Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology Beijing, China, August 5-8, 2013 Multi-Level Cell Spin Transfer Torque MRAM Based on Stochastic Switching Yue Zhang1,2, WeiSheng Zhao1,2, Jacques-Olivier Klein1,2, Wang Kang1,2, Damien Querlioz1,2, Claude Chappert1,2, Dafiné Ravelosona1,2 1 IEF, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 91405, France 2 CNRS, UMR 8622, Orsay, 91405, France Email: and Abstract —Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM) provides a promising pathway forthe next generation of non-volatile memory and logic chips. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in CoFeB/MgO /CoFeB magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) nanopillar provides high thermal stability and low critical current. However, the STT switching mechanism of MTJ has been revealed intrinsically stochastic, which results from the unavoidable thermal fluctuations of magnetization. This phenomenon affects deeply the reliability of hybrid CMOS/MTJ interface circuits and drives important power overhead. In this paper, we present a multilevel cell (MLC) STT-MRAM benefiting from the stochastic behaviors. It allows not only higher storage density, but also reduces the programming power and delay. This new cell can be also used as electrical synapse to build up neuromorphic computing systems or other biological networks. Monte-Carlo statistical simulations based on a 40 nm technology node have been carried out to validate its functionality and demonstrate its performance. Index Terms – MRAM, Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Stochastic, Multilevel cell, Non-Volatile I. INTRODUCTION Thanks to the key enhancement such as non-volatile, high access speed and high endurance, Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) technology has become more and more convincing to become the next generation of nonvolatile universal memory and logic device [1]. Based on the transfer of angular momentum by a spin-polarized current, Spin transfer Torque (STT) switching mechanism simplified and optimized greatly the switching process [2-3]. Recent research progress demonstrated that the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in the CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) could decrease the critical switching current while remaining relatively high thermal stability, which clears the main bottleneck for the miniaturization of MTJs [4-5]. However, an intrinsic stochastic feature has been revealed in STT switching, which is caused by the unavoidable thermal fluctuations of magnetization [6-7]. They are responsible for large fluctuations in the switching duration, the latter following a sigmoidal distribution with exponential tails. Because of this phenomenon, some write errors might occur, which affects the reliability of hybrid CMOS/MTJ circuit. 978-1-4799-0675-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE On the other hand, despite the apparent drawbacks of stochastic behavior, we are thinking about how to profit from its probabilistic or random property. Clustering multiple MTJs to realize a multilevel cell (MLC) [8] is a way out for that. MLC is a key method for density improvement of STTMRAM, and is also an important concept for neuromorphic computing applications [9-10]. IP ->AP >IC0 P AP CoFeB CoFeB MgO MgO CoFeB CoFeB CoFeB CoFeB P AP MgO MgO CoFeB CoFeB IAP ->P >IC0 (a) (b) Fig.1. (a) Spin transfer torque switching mechanism: the MTJ state changes from parallel (P) to anti-parallel (AP) under positive electron flow direction IP->AP>IC0. It changes from AP to P under negative electron flow direction IAP>IC0. Note that the red arrows represent the electron flow and not the >P current (b) Experimental measurement of STT stochastic switching. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel design of MLC based on stochastic STT switching in PMA MRAM. This design allows a higher density through the multilevel feature, but also reduces the programming power and delay. MonteCarlo simulations for 2-bits parallel and serial MLCs based on 40 nm technology node have been carried out to validate their functionality and demonstrate its performance. The models of these MLCs base on a stochastic compact model of PMA MTJ programmed with the Verilog-A language. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Section. II, we describe the compact model of PMA MTJ integrating stochastic STT switching behavior. In Section. III, the architecture of parallel and serial MLCs are respectively introduced, Monte-Carlo simulation results and performance analysis are also exhibited. A discussion and conclusion is provided in the Section. IV. II. PHYSICAL MODELS USED TO DESCRIBE STOCHASTIC BEHAVIOR Recently, lots of experimental and theoretical results have shown that, although STT switching may allow subnanosecond switching duration, the switching process of STT is stochastic [11-13]. Furthermore, depending on the relative magnitude between switching current (I) and critical 233 current (Ico), the STT stochastic behaviors of this PMAMTJ can be categorized into two regions: Sun model (I>Ico) and Neel-Brown model (I<0.8Ico) [14-15]. For practical applications, the two regions have their own specific interest: The region of Sun model addresses fast switching (sub 3ns) but high current density. The region of NeelBrown model addresses low current (I<0.8Ico) but slower switching. These two regions are separated by the critical current which is defined as follows for p-MTJ [4]: I c0 =α γ e γ e (μ 0 M S ) H K V = 2α E μB g μB g E μ M ×V × H = 0 S (1) K 2 (2) where E is the barrier energy, HK is the effective anisotropy field, μ0 is permeability of free space, Ms is the saturation magnetization, is the magnetic damping constant, is the gyromagnetic ratio, e is the elementary charge, μB is the Bohr magneton, V is the volume of the free layer, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and g = TMR(TMR+ 2) / 2(TMR+1) is the spin polarization efficiency factor. The default values of the critical parameters used in this model are given in Table.I. Parameter Area TMR(0) V R·A Ms m Jc0 PARAMETERS PRESENT IN THE FITTING FUNCTION Description MTJ surface TMR ratio with 0 Vbias Volume of free layer Resistance-area product Saturation magnetization Free layer magnetic moment Critical current density 1 <τ > =[ 2 C + ln( π eM sV (1 + P ref P free ) ( I write − I c 0 ) (3) 90 80 0.71 Ir/Ico 70 10 us 20 us 60 10 us 5 us 50 40 2.5 us 30 20 < Dap->p > 10 100.0 0 0.6 I (uA) ) μ B P ref 100 Default Value 40 nm x 40 nm x /4 120 % Area x1.3 nm 5 μm2 7.96 x 105 A/m MS×V 5.0 x 105 A/cm2 P -> AP 0.65 0.7 Reading Current (Ir/Ico) 0.75 0.8 Fig.3. Dependence of sensing bit error rate (BER_S) versus sensing current for different switching duration pulses. 0.0 < Dp->ap > AP -> P -200.0 0.0 4 ξ ] d Pr(t ) 1 (4) = (1 − Pr( t ))dt τ 1 E I (5) τ 1 = τ 0 exp( (1 − )) k BT I CO where 0 is the attempt period. From Eq. 4, the probability density function (PDF) of the switching duration in this region follows an exponential distribution with characteristic time τ1 decreasing with the current density. 200.0 -100.0 2 where C•0.577 is the Euler’s constant, =E/kBT the thermal stability factor, T is the temperature, Pref, Pfree the tunneling spin polarizations of the reference and free layers assumed to be equal (Pref=Pfree=P) in this compact model, m is the magnetic moment of free layer. In the corresponding sub-threshold region (I<0.8Ico, Neel-Brown model), the switching can still occur thanks to thermal activation above the voltage/current-dependent barrier. In this region, the switching probability can be described by [17]: Sensing Disturbance (%) TABLE I. which is described in [16]. The average switching delay time is expressed by [5] 5.0 10.0 15.0 Time (ns) 20.0 25.0 Fig.2. 100 complete writing operation simulations (parallel (P) to antiparallel (AP) and back to parallel (P)) Sun model is used to describe the case where the current flowing through the MTJ exceeds the critical current. In this switching mechanism, the switching is triggered by a thermal fluctuation which creates an initial angle between the current spin-polarization and the magnetization of the storage layer. The switching duration then follows a specific distribution centered on the average switching delay time, To verify the functionality of this STT simulation model taking into account these stochastic aspects, writing and sensing operations of single MTJ cell were simulated respectively. Fig. 2 shows a simulation of 100 writing operations. As expected the switching probability follows a distribution centered on the average switching delay time as calculated by Eq. 3. The dependence of Sensing Disturbance (SD) versus sensing current for different duration pulses is illustrated in Fig. 3. The SD grows exponentially with respect to the sensing current which is consistent with the switching probability theory described by Eq. 4-5. In addition, for fixed amplitude of sensing current, increasing the read current pulse duration yields an increase in switching probability meaning an increase of probability of undesired write during read. 234 III. MLC PMA STT MRAM BASED ON STOCHASTIC SWITCHING MLC is a design to store multiple bits of information in one cell, which is a promising technology used for memory and neuromorphic computing. Two traditional structures of MLC are the parallel and the serial structures (see Fig. 4 and Fig.5) [18]. In addition, MLC usually uses a selected transistor (Tp for parallel and Ts for serial) to enable the switching process, which is similar to the 1T/1MTJ structure used in MRAM. SL SL SL Tp Tp WL Tp Tp WL 00 SL WL WL 11 10 01 Each process has actually been executed 100 times under a 10 ms pulse. However, we only show 5 times among them for the purpose of clarity. We can find that the states of MLCs vary randomly and step by step, which is the functionality that we anticipated. Note that these two simulations were executed in the aforementioned regime of Neel-Brown model. When expecting to accelerate the programming procedure, higher current can be applied to drive the MLC to work in the Sun’s model regime. In this condition, the switching duration can reach nanosecond or sub-nanosecond. Fig.4. 