GRADING SCALE: Letter Grade A B C D F Percent 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 0 – 59 LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Final Due date for most assignments is one week after we finish work in class. ASSIGNMENTS after that date will not be accepted. Any assignment not turned in when due will earn a score of ZERO. There are NO makeups. EXCEPTION: Missing assignments in the case of ILLNESS need to be made up within 1 week of returning to class. TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS: This is a paperless course. All assignments are in electronic form. Each student is assigned a PERSONAL FOLDER on the classroom server. In your personal folder, you will be creating a HIERARCHY of subfolders in order to organize you work. To receive credit, assignments (documents) need to: (1) have the correct NAME, with NO SPELLING ERRORS; (2) be placed in the PROPER FOLDER, WHICH MUST BE SPELLED PROPERLY; (3) be turned in by the DUE DATE. Documents and Folders have specific unique names. If the name of a document is misspelled, or the name of a folder where that document is placed is misspelled you will receive a zero. PLAGIARISM (COPYING WORK and SUBMITTING IT AS YOUR OWN): Although collaboration and discussion is encouraged, your work must be your own. Do not make the mistake of copying your friend’s work, or even reading your friend’s work while you write your own answers. Any wording between two assignments that is identical or obviously similar will be deemed as cheating. Every year there seem to be students in every class who seem to believe they can cheat and get away with it. All assignments are run through a software program designed to catch similarities. Therefore, it is impossible to cheat in this class and not be caught. CONSEQUENCES for PLAGIARISM: Both (a) the person who copied AND (b) the person who allowed their work to be copied will suffer the same consequences: (1) Automatic zero on the assignments. (2) Class Suspension ranging from 1 to 2 days. (3) Meeting with the Dean.