JFETs: Introduction, Characteristics & Biasing Circuits

Chapter 7
Introduction to FETs
Field-effect transistors (FETs) are unipolar devices, because unlike BJTs that use
both electron and hole current, they operate only with one type of charge carrier.
The two main types of FETs are the junction field-effect transistor (JFET) and the
metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). A BJT is a currentcontrolled device; that is, the base current controls the amount of collector
currents. A FET is different. It is a voltage-controlled device, where the voltage
between two of the terminals (gate and source) controls the current through the
JFET [5]
Basic Structure:
The JFET (junction field-effect transistor) is a type of FET that operates
with a reverse-biased pn junction to control the current in a channel. There are two
types of the channel, n channel and p channel. Figure 7.1 (a) shows the basic
structure of an n-channel JFET. Wire leads called the drain is connected to the
upper end and wire leads, called the source is connected to the lower end of the nchannel. Two p-type regions are used to formed a channel, and both p-type regions
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are connected to the gate lead. For simplicity, the gate lead is shown connected to
only one of the p regions. A p-channel JFET is shown in figure 7.1(b).
Figure 7.1 A representation of the basic structure of the two types of JFET. [5]
Basic Operation:
Figure 7.2 shows dc bias voltages applied to an n-channel JFET. VDD
provides a drain-to-source voltage and supplies current from drain to source. V GG
sets the reverse-bias voltage between the gate and the source. The JFET is always
operated with the gate-source pn junction reverse-biased. Reverse-biasing of the
gate-source junction with a negative gate voltage produces a depletion region along
the pn junction, which extends into the n channel and thus increases its resistance
by decreasing the channel width. The channel width and the channel resistance can
be controlled by varying the gate voltage, thereby controlling the amount of drain
current ID. Figure 7.3 illustrates this concept when VGG = VGS.
Figure 7.2 A biased n-channel JFET. [5]
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Figure 7.3 Effects of VGS on channel width, resistance, and drain current. [5]
JFET symbols:
The schematic symbols for both n-channel and p-channel JFETs are
shown in figure 7.4. Notice that the arrow on the gate points “in” for n channel and
“out” for p channel.
Figure 7.4 JFET symbols. [5]
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Drain Characteristic Curve:
Consider the case when the gate-to-source voltage is zero (VGS = 0 V).
This is produced by shorting the gate to the source, as in Figure 7.5 (a). As VDD is
increased from 0 A, ID will increase proportionally, as shown in Figure 7.5 (b)
between point A and B. In this area, the channel resistance is essentially constant
because the depletion region is not large enough to have significant effect. This is
called the ohmic area because VDS and ID are related by Ohm’s law. At point B in
Figure 7.5 (b), ID becomes essentially constant. As VDS increases from point B to
point C, the reverse-bias voltage from gate to drain (VGD) produces a depletion
region large enough to offset the increase in VDS, thus keeping ID relatively
For VGS = 0 V, the value of VDS at which ID becomes constant (point B on
the curve in Figure 7.5 (b) is the pinch-off voltage, VP. Above the pinch-off
voltage, ID is almost constant. This value of drain current is IDSS (Drain to source
current with gate shorted) and is always specified on JFET data sheets, and it is
always specified for the condition, VGS = 0 V. As shown in Figure 7.5(b),
breakdown occurs at point C when ID begins to increase vary rapidly with any
further increase in VDS. Breakdown can result in damage to the device, So JFETs
are operated below breakdown and within the constant-current area.
Figure 7.5 The drain characteristic curve of a JFET for VGS = 0 V. [5]
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VGS controls ID:
Let’s connect a bias voltage, VGG, from gate to source as shown in Figure
7.6 (a). As VGS is set to increasingly more negative values by adjusting V GG, a
family of drain characteristics curves is shown in Figure 7.6 (b). Notice that ID
decreases as the magnitude of VGS is increased to the larger negative values
because of the narrowing of the channel. For each increase in negative values of
VGS, the JFET reaches pinch-off at values of VDS less than VP. So, the amount of
drain current is controlled by VGS.
