Bundle Cleaning

Bundle Cleaning
‘Cleaning solutions for any bundle or situation’
Heat Exchangers or Bundles come in many lengths, diameters and types. They are often situated in places that are
difficult to reach or enter. Sometimes at great heights, sometimes at places where cleaning equipment can hardly be
taken, and most of the time situated in a plant that is partly still in operation. And yet those bundles have to be
cleaned on a regular basis. The cleaning must be executed safely, fast, efficiently, cost-effectively, and additionally,
Mourik Services B.V. offers the complete range of semi-automatic
and automatic industrial cleaning methods. Mourik has solutions to
every situation and if there is no solution yet, we will find one.
Continuous innovation has made Mourik frontrunner in safety and
efficiency in the industrial cleaning branch.
Mourik cleans bundles:
Semi-automatic and full automatic;
Vertical, horizontal or in any angle;
In every size;
In-situ or at a cleaning yard, at heights and in small-space
With every type of contamination;
Independent of maximum pressure;
With multiple machines simultaneously (if possible);
With ultrasonic cleaning technology (if possible);
With well-trained, qualified people.
One of many custom-engineered TLE-frames
Bundle Cleaning
Cleaning by using Tube Lance Equipment (TLE)
At a worldwide scale, Mourik uses TLE for internal cleaning
of bundles under high pressure with flexible hoses or
stainless steel lances. Multiple pipes can be cleaned
simultaneously with a remote-controlled TLE. The machine
can be used in horizontal and vertical position and can also
be used as a separate unit, even at height. On top of that,
multiple machines can be mounted onto one frame. A single
TLE can also be used for cleaning pipes with practically
unlimited lengths.
A Flexframe Set-up
The flexframe has been designed by Mourik to semiautomatically clean several types of (small) bundles by
remote control and with a varying pressure, and even in
small-space situations. The frame is easy to mount, e.g.
no cranes required, and is compact, modular and light. It
can be equipped with various types of cleaning
Custom frames
A custom frame developed for a chemical company
Mourik has designed purpose-made TLE and lance
equipment for several clients in the petro chemical and
chemical industry. We find a solution for every
extraordinary situation, with the indispensible input from
our clients’ experts, Mourik’s own development
department and our workers.
Cleaning by using Steel Lances
Both horizontal and vertical bundles can be cleaned in-situ
with stainless steel lances. Extreme lengths up to 24 meters
(horizontally) can be cleaned from one side.
A fourfold vertical drilling beam with steel lances. No
scaffolding required.
A Vertical TLE Set-up (butaframe)
Bundle Cleaning
Cleaning by using Steel Lances (continued)
IBC bundle cleaner
Method for internal cleaning of heat exchangers with 5
lances, in-situ or at the cleaning yard.
IBC Expansion Frame
This frame we use if we have to clean large bundles
internally, horizontally and in-situ. The IBC expansion
frame can be expanded significantly. An supporting
frame allows the existing IBC a work range which is
higher and wider, up to 4,3 meters X axis and 4,95
meters Y axis.
Linear Rotating Cleaner
A single rotating lance which we use for cleaning very
small tubes, as off 6 mm.
In-situ Bundle Cleaning with IBC Expansion Frame
Single or double beam drill, horizontal or vertical
For cleaning hardened or viscous contamination. In
these cases we use ultra-high pressures, up to 2,500
External Cleaning
To clean bundles externally, Mourik uses jet guns and
Outside Bundle Cleaners. This cleaning equipment cleans
the outside of bundles simply and effectively. A nozzle head
moves both horizontally and vertically, and forwards and
backwards in order to clean the bundle with water under
high pressure. The equipment is remote-controlled from the
safe environment of a cabin.
Lineair Rotating Cleaner
Ultrasonic technology
A method using patented ultrasonic technology, for cleaning
bundles intensively. The equipment will be submerged in a
container in a liquid composed for this purpose. In the
container, transducers create sound waves, after which
cavitation makes the contamination to come loose from the
equipment. Thanks to submerging, places can be reached
which high-pressure waterjets cannot reach.
Bundle about to be submerged in liquid in container
Bundle Cleaning
Internal Cleaning of Heat Exchanger
Not only cleaning bundles, also airfin banks and other equipment
Chemical Cleaning
Frontrunner by Innovation
Shortened ‘down time’;
Safer and more intensive cleaning;
Reduced energy loss;
Reduced risk of equipment damage;
Manual work reduced to minimum;
In many cases in-situ cleaning;
Use of water and energy reduced to minimum.
Mourik Services B.V.
Nieuwesluisweg 110
NL-3197 KV Botlek-Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1202
NL-3180 AE Rozenburg
T +31-10-296 54 00
E mserv@mourik.com
Bundles can be cleaned in a container or in-situ with a
combination of chemicals to clean the contamination of a
specific bundle. This method is used, for example, before
commissioning, to prevent contamination of the process. It
is also used however in other situations.
Not only Bundle Cleaning
We also use the methods and technologies mentioned
above for internal and external cleaning of airfin banks,
furnace pipes, gasket surfaces, towers, vessels, surfaces
and piping systems.