Part K Robotics - Festo Didactic

Part K
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................. K-3
Training Approach
Training Approach........................................................................ K-3
Modular Production System
Modular Production System MPS................................................. K-4
Technology Contents
Technology Contents.................................................................... K-5
Training Aims
Training Aims and Core Competencies.......................................... K-5
Laboratory Facilities
Laboratory Facilities..................................................................... K-6
Laboratory Design
Laboratory Design........................................................................ K-6
Laboratory Accessories
Laboratory Accessories................................................................ K-6
Equipment Details
Description of the Technology and Equipment............................. K-7
Teaching Media
Overview of Teaching Media and Books....................................... K-10
Software Descriptions
Software Descriptions and Software Details................................ K-11
Training and Installation
Training and Installation............................................................... K-13
Further Information
Further Information...................................................................... K-13
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
Contents K
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
One of the most important and influential technologies nowadays as well as in the future regarding Industrial
Automation and Mechatronics is the technology dealing solely with robotics. Therefore the following technology
concept on hand covers all major fields of the technology stated above, especially in focusing on processes that can
be accomplished using robotics. Most of Festo Didactic training solutions covering the so-called basic technologies is
conducted on equipment packages and learning systems, providing expedient exercises by hands-on training as well
as in-depth technology training. Further on, blended-learning arrangements are implemented wherever applicable to
provide insights and further opportunities to simulate, demonstrate and even control robotics applications. The picture
as follows, Picture K_01, shows one example of training on robotics technologies.
Picture K_01: Example of an application in robotics
Training Approach
Based on Festo Didactics experience, training being conducted in the field of robot technology and its applications
is taking place in a group of two trainees. This fosters not only the technical experience and knowledge, but also
the soft-skills and communication attempt. Trainees work on so-called MPS Stations comprising Robot and Assembly
together with computer systems. Therefore one trainee can make use of the real equipment whilst the other trainee is
programming and simulating offline. Together with the hardware equipment, other training media are being used, such
as textbooks, workbooks and software. The laboratory layout along with the equipment allows further on different kind
of training. Whenever the hardware is not used, normal classroom training can be conducted by use of the computer
systems. For this purpose, the set-up of the laboratory avoids a narrow view of the instructor and its displays.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
Teciam > Basic Technologies > Robotics
Modular Production System
The Modular Production System, in short MPS, allows industrial automation systems of different levels of complexity
to be modelled, respectively training contents to be covered. MPS is universal, modular and open to further system
expansion. This allows the system to be adapted to trainees’ prior knowledge and experience. Simple functions and
sequences form the basis up to complex production systems on a small scale, but including an option of gradually
being expanded to a complex integrated system. The picture further below, Picture K_02, shows an entire MPS
line, although only two stations, the Robot and Assembly Station are used within the conceptualisation on hand of
robotics. Whenever an extension of the laboratory is required, more MPS Stations may be added, therefore a general
introduction will follow in the proceeding paragraph. However, several other laboratory within the Teciam concept will
provide more MPS Stations anyway, so that the focus clearly remains on robot technology.
Picture K_02: Example of a combination of MPS Stations
The MPS range of products consists of different stations, providing different kind of core competencies according to
the needs and requirements to be trained. Different stations can be combined according to the material flow, building
up a complete small production line. The stations further on can be separated as well, allowing an approach of the core
competence training of each station’s major technology. Within robotics, the station of Robot and Assembly however
shall remain connected at any time.
Whenever MPS Stations need to be combined or being intended for separation, no additional wiring
or programming is necessary. This safes extraordinary time which can be very well used for the major
subject: training purposes. Further on, all MPS Stations can be controlled according to local industrial
standards, fostering the employability of trainees.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
Technology Contents
The following overview and table, Table K_01, provides an overview of the MPS Station Robot and Assembly used
for training purposes within the conceptualisation on hand of robot technology. As aforesaid, Festo Didactic usually
provides such stations focussing each on a certain technology accordingly.
Training contents
MPS Station Robot
The most complex and for sure the most flexible handling device in an
MPS Station Assembly
industrial environment is for sure a robot. Therefore this learning arrangement,
consisting of a robot and an assembly station, deals solely with an application
of assembling parts using a robot. Different learning strategies can be applied
in the range of teaching, simulating as well as programming a robot as well as
in combination with an assembly task to be fulfilled by a robotics application.
