Experimental study of the electric charge of a radioactive nanometric aerosol R. Abou-Khalil(1,2) - S. Della-Negra(3) - N. Michielsen(1) A. Nourreddine(2) - E. Baussan(2) (1)- IRSN/DSU/SERAC/LPMA (2)- IPHC/DRS/RaMsEs – Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg I (3)- Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay (IPNO) 24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids Bologna – September 1-5, 2008 Outline Research goals Introduction Experimental setup Time-of-Flight measurements Results and discussion Conclusions and perspectives R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 2/19 Research goals R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 3/19 Research goals Context The behavior of radioactive aerosols (radon’s progeny) in a medium depends on: • Their size • Their electric charge Cohen et al. (1998) show the effect of the particles’ charge on their deposition in the breathing apparatus. Their results show a deposition from 5 to 6 times greater, for 20 and 125 nm charged particles, than for neutral particles of the same size. Industry Deposition on surfaces and sampling systems R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 Health consequences • Deposition in dwellings • Deposition in the breathing apparatus 4/19 Introduction R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 5/19 Decay chain of Radon and its progeny 4.47.109 y 2.46.105 y Uranium-238 Decay chain 1.17 m 7.54.104 y 24.1 d 1600 y 3.82 d 1.65.10-4 s 3.05 m 138 d 5.01 d 19.9 m 26.8 m R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 2.22 y 6/19 Deposition on surfaces Behavior of the airborne 218Po and 214Pb in the air aerosol α aerosol β Pbm Pon + + Pon + Cluster formation Pon + Pbm α + neutralisation neutralisation Rn Po0 Cluster formation Po0 β β α Pb0 Po0 Pb0 β α aerosol R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 Deposition on surfaces aerosol 7/19 Literature review The electric charge of radon progeny has two forms: total charge fraction and charge distribution Pierre & Marie Curie 1904, were the first to measure the electric charge of radon’s progeny Wellisch 1913, was the first to measure the total charge fraction of 218Po using a Zeleny Tube: Electrode 226 Ra Tension f chrg Cc Cn Cc 88% positive 12% neutral All results in the literature concerning radon’s progeny treated the total charge fraction, but none of them studied its charge distribution state. R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 8/19 Experimental setup Radioactivité : origine des émissions R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 9/19 ACCELERATION CHAMBER Time-of-Flight Target Si Detector MCP detector Secondary ions α α recoil P A C F D High Voltages Start 64 Stops TDC 64 Channels • PA: Preamplifier • CFD: Constant Fraction Discriminator R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 64 Anodes • MCP: Micro Channel Plates • TDC: Time Digital Converter 10/19 Time-of-Flight measurement Time-of-Flight of 218Po before its detection by the Micro Channel Plates is: T = Ta + TL Ta: Time-of-Flight in the accelerator chamber 10 mm (10-8 s) TL: Time-of-Flight between the accelerator chamber and the MCP 46 cm (>10-7 s) Velocity and kinetic energy of the recoiling ions 218Poq while applying a differential potential U in the acceleration chamber: Vq = γTa + Vr E = qΔU + Er : Acceleration of 218Po due to the differential potential Vr and Er: Velocity and energy recoil of 218Po Velocity Vq is constant for all the L distance, this implicates that: TL = M: atomic mass unit of L Vq M T = L 2 1/2 .(E)-1/2.L 218Po R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 11/19 Results and discussion Radioactivité : origine des émissions R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 12/19 Time-of-Flight measurement obtained without differential potential to define the recoiling 218Po ions spectrum 100 Radioactive recoils Counts/channel The centroid peak represents: • the mean velocity of the recoiling ion 218Po resulting from the energy loss in the matter • an average energy loss of 40 keV, equivalent to a layer of 10 - 20 nm of the organic deposit 10 H,C recoils 1 0 2000 4000 6000 Time (0.8 ns/channel) 8000 The longest Time-of-Flight is attributed to ions that lost about 90 keV in a material about 40 to 50 nm thick We can also note the presence of light elements such as hydrogen and carbon atoms; these are ejected by the radioactive recoil colliding the organic molecules of the source deposit R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 13/19 Time-of-Flight spectra for secondary and recoiling ions Ba + + C2Hn , Al, Si H + Positive secondary Ion Na + CpHn + Time-of-Flight Counts/channel 100 CHn + Alpha recoil Time-of-Flight + C 10 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time (0.8 ns/channel) Time-of-Flight spectra show small differences, which reveal the neutral and singly positive charged states of recoiling ions No multi-charged ions greater than +10 appear, otherwise they would have been located between H and C peaks R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 14/19 Time-of-Flight spectra for secondary ions for two different 226Ra sources Ba + 1000 Counts/channel + H 100 10 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time (0.8 ns/channel) The secondary ion emission for both sets of measurements differ by the presence or not of barium in the source solution; the second set lacks the barium peak because the decrease of the concentration in the solution R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 15/19 Time-of-Flight spectra for secondary and recoiling ions Positive secondary ions + H 1000 Time-of-Flight Counts/channel Na 100 H2+ CHn + + To adjust the Time-of-Flight deficit, a contribution of 10 keV was attributed for 20% of the recoiling 218Po atoms. 10 20% singly charged 218Po Positive and neutral alpha recoils 1 0 2000 4000 Time (0.8 ns/channel) + CHn To fill the gap near the peak , the same rough estimation was made: R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 6% multicharged 218Po Maximum +10 charges Average +5 charges 16/19 Conclusions and perspectives Rn R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 17/19 Conclusion and Perspectives These results show, for the first time, the charge distribution state of a radon progeny (218Po): 74% neutral, 20% singly charged, 6% multicharged (with a maximum +10 and an average +5), they confirm the decay of 218Po to the ground state These results show how the energy loss (10 - 100 keV) in the matter emits a high secondary ions yield and how it neutralizes recoiling ions Otherwise, we can notice the large influence of the matter (barium) and the medium surrounding the emitting source We must mention as well that our results can not be compared to those of the literature (88% of 218Po positively charged, Wellisch) as we measured the charge distribution in the vacuum and not in the ambient air (Wellisch) These data are interesting because they show several ways of matter’s ionization, and will help investigations on the electric charge of radioactive element attached to nanometric aerosols R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 18/19 Experimental study of the electric charge of a radioactive nanometric aerosol R. Abou-Khalil - S. Della-Negra - N. Michielsen A. Nourreddine - E. Baussan 24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids Bologna – September 1-5, 2008 Thank You! R. ABOU-KHALIL - ICNTS 2008 19/19