Figure 7.6 Pinch-off occurs at a lower VDS as VGS is increased to more
negative values. [5]
Cutoff voltage:
The value of VGS that makes ID approximately zero is the cutoff voltage,
VGS(off). This cutoff effect is caused by the widening of the depletion region to a
point where it completely closes the channel, as shown in figure 7.7. The JFET
must be operated between VGS = 0 V and VGS(off). For this range of gate-to-source
voltages, ID will vary from a maximum of IDSS to a minimum of almost zero. The
relation between VP and VGS(off) is VP = –VGS(off).
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Figure 7.7 JFET at cutoff. [5]
Example 1:
(a) For the JFET, VGS(off) = – 4 V and IDSS = 12 mA. Determine the minimum value
of VDD required to put the device in the constant-current are of operation.
Figure 7.8 For Example 1 [5]
Figure 7.9 For Example 1
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(b) If VDD is increased to 15 V, what is ID and VDS?
Solution: ID remains at approximately 12 mA.
Figure 7.10 For Example 1
JFET Transfer Characteristic:
A range of VGS values from zero to VGS(off) controls the amount of drain
current. For an n-channel JFET, VGS(off) is negative, and for a p-channel JFET,
VGS(off) is positive. Because VGS does control ID, the relationship between these two
quantities is very important. Figure 7.11 is a general transfer characteristic curve
that illustrates graphically the relationship between VGS and ID.
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Figure 7.11 JFET transfer characteristic curve (n-channel). [5]
The JFET transfer characteristic curve shows that the operating limits of a JFET
ID = 0 when VGS = VGS(off)
when VGS = 0
The JFET transfer characteristic curve can be developed from the drain
characteristics curves, as illustrated in figure 7.12. For example, when V GS = – 2 V,
ID = 4.32 mA. Also, for this specific JFET, VGS(off) = – 5 V, and IDSS = 12 mA.
Figure 7.12 n-channel JFET transfer characteristic curve (blue) from the JFET
drain characteristic curves (green). [5]
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A JFET transfer characteristic curve is expressed approximately as
Example 2: For a 2N5459 JFET, VGS(off) = – 8 V (maximum) and IDSS = 9 mA.
Using these values, determine the drain current for VGS = 0 V, – 1 V, and – 4 V.
Example 3: 2N5457 JFET has values of VGS(off) = – 0.5 to – 6V and IDSS = 1 to 5
mA. Plot the minimum and maximum transconductance curves (or transfer
characteristics) for the device.
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Using the minimum values of VGS(off) = – 0.5 V and IDSS = 1 mA, we can solve for
the following points.
Figure 7.13 For Example 3
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JFET Biasing Circuits [5]
7.3.1 Gate Bias (or Fixed Bias)
The gate bias of biasing arrangements for the n-channel JFET appears in
Figure 7.14. The configuration of Figure 7.14 includes the ac levels Vi and Vo and
the coupling capacitors (C1 and C2). Recall that the coupling capacitors are “open
circuits” for the dc analysis and low impedances (essentially short circuits) for the
ac analysis. The resistor RG is present to ensure that Vi appears at the input to the
FET amplifier for the ac analysis.
Figure 7.14 Gated-bias configuration.
For the dc analysis,
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From Figure 7.15, using KVL:
Figure 7.15 Network for dc analysis.
Example 4: The JFET has values of VGS(off) = -8 V and IDSS = 16 mA. Determine
the values of VGS, ID and VDS for the circuit.
Figure 7.16 For Example 4.
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Example 5: Determine the Q-point values for the gate biasing circuit if V GG =
0.5V , VGS(off) = -7 V , IDSS = 9 mA , VDD = 5 V and RD = 500 .
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Figure 7.17 For Example 5.
