COLOR Cored 0.0-9.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 1H ACCESSORIES HOLE A PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 1055A-1H REMARKS SILTY CLAY 1 lt gy GN 3 2 2 dk gn GY .. dk ye GN gn GY .. lt ol GY 1 4 dk gn GY .. 4 6 General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) SILTY CLAY. The color is quite variagated and mottled, and a pale red (5R 6/2) interval is present in Section 5. Open burrows are abundant throughout core, often containing foraminifer sands and pteropods in silty clay. Small (1-3 cm) pteropod-rich layers often have irregular contacts due to severe bioturbation. SS dk gn GY 5 pal RD SS 6 dk gn GY 8 7 SS CC PAL .. dk gn GY lt ol GY lt GY SITE 1055 371 COLOR SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Cored 0.0-4.5 mbsf REMARKS 1 .. SILTY CLAY and CLAY SS med gy GN IW mlt gn GY 1 2 2 3 IW 4 CC mdk gy GN lt OL SS med gy OL .. .. SS PAL General Description: This core contains light grayish green (5GY 5/2) SILTY CLAY and CLAY. Abundant burrows and bioturbation throughout the core. Top of the core is a soupy, moderate brown (2.5Y 5/3) layer. Hollow burrows are present until Section 3, where the fillings contain FORAMINIFER SAND. Several sections gradually coarsen to a FORAMINIFER SILTY CLAY. Section 3 is marked by two distinctive pale red (10R 6/2) layers and two pteropod-rich layers. 1055B-1H SITE 1055 372 SITE 1055 HOLE B CORE 1H COLOR Cored 4.5-14.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 2H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 HOLE B 1055B-2H REMARKS SILTY CLAY 1 dk gn GY IW 2 2 vpl RD dk gn GY 3 IW 4 .. .. lt GY General Description: This core contains olive gray (10GY 5/2) to dark greenish gray (10Y 4/2) SILTY CLAY. Thin (2-3 cm) color laminae are abundant throughout the core. The dominant lithology is commonly interbedded with foram sands and pteropod layers with fining upward beds. Moderate to strong bioturbation produces irregular color and lithologic contacts. Fossil fragments and pyrite stains are disseminated throughout the core. 4 2 IW dk gn GY 6 5 IW 6 IW 8 7 mlt gn GY CC PAL SITE 1055 373 COLOR Cored 14.0-23.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION CORE 3H IW dsk ye GN 3 2 2 SS IW SS ol GN mlt gn GY 4 mlt GY 4 3 IW mlt gn GY 5 8 IW SS 10 CC 7 IW SS 6 6 REMARKS SILTY CLAY and FORAMINIFER SILT WITH CLAY 1 METERS HOLE B mlt GY .. dk gn GY SS PAL General Description: This core contains light greenish gray (10Y 4/1) SILTY CLAY and dark greenish gray (10Y 5/2) FORAMINIFER SILT WITH CLAY. Moderate to severe bioturbation, fossil fragments, and worm burrows are prevalent throughout the core. Abrupt pteropod layers are also common in middle and base of core. SILTY CLAY dominates the top of the core and is interbedded with a FORAMINIFER SILT WITH CLAY. 1055B-3H SITE 1055 374 SITE 1055 1055B-4H COLOR Cored 23.5-33.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 4H ACCESSORIES HOLE B PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 REMARKS 1 SILTY NANNOFOSSIL CLAY lt ol GN lt GY 2 2 lt ol BR IW 3 dk ol GY .. 4 4 4 SS General Description: This core contains light olive gray (5Y 5/2) and light bluish gray (3GY 5/1) SILTY NANNOFOSSIL CLAY. Varying amounts of silt, clay, foraminifers, and diatoms are present throughout core. Shell fragments and filled burrows are abundant in several sections, and a scoured contact is present in Section 5. mlt gn GY .. 6 5 mlt gn GY SS .. 6 IW 8 lt gn GY 7 IW mlt gn GY 10 CC PAL SITE 1055 375 COLOR Cored 33.0-42.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 5H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS HOLE B REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY 2 2 ol GN SS IW .. ol GN mlt bl .. GY 3 ol GN .. .. 4 4 5 IW SS 6 ol GN 5 IW 6 IW gn GY SS 7 8 gn GY CC General Description: This core contains light bluish gray (5GY 5/0.5) to olive green (10Y 5/4) SILTY CLAY. The dominant lithology is interbedded with coarser intervals of FORAMINIFER SILTY CLAYS with sharp and scoured contacts. Fossil fragments are abundant throughout the core, and several small (1-4 cm) pteropod layers are present. Fining upward beds are present at the base of the core. In Section 6 the SILTY CLAY lithology increases in clay content, grading to a CLAY WITH SILT. 1055B-5H SITE 1055 376 SITE 1055 COLOR Cored 42.5-52.