DBA Controller Part Numbers:

DBA Controller Part Numbers:
Number of Installed Ferrous Driver Boards –
A multi-channel DBA controller can have up to 4
input channels. These input channels can be any
combination of ferrous and non-ferrous input
drivers. This digit specifies the number of ferrous
input drivers that have been factory installed.
Ferrous drivers will always start at Channel A and
extend in alphabetical order through the number
specified. The 2 ferrous drivers in the above
example would be input Channels A and B.
Number of Installed Non-Ferrous Driver
Boards – This digit specifies the number of nonferrous input drivers that have been factory
installed. Non-ferrous drivers will always start as
the input channel in alphabetical sequence
directly after the last ferrous driver. The one nonferrous driver specified in the above example
would be Channel C.
Input voltage – The input power requirements
are specified in this area of the part number.
110VAC 50/60Hz
220VAC 50/60Hz
Extended Preset Option – The DBA controller
allows the storage of 12 preset single sheet
thickness values in memory. These preset values
are called up from the keypad or by binary input
from a PLC for use on the job being run.
Standard DBA software allows one preset
thickness value for each of the 12 memory
locations. This one thickness value applies to all
input channels.
The optional extended preset software allows
each preset memory location to have a different
thickness value for each input channel. This can
be helpful on jobs loading welded blanks where
two different thicknesses must be monitored
simultaneously on each blank.
This area of the part number will be blank if the
optional extended preset option has not been
supplied with this DBA system.
Number of Wired Channels - A multi-channel
DBA controller can have up to 4 factory installed
input channels. Each sensor-input circuit is wired
to a connector on the bottom of the controller
housing. All installed ferrous and non-ferrous
input circuits are factory wired to a sensor-input
connector. Standard systems provide connectors
for the factory installed circuits only. Additional
input channels cannot be added in the field
because internal circuit board connections and
sensor input connectors are not provided.
The last field of the part number can be used to
indicate that internal wiring has been supplied for
the easy field addition of more sensor inputs. The
(H4) shown on the example indicates that the
controller was pre-wired at the factory for all 4
input channels. The example also indicates that 3
(2 ferrous and 1 non-ferrous) of the 4 pre-wired
inputs were supplied with factory installed drivers.
This leaves one unused channel pre-wired for the
future addition of one input driver. This new driver
can be quickly installed by adding the driver
circuit board (ferrous or non-ferrous) and
connecting it to an unused connector on the
internal wiring harness.
This area of the part number will be blank if
additional future inputs have not been pre-wired.
A standard DBA100 single channel controller is
supplied in a compact controller housing that
does not have space for additional input circuits.
A DBA100 (H2), (H3) or (H4) will be supplied in a
substantially larger.
24205 00487SP 05/12/03