CENTREX PLUS User Guide - FairPoint Communications

User Guide
Welcome to Centrex Plus.
With your new network-based system
housed and maintained in a FairPoint
Central Office you will be able to increase
your productivity and reduce your costs.
And, you are sure to appreciate the
powerful call management features
described on the following pages.
Billable Calls Itemized/Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing (AIOD).............. 1
Call Forwarding - Busy Line........................................................................................ 1
Call Forwarding - No Answer . ................................................................................... 1
Call Forwarding – Variable.......................................................................................... 1
Call Hold..................................................................................................................... 1
Call Pickup Group(s)................................................................................................... 1
Conference Calling..................................................................................................... 1
Call Transfer - All Calls................................................................................................ 1
Direct Inward Dialing.................................................................................................. 1
Direct Outward Dialing............................................................................................... 2
Hunting...................................................................................................................... 2
Intercom Dialing / Station-to-Station Dialing.............................................................. 2
Automatic Callback.................................................................................................... 2
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)............................................................................... 2
Call Hold..................................................................................................................... 2
Call Waiting Originating............................................................................................. 2
Call Waiting Terminating .......................................................................................... 2
Directed Call Pickup (With Barge In).......................................................................... 3
Directed Call Pickup (Without Barge In)..................................................................... 3
Distinctive Ringing...................................................................................................... 3
Inside/Outside Ringing (Distinctive Ringing) . ............................................................ 3
Loudspeaker Paging.................................................................................................... 3
Night Service.............................................................................................................. 3
Speed Dialing (Single Digit or Two Digit).................................................................... 3
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)................................................................. 3
Trunk Answer Any Line............................................................................................... 3
Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)................................................................................. 4
FAIRPOINT FORWARD FEATURES (formerly Intellismart)
Anonymous Call Rejection.......................................................................................... 4
Busy Redial................................................................................................................. 4
Caller ID..................................................................................................................... 4
Caller ID – Number Only............................................................................................. 5
Call Trace.................................................................................................................... 5
Call Waiting ID with Name......................................................................................... 5
Per Call Blocking......................................................................................................... 5
Per-Line Blocking........................................................................................................ 5
Return Call (*69)........................................................................................................ 6
Automatic Callback.................................................................................................... 7
Call Forwarding Variable............................................................................................. 7
Call Forwarding Busy Line.......................................................................................... 8
Call Forwarding Don’t Answer.................................................................................... 8
Call Hold..................................................................................................................... 8
Call Pick-up................................................................................................................ 8
Call Transfer – All Calls............................................................................................... 9
Call Waiting Terminating All Calls............................................................................... 9
Directed Call Pickup with Barge-In........................................................................... 10
Directed Call Pickup without Barge-In...................................................................... 10
Distinctive Ringing.................................................................................................... 10
Speed Call – Single Digit.......................................................................................... 11
Speed Call – Two Digits............................................................................................ 11
Three-Way Conference Calling.................................................................................. 11
Trunk Answer – Any Line.......................................................................................... 12
Automatic Callback (ACB)........................................................................................ 12
Call Forwarding Variable (CFV)................................................................................. 12
Call Forwarding Busy Line (CFBL)............................................................................. 13
Call Forwarding Don’t Answer (CFDA)...................................................................... 13
Call Hold................................................................................................................... 13
Call Pickup................................................................................................................ 13
Call Transfer.............................................................................................................. 13
Call Waiting Terminating (CW-T)............................................................................... 14
Directed Call Pickup With Barge-In (DCPU).............................................................. 14
Directed Call Pickup Without Barge-In (DCPU)......................................................... 14
Speed Dial – Single Digit.......................................................................................... 14
Speed Dial – Two Digits............................................................................................ 14
Three-Way Conference Calling.................................................................................. 15
Centrex Plus service provides for the installation of 13 standard features.
You may select all 13 standard features or any combination of them. The standard features are:
Billable Calls Itemized/Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing (AIOD)
Provides for the recording and identifying of all FairPoint Communications billed outgoing
direct dial and operator handled long distance calls on a per line basis. This feature enables
us to provide a bill that details calls by originating station line.
Call Forwarding - Busy Line
Allows calls to a busy line to be forwarded to a pre-selected number, either within or outside the Centrex Plus service.
Call Forwarding - No Answer
Allows all calls to be forwarded to a pre-selected line within or outside the Centrex Plus
service when the called station is not answered.
Call Forwarding – Variable
Allows a station user to forward all calls, when established, to a number of the user’s
choice, either within or outside the Centrex Plus service.
Call Hold
Allows a user to place a call on hold for any length of time.
Call Pickup Group(s)
Allows a station user to answer incoming calls to another line within the Centrex Plus
service. One or more Call Pickup Groups may be established.
Conference Calling
Enables a line user to establish voice connection involving the user and two other parties.
The line user, by switchhook operation, is able to place an existing call on hold and call the
telephone number of a third party, thereby effecting a three-way conference call.
Call Transfer - All Calls
Allows a user to transfer any established call to another number in or outside the Centrex
Plus service without the assistance of an attendant. Includes the functionality of consultation hold. Consultation hold allows the person transferring the call to confer privately with
the recipient of the call before transferring the call.
Direct Inward Dialing
Allows incoming calls to the Centrex Plus service to reach an individual line or hunt group
without the assistance of an attendant.
Direct Outward Dialing
Allows station users to access the network, generally by dialing an access code, without the
assistance of an attendant.
Directed Call Pickup (With Barge In)
Allows for the routing of calls to an idle line in a prearranged group when the called line is
busy. Frequently referred to as series hunting.
Intercom Dialing / Station-to-Station Dialing
Directed Call Pickup (Without Barge In)
Allows station users to dial other stations within the Centrex Plus service, without the assistance of an attendant, using abbreviated dialing.
Centrex Plus customers can order certain optional features. They are available on a per line
basis, unlike the basic features which are provided on all lines. Optional features are:
Allows a station user who calls a busy line within Centrex Plus service to be automatically
called back when that line becomes available.
Available in 5ESS switch types, provides automatic routing of outgoing calls over alternative customer facilities based on the DDD telephone number. The station user dials the ARS
access code followed by a DDD number. The system routes the call over the first available
special trunk facility (DTFS, foreign exchange or tie lines), checking in a customer specified
sequence. Overflow routing to the DDD network is optional.
Call Hold
Allows a station user to place any established call on hold, while leaving the Centrex line
free to originate another call.
Available in 5ESS switch types, allows a station user to direct an audible tone towards any
other line in an established group which is busy. Not provided on a station line equipped
with Call Forwarding Busy Line.
Allows a station user to receive an audible tone when his/her line is in use and another incoming call is placed to the line. This feature provides a tone on calls originating insideand
outside the Centrex Plus system. Cancel Call Waiting is automatically included.
Permits the routing of calls normally directed to the attendant to pre-selected station lines
within the system when consoles are not attended. An appropriate private line channel between the serving Central Office and the customer’s premises is required per arrangement.
Speed Dialing (Single Digit or Two Digit)
Allows a station to call a pre-designated seven or ten digit number by dialing a code. This
feature is available as Single Digit or Two Digit. Single Digit allows the user to establish a
list of eight numbers. Two Digit allows the user to establish a list of 30 numbers. In both
cases, the list is controlled by the customer.
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Call Waiting Terminating
Available in 5ESS switch types, enables dial access to customer owned loudspeaker paging
equipment. An appropriate private line channel between the serving Central Office and the
customer’s premises is required per arrangement.
Night Service
Call Waiting Originating
Provides the station user with a unique ringing pattern to allow him/her to distinguish
between calls from within the Centrex Plus service and calls from outside. Available in 5ESS
switch types, provides a unique pattern of telephone ringing to permit the telephone user
to distinguish between intrasystem and other incoming calls.
Loudspeaker Paging
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)
Allows a station user to answer another line in the Centrex Plus service by dialing a code. If
the call has already been answered, the station user would receive a busy signal. Applies to
both originating and terminating.
