How to set up a Multi-Level Calibration in Chemstation Rev. B.02.01

How to set up a Multi-Level Calibration in Chemstation Rev.
B.02.01 or greater
This document is believed to be accurate and up-to-date. However, Agilent Technologies, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for the use of this material.
The information contained herein is intended for use by informed individuals who can and must determine its fitness for their purpose.
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Set up a multi-level calibration for ChemStation B.02.01 or later
Set up a multi-level calibration
This task describes how to create a new multi-level calibration table for the response
factors and concentrations of your known standard. For a multi-level calibration, the
calibration curve is characterized using the responses of multiple calibration standards
analyzed at different concentrations. The calibration curve, which may be non-linear, is
constructed by fitting a curve to all the points:
one calibration point is sufficient for a linear calibration curve that passes through
the origin
a minimum of two points are necessary for a linear calibration curve with an
intercept on either axis, or for a non-linear curve that passes through the origin
a minimum of three points are necessary for a non-linear calibration curve with
an intercept on either axis
Before you perform this task you must have run your calibration sample and acquired
the data in a data file. You need to be in the Data Analysis view of the ChemStation.
1. Load a method
a. Load the required method: open the Load Method dialog box and select the
method you wish to use for the integration of the calibration sample data.
or File > Load > Method
b. Choose the method you want to use for your own data or democal2.m if you
want to use the sample data file.
This document is believed to be accurate and up-to-date. However, Agilent Technologies, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for the use of this material.
The information contained herein is intended for use by informed individuals who can and must determine its fitness for their purpose.
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2. Load the data file
a. Load the data file of your standard: open the Load Signal dialog box and
load the data file of your calibration run.
or File > Load Signal
b. Choose data file of your standard sample or 005-0101.D from the demo
subdirectory if you want to use the sample data file.
3. Select the Calibration toolset
a. Click on the calibration task button to select the calibration tool set.
4. Select the calibration table options
a. Select Overview from the Calibration Table Options to display the
columns you need in the calibration table
or Calibration > Calibration Table Options > Overview
5. Create a new calibration table
a . Transfer the data to the calibration table
or Calibration > New Calibration Table.
b. Select Automatic Setup for Level 1.
c. Specify the default amount of calibration standard. Note that you can
overwrite this value in the calibration table.
d. Select OK to display the calibration table.
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6. Load the data file for the next calibration level.
7. Add a new level
a. Calibration > Add Level
The level number is automatically incremented.
b. Enter the default amount for this level.
8. Repeat Step 7 above for any further levels.
9. Provide the information for your known standard
Edit the calibration table. For each peak of interest in the Calibration Table,
select the line containing the peak and perform the following steps:
a. Type the name of the compound in the Compound column.
b. Type the amount for the compound in the Amt column if necessary.
c. If this compound is an ISTD, select the ISTD box on the Calibration Table
and designate ID # for the ISTD and any non-reference peaks linked to it.
d. If the peak is a reference peak, select the Ref box on the Calibration Table.
e. To continue to the next compound, choose the Enter button on the dialog
box or press the down arrow on your keyboard.
f. Select OK when the table is complete to accept the edits and exit the table.
10. Save the method
a. Open the Save Method As dialog box and save the method to preserve
the calibration information.
File > Save As > Method
Provide your own name for the updated demo method. If you used your own
method you can save it to the same name
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11. Print the calibration table and curves
a. Open the Print submenu from the File menu and select Calibtable and
File > Print > Calibtable and Curves
Your printout will show the calibration table you defined and the calibration
curves for each compound.
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