Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente Departamento de Electrónica, Sistemas e Informática Maestría en Diseño Electrónico High-Frequency Electronics Design Assignment 3 March 2009 Dr. J. E. Rayas Sánchez Problem 1 The following circuit uses a transmission line with an inductance per-unit length L = 324.89 nH/m, a capacitance per-unit length C = 129.96 pF/m, and a physical length l = 15.39 cm. A DC voltage VS = 1.5V is applied to the transmission line at t = 0. Using bouncing diagrams, plot the voltage at the input of the line (vI) and at the load (vL), from 0 to 8 ns, when RS = 10Ω, RL = 1KΩ. Problem 2 An ideal negative voltage pulse with amplitude A = 5V and pulse width PW = 2.5ns is applied to the following transmission line circuit. Using bouncing diagrams, plot vI and vL from 0 to 8ns. Assume RS = 15Ω, RL = 150Ω, Zo = 50Ω, εe = 9, and l = 10cm. RS vS l vI e vL RL Problem 3 In this problem you will investigate the transient effects of inductive discontinuities in transmission line circuits with capacitive loads. The following circuit is a first-order model of two microstrip lines on different layers connected through a vertical via. Each microstrip line is modeled with a lossless transmission line, and the via is modeled with a lumped inductance Lv. The following parameter values are used: VS = 3V, RS = 25 Ω, CL = 3 pF, Z1 = Z2 = 50 Ω, εe = 3, l1 = l2 = 8.6605 cm. 1 Periférico Sur 8585 45604 Tlaquepaque, Jal., México Tel +52 33 3669 3598 / Fax 3669 3511 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente Departamento de Electrónica, Sistemas e Informática Maestría en Diseño Electrónico a) Simulate the circuit in APLAC using Lv = 0 H. Plot VS, vI(t), and vL(t) from 0 to 10 ns. Verify that vI(0 < t < 2td) = Vo+ and that vI(2td) = −ΓSVo+, where td is the total flight time (or time delay) from the source to the load, and Vo+ is the initial incident voltage wave amplitude at the input of the line. b) Simulate the circuit in APLAC using Lv = 10 nH. Plot VS, vI(t), and vL(t) from 0 to 10 ns. Verify that vI(0 < t < td) = Vo+ and that vI(2td) ≠ −ΓSVo+. Notice that there is a new transient effect on vI at t = td due to the inductive discontinuity. Derive an expression to calculate vI(td) and compare your result with APLAC result for vI(td). Problem 4 The following circuit uses a driver and a load whose non-linear I-V characteristics are shown below. a) Assuming a transmission line with Zo = 50 Ω, draw the corresponding Bergeron diagram; b) Plot the voltage waveforms at the input (vI) and at the load (vL), from 0 to 5 flight times. 40 35 Current (mA) 30 Driver Load 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Voltage (V) Submission deadline: Tuesday April 14, 2009. 2 Periférico Sur 8585 45604 Tlaquepaque, Jal., México Tel +52 33 3669 3598 / Fax 3669 3511