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 6H ACCESSORIES HOLE B PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 REMARKS SILTY NANNOFOSSIL CLAY 1 .. 1055B-6H med GY med ol GY SS SS 3 2 2 lt gy BF mlt bl GY 4 6 4 General Description: This core is an olive gray (5Y 3/2) SILTY NANNOFOSSIL CLAY. The dominant lithology is interbedded with medium-sized (20-30 cm) beds of FORAMINIFER SILTY CLAY. Several coarsening-fining beds are present near base of core with scoured contacts. Abundant shell fragments are found throughout the core. Bioturbation is moderate to severe, creating fine color laminae and mottles in several sections. SS 6 5 mlt ol GY .. mlt gn GY 6 8 7 SS SS CC mlt bl GY Many sharp, medium-sized (5-10 cm) color bands throughout Section 6. mlt gn GY .. PAL SITE 1055 377 1 SS SS REMARKS dk gn GY lt GY 2 2 COLOR Cored 52.0-61.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 7H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS HOLE B 3 dk gn GY 4 7 4 6 5 lt gn GY SS SS lt gn BR 6 7 8 CC IW PAL lt bl GY lt gn.. BR lt gn BR SILTY CLAY and NANNOFOSSIL SILTY CLAY General Description: This core contains light (5GY 8/1) to moderate greenish gray (5GY 6/1) SILTY CLAY and light greenish gray (5GY 8/1) NANNOFOSSIL SILTY CLAY. Several coarse beds of SILT WITH FORAMINIFERS are present. In Section 1 the dominant lithology is interbedded with a medium-sized (47 cm) bed of light gray (10Y 3/1) NANNOFOSSIL OOZE. Fossil fragments, pteropod beds, and gas expansion are common throughout the core. Section 4, 55-70 cm. Light greenish gray (10Y 7/1) SILT. Ripple marks at 65 and 68 cm. Moderate bioturbation with pteropod fragments. 1055B-7H SITE 1055 378 SITE 1055 COLOR Cored 61.5-71.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 8H ACCESSORIES HOLE B PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 1055B-8H REMARKS 1 CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS med ol BR 2 2 mlt gn GY 3 IW med gy OL 8 4 4 SS General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (10Y 5/1) CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS. Variable amounts of nannofossils and clay are present throughout the core with gradational contacts between major lithologies. There are few apparent variations in grain size. The nannofossil content peaks in Section 6, forming a light bluish gray (5B 7/1) NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT, returning to a CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS in Section 7. 5 6 pal bl GY 6 8 SS 7 IW 10 CC PAL SITE 1055 379 COLOR Cored 71.0-80.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 9H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS HOLE B REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY 3 2 2 med bl GY 4 4 9 SS SS Section 4. Alternating laminae (>1 cm) of SILTY CLAY and CLAY. 5 6 GY IW med bl GY 6 8 7 med ol BF med gn GY 10 CC PAL General Description: This core contains bluish gray (5B 5/1) SILTY CLAY. Several medium-sized (10-30 cm) fining and coarsening beds with gradational and scoured contacts are present. Fossil fragments are sparse to common throughout Sections 1-4. The upper lithology is interbedded with two intervals of grayish blue green (5 BG 5/2) SILT with Chondrites ichnofossils. Lower sections characterized by NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT with sharp and gradational coarsening beds. 1055B-9H SITE 1055 380 SITE 1055 1055B-10H COLOR Cored 80.5-90.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 10H ACCESSORIES HOLE B PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 REMARKS 1 NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT 2 2 mlt gn GY 3 SS 4 General Description: This core contains light greenish gray (5GY 8/1) to olive gray (5Y 4/1) NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT. Commonly interbedded with SILTY CLAY and small to medium (3-15 cm) beds of SILTY CLAY WITH FORAMINIFERS. Pteropod and shell fragments are abundant in Section 3. Pyrite stains are disseminated throughout core. 10 4 med ol GY 5 6 6 IW med ol GY 10 CC 7 8 mdk gn GY PAL dk gn GY SITE 1055 381 COLOR Cored 90.0-99.