DEVELOPMENT OF A METHODOLOGY TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE BUFFER ZONE FOR DEVELOPMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH WETLANDS, RIVERS AND ESTUARIES DELIVERABLE 11: PRACTICAL TESTING / FIELD TESTING REPORT (DISCUSSION DOCUMENT) Institute of Natural Resources NPC I.P. Bredin, D.M. Macfarlane, J.B. Adams, M.M. Zungu, G.C. O’Brien, G.C. Bate and I C.W.S. Dickens INR Report No: 476/14 DELIVERABLE 11: PRACTICAL TESTING / FIELD TESTING REPORT (DISCUSSION DOCUMENT) Prepared for: Prepared by: In Association with: I.P. Bredin, D.M. Macfarlane, J.B. Adams, M.M. Zungu, G.C. O’Brien, G.C. Bate and C.W.S. Dickens Please direct any queries to: Mr Ian Bredin P O Box 100396, Scottsville, 3209 Tel: 033 3460 796 Fax: 033 3460 895 E-mail: April 2014 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 2. APPROACH TO TESTING THE BUFFER METHOD ........................................................................................ 1 3. DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS .................................................................................................................. 1 3.1. WRC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS ...................................................................................................... 1 3.1.1. 3.1.2. First WRC development workshop ................................................................................................ 2 Second WRC development workshop ........................................................................................... 3 3.2. SASAQS WORKSHOP ........................................................................................................................... 5 3.3. NATIONAL WETLAND INDABA WORKSHOP ......................................................................................... 7 4. 4.1. WETLAND CASE STUDIES ......................................................................................................................... 8 MOUNT MORELAND WETLANDS – FROGGY POND .............................................................................. 8 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.2. Site description ............................................................................................................................. 8 Description of the wetland ........................................................................................................... 9 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 12 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 12 Proposed development scenario(s) ....................................................................................................... 12 Preliminary threat ratings and buffers ................................................................................................... 13 Sensitivity assessment ........................................................................................................................... 15 Site-based modifiers .............................................................................................................................. 16 Species of conservation concern............................................................................................................ 16 Additional mitigation measures ............................................................................................................. 17 Outcomes of the buffers model ............................................................................................................. 18 Time required to complete the buffers assessment .............................................................................. 26 Summary of comments and concerns raised ......................................................................................... 26 HAMMARSDALE WETLAND ............................................................................................................... 29 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. Site description ........................................................................................................................... 29 Description of the wetland ......................................................................................................... 30 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 32 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 32 Proposed development scenario(s) ....................................................................................................... 32 Preliminary threat ratings and buffers ................................................................................................... 32 Sensitivity assessment ........................................................................................................................... 33 Site-based modifiers .............................................................................................................................. 34 Additional mitigation measures ............................................................................................................. 34 Outcomes of the buffers model ............................................................................................................. 35 Time required to complete the buffers assessment .............................................................................. 38 Initial Scenario testing ............................................................................................................................ 38 Summary of comments & concerns raised ............................................................................................ 44 Outcomes of the updated model ........................................................................................................... 47 Site description ........................................................................................................................... 54 Description of the wetland ......................................................................................................... 55 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 55 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 55 Proposed development .......................................................................................................................... 56 I Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 5. 5.1. RIVER CASE STUDIES .............................................................................................................................. 58 ELANDS RIVER ................................................................................................................................... 58 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.2. 5.2.3. 6.1. Site description ........................................................................................................................... 58 Description of the Elands River and use by the Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill .............. 59 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 59 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 59 Proposed development scenario ........................................................................................................... 59 Preliminary threat ratings ...................................................................................................................... 60 Sensitivity assessment ........................................................................................................................... 60 Site based modifiers ............................................................................................................................... 61 Additional mitigation measures ............................................................................................................. 61 Outcomes of the buffers model ............................................................................................................. 62 Time ....................................................................................................................................................... 63 Scenario testing ..................................................................................................................................... 63 Comments .............................................................................................................................................. 66 THUKELA ........................................................................................................................................... 66 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 6. Outcomes of the buffers model ............................................................................................................. 56 Core habitat for species of conservation concern.................................................................................. 57 Site description ........................................................................................................................... 66 Description of the lower Thukela River and local land uses and proposed land-use development. 67 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 67 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 67 Proposed development scenario ........................................................................................................... 68 Preliminary threat ratings ...................................................................................................................... 68 Sensitivity assessment ........................................................................................................................... 68 Site based modifiers ............................................................................................................................... 69 Additional mitigation measures ............................................................................................................. 69 Outcomes of the buffers model ............................................................................................................. 69 Time ....................................................................................................................................................... 70 Scenario testing ..................................................................................................................................... 71 Comments .............................................................................................................................................. 74 ESTUARY CASE STUDIES ......................................................................................................................... 74 FAFA ESTUARY .................................................................................................................................. 74 6.1.1. 6.1.2. 6.1.3. Site description ........................................................................................................................... 74 Description of the estuary .......................................................................................................... 75 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 76 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 76 Proposed development scenario ........................................................................................................... 76 Preliminary threat ratings ...................................................................................................................... 76 Sensitivity assessment ........................................................................................................................... 77 Site based modifiers ............................................................................................................................... 77 Additional mitigation measures ............................................................................................................. 77 Outcomes of the buffers model ............................................................................................................. 78 Time required to complete the buffers assessment .............................................................................. 79 Scenario testing ..................................................................................................................................... 79 Comments .............................................................................................................................................. 85 II Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 6.2. GOURITZ ESTUARY ............................................................................................................................ 85 6.2.1. 6.2.2. 7. Description of the estuary .......................................................................................................... 85 Outcomes of field testing............................................................................................................ 86 Level of assessment ............................................................................................................................... 86 Proposed development scenario ........................................................................................................... 86 Preliminary threat ratings ...................................................................................................................... 89 Sensitivity assessment ........................................................................................................................... 89 Site based modifiers ............................................................................................................................... 90 Additional mitigation measures ............................................................................................................. 90 Outcomes of the buffer model .............................................................................................................. 91 Time required to complete the buffers assessment .............................................................................. 92 Scenario testing ..................................................................................................................................... 93 Summary of comments and concerns .................................................................................................... 96 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS AND FURTHER REFINEMENT OF THE BUFFER ZONE MODELS ............................. 98 7.1. FOCUS OF ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................... 98 7.2. APPROACH TO ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................. 98 7.3. OUTCOMES OF THE DRAFT BUFFER ZONE TOOL ................................................................................ 99 7.3.1. 7.3.2. 7.3.3. 7.3.4. 7.4. REVISIONS TO THE DRAFT BUFFER ZONE MODELS .......................................................................... 103 7.4.1. 7.4.2. 7.4.3. 7.5. Sensitivity of outcomes to climatic factors ................................................................................. 99 Sensitivity of outcomes to the sensitivity of water resources ................................................... 100 Sensitivity of outcomes to site-based attributes....................................................................... 101 Sensitivity of outcomes to full range of input variables............................................................ 102 Sensitivity of outcomes to the sensitivity of water resources ................................................... 104 Sensitivity of outcomes to site-based attributes....................................................................... 105 Sensitivity of outcomes to full range of input variables............................................................ 106 CONCLUSIONS FROM THE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS............................................................................ 107 8. SUMMARY OF ISSUES / CONCERNS & RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 107 9. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 114 10. APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................... 116 10.1. APPENDIX A – MINUTES FROM THE FIRST WRC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP .................................. 116 10.2. APPENDIX B – MINUTES FROM THE SECOND WRC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP.............................. 123 10.3. APPENDIX C – ATTENDANCE REGISTER FOR THE SASAQS WORKSHOP ............................................ 128 10.4. APPENDIX D – ATTENDANCE REGISTER FOR THE NWI WORKSHOP.................................................. 129 10.5. APPENDIX E – MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED UNDER SCENARIO A: AGRICULTURE (IRRIGATED COMMERCIAL CROPLAND) FOR FROGGY POND ........................................................................................... 132 10.6. APPENDIX F – MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED UNDER SCENARIO B: LOW IMPACT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR FROGGY POND............................................................................................................. 134 10.7. APPENDIX G - MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED FOR THE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO AT HAMMARSDALE WETLAND ..................................................................................................................... 137 III Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.8. APPENDIX H: MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED FOR THE GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT AT FAFA ESTUARY. ..................................................................................................................................................... 140 10.9. APPENDIX I - MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED FOR THE IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT AT THE GOURITZ ESTUARY ....................................................................................................................................... 141 10.10. APPENDIX J – MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED FOR THE SAPPI NGODWANA PULP AND PAPER MILL, ELANDS RIVER .................................................................................................................................... 142 10.11. APPENDIX K - PRELIMINARY BUFFER ZONE OUTCOMES CALCULATED USING CALCULATIONS APPLIED IN THE DRAFT BUFFER ZONE MODEL UNDER A SUITE OF INPUT SCENARIOS. VARIABLES CHANGED UNDER DIFFERENT SCENARIOS ARE INDICATED IN YELLOW. ........................................................................ 143 10.12. APPENDIX L - REFINED BUFFER ZONE OUTCOMES BASED ON REVISIONS TO BUFFER ZONE CALCULATIONS. VARIABLES CHANGED UNDER DIFFERENT SCENARIOS ARE INDICATED IN YELLOW. .......... 146 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Map showing the location of the Mt Moreland village where the wetland is situated along the uMdloti River, just south of the KSIA........................................................................................ 8 Figure 2: Map showing the delineated “Froggy Pond” wetland at Mt Moreland and catchment area. ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 3: Photo showing the densely vegetated Phragmites australis reed bed associated with the “Froggy pond” wetland at Mount Moreland, with wetland edges colonised by invasive alien plants............................................................................................................................................. 11 Figure 4: Map showing construction phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario A: Agricultural development (sugarcane). ............................................... 21 Figure 5: Map showing operational phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario A: Agricultural development (sugarcane). ............................................... 22 Figure 6: Map showing construction phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario B: residential development...................................................................... 25 Figure 7: Map showing operational phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario B: residential development...................................................................... 25 Figure 8: Map showing the Hammarsdale wetland site, adjacent to the National Route 3 between Drummond and Hammarsdale town, eThekwini Municipality, KZN. ........................................... 30 Figure 9: Photo showing the small “Hammarsdale wetland”, dominated by ...................................... 31 Typha capensis (bulrushes) and alien plants ........................................................................................ 31 Figure 10: Map showing the Hammarsdale wetland delineated above the tarred road. .................... 31 Figure 11: Map showing construction phase buffer requirements for the Hammarsdale wetland..... 37 Figure 12: Map showing operational phase buffer requirements for the Hammarsdale wetland. ..... 38 Figure 13: Location of the eSikhawini wetland ..................................................................................... 54 IV Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 14 a and b: eSikhawini unchannelled valley bottom wetland with sugarcane and Eucalyptus woodlots in the catchment ........................................................................................................... 55 Figure 15: Recommended core habitat for Pickersgill reed frog .......................................................... 57 Figure 16: The Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill and effluent fields located adjacent to the Elands River, Mpumalanga (25°34'43.92"S; 30°39'31.19"E). ....................................................... 58 Figure 17: The Elands River, Mpumalanga during base summer flows. Photo taken upstream of activity site .................................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 18: The Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill and effluent fields located adjacent to the Elands River, Mpumalanga (25°34'43.92"S; 30°39'31.19"E) with buffer zones established in this study superimposed...................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 19: The segment of the lower Thukela River, KwaZulu-Natal during base low flows that was considered in the study. Scale bar represents 100m. (29°12'9.69"S; 31°25'28.54"E).................. 67 Figure 20: The Lower Thukela River, Mpumalanga during base summer flows. Photo taken upstream of proposed activity site (Note the established woody vegetation on the right hand (south) bank of the River (left of the photo)) which is proposed for development. ......................................... 69 Figure 21: The buffer zones proposed in this study to be established for the proposed dryland sugarcane agriculture development and the Thukela River for both the north and south banks of the river. The existing sugarcane plantation on the north bank is highlighted in the figure. .. 70 Figure 22: Fafa Estuary, situated along the south coast of KZN (red line indicates the 5 m contour .. 75 Figure 23: The north bank of Fafa Estuary illustrating coastal forest on the slopes and reeds and sedges fringing the open water .................................................................................................... 76 Figure 24: Site based buffer requirements for Fafa Estuary. The supratidal zone is taken as the 5 m contour line. .................................................................................................................................. 79 Figure 25: Location of the Gouritz Estuary indicating the development site (yellow polygon) in the middle upper reaches; the estuary channel and 5 m contour line in blue. .................................. 87 Figure 26: Intertidal and supratidal salt marsh at the proposed development site which would occur beyond the fence. ......................................................................................................................... 87 Figure 27: Vegetation map for the Gouritz Estuary. The proposed development will occur in degraded floodplain. ..................................................................................................................... 88 Figure 28 A & B: Shows the topographical variability of the site; some areas have steep eroding banks. ............................................................................................................................................ 88 Figure 29: Sensitive intertidal areas with eelgrass (Zostera capensis) exposed at low tide. ................ 90 Figure 30: Map indicating the recommended aquatic impact buffer zone for the proposed development of irrigated agriculture along the banks of the Gouritz Estuary. ............................ 92 V Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 31: Responsively of the modelled buffer recommendations in response to variability in climatic attributes ....................................................................................................................... 100 Figure 32: Responsively of the modelled buffer recommendations in response to variability in the sensitivity of the receiving environment. ................................................................................... 101 Figure 33: Responsively of the modelled buffer recommendations in response to variability in sitebased buffer zone attributes. ..................................................................................................... 102 Figure 34: Variability in buffer zone recommendations across the full range of possible scenarios. 103 Figure 35: Graphs indicating the refinement to buffer recommendations in response to changes in the range of sensitivity scores included in the model. ............................................................... 105 Figure 36: Graphs indicating changes to buffer zone recommendations in response to site-based buffer zone attributes. ................................................................................................................ 106 Figure 37: Variability in buffer zone recommendations across the full range of possible scenarios. 107 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the first WRC development workshop............................................................................................ 2 Table 2: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the second WRC development workshop....................................................................................... 4 Table 3: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the SASQS workshop ....................................................................................................................... 5 Table 4: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the NWI workshop .......................................................................................................................... 7 Table 5: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Froggy Pond wetland case study for Scenario A: irrigated commercial cropland ...................................................................................................... 19 Table 6: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Froggy Pond wetland case study for Scenario B: residential development ............................................................................................................... 22 Table 7: Summary of comments & concerns raised for the buffer model testing on the Mt Moreland / Froggy Pond wetland .................................................................................................................... 26 Table 8: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Hammarsdale wetland case study ...................... 36 Table 9: Outcomes of the scenario evaluation for the Hammarsdale wetland case study .................. 39 Table 10: Summary of comments & concerns raised for the buffer model testing on the Hammarsdale wetland .................................................................................................................. 45 Table 11: Outcomes of the initial scenario evaluation for the Hammarsdale wetland case study using the updated wetland model. ........................................................................................................ 48 VI Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 12: Buffer zone requirements calculated for a construction and operational phases of the Sappi Ngodwana mill and associated infrastructure along the Elands River, Mpumalanga. ................. 62 Table 13: Outcomes of the scenario based evaluation of the Elands River. ........................................ 64 Table 14: Buffer zone requirements calculated for a construction and operational phases of the Sappi Ngodwana mill and associated infrastructure along the Thukela River, Mpumalanga. ............... 70 Table 15: Outcomes of the scenario based evaluation of the Thukela River. ...................................... 72 Table 16: Buffer zone requirements calculated for a hypothetical golf course development alongside Fafa Estuary in KwaZulu-Natal. ..................................................................................................... 78 Table 17: Outcomes of the scenario based evaluation of the Fafa Estuary (biodiversity sensitivity scores excluded)............................................................................................................................ 80 Table 18: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Gouritz Estuary case study. ............................... 92 Table 19: Outcomes of the scenario evaluation for the Gouritz Estuary case study............................ 93 Table 20: Additional scenarios tested without the biodiversity sensitivity scores. .............................. 95 Table 21: Summary of comments for the buffer model testing on the Gouritz & Fafa estuaries. ....... 96 Table 22: Summary of issues / concerns & recommendations .......................................................... 107 LIST OF ACRONYMS BZ Buffer Zone EFZ Estuarine Functional Zone EIS Ecological Importance and Sensitivity EMP EWT Environmental Management Plan Endangered Wildlife Trust GIS GLV Geographical Information System General wastewater Limit Value IFR KSIA KZN In-stream Flow Requirement King Shaka International Airport KwaZulu-Natal MAP MAR Mean Annual Precipitation Mean Annual Runoff PES Present Ecological State VII Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 1. INTRODUCTION This report is the eleventh deliverable in the Water Research Commission project K5/2200. Previous deliverables for this project include: 1) A literature review; 2) A draft conceptual framework; 3) Minutes for the first stakeholder workshop and first steering committee meeting; 4) A revised conceptual framework; 5) A first draft of the method and model; 6) Minutes for the second steering committee meeting; 7) Minutes for the second stakeholder workshop and third steering committee meeting; 8) A revised draft of the method and model; 9) Draft guidelines for buffer zone management; and 10) Minutes for the third stakeholder workshop and fourth steering committee meeting. The purpose of this report was to provide feedback on the practical testing of the buffer models developed to determine appropriate buffer widths. This discussion document will be shared with the reference group, technical peers and potential implementing agencies. It will inform the revised version of technical report and the user manual. 2. APPROACH TO TESTING THE BUFFER METHOD Approach to testing the method for determining appropriate buffer zones for developments associated with wetlands, rivers and estuaries included: Undertaking case studies to determine the effectiveness of the buffer model at determining buffers for wetlands, rivers and estuaries; Hosting development workshops to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to gain an insight into the approach taken to develop the method for determining buffers for water resources, and to provide them with an opportunity to actively contribute to the development of the method and model; and Undertaking a sensitivity analysis to establish the sensitivity of the model to changes in parameters. 3. DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS A series of workshops were held to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to: Obtain feedback on the progress of the project; Obtain insight into how the draft buffer models work; and Provide feedback on the draft buffer models. 3.1. WRC Development Workshops Two Water Research Commission (WRC) steering committee meetings were held in 2013. These meetings provided an opportunity for the project team to present prototype buffer zone models to 1 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report the steering committee members and key stakeholders. Two development workshops were held on the mornings before each of the steering committee meetings. The first development workshop was held on the 26th of March 2013 and the second development workshop was held on the 17th of September 2013 (minutes for each of these workshops are included in Appendix A and B respectively). The findings from these workshops are highlighted below. 3.1.1. First WRC development workshop The first WRC workshop was hosted by Ian Bredin and Doug Macfarlane. The steering committee, previous members of the steering committee and other key stakeholders were invited to participate. The workshop included: A presentation on the key aspects of the proposed method for determining appropriate buffer zones for wetlands, rivers and estuaries that need to be taken into consideration for the development of buffer guidelines; A presentation on how the wetland buffer model works: A case study was used to illustrate how the model works; and A discussion session to provide participants an opportunity to comment on the proposed approach and provide input into further developing the buffer methodology / models. Table 1: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the first WRC development workshop KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS Will guidelines for defining different types of developments be provided? Are aspects such as soil, the landscape and the flow of water within a catchment taken into consideration for determining a buffer zone? Has the enforcement of the buffer zone requirements been taken into consideration? RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES Yes, there are guidelines provided which identify different sectors and subsectors of a wide range of developments according to available definitions. Guidelines defining different types of developments will be included in the User Manual. Yes, the buffer model is designed to flag areas of concern. The model allows for the risk to be identified. In addition, alternative mitigating measures, other than buffer zones, would also need to be taken into consideration to address impacts occurring in the catchments of water resources. It is important to remember that buffer zones are only one type of mitigating measure. Appropriate alternative mitigating measures at different stages of a development may provide more effective mitigation. It was stressed that the development of buffer zones should be viewed as a guideline as there may well be other more effective mitigating measures that need to be considered. The Department of Water Affairs (DWA) would also advocate the enforcement of justifiable site specific requirements (i.e. establish what the risks are and identify what the buffer zone should be according to the risks). Have Ecological Water Requirements (EWR) been taken into consideration? The information required to be collected for a site-based assessment starts to create links between critical components, which are important for determining the EWR. Does The focus is on addressing impacts occurring adjacent to the edge of the buffer model address 2 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS impacts occurring within a wetland? RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES wetlands, rivers and estuaries, and not in the water resources. This concern has been identified by the project team. The limitations of the desktop assessment will be clearly indicated. The project team is considering adapting the model to indicate a recommended range for buffer zones at a desktop level instead of a specific size. The testing phase will confirm the effectiveness and limitations of the assessments at the different levels. Ensure the limitations of the desktop assessment are clearly indicated in the User Manual. Will a guideline to determine which class each of the site-based modifier aspects fall into be provided? A guideline will be provided to assist the user in determining the appropriate classes. Ensure that guidelines are provided in each of the buffer models. Does the model take into account the type and density of vegetation in the proposed buffer zone? It takes into account basal cover. Both species composition and density have a big impact on the functioning of the buffer zone. However, this is where the management of the buffer zone becomes important. Have cumulative impacts been taken into consideration? A conservative approach has been taken to address cumulative impacts, in that in general the status quo would be required to be maintained. However, this will all depend on the accuracy of the risks determined. Assuming the risks are accurate, it would also be important that the mitigation measures identified are undertaken correctly. A general concern was noted regarding the misuse of the desktop assessment. Shouldn’t the ‘time factor’ be taken into consideration for determining the effectiveness of the buffer zone and other mitigating measures to address the relevant impacts? This is addressed to some degree through the sensitivity assessment component of the model. Consider providing guidance on the ‘time factor’ in the buffer models. A concern was raised about the need to address hydrology in more detail. The model does flag areas, which can be used to identify other mitigating measure that could be used to address hydrology concerns. Addressing hydrology issues specifically is largely outside the scope of work for the project. Will soil type be used? The focus will be on soil permeability and / or soil texture, which have been identified as more important characteristics for determining buffer zones. Could the buffer tool be used for rehabilitated wetlands? The buffer tool could be used retrospectively. Therefore, it could be applied to such circumstances. 