Chapter 6 Nonequilibrium excess carrier in semiconductor W.K. Chen 1 Ambipolar transport Excess electrons and excess holes do not move independently of each other. They diffuse, drift, and recombine with same effective diffusion coefficient, drift mobility and lifetime. This phenomenon is called ambipolar transport. Two basic transport mechanisms Electrophysics, NCTU Drift: movement of charged due to electric fields Diffusion: the flow of charges due to density gradient We implicitly assume the thermal equilibrium during the carrier transport is not substantially disturbed W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 2 Outline Carrier generation and recombination Characteristics of excess carrier Ambipolar transport Quasi-Fermi energy levels Excess carrier lifetime Surface effect Summary W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 3 6.1 Carrier generation and recombination Generation Generation is the process whereby electrons and holes are created Recombination Recombination is the process whereby electrons and holes are annihilated Any deviation from thermal equilibrium will tend to change the electron and hole concentration in a semiconductor. (thermal exitation, photon pumping, carrier injection) When the external excitation is removed, the concentrations of electron and hole in semiconductor will return eventually to their thermal-equilibrium values W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 4 6.1.1 The semiconductor in equilibrium Thermal-equilibrium concentrations of electron and hole in conduction and valence bands are independent of time. Since the net carrier concentrations are independent of time, the rate at which the electrons and holes are generated and the rate at which they recombine must be equal. For direction band-to-band transition Direct bandgap semiconductor Gno = G po Rno = R po Gno = G po = Rno = R po W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 5 6.1.2 Excess carrier generation and recombination Excess electrons and excess holes When external excitation is applied, an electron-hole pair is generated. The additional electrons and holes are called excess electrons and excess holes. Generation rate of excess carriers For direct band-to-band generation, the excess electrons and holes are created in pairs g 'n = g ' p (direct bandgap) n = no + δn p = po + δp np ≠ no po = ni2 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 6 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 7 Excess carriers recombination rate In the direct band-to-band recombination, the excess electrons and holes recombine in pairs, so the recombination rate must be equal Rn' = R p' (direct bandgap) Using the concept of collision model, we assume the rate of pair recombination obeys Recombination rate of electrons and holes under nonequilibrium R = α r np Recombination rate of electrons and holes at equilibrium Ro = α r no po = α r ni2 Recombination rate of excess carriers R ' = R − Ro = α r (np − ni2 ) W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 8 dn(t ) = α r [ni2 − n(t ) p (t )] dt n(t ) = no + δn(t ) p (t ) = po + δp (t ) dn(t ) = α r [ni2 − (no + δn(t ))( po + δp (t ))] dt = −α rδn(t )[(no + po ) + δn(t ))] W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 9 Low-level injection Low-level injection assume p - type material ( p o >> no ) dn (t ) = α r [ ni2 − n (t ) p (t )] (Q δn (t ) << p o ) dt dδn(t ) = −α r poδn(t ) (low - level injection) dt The solution to this equation is an exponential decay from initial excess carrier concentration δn(t ) = δn(0)e −α r po t = δn(0)e − t /τ no Excess minority lifetime τ = no W.K. Chen 1 α r po Electrophysics, NCTU 10 The recombination rate of excess carriers R' = − dδn(t ) δn(t ) = +α r poδn(t ) = (low - level injection) dt τ no Rn' = R p' = R ' = δn(t ) τ no ( p-type, low level injection) n-type material, no>>po Rn' = R p' = R ' = W.K. Chen δp (t ) τ po ( p-type, low level injection) 11 Electrophysics, NCTU 6.2.1 Continuity equation From the calculus, the Taylor expansion gives Fpx+ ( x + dx) = Fpx+ ( x) + + px ∂F ( x) ∂x g R ⋅ dx The net increase in the number of holes in the differential volume per unit time Flux in Flux out dA ∂p p dxdydz = [ Fpx+ ( x) − Fpx+ ( x + dx)]dydz + g p dxdydz − dxdydz τ pn ∂t Hole flux generation recombination ∂Fpx+ ( x) p ∂p dxdydz + g p dxdydz − dxdydz dxdydz = − τ pn ∂x ∂t W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 12 p : The recombination rate holes including τpt thermal-equilibrium recombination and g excess recombination R τpt : The recombination lifetime which includs thermal-equilibrium carrier lifetime and excess carrier lifetime ∂Fpx+ ( x) ∂p p =− + gp − (holes/cm2 - s) Continuity equation for holes ∂t ∂x τ pt + Continuity equation for electrons ∂n = − ∂Fn ( x) + g − p (electrons/cm 2 - s) n ∂t W.K. Chen τ nt ∂x 13 Electrophysics, NCTU 6.2.2 Time-dependent diffusion equation ∂Fpx+ ( x) ∂p p =− + gp − ∂t ∂x τ pt + px + px F ( x + dx) = F ( x) + ∂Fn+ ( x) p ∂n =− + gn − ∂t ∂x τ nt ∂Fpx+ ( x) ∂x ⋅ dx The current density in material is J p = eμ p pE − eD p ∂p ∂n , J n = eμ n nE + eDn ∂x ∂x By dividing current density the charge of each individual particle, we obtain particle flux Jp ( + e) W.K. Chen = Fp+ = μ p pE − D p ∂p , ∂x Jn ∂n = Fn− = − μ n nE − Dn ( − e) ∂x Electrophysics, NCTU 14 Thus the continuity equations can be rewritten as ∂p ∂ ( pE) ∂2 p p = −μ p + Dp 2 + g p − ∂t ∂x ∂x τ pt ∂n ∂ (nE) ∂ 2n n = +μn + Dn 2 + g n − ∂t ∂x ∂x τ nt Q ∂ ( pE) ∂p ∂n ∂E ∂E ∂ (nE) and =E + p =E +n ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂2 p ∂E ⎞ p ∂p ⎛ ∂p = Dp 2 − μ p ⎜ E + p ⎟+ gp − ∂x ∂x ⎠ τ pt ∂t ⎝ ∂x ∂ 2n ∂E ⎞ n ∂n ⎛ ∂n Dn 2 + μ n ⎜ E + n ⎟ + g n − = ∂x ∂ ∂ x x τ ∂t ⎝ ⎠ nt W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 15 The thermal equilibrium concentrations, no and po, are not function of time. For homogeneous semiconductor, no and po are also independent of space coordinates n = no + δn(t ) p = po + δp (t ) ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂E ⎞ p ∂ (δp ) ⎛ ∂ (δp ) − μp⎜E +p = Dp ⎟+ gp − 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x ⎠ ∂t τ pt ⎝ ∂ 2 (δn) ∂E ⎞ n ∂ (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) E + + Dn n + g − = μ ⎜ ⎟ n n ∂x 2 ∂x ∂x ⎠ ∂t τ nt ⎝ W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU Homogeneous semiconductor 16 6.3 Ambipolar transport Ambipolar transport When excess carriers are generated, under external applied field the excess holes and electrons will tend to drift in opposite directions However, because the electrons and holes are charged particles, any separation will induce an internal field between two sets of particles, creating a force attracting the electrons and holes back toward each other Only a relatively small internal electric field is sufficient to keep the excess electrons and holes drifting and diffusing together The excess electrons and holes do not move independently of each other, but they diffuse and drift together, with the same effective diffusion coefficient and with the same effective mobility. This phenomenon is called ambipolar transport. E int << E app E = E app − E int ≈ E app ∇ ⋅ E int = e(δp − δn) εs = ∂E int ≈0 ∂t W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 17 For ambipolar transport, the excess electrons and excess holes generate and recombine together ⎧gn = g p ≡ g ⎪ n p ⎪ = Rp = =R ⎨ Rn = τ τ nt pt ⎪ ⎪δn = δp ⎩ n = no + δn p = po + δp τ nt ≠ τ pt ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂E ⎞ p ∂ (δp ) ⎛ ∂ (δp ) Dp − μp⎜E +p = ⎟+ gp − 2 τ pt ∂x ∂x ∂x ⎠ ∂t ⎝ ∂ 2 (δn) ∂E ⎞ n ∂ (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) μ Dn + + n + g − = E ⎜ ⎟ n n τ nt ∂x 2 ∂x ∂x ⎠ ∂t ⎝ W.K. Chen ∂ 2 (δn) ∂E ⎞ ∂ (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) − E + + − = μ Dp p g R ⎜ ⎟ p ∂x ⎠ ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t ⎝ ∂ 2 (δn) ∂E ⎞ ∂ (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) E + + μ Dn n + g − R = ⎜ ⎟ n ∂x 2 ∂x Electrophysics, ∂x ⎠NCTU ∂t ⎝ 18 ∂ 2 (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) ⎞ ( μ n nD p + μ p pDn ) ( )( ) μ μ − p − n ⎜E ⎟ + ( μ n n + μ p p )( g − R) p n ∂x 2 ∂x ⎠ ⎝ ∂ (δn) = ( μ n n + μ p p) ∂t ∂ (δn) ∂ 2 (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) ⎞ D' − μ'⎜ E ⎟ + ( g − R) = 2 ∂t ∂x ⎠ ∂x ⎝ μ'= D' = Q ( μ p μ n )( p − n) ( μ n n + μ p p) ambipolar transport equation (ambipolar mobilty) μ n nD p + μ p pDn ( μ n n + μ p p) μn Dn = W.K. Chen μp Dp = e ⇒ kT D' = Dn D p (n + p) Dn n + D p p (ambipolar diffusion coefficient) 19 Electrophysics, NCTU ∂ (δn) ∂ 2 (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) ⎞ D' + g − R = μ − ' E ( ) ⎜ ⎟ ∂t ∂x 2 ∂x ⎠ ⎝ ambipolar transport equation ∂ 2 (δn) ∂E ⎞ n ∂ (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) + μn ⎜ E Dn + n ⎟ + gn − = 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x ⎠ ∂t τ nt ⎝ continuity equation for electrons ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂E ⎞ p ∂ (δp ) continuity equation ⎛ ∂ (δp ) E − Dp + p + g − = μ ⎜ ⎟ p p ∂x 2 ∂x ∂x ⎠ ∂t for holes τ pt ⎝ W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 20 6.3.2 Ambipolar transport under low injection ∂ (δp ) Ambipolar transport ∂ 2 (δp) ⎛ ∂ (δp ) ⎞ ' E ( ) D' − + g − R = μ ⎜ ⎟ ∂x 2 ∂x ⎠ ∂t ⎝ Dn D p (n + p) D' = μ'= Dn n + D p p ( μ p μ n )( p − n) ( μ n n + μ p p) For n − type no >> po δn = δp << no (low injection) D' = μ'= Dn D p [(no + δn) + ( po + δp )] Dn (no + δn) + D p ( po + δp ) ( μ p μ n )[ p − n) [ μ n n + μ p p] ≈ ≈ ( μ p μ n )(− n) W.K. Chen ( μ n n) Dn D p no Dn no = Dp = −μ p 21 Electrophysics, NCTU For n-type, Under low injection, the concentration of majority carriers electrons will be essentially constant. Then the probability per unit time of a minority carrier hole encountering a majority carrier electron will remain almost a constant Qτ pt = τ p (minority carrier hole lifetime) So the net generation rate, Thermal-equilibrium hole generation rate excess hole generation rate g − R = g p − R p = (G po + g 'p ) − ( R po + R p' ) Thermal-equilibrium hole recombination rate Q G po = R po W.K. Chen g − R = g 'p − R p' = g 'p − Electrophysics, NCTU excess hole recombination rate δp τp 22 ∂ 2 (δp) ∂ (δp ) ⎛ ∂ (δp ) ⎞ − + − = D' g R μ ' E ( ) ⎜ ⎟ ∂x 2 ∂x ⎠ ∂t ⎝ D' = D p g − R = g 'p − R p' = g 'p − μ ' = −μ p ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂ (δp ) δp ∂ (δp) Dp − + g − = μ E ' p ∂x 2 ∂x τ po ∂t δp τp n-type, homogeneous and lowinjection ambipolar transport For ambipolar transport , the transport and recombination parameters are governed by minority carriers The excess majority carriers diffuse and drift with the excess minority carriers; thus the behavior of the excess majority carriers is determined by the minority carrier parameters W.K. Chen 23 Electrophysics, NCTU For p-type semiconductor ∂ (δn) p-type, homogeneous ∂ 2 (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) ⎞ D' − ' E + ( g − R ) = μ ⎜ ⎟ ambipolar transport ∂x ⎠ ∂t ∂x 2 ⎝ D' = Dn D p (n + p) Dn n + D p p μ'= ( μ p μ n )( p − n) ( μ n n + μ p p) For p − type po >> no δp = δn << po (low injection) D' = μ'= W.K. Chen Dn D p [(no + δn) + ( po + δp)] Dn (no + δn) + D p ( po + δp ) ( μ p μ n )[ p − n) [ μ n n + μ p p] ≈ ( μ p μ n )( p) ( μ p p) ≈ Dn D p po D p po = Dn = μn Electrophysics, NCTU 24 For p-type, Under low injection, the concentration of majority carriers holes will be essentially constant. Then the probability per unit time of a minority carrier electron encountering a majority carrier hole will remain almost a constant Qτ nt = τ n (minority carrier electron lifetime) So the net generation rate, Thermal-equilibrium excess electron electron generation rate generation rate g − R = g n − Rn = (Gno + g n' ) − ( Rno + Rn' ) Thermal-equilibrium hole recombination rate Q Gno = Rno W.K. Chen g − R = g n' − Rn' = g n' − excess hole recombination rate δn τn 25 Electrophysics, NCTU ∂ (δn) ∂ 2 (δn) ⎛ ∂ (δn) ⎞ D' g R − ' E + ( − ) = μ ⎜ ⎟ ∂x 2 ∂x ⎠ ∂t ⎝ D' = Dn μ ' = μn g − R = g n' − Rn' = g n' − ∂ 2 (δn) ∂ (δn) δn ∂ (δn) Dn + μn E + g' − = 2 ∂x ∂x ∂t τ no δn τn p-type, homogeneous and lowinjection ambipolar transport For ambipolar transport , the transport and recombination parameters are governed by minority carriers The excess majority carriers diffuse and drift with the excess minority carriers; thus the behavior of the excess majority carriers is determined by the minority carrier parameters W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 26 6.3.3 Applications of the ambipolar transport equation W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 27 Example 6.1 Homogenous n - type semiconductor zero applied electrical field under low - injection condition At t = 0, uniform concentration of excess carriers g' = 0 for t > 0 ⇒ Calculate the excess carrier concentration as a function of time Solution: E=0 g’=0 ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂ (δp ) δp ∂ (δp) Dp − E + g ' − = μ p ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t