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION CORE 11H REMARKS 1 METERS HOLE B dsk ye GN 2 dsk ye GN 2 3 dsk ye GN dsk ye GN 4 4 11 med gy GN General Description: This core contains dusky yellow green (5GY 5/2) to light greenish gray (10Y 7/1) NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT WITH SILT. Extensive color mottling is present throughout core due to severe bioturbation. The dominant lithology is commonly interbedded with coarse beds of SILTY CLAY. Relative proportions of clay, nannofossils, and silt vary by 10% in all sections. 5 dsk ye GN .. dsk ye GN 6 6 NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT WITH SILT SS lt gn GY 7 8 8 10 IW CC PAL Section 7, 81-98 cm. Alternating thin (< 3 cm) color laminae, ranging from light olive gray (5GY 6/1) to moderate reddish olive gray (7.5GY 5/0). 1055B-11H SITE 1055 382 SITE 1055 1055B-12H COLOR Cored 99.5-109.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 12H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION HOLE B REMARKS NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT WITH SILT 2 1 METERS SITE 1055 2 3 lt gn GY 6 5 12 4 4 General Description: This core contains light (10Y 7/1) to dark greenish gray (10Y 5/1) NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT WITH SILT. Several sections are marked by abrupt coarse intervals with sharp basal and upper contacts, grading from a SILTY CLAY to a SILT WITH FORAMINIFERS. Commonly the top contact is abrupt and the basal contact gradational. The core contains many large gas voids due to gas expansion. med ol GN 7 8 6 lt gn GY IW SS dk gn GY 8 10 lt gn GY CC PAL SITE 1055 383 2 COLOR Cored 109.0-118.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION CORE 13H REMARKS .. 1 METERS HOLE B SILTY CLAY SS pal gn GY .. 2 3 lt GY mlt GY 4 4 5 13 med gn GY SS SS pal gy OL 6 6 IW 8 7 mdk ol GY 8 10 CC 9 dk gn GY PAL General Description: This core contains greenish (5GY 6/1) to dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) SILTY CLAY. The dominant lithology is overlain by a light greenish gray (10Y 7/1) NANNOFOSSIL OOZE WITH CLAY in Sections 1-2. Several coarse intervals are present throughout the core, commonly with sharp, irregular contacts. Thin (<2 cm) coarse intervals of light olive gray (5Y 5/2) SILTY CLAY are commonly associated with burrow fills. 1055B-13H SITE 1055 384 SITE 1055 REMARKS 2 dk ol GN dk ol GN 3 4 dk ol GY .. dk ol GY 14 ol GY 5 2 4 1055B-14H COLOR Cored 118.5-128.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 14H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION HOLE B 1 METERS SITE 1055 CLAY WITH SILT General Description: This core contains olive gray (5Y 4/1) CLAY WITH SILT. The dominant lithology is typically massive, structureless, and monochromatic throughout the core. Silt content increases in Sections 2-3, becoming a SILTY CLAY. A few grain size variations are present in Sections 1-3. The first appearance of silica-rich burrow fillings occurs in Section 3. Shell fragments and filled burrows are common in Sections 1-5, and large gas voids are present throughout the core. 6 6 8 mdk ol GY 7 IW CC 10 8 dk ol GY dk ol GY PAL SITE 1055 385 COLOR Cored 0.0-8.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 1H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS HOLE C REMARKS .. 1 SILTY CLAY SS med gn GY 3 2 2 dk gn GY SS 4 1 4 SS med br GY lt ol GY med ol GY 5 6 8 6 mlt ol GY CC PAL med gn GY General Description: This core contains greenish gray (5G 6/1) SILTY CLAY. The dominant lithology is interbedded with a brownish gray (5YR 4/1) CLAYEY SILT WITH NANNOFOSSILS in Sections 3 and 4. Several gradational coarsening-fining sequences are present in Sections 3-5. Beds rich in shell fragments and pteropods occur at 1H-3, 50 cm; 1H-3, 145 cm; 1H-4, 137 cm; and 1H-6, 25 cm. 1055C-1H SITE 1055 386 SITE 1055 1055C-2H COLOR Cored 8.5-18.