3.1.2. Second WRC development workshop The second WRC workshop was hosted by Ian Bredin and Doug Macfarlane. The steering committee and member of the Gauteng Wetland Forum were invited to participate. The workshop included: A presentation on the key aspects of the proposed method for determining appropriate buffer zones for wetlands, which need to be taken into consideration for the development of buffer guidelines; A presentation on how the wetland buffer model works. A case study was used to illustrate how the model works; and 3 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report A discussion session to provide participants an opportunity to comment on the proposed approach and provide input into further developing the buffer methodology / model. Table 2: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the second WRC development workshop KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES It was acknowledged by all participants that the models consider a wide range of criteria, which are important for determining buffer zones. While not all criteria are considered, it was agreed that the focus should be on producing a method / model that would allow for the guidance of management decisions, which is based on the assessment of the majority of key criteria. N/A. The inclusion of soil data was recommended. The ARC land type classification of soils was suggested as a possible option. It was acknowledged that it would be important to consider the surrounding soils. However, it would be difficult to incorporate this information into the existing model. It was suggested that turbidity could be included, as this determines the sensitivity of wetlands to sediment impacts. Other criteria that may be worth investigating included: extent of open water; sensitivity to vegetation to being submerged; and vulnerability to erosion. All of the other criteria mentioned are considered in the wetland buffer model. Consideration will be given to including turbidity. It was suggested by all that the model should try to find a link between geographic constraints and buffer management. Furthermore, it was stressed that the parameters used should be specific for a specific management objective. Agreed. This link is very important. While the model takes into account geographical constraints, management requirements will equally be considered. These will be addressed in the User Manual. It was suggested that limitations of the model should be clearly stated to prevent misinterpretation or misuse. A section on limitations should be included in the User Manual. It was suggested that the buffer models should only be used by qualified persons who have attended training on how to use the models. Guidance on the use of the buffer models will be provided in the User Manual. The active channel and / or the green line will be used when determining the buffer zone width for rivers. This was clarified through consulting key riparian and aquatic specialists. Ensure that this is clearly described in the technical report and User Manual. Certain key drivers are consideration in the model. Guidance on other key drivers will also be included in the model. The use of either the macro channel or the active channel in determining the buffer zone width for rivers needs to be clarified. Important catchment aspects (especially flow) should be considered, as understanding the catchment itself (i.e. drivers) is paramount for guiding management decisions. The risks posed by different landuses should only be considered once an understanding of drivers has been attained. taken into The use of indicator species should be considered. Habitats and species of conservation concern are taken into consideration. It was stressed that it was critical that it be made clear that buffer Ensure this is clearly stated in the models, 4 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES zones are not appropriate for open cast mining and that this should be clearly stated in the model. technical report and User Manual. Minimum buffer zones should be implemented to prevent misapplication. Agreed. A distance of 15m has been proposed and will be investigated as part of the testing phase. The tool developed to aid in the selection of appropriate alternative mitigating measures is useful. However, it must align with current mitigating measures recommended in other guidelines / policies being applied at a municipal and provincial level. The User Manual should make reference to this. 3.2. SASAQS Workshop A workshop was hosted by Ian Bredin and Doug Macfarlane at the 2013 Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists (SASAQS) conference (the attendance register is included in Appendix C). The workshop included: A presentation on the key aspects of the proposed method for determining appropriate buffer zones for wetlands, which need to be taken into consideration for the development of buffer guidelines; A presentation on how the wetland buffer model works. A case study was used to illustrate how the model works; and A discussion session to provide participants an opportunity to comment on the proposed approach and provide input into further developing the buffer methodology / model. Table 3: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the SASQS workshop KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES Why is the buffer dependent on development? What if the development changes? Perhaps consider basing buffers on biophysical attributes instead. The approach has been designed to align with the EIA process and therefore threat of the development / landuse is a key driver. Biophysical attributes are taken into consideration. A buffer would need to be determined for different developments. What are you buffering the wetland for? Consider the level of protection required for different targets e.g. Red Data species in the wetland area. Wetland is being buffered according to the threat of the proposed development and the sensitivity of the water resources. Core habitats requirements for Red Data species are accounted for. Functions of riparian zones need to be considered in the river context e.g. is this for nutrient removal, sediment etc. The function of riparian zones has been taken into consideration. The design of buffers should be for sheet flow. Consider the different types of flow i.e. are we going for an ecological buffer or can it be artificial. Levelling topography was suggested as this represents the best Buffers will be designed according to the potential lateral impacts of the proposed development. We are advocating the development of an aquatic impact buffer, which takes into consideration the existing 5 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES flow and slope for a buffer. Vegetation considerations are also linked to the flow e.g. tufts or grass-like vegetation has a significant impact on the function of the buffer. topography and vegetation. How has landuse been incorporated? For example no riparian zone due to farming. Is the buffered area the source of the problem as it has been transformed? Does the model consider or suggest rehabilitation? Proposed landuse is a key driver in determining a buffer. Transformed buffers may contribute to the problem, which is why the management of the buffer is important. The concept of sacrificial areas. Has the study team considered forgoing something else to preserve the main wetland? This is a management issue where the management targets will determine what can be impacted to preserve another system. Add substratum type infiltration) and slope. Taking into consideration. (affects permeability and Do buffers have to be natural? Or can they be artificial? How much is the project directed towards artificial buffers? Project is focused predominantly on natural buffers. Artificial buffers are not excluded but this would need to be considered as an alternative. The tool must be able to help decision makers? Agreed. Do you bring in the different types of ecosystems and their sensitivities? Different types of water resources and their sensitivities. Adjacent terrestrial sensitive ecosystems are also considered. Where exactly does the buffer start from? For wetlands the edge of the temporary zone, for rivers the edge of the active channel or ‘green line’, and for estuaries the edge of the supertidal zone. For rivers the riparian zone must be incorporated into the buffer and for estuaries the 5m contour must be incorporated as a minimum. What is the approach that you have selected to deal with extensive floodplain areas such as those in Limpopo? How about using the 1:2 year flood line as suggested in an earlier talk or the wet-bank edge? Buffering large floodplains will be taking into consideration. Will this wetland buffer not cause confusion with existing assessment and management structures? If applied correctly it should not. The project clarifies the linkages. Include units to clarify just in case it gets lost down the line. Noted. Check model to ensure units are included where relevant. A concern was raised about the application of scientific knowledge into government and whoever uses this model. It will be a recommendation that only SACNASP registered specialists, who have received appropriate training, should use the models. Make sure that people do not take the desktop assessment level as the standard. Agreed, the limitation of the desktop assessment will be clearly indicated. What is the minimum buffer? How does this relate to the 30m buffer? A minimum buffer is still to be determined. Does the team get baseline/background data i.e. do you check earlier assumptions about the wetland buffer? The models will be tested. Baseline data from case studies will be used. How heavily does this model rely on other specialists? Could this be a limiting factor if these experts do not meet? Specialist input is required for the biodiversity component and the threat ratings for the proposed development. Potentially, this needs to be assessed. 6 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES Clearly define the limits of the model i.e. there are cases where specialists cannot be replaced. Agreed, limitations will be defined. The model focuses a lot on water borne stressors, how about air pollution? Particularly when you consider the drift from pesticides, etc. Also consider noise pollution and light pollution. The model is only able to consider lateral impacts occurring on the surface, neither airborne nor subsurface. For rivers, stream bank stability should be considered. Noted. This will be taking into consideration. The current buffer of 30m exists as a result of validation, particularly for the practicality of the implementer. Agreed, however this standard buffer has proven to be problematic, which is why a site specific approach has been advocated. 3.3. National Wetland Indaba Workshop A workshop was hosted by Ian Bredin and Doug Macfarlane at the 2013 National Wetland Indaba (NWI) (the attendance register is included in Appendix D). The workshop included: A presentation on the key aspects of the proposed method for determining appropriate buffer zones for wetlands, which need to be taken into consideration for the development of buffer guidelines; A presentation on how the wetland buffer model works. A case study was used to illustrate how the model works; and A discussion session to provide participants an opportunity to comment on the proposed approach and provide input into further developing the buffer methodology / model. Table 4: A summary of key comments and recommendations, and the project teams responses from the NWI workshop KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES The proposed approach to developing buffer zones does not take into consideration the alteration of flows. While the alteration to flows and patterns does not influence the buffer, the model does identify these as important criteria that must be given consideration (i.e. alternative mitigating measures would need to be considered). The scale and the timing of impacts need to be taken into consideration. Agreed. Scale and timing of impacts will be identified as criteria that need to be considered when determining buffer requirements. What about including wetland type at a desktop level? Wetland type may need to be confirmed infield and therefore it is not appropriate for a desktop assessment. Consideration needs to be given to the long-term ownership / management of the buffer zone. Agreed. The management of the buffer zone is just as important as determining an appropriate correct buffer width. Management of buffers is addressed in the technical report and will be included in the User Manual. Seasonal changes to the characteristics of the buffer zone should also be considered. Basal cover is a key characteristic, which may vary between seasons. Guidance on considering seasonal changes will be considered and where relevant included in the User Manual and the appropriate models. 7 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report KEY QUESTIONS / COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSE FROM THE PROJECT TEAM / NOTES In terms of forestry, buffer zones will not be able to mitigate against the impact on hydrology from timber in the greater catchment. Agreed. Does the model cater for wetland rehabilitation? Buffers are determined for developments / landuses adjacent to water resources, not activities taking place within the resource. However, it would be possible to determine a buffer retrospectively for the rehabilitation of a wetland. The buffers models should factor in the size of a particular development. Agreed. The model will provide guidance for the user to adjust threat scores for developments of varying sizes. 4. WETLAND CASE STUDIES 4.1. Mount Moreland Wetlands – Froggy Pond Doug Macfarlane and Adam Teixeira-Leite applied the model to the “Froggy Pond” wetland case study, located at Mount Moreland, within the eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). 4.1.1. Site description The “Froggy Pond” wetland is located next to the uMdloti River on the KZN north coast, mid-way between the urban centres of Verulam in the west and the coastal town of La Mercy in the east (Figure 1), at approximately 290 38’ 32” S ; 310 51’ 20” E. The wetland is situated adjacent to the “Mount Moreland village”, with the recently constructed King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) located in the wetland catchment area in the north. N2 freeway Figure 1: Map showing the location of the Mt Moreland village where the wetland is situated along the uMdloti River, just south of the KSIA 8 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report The wetland is located within the Indian Ocean Coastal Belt bioregion of South Africa (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006) with the landscape characterized by rolling hills and large river valleys, with the local elevation at the wetland ranging between 6 and 25 m.a.s.l. The coastal region of KZN has been subject to extensive transformation, with local land use in the area comprising mainly agriculture in the form of commercial sugarcane farming under Tongaat Huletts, with infrastructure associated with the residential area at Mt Moreland and the recently constructed KSIA to the north of the site. Few areas of remaining indigenous forest, bushland and grassland characterise the area and are mainly confined to river courses and steep vegetated slopes and drainage lines. The local climate is characteristic of the subtropical climate in KZN, with generally warm, wet summers and cool, dry winters. The site falls within Rainfall Intensity Zone 4 (high) characterized by a mean annual precipitation of 983.2mm (MAP class: 801 – 1000mm) and a much lower mean annual potential evapotranspiration rate of 247.3mm. This gives a MAP to PET ratio of 3.9 (vulnerability index of 0.9), which means that the wetland is moderately sensitive to hydrological impacts (i.e. changes in water input volumes and patterns). 4.1.2. Description of the wetland The wetland known locally as “Froggy Pond” forms the eastern arm of a larger wetland system that divides around a steep ridge upon which the Mt Moreland residential community is situated (Figure 2). Froggy Pond wetland is approximately 19ha in extent (6% of the catchment area) and is primarily an unchannelled valley bottom wetland with flow being predominantly diffuse within the wetland. The unchannelled nature of the valley bottom wetlands can be related to sufficiently low/diffuse flow through the system and a supply of clastic sediment that is essentially high enough such that longitudinal gradient is maintained. This high supply of clastic sediment would essentially limit organic sedimentation within the system. The wetland is fed by a simple dendritic drainage network consisting of steep coastal bedrock streams and small rivers. The streams and rivers are fed by rain and storm water runoff as well as by auxiliary irrigation inputs from agriculture (numerous smallvegetated drainage lines feeding primary channels) and seepage from the valley sides. At the base of the wetland, an artificial drain has been constructed and conveys water to the uMdloti River. A large portion of the upper reaches of the catchment has been subject to considerable transformation as a result of the development of KSIA and associated infrastructure. Storm water now runs off the airport via an attenuation dam into the stream that feeds this wetland. A waste water treatment works is also located upstream and is likely to contribute excess nutrients into the wetland. Whilst some semi-natural and invaded vegetation occurs in the catchment, sugarcane dominates much of the catchment with residential areas occurring directly west of Froggy Pond wetland. Soils within the wetlands catchment are relatively sandy and considered erodible, posing a threat to existing aquatic resources. 9 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 2: Map showing the delineated “Froggy Pond” wetland at Mt Moreland and catchment area. The wetland is considered relatively diverse from a vegetation perspective. A large central Phragmites australis reed bed is a primary feature of this wetland, where herbaceous vegetation in the reed bed floats on the water surface, forming large floating mats where water depths are typically deep (>1.5m) during both the summer growing and winter resting seasons (see photo below). Cyperus latifolius/Cyperus dives and Typha capensis mixed marsh characterises the shallow water areas in the southern and eastern sections of the wetland that are saturated to inundated through most of the growing season. Lack of burning (and possible re-direction of flows through channel incision/drainage) appears to be responsible for leading to a loss in vigour of some of the wet meadow areas which have become colonised to varying degrees by a range of alien plant species, the dominant ones including Solanum chrysotrichum, Cestrum laevigatum, Senna didymobotrya and Canna glauca. Areas along the influent stream line and along the perimeter of the wetland are also dominated by more terrestrial and alien invasive species such as Melia azedarach, Solanum mauritianum, Schinus terebinthifolius, Chromolaena odorata and Lantana camara. Encroachment by woody terrestrial and exotic species along the margins is evident in some places. In addition, the upper and lower reaches of the system have been extensively drained and are currently used for the cultivation of sugarcane. 10 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 3: Photo showing the densely vegetated Phragmites australis reed bed associated with the “Froggy pond” wetland at Mount Moreland, with wetland edges colonised by invasive alien plants The current state of wetland integrity is regarded as being Moderately Modified (C Class) overall, based on the WET-Health (Macfarlane et al., 2007) assessment undertaken. Hydrological and geomorphological functioning has been moderately modified by catchment activities including sugarcane farming and the recently constructed KSIA which has altered the natural hydrological regime of the wetland to a large degree. Wetland vegetation integrity varies across the wetland unit but is generally considered to be moderately modified. Although large sections of wetland habitat remain largely natural (i.e. main reed bed and seasonal marsh areas), the upper and lower sections of the wetlands have been drained and planted to sugarcane, with a significant degree of encroachment by terrestrial and exotic woody vegetation in these areas and also along the wetland margins. In terms of ecological functioning, the wetland functions well at removing toxicants, nutrients and trapping sediment (based on records of water quality sampled at the inflow and outflow points of the wetland over a 3-4 year period) and is also considered important in controlling erosion and attenuating flood waters. The broad wetland reed bed and Cyperus marsh habitat is also considered important in terms of the maintenance of biodiversity, with the threatened Red data frog species Hyperiolius pickersgilli (Pickersgill’s reed frog) occurring at the site, in addition to other endangered frog species, reptiles and birds. Thousands of European Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) use the dense reed bed as a seasonal migration and roosting site, attracting tourists to the Mount Moreland area over the summer months. In terms of wetland EIS (Ecological Importance & Sensitivity), the Froggy Pond wetland is regarded as having a Medium-High EIS rating, although at a finer-scale, individual sections of the wetland system have been rated differently based on the variability in wetland habitat condition and known locations within the wetland used by species of conservation concern. The main Phragmites reed bed and Cyperus mixed marsh areas, for example, are considered to be of High Ecological Importance and Sensitivity owing to their high level of ecological integrity and ecological value from a biodiversity and functional perspective (harboring 11 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report threatened/important species). Areas of invading swamp forest, alien infested marsh and drained wetland areas planted to sugarcane are rated as Low to Medium (EIS) due to the disturbed state of wetland habitat in these areas. 4.1.3. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment The “Site-based” level of assessment was selected for the Froggy Pond/Mount Moreland wetland study, which was informed by previous site visits and verification of the wetland and catchment area by a specialist wetland ecologist familiar with wetland delineation and functional assessment techniques and methods. Proposed development scenario(s) Two development scenarios were considered for testing the buffers model on the Froggy Pond wetland at Mount Moreland. These included: Scenario A: Agricultural land use Under this development scenario, sugarcane farming would be proposed for the catchment area and areas immediately adjacent to the wetland area (see extent in Figures 4 & 5). Typical ecological impacts/threats to the wetland resource would probably include: Sedimentation as a result of bare stripped soils/tillage; Increased nutrient and salt levels from fertiliser/manure application; Altered catchment hydrology (flow volumes and timing of water inputs) as a result of sugarcane cultivation; Disturbance of wetland edges and increased threat of alien plants colonising wetland habitat; and Visual and noise disturbance impacts on biodiversity (fauna). Scenario B: residential development Under this development scenario, an extension of the existing Mount Moreland village is planned and would primarily involve the construction of additional formal residences along the eastern ridge of the Mount Moreland community (i.e. along the section close to the western edge of the Froggy Pond wetland (see extent in Figures 6 & 7). Typical ecological impacts/threats to the wetland resource would probably include: Sedimentation mainly during construction phase; Altered hydrology (flow volumes and timing of water inputs) as a result of an increase in hardened surfaces; Disturbance of wetland edges and increased threat of alien plant colonising wetland habitat; Risk of accidental waste water discharge from conservancy tanks associated with new houses (no piped sewage system at present); and Visual and noise disturbance impacts on biodiversity (fauna). 12 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report The Sector selected in the buffer tool was the “Agriculture” type for Scenario A: Sugarcane farming and the “Residential” type for Scenario B: Residential development. Sector selection for these two scenarios was straight forward with no ambiguity posed by the model. In terms of Subsector type selection, the “Irrigated commercial cropland” type for Scenario A: Sugarcane farming and the “Residential Low impact / Residential only” type for Scenario B: Residential development. Subsector selection was also straight forward with a relatively low level of ambiguity. Mount Moreland “Froggy Pond” wetland Scenario A Scenario B Sector Agriculture Residential Subsector Irrigated commercial cropland Residential Low impact / Residential only Note that potential threats/impacts to wetlands related to the KSIA have not been dealt with in this case study. Preliminary threat ratings and buffers Scenario A: Irrigated cropland (sugarcane) Under development Scenario A (sugarcane farming in the catchment), preliminary/desktop threat ratings for the subsector selection “irrigated commercial cropland” indicate that anticipated construction impacts (i.e. associated with tillage and land preparation) are likely to be variable, with a High threat rating for sedimentation and nutrient inputs. This is a reasonably fair reflection of the potential threat as a result of tillage and the use of fertiliser whilst preparing land for planting of crops. Under the specialist threat rating, however, the threat of sedimentation during construction was increased from a High to a Very High level as sediment is likely to be most problematic impact during the stripping of areas and tillage (when soils are left bare and most at risk of runoff erosion). The risk of toxic contaminants was estimated to be Moderate which is a fair estimate for agricultural activities involving limited use of machinery/chemicals, etc. Alterations to hydrology (flow volume and timing) are likely to be a low-moderate level threat at this stage of the activity, which is accurately reflected in the desktop rating. In terms of operational phase impacts (i.e. associated with growing of sugarcane, irrigation and harvesting operations), a High threat rating was once again provided for sedimentation and nutrient inputs, which is likely to remain an issue even during operation (continued use of fertiliser, transportation of sediment to downstream areas as a result of drain construction and general soil disturbance that could result during crop harvesting). Under the specialist threat rating, the threat of sedimentation during operation was maintained as “High” as areas are likely to have been stabilised once planted and pose less of a risk of erosion/sedimentation than during stripping/tillage. Alterations to the timing of flows are likely to be significant during operation with artificial drains (typically associated with sugarcane production), potentially concentrating flows to downstream areas. This threat was appropriately reflected in the model. Converting natural areas to cropland is also likely to alter the volume of water reaching the downstream wetland as research has shown that crops such as sugarcane are generally fast-growing and utilise significantly higher quantities of water than natural vegetation. This is reflected by the “High” threat rating provided by the model. The only threat that could potentially be 13 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report underestimated is pathogen inputs. Some sugarcane farmers are known to use animal/chicken manure to fertilise their fields and in these instances, there would probably be a risk that E.coli levels for example could increase in the water column reaching the wetland. Under the specialist threat rating, the threat for pathogen inputs was therefore adjusted upwards from a Very Low level to a Moderate level to account for this potential risk. Although the desktop threat ratings provide an early indication of potential impacts, with most providing threat ratings that are meaningful, some desktop ratings required adjustment by the wetland specialist based on a specific understanding of planned activities. This highlights the importance of reviewing generic threat ratings based on the specifics of a particular development activity. Desktop buffer requirements provided by the model (based on the agricultural development – worst case scenario) suggest a 74m and 99m buffer zone for construction and operational phases respectively. The implication is that agriculture has a potentially significant impact on water resources and that planning should reflect this by buffering wetlands by 100m in the absence of more detailed information about the site or receiving water resource. It is also useful that the buffer model highlights alteration of flow volumes and patterns as high risks which would need to be carefully considered as part of any land use application process. Scenario B: low impact residential development At a desktop level, buffer requirements for residential development (worst case) are lower than for agriculture with desktop buffer requirements indicating that buffers of 50m would be required for construction (linked to sediment risk) and 74m for operation (linked to nutrient risks). This is regarded as appropriately conservative for desktop planning purposes. Under the specific development Scenario B (residential development at Mt. Moreland village), preliminary/desktop threat ratings for the subsector selection “Residential Low impact / Residential only” indicate that most anticipated construction impacts are likely to be Very Low, with a Medium threat rating given for sedimentation impacts. This is a fair reflection of the potential threat level for impacts that could be associated with the single-stand type developments. Site-specific information pertaining to the nature of the receiving environment (sensitivity of the water resource) and characteristics of the land between the development and the wetland (i.e. soil types, slope, vegetation cover, etc.) will obviously modify these initial desktop threat ratings in this case. In terms of operational phase impacts, these are generally rated as Low/Very Low at a preliminary desktop level in terms of potential threat level, with altered flow volumes being rated as Moderate. This is probably a reasonably fair reflection of the level of threat generally posed by residential developments. Potential nutrient/bacterial inputs from residential areas (e.g. from septic tanks, etc.) and associated contamination of groundwater are not specifically accounted for. There is therefore a risk that impacts not specifically listed (another being point-source discharges) may not be appropriately detected if this tool is used as a surrogate for impact identification and assessment. There is therefore a need to consider this carefully when compiling guidelines / making refinements to the model. 14 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report It is also important to note that some developments may be phased or include a number of different activities that would require the assessment of a number of different sub-sectors. This is typical of residential areas where other infrastructure may be planned as part of the application. A typical example would be the construction of additional parking areas which may pose greater risks to the resource. Here, it would be useful to have some guidance on how this would be addressed. Providing further clarity on the typical size / scale of development used in assigning initial threat ratings would be useful to inform refinements to the threat ratings for small projects. Perhaps assuming a footprint that would extend 100m upslope from the water resource would be a useful starting point. There is also a chance that the desired landuse during “operation” would change from natural vegetation to maintained lawns / gardens in the case of residential areas. This impact should also ideally be considered when setting EMP requirements for subsequent landuse and management. Desktop buffer requirements provided by the model (based on the “Residential Low impact / Residential only” scenario suggest a 15m buffer zone for construction. While it is understood that the model should not be applied in this manner (without considering sensitivity and site-based factors), there is a risk that this will be applied at a desktop level. Sensitivity assessment The sensitivity assessment undertaken for the site was relatively easy to follow, with guidance and rationale provided for each criterion to direct the user’s allocation of sensitivity ratings. The outputs of the sensitivity assessment highlight that the wetland is moderately sensitive to most threats/impacts, with sensitivity to sedimentation, altered water acidity, temperature changes and pathogen inputs regarded as rather low. This is probably a fairly accurate reflection of the sensitivity and resilience typically associated with densely vegetated, unchannelled systems. The overall sensitivity class of the wetland does increase, however, due to the presence of sensitive/ecologically important biodiversity features associated with the Froggy Pond system, including the Critically Endangered Pickersgill reed frog (Hyperolius pickersgilli) which is present in the seasonal-permanent Cyperus mixed marsh in the eastern sections of the wetland. Of importance is also the presence of European Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) for half of the years, which migrate from the northern hemisphere and roost in the dense Phragmites reed bed. The biodiversity sensitivity class ratings were therefore rated based on existing knowledge of the type and abundance of sensitive species occurring at the site. The Critically Endangered frog species in particular are known to be sensitive to changes in water quality and habitat, thus water quality threats were rated as High to Very High in terms of biodiversity sensitivity. Alterations to nutrients and flow volumes which could potentially result in changes in habitat were also rated as High, as these impacts could affect habitat-specific sensitive species. The combined sensitivity class outputted by the model, which takes into account both the sensitivity of the resource and biodiversity aspects, provides a far better reflection of the sensitivity of the Froggy Pond wetland system and its biodiversity components. This serves to highlight the need for specialist biodiversity 15 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report input for important wetland ecosystems and also indicates the risk of misapplication of the model unless undertaken by a well-trained and independent specialist. Overall, the sensitivity assessment was found to be quick and easy to run through, with only a few criteria where selection of ratings required further specialist interpretation to decide on ratings. There is also a danger that wetland sensitivity can be over- or under-estimated. This is due to the fact that some systems (such as the Froggy Pond wetland) may be spatially variable in terms of the sensitivity of vegetation/habitat and biodiversity (species). In the case of the Froggy Pond wetland, some sections of the wetland are considered more ecologically sensitive/important than others, and there is a risk that large buffers could be proposed for areas of degraded habitat that are not considered ecologically sensitive/important. In this instance the sensitivity assessment could be applied to spatially explicit sections of the wetland rather than the entire unit as a whole, yielding a variable buffer result applied to sections of the system rather than the whole unit. Site-based modifiers Rating site-based modifiers based on the site-specific characteristics of the terrestrial buffer around the wetland was relatively easy for this site as the catchment area around the wetland is relatively homogenous (steep slope, moderate-high vegetation cover). The main areas where major variation around the wetland needed to be accounted for were where the drainage lines enter the system (i.e. concentrated flow paths). Ideally, any drainage lines or concentrated flow paths outside of the recommended buffer zone would also need to be buffered to reduce risks of sedimentation/pollution to downstream areas. This should be catered for through the river/stream buffers model. A concern with the current model though, is that it does not specify whether the operational or construction buffer should be applied to inform planning (the maximum preliminary buffer requirement for the construction phase was used in this case). In the case of agriculture, the maximum buffer should clearly be used as once established, agricultural lands will continue to be used. The issue is a little more obscure where a construction buffer is large but the operational buffer