Table K_01: Training contents of robot and assembly
Training Aims and Core Competencies
According to the equipment sets as described in the previous paragraph, the following tables, Tables K_02 and K_03,
provide an overview of the training aims and core competencies which should be achieved by conducting appropriate
training in robotics, assembly as well as material handling.
Training aims and core competencies
MPS Station Robot
Fundamentals of robot technology
Robot terminology
Robot programming
Commissioning of the entire sequence
Teaching a robot using the handheld device
Safety and security applications
Table K_02: Training aims of MPS Robot Station
Training aims and core competencies
MPS Station Assembly
Mechanical setup of a station
Correct wiring of electrical components
Correct application of limit switches
Introduction and application of automated assembly
Commissioning of the entire sequence
Integration of the station and combination with robot station
Table K_03: Training aims of MPS Assembly Station
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
Teciam > Basic Technologies > Robotics
Laboratory Facilities
To be able to conduct sustainable training, especially whereby hands-on training cannot be neglected, it is indispensable
to provide adequate training equipment and facilities for the trainer as well as for students. Laboratory design, work
environment as well as equipment design is an important factor to conduct technical training. Regarding the equipment
itself, Festo Didactic uses solely real industrial equipment to compose its technology packages.
Training, especially hands-on training in the technical field is only efficient when an appropriate
laboratory environment is provided. Thus, a comprehensive approach starts with the laboratory design
itself, is further to be recognized within the stations as well as the major part, the equipment itself.
Through the medium of design, students should be already motivated to discover the technical subtlety!
On the one hand side, real industrial equipment facilitates the approach of bridging the gap between institutional
based training and training on the job. Thus, students are being trained on equipment which they will face later on in
real industrial processes. On the other hand side, real industrial components are more reliable regarding the period
of operation, upgradeability and spare parts if required. Another important aspect is safety, security as well as the
training of maintenance and service.
Laboratory Design
The laboratory for robot technology is designed to host altogether twelve students, working in groups of two trainees
on three MPS Robot and Assembly Stations and six student tables as it can be seen in the virtual impression of this
laboratory in the picture further below, Picture K_03. As already mentioned, one major aspect of the design is to provide
the trainees an unrestrained view on the teachers desk as well as the boards. Further on, the computer systems are
located close to the workstation, in order to be implemented in a blended-learning arrangement and therefore being
connected to the equipment. Whenever hands-on training is taking place, both trainees can work on the stations, whilst
the others use the virtual robot environment on the computer. Apart from the major equipment, accessories such as
a computer network and central power supply are taken into account, but not explicitly drawn in the layout. In order
to provide a nice and warm ambient of the laboratory, curtains, posters and flowers should be a decorative matter. A
future option for the laboratory on hand could be the newly designed Robot Vision Cell, as the picture further below,
Picture K_04, presents.
Laboratory Accessories
In order to provide an adequate learning arrangement, several laboratory accessories should be implemented in the
training environment. As aforesaid, this is for instance a computer network, which may be realized as a client-server
based architecture. This allows the trainer gaining access to the students’ computers and the possibility to check
which kind of exercises they have performed successfully. Further on, the network allows the students to print on the
laboratory printer. Last but not least, whenever a Web Based Media Library is being implemented, then trainees shall
also obtain access to the intranet of the institution. Further accessories, such as a printer, a projector, storage shelves
as well as whiteboards and chairs are obvious.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
Picture K_03: Virtual impression of the laboratory for robotics
Equipment Details
Learning with innovative technology, practice-orientated training and demand driven training with industrial
components provides all trainees with the necessary confidence for everyday work and their future employability.
Therefore the following paragraphs provide an overview of the equipment items for one student workplace following
the structure of the MPS Stations as shown in Table K_01.
Picture K_04: Robot Vision Cell as a posssible expansion
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
Teciam > Basic Technologies > Robotics
Robot Station
The MPS Robot Station comprises of the components as shown and listed below. Each item and quantity refers to one
single station. Some components and accessories are however omitted willingly.