τ po ∂ 2 (δp ) δp ∂ (δp ) Dp − = ∂x 2 ∂t τ po Uniform excess carriers W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 28 ∂ (δp ) δp =− ∂t τ po δp(t ) = δp(0)e − t / τ po From the charge neutrality condition, the excess majority electron concentration is given by δn(t ) = δn(0)e W.K. Chen − t / τ po Electrophysics, NCTU 29 Example 6.2 Homogenous n - type semiconductor zero applied electrical field under low - injection condition At t > 0, uniform generation of excess carriers ⇒ Calculate the excess carrier concentration as a function of time Solution: Uniform generation δp ∂ (δp) ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂ (δp ) μ Dp − E + g ' − = p ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t τ po g '− ∂ (δp ) δp δp ∂ (δp) = ⇒ + − g'= 0 ∂t ∂t τ po τ po δp(t ) = τ po g ' (1 − e W.K. Chen − t / τ po ) At steady state, ∂δp(t ) = 0, δp (t = ∞) = τ po g ' ∂t Electrophysics, NCTU 30 Example 6.3 Homogenous p - type semiconductor zero applied electrical field the excess carriers are being generated at x = 0 only, under low - injection condition then diffuse in bith the + x and − x directions ⇒ Calculate the steady state excess carrier concentration as a function of x Solution: E=0 Steady state ∂ 2 (δn) ∂ (δn) δn ∂ (δn) ' μ Dn + E + g − = n ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t τ no W.K. Chen 31 Electrophysics, NCTU δn ∂ 2 (δn) ' At x = 0, Dn + − =0 g τ no ∂x 2 ∂ 2 (δn) δn At x ≠ 0 Dn − =0 ∂x 2 τ no ∂ 2 (δn) δn − =0 2 ∂x Dnτ no Minority carrier diffusion length p-type log scale L2n = Dnτ no The general solution δn( x) = Ae − x / Ln + Be − x / Ln ⎧⎪δn( x) = δn(0)e − x / Ln x ≥ 0 ⇒ ⎨ ⎪⎩δn( x) = δn(0)e + x / Ln x ≤ 0 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 32 Example 6.4 Homogenous n - type semiconductor constant applied electrical field E o in the x - direction finite numbers of electron - hole pairs is generated instantaneously at t = 0 and x = 0 g' = 0 for t > 0 ⇒ Calculate the excess carrier concentration as a function of x and t Solution: δp ∂ (δp) ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂ (δp ) μ Dp − E + g ' − = p ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t τ po W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 33 ∂ 2 (δp ) ∂ (δp) δp ∂ (δp ) Dp − μ pEo − = 2 ∂x ∂x ∂t τ po δp( x, t ) = p' ( x, t )e − t / τ po ∂ 2 p ' ( x, t ) ∂p ' ( x, t ) ∂p ' ( x, t ) μ Dp = − E p o ∂x ∂t ∂x 2 ⎡ − ( x − μ p E ot ) 2 ⎤ 1 p ' ( x, t ) = exp ⎢ ⎥ 4D pt 4πD p t ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ δp( x, t ) = p' ( x, t )e W.K. Chen −t / τ po − t /τ ⎡ − ( x − μ p E ot ) 2 ⎤ e po = exp ⎢ ⎥ 4D pt 4πD p t ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ Electrophysics, NCTU 34 Zero applied field W.K. Chen constant applied field Electrophysics, NCTU 35 6.3.4 Dielectric relaxation time constant How is the charge neutrality achieved and how fast ? In previous analysis, we have assume a quasi-neutrality condition exists-that is, the concentration of excess holes is balanced by an equal concentration of excess electrons Suppose that we have a situation in which a uniform concentration of δp is suddenly injected into a portion of the surface of a semiconductor. We will have instantly have a concentration of excess holes and a net positive charge density δp that is not balance by a concentration of excess electrons. How is the charge neutrality achieved and how fast ? W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 36 Poisson’s equation ∇⋅E = ρ ε ρ = (+e)δp J = σE Continuity equation ∇⋅ J = − ∇⋅ J = − ∂ρ ∂t (neglecting the effects of generation and recombination) ∂ρ ρ ∂ρ ⇒ σ (∇ ⋅ E) = σ = − ε ∂t ∂t ∂ρ σ + ρ =0 ∂t ε ρ (t ) = ρ (0)e − t /τ Dielectric relaxation time constant W.K. Chen τd = ε σ d ( the time constant is related to dielectric constant) Electrophysics, NCTU 37 Example 6.5 Dielectric relaxation time constant Homogenous n - type semiconductor N d = 1016 cm −3 ⇒ Calculate the dielectric relaxation time constant Solution: ε rε o ε (11.7)(8.85 × 10 −14 ) τd = = = = 0.539 ps σ eμ n N d (1.6 ×10 −19 )(1200)(1016 ) In approximately four time constants (2 ps), the net charge density is essentially zero The relaxation process occur very quickly (τd ≈0.5 ps) compared to the normal excess carrier lifetime (τ =0.1 μs). That is the reason why the continuity