Distinctive Ringing
Automatic Callback
Allows a station user to answer another line in the Centrex Plus service by dialing a code.
If the call has already been answered, the station user would “barge in” to the call and be
added to the conversation. This feature applies to both originating and terminating.
Provides a record of calls originating from Centrex station lines to locations outside of the
same Centrex. Facility groups may also be designated as requiring originating and terminating records.
Trunk Answer Any Line
Allows any station user within a group to dial a code and be connected to an incoming call
to the listed directory number of the system.
Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)
UCD is a form of line hunting which provides for an even distribution of incoming calls
among available members of a multi-line hunt group. Telephone numbers are arranged in
a hunt group. When the main telephone number is dialed, the CO looks at the hunt group
and selects the line that has been idle for the longest period of time.
FAIRPOINT FEATURES (formerly Intellismart)
The following FairPoint Features are available on Centrex Plus systems (dependent upon
availability, and at FairPoint rates).
NOTE: FairPoint Features are not supported in DMS-10 switch types.
Caller ID – Number Only
Call Trace
Anonymous Call Rejection
Allows a customer to direct incoming calls, for which calling name and number display have
been suppressed through the use of per call or line blocking, to an announcement that the
customer is not presently accepting such calls. The customer may activate the feature by
dialing *77 to activate and *87 to deactivate. Upon receiving the anonymous call rejection announcement, the calling party may either reverse the blocking status of the line and
redial the call or elect not to redial the call.
Busy Redial
Automatically monitors and redials the telephone number of the most recent outgoing call.
If the redialed telephone number is idle, the call completes immediately. If the redialed
number is busy, the called line is monitored for a maximum of 30 minutes. When the called
line becomes idle, a distinctive ringing signal alerts the calling customer that the number is
available and the call can be completed. The following types of calls cannot be automatically redialed.
Calls to Toll-Free service numbers
Calls to 900 service numbers
Calls preceded by an interexchange carrier access code
Calls made on an international direct distance dialed basis
Calls to universal emergency number service (911)
Calls to directory assistance service
Provides the telephone number and associated name in FairPoint Communications records
with the line from which an incoming call originates. The calling number and name are
displayed on a customer-provided compatible display phone or device attached to the
customer’s telephone line.
NOTE: Caller ID – Number Only is not provided on Centrex lines equipped with ISDN.
Allows a customer to trace the most recent incoming call by dialing *57 immediately after
terminating the call. The FairPoint Communications Central Office equipment records and
stores the incoming call message detail (date, time and originating telephone number of
the call) provided that the call was completed over a suitably equipped facility and the customer has not received another call after the call to be traced was terminated. The results
of the trace are not provided to the customer directly, but are automatically reported to the
annoyance call bureau where call details can be obtained by an appropriate law enforcement agency when the customer files a complaint.
Call Waiting ID with Name
Allows a Caller ID customer who is using the telephone and receives a second call via call
waiting to see the name and telephone number of the second incoming call. The calling
number and name are displayed on a customer-provided compatible display device attached to the customer’s telephone line. Activation of Call Waiting is required.
NOTE: Call Waiting ID with Name is not provided on Centrex lines equipped with ISDN.
Per Call Blocking
An originating feature that allows customers to control the disclosure of their directory
number, on a call-by-call basis. When activated, the option precludes the originating
customer’s telephone number from being displayed on the terminating customer’s Caller
ID display device. Per call blocking does not affect the operation of other FairPoint Forward
features. Activation is accomplished by the calling party dialing the per-call blocking activation code *67 prior to initiating a call.
NOTE: There is no charge associated with per call blocking.
Per-Line Blocking
Allows customers to automatically block the disclosure of their directory number on all
originating calls. This option precludes the originating customer’s telephone number from
being displayed on the terminating customer’s Caller ID display device. Line blocking does
not affect the operation of the other FairPoint Forward features.
NOTE: There is no charge associated with per call blocking.
Caller ID
Provides the originating telephone number, the date and the time of an incoming call after
the first and before the second ring. This information is displayed on a customer provided
compatible display phone or device attached to the customer’s Centrex line.