requirement is small. Perhaps clearly indicating that the maximum buffer zone width should be used would be worth including. This issue should be easy to address by providing appropriate guidance when applying the model. Another issue requiring clarification and further consideration is how the sensitivity modifiers are calculated. At this stage, it is based on a weighted average of scores across the different components assessed. Further investigation of the sensitivity of model outcomes to responses cited in empirical studies would be useful in tweaking this component of the model. Species of conservation concern In this particular case, the Critically Endangered Pickersgill’s reed frog (Hyperolius pickersgilli) is known to occur at the site. The following extract on buffer recommendation has been extracted 16 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report from a report by Jeanne Tarrant (EWT) and provides an indication of the nature of advice on buffers that could be expected with specialist input: “For all amphibian species, as well as considering core breeding habitat (in this case reed bed wetlands), it is also crucial that terrestrial habitat surrounding breeding habitat is conserved. Most amphibian species make use of terrestrial habitat surrounding wetlands, with almost 60% of species moving beyond 60 m of the wetland (Boyd 2001). Terrestrial wetland buffers provide important core habitat for wetland-dependent species for life history processes including foraging, dispersal and aestivation during the non-breeding period, as well as a number of functional capacities such as maintaining filtration processes and pollution attenuation that protect water resources (Semlitsch & Bodie, 2002). Adverse disturbance of wetland buffers can result in changes to the biological, physical and chemical properties and lead to a reduction in wetland function (Boyd 2001). Terrestrial buffers are therefore vital for maintaining diversity and should be managed together with the aquatic habitat. Terrestrial buffers of up to 400m are recommended in the literature for wetland-dependent frogs (Semlitsch & Bodie, 2002; Ficetola et al. 2008). Based on these recommendations, and on distribution records of H. pickersgilli up to 1.2km away from wetland habitat, the following is recommended: A buffer of up to 250m, is established around wetland areas in which H. pickersgilli is present. Connectivity between wetlands is established and maintained through the proposed buffer zones.” In the case of this site, recommendations could be further refined by targeting areas of intact habitat and perhaps relaxing requirements where significant transformation through sugarcane cultivation has occurred. What is clear however is that requirements associated with species of conservation concern can easily override aquatic impact buffer requirements. Additional mitigation measures Additional mitigation measures for Scenario A: Irrigated cropland (sugarcane) In addition to buffer requirements, a range of additional mitigation measures have been recommended for the site (Appendix E). While these may help to reduce risks somewhat, justifications were not regarded as sufficient to alter buffer requirements. Additional mitigation measures for Scenario B: low impact residential development In addition to buffer requirements, a range mitigation measures have been recommended for the site. These measures were deemed necessary and relevant to deal with some of the site specific ecological concerns likely to arise during the construction and operation phases of the proposed development, which buffer zones in isolation are unlikely to mitigate adequately. These included: Increased sediment inputs as a result of bulk earthworks near wetlands during construction; 17 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report The potential for further alien plant infestation of wetland areas and buffers following disturbance; Relatively steep sided valley prone to soil erosion (sandy-clay soils on shale bedrock are considered erodible within the context of steep slopes and potential concentrated water flows); Potential for input of nutrients and pathogens from failing septic systems; and Altered runoff characteristics as a result of increased hardened surfaces associated with planned housing development. Mitigation measures concentrated on erosion/sedimentation and flow alteration risks which were highlighted by the buffers model as being of particular concern during both the construction and operational phases of the residential development activity. In addition, generic mitigation measures to deal with potential toxicants/contaminants arising during construction activities and possible waste water contamination from septic tank systems were also recommended. The specifics regarding mitigation measures that have been proposed for the site are documented in Appendix F. Assuming that the mitigation and management measures proposed will be applied to the site, refined threat classes were assigned to each impact type as per the table in Appendix F. Major refinements to threat classes included: Reducing the threat class from a Medium class to a Low class for patterns of flow during construction. Provided on-site attenuation of flows takes place successfully and consistently, this impact can be reduced to a low risk level. Reducing the threat class from a Very High class to a High class for sedimentation & turbidity risks during construction. Although on-site mitigation is likely to reduce this risk somewhat, the risk of these impacts to wetland areas remains high due to the characteristics of the site (steep slope, erodible soils). Reducing the threat class from a High class to a Low class for patterns of flow during operation. Provided on-site attenuation of flows takes place successfully and consistently, this impact can be reduced to a low risk level. Reducing the threat class from a High class to a Medium class for sedimentation & turbidity risks during operation. On-site mitigation is likely to reduce this risk to a large extent, with a moderate risk remaining as a result of the inherent characteristics of the site (steep slope, erodible soils). Reducing the threat class from a Medium to a Low level for increased toxic contaminants reaching water resources through on-site mitigation and management of toxic substances/wastes. Outcomes of the buffers model Buffer outcomes for Scenario A: irrigated cropland (sugarcane) Outcomes of the buffers model applied to the Mt Moreland “Froggy Pond” wetland for Scenario A (irrigated cropland) are summarised in Table 5. The construction and operational phase buffer requirements are also shown spatially in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. 18 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report During the construction phase (preparation of land for cultivation), the risk of sedimentation associated with soil erosion/disturbance of soils, and the potential increase in nutrient inputs from fertilisers/manure are clearly the greatest threat posed to the wetland system downstream of proposed agricultural activities. A 74m buffer was flagged in the buffers model for the construction phase based on potential sediment threats and the nature of the potential buffer zone (steep slope, erosion prone soils). Whilst the sensitivity assessment of the wetland suggested that the wetland was moderately sensitive to nutrient inputs, frogs (and associated habitat) may be more sensitive which resulted in an increase in the risk rating for nutrient inputs. Taking biodiversity sensitivity into account resulted in a considerable increase in buffer requirements to address potential nutrient risks. This requirement was increased further when taking the steep slope and other buffer zone characteristics into account. The model therefore suggests that a 61m buffer zone would be required based on local site attributes. If this assessment was being undertaken for a development, we would investigate the real threat of nutrients further to see if a case could be made to reduce this threat rating which effectively drives the need for wide buffer requirements in this case. Given the importance of this threat rating, there is a clear need to ensure that it is appropriately motivated / justified. Table 5: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Froggy Pond wetland case study for Scenario A: irrigated commercial cropland BUFFER RECOMMENDATIONS Desktop buffers (Sub-sector) Site-based buffers CONSTRUCTION BUFFER WIDTH (M) 74 (44) 59 OPERATION BUFFER WIDTH (M) 99 (44) 61 COMMENTS Desktop buffer requirements appear to be appropriately conservative in attempting to mitigate risks of erosion/sedimentation and increased nutrient inputs, given typical soil disturbance associated with agricultural activities. It could however be argued that the threat of sedimentation during construction should be rated as very high rather than high due to the exposure of large areas during land preparation. The importance of refining desktop threat ratings is well illustrated in this case study where, for example, application of manure would significantly increase pathogen risks above that noted in the desktop rating. A range of sustainable farming practices could also be implemented to reduce these threats. The tool provides opportunities to refine these ratings up-front or through the inclusion of mitigation measures to reduce the threat score. Whilst the sensitivity assessment provides a useful basis for differentiating between the sensitivity of wetlands to various impacts, further guidance on its application is required. A specific recommendation is to sub-divide the wetland into different sensitivity classes if wetland characteristics are sufficiently different across the area being assessed. This could add significantly to the 19 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report BUFFER RECOMMENDATIONS CONSTRUCTION BUFFER WIDTH (M) OPERATION BUFFER WIDTH (M) COMMENTS ease of applying this tool however. Desktop buffer requirements were reduced slightly when taking the moderate-high sensitivity of the wetland resource and the site-based modifiers (largely associated with the steep slope, reduced ground cover and presence of erodible soils) into account. In the absence of other forms of mitigation, a well vegetated buffer of 61m is advocated. Given known efficiencies of buffers of this size in attenuating sediment and nutrients, this recommendation is probably appropriate for a system with very sensitive biota. If this assessment was being undertaken for a development, we would investigate the real threat of nutrients further to see if a case could be made to reduce this threat rating which effectively drives the need for wide buffer requirements in this case. Given the importance of this threat rating, there is a clear need to ensure that it is appropriately motivated / justified. When habitat requirements for the Pickersgill reed frog are considered, restriction zones would need to be increased considerably (with a generic 250m buffer providing an indication of potential implications). Final buffer widths have not differed from the site-based buffer recommendations as it was felt that mitigation of impacts associated with agricultural development would be difficult to implement and would not contribute significantly to reduced threat ratings for key impacts identified. Final buffers 59 61 Applying the recommended maximum final buffer zone of 61m shows areas of existing sugarcane within the buffer zone, often right up to the wetland boundary. This suggests that existing sugarcane activities are likely to have a negative impact on the Froggy Pond wetland and should ideally be removed to ensure the appropriate protection of the wetland. 20 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 4: Map showing construction phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario A: Agricultural development (sugarcane). 21 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 5: Map showing operational phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario A: Agricultural development (sugarcane). Buffer outcomes for Scenario B: low impact residential development Outcomes of the buffers model applied to the Mt Moreland Froggy Pond wetland for Scenario B (residential development) are summarised in Table 6, below whilst construction and operational phase buffer requirements are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. During construction, the risk of sedimentation associated with soil erosion is clearly the greatest threat that development would pose to the wetland system. This threat has been highlighted as possibly the greatest cause for concern with regards to the impact on wetland areas. A 15m buffer was flagged in the buffers model for the construction phase based on potential sediment threats and the nature of the potential buffer zone (steep slope, erodible soils). The model suggests this could be reduced to 10m if additional mitigation measures are implemented. Table 6: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Froggy Pond wetland case study for Scenario B: residential development BUFFER RECOMMENDATIONS Desktop buffers (Sub-sector) CONSTRUCTION BUFFER WIDTH (M) OPERATION BUFFER WIDTH (M) 50 (15) 74 (3) COMMENTS Desktop buffer requirements are appropriately conservative (74m) when the worst-case sub-sector is chosen. If the sub-sector is selected, buffer widths (15m) for the construction phase are not 22 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report BUFFER RECOMMENDATIONS CONSTRUCTION BUFFER WIDTH (M) OPERATION BUFFER WIDTH (M) COMMENTS considered large enough to mitigate risks of erosion and sedimentation, due to the steep nature of slopes at the site and potential concerns of increased runoff volumes/velocities. To cater for this risk, worst-case site modifiers could be applied. This would result in more conservative desktop buffers which are advocated at the desktop assessment stage. A concern was also raised that there is a risk that impacts not specifically listed (e.g. groundwater contamination & point-source discharges) may not be appropriately detected if this tool is used as a surrogate for impact identification and assessment. There is therefore a need to consider this carefully when compiling guidelines / making refinements to the model. Another issue raised is that some developments may be phased or include a number of different activities that would require the assessment of a number of different sub-sectors. This is well illustrated in this case study where parking areas may also be planned or where a garden / lawns may be created within the “buffer zone” following construction. The impacts of such activities should also ideally be assessed and buffers established appropriately. Providing further clarity on the typical size / scale of development used in assigning initial threat ratings would also be useful to inform refinements to the threat ratings for small projects. Perhaps assuming a footprint that would extend 100m upslope from the water resource would be a useful starting point. Other factors such as slope can also have a significant effect on threats. Guidance on what site attributes should be considered when defining specialist threat ratings should therefore be provided. Site-based buffers 21 9 Buffer width was reduced considerably when taking the moderate sensitivity of the resource and the site-based modifiers (largely associated with the steep slope and presence of erodible soils) into account. In the absence of any other form of mitigation, a 21m buffer by itself (no other forms of mitigation) downslope of a steep erodible slope probably won’t provide a very high level of protection from erosion and sediment impacts as runoff velocities could potentially be high. This issue could be resolved by adjusting the score for soil properties and topography of the buffer up to better account for local erosion risk could also provide a more appropriate outcome. Doing so, would increase buffer requirements to 24m and 11m, for construction and operational phases respectively, which is not a significant increase. 23 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report BUFFER RECOMMENDATIONS CONSTRUCTION BUFFER WIDTH (M) OPERATION BUFFER WIDTH (M) COMMENTS Provided the buffer zone is appropriately managed (well-vegetated, no concentrated flow paths, etc.), a relatively small 21-24m buffer could provide for sufficient mitigation of sediment risks vegetated (research suggests that even a 15m buffer is likely to be 80% effective in trapping sediment). A concern was also raised that the sensitivity of model outcomes to site base buffer attributes may not be sufficient. Further investigation of the sensitivity of model outcomes to responses cited in empirical studies would be useful in tweaking this component of the model. Final buffers 10 4 Given additional mitigation measures for the site to deal with sediment/pollution/runoff impacts, the threat ratings for these types of risks was refined based on specialist input informed by the recommendations for mitigating impacts on site. Final buffer widths have been reduced by 50% when compared with the site-based buffer requirements for the site, reflecting the reduced threat levels anticipated for sediment and flow-related risks should additional mitigation measures be implemented successfully and consistently. Other risks such as light pollution and noise disturbance which could affect populations of barn swallows and frog species are not addressed here. This would need to specifically be considered when determining final setback requirements. 24 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 6: Map showing construction phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario B: residential development. Figure 7: Map showing operational phase buffer requirements for the Froggy Pond wetland at Mt Moreland for Scenario B: residential development. 25 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Time required to complete the buffers assessment Assuming that all site visits and wetland PES/EIS/biodiversity assessments have been undertaken and documented, the approximate time taken to run through the buffers model for this wetland was estimated at between 2 – 3 hours. Although most of the buffers tool/model was quick and easy to run through, a large proportion of the total time was required for providing specialist input and adjustments to threat ratings (with providing a rationale for any adjustments), running through the biodiversity sensitivity component as well as in providing recommendations for additional management/mitigation measures. Summary of comments and concerns raised A number of concerns/difficulties were encountered during testing of the buffer model/tool. A summary of the main concerns / difficulties encountered when applying the wetland buffers tool to the Mt Moreland “Froggy Pond” wetland under two scenarios (Scenario A: irrigated commercial cropland and Scenario B: residential development) together with suggestions for refinement is documented in Table 7, below. Table 7: Summary of comments & concerns raised for the buffer model testing on the Mt Moreland / Froggy Pond wetland CASE STUDY 2: MT MORELAND “FROGGY POND” WETLAND Aspect considered Comments / Concerns Selection of sector / sub-sector It proved difficult to find each sub-sector within the drop down menu in the Excel spreadsheet (small text and many subsectors all in one drop down menu). Population of climatic data It would be good to provide a map of the Rainfall Intensity Zones in the model for easy reference. Desktop Threat Ratings and Buffer requirements Specialist threat ratings Some of the desktop threat ratings appear to be either too high or too low, based on further specialist investigation of the specific development type, nature of the site and wetland and level of impacts anticipated. This emphasises the need for specialist input to refine desktop ratings where a site-based assessment is undertaken. Desktop buffer requirements seem generally fair and provide an initial indication of the types of threats that could be problematic for different development types. There is a concern that sub-sector will also be selected for the desktop-assessment. Doing so provides results which are far from precautionary. It is therefore recommended that worst-case site-based modifier scores are used when determining desktop buffer requirements. This would result in a situation where desktop buffer requirements are always adjusted down if threat ratings remain unchanged. Threat is probably the most important criteria rated in this model as buffer zone requirements are very strongly tied to this rating. Whilst the need to allow desktop threat ratings to be customized is well founded, this assessment needs to be well informed and be undertaken with appropriate diligence. There is little guidance provided with regards to modifying the preliminary threat ratings which could be built into the model if possible. Reference to GLV values (as included in the guideline) is also not particularly useful for practical application. A more useful suite of guidelines is therefore recommended to allow users to rate threats in an objective manner. The degree to which local site factors should be considered as part of this threat rating 26 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report CASE STUDY 2: MT MORELAND “FROGGY POND” WETLAND Aspect considered Comments / Concerns also requires some clarity (e.g. is sediment threat increased for a large site on a steep slope or is this catered for through the site-based modifiers). From a sediment risk perspective, site-based attributes are probably as relevant when assessing threat as they are for evaluating buffer zone effectiveness. Given the importance of this threat rating, there is a clear need to ensure that it is appropriately motivated / justified. This would add significantly more time to the assessment however. It is very helpful to have a GIS system available in order to interrogate data and calculate slopes, wetland vs catchment sizes, etc. The usefulness of such a tool should be emphasized in the guideline. It would be helpful to have quick access in the Excel spreadsheet to a description of how to calculate catchment/wetland slopes, perimeter, vulnerability to erosion, etc. This would improve the usability of the tool and help to cut back on time required for assessments. Consideration should be given to how the sensitivity modifiers are calculated. It may be useful to weight each criteria more objectively using pairwise comparison rather than simply calculating an average of the scores for each criterion. Alternatively, it may be good to investigate the sensitivity of model outcomes to recommended buffer widths cited in scientific studies to check that adjustments are appropriate. A few criteria where selection of ratings required further specialist interpretation to decide on ratings: o inherent runoff potential of soils - requires further rationale/clarification; o vulnerability of the site to erosion - is currently based only on slope and size but soil characteristics should also be included (e.g. presence of dispersive soils, indications of existing erosion features such as drains/gullies); o sensitivity of vegetation to increased availability of nutrients/toxicant inputs – requires specialist knowledge of vegetation at a site level; and o level of domestic use – the tool could provide further clarity as to what types of typical domestic use one can expect for wetland under the rationale for this criterion. There is a risk that wetland sensitivity can be overestimated or underestimated. This is due to the fact that some wetlands may be spatially variable in terms of the sensitivity of vegetation/habitat and biodiversity (species). Large buffers could be proposed for areas of degraded habitat that are not considered ecologically sensitive/important. In this instance the sensitivity assessment could be applied to spatially explicit sections of the wetland rather than the entire unit as a whole, yielding a variable buffer result applied to sections of the system rather than the whole unit. In some instances (as with the Froggy Pond wetland), there are sections of the wetland that are more sensitive than others. Consideration should be given to guide the calculation of buffers for these cases where wetland integrity/sensitivity varies across the system – especially when dealing with large wetland systems). In this instance the sensitivity assessment could be applied to spatially explicit sections of the wetland rather than the entire unit as a whole, yielding a variable result applied to sections of the system rather than the whole unit. A variable buffer may need to be recommended in these instances. Sensitivity assessment (wetland) Sensitivity assessment (biodiversity) 27 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report CASE STUDY 2: MT MORELAND “FROGGY POND” WETLAND Aspect considered Preliminary buffer requirements (excludes local site attributes) Site based modifiers Sub-division of buffer units Site-based buffer requirements Additional Mitigation Measures Final buffer requirements Comments / Concerns In the case of important biota, the rating of threats requires specialist input should be based on the specialists understanding of species sensitivity to specific impacts. A justification for these threat ratings should perhaps also be documented. Integration of some confidence measure may be useful (although this could be used as a cop-out for a poor assessment). There is a definite need for specialist refinement of the preliminary threat ratings and buffer widths outputted by the model. An issue regarding rainfall intensity zones was identified and will need to be addressed to ensure that buffer requirements are adjusted in an appropriate manner to cater for differences in anticipated stormflows between rainfall intensity zones. The site-based modifiers proved useful in refining threat scores and buffer widths, with the outputs looking more reasonable than the preliminary buffer requirements. Guidelines should provide clarity on whether the assessment is based on current buffer characteristics or a worst-case scenario with development (e.g. steep unvegetated slope vs gradual well-vegetated slope under pre-construction scenario). Rating of soil characteristics could probably be refined to better cater for soil depth (as this affects runoff) and erosion risk (in the case of sediment inputs). Need to consider the issue of sub-dividing the buffer and rating site-based modifications individually – need clear method and way of consolidating data for each sub-division of the buffer (it looks like a separate spreadsheet will need to be completed for each section of the buffer). No guidance is provided on the width of area / buffer around the wetland to consider when rating site-based modifiers. Clarity is therefore required to prevent confusion. Where buffers are not homogenous and need to be broken up and assessed individually, it is not clear as to how to capture this information. If a separate spreadsheet needs to be completed in each case, this guidance should be provided. The outcomes were regarded as reasonable. Provide further guidance as to which buffer to use when looking at site-based buffer modifiers (i.e. how relevant is a small operational buffer if construction buffers are wide?). Additional mitigation measures were recommended based on current best-practice methods/techniques. The effect of other mitigation measures in reducing threat levels for typical types of development activities could be documented in the tool. There is a real concern that threat ratings are not reduced in a precautionary manner. Whilst justification for reducing threat ratings is required, this could also be open to abuse. No guidance is provided as to mitigation of biodiversity aspects such as noise and visual disturbance to sensitive species. Final buffer widths have been reduced when compared with the site-based buffer requirements for the site, reflecting generally reduced threat levels anticipated should additional mitigation measures be implemented. There are a number of other practical issues that are not addressed by the buffer zone model. This includes factors such as other legal obligations (e.g. floodlines, existing infrastructure located within recommended buffer zones), practical management 28 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report CASE STUDY 2: MT MORELAND “FROGGY POND” WETLAND Aspect considered Comments / Concerns considerations (e.g. can the wetland be managed with such a small buffer) and other potential reasons for establishing a buffer zone (e.g. aesthetic value, screening of visual/noise impacts for sensitive species, etc.). It would be useful if these factors could be specifically flagged in the assessment as these criteria could be very important in decision making. Species of conservation concern The recommended maximum final buffer zones show areas of existing farming/development within the buffer zone, often right up to the wetland boundary. This has implications for the site in that these activities should essentially then be required to pull out of the buffer zone areas and these areas would then need to be rehabilitated such that the buffer is effective. Further consideration should also be given to how buffer zone requirements are documented in specialist reports. The current format of the model is not user friendly for reporting purposes. An updated / refined front-end or output would help to improve the usability and transparency of the outcomes of the assessment. In this case study, catering for species of conservation concern would be the primary determinant of setback requirements. Buffers of c.a. 250m have been recommended for the critically endangered Pickersgill reed frog. 4.2. Hammarsdale Wetland Doug Macfarlane and Adam Teixeira-Leite applied the model to the Hammarsdale Wetland case study, located within the eThekwini Municipality, KZN. 4.2.1. Site description The wetland is located adjacent to the National Route 3 (N3) off-ramp to Hammarsdale, between the towns of Drummond and Hammarsdale, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal (Figure 8). The site is located within the sub-escarpment grassland bioregion of South Africa (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006) with the landscape characterized by steep incised river valleys and extensive grasslands on the hillslopes and plateaus, with the local elevation ranging between 600 – 680m m.a.s.l. Local land use in the area includes agriculture (sugarcane), subsistence farming, scattered residential holdings and vast areas of open space (grassland and forest). 29 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Drummond N 3 Hammarsdale Figure 8: Map showing the Hammarsdale wetland site, adjacent to the National Route 3 between Drummond and Hammarsdale town, eThekwini Municipality, KZN. The wetland is located at the base of a small valley that has been bisected by a tarred provincial road and forms part of a broader wetland system that is located on a tributary river to the Sterkspruit River. The local climate is characteristic of the subtropical climate in KwaZulu-Natal, with generally warm, wet summers and cool, dry winters. The site falls within Rainfall Intensity Zone 4 (high) characterized by a mean annual precipitation of 772.1mm (MAP class: 601 – 800mm) and a much higher mean annual potential evapotranspiration rate of 1622.1mm. This gives a MAP to PET ratio of 0.48 (vulnerability index of 1), which means that the wetland has a relatively high sensitivity to hydrological impacts (i.e. changes in water input volumes and patterns). 4.2.2. Description of the wetland The wetland at Hammarsdale is very small in size (<0.5 ha) and forms part of a broader wetland unit downstream (shown in Figures 9 and 10). The wetland can be classified as a dominantly unchannelled valley bottom wetland, with channelled inflow via two small ephemeral drainage lines that drain a relatively steep and very small catchment area above the wetland. Water flows diffusely through the small wetland unit and exits via storm water culverts draining north beneath a formal tarred road at the base of the wetland. The catchment comprises sandy mineral soils that are considered well-draining. Land use in the catchment area of the wetland comprises old agricultural lands (sugarcane farming) and secondary grasslands dominated by weeds and pioneer grasses, with small drainage lines situated above the wetland that are vegetated with dense woody alien invasive species. The wetland is characterised by a Typha capensis - Cyperus digitatus dominated herbaceous mixed marsh that had been colonised by a range of alien invasive plants that comprise as much as 40% of the wetland habitat, the dominant of the exotic species being Lantana camara, Acacia mearnsii, Rubus fruticosus and Solanum mauritianum. 30 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 9: Photo showing the small “Hammarsdale wetland”, dominated by Typha capensis (bulrushes) and alien plants Figure 10: Map showing the Hammarsdale wetland delineated above the tarred road. The current state of wetland integrity is regarded as being Moderately Modified (C Class) overall, based on the WET-Health (Macfarlane et al., 2007) assessment undertaken. Although wetland geomorphology is considered to be largely intact, hydrology has been moderately modified due to a combination of catchment impacts caused by land-cover transformation and a host of withinwetland modifications including the presence of a number of woody alien plants, infilling for road construction and soil erosion features. Wetland vegetation has been largely modified (Class D), primarily due to the extent of alien plants that have colonised the site as a result of current/historic land-use and disturbance. 31 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Based on a rapid level assessment of wetland goods and services for the system (WET-Ecoservices – Kotze et al., 2007), it was estimated that the wetland provides Indirect Benefits such as flood attenuation, sediment trapping and nutrient/toxicant removal to a low-moderate degree, whilst Direct Human Benefits such as cultivated foods and tourism/cultural potential are generally considered of far lower importance for this system. Wetland habitat is minimal and largely fragmented from the wetland downstream and currently supports a range of common bird species such as Burchell’s coucal, Southern Red bishop and Long-tailed whydah. Overall, the EIS (Ecological Importance & Sensitivity) of the wetland is considered to be relatively low. 4.2.3. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment The “Site-based” level of assessment was selected for the Hammarsdale wetland study, which was informed by on-site sampling and verification of the wetland and catchment area by a specialist wetland ecologist familiar with wetland delineation and functional assessment techniques and methods. Proposed development scenario(s) The proposed development scenario at the site is to establish a new Light Industrial, Warehousing and Logistics precinct. The anticipated industrial development will comprise light industry (warehouses), hardened parking areas and surfaced access roads. Bulk earthworks, hardened infrastructure and access roads to the site are the primary activities expected to impact negatively on the wetland. The Sector selected in the buffer tool was the “Mixeduse/Commercial/Retail/Business” type which best describes the development scenario (warehouses & light industry). The “Medium Impact Mixed-use” Subsector type was selected to account for the potential impacts of light industry proposed for the area. There could be some potential confusion for these “mixed development” types, which could be placed under the “Industry” sector. In this case it will be up to the specialist to review the desktop threat ratings and make sure that these accurately reflect the level of risk/impact anticipated for a particular development. This places a significant onus on the assessor which needs to be clearly communicated in the accompanying guidelines. Sector Subsector Hammarsdale Wetland Mixed-use/Commercial/Retail/Business Medium Impact Mixed-use Preliminary threat ratings and buffers Preliminary/desktop threat ratings for the subsector selection indicate that impacts anticipated are likely to be very low in terms of nutrient/contaminant inputs with a medium impact anticipated in terms of increased sedimentation during construction. This seems to be a fair reflection of the potential significance of impacts likely to be associated with the proposed bulk earthworks and construction of hardened surfaces in the wetlands catchment area, although threats such as sedimentation and altered hydrology will also depend largely on the specific of the development project and the characteristics of the site being impacted. The desktop threat ratings do provide an 32 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report early indication of potential impacts to be flagged in terms of impact mitigation & management at the site in addition to buffer requirements. Altered flow volumes to the wetland are potentially high during operation, which is highly likely should storm water from the site be directed towards the wetland area. Desktop buffer requirements provided by the model (based on the worst-case scenario) suggest a 50m buffer zone for construction and 74m buffer for operation. This is regarded as appropriately conservative when the specific nature of the industry or attributes of the site/wetland are not known. It is worth noting however that when “Medium Impact Mixed Use” is selected as the SubSector, desktop buffer requirements declined to 15m during construction and 3m during the operational phase to mitigate sediment impacts. While this reflects reduced risks associated with the specific sub-sector, it does not account for local site characteristics which could require significantly larger buffers. This should be addressed to ensure that desktop buffers are appropriately conservative. Desktop threat ratings required adjustment by the wetland specialist based on the anticipated sitespecific impacts and characteristics of the site (e.g. steep slopes, sandy erodible soils). Sediment impacts were adjusted up to a Very High threat rating during construction in light of the site characteristics and planned platform establishment adjacent to the wetland (slopes, soils). Alterations to flow volumes reaching the wetland was adjusted down from a High to a Low threat rating during operation as on-site attenuation of flows is being proposed for the development (see mitigation & management measures in 1.4.6). Even with mitigation, it is anticipated that sedimentation could still remain a problem during site operation due to the nature of the soils and slopes above the wetland, and hence the threat rating was adjusted up from a Low to a High threat level based on specialist input. This does highlight the importance of reviewing generic threat ratings. While this detracts from the ease of applying the model, it does allow outputs of the model to be tweaked based on a sound understanding of the site and planned development activity. This does however increase the risk of misapplication of the model unless undertaken by a well-trained and independent specialist. Sensitivity assessment The sensitivity assessment undertaken for the site was relatively easy to follow, with rationale provided for each criterion to direct the user’s allocation of sensitivity ratings. The outputs of the sensitivity assessment highlight that the wetland is moderately sensitive to most threats/impacts, with sensitivity to flow modifications (i.e. overall input volume and flood peaks) considered to be high. This is probably a fair reflection for the wetland assessed, which was originally rated as lowmoderate in terms of the EIS (Ecological Importance and Sensitivity) of the system. No particularly sensitive biodiversity features were identified for the wetland; hence the biodiversity sensitivity assessment component was rated as low for all threats. The high sensitivity of the wetland to alterations to flow regimes effectively increases the threat rating for this impact to a High threat class. Overall, the sensitivity assessment is quick and easy to run through, with only a few criteria where selection of ratings required further specialist interpretation to decide on ratings. These included: inherent runoff potential of soils - requires further rationale/clarification; 33 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report vulnerability of the site to erosion - is currently based only on slope and size but soil characteristics should also be included (e.g. presence of dispersive soils, indications of existing erosion features such as gullies); sensitivity of vegetation to increased availability of nutrients/toxicant inputs – requires specialist knowledge of vegetation at a site level. Site-based modifiers Rating site-based modifiers based on the site-specific characteristics of the terrestrial buffer around the wetland was relatively easy to apply for this site as the catchment area around the wetland is relatively homogenous (moderate slope, moderate vegetation cover). The only area where variation around the wetland needed to be accounted for was where the drainage lines enter the system (concentrated flow paths). Since this was only a small section of the buffer, the buffer zone modifiers were rated based on a single buffer unit, but taking into account slight variations in the topography of the buffer. The only confusion related to exactly what buffer width to apply after taking site-based characteristics into account (the maximum preliminary buffer requirement for the construction phase was used in this case). This issue should be easy to address by providing appropriate guidance when applying the model. Another issue requiring clarification and further consideration is how the sensitivity modifiers are calculated. At this stage, it is based on a weighted average of scores across the different components assessed. A better approach could be to use pairwise comparison to determine an appropriate weighting for the different input criteria. This would ideally performed by a group of experts (potentially to be undertaken by the project team). The same comment applies to sitebased modifiers. Additional mitigation measures In addition to buffer requirements, a range of mitigation measures have been recommended for the site. These measures were deemed necessary and relevant to deal with some of the site specific ecological concerns likely to arise during the construction and operation phases of the proposed development, which buffer zones in isolation are unlikely to mitigate adequately. These included: The potential for further alien plant infestation of wetland areas and buffers; Relatively steep valley prone to soil erosion (sandy soils are considered highly erodible within the context of potential concentrated water flows); and Increased sediment inputs as a result of bulk earthworks near wetlands and altered runoff; and Increased flow volumes and velocities reaching wetland areas as a result of storm water management during operation. Mitigation measures concentrated on sedimentation and flow alteration risks which were highlighted by the buffers model as being of particular concern. In addition, generic mitigation measures to deal with potential toxicants/contaminants arising during construction & operation were also included. The specifics regarding mitigation measures that have been proposed for the 34 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report site are documented in Appendix G. Assuming that the mitigation & management measures proposed will be applied to the development site, refined threat classes were assigned to each impact type as per the table in Appendix G. Major refinements to threat classes included: Reducing the threat class from a Very High class to a High class for sedimentation & turbidity risks during construction. Although on-site mitigation is likely to reduce this risk somewhat, the risk of these impacts to wetland areas remains high due to the nature of the construction activities planned (bulk earthworks) and the characteristics of the site (steep slope, erodible soils). Reducing the threat class from a High class to a Moderate class for sedimentation & turbidity risks during operation. On-site mitigation involving the re-direction of flows away from wetland areas is likely to reduce this risk to a moderate level, however some risk still remains due to the nature of the construction activities planned (bulk earthworks) and the characteristics of the site (steep slope, erodible soils). Reducing the risk of altered flow volumes from a Moderate to a Low class during construction & operational phases taking into account mitigation efforts aimed at directing flows away from wetlands and implementation of a stormwater management system to ensure that releases are closely aligned with pre-development conditions. The risk of increased toxic contaminants reaching water resources remained Moderate, as risk will vary depending on the specific types of light industry at the site (details not available at the time of assessment). Outcomes of the buffers model Outcomes of the buffers model applied to the Hammarsdale wetland are summarised in Table 8, below whilst construction and operational phase buffer requirements are shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively. During construction, the risk of sedimentation associated with soil erosion is clearly the greatest threat that development would pose to the wetland system. This threat has been highlighted as possibly the greatest cause for concern with regards to the impact on wetland areas. A 31m buffer was flagged in the buffers model for the construction phase based on potential sediment threats and the nature of the potential buffer zone (steep slope). The model suggests this could be reduced to 15m as if adequate mitigation measures are implemented. With extensive earthworks and elevated banks at the site, it will be difficult to reduce risks to any lower than a high threat level even with proposed sediment/erosion control measures in place. There are a number of other practical issues that are not addressed by the buffer zone model. This includes factors such as other legal obligations (e.g. floodlines), practical management considerations (e.g. can the wetland be managed with such a small buffer) and other potential reasons for establishing a buffer zone (e.g. aesthetic value). It would be useful if these factors could be specifically flagged in the assessment as these criteria could be very important in decision making. 35 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 8: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Hammarsdale wetland case study Buffer Recommendations Desktop buffers (Sub-sector) Site-based buffers Final buffers Construction Buffer Width (m) Operation Buffer Width (m) 50 (15) 74 (3) 31 13 15 2 Comments Desktop buffer requirements are appropriately conservative when the worst-case sub-sector is chosen. If the sub-sector is selected, buffer widths for the construction phase are not considered large enough to mitigate risks of erosion and sedimentation, given typical soil disturbance associated with industrial developments. Buffers for the operational phase are also considered inadequate given the steep nature of the site and potential concerns of increased runoff volumes/velocities and the risk of pollution from future industries. There is therefore a need to ensure that desktop buffer requirements are adjusted to reflect a more precautionary approach. Buffer width was reduced considerably when taking the moderate sensitivity of the resource and the site-based modifiers (largely associated with the steep slope, reduced ground cover and presence of sandy, erodible soils) into account. In the absence of other form of mitigation, a 31m buffer by itself (no other mitigation) downslope of a steep erodible platform (with highly erodible soils) probably won’t provide a very good level of protection from erosion and sediment impacts as runoff velocities could potentially be high for this site. This issue could be resolved by increasing the score for the slope of the buffer from 1 (moderate slope) to 1.75 (steep slope) to account for platform development. Doing so, would increase buffer requirements to 38m and 16m for construction and operational phases respectively. Provided the buffer zone is appropriately managed, this could prove sufficient for mitigation sediment risks. Adjusting the score for soil properties up to better account for local erosion risk could also provide a more appropriate outcome. Given additional mitigation measures for the site to deal with sediment/pollution/runoff impacts, the threat ratings for these types of risks was refined based on specialist input informed by the recommendations for mitigating impacts on site. Final buffer widths have been reduced when compared with the site-based buffer requirements for the site, reflecting the reduced threat levels anticipated should additional mitigation measures be implemented. The effectiveness of these buffer widths given the steep topography, sandy nature of the soils and high rainfall intensities is questionable, with initial thoughts being that a poorly vegetated 15m buffer may be insufficient to adequately trap sediment. Research does however suggest that a 15m buffer is likely to be 80% effective in trapping sediment which may be acceptable in this instance. The sensitivity of the model to changes in threat ratings is also quite a concern, particularly when changing sediment threat from very-high to high. While changes in buffer width are based on scientific information, it can be subject to abuse. This could potentially be improved by providing clearer guidance in rating threats as reference to GLV values is not particularly relevant to most practitioners (e.g. link very high threat to particular activity attributes). Another concern that was picked up in the model was that there may be 36 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Buffer Recommendations Construction Buffer Width (m) Operation Buffer Width (m) Comments concerns with interpretation of rainfall intensity zones. Buffer 1 requirements in Zone 1 are considerably higher that Zone 4 which is contrary to expectations and to the description of calculations provided in the ACRU user manual. The sub-contractor who assisted with running the hydrological models will be contacted to obtain further clarity on this matter. Note too that the rainfall intensity zone map included in Wet-Ecoservices and commonly applied by wetland ecologists is different to that used for hydrological modelling (See Figure 5.16.2 in ACRU user manual). The most appropriate rainfall intensity zone map will need to be included in the final guidelines to ensure consistency of application. Figure 11: Map showing construction phase buffer requirements for the Hammarsdale wetland. 1 In Zone 1, rainfall is characterised by long duration, relatively uniform events; Zones 2 or 3 are characterized by convective type storms whist sites in Zone 4 are characterized by short cloudburst type events with very high rainfall amounts Smithers & Schulze, 2004. ACRU AGROHYDROLOGICAL MODELLING SYSTEM. USER MANUAL. VERSION 4.00. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. 37 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 12: Map showing operational phase buffer requirements for the Hammarsdale wetland. Time required to complete the buffers assessment Assuming that all site visits and wetland PES/EIS/biodiversity assessments have been undertaken and documented, the approximate time taken to run through the buffers model for this wetland was estimated at between 1 ½ – 2 hours. Although most of the buffers tool/model was quick and easy to run through, a large proportion of the total time was required for providing specialist input and adjustments to threat ratings (with providing a rationale for any adjustments) based on site-specific characteristics and recommendations for additional management/mitigation measures for the proposed development. Initial Scenario testing To further test the sensitivity of the model outcomes to input variables, a range of additional scenarios were evaluated which considered variations in climate, wetland sensitivity and site-based attributes. Details of these scenarios and resultant outcomes are presented in Table 9, below. 38 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 9: Outcomes of the scenario evaluation for the Hammarsdale wetland case study SCENARIO ACTUAL CASE STUDY Sector Sub-Sector MAP Class Rainfall Intensity Zone Threat Ratings Sensitivity Assessment Overall size Perimeter to area ratio Vulnerability of the HGM type to sediment accumulation Vulnerability of the site to erosion given the site’s slope and size Extent of open water, particularly water that is naturally clear Sensitivity of the vegetation to Wetland burial under sediment attributes Peat versus mineral soils Inherent level of nutrients in the landscape: is the wetland and its catchment underlain by sandstone? Sensitivity of the vegetation to increased availability of nutrients Sensitivity Modifiers Level of domestic use Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs 601 - 800mm Zone 4 2 (SENSITIVE DEPRESSIONAL WETLAND) Mixed-use/Commercial/Retail/Business Medium Impact Mixed-use >1201mm 601 - 800mm Zone 1 Zone 4 As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) 1 (WORST-CASE CLIMATE) 0.5-5 ha Low-Intermediate 0.5-5 ha Low-Intermediate Unchannelled valley bottom Unchannelled valley bottom Moderately High (6-7) Moderately High (6-7) Low (<0.5%) Low (<0.5%) Intermediate Intermediate Mineral 3: LOW SENSITIVITY FLOODPLAIN WETLAND 601 - 800mm Zone 4 0.5-5 ha High (>1500 m per ha) Large (>300 ha) Low (<500 m per ha) Depression Floodplain wetland Low (<2) Low (<2) Intermediate (4-6%) Mineral High (>9% of the area) High (e.g. short growing & slow colonizing) Mineral Yes Yes Yes Yes Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low High (e.g. short and/or sparse vegetation cover with high natural diversity) Low Intermediate (e.g. short vegetation with moderate natural plant diversity) Low 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.92 0.92 1.21 1.46 1.17 0.64 0.79 0.5 Buffer Assessment 39 Intermediate Mineral Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report SCENARIO Buffer attributes Slope of the buffer Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) Soil properties Topography of the buffer zone Site-based Modifiers (Construction) Site-based Modifiers (Operation) Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Moderate 2 (SENSITIVE DEPRESSIONAL WETLAND) Moderate 3: LOW SENSITIVITY FLOODPLAIN WETLAND Moderate Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately textured Dominantly Non-uniform topography Moderately Low Moderately textured Dominantly Non-uniform topography Moderately Low Moderately textured Dominantly Non-uniform topography Moderately Low Moderately textured Dominantly Non-uniform topography 1.23 1.25 1.23 1.23 1.25 1.23 1.23 1.25 1.23 1.23 1.25 1.23 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 31 3 2 31 61 5 5 61 58 3 2 58 18 3 2 18 13 2 2 13 46 4 4 46 26 2 2 26 8 2 2 8 Test case Buffer requirements are very responsive to climate. Sensitivity of the model is regarded as too high and ACTUAL CASE STUDY 1 (WORST-CASE CLIMATE) Moderate Site-Based Buffer Requirements Construction Phase Operational Phase Comments Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Buffer recommendation Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Buffer recommendation 40 Buffer requirements are very responsive to the sensitivity of the receiving environment (Buffer requirements vary by more than 3x when comparing low and high sensitivity ecosystems). Suggest that responsitivity be reduced Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report SCENARIO ACTUAL CASE STUDY 1 (WORST-CASE CLIMATE) will need to be reconsidered. 2 (SENSITIVE DEPRESSIONAL 3: LOW SENSITIVITY WETLAND) FLOODPLAIN WETLAND considerably. (Note: Differences are compounded by site attributes where large modifiers are also applied) SCENARIO Sector Sub-Sector MAP Class Rainfall Intensity Zone Threat Ratings Sensitivity Assessment Overall size Perimeter to area ratio Vulnerability of the HGM type to sediment accumulation Vulnerability of the site to erosion given the site’s slope and size Wetland Extent of open water, particularly water attributes that is naturally clear Sensitivity of the vegetation to burial under sediment Peat versus mineral soils Inherent level of nutrients in the landscape: is the wetland and its catchment underlain by sandstone? 4: IDEAL BUFFER 5: POOR CONDITION BUFFER CHARACTERISTICS (GENTLY (VERY STEEP WITH POOR SLOPING NATURAL GRASSLAND) VEGETATION COVER) Mixed-use/Commercial/Retail/Business Medium Impact Mixed-use 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm Zone 4 Zone 4 As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) ACTUAL CASE STUDY 601 - 800mm Zone 4 0.5-5 ha Low-Intermediate 0.5-5 ha Low-Intermediate 0.5-5 ha Low-Intermediate Unchannelled valley bottom Unchannelled valley bottom Unchannelled valley bottom Moderately High (6-7) Moderately High (6-7) Moderately High (6-7) Low (<0.5%) Low (<0.5%) Low (<0.5%) Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Mineral Mineral Mineral Yes Yes Yes 41 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ACTUAL CASE STUDY 4: IDEAL BUFFER CHARACTERISTICS (GENTLY SLOPING NATURAL GRASSLAND) 5: POOR CONDITION BUFFER (VERY STEEP WITH POOR VEGETATION COVER) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low 0.93 0.92 0.92 Low 0.93 0.92 0.92 Low 0.93 0.92 0.92 Moderate Very Gentle Very steep Moderately Low Very high Low Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Moderately Low Moderately textured Dominantly Non-uniform topography 1.23 1.25 1.23 1.09 1.08 1.09 High Uniform topography Dominantly Non-uniform topography 0.7 0.74 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Low Moderately textured Dominantly Non-uniform topography 1.64 1.67 1.64 1.64 1.67 1.64 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Buffer recommendation Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs 31 3 2 31 13 2 2 17 1 1 17 8 1 1 41 3 3 41 20 3 2 SCENARIO Sensitivity of the vegetation to increased availability of nutrients Sensitivity Modifiers Level of domestic use Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs Buffer Assessment Buffer attributes Slope of the buffer Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) Soil properties Topography of the buffer zone Site-based Modifiers (Construction) Site-based Modifiers (Operation) Site-Based Buffer Requirements Construction Phase Operational Phase 42 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report SCENARIO ACTUAL CASE STUDY Buffer recommendation Comments 13 Test case 43 4: IDEAL BUFFER CHARACTERISTICS (GENTLY SLOPING NATURAL GRASSLAND) 8 5: POOR CONDITION BUFFER (VERY STEEP WITH POOR VEGETATION COVER) 20 The model is very responsive to local site attributes, with buffer zones varying between 17 and 41m in this case study. This responsively appears reasonable but requires further verification. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report This scenario testing proved very useful in identifying some concerns regarding the sensitivity of the model. Key concerns raised included: The buffer requirement appeared to be overly responsive to changes in climatic variables in high rainfall environments with buffer requirements more than doubling under a highest risk climatic context; The buffer requirements are probably overly responsive to the sensitivity assessment with buffer zone requirements varying by close to three times in response to changes in wetland sensitivity. The nature of calculations (multiplication of modifiers) appears to result in extremely inflated values when a range of modifiers are rated as high. This points to the need for a more comprehensive sensitivity assessment that can be used to ensure that resultant buffer recommendations occur within a reasonable range. Two errors were also identified in the site-based modifiers template. The operational phase vegetation score was not being carried through appropriately while the score for soil properties under “Nutrient Inputs” was referencing the incorrect cell. Summary of comments & concerns raised A number of concerns/difficulties were encountered during testing of the buffer model/tool. A summary of the main concerns / difficulties encountered when applying the wetland buffers tool to the Hammarsdale wetland mixed-use development scenario is documented in Table 10, below. In light of these concerns/difficulties, the following suggestions have been made in an attempt to make the tool more user-friendly: Including guidelines either in the comments tab or in a new tab within the excel spreadsheet on how to calculate/rate certain criteria in the sensitivity assessment (e.g. slopes, perimeter, vulnerability to erosion, etc.); Making it easier to select sub-sector types (perhaps using numbers per sub-sector for easy reference & increasing the font in the drop-down list); Provide further guidance as to which buffer to use when looking at site-based buffer modifiers (i.e. how relevant is a small operational buffer if construction buffers are wide?); Need to consider the issue of sub-dividing the buffer and rating site-based modifications individually – need clear method and way of consolidating data for each sub-division of the buffer (it looks like a separate spreadsheet will need to be completed for each section of the buffer); Potential exists to include some form of confidence index that weights certain criteria based on the level of confidence of the assessor/user (e.g. biodiversity sensitivity ratings would have a relatively low confidence index rating for an assessor that is largely unfamiliar with biodiversity features in the study area or where such information is lacking and/or studies have not been done in sufficient detail to warrant a high confidence rating). 44 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 10: Summary of comments & concerns raised for the buffer model testing on the Hammarsdale wetland Aspect considered Selection of sector / sub-sector Population of climatic data Desktop Buffer requirement Specialist threat ratings Sensitivity assessment (wetland) Sensitivity assessment (biodiversity) Preliminary buffer requirements (excludes local site attributes) CASE STUDY 1: HAMMARSDALE WETLAND Comments / Concerns Further clarity could be provided for the “mixed-use” type subsectors to better define what sort of typical activities would be associated with this type. It was difficult to find each sub-sector within the drop down menu in the Excel spreadsheet (small text). It would be good to provide a map of the Rainfall Intensity Zones in the model for easy reference. Desktop buffer requirements seem fair and provide an initial indication of the types of threats that could be problematic for industrial developments as a sector. There is a concern that sub-sector will also be selected for the desktop-assessment. Doing so provides results which are far from precautionary. As such, adjustments need to be made to the tool to ensure that more precautionary buffer requirements are reflected. Threat is probably the most important criteria rated in this model as buffer zone requirements are very strongly to this rating. Whilst the need to allow desktop threat ratings to be customized is well founded, this assessment needs to be well informed and be undertaken with appropriate diligence. There is little guidance provided with regards to modifying the preliminary threat ratings which could be built into the model if possible. Reference to GLV values (as included in the guideline) is also not particularly useful for practical application. A more user suite of guidance is therefore recommended to allow users to rate threats in an objective manner. The degree to which local site factors should be considered as part of this threat rating also requires some clarity (e.g. is sediment threat increased for a large site on a steep slope or is this catered for through the site-based modifiers?). From a sediment risk perspective, site-based attributes are probably as relevant when assessing threat as they are for evaluating buffer zone effectiveness. It may be useful for practitioner to document their rational for threat ratings applied – although this would add time to the assessment. It is very helpful to have a GIS system available in order to interrogate data and calculate slopes, wetland vs catchment sizes, etc. The usefulness of such a tool should be emphasized in the guideline. It would be helpful to have quick access in the Excel spreadsheet to a description of how to calculate catchment/wetland slopes, perimeter, vulnerability to erosion, etc. This would improve the usability of the tool. Consideration should be given to how the sensitivity modifiers are calculated. It may be useful to weight each criteria more objectively using pairwise comparison rather than simply calculating an average of the scores for each criterion. Some suggestions for refining the sensitivity criteria are provided. No particularly sensitive biodiversity features were identified for the wetland; hence the biodiversity sensitivity assessment component was rated as low for all threats for this wetland. Since the rating of threats will be species-specific, specialist input should be based on the specialists understanding of species sensitivity to specific impacts in order to provide a meaningful rating in this instance. Integration of some confidence measure may be useful (although this could be used as a cop-out for a poor assessment). There is a definite need for specialist refinement of the preliminary threat ratings and buffer widths outputted by the model. An issue regarding rainfall intensity zones was identified and will need to be addressed to ensure that buffer requirements are adjusted in an appropriate manner to cater for differences in anticipated stormflows between rainfall intensity zones. 45 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Aspect considered Site based modifiers Sub-division of buffer units Site-based buffer requirements Additional Mitigation Measures Final buffer requirements Species of conservation concern CASE STUDY 1: HAMMARSDALE WETLAND Comments / Concerns The site-based modifiers proved useful in refining threat scores and buffer widths, with the outputs looking more reasonable than the preliminary buffer requirements. Guidelines should provide clarity on whether the assessment is based on current buffer characteristics or a worst-case scenario with development. E.g. Very steep platform vs gradual slope under pre-construction activities. Rating of soil characteristics could potentially be refined to better cater for soil depth (as this affects runoff) and erosion risk (in the case of sediment inputs). The rationale / approach for combining sensitivity criteria into a single score should be considered. Two errors were identified in the site-based modifiers template. The operational phase vegetation score was not being carried through appropriately while the score for soil properties under “Nutrient Inputs” was referencing the incorrect cell. No guidance is provided on the width of area / buffer around the wetland to consider when rating site-based modifiers. Clarity is therefore required to prevent confusion. Where buffers are not homogenous and need to be broken up and assessed individually, it is not clear as to how to capture this information. If a separate spreadsheet needs to be completed in each case, this guidance should be provided. Concerns were raised as to whether or not a 31m buffer by itself (no other forms of mitigation) on a relatively steep slope probably would provide an appropriate level of protection from erosion and sediment impacts as runoff velocities could potentially be high for this site. The issue could be resolved somewhat by rating slope according to the anticipated final slope of the platform rather than based on existing buffer attributes. Additional mitigation measures were recommended based on current best-practice methods/techniques. The effect of other mitigation measures in reducing threat levels could be documented in the tool. There is however a real concern that threat ratings are not reduced in a precautionary manner. Whilst justification for reducing threat ratings is required, this could also be open to abuse. Final buffer widths have been reduced when compared with the site-based buffer requirements for the site, reflecting the reduced threat levels anticipated should additional mitigation measures be implemented. There are a number of other practical issues that are not addressed by the buffer zone model. This includes factors such as other legal obligations (e.g. floodlines), practical management considerations (e.g. can the wetland be managed with such a small buffer) and other potential reasons for establishing a buffer zone (e.g. aesthetic value). It would be useful if these factors could be specifically flagged in the assessment as these criteria could be very important in decision making. No species of conservation concern were identified for this site. Further consideration should also be given to how buffer zone requirements are documented in specialist reports. The current format of the model is not user friendly for reporting purposes. An updated / refined front-end or output would help to improve the usability and transparency of the outcomes of the assessment. The sensitivity assessment has also highlighted the need to undertake a more comprehensive sensitivity assessment to ensure that multipliers used in the model result in an appropriate outcome. 46 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Outcomes of the updated model Following initial field testing and the sensitivity analysis, the buffer zone model was updated. The revised model was then applied against the same set of case studies used to test the draft model. Results of this assessment are presented here. Outcomes of the scenario evaluation The results of the scenario evaluation are presented in Table 11, below. This showed that the changes made had a significant bearing on recommended buffer widths. The following key points are worth emphasizing: Climate: Modifiers applied to rainfall intensity zones were miss-allocated in the initial model. This error was corrected in the updated model and an adjustment to the weighting assigned to climatic variables was included. The outcomes of the model now give a range in buffer widths of between 45 and 71m for construction and 24 and 45m during operation for this case study. Given the significant variability in stormflows expected across climatic regions, this variation seems justifiable. Wetland sensitivity: Recommended buffer widths were also responsive to changes in wetland sensitivity, with recommended buffer widths ranging from 45 – 66m for construction and 25 – 33m for the operational phases respectively. This variability is regarded as moderate allowing some tailoring of buffer requirements based on the receiving environment without making this a dominant factor. This variability in outputs is significantly smaller than that produced by the draft model. Buffer attributes: Based on the literature, it is clear that buffer width only accounts for some of the variability in buffer zone effectiveness and that a range of other factors need to be considered when determining site-based buffer requirements. The model remains responsive the changes in buffer attributes with ranges of 31 – 79m advocated to address construction risks while those advocated for operational risks ranged from 18 – 46m. Composite responses: When both wetland sensitivity and buffer attributes were altered, the range of buffer attributes increased as anticipated. Indeed possible buffer ranges under the prevailing climate ranged from 26 – 96m for construction and 15-56m for the operational phase. While variability remains high, this is regarded as justifiable across the extremes represented here. It is important to note that buffer requirements in this test case were driven largely by sediment risks, particularly those associated with construction activities. As can be seen from Table 4, minimum buffers of 15m were consistently recommended for these other potential impacts due to the low risks associated with the particular sub-sector in question. This reflects a precautionary approach which has been integrated to alleviate some of the risks of buffer zone failure in the longterm due to poor management practices. 47 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 11: Outcomes of the initial scenario evaluation for the Hammarsdale wetland case study using the updated wetland model. 1B: Best-case climate 2A: Sensitive depressional wetland 2B: Low sensitivity floodplain wetland Scenario Actual case study 1A: Worst-case climate Focus of comparison Reference Climatic variability Sector Mixed-use/Commercial/Retail/Business Sub-Sector Medium Impact Mixed-use MAP Class 601 - 800mm >1201mm 0 - 400mm 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm Rainfall Intensity Zone Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 1 Zone 4 Zone 4 Threat Ratings As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) Sensitivity of wetland Sensitivity Assessment Wetland attributes Overall size 0.5-5 ha 0.5-5 ha 0.5-5 ha 0.5-5 ha Large (>300 ha) Perimeter to area ratio Low-Intermediate Low-Intermediate Low-Intermediate High (>1500 m per ha) Low (<500 m per ha) Vulnerability of the HGM type to sediment accumulation Unchannelled bottom Depression Floodplain wetland Vulnerability of the site to erosion given the site’s slope and size Moderately High (6-7) Low (<2) Low (<2) Extent of open water, particularly water that is naturally clear Low (<0.5%) High (>9% of the area) Intermediate (4-6%) Intermediate valley Unchannelled bottom valley Moderately High (6-7) Low (<0.5%) Unchannelled bottom valley Moderately High (6-7) Low (<0.5%) Sensitivity of the vegetation to burial under sediment Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate High (e.g. short growing & slow colonizing) Peat versus mineral soils Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Inherent level of nutrients in the landscape: is the wetland and its catchment underlain by sandstone? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 48 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Sensitivity Modifiers Sensitivity of the vegetation to increased availability of nutrients Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) High (e.g. short and/or sparse vegetation cover with high natural diversity) Intermediate (e.g. short vegetation with moderate natural plant diversity) Level of domestic use Low Low Low High Low Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.05 0.89 Increased inputs of nutrients 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.13 0.94 Increase in pathogen inputs 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.13 0.85 Slope of the buffer Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Moderately Low Soil properties Moderately textured Moderate permeability Moderate permeability Moderate permeability Moderate permeability Topography of the buffer zone Dominantly Nonuniform topography Dominantly Nonuniform topography Dominantly Nonuniform topography Dominantly Nonuniform topography Dominantly Nonuniform topography Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Buffer Assessment Buffer attributes Site-based Modifiers (Construction) Site-based Modifiers (Operation) Site-Based Buffer Requirements 49 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Construction Phase Operational Phase Comments Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 54 71 45 66 45 Increased inputs of nutrients 15 15 15 15 15 Increase in pathogen inputs 15 15 15 15 15 Buffer recommendation 54 71 45 66 45 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 32 42 25 39 26 Increased inputs of nutrients 15 15 15 15 15 Increase in pathogen inputs 15 15 15 15 15 Buffer recommendation 32 45 25 39 26 Test case Adjustments to the model now provide a more defensible range of scores when accounting for climate (much narrower range). 