equation in calculating relaxation time does not contain any generation or recombination terms. W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 38 6.3.5 Haynes-Shockley experiment The Haynes-Shockley experiment was one of the first experiment to actually measure excess-carrier behavior, which can determine The minority carrier lifetime The minority carrier diffusion coefficient The minority carrier lifetime δp( x, t ) = p' ( x, t )e Zero applied field W.K. Chen −t / τ po − t /τ ⎡ − ( x − μ p E ot ) 2 ⎤ e po exp ⎢ = ⎥ 4D pt 4πD p t ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ constant applied field Electrophysics, NCTU 39 Haynes-Shockley experiment Excess-carrier pulse are effectively injected at contact A Contact B is rectifying contact and is under reverse bias (do not perturb the electric field) A fraction of excess carriers will be collected by contact B The collect carriers will generate an output voltage Vo when flow through output resistance R2 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 40 The idealized excess minority carrier (hole) pulse is injected at contact A at time t=0 The excess carriers (holes) will drift along the semiconductor producing an output voltage as a function of time The peak of pulse will arrive at contact B at time to During the time period, the occurs diffusion and recombination x − υ p t = 0 ⇒ x − μ p Eo t = 0 μp = d E oto W.K. Chen δp( x, t ) = p' ( x, t )e 41 Electrophysics, NCTU −t / τ po − t /τ ⎡ − ( x − μ p E ot ) 2 ⎤ e po exp ⎢ = ⎥ 4D pt 4πD p t ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ At t=to, the peak of pulse reaches contact B. where times t1 and t2, the magnitude of the excess concentration is e-1 If the time difference between t1 and t2, is not too large, the prefactor do not change appreciably during this time ( x − μ p E ot ) 2 = 4 D p t , t = t1 or t 2 From the broadened pulse width, we can obtain diffusion coefficient diffusion coefficient D p = W.K. Chen ( μ p E o ) 2 (Δt ) 2 16to Electrophysics, NCTU , Δt = t 2 − t1 42 The area S undrer the curve is proportional to the number of excess holes that have not recombined with majority carrier electrons δp ( x, t ) = p ' ( x, t )e S = K exp( −t / τ po − t /τ ⎡ − ( x − μ p E ot ) 2 ⎤ e po exp ⎢ = ⎥ 4 D t 4πD p t ⎢⎣ p ⎦⎥ ⎛ − d /( μ p E o ) ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎟ = K exp⎜ − d ⎟ ) = K exp⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜μ E τ ⎟ τ po τ po ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ p o po ⎠ − to By varying the electric field, the area under the curve will change A plot of ln(S) as a function of (d/μpEo) will yield a straight line whose slope is (1/τpo) W.K. Chen 43 Electrophysics, NCTU We can determine the minority carrier lifetime ln(S ) ln(S ) = ln( K ) + W.K. Chen 1 ⎛⎜ − d ⎞⎟ ⋅ τ po ⎜⎝ μ p E o ⎟⎠ 1 τ po Electrophysics, NCTU y= d μ p Eo 44 6.4 Quasi-Fermi energy levels At thermal equilibrium, the electron and hole concentrations are functions of the Fermi-level. The Fermi level remains constant throughout the entire material The carrier concentrations is exponentially determined by the Fermi-level ⎛ E − Ef ⎛ E f − E fi ⎞ ⎟⎟ po = ni exp⎜⎜ f i no = ni exp⎜⎜ ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎝ kT no po = ni2 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 45 At non-thermal equilibrium If excess carriers are created, thermal equilibrium no longer exists and Fermi energy is strictly no longer defined We may define quasi-Fermi levels for electrons and holes to relate the concentrations for non-equilibrium semiconductor in the same form of equation as that in thermal equilibrium In such a way, the quasi-Fermi levels for electrons and holes specified for nonthermal equilibrium conditions do not hold constants over the entire material ⎛ E fn − E fi ⎞ ⎟⎟ n = no + δn = ni exp⎜⎜ kT ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ E f − E fp ⎞ ⎟⎟ po = po + δp = ni exp⎜⎜ i kT ⎝ ⎠ np ≠ ni2 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 46 Example 6.6 Quasi-Fermi level Homogenous n - type semiconductor at T = 300 K no = 1015 cm −3 , ni = 1010 cm −3 and po = 105 cm −3 In nonequilibrium, δn = δp = 1013 cm −3 ⇒ Calculate the quasi - Fermi energy Solution: ⎛ E f − E fi ⎞ n ⎟⎟ ⇒ E f − E fi = kT ln( o ) = 0.2982 eV no = ni exp⎜⎜ ni ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎛ E fn − E fi ⎞ n + δn ⎟⎟ ⇒ E fn − E fi = kT ln( o n = no + δn = ni exp⎜⎜ ) = 0.2984 eV ni ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎛ E f − E fp ⎞ p + δp ⎟⎟ ⇒ E fi − E fp = kT ln( o po = po + δp = ni exp⎜⎜ i ) = 0.179 eV ni ⎝ kT ⎠ W.K. Chen 47 Electrophysics, NCTU n : 1.0 ×1015 cm −3 → 1.01×1015 cm −3 po = 105 cm −3 → 1013 cm −3 At non-thermal equilibrium Since the majority carrier electron concentration does not change significantly for low-injection condition, the quasi-Fermi level for electrons here is not much different from the thermal-equilibrium Fermi level. The quasi-Fermi level for minority carrier holes is significantly the Fermi level and illustrate the fact that we have deviate from the thermal equilibrium significantly W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 48 6.5 Excess-carrier lifetime In a perfect semiconductor The electronic energy states do not exist within the forbidden bandgap In a real semiconductor Defects (traps) occur within the crystal, creating discrete electronic energy states or impurity energy bands within the forbidden-energy band These defect energy states may be the dominant effect in determining the mean carrier lifetime in the real semiconductor W.K. Chen 49 Electrophysics, NCTU 6.5.1 Shockley-Read-Hall theory of recombination Recombination center A trap within the forbidden bandgap may act as a recombination center, capturing both electrons and holes with almost equal probability. Shockley-Read-Hall theory Assume a single recombination center exists at an energy Et within the bandgap. If the trap is an acceptor-like trap; that is , it is negatively charged when it contains an electron and is neutral when it does not contain an electron. negatively charged electron Neutral empty state W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 50 Shockley-Read-Hall theory There are four basic processes in SRH theory Process 1: The capture of an electron from the CB by a neutral empty trap Process 2 The emission of an electron back into the CB Process 3 The capture of a hole from the VB by a trap containing an electron Process 4 The emission of a hole from a neutral trap into the VB W.K. Chen 51 Electrophysics, NCTU Process 1: electron capture Electron capture rate Rcn = Cn ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f F ( Et ))] ⋅ n f F ( Et ) = 1 ⎡E − Ef ⎤ 1 + exp ⎢ t ⎥ ⎣ kT ⎦ Process 2: electron emission Ren = En ⋅ [ N t ⋅ f F ( Et )] Is there relationship between capture constant and emission constant? Rcn = Ren (at thermal equilibrium) Cn ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f Fo ( Et ))] ⋅ n = En ⋅ [ N t ⋅ f Fo ( Et )] W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 52 Cn ⋅ (1 − f Fo ( Et )) ⋅ n = En f Fo ( Et ) ⇒ Cn ⋅ ( 1 − 1) ⋅ n = En f Fo ( Et ) ⎡ Et − E fo ⎤ ⎡ Ec − E fo ⎤ 1 ) exp Cn ⋅ (1 + exp ⎢ − ⋅ N c ⎥ ⎢− ⎥ = En kT kT ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ E − Et ⎤ En = N c exp ⎢− c Cn kT ⎥⎦ ⎣ En = n' C n ⎡ Et − Ei ⎤ ⎡ E − Et ⎤ exp = n' = N c exp ⎢− c n i ⎢ kT ⎥ kT ⎥⎦ ⎦ ⎣ ⎣ The relation between emission constant and capture constant is valid at all conditions including when Fermi level is right located at trap energy, in which the trap is the dominant process to provide the free electrons in the conduction band The electron emission rate is increased exponentially as the trap energy level closes to the conduction band W.K. Chen 53 Electrophysics, NCTU Process 3: hole capture rate Rcp = C p ⋅ ( N t ⋅ f F ( Et )) ⋅ p Process 4: hole emission rate Rep = E p ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f F ( Et ))] (at thermal equilibrium) Rcp = Rep C p ⋅ ( N t ⋅ f F ( Et )) ⋅ p = E p ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f F ( Et ))] Cp ⋅ p = Ep ⋅ ( f F ( Et ) = 1 ⎡E − Ef ⎤ 1 + exp ⎢ t ⎥ ⎣ kT ⎦ 1 − 1) f F ( Et ) ⎡ Eυ − E f ⎤ ⎡ Et − E f ⎤ ⎡ Et − E f ⎤ = ⋅ + − = ⋅ C p ⋅ Nυ exp ⎢ E E ( 1 exp 1 ) exp p p ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ kT ⎦ ⎣ kT ⎦ ⎣ kT ⎦ ⎡ E − Et ⎤ E p = C p Nυ exp ⎢ υ ⎥ ⎣ kT ⎦ ⎡ Eυ − Et ⎤ ⎡ E − Et ⎤ = ni exp ⎢ i E p = C p p ' p ' = Nυ exp ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎣ kT ⎦ ⎣ kT ⎦ W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 54 Capture constants The electron capture constant comes from a electron with velocity