Return Call (*69)
Allows a customer to obtain information about the last incoming call when the service is
activated by dialing *69. Upon dialing *69, the telephone number associated with the last
incoming call is announced if it is available from the network and the calling party has not
blocked the calling information. Depending on the serving Central Office, the date and time
of the call may also be announced. The announced telephone number does not always
identify the calling party.
If possible, the service may also allow a customer to return the call automatically by dialing “1”. Return Call cannot return all calls for which it can announce a number. When a
telephone number is announced, the customer is instructed to dial “1” to return the call
automatically. If the customer dials “1” and the line associated with the called number is
busy, the call is queued until both lines are idle, up to 30 minutes; or when both lines are
idle, the customer is given an indication with a distinctive ringing pattern that the network
will attempt to set up the call. Once the customer answers the distinctive ring, the network
attempts to set up the call.
This feature is offered on a monthly subscription or per activation basis. Per activation customers are charged upon announcement of the telephone number associated with the last
incoming call. The charge applies regardless of whether the customer attempt to return the
call by dialing “1” and regardless of whether the announced number identifies the calling
party or can be used to return the call automatically or by manual dial back. The customer
is billed for any call placed by means of this service. Additional charges associated with calls
returned using *69 will apply.
Depending on the customer’s serving Central Office and/or class of service, the service may
only provide the opportunity to return the call automatically. In such cases, upon dialing
*69, the service will attempt to return the customer’s last incoming call. Per-activation
customers with the call-return-only service are charged upon dialing *69, regardless of
whether the call is completed to the calling party. The following types of calls cannot be
Automatic Callback
To activate:
Pick up handset and hear dial tone
Dial 4-digit Centrex number and receive busy signal
Depress “switchhook” once
Dial Automatic Callback access code (*78); hear confirmation tone.
Hang up. Feature is in effect for 30 minutes.
To receive an Automatic Callback call:
Continue to place or receive calls
Your Centrex line rings
Pick up your handset and hear a ringing tone
When the called party answers, conduct conversation
To cancel Automatic Callback (before 30 minute time-out):
Pick up handset and hear dial tone
Dial Automatic Callback cancel code(*88); hear a confirmation tone
Hang up
Call Forwarding Variable
This feature must be activated and deactivated by the customer.
To activate:
Go off hook and receive dial tone
Calls from PBX station lines
Dial activation code (*72)
Calls from DID station lines
Second dial tone is returned
Calls from lines equipped with line blocking
Dial the telephone number of the desired call-forward-to number
Calls from lines which have activated per call blocking
If the remote station doesn’t answer or is busy, repeat the activation process.
On the second attempt the feature will be activated and confirmation tone
returned whether the called number answers or not.
To deactivate:
Go off hook
Receive dial tone
Dial deactivation code (*73)
Confirmation tone is heard
Hang up
Call Forwarding Busy Line
Set up as a permanent feature on the line.
Call Transfer – All Calls
To activate:
Call Forwarding Don’t Answer
Set up as a permanent feature on the line.
Go off hook
Call Hold
To activate:
Dial the number that call is to be transferred to, for example:
4 digit Centrex telephone number
Press the switchhook
CTX access # + 7 digit telephone number
Receive dial tone
CTX access # + 10 digit telephone number
Dial access code (*80)
When person answers, announce call
Confirmation tone is heard, then a steady tone which will time out after
approximately ? seconds
Press “switchhook” to connect all three parties
Only one call per line can be held at any time.
The held call cannot be added to the original call because the held call is the
original call.
Call Pick-up
To activate:
Hear a line ringing (a member of your Call Pickup Group)
Pick up handset
Dial the access code (*70)
The call is routed to your line
If more than one line within the Call Pickup Group is ringing, the one that has
been ringing the longest will be answered.
All stations within the same Call Pickup Group should be within hearing range.
A line may be a member of more than one Call Pickup Group
Call Pickup Groups are assigned by the LSA (NAC)
Each group is assigned a numeric code. (Check Service Order Procedures for FID
and related data).