2-bits parallel MLC Fig. 4 shows a parallel MLC structure where 3 separated free layers are grown on an entire pinned layer, although it is not yet achievable with the existing technology capability. In the following simulations of this paper, we used the clusters of parallel-connecting MTJs as the parallel MLCs. The serial MLC is a stack of MTJs connected vertically. Ordinarily, the serial MLCs requires a lower current but a higher voltage than the parallel ones, thereby it is preferable to use current source for programming the serial MLC and voltage source for parallel MLC. Furthermore, in order to generate a higher current for the parallel ones, the selected transistor used in the circuit will be larger than those for serial MLC; the serial structure thus seems more achievable between these two types of structures. SL Ts SL Ts WL 00 SL Ts WL 01 Fig.6. Monte-Carlo simulation for 2-bits parallel MLC. Data switches from ‘00’ to ‘11’. SL Ts WL 10 WL Fig.7. Monte-Carlo simulation for 2-bits serial MLC, Data switches from ‘11’ to ‘00’. 11 Fig.5. 2-bits serial MLC As shown in the Fig.4 and Fig.5, due to the stochastic behavior, the 3 MTJs are switched successively. If we consider antiparallel state of MTJ as the logic ‘0’ and parallel state as ‘1’, the MLCs can be programmed from ‘00’ to ‘11’ or from ‘11’ back to ‘00’. In addition, the number of levels is determined by the number of bits. N bits N in the MLC can yield 2 levels correspondingly. The functionalities of these two structures are respectively validated by the Monte-Carlo simulations (see Fig.6 and Fig.7). Fig.6 shows the case for parallel MLC programming from ‘000’ to ‘100’. Fig.7 illustrates the other case for serial structure in the reversal process from ‘100’ back to ‘000’. Thanks to the 3-D integration technology implementing MRAM above the CMOS part, the area efficiency of hybrid MRAM/CMOS circuits can be improved. However this also makes the CMOS part dominate the overall area. On the other hand, the currents through the MLCs govern the programming speed, which is also determined by the area overhead of transistors. Fig.8 demonstrates the tradeoff between the average switching duration and the area of serial MLC. We also take account of the effect of pulse magnitude into our analysis by applying 3 different magnitudes of pulses (0.9 V, 1.2 V and 1.5 V). It shows that the higher voltage improves the MLC performance. 235 impact of transistor area and switching pulse magnitude on the programming speed have been also investigated. This MLC cell based on stochastic behaviors has a great potential to achieve denser, faster and low power non-volatile memory chips and neuromorphic computing systems. 9 0.9 V 1.2 V 1.5 V 8 Switching Duration (ns) 7 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 5 The authors wish to acknowledge financial support from French programs ANR-MARS, ANR-DIPMEM and the European FP7 program through MAGWIRE (257707). 4 3 2 REFERENCES 1 0 70 80 90 100 110 Area (F2) 120 130 140 150 Fig.8. Tradeoff dependence of switching duration versus area and pulse magnitude Moreover, due to the stochastic feature, the switch for neighbor states could be ultra-fast. If it can be controlled strictly and properly, for instance, integrating with “SelfEnable” switching mechanism [19] (see Fig.9), this device can be advantageous in terms of fast speed and low power consumption. In the “Self–Enable” switching circuit, besides the synchronized Pre-charge sense amplifier (PCSA) [20] and switching circuit, the comparison logic (Com Logic) circuit is able to control the input signal by monitoring the state change of MLCs. The input pulse will be automatically blocked once the state of MLC changes. This makes the switching operation deterministic instead of stochastic, which saves a great deal of energy consumed by the conventional iterations for probabilistic switching [8]. . Output Input Vdda SelfBi-directional STT Enable Com Logic switching circuit PCSA SL WL WL M L C RL WL M L C M L C RL R e f 1 RL R e f 2 R e f 3 Gnd Fig.9. MLCs served by Self-Enable switching circuit IV. 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