Example 6: From Figure 7.16, determine the range of Q-point values. Assume that
the JFET has ranges of VGS (off) = – 1 to – 7 V and IDSS = 2 to 9 mA.
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Figure 7.18 For Example 6.
7.3.2 Self bias
Self-bias is the most common type of JFET bias. Recall that a JFET must
be operated such that the gate-source junction is always reverse-biased. This
condition requires a negative VGS for an n-channel JFET and a positive VGS for a pchannel JFET. This can be achieved using the self-bias arrangements shown in
Figure 7.19. The gate resistor, RG, does not affect the bias because it has essentially
no voltage drop across it; and therefore the gate remains at 0 V.
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Figure 7.19 Self-bias configuration.
For the dc analysis,
Example 7: Determine the Q-point values for the self biasing circuit if V GS(off) =
‒ 8 V , IDSS = 16 mA , VDD = 10 V , RD = 500  , RG = 1 M and RS = 500 .
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Figure 7.20 For Example 7.
How to find Q-point??
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Example 8: Plot the range of Q-point values. Assume the JFET in the self biasing
circuit has parameters of VGS(off) = -5 to -10 V and IDSS = 5 to 10 mA. Assume RD =
500  , RG = 1 M and RS = 500 .
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Figure 7.21 For Example 8.
7.3.3 Voltage-divider bias
An n-channel JFET with voltage-divider bias is shown in Figure 7.22. The
voltage at the source of the JFET must be more positive than the voltage at the gate
in order to keep the gate-source junction reverse-biased.
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The method used to plot the dc bias line for the voltage-divider bias is as follows:
1. Plot the transconductance curve for the specific JFET.
2. Calculate VG.
3. Plot VG on the positive x-axis.
4. Solve for ID using I D = G
5. Plot ID found in (4) on the y-axis.
6. Extend the line to intersect the transconductance curve to obtain the Qpoint values.
Example 9: Plot the dc bias line and the Q-point for the voltage-divider biasing
circuit. Let R1 = 1.5 M, R2 = 1.5 M, RD = 1.1 k, RS = 10 k,VGS(off) = -8 V ,
IDSS = 16 mA and VDD = 30 V.
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For voltage – divider bias:
Figure 7.22 For Example 9.
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Example 10: Plot the dc bias line and the range of Q-point for the circuit shown in
Figure 7.23. Here, assume VGS(off) = -2 to -8 V and IDSS = 4 to 16 mA.
Figure 7.23 For Example 10.
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For voltage – divider bias:
Figure 7.24 For Example 10.
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Homework 11
1. For the JFET in Figure 7.25, VGS(off) = 2 to 5 V and IDSS = 5 to 10 mA.
(a) Using these values, plot the maximum transconductance curve, minimum
transconductance curve, DC bias line and the range of Q-point values.
(b) Determine the values of VGS and ID at the minimum Q-point.
Figure 7.25 For problem 1.
2. For this JFET, VGS(off) = 6 V and IDSS = 12 mA. (a) Using these values, plot the
transconductance curve (or transfer characteristics), DC bias line and Q-point.
(b) Determine the values of VGS and ID at Q-point.
Figure 7.26 For problem 2.
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Figure 7.27 For problem 3.
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4. Consider the graph in Figure 7.28(a) and the circuit in Figure 7.28(b). (a) Find
RS in the circuit of Figure 7.28(b). (b) Calculate the values of VGS and ID at the Qpoints in the graph in Figure 7.28(a). (c) Find RD in the circuit of Figure 7.28(b).
ID (mA)
DC bias line
- 20
- 15
- 10
+ 20 V
1 k
12 M
1 k
Figure 7.28 For problem 4.
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Recall that the reverse bias of the gate is varied to deplete the channel in
JFETs. This type of operation is called depletion-mode operation. A depletion-type
device is a device that uses an input voltage to reduce the size of the channel to
control the amount of current. An enhancement-type device is a device that uses an
input voltage to increase the size of the channel to control the amount of current.
