GP-Pro EX Quick Start Guides Basic Alarms

GP-Pro EX Quick Start Guides
Basic Alarms
Basic Alarms
¾ Overview:
– This chapter explains how to setup a basic alarm
system in GP-Pro EX.
¾ Objective:
– At the end of this chapter you know:
How to create alarm lists
How to display alarms
How to use historical, log and active alarm displays
How to save alarms in SRAM and on CF Card
How to print alarm messages
How to interact with alarms during runtime
Alarm Banner
¾ The Alarm Banner is the most basic of alarms
¾ Use the Banner Tab to enter a Bit Address, and
and format the alarm message and select the
display properties:
– Print at Trigger Time: alarm will scroll along the
bottom of the screen when bit turns ON.
– Print at Recovery Time: alarm will continue scrolling
after it is recovered.
¾ Enable the Banner
alarm on the
Common tab.
Alarm Summary – Message Setup
¾ The Alarm Summary is a limited (legacy) alarm
system that monitors sequential bits only, enable
the feature on the Common Tab.
¾ Summary Alarms are bit based, the Alarm
Display monitors a number of Word registers.
¾ Note that each message has individual color
settings, making it a suitable solution for a
message or event
Alarm Summary Display
¾ Use the Alarm Summary list with the Alarm
Summary Display.
¾ Note that the bits configured in the alarm list
must fit within the range of addresses setup to
monitor in the display.
Alarm Summary List
Alarm Summary Layout
¾ Note that the Alarm Summary
Display does not have switches
associated with the part.
¾ Alarms cannot be acknowledged
or deleted.
¾ A single line display
can be used to make
the Alarm Summary
into a Message /
Event system.
Historical Alarm Message Settings
¾ The main alarm system used in GP-Pro EX
consists of Blocks of Alarm information
(messages and their triggers)
¾ The “Show History” alarm display is used on the
base screen to display Active or Historical
Up to 8
Alarm Message Blocks
¾ On the Common Tab setup which Blocks to use and how
many of each to store in SRAM.
¾ Each block is a separate alarm list, one block can be
used or separate PLC’s or Machine Components can be
assigned their own alarm
¾ Note that each alarm
display can only show
1 alarm block at a
time. The Block number
can be selected via an
address at runtime
Basic Alarms – Bit Monitoring
¾ Within each block both Bit and Word alarms can
be entered.
¾ Use the Auto Allocation feature to quickly enter a
range of addresses.
¾ In Bit mode select either the ON or OFF state as
the alarm trigger.
Basic Alarms – Word Monitoring
¾ In Word monitoring mode a constant alarm value
can be entered, in this case the alarm will only
trigger when this value is
stored in the word register.
¾ When specifying a range the alarm
is triggered when it is either within
the range (alarm range) or outside
the range (normal range)
Basic Alarms – Mode Settings
¾ Setting the display mode:
– Active: currently active alarms are displayed
– History: Each instance of an alarm is shown on one
line with its full history (trigger, acknowledge and
recovery time)
– Log: Alarms are listed
in chronological order.
(Separate lines for
trigger, acknowledge
and recovery times)
Basic Alarms – Sort Options
¾ In Extended Mode the initial sort order of alarms
can be selected.
¾ Use the Sort switch to change the sort order
during runtime.
Basic Alarms – Layout
¾ Use the Item tab to setup the
alarm display.
¾ Select what information to
display and how large the
column is on screen.
¾ Use the display order
to change the location
of each column in the
Basic Alarms – Color Settings
¾ In the Alarm History setting alarm messages
cannot have individual color settings.
¾ Instead alarm colors in the display are used to
identify the alarm state.
¾ Use the Level option
to select different
colors for up to 8
alarm levels.
Basic Alarms – Display
¾ The display Tab determines how the Alarm
Display will look on the screen.
¾ Using Stroke Font is recommended when
selecting a large number of data columns.
Basic Alarms – Standard Switches
¾ Use the Switch tab to add or remove any switch
from your alarm display.
¾ All switches will have the same shape, text and
font settings.
¾ Not that the Start/End
switches are required
to start navigating
the alarm list
Basic Alarms – Customizing Switches
¾ To use fully customized switches for the alarm
system disable all switch settings in the Alarm
¾ Setting a Switch to Special Switch gives access
to all Alarm functions in the Alarm History Switch
Basic Alarms – Cursor Options
¾ Select the selected alarm cursor
– Line places a box around the selected alarm, Mirror
inverts the display color.
¾ Cursor Position can be stored in a word address.
Bit alarms
store the row number
(in the block setup)
Word alarms store
the row number +
Text Alarm Setup
¾ When using Text Alarms the alarm messages
are located in registered Text Files.
¾ The Text Alarm Display monitors one or more
registers to determine what line to display.
¾ The text file to use can be
specified at development
time or can be written to a
Word Register
Text Alarm Color Settings
¾ Text Alarms unlike Alarm Summary alarms do
not have individual color settings per message.
¾ Text fore and background colors can be set as
well as a clear color.
(typically the same color as
the screen background)
Text Alarms Switches
¾ Text Alarms do not support
Delete or Acknowledge
¾ Use the switch settings to
add Up/Down buttons and a
Sub Display (on / off) button.
¾ Sub Displays are covered
in the Advanced Alarms
Please refer to the Reference Manual that is installed along with GPPRO-EX.
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