υth must come within a cross-sectional area σcn of a trap to be captured and thus sweep out an effective trap volume per second. The same is for hole capture constant. Cn = υthσ cn C p = υthσ cp The capture constants for electrons and holes proportion to respective crosssectional area Emission constants The electron emission rate from a trap is the product of electron capture rate and free carrier concentration when Ef=Et. En = n' C n E p = C p p' ⎡ E − Et ⎤ n' = N c exp ⎢− c kT ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎡ E − Et ⎤ p ' = Nυ exp ⎢ υ ⎥ ⎣ kT ⎦ The electron emission rate is increased exponentially as the trap energy level closes to the conduction band The hole emission rate is increased exponentially as the trap energy level closes to the valence band W.K. Chen 55 Electrophysics, NCTU Rcn = Cn ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f F ( Et ))] ⋅ n Rcp = C p ⋅ ( N t ⋅ f F ( Et )) ⋅ p Ren = En ⋅ [ N t ⋅ f F ( Et )] Rep = E p ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f F ( Et ))] W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 56 Under non-equilibrium condition Net electron capture rate at acceptor trap Rn = Rcn − Ren Rn = Cn ⋅ [ N t ⋅ (1 − f F ( Et ))] ⋅ n − En ⋅ [ N t ⋅ f F ( Et )] Rn = Cn N t ⋅ [n(1 − f F ( Et )) − n' f F ( Et )] ⎡ E − Et ⎤ n' = N c exp ⎢− c kT ⎥⎦ ⎣ Rn = Cn N t ⋅ [n(1 − f F ( Et )) − n' f F ( Et )] Net hole capture rate at acceptor trap (Process 3 & 4) R p = C p N t ⋅ [ pf F ( Et )) − p ' (1 − f F ( Et ))] At steady state, f F ( Et ) = ⎡ E − Eυ ⎤ p' = Nυ exp ⎢− t kT ⎥⎦ ⎣ Rn = R p Cn n + C p p ' Cn ( n + n' ) + C p ( p + p ' ) W.K. Chen 57 Electrophysics, NCTU We may note that ⎡ E − Et ⎤ ⎡ Et − Eυ ⎤ ⎡ Ec − Eυ ⎤ exp exp n' p ' = N c exp ⎢− c ⋅ N − = N N c υ υ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢− kT ⎥ kT kT ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ n' p' = ni2 Rn = R p = CnC p N t (np − ni2 ) C n ( n + n' ) + C p ( p + p ' ) ≡R Rn Rp For SRH-dominated recombination process, the recombination rate of excess carriers is CnC p N t (np − ni ) δn = R= τ Cn ( n + n' ) + C p ( p + p ' ) 2 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 58 SRH under low injection Case 1: n-type semiconductor with deep trap energy at low injection no >> po (n - type) no >> δp (low injection) no >> n' , no >> p' (deep trap) ( E f − Et > 3kT ) CnC p N t (np − ni ) CnC p N t nδp δn = ≈ = C p N tδp R= Cn n τ Cn ( n + n' ) + C p ( p + p ' ) 2 R= δn = C p N tδp τ For n-type semiconductor with deep trap energy at low injection, the net recombination rate is limited by the hole capture process during SRH recombination W.K. Chen For n-type semiconductor with deep trap energy at low injection, the net recombination rate is limited by the hole capture process during SRH recombination The recombination is related to the mean minority carrier lifetime R= δn δp = C p N tδp = τ po τ τ po = 59 Electrophysics, NCTU n-type low injection Rn Rp Ef Et 1 C p Nt If the trap concentration increases, the probability of excess carrier recombination increases; thus the excess minority carrier lifetime decreases W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 60 Case 2: p-type semiconductor with deep trap energy at low injection po >> no (p - type) po >> δn (low injection) Rn Rp po >> p' , po >> n' (deep trap) R= δp δn = Cn N tδn = τ no τ τ no = W.K. Chen + Et Ef p-type low injection 1 Cn N t 61 Electrophysics, NCTU Case 3: n/p-type semiconductor with deep trap energy CnC p N t (np − ni ) δn R= = τ Cn ( n + n' ) + C p ( p + p ' ) 2 (np − ni2 ) δn R= = τ τ po (n + n' ) + τ no ( p + p' ) W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU SRH recombination process General SRH recombination rate 62 Example 6.7 Intrinsic semiconductor no = po = ni , n = no + δn, p = po + δp Assume deep trap is located at a energy equal to intrinsic energy level n' = p ' = ni 2 ( np − n ) δ n i under low injection R= = τ τ po (n + n' ) + τ no ( p + p' ) Solution: (ni + δn) ⋅ (ni + δn) − ni2 ) 2niδn + (δn) 2 R= = τ po (ni + δn + ni ) + τ no (ni + δn + ni ) (2ni + δn)(τ po + τ no ) Under low injection δn << ni R= δn δn = (τ po + τ no ) τ τ = τ po + τ no The excess-carrier lifetime increases as we change from an extrinsic to an intrinsic semiconductor W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 63 6.6 