JFETs can operate only in depletion mode. There are two types of MOSFETS:
depletion-type MOSFETs or D-MOSFETs, and enhancement-type MOSFETs, or
E-MOSFETs. There are two types of channel: n-channel and p-channel. We will
use the n-channel MOSFETs to describe the basic operation, as shown in Figure
7.29, and 7.30. The p-channel MOSFETs is the same, except the voltage polarities
are opposite those of the n-channel.
Figure 7.29 N-Channel depletion-type MOSFET
 The channel already exists.
 An input voltage to the gate will increase or decrease the channel size.
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Figure 7.30 N-Channel enhancement-type MOSFET(NMOS)
 The device has no channel.
 An input voltage to the gate will form a channel.
Depletion MOSFET (D-MOSFET) [5]
The first type of MOSFET is the depletion MOSFET (D-MOSFET), and
Figure 7.31 illustrates its basic structure. The drain and source are diffused into the
substrate material and then connected by a narrow channel adjacent to the insulated
gate. Both n-channel and p-channel devices are shown in the figure. We will use
the n-channel device to describe the basic operation. The p-channel operation is the
same, except the voltage polarities are opposite those of the n-channel.
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Figure 7.31 Representation of the basic structure of D-MOSFETs. [5]
The D-MOSFET can be operated in either of two modes—the depletion
mode or the enhancement mode — and is sometimes called a
depletion/enhancement MOSFET. Since the gate is insulated from the channel,
either a positive or a negative gate voltage can be applied. The n-channel MOSFET
operates in the depletion mode when a negative gate-to-source voltage is applied
and in the enhancement mode when a positive gate-to-source voltage is applied.
These devices are generally operated in the depletion mode.
Depletion Mode:
Visualize the gate as one plate of a parallel-plate capacitor and the channel
as the other plate. The silicon dioxide insulating layer is the dielectric. With a
negative gate voltage, the negative charges on the gate repel conduction electrons
from the channel, leaving positive ions in their place. Thereby, the n channel is
depleted of some of its electrons, thus decreasing the channel conductivity. The
greater the negative voltage on the gate, the greater the depletion of n-channel
electrons. At a sufficiently negative gate-to-source voltage, VGS(off), the channel is
totally depleted and the drain current is zero. This depletion mode is illustrated in
Figure 7.32 (a). Like the n-channel JFET, the n-channel D-MOSFET conducts
drain current for gate-to-source voltages between VGS(off ) and zero. In addition, the
D-MOSFET conducts for values of VGS above zero.
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Enhancement Mode:
With a positive gate voltage, more conduction electrons are attracted into
the channel, thus increasing (enhancing) the channel conductivity, as illustrated in
Figure 7.32 (b).
Figure 7.32 Operation of n-channel D-MOSFET. [5]
D-MOSFET Symbols:
The schematic symbols for both the n-channel and the p channel depletion
MOSFETs are shown in Figure 7.33. The substrate, indicated by the arrow, is
normally (but not always) connected internally to the source.
Figure 7.33 D-MOSFET schematic symbols. [5]
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D-MOSFET Transfer Characteristic:
The D-MOSFET has the same transconductance curve and equation as the
Figure 7.34 Transconductance curve of D-MOSFET.
Example 11: For a certain D-MOSFET, IDSS = 10 mA and VGS(off) = – 8 V.
(a) Calculate ID at VGS = – 3 V. (b) Calculate ID at VGS = +3 V.
The device has a negative VGS(off); therefore, it is an n-channel D-MOSFET.
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Figure 7.35 For Example 11.
Example 12: For a certain D-MOSFET, IDSS = 18 mA and VGS(off) = +10 V.
(a) Is this an n-channel or p-channel? (b) Calculate ID at VGS = +4 V.
(c) Calculate ID at VGS = -4 V.
(a) The device has a positive VGS(off). Therefore, it is a p-channel D-MOSFET.
