Chapter 11.1-11.2 reading Guide 11.1 1. 2. 3. 4. Define Industrial Revolution Define Cottage Industry Who invented the steam engine? Where? Bullet the innovations made during the Industrial Revolution in Iron, Coal, Transportation, Textiles, Chemicals and Food processing 5. Where was the first railroad build? When? 6. What are the three largest manufacturing regions in the world? What are the second leading regions for manufacturing? 7. Fill out the attached chart. 11.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are the 2 most important factors when considering the location of industry? Define the 2 above State and Define the 2 most important factors of Situation List a few non-metallic minerals Describe the difference in Ferrous and non ferrous alloys List (bullet) where Ferrous alloys come from List where non ferrous metals come from What are the three types of industry that need to be located near the market? Define each (you have to look ahead a bit for definitions) 9. List a few bulk gaining industries 10. List a few Single-Market Manufacturers 11. List a few perishable products 12. What are the four modes of transportation for inputs and products? Which is the most expensive 13. What has been the role of containerization in the shipping industry 14. What is the Break of Bulk point? 15. What are the four steps of copper production? Where is each one done? 16. Create a mini time line of the steel industry. Illustrate it 17. Describe the changes in the manufacturing and distribution of the auto industry 18. Note some specific characteristics in the car manufacturing industry in North America, Europe and East Asia 19. Return to Civic and Economics List 3 FACTORS of PRODUCTION 20. Describe labor intensive industry and note a few 21. Why do tech companies like to be in silicon valley? 22. What is the role of one story buildings in deciding where to locate an industry? 23. Describe the diffusion of the textile industry.