A line may be only a member of one Call Pickup Group
See Service Order procedures for CPG assignment.
Press whatever button simulates “switchhook”
Hang up
-ORIf the transferred to number is busy or does not answer
Press “switchhook” twice to return to the original caller.
Call Waiting Terminating All Calls
To activate CWT if both Call Waiting - Terminating and Call Hold are on the same line:
After hearing a Call Waiting tone:
Tell the person to whom you are speaking that you are going to put them on hold
Press the switchhook and listen for dial tone
Press *80 to activate Call Hold
Begin conversation with second person
To return to the original call:
Press the switchhook and dial tone is returned
Dial the Call Hold code (*80) and automatically be connected to the original call
You may go back and forth between calls by pressing the switchhook. Listen for
dial tone and press *80 to activate Call Hold.
NOTE: If the Centrex user hangs up while the original call is still on hold, then a
ringback is performed and you are automatically connected to the original call.
To activate Call Waiting -Terminating if Call Hold is not on the same line:
While on a call, a Call Waiting tone is heard.
Depress “switchhook” once to put the first party on hold and answer the second
Depressing “switchhook” again puts the second call on hold and allows the caller
to go back to the original call.
To activate Cancel Call Waiting:
Before making the call, pick up the handset and listen for dial tone
Dial access code (*86)
Go off hook
Place a call
Dial the code assigned to the number you wish to call
Feature will automatically cancel at the completion of this call.
Directed Call Pickup with Barge-In
To activate:
To program or change Speed Call code:
Go off hook and hear dial tone
Dial the Speed Call Single Digit Access Code (*74)
Hear a line with the Centrex ringing
Hear stutter tone
Go off hook
Dial the code by which you wish the telephone number to be identified and
Dial the access code (DMS-100 -*81) (5ESS - *56) (DMS-10 - *81)
Dial the Centrex extension number of the line to be answered
If the call has not yet been answered, the call is routed to your line.
-ORIf the call has already been answered, it allows you to barge in to the answered
call and be connected to a three way call.
In order for this feature to work, the Centrex line to be barged-in on must be
provisioned for Directed Call Pickup With Barge-In Terminating.
Once Directed Call Pickup with Barge-In is provisioned on the Centrex line, it
automatically allows Directed Call Pickup With Barge-In Terminating on all other
Centrex lines.
Directed Call Pickup without Barge-In
To activate:
Dial the telephone number to be stored exactly as it will be dialed
Hang up
Repeat process to encode and store the remaining numbers
Speed Call – Two Digits
To activate:
Go off hook
Dial the code assigned to the number you wish to call
To program or change Speed Call Two Digit code:
Go off hook and hear dial tone
Dial the Speed Call Two Digit Access Code (*75)
Hear stutter tone
Dial the code by which you wish the telephone number to be identified and
Dial the telephone number to be stored exactly as it will be dialed
Hear a line within the Centrex ringing
Hang up
Go off hook
Repeat process to encode and store the remaining numbers
Dial the access code (*81)
Dial the Centrex extension number of the line to be answered.
Three-Way Conference Calling
To activate:
If the call has not yet been answered, the call is routed to your line.
Go off hook
Press whatever button simulates “switchhook”
If the call has already been answered you receive a busy signal.
Dial the number to be added to the conversation, for example:
Distinctive Ringing
Set up as a permanent feature on the line.
Speed Call – Single Digit
To activate:
4 digit Centrex number
CTX access # +7 digit telephone number
CTX access # + 10 digit telephone number
CFV can only be assigned to a MLH group on a group basis.
When called party answers, announce it is a three-way call
A line with CFV activated cannot have an ACB request initiated against it.
Press “switchhook” once to connect all three parties.
CFV when activated has priority over and cancels CFDA.
Trunk Answer – Any Line
To activate:
Call Forwarding Busy Line (CFBL)
All switch types:
Go off hook
Call Forwarding Variable and Call Waiting Terminating override CFBL.