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D-MOSFET Biasing Circuits [2]
Recall that D-MOSFETs can be operated with either positive or negative
values of VGS. A simple bias method is to set VGS = 0 V. A MOSFET with zero
bias is shown is Figure 7.36.
Figure 7.36 A zero-biased D-MOSFET. [2]
The drain-to-source voltage is expressed as:
Example 13: Determine the drain-to-source in the circuit of figure 19. Assume
VGS(off) = -8 V, IDSS = 12 mA, VDD = 18 V, RD = 620  and RG = 10 M .
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Enhancement MOSFET (E-MOSFET) [5]
The E-MOSFET operates only in the enhancement mode and has no
depletion mode. It differs in construction from the D-MOSFET in that it has no
structural channel. Notice in Figure 7.37(a) that the substrate extends completely to
the SiO2 layer. For an n-channel device, a positive gate voltage above a threshold
value induces a channel by creating a thin layer of negative charges in the substrate
region adjacent to the SiO2 layer, as shown in Figure 7.37(b). The conductivity of
the channel is enhanced by increasing the gate-to-source voltage and thus pulling
more electrons into the channel area. For any gate voltage below the threshold
value, there is no channel.
Figure 7.37 The basic E-MOSFET construction and operation (n-channel). [5]
The schematic symbols for the n-channel and p-channel E-MOSFETs are
shown in Figure 7.38. The broken lines symbolize the absence of a physical
channel. An inward-pointing substrate arrow is for n channel, and an outwardpointing arrow is for p channel.
Figure 7.38 E-MOSFET symbols. [5]
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E-MOSFET Transfer Characteristic:
The E-MOSFET uses only channel enhancement. Therefore, an n-channel
device requires a positive gate-to-source voltage, and a p-channel device requires a
negative gate-to-source voltage. Figure 7.39 shows the general transfer
characteristic curves for both types of E-MOSFETs. As you can see, there is no
drain current when VGS = 0. Therefore, the E-MOSFET does not have a significant
IDSS parameter, as do the JFET and the D-MOSFET. Notice also that there is
ideally no drain current until VGS reaches a certain nonzero value called the
threshold voltage, VGS(th).
Figure 7.39 E-MOSFET general transfer characteristic curves. [5]
The value of ID at a given value of VGS, can be determined by
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Example 14: For a 2N7008 E-MOSFET with ID(on) = 500 mA at VGS(on) = 10 V
and VGS(th) = 1 V. Determine the drain current for VGS = 5 V.
Next, using the value of k, calculate ID for VGS = 5V
Figure 7.40 For Example 14.
E-MOSFET Biasing Circuits [5]
Recall that D-MOSFETs must have a VGS greater than the threshold value,
VGS(th), so zero bias cannot be used. Figure 7.41 shows voltage-divider bias circuit
of an E-MOSFET. In the voltage-divider, the purpose is to make the gate voltage
more positive than the source by an amount exceeding V GS(th). Equations for the
analysis of the voltage-divider bias become:
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Figure 7.41 Voltage-divider bias of n-channel E-MOSFET. [5]
Figure 7.42 shows drain-feedback bias circuit of an n-channel EMOSFET. In the drain-feedback bias circuit, the purpose is also to make the gate
voltage more positive than the source by an amount exceeding V GS(th). In the drainfeedback bias circuit, there is a negligible gate current and, therefore, no voltage
drop across RG. This makes VGS = VDS
Figure 7.42 Drain-feedback bias of n-channel E-MOSFET. [5]
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Example 15: Determine VGS and VDS for the E-MOSFET circuit. Assume this
MOSFET has ID(on) = 200 mA at VGS = 4 V and VGS(th) = 2 V.
Figure 7.43 For Example 15. [5]
Therefore, Q-point is at ID = 63.8 mA and VGS = 3.13 V.
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Example 16: Determine the amount of drain current for the circuit shown in
Figure 7.44. The MOSFET has a VGS(th) = 3 V.
Figure 7.44 For Example 16. [5]
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