Voltage Range Specifications NOTE: 12/24V range 11 - 30 volts 48V range 40 - 56 volts 110V range 79 - 132 volts 220VAC range 164 - 265 volts * NOTE: 220V range is AC only The 2589-B was designed to be primarily a 32pt module. However, in order to provide maximum flexibility for the user, it may be configured as an 8 or 16 point module. Some details below to help the user better understand the jumper settings and labeling discrepancies for settings other than 32 points. 8 Point Mode: Move jumper in “Login” box to location JP131 to choose 8pt mode. Ensure the Isolation jumpers J3-6 are in Enhanced positions to correspond to the Siemens® 8 point modules (2 inputs/ common); otherwise two 18 or 20 ga. jumper wires from AR to BR and CR to DR on the front panel connector are needed (see Figures, pg 2) to allow for 4 inputs/common. Also, note that many of the printed channels (CH 1-CH 32) on the PC board are no longer valid, nor are the front panel connector labels, or the LED channel indicators. (You may find it helpful to manually relabel the connector in the space provided for the 8 Point Login option.) If 8 Point is enabled, the following table’s 8pt. row is the new correlation of PC board and connector label printing. For example, in 8 Point Login Configuration, the board marking for channel 10 (CH 10) would be the input channel 4. Likewise, the PC board marking for CH 25 would correlate to input channel 7. CTI offers an sticker you can apply to the front of the module which updates the LED labels. Contact CTI and ask for part number 504A-2588 -8. 16 Point Mode: Move jumper in “Login” box to location JP130 to choose 16pt mode. Ensure the Isolation jumpers J3-6 are in Enhanced positions to correspond to the Siemens® 16 point modules (4 inputs/ common); otherwise two 18 or 20 ga. jumper wires from AR to BR and CR to DR on the front panel connector are needed (see Figures, pg 2) to allow for 8 inputs/common. Also, note that many of the printed channels (CH 1-CH 32) on the PC board are no longer valid, nor are the front panel connector labels, or the LED channel indicators. (You may find it helpful to manually relabel the connector in the space provided for the 16 Point Login option.) If 16 Point is enabled, the following table’s 16pt. row is the new correlation of PC board and connector label printing. For example, in 16 Point Login Configuration, the board marking for channel 10 (CH 10) would be the input channel 6. Likewise, the PC board marking for CH 28 would correlate to input channel 16. CTI offers an sticker you can apply to the front of the module which updates the LED labels. Contact CTI and ask for part number 506A-2588 16 pt: 1 2 8 pt: 1 2 4 5 6 3 4 - - - - - - 7 - 8 1500 VDC group-to-group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - 5 6 7 8 - - 3 4 - - - - - - 9 10 11 12 - - - - - - 5 - - - 6 - - - 13 14 15 16 7 8 - - - - - - - - - Preliminary Product Bulletin 8/16/32 Point Configuration Explanation 3 Isolation: 1500 VDC channel-to-backplane Input Voltage: Figure 2. Typical External Wiring Application for the Model 2589-B 32 pt: 1 2 Inputs per Module: 8, 16, or 32 For maximum protection against ESD damage, unused inputs should be tied to