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 2H ACCESSORIES HOLE C PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY med ol GY 2 2 3 med gn GY 4 General Description: This core contains greenish gray (5G 6/1) SILTY CLAY. Several coarsening-fining beds with SILT and sharp, irregular contacts are present throughout the core, especially in Section 2. The dominant lithology is interbedded with a greenish gray (5G 5/1) CLAYEY SILT WITH NANNOFOSSILS in Section 5. Burrows and shell fragments are occur throughout the core. 2 In Section 3 several pale red (10R 6/2) laminae are present. 4 .. mlt gn GY 5 6 6 8 gn GY med ol GY 7 SS mlt ol GY CC SITE 1055 387 COLOR Cored 18.0-27.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 3H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS HOLE C REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY dk gn GY 3 2 2 4 4 3 med gn GY 6 5 6 dk gn GY 7 8 CC General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) SILTY CLAY. The dominant lithology is massive, structureless, and monochromatic. The core is heavily disturbed by flow-in from 100 cm in Section 1 to the base of the core. Several gradational coarsening-fining beds are present from Section 4 to 7. 1055C-3H SITE 1055 388 SITE 1055 1055C-4H COLOR Cored 27.5-37.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 4H ACCESSORIES HOLE C PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS SITE 1055 REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY med ol GY .. 2 2 lt ol GY .. 3 lt ol GY General description: This core contains light (5Y 6/1) to dark (5Y 3/1) olive gray SILTY CLAY. The darker laminae commonly have increased amounts of SILT with gradational contacts. Upper 105 cm in Section 1 is very disturbed. Pyritized burrows and shell fragments are scattered throughout the core. 4 med ol GY 5 4 4 mlt ol GY .. 6 6 8 mdk ol GY 7 mlt ol GY med ol GY CC Section 5 contains several dark olive gray (5Y 3/1) SILT laminae in CLAY. PAL SITE 1055 389 COLOR Cored 37.0-46.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE CORE 5H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS HOLE C REMARKS SILTY CLAY AND CLAYEY SILT 1 .. 2 mdk ol GY 3 2 5 4 4 mlt ol GY 10 CC 7 8 6 5 6 med ol GY mlt ol GY .. mlt ol GY med gn GY .. General description: This core contains light olive gray (5Y 6/1) to olive gray (5Y 4/1) SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT beds, with gradational contacts between lithologies. Pale red coloration occurs in Sections 2-3. At 105 cm in Section 6, a fining upwards bed contains silt laminae with an abrupt basal contact. Shell fragments are disseminated throughout the core. 1055C-5H SITE 1055 390 SITE 1055 COLOR SAMPLES Cored 46.5-56.0 mbsf CORE DISTRURBANCE Core 6H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES Hole C BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Site 1055 1055C-6H REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT 2 2 SS SS XRD med bl GY 3 med gn GY mlt gn GY 4 6 4 General Description: This core contains light (5G 8/1) to dark greenish gray (5G 4/1) SILTY CLAY. Lithology interbedded with a light greenish gray (5G 8/1) CLAYEY SILT in Sections 2-3. In the upper sections there are several gradational contacts with a well-sorted greenish gray (5G 6/1) FORAMINIFER SAND. In Sections 5-6, greenish gray (5G 5/1) SILTY CLAYS are interbedded with a light gray (N7) NANNOFOSSIL OOZE. Several gradational coarse intervals occur at the base of the core. med ol GY 5 6 SS lt GY 8 6 XRD 7 med gn GY SS CC PAL mdk gn GY 10 SITE 1055 391 COLOR Cored 56.0-65.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 7H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Hole C REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY 2 2 med gn GY 3 SS SS 4 7 4 5 6 10 CC 7 6 mlt gn GY 8 PAL General description: This core contains greenish gray (5G 6/1) SILTY CLAY. Several coarser layers throughout the core contain SILT and shell fragments with gradational contacts. The dominant lithology is generally massive, structureless, and monochromatic. 1055C-7H SITE 1055 392 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 65.5-75.