1 1x MPS Station Robot, completely assembled including trolley
2 1x Robot Mitsubishi RV-2SDB
3 1x Robot Controller 4 1x Techbox as handheld device R32TB
5 1x Retaining module
6 1x Pneumatic gripper
7 1x Angled slided module
8 2x Stack magazine unit
9 1x Robot interface box for PLC functionality
10 1x Set of cables, accessories and tools
Function of Robot Station
The Robot station can transport workpieces that are fed via a slide and place them in an assembly retainer. The sensor
in the gripper enables the robot to differentiate workpieces by colour (black/not black). The sensor in the assembly
retainer monitors the orientation of the workpiece. From the assembly retainer the robot sorts the workpieces into
various magazines or passes them on to the downstream station. Combination with the assembly station facilitates
the assembly of workpieces.
Small, but great: The new Mitsubishi controller. The new drive unit for the RV-2SDB is small, powerful and lightweight,
and fits into the MPS trolley. With drive unit and Teachbox, the robot station is completely equipped right from the
outset. The gripper can grip and assemble different types of workpieces (cylinder bodies, pistons, springs and caps).
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
Assembly Station
The MPS Assembly Station comprises of the components as shown and listed below. Each item and quantity refers to
one single station. Some components and accessories are however omitted willingly.
1 1x MPS Station Assembly, completely assembled including trolley
2 1x Separating module for springs
3 1x Piston pallet module
4 1x Stack magazin module for end caps
5 1x Syslink connection terminal
6 1x Valve terminal
7 1x On-off valve with air filtration
8 1x Profile plate
9 1x Set of tubings and fittings
10 1x Set of cables, accessories and tools
Function of Assembly Station
The Assembly station works in conjunction with the robot station. It supplies cylinder components for the assembly
process: A double-acting cylinder pushes the cylinder caps out of the stacking magazine. The pistons are stored on a
pallet. A double-acting cylinder pushes the springs out of a slim magazine.
Multiple parts for complex assembly. The Assembly station shows just how complex the workpiece used here is.
There are separate magazines for bodies, caps and springs; the quantities available have to be monitored by carefully
selected sensors. And in addition to this, it has to be decided which gripper type is required for the assembly robot.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
Teciam > Basic Technologies > Robotics
Accessories for Robotics
To provide a complete viable system, several important accessories are strongly recommended, therefore the following
table lists further details. Some minor accessories will not be shown, such as cables, connectors or power supply
cables. In case no central compressed air is available then also compressors will need to be added.
1 1x Power supply unit
2 1x Set of workpieces
3 1x Programming instructions for Robot
4 1x Technical manual for Robot
5 1x Control console
6 1x Set of tools
Teaching Media
What is the best training equipment for teaching purposes without appropriate teaching material? To provide an
answer to this question, Festo Didactic offers a wide range of teaching media to put a holistic concept of technical
training on firm footing.
Training, especially technical training including a hands-on approach is only efficient with the right blend
of media! Therefore three major aspects need to be considered: real industrial equipment for teaching
purposes, appropriate software along with the blended-learning approach and finally teachware in
forms of textbooks, exercises, data sheets and workbooks.
In the following paragraphs, the teaching media part is split into the section of teachware, whereby textbooks and
workbooks will be mentioned. Further on, one section will provide an overview about the software media which
supports the teacher as well as the trainee according to the equipment details as described.
Textbooks and Workbooks
The following table, Table K_04, presents all textbooks, workbooks and exercise media according to the technology
packages in the field of PLC, AS-Interface, Profibus-DP, Sensors and others.
Station Verteilen
Workbooks, Textbooks and Exercises
MPS Station Robot
Documentation on CD Rom
Handling description
Basics of robot programming
MPS Station Assembly
Documentation on CD Rom
Handling description
Training documentation for MPS
538957 DE
Table K_04: Overview of teachware such as books, workbooks and exercises
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
Following our approach of providing expedient training concepts, the following paragraphs provide all information
regarding the range of software based media in the field of electropneumatics, logic controllers, fieldbus technology
and various others. In the first case, trainees can gather some preliminary experience in the field of electropneumatics
or fieldbus technology by using so-called Web Based Media, which could be accessible via the intranet, but also
as a local installation. Once students have acquired some background information about various technologies,
hands-on exercises on the real industrial equipment should corroborate this knowledge. Afterwards simulation and
measuring software tools in combination with the hardware allows the trainee to foster its skills and knowledge in
the corresponding technical field. This educational approach follows our ideas of establishing a blended-learning
arrangement. The following paragraphs provide all necessary information about software tools to understand the right
way of its designated usage.