chassis ground. Operating Range 2500 SeriesTM PLC System Range Setting 2589-B 8/16/32-Point Universal Discrete Input Module NOTE: Use caution when wiring with mixed voltages (i.e., 5VDC next to 110VAC). The 2589-B will handle a wide range of AC and DC signals, and has incorporated the ability to select either 12V/24V, 48V, 110V, or 220V on a per channel basis using jumper selection. The selections are made individually for each of the 32 channels using jumpers. The operating ranges are as follows: Range Setting Operating Range 12/24V range 48V range 110V range 11 - 30 volts 40 - 56 volts 79 - 132 volts 220VAC range 164 - 265 volts * NOTE: 220V range is AC only Input Current: AC: 2.1 - 3.6 mA DC: 2.5 - 4.3 mA Operating Characteristics for Typical Input: Description AC Voltage Input: The 2589-B 8/16/32-Point Universal Discrete Input Module accepts a wide range of voltage signals. It is designed to accept both AC and DC voltage allowing the user to pick and choose ranges on a single module. The 2589-B can be configured as an 8-point, 16-point, or 32-point module and can replace many Siemens® input products with no rewiring. Motor centers, optical sensors, limit switches and utility control are excellent examples of applications for this product. Turn ON Time: 4.0mS Turn OFF Time: 15.0mS DC Voltage Input: Turn ON Time: 1.0mS Turn OFF Time: 15.0mS Connector: Removable Wire Gauge: 14 - 22 AWG Backplane Power: 3.6 Watts max. Features Module Size: Single-wide • CTI 2500 Series® or Simatic® 505 base format Operating Temperature: 0o to 60oC • 8, 16, or 32 universal input points (32o to 140oF) • Replaces Siemens® 505-4008-A, 4016-A, 4032-A, Storage Temperature: -40o to 85oC • • • • • 4208-A, 4216-A, 4232-A, 4308, 4316, 4316-A, (-40o to 185oF) 4332, 4408-A, 4416-A, 4432-A with no rewiring Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% 1500V channel-to-PLC backplane and group-to(non-condensing) group isolation Wide 11V to 250V AC/DC range (selectable by Agency Approvals Pending: group) UL, ULC, FM (Class 1, Div.2), CE Isolation in groups of 4 or 8 (selectable on 2589-B) Shipping Weight: 1.5 lb. (0.68 Kg) Sourcing or sinking inputs Single-wide module PCB/Front Connector Label Channel Printing Control Technology Inc. Copyright©2010 Control Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved 062-00394-010 21MAY2012 Siemens® is a registered trademark of Siemens AG 5734 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37921-5962 Phone: 865/584-0440 Fax: 865/584-5720 www.controltechnology.com AC AR Rtn Ch 1-4 A1 A6 Ch 1 A2 Ch 2 A7 Ch 7 A8 Chl 3 A4 Ch 4 Ch 8 BC BR Rtn Ch 9-12 B5 B1 B6 Ch 9 B2 B7 Ch 10 B3 Ch 11 CR C5 Rtn Ch 17-20 C1 C6 C2 C7 Ch 18 C3 C8 Ch 19 C4 DC Ch 20 DR Ch 26 Ch 27 Ch 13 Ch 14 Ch 15 CC Ch 12 Ch 25 Rtn Ch 13-16 B8 B4 Rtn Ch 25-28 Ch 5 Ch 6 A3 Ch 17 AC Rtn Ch 5-8 A5 D5 D1 D6 D2 D7 D3 D8 D4 Ch 16 Rtn Ch 21-24 Ch 21 Chl 22 Ch 23 Ch 24 Rtn Ch 29-32 Ch 29 AC Rtn Ch 1-8 Ch 2 Jumper Wire B2 A7 B3 B4 Ch 12 C2 C3 Ch 20 Rtn Ch 25-32 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 29 Rtn Ch 13-16 Ch 30 Ch 13 Ch 31 Ch 14 Ch 32 Ch 15 D8 Chl 3 B7 Ch 4 B8 Not used A6 Ch 1 Jumper Wire A7 A8 Rtn Ch 5-6 C6 Ch 5 C7 Ch 6 C8 Not used DC Not used Ch 2 C6 