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 8H ACCESSORIES Hole C PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY METERS CORE AND SECTION Site 1055 1055C-8H REMARKS 1 SILTY NANNOFOSSIL CLAY and SILTY CLAY lt ye GY 3 2 2 General description: This core contains light yellowish gray (5Y 8/1) SILTY NANNOFOSSIL CLAY and greenish gray (5G 6/1) SILTY CLAY. Color mottles are common throughout the core. Intervals of greenish gray (5G 5/1) SILT WITH FORAMINIFER SAND are present within the SILTY CLAY. med ol GN 4 4 8 .. .. 5 6 In Section 6 there are four individual scoured contacts. 7 8 6 med gn GY mdk gn GY 10 CC PAL SITE 1055 393 COLOR Cored 75.0-82.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 9H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Hole C REMARKS 1 CLAYEY SILT and CLAY WITH SILT med ol GN med gn GY General description: This core contains greenish gray (5G 6/1) CLAYEY SILT. The dominant lithology contains several thin (3-5 cm) beds of well-sorted SILTY FORAMINIFER SAND. In Sections 5-6 the lithology becomes a light bluish gray (5B 7/1) CLAY WITH SILT. mlt ol GN 9 3 2 2 SS 4 4 med gn GY SS med ol GN .. 6 5 med gn GY CC SS PAL mlt bl GY In Section 4 there is a scoured contact present within the CLAYEY SILT. 1055C-9H SITE 1055 394 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 82.5-92.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 10H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Hole C 1 METERS Site 1055 REMARKS 2 SILTY CLAY med gn GY 3 2 .. General Description: This core contains moderate to dark greenish gray (10Y 6/1) SILTY CLAY interbedded with a light bluish gray (5B 5/1) CLAYEY SILT in Section 3. All sediments throughout the core are homogeneous, massive, and structureless with rare shell fragments. Core disturbance is moderate to severe. 10 4 4 1055C-10H 5 SS 6 6 med gn GY 10 8 7 8 CC dk gn GY PAL SITE 1055 395 COLOR Cored 92.0-101.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Core 11H 1 METERS Hole C mlt ol GN 2 .. lt gn GY 3 2 med ol GN 11 4 4 5 mlt GY 6 6 SS 8 10 CC 8 7 dk gn GY PAL REMARKS SILTY CLAY, NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT, and CLAY WITH SILT General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (10Y 5/2) SILTY CLAY, light gray (N7) NANNOFOSSIL-CLAY MIXED SEDIMENT, and dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) CLAY WITH SILT. In Section 2 the dominant lithology is underlain by a light greenish gray (5G 8/1) NANNOFOSSIL OOZE. The dominant lithology is generally massive and structureless with infrequent changes in grain size. Shell fragments and pteropods are rare but present throughout core. 1055C-11H SITE 1055 396 Site 1055 REMARKS 1 mdk GY lt GY med gy GN 2 2 3 lt gn GY .. 4 1055C-12H COLOR Cored 101.5-111.0 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 12H ACCESSORIES Hole C PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Site 1055 General Description: This core contains light greenish gray (5GY 5/1) to olive green (10Y 4/1) SILTY CLAY. The dominant lithology is marked by several changes in grain size throughout the core, ranging from a light gray (N7) CLAYEY SILT in Section 1 to an olive green (10Y 4/1) SILT in Section 5. Boundaries between units with different grain sizes are typically sharp and irregular. The lithology becomes increasingly homogeneous towards the base, typically a greenish gray (5GY 4/1) color. 4 12 lt ol GN SILTY CLAY 6 5 mlt ol GN 6 med gn GY 8 med GY CC PAL SITE 1055 397 2 COLOR Cored 111.0-120.5 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY Core 13H mlt gn GY .. 1 METERS CORE AND SECTION Hole C SS med bl GY 3 med ol GY 4 2 med gn GY mdk ol GY 6 6 5 13 4 7 8 8 med gn .. GY 10 CC med gn GY PAL REMARKS SILTY CLAY General Description: This core contains light greenish gray (5GY 5/1) to light olive green (5G 3/2) SILTY CLAY. The dominant lithology is generally massive and structureless with occasional changes in grain size, ranging from a CLAY in Section 2 to a SILT WITH FORAMINIFER SAND in Section 4. The lithology becomes increasingly homogeneous towards the middle of core with few grain size variations. Small intervals of clayey silt are present in basal sections. Large gas voids occur throughout the core. 1055C-13H SITE 1055 398 Site 1055 1055D-1H REMARKS .. CC 1055C-14H COLOR Cored 