50 Adjustments to the model now provide a more defensible range of scores when accounting for the sensitivity of the wetland. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario Actual case study 3A: Ideal buffer characteristics (gently sloping natural grassland) Focus of comparison Reference Buffer attributes Sector Mixed-use/Commercial/Retail/Business Sub-Sector Medium Impact Mixed-use MAP Class 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm Rainfall Intensity Zone Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Threat Ratings As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) 3B: Poor condition buffer (Very steep with poor vegetation cover) 4A: Combination of 2A & 3B 4B: Combination of 2B & 3A Worst-case vs. best-case Sensitivity Assessment Wetland attributes Overall size 0.5-5 ha 0.5-5 ha 0.5-5 ha 0.5-5 ha Large (>300 ha) Perimeter to area ratio Low-Intermediate Low-Intermediate Low-Intermediate High (>1500 m per ha) Low (<500 m per ha) Vulnerability of the HGM type to sediment accumulation Unchannelled bottom Depression Floodplain wetland Vulnerability of the site to erosion given the site’s slope and size Moderately High (6-7) Low (<2) Low (<2) Extent of open water, particularly water that is naturally clear Low (<0.5%) High (>9% of the area) Intermediate (4-6%) Sensitivity of the vegetation to burial under sediment Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate High (e.g. short growing & slow colonizing) Intermediate Peat versus mineral soils Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Inherent level of nutrients in the landscape: is the wetland and its catchment underlain by sandstone? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes valley Unchannelled bottom valley Moderately High (6-7) Low (<0.5%) Unchannelled bottom valley Moderately High (6-7) Low (<0.5%) 51 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Sensitivity Modifiers Sensitivity of the vegetation to increased availability of nutrients Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) Low (e.g. tall and dense vegetation with low natural diversity) High (e.g. short and/or sparse vegetation cover with high natural diversity) Intermediate (e.g. short vegetation with moderate natural plant diversity) Level of domestic use Low Low Low High Low Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.05 0.89 Increased inputs of nutrients 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.13 0.94 Increase in pathogen inputs 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.13 0.85 Slope of the buffer Moderate Very Gentle Very steep Very steep Very Gentle Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) Moderately Low Very high Low Low Very high Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) Moderately Low High Low Low High Soil properties Moderately textured High Permeability Low permeability Low permeability High Permeability Topography of the buffer zone Dominantly Nonuniform topography Uniform topography Dominantly Nonuniform topography Dominantly Nonuniform topography Uniform topography Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.23 0.7 1.77 1.77 0.7 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.25 0.74 1.75 1.75 0.74 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.23 0.7 1.77 1.77 0.7 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.23 0.7 1.77 1.77 0.7 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.25 0.74 1.75 1.75 0.74 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.23 0.7 1.77 1.77 0.7 Buffer Assessment Buffer attributes Site-based Modifiers (Construction) Site-based Modifiers (Operation) Site-Based Buffer Requirements 52 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Construction Phase Operational Phase Comments Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 54 31 79 96 26 Increased inputs of nutrients 15 15 15 15 15 Increase in pathogen inputs 15 15 15 15 15 Buffer recommendation 54 31 79 96 26 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 32 18 46 56 15 Increased inputs of nutrients 15 15 15 15 15 Increase in pathogen inputs 15 15 15 15 15 Buffer recommendation 32 18 46 56 15 Test case There is significant variation, particularly in the case of recommended buffers to cater for sedimentation risks which were rates as very high for this case study. A major increase in buffer width under this scenario appears justifiable. 53 When compared with the previous scenarios, it is clear that buffer changes in an appropriate direction under this scenario. While variability remains high, this is justifiable across the extremes represented here. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 4.3. Zulti South - eSikhawini wetland system Ian Bredin applied the model to the Zulti South wetland case study. 4.3.1. Site description The Zulti South mineral lease area is situated south of Richards Bay and the Umhlathuze River and north of Port Dunford. It is on land owned by the Ingonyama Trust and falls mainly on the boundary of an old forestry area. Lake Chubu, the town of Esikhawini and the N2 highway are to the northwest of the mining area (Figure 13). The proposed mining area covers a length of approximately 20 km and varies in width from 0.5 km to 2 km inland from the high water mark. Figure 13: Location of the eSikhawini wetland The eSikhawini township area is characterised by large valley bottom wetland systems located along a series of dendritic drainage lines that flow towards the north away from the dune cordon. The study area was one of the valley bottom wetlands, which drains inland (i.e. towards Lake Chubu). The study area was located on the seaward side of the last major road running parallel to the dune cordon, and is likely to provide an indication of the ecosystem service provision and health of the greater wetland system (i.e. the wetland was only delineated to the road as this was the Zulti South lease boundary). 54 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 4.3.2. Description of the wetland The wetland has been referred to as one of the arms of the larger eSikhawini wetland system. This particular wetland is approximately 2.4ha and is primarily an unchannelled valley bottom wetland with flow being predominantly diffuse within the wetland (Figure 14a). The wetlands catchment consists primarily of indigenous grassland (largely disturbed grassland), Eucalyptus grandi woodlots, sugarcane and a few homesteads. The cultivation of sugarcane does extend into the temporary zone on the western boundary of the wetland. The current state of wetland integrity is regarded as being Moderately Modified (C Class) overall, based on the WET-Health (Macfarlane et al., 2007) assessment undertaken. Hydrological functioning has been moderately modified by catchment activities including sugarcane farming and Eucalyptus grandi woodlots. Wetland vegetation integrity is generally considered to be largely modified due to the cultivation of sugarcane within a portion of the wetland and some Eucalyptus grandi trees and other invader species (Figure 14b). Although modified there is still a large portion of wetland habitat that remains largely natural (i.e. Cyperus marsh area – dominated by Cyperus dives). Figure 14 a and b: eSikhawini unchannelled valley bottom wetland with sugarcane and Eucalyptus woodlots in the catchment In terms of ecological functioning, the wetland functions well at removing nutrients, trapping sediment and maintaining biodiversity. The Critically Endangered frog species Hyperiolius pickersgilli (Pickersgill’s reed frog) has been identified to occur at a number of wetlands in close proximity to the case study site and given that the wetland has suitable habitat for the frog species it is likely that it also utilizes the wetland. In terms of wetland EIS (Ecological Importance & Sensitivity), the wetland is regarded as having a High EIS rating. 4.3.3. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment The “Site-based” level of assessment was selected for the Zulti South wetland study, which was informed by previous site visits and verification of the wetland and catchment area. The Sector 55 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report selected in the buffer tool was “Mining”. Sector selection was straight forward with no ambiguity posed by the model. In terms of Subsector type selection, the “Moderate-risk mining operations” was selected. Subsector selection was also straight forward with a relatively low level of ambiguity. Proposed development Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) proposes to mine the dune sands within the Zulti South lease area. The dune sands will be mined by a combination of dry mining and dredge mining, and processed to produce a heavy mineral concentrate containing the valuable heavy minerals ilmenite, rutile and zircon. The proposed mining method in the catchment of the eSikhawini wetland system will be dry mining. Typical ecological impacts/threats to the wetland resource would probably include: Sedimentation as a result of bare stripped soils/tillage; Possible increased toxic contaminants from mining related activities; Disturbance of wetland edges and increased threat of alien plants colonising wetland habitat; Visual and noise disturbance impacts on biodiversity (fauna); and Altered catchment hydrology (both surface and groundwater) as a result of the mining activity. Outcomes of the buffers model By far the greatest impact associated with the proposed mining at Zulti South will be the impact on the wetlands hydrology. Mining will take place within the catchment of the wetland and will also occur below the regional groundwater table, therefore impacting all wetland systems in the vicinity that are connected to groundwater (i.e. a large proportion of the wetlands within the northern KZN sandy aquifer coastal plans are connected to groundwater at one level or another). Therefore the hydrological impacts to the wetland are difficult to determine. Buffering a wetland will unfortunately not address the impacts unless it includes the entire catchment affected by the mining activity, both on the surface and below ground (i.e. the relevant aquifer). Applying the threat ratings, sensitivity assessment and site-based modifier at the site was done with relative ease. However, the recommended buffer widths of 50m at a desktop level and 93m at a sitebased level were not adequate to address the hydrological impacts. Note – the site-based buffer was rounded off to 100m. Rounding up of buffer widths should be taken into consideration. This is because the model was not developed to address hydrological impacts of this nature. Buffers are determined according to increased sedimentation, increased nutrients, increased toxic contaminants, and an increase in pathogens. The methodology clearly identifies the limitations of the model when it comes to hydrological impacts. Therefore the model cannot be used to effectively determine appropriate buffers when the proposed development is going to impact on the hydrology of a water resource. In particular, open cast and underground mining, required additional information to determine alternative mitigating measures to address hydrological impacts. In the case of Zulti South, a comprehensive surface and groundwater assessment is being undertaken to determine the impact on the wetlands and to identify possible mitigating measures. 56 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Consideration should be given to exclude all opencast and underground mining from the “Mining” Sector in the buffer model. While the model may prove to have limitations when it comes to assessing mining impacts it does, however, provide guidance for the user to further investigate the key drivers that are likely to impact on the wetland. Therefore, it can still be considered as a useful tool for the mining sector as long as the limitations are clearly understood. Core habitat for species of conservation concern The Critically Endangered Pickersgill reed frog (Hyperiolius pickersgilli) is likely to occur at the site. The following is recommended (Figure 15): A core habitat of up to 250m is established around wetland areas in which H. pickersgilli is present. Connectivity between wetlands is established and maintained through the proposed core habitat. As with the Mount Moreland case study, recommendations could be further refined by targeting areas of intact habitat and perhaps relaxing requirements where significant transformation through sugarcane cultivation and/or and Eucalyptus grandi woodlots occur. Figure 15: Recommended core habitat for Pickersgill reed frog Note – Although the aquatic impact buffer is not appropriate for the proposed mining activity it is still evident that core habitat requirements associated with species of conservation concern are likely to override aquatic impact buffer requirements, suggesting that the biodiversity component is adequately addressed. 57 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 5. RIVER CASE STUDIES The model was applied by Gordon O’Brien for the river case studies. The Elands River was selected as a more appropriate case study to the uMvoti River. While both case studies consider the impacts of a sugar mill, the Ngodwana mill is closer to the Elands River and dumps effluent onto pastures which impact the river through runoff. The second river case study was the Thukela River. 5.1. Elands River The following report documents the outcomes of the testing of the recently developed rivers buffers model. The model was applied to a case study including the development of the Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill currently located on the banks of the Elands River, Mpumalanga. 5.1.1. Site description The Elands River is a biologically diverse tributary of the Crocodile River in South Africa which is being used moderately and has been maintained in a suitable integrity state (O’Brien et al. 2014). Following an accidental spill of paper mill effluent into the Elands River at Ngodwana in 1989 (Kleynhans et al. 1992), the conservation and management of the river received considerable attention (Kleynhans et al. 1992; Ferreira et al. 2008, Ferreira et al. 2009). The Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper Mill, which is a vital part of the economy of the Mpumalanga region, is situated approximately 40km east of Waterval-Boven adjacent to the main (N4) highway (which bisects the valley) on the right bank of the Elands River, on the farms known in the past as Roodewal and Grootgeluk (Figure 16) (Hocking 1987, Weddepohl et al. 1991). Figure 16: The Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill and effluent fields located adjacent to the Elands River, Mpumalanga (25°34'43.92"S; 30°39'31.19"E). 58 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 5.1.2. Description of the Elands River and use by the Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill The Elands River is a 5 – 15m wide river with a generally moderate to steep gradient consisting of extensive riffle and rapid habitats (Roux 2001). Seasonal flow fluctuations are characteristic in response to rainfall patterns within the Valley. In this portion of Mpumalanga, 90% of the mean annual precipitation falls during the summer months from October to March (Weddepohl et al. 1991). Subsequently, the highest flows in the Elands River are recorded during these rainfall months, while the lowest levels are recorded in late spring before the onset of the summer rains (Weddepohl et al. 1991). The utilisation of the water in the Elands Valley has to an extent exceeded the actual volume of water currently available to the system for ecological maintenance of the Elands River and the in-stream flow requirements (IFR’s) of the system have been exceeded (Godfrey et al. 2000). Water abstraction for domestic and agriculture purposes in the Elands River Valley primarily comes from the Elands River itself. For industrial purposes, the largest consumer of water in the Elands River Valley is Sappi. Water is abstracted from the Ngodwana Dam, an artificial reservoir built on the Ngodwana River, one of the Elands River’s largest tributaries, to specifically provide for the purposes of the Ngodwana Mill (Hocking 1987). The Ngodwana Mill is one of the largest and most modern pulp and paper mills in the southern hemisphere, and the largest single private sector investment in South Africa's history (O’Brien 2003). The Ngodwana Mill produces 299 000 tons of unbleached pulp, 240 000 tons of fully bleached pulp, 1 250 000 tons of Kraft linerboard and white top linerboard, and 150 000 tons of newsprint per annum (O’Brien 2003). The mill was originally designed with a closed water system; incorporating high consistency oxygen bleaching and full filtrate recycle from post oxygen washing. Since the late 1980's, after a detrimental spill into the Ngodwana River (Kleynhans et al. 1992), the Mill has constantly put tremendous effort into alleviating its effluent discharge. The mill has subsequently been the first pulp mill in Africa to be accredited with ISO 14001 status. By making use of Sappideveloped technology, combined with state-of-the-art equipment, Ngodwana is the world's only bleached kraft pulp and paper mill that discharges no effluent directly into the local Elands River. However, all waste-water is used to irrigate pastures, which as a result which contain high levels of chlorides, resulting in the aquifer being contaminated. 5.1.3. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment Both desktop and site-based level of assessment was selected for the Elands River study, which was informed by expert opinion from as many as eight years of bio-physical and risk assessments of the Elands River (O’Brien 2003; Ferreira et al. 2008; O’Brien 2012; O’Brien et al. 2014). Proposed development scenario The proposed development scenario at the site is the establishment of the Ngodwana pulp and paper mill (Industrial activity) and the associated effluent irrigation fields. The development includes 59 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report the footprint of the mill and its associated infrastructure, including pipelines to the irrigation pastures on the southern boundary of the N4. In this assessment the desktop and site based assessments were considered, the sector selected for the case study was “Industry” and the sub-sector was selected as “Paper, pulp or pulp products industries”. The Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) range selected for the assessment was 8011000mm. The rainfall zone selected for the study was zone “3”. Preliminary threat ratings The main operational impacts of the Ngodwana mill relate to the irrigation of effluent (up to 30m3/day) onto irrigation pastures adjacent to the N4. In addition, within the footprint of the mill itself toxic chemicals, including salts, metals and organic contaminants are produced and sedimentation threats to the Elands River are also produced. Thus most of the specialist threat ratings were considered to range between moderate to high, aside from the input of toxic substances which had a very high threat and sedimentation and turbidity which was scored as a high impact during construction, but moderate during operation runoff mitigation measures including vegetation will be established to minimise sedimentation from the mill. This is the most important component of the excel model. The output of the model is dependent on the specialist’s assessment of the threat ratings. Differences of opinion can result in different outputs. The repeatability of the model using the same development example assessed by different users would need to be tested further. Sensitivity assessment The sensitivity assessment only required input of physical information of the Elands River which was available for this assessment due to research that had been undertaken in the study area (O’Brien 2003; Ferreira et al. 2008; O’Brien 2012). As already mentioned Elands River is a clear flowing, rejuvenated stream with high sensitivity to sedimentation and toxic contamination (Figure 17). The steepness of the catchment was considered in this assessment as a major variable affecting buffer width. An indication of how important the rating scores are to the overall assessment is required so that if some variable data is unavailable for the assessment the importance of the variable can be removed, by assigning a score of “1” for example. 60 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 17: The Elands River, Mpumalanga during base summer flows. Photo taken upstream of activity site Site based modifiers During the construction phase buffer requirements were considered to differ slightly from the operational phase. The differences relate to the soli stability differences during construction and prior to the operational phase of the mill the presence of toxic contaminants. For the assessment, during the construction phase, the slope of the buffer was considered to be moderate and the basal cover of vegetation was considered to be high. Soil properties were largely unknown so the precautionary principle was followed and a moderately low score was assigned. The topography of the buffer zone was considered to be uniform with few concentrated flow paths. During the operational phase once the riparian zone has re-stabilised with vegetation the threat of sedimentation and turbidity declined considerably. In this case study the toxic contaminant component of the site-based modifiers was required but unavailable during this assessment. In this case the threat of toxic contaminants entering the Elands River during the operational phase is high. Additional mitigation measures Two mitigation measures were available for the assessment including the reduction in water use (volume) from the Elands River as the mill will make use of the Ngodwana Dam which was constructed to store water for the mill. This mitigation measure will ultimately affect the patterns of flow in the river as high flow events in the Ngodwana River will be removed. Water used by the mill 61 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report is redirected to the Elands River via three major springs (known locally as “Eye’s”) through which partially treated ground water irrigated onto the irrigation fields percolates through the groundwater ecosystem and into the Elands River. Outcomes of the buffers model The assessment resulted in the determination of buffers for the construction and operational phase of the Ngodwana pulp and paper mill adjacent to the Elands River (Table 12, Fig 18). Interestingly, the sit-based buffer requirement for the mill is slightly larger (41m) than the desktop assessment (39m). This suggests that although slight, the precautionary approach was not adhered to for this activity in the model which should be addressed. As expected the buffer requirement for the activity decreases from 41m to 15m during operational phase in relation to changes in the sedimentation threats of the activity. It is not clear as to how the buffer zone reduction could be implemented after construction as any developments towards the river (into the buffer) would require “construction”. The width of the buffer proposed by this assessment is considered to be suitable and as indicated in Fig. 3 was not adhered to by the mill. The assessment shows that the buffers proposed for this activity on the Elands River cannot be met. The Ngodwana mill has however established a retainer wall along the portion of the Elands River shown in this study to be affected by the footprint of the paper mill. This wall may be diverting surface runoff into the suitable buffer zone on either side of the retainer wall. Table 12: Buffer zone requirements calculated for a construction and operational phases of the Sappi Ngodwana mill and associated infrastructure along the Elands River, Mpumalanga. Details of buffer requirement Construction phase Desktop Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) Operational phase Desktop Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) 62 Buffer (m) 39 41 41 22 15 15 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 18: The Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill and effluent fields located adjacent to the Elands River, Mpumalanga (25°34'43.92"S; 30°39'31.19"E) with buffer zones established in this study superimposed Time The buffer model took about 4 hours to run, with most of the time dedicated to determining specialist threat classes, sensitivity assessments and site based modifiers. Scenario testing To further test the sensitivity of the model outcomes to input variables, a range of additional scenarios were evaluated which considered variations in climate, river sensitivity and site-based attributes. Details of these scenarios and resultant outcomes are presented in Table 13, below. 63 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Desktop Threat Rating Table 13: Outcomes of the scenario based evaluation of the Elands River. Construction Phase Alteration to flow volumes reaching the water resource Alteration of patterns of flows (increased flood peaks) reaching the water resource Increases in sedimentation and turbidity Increased nutrient inputs Increased toxic contaminants Alteration of acidity (pH) of diffuse surface water inputs Increase in concentration of salts (salinization) in diffuse surface water inputs Change (elevation) of temperature in diffuse surface water inputs Pathogen inputs (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Operational Phase Alteration to flow volumes reaching the water resource Alteration of patterns of flows (increased flood peaks) reaching the water resource Increases in sedimentation and turbidity Increased nutrient inputs Increased toxic contaminants Alteration of acidity (pH) of diffuse surface water inputs Increase in concentration of salts (salinization) in diffuse surface water inputs Change (elevation) of temperaturein diffuse surface water inputs Pathogen inputs (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Construction phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) (m) Operational phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) (m) 64 Specialist Threat Rating Scenarios Real High Low L L L VL L H L H H H L M VL L H L M M M M N/A VL VL VL N/A M M M L L L L VL L VL VL H M M M L L L L L M H L M M H L H H H L VH H H L H VH VH VH H H H H VL L L L 39 41 41 39 41 41 39 3 3 22 15 15 22 38 38 22 3 3 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Sensitivity Rating Scenarios Real High Low 1. Changes in water quantity (volumes of flow) 1.25 1.1 Stream order 1 1.2 Channel width 0.5 1.3 Perenniality 1 1.4 Natural runoff potential 2. Changes in patterns of flow (frequency, amplitude, direction of flow) 1.25 2.1 Stream order 1 2.2 Average catchment slope 0.5 2.3 Perenniality 1 2.4 Natural runoff potential 3. Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.25 3.1 Geomorphology zone 0.75 3.2 Soil erodibility potential 1.25 3.3 Average catchment slope 4. Increased inputs of nutrients (phosphate, nitrite & nitrate) 1.25 4.1 Stream order 0.75 4.2 Retention time 0.75 4.3 Geological formations 5. Inputs of toxic contaminants 1.25 5.1 Stream order 0.75 5.2 Soil erodibility potential (K factor) 6. Changes in acidity (pH) from lateral inputs? 1.25 6.1 Stream order 1 6.2 Inherent buffering capacity 7. Changes in concentration of salts (salinization) 1.25 7.1 Stream order 1 7.2 Geological formations 8. Changes in water temperature 1.25 8.1 Stream order 1 8.2 River depth to width ratio 1 8.3 Climate (mean temperature) 1 8.4 River geomorphic setting 9. Increase in pathogen inputs 1.25 9.1 Stream order 1 9.2 River depth to width ratio 0.5 9.3 Level of domestic use Construction phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) 39 Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) 41 Site-Based Buffer Requirement MM (m) 41 Operational phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) 22 Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) 15 Site-Based Buffer Requirement MM (m) 15 65 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 39 41 41 39 41 41 22 21 21 22 15 15 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Comments The assessment was simple to evaluate and suitable for this case study. An understanding of the sensitivity of the ecosystem and potential impacts associated with the land based activity was crucial. The model did not seem to be very sensitive to changes in threat scores and sensitivity rating changes as demonstrated in Table 2. Figure 2 presents the buffer zones established in this study on the footprint of the Sappi Ngodwana mill and associated effluent fields. 5.2. Thukela 5.2.1. Site description The Thukela River in KwaZulu-Natal is South Africa’s second largest river with a catchment size of 29 000km2 that has aptly been named for its ferocity (Whitfield & Harrison 2003). Increasing demand for water related ecosystem services from the Thukela River catchment has resulted in an increase in pressure on the structure and function of the system (Pienaar 2005). Various water quality and quantity and habitat impacts associated with ecosystem service use including water abstraction, waste dilution, waste assimilation, recreational activities, and subsistence fishing occur in the Thukela system (DWAF 2004). The lower portion of the Thukela River has been characterised as an ecologically important region of the Thukela Ricer catchment with various social and ecological values associated with the use of ecosystem services (DWAF 2004). The state of the lower Thukela River has recently been established as moderately modified (Class C) state (IWR 2004). This suggests that although key ecosystem processes are occurring, some structure and function aspects of the ecosystem may be negatively impacted on as a result of altered state of water quality, and or quantity or habitat driver states (DWAF 2004). Activities associated with ecosystem service use in the lower Thukela River include water abstraction for domestic use, industries, agriculture, mining, recreation, waste water treatment and road and rail networks. Many of these ecosystem users abstract water directly or indirectly (via municipal abstraction works) from the Thukela, Emandeni, uMsunduze and or Amatikulu rivers and some of them release treated or partially treated effluent back into these systems. Ecological impacts from the above mentioned resource users have been reported on the lower Thukela River. The Thukela River has a Mean Annual Runoff (MAR) of 3 865 x 106 m3. The Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) of the entire catchment is 840mm. The MAP is highly variable from more than 1500mm in the Drakensberg to approximately 650mm in the dry central regions (DWAF 2004). Rainfall is very erratic with long periods of drought alternated with very wet periods. The geology of the Thukela basin is made up largely (90%) by the Karoo system. The basaltic lavas, Stormberg beds and Upper Beaufort Beds in the escarpment regions are important for water yields (Rivers-Moore, 2011). The Lower Beaufort beds and Natal Ecca beds in the middle of the basin generate substantial quantities of dissolved substances, particularly calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, and large amounts of silt (Rivers-Moore, 2011). The lower reaches are composed of Primitive Granites and Gneisses, Table Mountain Sandstone and Natal Coastal Ecca Beds and contribute less dissolved substances than the middle reach but yield higher quantities of chlorides and sulphates (Oliff 1960). Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Soils resulting from these formations are highly erodible via sheet erosion (IWR Environmental, 2003). 5.2.2. Description of the lower Thukela River and local land uses and proposed land-use development. The portion of the lower Thukela River considered in this study (Fig. 19), lies within the transition zone between the Maputaland Coastal Belt and the Coastal Belt Grassland zones of KwaZulu-Natal. The Maputaland Coastal Belt zone is characterised by pockets of various forest types, thickets, primary and secondary grasslands, extensive timber plantations and cane fields. The KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Belt Grassland Zone is composed of a mosaic of extensive sugarcane fields, timber plantations and coastal holiday resorts, with interspersed secondary Aristida grasslands, thickets and patches of coastal thornveld. Themeda triandra dominated primary grassland still occurs in areas where natural fire and grazing pressure continued. In this case study an undisturbed portion of the right (south bank) of the Thukela River is proposed to be incorporated into an existing intensive dryland sugarcane agriculture operation already established on the left (north) bank of the river (Fig. 19). In this assessment attributes of the proposed development and the Thukela River will be considered to propose a buffer zone for both the north and south banks of the river. Figure 19: The segment of the lower Thukela River, KwaZulu-Natal during base low flows that was considered in the study. Scale bar represents 100m. (29°12'9.69"S; 31°25'28.54"E). 5.2.3. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment Both desktop and site-based level of assessment was selected for the Thukela case study, which was informed by expert opinion from as many as ten years of bio-physical and risk assessments of the Thukela River (O’Brien and Wepener, 2009; O’Brien and Venter, 2012). Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Proposed development scenario In this case study an undisturbed portion of the right (south bank) of the Thukela River is proposed to be incorporated into an existing intensive dryland sugarcane agriculture operation already established on the left (north) bank of the river (Fig. 19). In this assessment attributes of the proposed development and the Thukela River will be considered to propose a buffer zone for both the north and south banks of the river. In this assessment the desktop and site based assessments were considered, the sector selected for the case study was “Agriculture” and the sub-sector was selected as “Dryland commercial agriculture”. The Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) range selected for the assessment was 8011000mm. The rainfall zone selected for the study was zone “4”. Preliminary threat ratings The impacts associated with the proposed intensive dryland sugarcane agriculture development include sedimentation and salinization during the construction phase and flow alterations, sedimentation, increased toxic contaminants, salinization and temperature impacts. The generic desktop assessment threat scores were modified to represent the stream order of the lower Thukela River where the development will take place. This resulted in reductions of flow alteration threat scores for the construction and operation phase. This is the most important component of the excel model. A detailed understanding of the study area is required for the site based assessment. Sensitivity assessment The lower Thukela is a large, slow flowing, highly productive and silt laden river with relatively poor species diversity (Fig. 20). The relative tolerance of the system to changes in patterns of flows, sedimentation, nutrient inputs, acidity, salinity and water temperatures were reflected by the poor scores. The river is considered however to be moderately vulnerable to water quality changes which includes toxicants that were not assessed in this study (portion of the draft model did not include this component). Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 20: The Lower Thukela River, Mpumalanga during base summer flows. Photo taken upstream of proposed activity site (Note the established woody vegetation on the right hand (south) bank of the River (left of the photo)) which is proposed for development. Site based modifiers During the construction phase buffer requirements were considered to differ slightly from the operational phase. The differences relate to the soli stability differences during construction and prior to the operational phase of the agriculture activity. On an annual basis however, during the operational phase of the activity the harvesting process of the activity will result in impacts that are comparable with the construction phase of the study. For the assessment, during the construction phase, the slope of the buffer was considered to be low and the basal cover of vegetation was moderate to high. The alluvial properties of the soil were considered. The topography of the buffer zone was considered to be dominated with uniform with few concentrated flow paths. During the operational phase once the riparian zone has re-stabilised with vegetation the threat of sedimentation and turbidity reduced considerably. Additional mitigation measures Only one mitigation measure was considered in the study including the construction of a temporary barrier to restrict sedimentation into the river. Although this mitigation measure reduced the threat score for sedimentation the buffer zone requirement did not change. Outcomes of the buffers model The assessment resulted in the determination of buffers for the construction and operational phase of the intensive dryland sugar agriculture operation in the lower Thukela River (Table 14, Fig 21). Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report From the assessment the buffer requirement of 15m from the high water mark of the north bank of the Thukela River has is not achievable. For the South bank where development is proposed a 39m buffer can be established for the construction phase and reduced to 15m during the operational phase. Table 14: Buffer zone requirements calculated for a construction and operational phases of the Sappi Ngodwana mill and associated infrastructure along the Thukela River, Mpumalanga. Details of buffer requirement Construction phase Desktop Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) Operational phase Desktop Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) Buffer (m) 39 28 6 22 15 15 Figure 21: The buffer zones proposed in this study to be established for the proposed dryland sugarcane agriculture development and the Thukela River for both the north and south banks of the river. The existing sugarcane plantation on the north bank is highlighted in the figure. Time The buffer model took about 4 hours to run, with most of the time dedicated to determining specialist threat classes, sensitivity assessments and site based modifiers. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario testing To further test the sensitivity of the model outcomes to input variables, a range of additional scenarios were evaluated which considered variations in climate, river sensitivity and site-based attributes. Details of these scenarios and resultant outcomes are presented in Table 15, below. Desktop Threat Rating Table 15: Outcomes of the scenario based evaluation of the Thukela River. Construction Phase Alteration to flow volumes reaching the water resource Alteration of patterns of flows (increased flood peaks) reaching the water resource Increases in sedimentation and turbidity Increased nutrient inputs Increased toxic contaminants Alteration of acidity (pH) of diffuse surface water inputs Increase in concentration of salts (salinization) in diffuse surface water inputs Change (elevation) of temperature in diffuse surface water inputs Pathogen inputs (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Operational Phase Alteration to flow volumes reaching the water resource Alteration of patterns of flows (increased flood peaks) reaching the water resource Increases in sedimentation and turbidity Increased nutrient inputs Increased toxic contaminants Alteration of acidity (pH) of diffuse surface water inputs Increase in concentration of salts (salinization) in diffuse surface water inputs Change (elevation) of temperaturein diffuse surface water inputs Pathogen inputs (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Construction phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) (m) Operational phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) Site-Based Buffer Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Measures) (m) 72 Specialist Threat Rating Scenarios Real High Low L L M L L L M L H VH VH L L L M L M M H M VL VL L VL VL VL L M N/A N/A VL VL L VL M M M M L L L M L M H VH L M M H L M M H L L L M L L L M VH VL VL L H VL VL L L 39 28 6 39 28 6 39 6 6 22 15 15 22 30 30 22 2 2 Sensitivity Rating Scenarios Real High Low 1. Changes in water quantity (volumes of flow) 1.25 1.1 Stream order 1 1.2 Channel width 0.5 1.3 Perenniality 1 1.4 Natural runoff potential 2. Changes in patterns of flow (frequency, amplitude, direction of flow) 1.25 2.1 Stream order 1 2.2 Average catchment slope 0.5 2.3 Perenniality 1 2.4 Natural runoff potential 3. Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.25 3.1 Geomorphology zone 0.75 3.2 Soil erodibility potential 1.25 3.3 Average catchment slope 4. Increased inputs of nutrients (phosphate, nitrite & nitrate) 1.25 4.1 Stream order 0.75 4.2 Retention time 0.75 4.3 Geological formations 5. Inputs of toxic contaminants 1.25 5.1 Stream order 0.75 5.2 Soil erodibility potential (K factor) 6. Changes in acidity (pH) from lateral inputs? 1.25 6.1 Stream order 1 6.2 Inherent buffering capacity 7. Changes in concentration of salts (salinization) 1.25 7.1 Stream order 1 7.2 Geological formations 8. Changes in water temperature 1.25 8.1 Stream order 1 8.2 River depth to width ratio 1 8.3 Climate (mean temperature) 1 8.4 River geomorphic setting 9. Increase in pathogen inputs 1.25 9.1 Stream order 1 9.2 River depth to width ratio 0.5 9.3 Level of domestic use Construction phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) 39 Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) 41 Site-Based Buffer Requirement MM (m) 41 Operational phase Desktop Buffer Requirement (m) 22 Site-Based Buffer Requirement (m) 15 Site-Based Buffer Requirement MM (m) 15 73 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 39 41 41 39 41 41 22 21 21 22 15 15 Comments The assessment was simple to evaluate and suitable for this case study. An understanding of the sensitivity of the ecosystem and potential impacts associated with the land based activity was crucial. The model did not seem to be very sensitive to changes in threat scores and sensitivity rating changes as demonstrated in Table 15. 6. ESTUARY CASE STUDIES The model was applied by Janine Adams, in a case study involving the development of irrigated agriculture on the banks of the Gouritz Estuary situated in the southern cape 33km south-west of Mossel Bay. The second estuary case study was for the Fafa Estuary. The model was applied by Meredith Cowie and Janine Adams, for the second case study involving the development of a hypothetical golf course at the Fafa Estuary situated 90km south west of Durban, KZN. The Swartkops Estuary was not used as a case study as all land along its banks is developed and a suitable site for testing could not be found. In addition recent field visits had taken place to the Gourtiz and Fafa estuaries which provided the necessary site specific knowledge to run the model. 6.1. Fafa Estuary 6.1.1. Site description The estuary is situated south of Durban near the iFafa Beach and adjacent to the National Route 2 (Figure 22). The vegetation of the site has been described by Mucina & Rutherford (2006) and Ezemvelo KZN-Wildlife (Scott Shaw & Escott, 2011) as KZN Coastal Belt comprised of grassland with remnants of subtropical coastal forest. KZN has a highly dissected, undulating coastline with over 70 small estuaries that are intermittently open to the sea (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006; van Niekerk & Turpie, 2012). Sugarcane cultivation is one of the main land use practices and has been the main contributor to the loss of over 50 % of KZN Coastal Belt vegetation (Mucina & Rutherford, 2006). According to the 2009 National Land Use Map natural, cultivation and urban-build up is present within the Estuarine Functional Zone (EFZ), currently delineated by the 5 m topographical contour. Existing developments include the iFafa Marina on the south bank in the middle reaches and a few residential and resorts in the lower reaches. KZN has a subtropical climate and receives predominately summer rainfall with a mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 800 to 1 500 mm (KZN Regional Office 2001). Thus Fafa Estuary falls within Rainfall Intensity Zone 4 (high). 74 Figure 22: Fafa Estuary, situated along the south coast of KZN (red line indicates the 5 m contour). 6.1.2. Description of the estuary Fafa Estuary (30°27'17" S; 30°39'13" E) is a relatively small temporarily open/closed estuary with a large catchment (231 km2). According to the National Biodiversity Assessment (van Niekerk & Turpie, 2012), Fafa Estuary is in a poor ecological condition (D is the Present Ecological State). Its hydrology is considered ‘good’ as freshwater inflow alteration is minimal; however the physical habitat was described as ‘poor’ due to medium pressures from pollution, habitat loss and the occurrence of mining and artificial breaching (van Niekerk & Turpie, 2012). The estuary is perched with steep channels and narrow riparian areas. High river inflow velocities have caused excessive sedimentation and nutrient enrichment in this system, which also affects macrophyte growth. Fafa Estuary has 51ha of estuarine area with reeds and sedges (mainly Phragmites spp. and Schoenoplectus scirpoides) dominant (8ha) (van Niekerk & Turpie, 2012). Swamp forest (Hibiscus tiliaceaus) and freshwater mangroves (Barringtonia racemosa) occupies 4.5 ha and submerged macrophytes occupy 1.5ha. However, no submerged macrophytes were visible during a recent site visit in July 2013. Like most KZN estuaries invasive plants are prevalent in the floodplain and include the blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus), black wattle (Acacia mearnsii), Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius), beefwood (Casuarina cunninghamiana), castor oil trees (Ricinus communis) and syringa (Melia azedarach). Problematic herbaceous species include Ageratum conyzoides, Ageratum houstonianum, Bugweed (Solanum mauritianum), Lantana camara, and Triffid weed (Chromolaena odorata). Azolla Hydrilla and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) have invaded aquatic habitats. 75 Figure 23: The north bank of Fafa Estuary illustrating coastal forest on the slopes and reeds and sedges fringing the open water 6.1.3. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment Both desktop and site-based level of assessment was selected for the Fafa Estuary test study, which was informed by expert opinion and a recent visit to the Fafa Estuary. Proposed development scenario The proposed development scenario at the site is to establish a new golf estate. The hypothetical golf estate development will comprise fairways, a club house, hardened parking areas and surfaced access roads. The Sector selected in the buffer tool was the “Open space” type and the subsector was “golf courses- fairways”. A golf course would consist of greens, fairways and some sort of development such as a clubhouse or housing development. The model is unclear on what should be chosen as the relevant subsector. In this case study the dominant land use was chosen for the study site i.e. fairways of golf courses. I would suggest that separate buffers should be determined for each proposed activity (potentially also including a sub-sector for the club house). The layout could then be adjusted to cater for the different risks associated with different aspects of the development. Preliminary threat ratings The main operational impacts of a golf course are irrigation and the application of fertilizers/pesticides/insecticides. Thus most of the specialist threat ratings were considered low to very low, aside from the input of nutrients which had a medium threat and sedimentation and turbidity which was scored as a medium impact during construction, but low during operation as grass/vegetation will be planted. Increased toxic contaminants and salinization were rated as low for 76 the operational phase; this is probably a conservative score as the chemicals applied to maintain the golf course could possibly affect these qualities. This is the most important component of the excel model. The output of the model is dependent on the specialist’s assessment of the threat ratings. Differences of opinion can result in different outputs. The repeatability of the model using the same development example assessed by different users would need to be tested further. Sensitivity assessment The sensitivity assessment was straightforward requiring just the input of information on the system. As already mentioned Fafa Estuary is turbid, 51ha in area, shorter than 5m in length and supplied by an intermittent river (it is likely that flow is maintained throughout the year although at much reduced flows in winter). KZN estuaries tend to be perched and thus are more frequently closed. According to Begg (1978), Fafa Estuary is closed 96% (i.e. > 80%) of the time. The natural runoff potential was selected as ‘moderate’. Submerged macrophytes have been recorded in Fafa Estuary, although present occurrence is unlikely. Domestic use of the estuary is likely to be low as only a few resorts and houses are located adjacent to the estuary. Guidance on how to fill in the sensitivity threat for biodiversity is needed. In the site based modifier sheet the drop down list for the operational phase activities does not appear (column L). Site based modifiers During the construction phase the site was described as having a moderately steep slope with dominantly non-uniform topography and a grassy vegetation cover considered to be high. The soil was characterised as sandy loam (moderately textured). The only difference between the construction and operational phase could be for the vegetation; however it is likely to remain high as the golf course will have grassed areas and gardens. The site based modifiers would be the same for the entire site except for the access road that, due to its locality, may have differing slope and topography. Site based assessment involves breaking up the delineation line into 100m segments; it was unclear as to how this was done. Following a project meeting it was subsequently decided that the delineation line be sub-divided only if there was significant variability in the slope, topography or vegetation characteristics of the buffer zone. Including the rationale behind the site based modifiers in the excel file as well as the method of assessment should be considered. I have noticed that scoring is incorrect for this attribute. Catchments with a low runoff potential should be rated more highly than those with a high runoff potential. Additional mitigation measures The major threats identified for this development were an increase in sedimentation and turbidity during construction and nutrient and toxic contaminant inputs during the operational phase. Mitigations include the use of barriers, storage of top soil and limiting the use of chemicals or 77 organic fertilizers to maintain the golf course. However, some fertilizer use would still increase nutrient input and thus the threat class was still considered to be medium. Outcomes of the buffers model Based on the abovementioned selection the following buffers were calculated for the development of a golf course near Fafa Estuary in KZN (Table 16, Figure 23, 24). According to the site-based requirement (with additional mitigation measures) the construction phase would require a 8m buffer and the operational phase a 51m buffer. However, when mitigated the site based buffer requirement during the operational phase was reduced to 14m. When the sub-sector was changed to golf courses- tee boxes and putting greens, the desktop buffer requirement for the operational phase changed to 22m against the fairways subsector of 2m. This is a more appropriate buffer distance to 2m. All buffers increased when the rainfall intensity class was changed to 1 or 2. When the nutrient inputs were changed from high to medium the buffer requirement was reduced from 51m to 12m, which seemed rather drastic. However this links to the buffer efficiency curves which demonstrate that quite small buffers are effective but that very large buffers are necessary if an efficiency of 90-95% is required. Table 16: Buffer zone requirements calculated for a hypothetical golf course development alongside Fafa Estuary in KwaZulu-Natal. Construction Phase Buffer Zone Requirement Operational Phase Desktop Buffer Requirement 15 Site-Based Buffer Requirement 8 Site-Based Buffer Measures) 8 Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Desktop Buffer Requirement 2 Site-Based Buffer Requirement 51 Site-Based Buffer Measures) 14 78 Requirement (With Additional Mitigation Development area Estuarine Functional Zone (5 m contour) Buffer with mitigation Buffer without mitigation Figure 24: Site based buffer requirements for Fafa Estuary. The supratidal zone is taken as the 5 m contour line. Time required to complete the buffers assessment The buffer model took about 1.5 hours to run, with most of the time dedicated to determining specialist threat classes, sensitivity assessments and site based modifiers. Scenario testing To further test the sensitivity of the model outcomes to input variables, a range of additional scenarios were evaluated which considered variations in climate, wetland sensitivity and site-based attributes. Details of these scenarios and resultant outcomes are presented in Table 17, below. 79 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 17: Outcomes of the scenario based evaluation of the Fafa Estuary (biodiversity sensitivity scores excluded) Scenario Actual case study 1 (Worst-case climate) 2 (Sensitive estuary) 3: Low sensitivity Sector Open Space Sub-Sector Golf Courses - fairways MAP Class Rainfall Intensity Zone 601 - 800mm >1201mm 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm Zone 4 Zone 1 Zone 4 Zone 4 Threat Ratings As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) Sensitivity Assessment Estuary attributes 1.1 Estuary size 50-100 ha 50-100 ha Small (<10 ha) Large (>1000 ha) 1.2 Estuary length 5- 10 km 5- 10 km <5 km >30 km 1.3 Perenniality Intermittent Intermittent Ephemeral Perennial Low Low Clear Turbid 1.4 Natural runoff potential of Moderate catchment soils Moderate 4.3 Water Clarity Turbid Turbid 4.4 Mouth closure as a measure of >80% flushing / residence time >80% 4.5 Submerged present Yes Yes Yes No Low Low Low Low Changes in water quality 1.0 1.06 1.25 0.5 Changes in patterns of flow 1.0 1.06 1.25 0.5 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.08 1.17 1.50 0.67 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.45 0.65 1.50 0.50 1.17 0.50 macrophytes 9.3 Level of domestic use Sensitivity Modifiers 1.20 1.25 Changes in the concentration of 1.08 salts 1.17 Increase in pathogen inputs 1 0.92 80 >80% <20% Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario Actual case study 1 (Worst-case climate) 2 (Sensitive estuary) 3: Low sensitivity Moderately steep Moderate Moderate Moderate Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) High High High High Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) High High High High Buffer Assessment Slope of the buffer Buffer attributes Soil properties Moderate Topography of the buffer zone Dominantly topography Increase in sediment inputs and Site-based turbidity 1.18 Modifiers Increased inputs of nutrients 1.17 (Construction) Increase in pathogen inputs 1.18 Site-based Modifiers (Operation) Moderate Non-uniform Dominantly topography Moderate Non-uniform Dominantly topography Moderate Non-uniform Dominantly topography 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.18 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 8 43 18 2 Increased inputs of nutrients 2 46 2 2 Increase in pathogen inputs 2 5 2 2 Buffer recommendation Site-Based Buffer Requirements Construction Phase Operational Phase 8 46 18 2 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 2 21 4 2 Increased inputs of nutrients 46 116 79 6 Increase in pathogen inputs 2 5 2 2 81 Non-uniform Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario Buffer recommendation Comments Actual case study 1 (Worst-case climate) 2 (Sensitive estuary) 3: Low sensitivity 46 116 79 6 Test case Buffer requirements are very Buffer requirements are extremely responsive to estuary responsive to climate. Buffer sensitivity. The variability is extreme and should be distance more than doubles moderated to a more acceptable level. in the worst case scenario. 4: Ideal buffer characteristics 5: Poor condition buffer (Very (gently sloping natural grassland) steep with poor vegetation cover) Scenario Actual case study Sector Open Spaces Sub-Sector Golf Courses - fairways MAP Class 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm 601 - 800mm Rainfall Intensity Zone Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Threat Ratings As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) Sensitivity Assessment 1.1 Estuary size 50-100 ha 50-100 ha 50-100 ha 1.2 Estuary length 5- 10 km 5- 10 km 5- 10 km 1.3 Perenniality Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent Moderate Moderate Turbid Turbid 4.4 Mouth closure as a measure of >80% flushing / residence time >80% >80% 4.5 Submerged macrophytes present Yes Yes Yes Low Low Low Changes in water quality 1.0 1.25 1.25 Changes in patterns of flow 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.4 Natural runoff potential of catchment Moderate soils Estuary attributes 4.3 Water Clarity 9.3 Level of domestic use Sensitivity Modifiers Turbid 82 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Actual case study 4: Ideal buffer characteristics 5: Poor condition buffer (Very (gently sloping natural grassland) steep with poor vegetation cover) Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.08 1.17 1.17 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.20 1.25 1.25 Changes in the concentration of salts 1.08 1.17 1.17 Increase in pathogen inputs 0.92 1 1 Slope of the buffer Moderately steep Very gentle Very steep Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) High Very high Low Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) High Very high Low Soil properties Moderate High Low Topography of the buffer zone Dominantly topography Uniform topography Concentrated flow paths dominate Site-based Modifiers (Construction) Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.18 0.70 1.86 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.17 0.74 1.83 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.18 0.70 1.86 Site-based Modifiers (Operation) Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.18 0.76 1.86 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.17 0.78 1.88 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.18 0.70 1.86 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 8 5 13 Increased inputs of nutrients 2 1 4 Increase in pathogen inputs 2 1 4 Buffer recommendation 8 5 13 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 2 1 4 46 27 73 2 1 4 Scenario Buffer Assessment Buffer attributes Non-uniform Site-Based Buffer Requirements Construction Phase Operational Phase Increased inputs of nutrients Increase in pathogen inputs 83 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario Buffer recommendation Comments Actual case study 4: Ideal buffer characteristics 5: Poor condition buffer (Very (gently sloping natural grassland) steep with poor vegetation cover) 46 27 Test case Buffer requirements are moderately sensitive to changes in buffer characteristics. Poor condition buffer requirements were more than double when compared with ideal buffer characteristics. 84 73 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Comments The Excel document could be made more user friendly- potentially directing the user from the one sheet to the next so that they know exactly what needs to be filled in. Simple things such as adjusting the sub-sector drop down to only the chosen sector’s subsectors, spelling mistakes, not having drop down lists for every cell required complicate the use of the model. In Sheet 4 regarding Mitigation Measures, it seems redundant to ask if there are additional mitigation measures, rather it should be filled in the description column. These comments were included in the overall summary table in the Gouritz Estuary case study. 6.2. Gouritz Estuary 6.2.1. Description of the estuary The mouth of the Gouritz Estuary is situated at 35o21’ S; 21o 53’E and the system is permanently open to the sea; it is marine-dominated and extends for about 8km to the causeway at “Die Eiland”. The health of the estuary is influenced by catchment activities (water abstraction, siltation and infestation by alien plants). The Gouritz Estuary is a channel like system with the absence of an extensive flood tidal delta or intertidal salt marshes. Figure 24 indicates the lateral boundary of the estuary which is taken as the 5 m contour line. The proposed development (i.e. irrigated agriculture) will take place inside of this boundary in a degraded floodplain as this land is owned by a farmer. Morphology of the Gouritz Estuary is comparable to the Gamtoos and Sundays estuaries in the Eastern Cape. The fringing estuarine vegetation consists of supratidal salt marsh with Sarcocornia pillansii as the dominant species. The salt marsh covers approximately 21ha. In the middle-upper reaches reeds and sedges fringe the estuary channel. Activities that degrade the Gouritz Estuary habitat include coastal developments, off-road driving, boating, overfishing, trampling on salt marshes, livestock grazing and a weir that obstructs river flow to the estuary. These activities damage the salt marshes, destroy riparian vegetation, and cause severe bank collapse and erosion and impact on flow dynamics. Much of the natural riparian vegetation has been cleared in places right up the edge of the river for the cultivation of crops. These lands wash away periodically during floods resulting in a loss of topsoil (Grindley 1989). Areas of the floodplain have been used for agriculture where ploughing has removed vegetation and in some areas overgrazing occurs. The Gouritz Estuary is ranked 50th out of 247 South African estuaries in terms of its conservation importance (Turpie and Clark 2007). According to the National Biodiversity Assessment the estuary has a “C” ecological health category which represents a moderately modified system. A loss and change of natural habitat and biota have occurred but the basic ecosystem functions and processes are still predominantly unchanged. The recommended ecological category was a “B” and it was recommended that 50% of the estuary margin be protected (Van Niekerk and Turpie 2012). It is an important nursery area for many species of fish which are dependent on the estuary for part of their life cycle. The MAP class was 0-400 mm and the rainfall intensity zone was selected as Zone 3, i.e. some likelihood of heavy storms. The catchment of the Gouritz Estuary is situated in the arid to semi-arid interior of the southern Cape. About 1-3 rain days per month can be expected and 10 to 20 thunderstorms occur per year 85 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report where one occasional heavy storm can account for as much as half the normal annual rainfall (Heydorn 1989). Rainfall occurs from April to September and the reported MAP range is 270-350 mm. Changing the Rainfall intensity Zone from 3 to 1 or 4 did not change the buffer width. This parameter needs to be investigated further. The buffer width only changed when the rainfall was increased to greater than 1000mm. 6.2.2. Outcomes of field testing Level of assessment The model was tested for both the desktop and site based assessment. The desktop assessment only considers the worst case scenario whereas the site based assessment considers different sub-sectors. Proposed development scenario The proposed development tested was for irrigated agriculture on the banks in the middle reaches of the estuary (Figure 25). The sector chosen in the model was agriculture and the sub-sector was irrigated commercial cropland. The main crops would be lucerne, wheat, oats and other grains for cattle feed. This would take place on the steep banks adjacent to the estuary channel. Original vegetation in this area would have been Strandveld and Renosterveld which would be naturally sparse in cover because of the low rainfall in the area. The development is planned directly adjacent to the water resource in this case the salt marsh and estuary channel and the sub-sector “irrigated agriculture” thus had the dominant impact. Figure 26 indicates the estuary channel, intertidal and then supratidal salt marsh distributed along an elevation gradient. The vegetation map indicates that the proposed development will occur in a disturbed estuarine floodplain area (Figure 27). The development site is not of uniform topography. In some areas there are steep banks that show signs of erosion (Figure 28). Activity sector on the first sheet should be linked to the corresponding sub-sector. The starting point used for delineating aquatic impact buffers varies according to the water resource. For example for rivers this is from the outer edge of the active channel, for wetlands the edge of the temporary zone and for estuaries the upper edge of the supratidal zone. In many cases the 5m contour or lateral boundary of the estuary is greater than that of the supratidal zone. The Gouritz Estuary case study is an example of a development proposed within the 5m contour line on degraded floodplain as this land is currently owned by a farmer and the development would indicate a change in land use practise. 86 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 25: Location of the Gouritz Estuary indicating the development site (yellow polygon) in the middle upper reaches; the estuary channel and 5 m contour line in blue. Figure 26: Intertidal and supratidal salt marsh at the proposed development site which would occur beyond the fence. 87 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Figure 27: Vegetation map for the Gouritz Estuary. The proposed development will occur in degraded floodplain. Figure 28 A & B: Shows the topographical variability of the site; some areas have steep eroding banks. 88 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Preliminary threat ratings The specialist threat rating was considered to be low for flow and flow patterns. Increases in sedimentation and turbidity, increased nutrient inputs and increased toxic contaminant inputs were all considered to be high for this activity. The desktop threat class was medium for contaminants during operation however this should be changed to high because of the risk of herbicides and pesticides to the estuarine biota. Changes in acidity, salt and temperature were expected to be low to very low. A table with preliminary threat scores and adjustments with a motivation should be included. Toxic contaminants need to be included for estuaries. Suggested changes to threat table: Open spaces and increase in nutrients should have a medium rather than a low contribution to nutrient levels; maintenance of grassy areas often requires the use of fertilizers. Water quantity pattern of flow – high – large volumes of agricultural return flow could change patterns e.g. in some estuaries zero flow is natural but now consistent baseflow due to agricultural input can occur. Sensitivity assessment The sensitivity assessment criteria were easily applied for this activity. The Gouritz is greater than 100ha but less than 1000ha in size. The estuary is between 10 and 20km in length. It has a perennial river system with moderate run-off. The channel of the river has cut through sand and limestone down to the underlying Bokkeveld beds which are exposed near the mouth. The natural run-off potential of the catchment soils was moderately high. Much silt is carried down the Gouritz River to the mouth during floods (Heydorn 1989). Violent floods are known to occur intermittently. Gouritz is a turbid estuary although some submerged macrophytes such as the important seagrass (Zostera capensis) are present (Figure 29). The sensitivity class for Biodiversity (summary template Sheet 1) was taken as high for all parameters. There are sensitive Zostera capensis beds in the intertidal zone, the salt marsh is sensitive to the surrounding activities and the rich intertidal banks colonized by sand prawns are easily disturbed. The criteria used for the assessment can be included for all estuaries in the country. There is available information on size, length, perenniality, water clarity, mouth closure and presence of submerged macrophytes. It is recommended that these data are collated and added to the estuary model in the next study phase. Mouth closure occurs for <20% of the time. A value of 0 should be added for mouth closure i.e. some estuaries never close. However there is always the potential for the mouth to close and thus it is recommended that this stay at 20%. Details for toxic contaminants must be added and the sensitivity of different estuary vegetation (e.g. salt marsh, reeds sedges) to these parameters investigated. Increase in pathogen inputs: need to add mouth closure as a parameter. If biodiversity was not considered this changed the buffer recommendation from 70m (construction phase) to 25m and from 64m to 23m (operational phase) – Scenario 1. Changing the sensitivity class for Biodiversity from high to low in Sheet 1 decreased the buffer width size for the site based assessment from 70m (construction phase) to 41m and from 64m to 38m for the operational phase. Each of the threats should be looked at individually and rated accordingly. This sensitivity class is not necessarily high for each of the threats. The important biodiversity aspect in the estuary must be highlighted. All parameters on Sheet 2 were given their highest sensitivity 89 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report score of 1.5 (Scenario 2) to see how this changed the buffer size. Biodiversity was not scored for this scenario. The same development was considered however it was now a small short estuary closed for greater than 80% of the time with a high run-off potential from the surrounding soils and a high level of domestic water use. The buffer width for the desktop assessment remained at 74m but the buffer width for the site based assessment increased for the construction and operational phase indicating the sensitivity of the worst case scenario. These values reflect the change in sensitivity but the risk remains. The site based buffer requirement for construction increased from 70 to 117m and from 64 to 108m (operation). A scenario was also tested for a less sensitive estuary (Scenario 3). This was a large estuary (> 1000ha), greater than 30km in length, with perennial flow and low natural run-off of soils. The estuary was turbid, the mouth closed for less than 20% of the time and there were no submerged macrophytes. The level of domestic use was low. There was a drastic decrease in buffer width from 70 to 5m (construction phase) and from 64 to 4m (operational phase). Figure 29: Sensitive intertidal areas with eelgrass (Zostera capensis) exposed at low tide. Site based modifiers Site based knowledge is needed to apply these criteria. The site is very steep in sections with low vegetation cover. The site was characterised by moderately fine textured soils with a dominant uniform topography. During the operational phase vegetation cover would be moderately low as this is a semi-arid area. This is the only characteristic that would differ between the construction and operational phase. Additional mitigation measures Mitigation measures were considered for all the high threat classes. The refined threat classes changed from a high to a medium threat. The site based buffer requirements with the mitigation measures were significantly reduced from 70m (construction phase) to 19m and from 64m (operation phase) to 18m. Changing the threat from high to medium significantly reduced the required buffer zone. Mitigation measures concentrated on sedimentation and turbidity and changes in water quality. Irrigated agriculture is 90 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report expected to increase nutrient inputs to the estuary. Toxic contaminants in the form of herbicides and pesticides would be a problem as well as salts as the area is dry. The mitigation methods are documented in Appendix H. The large change in the buffer width in response to mitigation measures assumes that these measures will be implemented and carefully managed which is mostly not the case in the reality. Temperature and pH which is currently not considered for estuaries must be added. A draft user-friendly look-up list of appropriate mitigation measures for different impact types should be considered, depending on the type of activity being proposed. This look-up list will be further developed during the testing phase. This should be added to the excel model to assist users. Outcomes of the buffer model The aquatic impact buffer was delineated in relation to the estuary boundaries and proposed development site. Set-back requirements for water resource protection are then defined and mapped as the maximum of either the water resource boundary (i.e. the 5m contour line) or the aquatic impact buffer zone. For the Gouritz Estuary case study the buffer zone was mapped inland from the supratidal salt marsh but within the 5m contour line (Figure 30). The operational buffer requirements were shown. Outcomes of the buffers model applied to the Gouritz Estuary are summarised in Table 18. The desktop buffer requirement provided by the model was 74m for both the construction and operational phase. The desktop buffer estimation represents the worst case scenario for the sub-sector and was therefore higher than the site based buffer assessment. If the sub-sector was changed to dryland agriculture there was a significant decrease in the required buffer zone which suitably indicates the sensitivity of the model to different sub-sectors; in this case irrigated versus non-irrigated agriculture. The site based buffer requirement was slightly lower than the desktop buffer requirement (74m) for both the construction (70m) and operational phase (64m). For the construction phase the site based risk class for flow volume and pattern were medium for the desktop assessment whereas this was low for the site based assessment. This adequately represents the precautionary principle for the desktop approach. 91 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Development area Supratidal boundary Buffer with mitigation Buffer no mitigation Figure 30: Map indicating the recommended aquatic impact buffer zone for the proposed development of irrigated agriculture along the banks of the Gouritz Estuary. Table 18: Summary of buffer model outputs for the Gouritz Estuary case study. Buffer Recommendations Desktop buffers Site-based buffers Final buffers Construction Buffer Width (m) Operation Buffer Width (m) 74 74 70 19 Comments Desktop buffer requirements were appropriately conservative when the worst-case sub-sector is chosen. 64 Buffer width was reduced during the operation phase as there would be greater vegetation cover, less run-off and sediment input. 18 The inclusion of mitigation measures reduced the final buffer widths for the sites, reflecting the reduced threat levels anticipated should additional mitigation measures be implemented. Research suggests that a 15m buffer is likely to be 80% effective in trapping sediment. However there is little information to say whether this buffer width would be effective in controlling nutrient and toxin inputs from the nearby irrigated agriculture. Time required to complete the buffers assessment The time will vary depending on whether the site based information is collated or whether you have to go and find it and put it together before the assessment can be run. Assuming that all information is available the most time consuming component was the adjustment to the threat ratings based on site specific characteristics. The overall time taken to complete the excel model is approximately 2 hours. 