Computer Programming - Lane Community College

2015 – 2016
Career Technical Programs
Computer Information
Technology Department
Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree, Computer Programming
Career Pathway Certificate of Completion, Mobile Application Development
(See also Career Pathway Certificate of Completion, Database Specialist and Geographic Information Systems and One-year Certificate, Web Design)
Purpose To prepare technicians for entry-level positions as software
Learning Outcomes The graduate will:
• design, implement, test, debug and document web based computer programs using a variety of current tools and technologies.
• design, implement, test, debug and document at least one other
type of computer program such as: game program, database program, object-oriented program.
• understand the relationship between computer programs and
organizational processes.
• interpret the mathematical concepts of a programming related
problem-solving task and translate them into programming logic
and expressions.
• use appropriate library and information resources to research programming tools and technologies and support lifelong technical
Job Openings Projected through 2022
4.List of approved communication electives:
COMM100 Basic Communication
COMM 111 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 112 Persuasive Speech
COMM 130 Business and Professional Speech
COMM 219 Small Group Discussion
COMM220 Communications, Gender, and Culture
Students who complete the Computer Programming Degree will
have completed all of the coursework to earn the Database Specialist Career Pathway Certificate. See Computer Information Systems - Health Informatics AAS listing for details.
Cooperative Education (Co-op) Co-op is a required and important
part of the Computer Programming Degree program. It provides
relevant field experience that integrates theory and practice while
providing opportunities to develop skills, explore career options,
and network with professionals and employers in the computer
programming field. Contact Gerry Meenaghan, Cooperative Education Coordinator, Bldg. 19, Rm. 231A, 541.463.5883.
Program Lead Mari Good, Bldg. 19, Rm. 158, 541.463.5838, goodm@
Lane County openings - 11 annually
Statewide openings - 170 annually
Computer Programming
Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree
Lane County average hourly - $30.32; average annual - $63,074
Oregon average hourly - $38.86; average annual - $80,820
Costs (Estimate based on 2014-15 tuition and fees. Consult Lane’s
website for updated tuition.)
Resident Tuition and Student Fees........................................$11,188
Books and Materials...............................................................$2,008
CIT Lab Fees............................................................................$208
Prerequisites Students must qualify for WR 121 or WR 121_H, either
by placement testing or completing prerequisite courses, and by
the third term, qualify to begin MTH 095. Each student should consult with a counselor or advisor to plan a program of study.
Computer Programming course fees and other course fees may change during
the year - see the online credit class schedule for fees assigned to courses.
First Year
CIS 100 Computing Careers Exploration..............................2
CS 133N Beginning Programming: C#..................................4
MTH 095 Intermediate Algebra or higher.............................5
CIS 195 Web Authoring 1........................................................3
PE/Health requirement...........................................................3
Second Year Requirements A personal laptop is recommended for
Total Estimate $13,404
second-year students in the degree program. Please contact the
Program Lead for options and system requirements.
Course Requirements
1.Prerequisites are required for some courses. See course descriptions.
2.All courses must be completed for a letter grade of C-, except for
the Communications, Writing, Math, PE/Health, and Human Relations requirements and CS 206 which may be completed with a
“Pass” grade.
3.For more specific information about the Fall/Winter/Spring CS/CIS/
GIS elective sequences please contact the Program Lead to help
determine which elective sequence best fits your goals. Programming majors are strongly advised to take CS 295P Web Development 1: PHP and CS 296P Web Development 2: PHP as electives.
Total Credits
ART 288 Introduction to Web Design....................................3
CS 233N Intermediate Programming C#..............................4
Choice of: ................................................................................4
WR 121 Introduction to Academic Writing
WR 121_H Introduction to Academic Writing
CG 203 Human Relations at Work..........................................3
CS 133JS Beginning Programming JavaScript....................4
Total Credits
Computer Programming
Communications Elective (see approved list above)...........4
CIS 125D Software Tools 1: Databases..................................4
CS 234N Advanced Programming C#...................................4
CS/CIS/GIS Elective (see Course Requirements, above).....4
Total Credits
Second Year
CIS 244 Systems Analysis......................................................4
CS 295N Web Development 1: ASP.NET...............................4
WR 227 Technical Writing.......................................................4
CS 206 Co-op Ed: Computer Information Technology
CS/CIS/GIS Elective (see Course Requirements, above).....4
Total Credits
CS 275 Database Systems and Modeling.............................4
CS 296N Web Development 2: ASP.NET...............................4
CS 246 System Design...........................................................4
CS/CIS/GIS Elective (see Course Requirements, above).....4
Total Credits
CS 276 Database SQL Programming....................................4
CS 297 Programming Capstone ...........................................5
CS 280PR Co-op Ed: Programming
(second-year standing required).......................................3
CS/CIS/GIS Elective (see Course Requirements, above).....4
Total Credits
Mobile Application Development
Career Pathway Certificate of Completion
Purpose To prepare technicians for entry-level positions as mobile
application programmers.
Learning Outcomes The certificate recipient will:
• design, implement, test, debug and document mobile application
based computer programs using a variety of current tools and
• understand the use of mobile application programming to support
organizational processes.
• interpret the mathematical concepts of a programming related
problem-solving task and translate them into programming logic
and expressions.
• use appropriate library and information resources to research programming tools and technologies and support lifelong technical
Prerequisites Students are expected to be comfortable working on
a computer, including the ability to create files with a text editor
and manage file folders.
Program Lead Mari Good, Bldg. 19, Rm. 158, 541.463.5838, goodm@
Course Requirements
1.Prerequisites are required for some courses. See course descriptions.
2.All courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C-“ or better.
Courses required
CS235AM Intermediate Mobile Application Development:
CS235IM Intermediate Mobile Application Development:
Choice of: ................................................................................8
CS 133N Beginning Programming: C#
and CS 233N Intermediate Programming C# or
CS161J Computer Science 1
and CS162J Computer Science 2
Total Credits
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an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act— 7/15