120.5-120.8 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 14H ACCESSORIES Hole C PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Site 1055 PAL CLAY General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) CLAY. Entire core is severely disturbed due to gas expansion. Generally massive, structureless, and monochromatic. COLOR Cored 0.0-5.6 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 1H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Hole D REMARKS SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT WITH NANNOFOSSILS 1 METERS Site 1055 mlt ol GY 1 2 2 3 .. mlt ol GY 4 mlt br GY mlt ol .. GN 4 CC General description: This core contains medium-light olive gray (5Y 6/1) SILTY CLAY. Dominant lithology is massive and structureless, interbedded with a medium-light brownish gray (5YR 6/1) CLAYEY SILT WITH NANNOFOSSILS. Foraminifers and pteropods become increasingly common in Sections 3-4, and a perceptible color change to pale red (10R 6/2) occurs within these sections. PAL mlt ol GN SITE 1055 399 mlt gn GY .. 2 mlt gn GY 3 2 COLOR Cored 5.6-15.1 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Core 2H 1 METERS Hole D med gn GY 4 2 lt gn GY SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT General description: This core contains medium-light greenish gray (5GY 7/1) SILTY CLAY. Color mottles and irregular contacts are common throughout the core due to moderate bioturbation. The dominant lithology is generally massive and structureless with disseminated pyrite. Coarser beds of greenish gray (5GY 6/1) CLAYEY SILT frequently contain pteropods and shell fragments. med gn GY 4 Section 4. Thin (3 cm) pteropod layer. mdk gn GY 6 5 med gn GY mlt gn GY 6 med gn GY .. .. med ol GY 7 8 REMARKS CC SS PAL med gn GY 1055D-2H SITE 1055 400 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 15.1-24.6 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 3H ACCESSORIES Hole D PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY METERS CORE AND SECTION Site 1055 REMARKS SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT 1 med gn GY 1055D-3H mlt gn GY 3 2 2 med gn GY 4 3 4 General description: This core contains a greenish (5GY 6/1) to light greenish gray (5GY 8/1) SILTY CLAY. In Sections 5-7 the predominant lithology is CLAYEY SILT with an irregular contact due to severe bioturbation. In addition, small CLAYEY SILT beds with abundant shell fragments are found in Sections 2 and 7. Pyritized and foraminifer-rich burrows are present in Sections 5 and 7. mlt gn GY 5 6 med gn GY mlt gn GY 6 8 7 mlt br GY 10 CC PAL med gn GY .. .. SITE 1055 401 COLOR Cored 24.6-34.1 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 4H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Hole D REMARKS 2 2 pal gn GY med gn GY 3 1 SILTY CLAY SS med gy GN 4 4 4 .. med gn GY 6 5 lt GY 8 6 lt gn GY 7 med gn GY 10 CC dk gn GY .. .. .. PAL General Description: This core contains light (5G 8/1) to dark greenish gray (5G 4/1) SILTY CLAY. Mottled coloration is observed in sections with severe bioturbation. In the upper sections the dominant lithology is commonly interbedded with light greenish gray (5G 8/1) CLAYEY SILT. Grain size variations are marked by gradational and sharp contacts, and the basal contacts of coarse intervals are commonly associated with shell debris. Rare pteropod shells found in Sections 1 and 8. Pale red (5YR 6/1) color disseminated throughout Section 2. 1055D-4H SITE 1055 402 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 34.1-43.6 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 5H ACCESSORIES Hole D PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY METERS CORE AND SECTION Site 1055 1 .. 2 mlt gn GY 3 2 med gn GY dk ol GY .. .. .. dk ol GY REMARKS SILTY CLAY General Description: This core consists of dark olive gray (5Y 3/1) to greenish gray (5GY 6/1) SILTY CLAY. Dominant lithology is interbedded with light greenish gray (5GY 8/1) CLAYEY SILT in the upper sections. Grain size variations are frequent and small (3-10 cm) throughout the core. Shell fragments are common in Sections 6 and 7. 