Sensor Technology 1
The first part of sensor technology focuses on sensors in pneumatics for about two hours of learning time. This training
program deals in detail with the sensors used to detect end position on cylinders and with pressure and flow sensors
in pneumatic systems. Based on a complex example from industrial practice, trainees are taught to select suitable
sensors. The necessary basic knowledge for this is provided in the technical knowledge and components modules, to
which trainees can refer at any time. All training content is taught by means of audio clips. Additionally, the narrative
text can be viewed on the sitemap. The picture as follows, Picture K_05, provides an idea its appearance.
Picture K_05: WBT Sensor Technology 1 and 2
Sensor Technology 2
The second part of sensor technology focuses on sensors for object detection for about two hours of learning time. This
training program deals in detail with the sensors used to detect objects in automated systems. Based on a complex
example from industrial practice, trainees are taught to select the suitable sensors. The necessary basic knowledge
for this is provided in the technical knowledge and components modules, to which students can refer at any time. All
training content is taught by means of audio clips. Additionally, the narrative text can be viewed on the sitemap. The
picture above, Picture K_05, provides an idea of its design.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
Teciam > Basic Technologies > Robotics
CIROS Robotics
CIROS Robotics is ideally suited for learning how to program and commission industrial robot systems. The program
offers a large number of different robot models. The integrated training program on robotics conveys everything from
the basic principles of handling technology to the use of robots in space missions. All the required basic knowledge for
automation with robots is conveyed by the integrated CIROS Robotics Assistant which offers numerous graphics and
animations to explain technical terms and facts, videos on a large number of industrial applications involving industrial
robots, sample programs for every robot work cell, technical documentation including instructions on processing. The
picture as follows, Picture K_06, provides an idea of its design and appearance.
Picture K_06: CIROS Robotics
CIROS Robotics includes as well a 3D real-time simulation with all the features of CIROS Studio. Additionally, a
programming environment for IRL (Industrial Robot Language), programming languages Movemaster Command and
Melfa Basic IV for the class of Mitsubishi robot systems. Further to this, a comprehensive library with more than twenty
predefined robot work cells enables trainees to go directly to commissioning and programming of robot applications:
from simple pick and place tasks right up to plants with numerous robot systems.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0
> Basic Technologies > Robotics
Mechatronics Assistant
The Mechatronics Assistant, designed to cover all training aspects for MPS in particular, is a tool for every purpose.
The time previously lost researching, copying, collating, stapling and distributing is a thing of the past. The new
Mechatronics Assistant is a syllabus-oriented, structured archive as a software application in which instructors and
trainees can easily find the documentation for the classes, at any time. Altogether more than 20000 various documents
are comprising the Mechatronic Assistant, ranging from exercises, data sheets, assembly instructions up to wiring and
functioning diagrams. The picture as follows, Picture K_07, provides an idea of its design and appearance.
Picture K_07: Mechatronics Assistant
Installation and Training
One important aspect before conducting training using the robot and assembly environment as well as the various
software tools is to provide the right installation of the equipment, infrastructure, accessories, tools and the
corresponding facilities. This will be accomplished by Festo Didactic experts within the field of robotics, having a
profound experience and being able to meet any local requirements. In case further laboratories will be established
having the same set of equipment and software tools, then training can however take place in parallel and together.
Training, especially training in the technical field, is only efficient when all trainers involved are extensively
trained in their designated field and training approach. Only well trained and motivated trainers are able
to motivate students thereafter, therefore any kind of the so-called ‘train-the-trainer’ aspect should not
be neglected. Upon necessity, revision training should be considered on a frequent basis.
In case the laboratory conceptualisation on hand will be established as a stand-alone laboratory solution, a training
duration of at least five to eight days is recommended. As aforesaid, in case the laboratory of robotics is part of
various laboratory installations, then this time could possible be covered in related laboratories respectively other
Further Information
As already mentioned, since Festo Didactic is constantly further developing and adding new equipment and software
media to its existing wide range, further and latest information can always be accessed using the website of Festo
Didactic, This also includes further information regarding installation requirements.
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • Teciam 3.0