92 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario testing A range of additional scenarios were evaluated which considered variations in climate, estuary sensitivity and site-based attributes. Details of these scenarios and resultant outcomes are presented below. Table 19: Outcomes of the scenario evaluation for the Gouritz Estuary case study. 4: Ideal buffer characteristics (gently sloping natural grassland) 5: Poor condition buffer (Very steep with poor vegetation cover) Scenario Actual case study Sector Agriculture Sub-Sector Irrigated commercial cropland MAP Class <400 mm <400 mm <400 mm Rainfall Intensity Zone Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 3 Threat Ratings As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) Sensitivity Assessment Estuary attributes Overall size 100-1000 ha 100-1000 ha 100-1000 ha Length 10-20 km 10-20 km 10-20 km Perenniality Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent Natural run-off potential of catchment soils Moderately high Moderately high Moderately high Water clarity Turbid Turbid Turbid Mouth closure < 20% < 20 % < 20 % Submerged macrophytes present Yes Yes Yes Level of domestic use Low Low Low 0.92 0.92 0.92 Increased inputs of nutrients 0.90 0.90 0.90 Increase in pathogen inputs 0.75 0.75 0.75 Slope of the buffer Very steep Very Gentle Very steep Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) Moderately Low Very high Low Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) Low High Low Soil properties Moderately Uniform topography Moderately textured Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity Sensitivity Modifiers Buffer Assessment Buffer attributes 93 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 4: Ideal buffer characteristics (gently sloping natural grassland) 5: Poor condition buffer (Very steep with poor vegetation cover) Dominantly uniform topography Dominantly topography Dominantly topography Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.59 0.79 1.55 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.58 0.74 1.58 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.59 0.79 1.55 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.45 0.85 1.55 Increased inputs of nutrients 1.46 ? 1.58 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.59 0.79 1.55 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 40 20 39 Increased inputs of nutrients 70 33 70 Increase in pathogen inputs 3 2 3 Buffer recommendation 70 33 70 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 36 21 39 Increased inputs of nutrients 64 38 70 Increase in pathogen inputs 3 21 3 Buffer recommendation 64 38 70 Test case The model is responsive to local site attributes, with buffer zones decreasing when site conditions changed from a steep (test case) to a gentle slope with high vegetation cover. There was little difference between the test and poor condition buffer as this was similar to the test study. Actual case study Scenario textured Topography of the buffer zone Site-based Modifiers (Construction) Site-based Modifiers (Operation) uniform uniform Site-Based Buffer Requirements Construction Phase Operational Phase Comments 94 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Table 20: Additional scenarios tested without the biodiversity sensitivity scores. Scenario No biodiversity (Scenario 1) Sensitive estuary (Scenario 2) Low sensitivity (Scenario 3) Sector Agriculture Sub-Sector Irrigated commercial cropland MAP Class <400 mm <400 mm <400 mm Rainfall Intensity Zone Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 3 Threat Ratings As per test case (Without additional mitigation measures) Sensitivity Assessment Estuary attributes Sensitivity Modifiers Overall size 100-1000 ha <10 ha >1000 ha Length 10-20 km < 5 km >30 km Perenniality Intermittent Ephemeral Perennial Natural run-off potential of catchment soils Moderately high High Low Water clarity Turbid Clear Turbid Mouth closure < 20% >80% < 20 % Submerged macrophytes present Yes Yes No Level of domestic use Low High Low Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 0.92 1.5 0.5 0.90 1.5 0.5 Increase in pathogen inputs 0.75 1.5 0.5 Slope of the buffer Very steep Very steep Very steep Vegetation characteristics (Construction Phase) Moderately Low Moderately low Moderately low Vegetation characteristics (Operational Phase) Low Low Low Moderately textured Moderately textured Moderately textured Dominantly uniform topography Dominantly topography Dominantly topography Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.59 1.59 1.59 Increased 1.58 1.58 1.58 Increased nutrients inputs of Buffer Assessment Buffer attributes Soil properties Topography buffer zone Site-based Modifiers (Construction) of inputs the of 95 uniform uniform Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report No biodiversity (Scenario 1) Sensitive estuary (Scenario 2) Low sensitivity (Scenario 3) Increase in pathogen inputs 1.59 1.59 1.59 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 1.45 1.45 1.45 Increased nutrients 1.46 1.46 1.46 Increase in pathogen inputs 1.59 1.59 1.59 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 19 62 39 Increased nutrients 25 117 74 Increase in pathogen inputs 3 3 2 Buffer recommendation 25 117 5 Increase in sediment inputs and turbidity 17 57 39 Increased nutrients 23 108 74 Increase in pathogen inputs 3 3 2 Buffer recommendation 23 108 4 Test case Buffer requirements are extremely responsive to estuary sensitivity. The variability is extreme and should be moderated to a more acceptable level. Scenario nutrients Site-based Modifiers (Operation) inputs of Site-Based Buffer Requirements Construction Phase Operational Phase inputs inputs Comments of of Summary of comments and concerns A number of concerns were encountered during testing of the buffer model. A summary of the main issues identified during the Gouritz and Fafa estuary studies are documented in Table 21. Table 21: Summary of comments for the buffer model testing on the Gouritz & Fafa estuaries. Aspect considered Comments / Concerns Selection of sector / subsector Activity sector on the first sheet should be linked to the corresponding sub-sector. A golf course would consist of greens, fairways and some sort of development such as a clubhouse or housing development. The model is unclear on what should be chosen as the relevant sub- 96 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report sector. In the Fafa case study the dominant land use was chosen for the study site i.e. fairways of golf courses. Desktop Buffer requirement Specialist threat ratings Sensitivity assessment (estuary) Desktop buffer requirements seem fair and provided an indication of the types of threats that could be problematic for agriculture as a sector. Could include an additional excel sheet with preliminary threat scores and adjustments with a motivation. Toxic contaminants need to be included for estuaries. This is the most important component of the excel model. The output of the model is dependent on the specialist’s assessment of the threat ratings. Differences of opinion can result in different outputs. The repeatability of the model using the same development example assessed by different users would need to be tested further. The criteria used for the assessment can be included for all estuaries in the country. There is available information on size, length, perenniality, water clarity, mouth closure and presence of submerged macrophytes. It is recommended that these data are collated and added to the estuary model in the next study phase. A value of 0 should be added for mouth closure i.e. some estuaries never close. However there is always the potential for the mouth to close and thus it is recommended that this stay at <20%. Details for toxic contaminants must be added and the sensitivity of different estuary vegetation (e.g. salt marsh, reeds sedges) to these parameters investigated. Increase in pathogen inputs : need to add mouth closure as a parameter. Guidance on how to fill in the sensitivity threat for biodiversity is needed in the excel file. Sensitivity assessment (biodiversity) Biodiversity features were rated as high for all estuary features. This aspect was developed in the model to include species of special concern but this has not been applied in this manner for the estuary case study. This aspect needs further investigation for implementation in the estuary buffer model and supporting report. Preliminary buffer requirements (excludes local site attributes) There is a definite need for specialist refinement of the preliminary threat ratings and buffer widths outputted by the model particularly in relation to the lateral estuary boundary. The buffer width only changed when the rainfall was increased to greater than 1000mm. This will need to be investigated further to ensure that there is sensitivity to different climatic zones. Check the scores for soil properties, error in cell J16, Sheet 3. Some of the scores not being taken over automatically between other threat types. Consider including the rationale behind the site based modifiers in the excel file. This may need to be considered for the estuary assessment when the topography of the site is very different over 100m of the bank length. The site-based buffer requirement without any mitigation appeared adequate. The large change in the buffer width in response to mitigation measures assumes that these measures will be implemented and carefully managed which is mostly not the case in reality. Temperature and pH were not considered for estuaries but should be added to the excel model so that it is consistent with and as comprehensive as the wetland and river models. A look-up list of appropriate mitigation measures for different impact types should be added to Site based modifiers Sub-division of buffer units Site-based buffer requirements Additional Mitigation Measures 97 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report the excel model to assist users. The starting point used for delineating aquatic impact buffers varies according to the water resource. For estuaries this is the upper edge of the supratidal zone. In many cases the 5m contour or lateral boundary of the estuary is greater than that of the supratidal zone. The Gouritz Estuary case study is an example of this where development is proposed within the 5m contour line on degraded floodplain. The geographical boundaries of the estuary need to be considered when the final buffer width is considered. It was difficult to assess whether the final buffer width (including mitigation) proposed for the Gouritz Estuary test study would be effective in controlling nutrient and toxin inputs from the nearby irrigated agriculture. Local research is needed to quantify these aspects. No species of conservation concern were identified for this site. These protected species need to be identified for estuaries and details on them included in the next phase of the project. These species may include crocodiles, hippos and certain bird species that utilise the estuarine riparian zone and require protection of a core habitat for survival. For each of use it is recommended that a front page on the excel model be added to describe the necessary steps for completion of the model. Open spaces and increase in nutrients should have a medium rather than a low contribution to nutrient levels; maintenance of grassy areas often requires the use of fertilizers. Water quantity pattern of flow – high – large volumes of agricultural return flow could change patterns e.g. in some estuaries zero flow is natural but now consistent baseflow due to agricultural input can occur. Final buffer requirements Species of conservation concern Overall Suggested changes to threat table 7. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS AND FURTHER REFINEMENT OF THE BUFFER ZONE MODELS 7.1. Focus of assessment The focus of this assessment was to assess the sensitivity of the buffer zone models to primary input parameters and where necessary, to refine the buffer zone tools to ensure that outcomes correspond with expected outcomes documented in scientific literature. 7.2. Approach to assessment In order to test the outcomes of the model, a wide range of potential scenarios were simulated using a simplified version of the buffer zone tool. This involved creating a separate spreadsheet where buffer zone outcomes were linked to the following key parameters: Climatic Risk Score: This reflects the impact of MAR and rainfall intensity on storm flows which is regarded as a key driver of diffuse source inputs. Sensitivity of the water resource: This reflects the susceptibility of the water resource to impacts by diffuse source pollutants. Site-based attributes: This reflects variability in the efficiency of buffer zones in trapping diffuse source pollutants based on a range of buffer zone attributes. 98 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report In order to simulate the full range of possible outcomes, best-case and worst-case scenarios were considered, together with a middle-of-the-road scenario. The outcomes of the model under various scenarios were initially evaluated subjectively by comparing outcomes against expectations and available literature (Appendix J). Graphs were also generated for each of the buffer functions considered (sediment trapping, nutrient removal and pathogen removal). These showed the relationship between (i) initial threat scores (linked to landuse activities) and recommended buffer widths and (ii) refined risk scores and associated buffer zone requirements. These graphs clearly indicated the variability in buffer outcomes of the model in response to changes in the suite key input parameters. By maintaining certain variables constant, it was also possible to assess the influence of each of the key input variables on buffer outcomes. Based on the various simulations, concerns with the initial draft model were identified. A range of potential changes to the model were then made and outcomes were systematically evaluated by comparing these two expected outcomes based on available literature. Once acceptable results were achieved, these were integrated into a revised version of the buffer zone tool (Appendix K). Refinements made as a result of this sensitivity assessment were then incorporated into the updated version of the models for application in selected test-cases. 7.3. Outcomes of the draft buffer zone tool 7.3.1. Sensitivity of outcomes to climatic factors Based on initial model outputs, it was evident that climate had a small but noticeable effect on modelled outcomes. In climates characterized by high MAP and rainfall intensities, buffer requirements were typically twice as high as those under arid conditions with low rainfall intensities. This relationship is presented graphically in Figure 31, below and was derived by maintaining other input parameters constant while varying climatic factors. Sediment Retention 60.0 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement Sediment Retention 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 y = 69.643x2 - 23.071x + 3.6 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 Threat Score 0.2 0.4 0.6 Risk Score 99 0.8 1 1.2 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Nutrient Inputs Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 100.0 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement y = 176.79x2 - 91.643x + 13.6 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 Threat Score Pathogen removal 0.8 1 1.2 1 1.2 Pathogen removal 35.0 35.0 30.0 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 0.6 Risk Score 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 y = 35.714x2 - 6.8571x + 1.6 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 Threat Score 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Risk Score Figure 31: Responsively of the modelled buffer recommendations in response to variability in climatic attributes. While there is little scientific justification for this range in values, the importance of climatic factors in driving storm water runoff is well established. This relationship is well established in the model with risk and associated buffer requirements clearly responding to changes in climatic factors under a range of threat scenarios. 7.3.2. Sensitivity of outcomes to the sensitivity of water resources A sound rationale has been provided in the buffer zone guideline for adjusting risk in response to the sensitivity of the receiving environment. This is in line with international risk methodologies which typically consider exposure (threat) and effect (sensitivity) in evaluating risk. When evaluating preliminary model outcomes, it was clearly evident that sensitivity was having a major influence on buffer zone outcomes. This was caused by the manner in which risk scores are calculated, being determined by the product of risk and sensitivity scores. This effect is clearly indicated in Figure 32 which shows excessive variability in modelled buffer outcomes for water resources with different sensitivities under a full range of threat scenarios. This difference is exacerbated under high threat scenarios, although capping risk scores to a maximum of 1 did limit the upper range of possible buffer requirements. 100 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Sediment Retention 60.0 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement Sediment Retention 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 y = 69.643x2 - 23.071x + 3.6 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Threat Score 0.8 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 Risk Score Nutrient Inputs Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 100.0 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement y = 176.79x2 - 91.643x + 13.6 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 Threat Score Pathogen removal 0.8 Pathogen removal 35.0 35.0 30.0 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 0.6 Risk Score 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 y = 35.714x2 - 6.8571x + 1.6 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 Threat Score 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Risk Score Figure 32: Responsively of the modelled buffer recommendations in response to variability in the sensitivity of the receiving environment. Based on these outcomes, it was clear that the risk calculations needed to be reviewed to narrow the variability in buffer outcomes in response to sensitivity of the receiving environment. 7.3.3. Sensitivity of outcomes to site-based attributes The variability in potential site-based attribute scores is high, with scores ranging from 0.7 (most effective buffer attributes) to 1.86 (buffers poorly suited to reduce impacts from diffuse source impacts). Based on a preliminary review of model outcomes, it was quickly apparent that the variability in recommended buffer requirements was excessive when compared with typical variability encountered in scientific literature and reviews of buffer zone effectiveness. As for sensitivity, this was particularly problematic under higher threat scenarios where ranges in outcomes were most variable (Figure 33). The range in outcomes was greater than that for sensitivity as expected in response to the broader range in potential input values. 101 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Sediment Retention 60.0 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement Sediment Retention 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 y = 69.643x2 - 23.071x + 3.6 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Threat Score 0.8 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 Risk Score Nutrient Inputs Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 100.0 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement y = 176.79x2 - 91.643x + 13.6 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 Threat Score Pathogen removal 0.8 Pathogen removal 35.0 35.0 30.0 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 0.6 Risk Score 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 y = 35.714x2 - 6.8571x + 1.6 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 Threat Score 0.6 0.8 Risk Score Figure 33: Responsively of the modelled buffer recommendations in response to variability in site-based buffer zone attributes. Given that site-based attributes also fed into the risk score in the draft model, it was clear that the risk calculations were having too great an influence on the variability in buffer outcomes. It also highlighted an important point that site-based attributes should not influence the risk score directly but should rather be used to adjust the preliminary buffer recommendations derived from the initial risk assessment. This learning was used to adjust the way that final buffer requirements were calculated in the buffer zone model (See Section 4.2). 7.3.4. Sensitivity of outcomes to full range of input variables As expected, the variability in buffer zone outcomes increased further when all three input variables were varied together (Figure 34). This emphasized the need to reconsider the relative weightings of input 102 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report variables and the manner in which the relationships were formalized in the buffer model. Further details of the changes integrated into the model in response to this sensitivity analysis are discussed in Section 4. Sediment Retention 60.0 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement Sediment Retention 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 y = 69.643x2 - 23.071x + 3.6 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Threat Score 0.8 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 Risk Score Nutrient Inputs Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 100.0 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement y = 176.79x2 - 91.643x + 13.6 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 0.4 Threat Score Pathogen removal 0.8 Pathogen removal 35.0 35.0 30.0 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 0.6 Risk Score 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 y = 35.714x2 - 6.8571x + 1.6 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0 0.2 Threat Score 0.4 0.6 0.8 Risk Score Figure 34: Variability in buffer zone recommendations across the full range of possible scenarios. 7.4. Revisions to the draft buffer zone models This assessment served to highlight a number of weaknesses in the draft buffer zone models which can be summarized by the following key points: The model outcomes are too responsive to sensitivity criteria. Outcomes need to be adjusted to reflect a more acceptable range in buffer recommendations in response to the sensitivity of the receiving environment. 103 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report The manner in which site-based attributes have been incorporated in buffer zone calculations is inappropriate. It should be used to modify preliminary buffer recommendations (derived from standard risk-buffer zone relationships) rather than being used to modify risk ratings. These concerns were addressed by first refining the manner in which buffer zone requirements were calculated and testing various ranges for the sensitivity assessment. This showed that the most reasonable results were achieved when adjusting the range of sensitivity scores between 0.85 and 1.15. This resulted in a maximum variation in risk scores of 0.3 under very high threat scenarios with a moderated effect under lower threat scenarios (Appendix K). A comparison of modelled outcomes of the draft and updated model is presented and briefly discussed for each of the key input variables (other than climate, which remains unchanged) used in the buffer zone model. 7.4.1. Sensitivity of outcomes to the sensitivity of water resources Figure 35, below, clearly illustrates how the range of buffer zone scores has been refined by adjusting the range of sensitivity scores. Outputs of the revised model now show that threat is the dominant factor in determining buffer requirements but that moderate changes in buffer widths are made to accommodate variation in the sensitivity of the receiving environment to diffuse source inputs. Draft model Updated model Sediment Retention 60.0 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement Sediment Retention 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Threat Score Nutrient Inputs 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.80 0.90 1.00 Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 100.0 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 0.60 Threat Score 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0.20 Threat Score 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Threat Score 104 0.70 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Pathogen removal 35.0 30.0 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement Pathogen removal 35.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0.20 0.30 0.40 Threat Score 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 Threat Score Figure 35: Graphs indicating the refinement to buffer recommendations in response to changes in the range of sensitivity scores included in the model. Sensitivity of outcomes to site-based attributes 7.4.2. The revised model now uses the site-based scores to adjust preliminary risk-based buffer outcomes as illustrated in Figure 36, below. While it is difficult to formally defend the level of variability, this is regarded as comparable with many of the international reviews which suggest that buffer effectiveness varies considerably based on local site-based factors. Any deviations up or down are also well supported by scientific literature as detailed in the section of the guidelines dealing with site-based buffer attributes. Draft model Updated model Sediment Retention Sediment Retention 60.0 y = 69.643x2 - 23.071x + 3.6 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.20 0.40 Risk Score 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 Risk Score Nutrient Inputs Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 y = 176.79x2 - 91.643x + 13.6 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.0 1.2 0.20 Risk Score 0.40 0.60 0.80 Risk Score 105 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Pathogen removal Pathogen removal 35.0 35.0 y = 35.714x2 - 6.8571x + 1.6 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.0 1.2 0.20 0.40 0.60 Risk Score 0.80 1.00 1.20 Risk Score Figure 36: Graphs indicating changes to buffer zone recommendations in response to site-based buffer zone attributes. 7.4.3. Sensitivity of outcomes to full range of input variables The outcomes of the revised buffer zone models under a full range of input values are indicated in Figure 37, below. This illustrates a greater variability in the range of risk scores together with the responsiveness of the model outcomes to local site attributes. This variability is regarded as appropriate for local application and has therefore been incorporated into revised versions of the buffer models. Draft model Updated model Sediment Retention Sediment Retention 60.0 y = 69.643x2 - 23.071x + 3.6 50.0 50.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.00 0.20 0.40 Risk Score 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0.80 1.00 1.20 Risk Score Nutrient Inputs Nutrient Inputs 120.0 120.0 y = 176.79x2 - 91.643x + 13.6 100.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.0 1.2 0.00 Risk Score 0.20 0.40 0.60 Risk Score 106 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Pathogen removal Pathogen removal 35.0 35.0 y = 35.714x2 - 6.8571x + 1.6 30.0 Buffer Requirement Buffer Requirement 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.0 1.2 0.00 0.20 0.40 Risk Score 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 Risk Score Figure 37: Variability in buffer zone recommendations across the full range of possible scenarios. 7.5. Conclusions from the sensitivity analysis This sensitivity assessment proved to be a very useful tool for quickly evaluating model outcomes under a full spectrum of potential scenarios. This revealed a number of problems with the way final buffer requirements were calculated. The findings of the assessment were then used to update the buffer zone tools which are to be applied to selected test cases as part of the field testing component of this project. 8. SUMMARY OF ISSUES / CONCERNS & RECOMMENDATIONS The project team held a workshop on the 13th and 14th of February 2014 to consolidate findings and clarify what tasks resulting from the testing of the buffer models need to be undertaken to further refine the method develop. Table 22 summaries the issues, concerns, challenges and recommendations identified. Table 22: Summary of issues / concerns & recommendations ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS It proved difficult to find each sub-sector within the drop down menu in the Excel spreadsheet (small text and many subsectors all in one drop down menu). o Selection of sector / sub-sector Population of climatic data DM Need to refine model to facilitate this process. A scenario was discussed, where a planned activity included a wide range of potential sub-sector activities, with different threats (development of a large paper mill). It was agreed that under such a scenario, each of the planned landuses should be considered separately and be used to define aquatic impact buffer zones for each activity. This should then inform where activities are placed in the final site layout. o WHO IB It was suggested that it would be good to include further guidance (potentially with a case study) in the guideline. It would be good to provide a map of the Rainfall Intensity Zones in the model for easy reference. o IB Need standard maps (ideally in hard copy and GIS / kml format to inform assessment). 107 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS Doug briefly described how climatic factors were used to influence buffer zone outcomes. The approach was regarded as acceptable despite the lack of technical justification available. o Desktop Threat Ratings and Buffer requirements Specialist threat ratings DM Updated threat ratings to be included in revised models o The development was being planned directly adjacent to the water resource (no buffer in place); o The sub-sector assessed is the dominant landuse and occurs at intensities typical of the sub-sector; o Where intensities are variable (e.g. informal development / subsistence cultivation), the typical realistic worst-case scenario was assessed; o In the case of sub-sectors that address linear developments (e.g. footpaths / roads); threats were assessed based on typical width and characteristics of the specific sub-sector and associated construction and operational activities. IB DM Above to be clearly documented in the guideline. Desktop ratings do not take buffer zone attributes into account and as such, results are far from precautionary. o It was agreed that the approach to integrating climatic factors into the report should be clearly documented. When assessing threat, the following assumptions were made: o DM A concern was raised that some of the desktop threat ratings appear to be either too high or too low for specific sub-sectors. These ratings were therefore systematically reviewed and updated by the project team following the initial workshop. o WHO Incorporate worst-case site-based modifier scores into calculations of desktop buffer requirements. Threat is probably the most important criteria rated in this model as buffer zone requirements are very strongly tied to this rating. Whilst the need to allow desktop threat ratings to be customized is well founded, this assessment needs to be well informed and be undertaken with appropriate diligence. o Need to emphasize the importance of this in the guidelines. o Motivation for specialist threat ratings to be included in the model. There is little guidance provided with regards to modifying the preliminary threat ratings. o Consider how guidelines could be improved to allow users to rate threats in a more objective manner. o Include key considerations to guide specialist threat assessment. This should include aspects such as: scale of development, slope length & 108 IB DM IB & DM DM Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS WHO steepness of land, soil erodibility, typical landuse and management. o It is very helpful to have a GIS system available in order to interrogate data and calculate slopes, wetland vs. catchment sizes, etc. o Agreed that team would consider the need for further refinement. o Inherent runoff potential of soils requires further rationale/clarification; o Vulnerability of the site to erosion is currently based only on slope and size but soil characteristics could also be included (e.g. presence of dispersive soils, indications of existing erosion features such as drains/gullies); o Level of domestic use – the tool could provide further clarity as to what types of typical domestic use one can expect under the rationale for this criterion. o To refine rationale to improve clarity. There was a concern that sensitivity could be overestimated or underestimated due to the spatial variability of the water resource under consideration. Following further interrogation, it was noted that sensitivity criteria typically apply to the wetland as a whole. There is therefore little risk of miss-applying the assessment. Janine indicated that it may be quite straight-forward to capture sensitivity criteria for all estuaries in a basic spreadsheet. This could then be integrated into the model to auto-populate the model based on the specific estuary selected. ALL A few criteria required further specialist interpretation to decide on ratings. These included: o Sensitivity assessment (biodiversity) DM Include both rationale and method of calculation in revised models. Consideration should be given to how the sensitivity modifiers are calculated. It may be useful to weight each criteria more objectively using pairwise comparison rather than simply calculating an average of the scores for each criterion. Alternatively, it may be good to investigate the sensitivity of model outcomes to recommended buffer widths cited in scientific studies to check that adjustments are appropriate. o Sensitivity assessment (wetland) IB The usefulness of such a tool should be emphasized in the guideline. It would be helpful to have quick access in the Excel spreadsheet to a description of how to calculate catchment/wetland slopes, perimeter, vulnerability to erosion, etc. This would improve the usability of the tool and help to cut back on time required for assessments. o Include guidance in models. JA Janine to see if this is feasible within the next 2 months. In the case of important biota, the rating of threats requires specialist input (should be based on the specialists understanding of species sensitivity to specific impacts). o DM It was agreed that a justification for these threat ratings should also be 109 IB DM Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS WHO documented in the model. A suggestion was made to include a measure of confidence in the assessment. Following discussions, it was agreed that this would open the model up to abuse. An issue regarding rainfall intensity zones was identified and will need to be addressed to ensure that buffer requirements are adjusted in an appropriate manner to cater for differences in anticipated stormflows between rainfall intensity zones. Preliminary buffer requirements (excludes local site attributes) o The need for the guideline to provide clarity on whether the assessment is based on current buffer characteristics or a worst-case scenario with development (e.g. steep un-vegetated slope (new platform) vs. gradual well-vegetated slope under pre-construction scenario) was identified. o Provide clarity in method & model A suggestion was made to consider soil depth (as this affects runoff) and erosion risk (in the case of sediment inputs) to refine site-based modifiers. Following discussion, it was agreed that we should keep the model as simple as possible. No extra criteria are therefore to be added to the site-based assessment unless specifically identified as necessary to cater for toxic contaminants. Two errors were identified in the site-based modifiers template. The operational phase vegetation score was not being carried through appropriately while the score for soil properties under “Nutrient Inputs” was referencing the incorrect cell. Site based modifiers o Sub-division of buffer units DM To check and update. Given that most recommended buffer zones will be less that 50m, it is suggested that this guidance be included in the guideline and model. IB & DM Guidance on whether or not the buffer should be sub-divided for assessment purposes (to account for local variability) was discussed. The following revisions were proposed to the guideline and models: o o IB & DM No guidance is provided on the width of area / buffer around the wetland to consider when rating site-based modifiers. Clarity is therefore required to prevent confusion. o Site-based buffer requirements DM Update method and models in consultation with sub-contractor who undertook the assessment. Process for evaluating site-based attributes to be refined. This should indicate that discrete sections of the water resource boundary should be identified in cases where there is significant variability in slope, vegetation characteristics and / or local topography of the buffer zone. Model to be updated to accommodate a range of buffer zone segments if possible. Provide further guidance as to which buffer to use (e.g. how relevant is a small operational buffer if construction buffers are wide?). It was agreed that the maximum of these buffer requirements should be applied when placing a development. It is however useful to differentiate between construction and operational risks as it flags the need to consider alternative mitigation and 110 IB DM Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS WHO management measures. o A concern was raised that threat ratings may not be reduced in a precautionary manner. Whilst justification for reducing threat ratings is required, this could also be open to abuse. To counter this and to reduce the risk of pollution following authorization, it was agreed that a 15m minimum buffer should be applied. This suggestion is based on a scientific study that investigated the long-term maintenance and effectiveness of buffer zones (See preliminary report on management of buffer zones). o Additional Mitigation Measures IB Guideline to be updated accordingly Guideline to be updated to clearly communicate minimum buffer requirements with a supporting motivation. A concern was raised that there may be exceptional circumstances when a reduction in buffer requirements is acceptable. It was agreed that such recommendations should fall outside of the technical process. o No guidance is provided as to mitigation of biodiversity aspects such as noise and visual disturbance, air borne contaminants etc. to sensitive species. It was agreed that this should be left up to specialists as it falls outside the scope of this study. The delineation line for estuaries and rivers was briefly discussed again. It was agreed that the aquatic impact buffer would be determined from the edge of the supratidal zone but that setback requirements would be based on the greater of this line or the 5m contour (estuary boundary). o Final buffer requirements IB/DM Ensure that this point is clearly communicated in the guideline with an example indicating how the final setback line is determined. DM A check-box should also be included in the tool to ensure that the 5m contour and edge of the riparian zone are clearly delineated. The need to potentially buffer riparian areas was discussed. It was agreed that any additional setback requirements around riparian areas should be based on practical management considerations. These could include factors such as preventing damage during construction, maintaining process value or the need to manage such areas in a particular manner (e.g. burning of forest ecotones). o IB It was suggested that a footnote be included in the guideline stating that decisions to increase or decrease the recommended BZ should be left up to the regulator as part of the decision making process. o IB IB Guidelines to be updated to emphasize the need to consider these aspects when deciding on final setback requirements. There are a number of other practical issues that are not addressed by the buffer zone model. This includes factors such as other legal obligations (e.g. flood lines, existing infrastructure located within recommended buffer zones), practical management considerations (e.g. can the wetland be managed with such a small buffer) and other potential reasons for establishing a buffer zone (e.g. recreational space; aesthetic value; “adjustment” space to cater for catchment changes and increased flood peaks screening of visual/noise impacts for sensitive species, etc.). 