4 5 4 1055D-5H mdk ol GY 6 5 Section 5 predominantly greenish gray (5G 6/1) CLAYEY SILT with several thin (1-3 cm) beds of SILTY CLAY WITH FORAMINIFERS. 6 med gn GY 7 8 CC PAL SITE 1055 403 med ol GY .. 2 mlt gn GY 3 2 COLOR SAMPLES Cored 43.6-53.1 mbsf CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Core 6H 1 METERS Hole D 4 6 4 med gn GY 8 6 5 6 7 lt gn GY 10 CC PAL REMARKS SILTY CLAY General Description: This core consists of light greenish gray (5GY 8/1) SILTY CLAY. Several sections have mottled colors due to severe bioturbation. The dominant lithology is commonly interbedded with greenish gray (5GY 6/1) CLAYEY SILT with fining and coarsening upward beds. Contacts are mostly gradational and irregular. Section 1 is marked by a thin (6 cm) DOLOMITE nodule. Burrows in the lower sections are commonly filled with well-sorted SILTY FORAMINIFER SANDS. 1055D-6H SITE 1055 404 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 53.1-62.6 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 7H ACCESSORIES Hole D PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY METERS CORE AND SECTION Site 1055 1055D-7H REMARKS 1 SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT 3 2 2 General description: This core consists of greenish gray (5GY 6/1) SILTY CLAY and CLAYEY SILT. The dominate lithologies alternate with gradational contacts and are often associated with pteropod shells and shell fragments. Smaller (1-3 cm) coarsening-fining beds also occur in both lithologies. All transitions generally appear irregular due to moderate bioturbation. Pyrite stains and worm burrows are disseminated throughout core. 4 7 4 med gn GY 7 8 6 5 6 CC SITE 1055 405 COLOR SAMPLES Cored 62.6-72.1 mbsf CORE DISTURBANCE Core 8H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY METERS CORE AND SECTION Hole D REMARKS 1 CLAY WITH SILT 2 3 2 mdk gn GY mlt gn GY 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 med gn GY 7 mdk gn GY 10 CC PAL General description: This core consists of greenish gray (5GY 6/1) CLAY WITH SILT interbedded with medium-dark greenish gray (5G 4/1) CLAYEY SILT in Sections 6-7. Transitions between lithologies are irregular due to moderate bioturbation. Gas expansion fractures are common to severe throughout core. 1055D-8H SITE 1055 406 Site 1055 COLOR SAMPLES Cored 72.1-81.6 mbsf CORE DISTURBANCE Core 9H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES Hole D BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Site 1055 1055D-9H REMARKS 1 CLAY WITH SILT and CLAYEY SILT 2 3 2 mdk gn GY 4 9 4 med gn GY General description: This core consists of greenish gray (5GY 6/1) CLAY WITH SILT and CLAYEY SILT. The dominant lithologies are interbedded throughout the first five sections, with Sections 5 CC predominantly CLAY WITH SILT. Lithologic transitions throughout the core are both gradational and sharp with irregular contacts due to moderate bioturbation. Gas expansion is moderate to severe in several sections. 6 5 .. 10 CC mdk gn GY mlt gn GY lt gn GY .. 7 8 6 med gn GY mlt gn GY PAL SITE 1055 407 COLOR Cored 81.6-91.1 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 10H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Hole D REMARKS 1 CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS 2 3 2 General Description: This core consists of dark greenish gray (5G 4/1) CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS. The dominant lithology is interbedded with a dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS AND SILT in Section 3. The upper and lower contacts between the two lithologies are gradational. Lithology generally homogeneous, structureless, and monochromatic. Shell fragments and pyrite stains rare throughout core. SS 10 4 4 dk gn GY 10 CC 7 8 6 5 6 PAL 1055D-10H SITE 1055 408 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 91.1-100.6 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 11H ACCESSORIES Hole D PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Site 1055 1055D-11H REMARKS CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS 1 dk gn GY 3 2 2 .. dk gn .. GY SS 4 dk gn GY .. .. lt GY 11 4 dk gn GY General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (5G 4/1) CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS. The dominant lithology is commonly interbedded with a light (5G 8/1) to dark greenish gray (5G 4/1) SILTY CLAY with 5-10% foraminifers. The dominant lithology is typically massive, structureless, and monochromatic. Many burrow fills throughout core contain SILTY CLAY WITH FORAMINIFERS. 