C2 C7 C3 C8 C4 DC DR D5 D1 D6 D2 D7 Rtn Ch 7-8 B5 Not used B6 Chl 3 D8 Not used D4 Standard Shipping Configuration B7 Ch 4 B8 Not used A5 Selection J3, J4, J5, J6 Compatible Ch. 1 through Ch. 32 110V range A6 JP129 32 Point Login WARNING: Remove field wiring connector before changing jumper settings. A2 A7 Isolation Configuration: 32pt Compatible Mode A3 A8 The module is shipped in 32pt “Compatible” mode so that eight channels share a common return path. Jumpers J3-J6 are used to configure this isolation selection. BC B5 B6 For example, if jumper J3 was placed in the “Compatible” position, then Channels 1-8 would share the same common return path and only one voltage type could be used on these eight channels. With this selection each group of eight channels is isolated from the other, allowing up to four different voltage types to be accommodated per module. B7 B3 B8 B4 CC Not used CR Rtn Ch 5-8 C1 C6 Ch 5 C2 Jumper Wire C7 C5 Isolation Configuration: 32pt Enhanced Mode C1 C6 C2 The user may also configure the module to “Enhanced” mode to allow four channels to share a common return, thereby allowing different input voltages to exist within a common grouping. Jumpers J3-J6 are also used to configure this selection. C7 Ch 6 C3 Not used C8 C8 C4 DC Not used D5 Not used DC DR D1 D5 D1 D6 D6 Ch 7 D2 D2 D7 Ch 8 D3 D8 D4 Not used B2 C5 Not used Jumper Configuration Jumper B1 CC Ch 7 Ch 8 Figure 1. PCB Jumper Configuration Location D3 BR DR 16-Point Compatible Mode C5 C1 Not used BC C4 Ch 16 CC CR A4 C3 Not used B8 B4 Not used CR D8 B7 B3 A1 A2 Not used D7 B6 B2 Rtn Ch 1-4 A5 B4 D3 B5 B1 AR B3 D6 BC BR AC Not used B2 D2 A8 A4 16-Point Enhanced Mode B1 D1 A7 A3 AC AR B6 D5 A6 A2 Ch 16 32-Point Compatible Mode DR D4 Ch 24 Ch 28 C4 Ch 15 Ch 10 D7 D4 C3 Ch 14 Ch 23 D6 D3 Rtn Ch 3-4 C2 Ch 13 Ch 9 D5 D2 B5 C1 Not used Chl 22 BR C5 Ch 11 Rtn Ch 9-12 Not used D1 Ch 25 Not used CR Ch 12 Ch 21 A4 CC Ch 10 Ch 8 DC DR B4 Jumper Wire Not used C8 C4 B3 Ch 9 Ch 7 C7 Ch 19 B2 Ch 8 Ch 16 C6 Ch 18 B1 Rtn Ch 9-16 Ch 6 C5 C1 Ch 17 Not used BC Ch 7 Ch 15 CC CR Rtn Ch 17-24 BR Ch 6 Ch 5 A3 A4 Ch 5 Ch 14 B8 Ch 2 A8 Not used Rtn Ch 5-8 B7 Ch 11 Ch 1 A3 Ch 4 Ch 13 B6 A1 A6 Chl 3 Ch 4 Not used B5 Rtn Ch 1-2 A2 Ch 2 BC BR Ch 10 Not used A5 Chl 3 Ch 8 B1 A1 Ch 1 A8 Ch 9 Ch 27 Ch 2 Ch 7 A4 Ch 4 Rtn Ch 9-16 A1 Ch 1 A7 Chl 3 Not used A5 Rtn Ch 1-4 Ch 6 A3 Ch 31 32-Point Enhanced Mode Ch 5 AR A6 A2 Ch 26 Ch 32 A5 Ch 1 AC Not used AR A1 Ch 30 Ch 28 AR Rtn Ch 1-8 Not used Not used 8-Point Enhanced Mode D7 D3 D8 Not used D4 Not used Not used 8-Point Compatible Mode For example, if the user places the J3 jumper in the “Enhanced” position, Channels 1-4 will share a common return path and Channels 5-8 will share another common return path. In this example each group of four channels is isolated from the other group of four channels. Because each group of four is isolated, the user may use one voltage type at different voltage levels in each group. So, in this example, Channels 1-4 could be 24VDC inputs and Channels 5-8 could be 110VAC inputs. Furthermore, the user may select a different configuration for J4, J5, or J6, allowing for further combinations of four or eight channels that share a common.