX Control wire Electric heater Fig.12 Noise mitigation with CMC Copyright 2014 IEICE 584