5 6 6 mdk gn GY 8 7 SS 10 CC PAL SITE 1055 409 COLOR Cored 100.6-110.1 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Core 12H mdk GY 1 METERS Hole D .. 2 mdk ol GY .. dk ol GY 3 2 4 12 4 mdk ol GY .. mdk ol GY 6 5 .. 10 CC mdk GY 7 8 6 dk GY mdk ol GY SS PAL REMARKS CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS AND FORAMINIFERS General Description: This core contains dark olive gray (5Y 3/1) CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS AND FORAMINIFERS. Dominant lithology massive, structureless, and monochromatic. Upper and basal sections are marked by gradational shifts in grain size and color, ranging from light gray (N7) CLAYEY SILT to dark olive green (5GY 3/1) SILTY CLAY. All contacts are irregular due to moderate bioturbation. 1055D-12H SITE 1055 410 Site 1055 COLOR Cored 110.1-119.6 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 13H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION Hole D 1 METERS Site 1055 REMARKS CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS AND DIATOMS 2 med gn GY SS 3 2 4 4 1055D-13H 5 13 SS General Description: This core contains a dark greenish gray (10Y 5/2) CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS AND DIATOMS. The dominant lithology contains varying amount of biogenic components with marked slumped structures such as sand-filled fractures and chaotic bedding. Siliciclastic and biogenic components vary throughout core. The upper sections are predominantly NANNOFOSSIL CLAYS and CLAYS with sharp contacts. Basal lithologies range from CLAYS to SILTY CLAYS with gradational contacts. dk gn GY 6 6 7 8 SS 8 .. .. 10 CC mdk gn GY PAL SITE 1055 411 COLOR Cored 119.6-129.1 mbsf SAMPLES CORE DISTURBANCE Core 14H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY METERS CORE AND SECTION Hole D REMARKS 3 2 2 1 CLAY WITH DIATOMS AND NANNOFOSSILS dk gn GY 14 4 4 5 6 6 dk gn GY CC 10 .. .. .. .. 7 8 med gn GY PAL General Description: This core contains dark greenish gray (10Y 5/2) CLAY WITH DIATOMS AND NANNOFOSSILS. The dominant lithology is characterized by massive, structureless, and monochromatic clay. Silica-lined worm burrows and pyrite stains are disseminated throughout core. Lower sections are interbedded with a light gray SILTY SAND WITH FORAMINIFERSS containing shell debris and gradational contacts. 1055D-14H SITE 1055 412 Site 1055 COLOR SAMPLES Cored 0.0-8.5 mbsf CORE DISTURBANCE Core 1H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES Hole E BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Site 1055 1055E-1H REMARKS 1 .. NANNOFOSSIL CLAY SS med br GY 2 2 4 1 3 med gy GN 4 SS mlt rd GY General Description: This core contains brownish gray (5YR 4/1) NANNOFOSSIL CLAY. The biogenic component varies in the top half of core, with a sharp increase in diatoms in Section 3. A pteropod-rich bed is also present in Section 3. The dominant lithology is underlain by a dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) CLAY WITH SILT. Rare coarse intervals with sharp, gradational, and scoured contacts are found throughout the core. Shell fragments and open worm burrows are present in Sections 1-3. 5 6 dk gn GY 6 SS 8 CC lt gn GY PAL SITE 1055 413 COLOR SAMPLES Cored 8.5-18.0 mbsf CORE DISTURBANCE Core 2H ACCESSORIES PHYSICAL STRUCTURES BIOTURBATION INTENSITY LITHOLOGY CORE AND SECTION METERS Hole E REMARKS 1 CLAY 2 2 med gn GY 3 med bl GY SS mlt gn GY 2 4 4 med ol GN .. med ol GN 6 8 6 5 lt ol GN 7 med gn GY 10 CC PAL General Description: This core contains light (10Y 7/1) to dark greenish gray (10Y 5/1) CLAY. The dominant lithology varies in siliciclastic and biogenic components throughout the core, ranging from a massive CLAY to a CLAY WITH NANNOFOSSILS AND SILT. Small to medium (5-10 cm) coarse intervals of SILT and shell fragments are common in Section 4. 1055E-2H SITE 1055 414 Site 1055