Dial the access code (*71)
CFBL can only be assigned to a MLH (Multi-Line Hunt) group on a group basis.
This means assigning CFBL to any MLH number, it will then apply to the entire
MLH group.
Answer the call
All lines with this feature must be put in the same Call Pickup Group. Lines may
be a member of more than one group.
Automatic Callback (ACB)
All switch types:
An ACB cannot be “picked up” by another station via Call Pickup.
An ACB request can be activated only if the called number is in a busy condition,
and is within the Centrex Plus group.
CFBL should only be assigned to the last member of a series hunt group.
Hunting takes precedence over CFBL
Call Forwarding Don’t Answer (CFDA)
All switch types:
CFV overrides CFDA.
If CFDA is assigned to any MLH number, it will apply to the entire MLH group.
Call Waiting Terminating takes precedence over CFDA.
Call Hold
All switch types:
ACB cannot be activated against lines in a MLH group.
Only one call per line can be held at a time.
ACB should be assigned to the last member of a series completion hunt group.
A “held” call cannot be added to the original call.
ACB cannot be on the same line as Repeat Dialing and/or Call Return *69.
Call Hold works with CW-T. User can transfer back and forth between callers by
flashing switchhook and dialing access code each time.
If the called number has CFV and the forward to number is busy, ACB can be
activated. When the forward to number becomes idle, the calling party will be
connected to the forward to number.
If the called number has CFBL and the called number and the forward to number
are both busy, the ACB will activate only when the called number becomes idle.
ACB cannot be activated against a line with CFV activated.
Call Forwarding Variable (CFV)
All switch types:
CFV overrides CFBL, CFDA and CW-T.
Call Pickup
All switch types:
An ACB recall may not be “picked up”.
If more than one line is ringing, you cannot select which line to answer. The
system will automatically direct the pickup to the call that came in first.
All lines in a MLH group must be in the same Call Pickup Group.
All stations within the same CPG should be within hearing range.
Call Transfer
All switch types:
Cannot transfer a call while on a Call Waiting call.
CFV overrides Hunting arrangements.
Call Waiting Terminating (CW-T)
All switch types:
When CFV is on the called line, CFV takes precedence over CW-T. The call
is forwarded and the Call Waiting treatment is not given to the busy line.
If the called party is on a three-way call, the tone will not be sent and the
caller will receive a busy signal.
If CW-T has already been activated against the calling party’s line, the tone
will not be sent and the caller will receive a busy signal.
A three-way call cannot be established between an in-progress and call
waiting call.
CW-T overrides CFDA and CFBL.
Speed Dial – Two Digits
All switch types:
Service codes such as 411, 611, or 911 may not be programmed.
Maximum number of digits that can be programmed/stored are switch dependent: 5ESS- 32 Digits, DMS-100-24 Digits, DMS-10-24 Digits
Three-Way Conference Calling
All switch types:
You cannot establish a three-way call using Automatic Callback.
A three-way call cannot be established between an in-progress and
a Call Waiting call.
Directed Call Pickup With Barge-In (DCPU)
All switch types:
An ACB call cannot be picked up by another station via Directed Call
Pickup With Barge-In.
DCPU With Barge-In cannot be on the same line as DCPU Without Barge-In.
Cannot be activated using Three-Way calling.
Cannot be activated against a line with CFV activated.
Directed Call Pickup Without Barge-In (DCPU)
All switch types:
An ACB recall cannot be “picked up” by another station via DCPU.
DCPU With Barge-In cannot be on the same line as DCPU Without Barge-In.
Cannot be activated using Three-Way Calling.
Speed Dial – Single Digit
All switch types:
If you need assitance.
Please contact Customer Service
at 1.866.984.3001
Service Codes such as 411, 611, or 911 may not be programmed.
Maximum number of digits that can be programmed/stored are switch dependent: 5ESS- 32 Digits, DMS-100 – 24 Digits, DMS-10 –24 Digits
Customer service: 1.866.984.3001. ©2010 FairPoint Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. BSN-10109-NNE-SMB-CentrexUG-4/2110