Surface effects Surface states At the surface, the semiconductor is abruptly terminated. This disruption of periodic potential function results in allowed electronic energy states within the energy bandgap, which is called surface states Since the density of traps at the surface is larger than the bulk, the excess minority carrier lifetime at the surface will be smaller than the corresponding lifetime in the bulk material For n-type material RB = δp δpB = (in the bulk) τ po τ po Rs = δps (at the surface) τ pos τpos<<τpo W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 64 For the case of uniform pumping Assume excess carriers are uniformly generated throughout the entire semiconductor material At steady state, the generation rate is equal to recombination rate at a given position either in the bulk or at the surface G = RB = δpB (in the bulk) τ po G = Rs = δps (at the surface) τ pos G = RB = Rs (uniform pumping) τ pos < τ po ⇒ δps < δpB W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 65 Example 6.8 Surface recombination n - type semiconductor δ pB = 1014 cm -3 , τ po = 10 −6 s, τ p 0 s = 10 −7 s D p = 10 cm 2 /s Assume E = 0 and uniform pumping ⇒ Steady state excess - carrier concentration distribution Solution: Excess - carrier concentration at surface ( x = 0) −7 τ pos δpB δps 14 (10 ) QG = = ⇒ δps = δpB ( ) = (10 ) −6 = 1013 cm -1 τ po τ pos τ po (10 ) Carrier transport equation (at E = 0) d 2 (δp) δp Dp g + ' − = 0 (uniform pumping) dt 2 τ po δpB 1014 where g ' = = −6 = 10 20 cm -3 - s -1 τ po 10 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 66 δp( x) = g 'τ po + Ae δp( x) = g 'τ po + Be x / Lp − x / Lp + Be − x / Lp (uniform pumping) B.C. : δp(+∞) = δpB = g 'τ po = 1014 cm −3 δp(0) = δps = 1014 cm −3 + B = 1014 cm −3 ⇒ B = −9 ×1013 δp( x) = δps = 1014 (1 - 0.9e − x / Lp ) where L p = D pτ po = (10)(10-6 ) = 0.00316 cm = 31.6μm W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 67 6.6.2 Surface recombination velocity A gradient in the excess-carrier concentration existing near the surface leads to a diffusion of excess carriers from the bulk region toward the surface where they recombine. Surface recombination rate Flux D p W.K. Chen d (δp) = sδp (0) = s( p (0) − po ) dx surface Electrophysics, NCTU 68 For the case of uniform pumping Carrier transport equation (at E = 0) Uniform pumping E=0 Steady state δp d (δp ) + ' − =0 g τ po dt 2 2 Dp δp( x) = g 'τ po + Be − x / Lp Q δp(0) = g 'τ po + B d (δp) d (δp) B = =− dx surface dx x =0 Lp ⇒B= − sg 'τ po (Dp / Lp ) + s δp( x) = g 'τ po (1 − W.K. Chen s= sg ' L pτ po D p + sL p e − x / Lp ) Uniform pumping E=0 Steady state 69 Electrophysics, NCTU D p ⎛ g 'τ po ⎞ ⎜ − 1⎟ cm/s (uniform pumping) L p ⎜⎝ δp(0) ⎟⎠ δp(x) δp( x) = g 'τ po if s = 0 s=0 x Surface recombination velocity is sensitive to the surface conditions For sand-blasted surfaces, the typical values of s may be as high as 105 cm/s For clean etched surfaces, this value may be as low as 10 to 100 cm/s states W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 70 Example 6.10 Surface recombination velocity For the case in Example 6.8 (uniform oumping) n - type semiconductor δ pB = 1014 cm -3 , τ po = 10 −6 s, τ p 0 s = 10 −7 s g'τ po = 1014 cm −3 , D p = 10 cm 2 /s, L p = 31.6 μm and δp (0) = 1013 cm -3 ⇒ Determine the surface recombination velocity Solution: uniform pumping ⇒ s= D p ⎛ g 'τ po ⎞ ⎜ − 1⎟ cm/s L p ⎜⎝ δp(0) ⎟⎠ ⎛ 1014 ⎞ 10 ⎜ 13 − 1⎟⎟ = 2.85 ×10 4 cm/s s= −4 ⎜ 31.6 ×10 ⎝ 10 ⎠ W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 71 Short briefs for surface recombination RB = δp δpB = (in the bulk) τ po τ po Rs = δps (at the surface) τ pos Flux D p W.K. Chen d (δp) = sδp (0) = s( p (0) − po ) dx surface Electrophysics, NCTU 72 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 73 Figure 6.19 Figure for problems 6.18 and 6.20 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 74 Figure 6.20 Figure for Problem 6.25 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 75 Figure 6.21 Figure for Problem 6.38 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 76 Figure 6.22 Figure for Problem 6.39 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 77 Figure 6.23 Figure for Problem 6.40 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 78 Figure 6.24 Figure for Problem 6.41 W.K. Chen Electrophysics, NCTU 79