111 IB Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS o It was agreed that there should be scope to increase setback requirements to cater for these factors. This needs to be explicitly included in the guideline. o It was agreed that a series of questions (with basic guidance) be included in the “front-end” of the buffers tools to prompt users to ensure that these aspects are considered. In the absence of species information sheets, a suggestion was made to potentially include a range of buffer widths recommended internationally for different groups of species. Following discussion, it was agreed that this would be open to abuse and would be used without appropriate specialist input. The need for specialist input when establishing setback requirements for species of conservation concern was therefore supported. The need to clearly indicate that sub-surface activities are not considered in the threat assessments or buffer requirements was emphasized. As such, buffer requirements would exclude most mining operations which can have a significant impact on the hydrology of the landscape. The threat assessment is therefore explicitly restricted to surface activities (spoils, gear, infrastructure etc.). General o Guideline to be updated to ensure that this is explicitly stated. o Reference should be made to hydrological buffers typically used to limit impacts to groundwater. The importance of management objectives in defining buffer zone requirements was discussed. It was agreed that this cannot be explicitly included in the model. A meeting with Chris Dickens was proposed to determine how this is / is not used. It was agreed that Janine would investigate and report back on her recommendations. It was noted that details on toxic contaminants had still not been included in the method and model. Following discussion, it was agreed that this should be broken down into two broad groups, namely organic contaminants and heavy metals. o Sensitivity analysis IB IB/DM JA The need to include temperature and pH in the estuaries model was briefly discussed. o DM It was agreed that an updated / refined front-end or output should be developed to improve the usability and transparency of the outcomes of the assessment. DM It was agreed that further consideration should be given to how buffer zone requirements are documented in specialist reports. The current format of the model is not user friendly for reporting purposes. o Species of conservation concern WHO Further development of these components will be pursued following the field testing phase. Preliminary results from applying the crystal ball software to the wetland model were presented. Results were difficult to interpret and it was agreed that clear 112 IB (INR) Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report ASPECT CONSIDERED COMMENTS / CONCERNS questions needed to be phrased before running the analysis. It was agreed that Doug and Gordon would meet to discuss the way forward. Budget constraints limited the number of case studies select for each water resources, and case studies were selected based on available data and specialist knowledge of the sites. Involvement of additional specialists was limited. Guidelines defining different types of developments will be included in the User Manual. Ensure the limitations of the desktop assessment are clearly indicated in the User Manual. Ensure that guidelines are provided in each of the buffer models. Consider providing guidance on the ‘time factor’ in the buffer models. Consideration will be given to including turbidity. A section on limitations should be included in the User Manual. Guidance on the use of the buffer models will be provided in the User Manual. Ensure that this is clearly described in the technical report and User Manual. Guidance on other key drivers will also be included in the model. Ensure this is clearly stated in the models, technical report and User Manual. The User Manual should make reference to this. A distance of 15m has been proposed and will be investigated as part of the testing phase. Buffering large floodplains will be taking into consideration. Noted. Check model to ensure units are included where relevant. Specialist input is required for the biodiversity component and the threat ratings for the proposed development. Potentially, this needs to be assessed. For rivers, it was suggested that stream bank stability be considered. Noted. This will be taking into consideration. Scale and timing of impacts will be identified as criteria that need to be considered when determining buffer requirements. Management of buffers is addressed in the technical report and will be included in the User Manual. Guidance on considering season changes will be considered and where relevant included in the User Manual and the appropriate models. The model will provide guidance for the user to adjust threat scores for developments of varying sizes. Challenges Outcomes of the WRC development workshops to be considered Outcomes of the SASAQS development workshop to be considered Outcomes of the NWI development workshop to be considered 113 WHO DM ALL ALL ALL Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 9. REFERENCES Begg, G. 1978. The Estuaries of Natal: A resource inventory report to the Natal Town and Regional Planning Commission conducted under the auspices of the Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban. Natal Town and Regional Planning Report Vol. 41. Boyd, L. 2001. Buffer Zones and Beyond: wildlife use of wetland buffer zones and their protection under the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act. Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Massachusetts. Ferreira, M., Wepener, V., van Vuuren, J.H.J. 2008. The effect of paper mill activities on the fish community structure of Elands River, Mpumalanga. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en technologie. 27, 83 – 94. Ferreira, M., Wepener, V., van Vuuren, J.H.J. 2009. Spatial and temporal variation in the macroinvertebrate community structure of the lower Elands River, Mpumalanga, South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 34, 231 – 238. Ficetola, G.F., Padoa-Schioppa, E., De BErnardi, F. 2008. Influenc of landscape elements in riparian buffers on the conservation of semiaquatic amphibians. Conservation Biology 23, 114 – 123. Heydorn, H.J. 1989. Estuaries of the Cape Part II: Synopses of available information on Individual systems. Report No. 38: Gourits (CSW 25). CSIR Research Report 437. Stellenbosch, South Africa. Hocking, A. 1987. Paper Chain, the story of Sappi. Hollard South Africa, Bethulie, Orange Free State. Kleyhans, C.J., Schulz, G.W., Engelbrecht, J.S., Rousseau, F.J. 1992. The impact of a paper mill effluent spill on the fish populations of the Elands and Crocodile Rivers (Inkomati System, Transvaal). Water SA 18, 73 – 80. Kotze DC, Marneweck GC, Batchelor AL, Lindley DS and Collins NB, 2007. WET-EcoServices: A technique for rapidly assessing ecosystem services supplied by wetlands. WRC Report No TT 339/08, Water Research Commission, Pretoria. Macfarlane, D.M., Walter, D., Koopman, V., Goodman, P., Ellery, W., Goge, C. 2007. WET-Health: a technique for assessing wetland health. WRC Report No. TT340/08, Water Research Commission, Pretoria. Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C. (eds) 2006. The Vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Strelitzia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. O’Brien, G.C. 2003. An ecotoxicological investigation into the ecological integrity of a segment of the Elands River, Mpumalanga, South Africa. MSc Thesis, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa. 114 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report O’Brien, G.C. 2012. Regional scale risk assessment methodology using the relative risk model as a management tool for aquatic ecosystems in South Africa. PhD Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. O'Brien G, Wepener V. 2009. Ecological integrity assessment of the fish communities of the Thukela estuary, KwaZulu-Natal, with comparisons from the Matigulu/Nyoni and Umvoti estuaries provided, Center for Aquatic Research, Johannesburg O'Brien G and Venter H. 2012. Evaluation of eight years (2005 to 2012) of ecological integrity data from the lower Thukela River/Estuary and associated systems with management considerations based on the risk of hazards affecting ecosystem structure and function, KwaZulu-Natal., Water Research Group, North West University O’Brien, G.C., Smit, N.J., Wepener, V. 2014. Conservation of fishes in the Elands River, Mpumalanga, South Africa: Past, present and future. Koedoe 56. Roux, D. J. 2001. Development of procedures for the implementation of the National River Health Programme in the province of Mpumalanga. Pretoria: Water Research Commission. Report No: 850/01/01. Scott Shaw, C.R., Escott, B. (eds) 2011. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial pre-transformation Vegetation Map - 2011. Unpublished GIS coverage [], Biodiversity Conservation Planning Division, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, P.O. Box 13053, Cascades, Pietermaritzburg, 3202. Semlitsch, R.D., Bodie, J.R. 2002. Biological criteria for buffer zones around wetlands and riparian habitats for amphibians and reptiles. Conservation Biology 17, 1219 – 1228. Turpie, JK & Clark BM. 2007. The health status, conservation importance, and economic value of temperate South African estuaries and development of a regional conservation plan. Report to Cape Nature by Anchor Environmental Consultants. Report No. AEC2007/05. Turpie, J.K., Wilson, G. & Van Niekerk, L. 2012. National Biodiversity Assessment 2011: National Estuary Biodiversity Plan for South Africa. Anchor Environmental Consultants Report No AEC2012/01, Cape Town. Report produced for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and the South African National Biodiversity Institute. Van Niekerk, L. and Turpie, J.K. (eds) 2012. South African National Biodiversity Assessment 2011: Technical Report. Volume 3: Estuary Component. Pretoria: South African National Biodiversity Institute. CSIR Report CSIR/NRE/ECOS/ER/2011/0045/B. Stellenbosch: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Weddepohl, J.P., du Plessis, H.M., Harris, J., Chutter, F.M. 1991. Sappi Ngodwana Mill water quality in the Elands River. Pretoria. Division of Environment and Forestry Technology, CSIR. 115 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10. APPENDICES 10.1. Appendix A – Minutes from the first WRC development workshop WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION K5/2200 MINUTES OF THE SECOND STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP CONDUCTED ON THE 26TH OF MARCH 2013 AT THE PULA COMMITTEE ROOM, WRC, MARUMATI BUILDING, 18TH AVENUE, CORNER FREDERIKA STREET, RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA ___________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Mr BM Madikizela (Chairperson) Ms N Fourie Dr C Kleynhans : Ms C Thirion Dr H Malan Mr I Bredin (Act Scriber) : Dr C Dickens Mr D Macfarlane Mr H Marais Mr U Bahadur Mr D Kleyn : Water Research Commission : Department of Water Affairs Department of Water Affairs : Department of Water Affairs : Freshwater Research Council Institute of Natural Resources : Institute of Natural Resources : Eco-Pulse Environmental Consulting Services : Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency : South African National Biodiversity Institute : Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries APOLOGIES: Mr G Marneweck Mr A Maherry Mr D Impson Mr K Hamman Mr R Parsons STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Mr Bredin welcomed everyone to the workshop and introduced the project team, including the team members who were not present (i.e. Prof. Guy Bate and Prof. Janine Adams). Mr Bredin acknowledged the work that has been completed to date, by Mr Macfarlane and the original project team. All participants introduced themselves. 2. PRESENTATION BY THE TEAM 2.1. Summary of work completed to date (refer to the attached copy of the presentation): Mr Bredin presented a brief summary of the work that has been completed to date. 2.2. Overview of the approach taken and step-wise process (refer to the attached copy of the presentation): 116 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Mr Bredin presented an overview of the approach taken to determining the requirements of buffer zones, and the proposed step-wise process for determining buffer zones. Mr Kleyn questioned how sensitivity was determined, in particular were criteria such as soil type and slope considered. Mr Bredin confirmed that these criteria were taken into consideration. Mr Macfarlane further highlighted that the criteria used to determine sensitivity will be identified when he presents the draft model. 2.3. Draft buffer zone model: Mr Macfarlane presented the draft model for determining appropriate buffer zones and used hypothetical examples to explain how the model works. He noted at the start of the presentation that the criteria used in the model are still in a draft form and therefore there is an opportunity for the workshop participants to contribute to the refining on the model. Mr Macfarlane used an example of a desktop assessment to explain the basic principles of the model. Dr Malan questioned whether guidelines for defining different types of developments will be provided. Mr Macfarlane confirm that there are already draft guidelines provided in an annexure to the model that identifies different subsectors of a wide range of developments according to available definitions. Dr Malan questioned whether the size of a development is taken into consideration when determining a buffer zone. Mr Macfarlane indicated that the average impact of developments is used to flag areas of concern and where there is a high risk then the size of the development would be considered at a site level. Mr Madikizela questioned whether aspects such as soil, the landscape and the flow of water within a catchment are taken into consideration for determining a buffer zone, as there is a concern about how buffer zones will address impacts occurring in the catchment. Mr Macfarlane explained that the model is designed to flag areas of concern. He used a forestry example, where the reduction of volumes of flow is a major risk, to illustrate the difference in risk to different types of wetlands within different catchments. The model allows for the risk to be identified. Mr Macfarlane emphasized that alternative mitigating measures, other than buffer zones, would also need to be taken into consideration to address impacts occurring in the catchments of wetlands. Mr Bahadur questioned whether exceptions, such as the protection of Grass Owl habitat, have been factored into the model. Mr Macfarlane explained how difficult it is to factor in aspects such as these. However, the model does allow for consideration of such aspects (i.e. at a site level). Mr Madikizela highlighted that the buffer zone method and model developed can be scientifically defended, i.e. through peer review, etc., however, has the enforcement of the buffer zone requirements been taken into consideration. Mr Macfarlane explained that it is important to remember that buffer zones are only one type of mitigating measure. Appropriate alternative mitigating measures at different stages of a development may provide more effective mitigation, which would then allow for the buffer zone to be reduced in size and still be effective (An example of a housing development was used). Mr Macfarlane stressed that the development of buffer zones should be viewed as a guideline as there may well be other more effective mitigating measures that need to be considered. Ms Fourie confirmed that while there are current standard buffer zones recommended, the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) would also advocate the enforcement of justifiable site specific requirements (i.e. establish what the risks are and identify what the buffer zone should be according to the risks). Mr Macfarlane reiterated that the model is tailored for identifying such requirements. Dr Kleynhans questioned whether Ecological Water Requirements (EWR) have been taken into consideration. After a brief discussion Mr Macfarlane indicated that EWR are something that the team still needs to give consideration to and asked that Mr Bredin make a note of 117 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report this requirement. Mr Kleyn questioned whether old cultivated agricultural lands would be considered under the construction or operational phase of the model. Mr Macfarlane indicated that generally in terms of agricultural land, land clearing is viewed as the construction phase and the planting and harvesting of crops is viewed as the operational phase. This may not always be the case and therefore the model does allow for site specific conditions. Mr Kleyn questioned whether the model addresses impacts occurring within the wetland (i.e. a floodplain that is regularly ploughed for the planting of crops). Mr Macfarlane explained that the buffer zones focus on addressing impacts occurring adjacent to the edge of the wetland and not in the wetland. Mr Marais raised a concern about the generalization of larger wetlands being viewed as more important than smaller wetlands. Mr Macfarlane explained that at this level the main focus was on processes and not on specific aspects such as biodiversity. Dr Dickens reminded participants that we were discussing the desktop assessment and that important aspects such as biodiversity have been factored into the model at a site specific level. Dr Kleynhans cautioned against the use of the desktop assessment as it may lead to misuse. Mr Macfarlane indicated that we need to be clear on what the desktop assessment can be used for and that perhaps it would be worth reviewing this section to ensure that we clearly indicate the limitations. Dr Dickens gave an example of how desktop assessments have been misused. Mr Bredin indicated that the team is considering indicating a range for a desktop assessment instead of specific size. Dr Malan questioned whether the desktop assessment is going to be a more conservative assessment. Mr Macfarlane indicated that this is where the range approach may be more effective, i.e. the range being based on the worst case and best case scenarios. Dr Dickens cautioned on the use of this approach and indicated that we would need to provide clear justification for the recommended range. Mr Marais highlighted that the desktop assessment can only be based on available data, which is often limiting. In addition, he also raised a concern that desktop assessments are often viewed as the end result and not as the initial assessment, which only provides a broad perspective. Mr Macfarlane referred to discussions held with the steering committee at the start of the project, where it was agreed that a method that could be applied at different levels should be developed. He went on to emphasize that the testing will hopefully confirm the effectiveness and limitations of the assessments at the different levels. Dr Malan queried who we envisage will use the method developed. Mr Macfarlane suggests that the primary users would be specialists undertaking assessments for EIAs. Mr Kleyn indicated that he would also like to see it being used in the agricultural sector to ensure that agricultural activities are kept out of sensitive areas. He also suggested that it could potentially be applied to determine compensation for farmers who have lost crops due to natural disasters, such as flooding (i.e. a reduced / no compensation for the loss of crops within a demarcated buffer zone). Mr Bahadur suggested that the method could also be useful for early warning systems. Ms Thirion enquired as to what the desktop assessment would be used for. Mr Macfarlane gave an example of using the desktop assessment to provide broad information for an Environmental Management Framework (EMF) or alternatively a land use management plan. Dr Kleynhans queried the applicability of General Authorizations (GA) for wetlands. Ms Fourie indicated that a GA applies to all activities that are located further than 500m from a wetland. She further stressed that the DWA concern is the hydrology in the catchment of the water resource. However, she felt that consideration could be given to applying GA to low risk developments that meet the determined buffer requirements. Ms Fourie requested that where the desktop assessment doesn’t address certain criteria, such as hydrology, that this be clearly indicated. Mr Macfarlane explained that while some criteria are not addressed at a desktop level the model does allow for the flagging of such 118 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report issues, as each criteria identified will have a risk class assigned to it. Mr Macfarlane then referred to an example of a detailed assessment to highlight the criteria that need to be taken into consideration. Dr Kleynhans commented that at a detailed level the wetland would need to be assessed in terms of the different units or compartments. Mr Macfarlane confirmed that this level of assessment would be required for the detailed assessment. Dr Dickens queried whether this approach to the detailed assessment addresses to some extent the EWR. Dr Kleynhans indicated that it does starts to create links between critical components, which is important for determining the EWR. Mr Kleyn enquired as to whether there would be a key to help the user determine which class each of the site-based modifier aspects would fall into (e.g. a key to determine which slope class would be applicable). Mr Macfarlane confirmed that a guideline will be provided to assist the user in determining the appropriate classes. Dr Malan queried whether the same criteria for determining slope for Wet Health would be used. Mr Macfarlane indicated that the focus will be on the slope of the buffer zone and not the wetland so the same criteria may not apply. In general the approach would be to use 1:50 000 topography maps (i.e. 20m contours) to determine the slope of the buffer zone. Mr Madikizela queried whether the model takes into account the type and density of vegetation in the proposed buffer zone. Mr Macfarlane agreed that vegetation, both species composition and density, have a big impact on the functioning of the buffer zone. This is where the management of the buffer zone becomes important, e.g. the effect of clearing alien vegetation from a buffer zone, as part of the management objectives, would need to be taken into consideration as this will affect the functionality of the buffer zone. The management of buffer zones still needs to be addressed. Dr Malan raised a concern about cumulative impacts and whether these are taken into consideration. Mr Macfarlane indicated that a conservative approach has been taken to address cumulative impacts, in that in general the status quo would be required to be maintained. However, this will all depend on the accuracy of the risks determined. Assuming the risks are accurate, it would also be important that the mitigation measures identified are undertaken correctly. Mr Marais commented on the need to consider the wide range of activities that occur in a catchment and the impact of these activities. Mr Macfarlane acknowledged that there are many activities that have an impact and in most instances buffer zones will not be able to address these impacts. It is important to note that a buffer zone is only one type of mitigating measure and other more applicable mitigating measures would need to be considered for individual sites. It was also noted that the team advocates that no decisions will be able to be made based on a desktop assessment, i.e. site based assessments will need to be undertaken to allow for decisions to be made. Mr Macfarlane discussed the concept of developing species information sheets to provide the relevant biodiversity information to help determine the appropriate buffer zone. Mr Marais cautioned that some land users try to advocate plans that are unrealistic, in order to try and reduce the buffer zone requirements. Mr Macfarlane and Ms Fourie commented that all parties involved, i.e. the specialists, the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP), the authorities, etc., have a responsibility to ensure they are satisfied with the recommendations made. Mr Bahadur queried the approach taken and whether or not it is a conservative approach. Mr Macfarlane explained that a scientific defendable approach has been taken, where the primary drivers are the relationships of the criteria and the levels of risk determined. Therefore a conservative approach hasn’t been taken but rather an approach based on best available science, which can be defended. Mr Macfarlane discussed other mitigating measures, other than buffer zones, that need to be taken into consideration. It was noted that it is important to consider other options. A 119 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report draft spreadsheet of guidelines for alternative mitigating measures has been developed. It was noted that it is important that where other mitigating measures are required that they become as much of the requirements of the license as the buffer zone requirements would be. Mr Macfarlane raised a concern about how effective other mitigating measures are at addressing impacts. The effectiveness of the mitigating measures has not been assessed in detail in the project, unlike with the assessment of the effectiveness of buffer zones. It was also noted that a concern regarding buffer zones is how certain can one be that the buffer zone will be properly managed / maintained. Mr Bredin queried whether all the detail for each of the mitigating measure will be written into the authorization for the development. Ms Fourie confirmed that this information would need to be included in the requirements for the authorization of a development (i.e. legally binding). Dr Malan commented that some of the mitigating measures will require maintenance. Mr Macfarlane agreed and also indicated that a buffer zone would also need to be maintained. Dr Malan highlighted that where there is a difference is when a smaller buffer is not maintained it will be lost and there will likely be no other options. However, a larger buffer that has not been maintained correctly may still recover its functionality through applying alternative options. Mr Macfarlane highlighted EThekwini’s concern about climate change and how it could affect the current flood line estimates. He emphasized that there may be many other concerns like the one raised by EThekwini, however, the buffer zone methodology cannot address all of these aspects. Mr Bredin suggested that a more conservative approach could be taken when considering alternative mitigating measures. Mr Macfarlane cautioned against this because there could be cases where the other mitigating measures are very effective. Dr Malan highlighted that it should be remembered that there are other roles that buffer zones play and therefore a conservative approach may be a safer option. Dr Dickens gave an example of how a conservative factor is used in setting limits for water quality levels. Mr Macfarlane agreed that it would be worth considering building in a conservative factor for other mitigating measures (i.e. build in a limit to reduce the risk). Dr Dickens suggested that the ‘time factor’ needs to be taken into consideration for determining the effectiveness of the buffer zone and other mitigating measures to address the relevant impacts (e.g. sedimentation in a river could be a long term or short term impact). Mr Macfarlane indicated that the way we have tried to address the time factor is through the sensitivity component of the model. Ms Fourie raised a concern about the need to address hydrology in more detail, which was noted as additional to the main focus of the project. Ms Fourie indicated that there is a need to address hydrology issues through other mitigating measures, such as storm water management plans. Mr Macfarlane highlighted that the model does flag areas, which can be used to identify other mitigating measure that could be used to address hydrology concerns. It was also noted that developing mitigating measures to address hydrology issues specifically would largely be outside the scope of work for the project. Mr Bredin agreed. Dr Dickens shared some of Ms Fourie’s concerns, in that clarification must be provided for the role and limitation of buffer zones. Mr Madikizela highlighted that there are other tools and process that need to be taken into consideration to address the issues of activities upstream in the catchment, i.e. the buffer zones are only one of the tools available to mitigate impacts on water resources. Ms Fourie emphasized that having a set buffer zone requirement for areas further upstream in the catchment helps to address the impacts, e.g. addressing forestry plantations in the catchment of the water resource. Dr Kleynhans emphasized that it is a question of scale that needs to be taken into consideration, which Ms Fourie and Mr Macfarlane agreed with. 120 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Mr Bredin referred to discussions with Prof Guy Bate where he emphasized that for estuaries a buffer zone will only be able to mitigate lateral impacts. Impacts for upstream activities will not be addressed through placing a buffer zone around an estuary. Mr Kleyn queried whether soil type will be used. Mr Macfarlane indicated that the focus will be on soil permeability or perhaps soil texture, which have been identified as more important characteristics for determining buffer zones. Mr Marais suggested that where soils data is available it could be useful. Mr Macfarlane indicated that a method needed to be developed that could be applied whether the information was available or not. Mr Madikizela had a final query with regards to the use of the buffers tool within urban areas and for rehabilitated wetlands. Mr Macfarlane indicated that the buffer tool could be used retrospectively, therefore it could be applied to such circumstances. 2.4. Overview of remaining deliverables and the proposed field testing (refer to the attached copy of the presentation): Mr Bredin presented an overview of the remaining deliverables and the proposed approach to field testing. Mr Madikizela queried whether a test site or sites have been identified, which will address the relevant requirements. Mr Bredin indicated that the project team is considering the Umvoti system as a possible test site, which should provide a range of aspects required to test the methods repeatability and consistency. It was also noted that the estuarine component may need to be tested in the Eastern Cape because that is where Prof Janine Adams is based. Mr Madikizela indicated that the City of Johannesburg and the City of Cape Town, as well as the EThekwini municipality, are interested in the project and should be contact to see if there are any partnership opportunities (i.e. to further test the method). Dr Malan indicated that Candice Haskins is chairing the Western Cape wetland forum, which has always had an interest in this project, and we should contact her with regards to buffer guidelines / legislation that have already been developed for the City of Cape Town. Ms Fourie enquired about stakeholder consultation. Mr Macfarlane indicated that there was a lot of talk around this issue before the project was put on hold. While there is value in undertaking the consultation there are budgetary and time constraints. Mr Bredin agreed with the value of stakeholder consultation but suggested that the initial focus needs to be on the scientist so that the method can be tested. Mr Madikizela indicated that the steering committee would need to decide on an appropriate action to take. ………………………………….. CHAIRPERSON ……………………………………. COMMITTEE SECRETARY …………………………………… DATE 121 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION Water Linked Ecosystems ATTENDANCE REGISTER Project No Date of workshop & meeting K5/2200 PULA COMMITTEE ROOM, WRC, MARUMATI BUILDING, 18 RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA Venue Surname & Initials Company TH 26 March 2013 AVENUE, CORNER FREDERIKA STREET, Chairman Member / Project Team / Stakeholder Tel Number Mr Madikizela Fax Number E-mail address Madikizela B. WRC SC Member 012 330 0340 012 331 2565 Fourie N. DWA SC Member 082 881 7321 012 336 6836 Kleynhans C.J. DWA SC Member 082 800 4841 Thirion C. DWA SC Member 082 808 9846 Kleyn D.H. DAFF SC Member 082 789 6915 Malan H. FRC SC Member 082 411 7375 Bredin I.P. INR Project Team 082 442 1424 033 346 0895 Dickens C. INR Project Team 083 269 6207 033 346 0895 Macfarlane D. Eco-Pulse Consulting Services Project Team 084 368 4527 033 346 0895 Marais H. MTPA Stakeholder 082 774 3303 Bahadur U. SANBI SC Member 079 497 3229 122 012 329 5938 For office use Cap Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.2. Appendix B – Minutes from the second WRC development workshop WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION K5/2200 MINUTES OF THE STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP CONDUCTED ON THE 17TH OF SETEMBER 2013 AT THE PULA COMMITTEE ROOM, WRC, MARUMATI BUILDING, 18TH AVENUE, CORNER FREDERIKA STREET, RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA PRESENT: Mr BM Madikizela (Chairperson) Mr P Fairall Mr D Macfarlane Mr I Bredin Mr M Zungu Mr S Mitchell Ms N Newman Mr U Bahadur Mr D Kleyn Ms N Fourie Dr W Roets Mr GC Marneweck Ms J Gouws Ms F Mbedzi Mr M Boon Ms J Eagle Mr V Ndlopfu : Water Research Commission : Emifula Consulting Services : Eco-Pulse Consulting Services : Institute for Natural Resources (INR) : Institute for Natural Resources (Student) : EON Consulting : City of Cape Town : South African National Biodiversity Institute : Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries : Department of Water Affairs : Department of Water Affairs : Wetland Consulting Services : Cape Nature : Department of Water Affairs : Lidwala EPS : City of Johannesburg : GDARD APOLOGIES: Dr C Dickens Dr H Malan Ms C Thirion Mr M Rountree Dr CJ Kleynhans Ms N Thwala Prof K Rogers Mr W Sinclair STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Mr Bredin welcomed everyone to the workshop and introduced the project as well as the project team. All participants introduced themselves indicating the organizations they were representing. 123 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 2. PRESENTATION BY THE TEAM 2.1. Summary of work completed to date, including an overview of the approach taken and step-wise process Mr Bredin delivered a short presentation on the project, first providing background to the project and then presenting a summary of the work that has been completed to date (Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the presentation). Mr MacFarlane facilitated a discussion on criteria that should be considered when determining wetland buffer zones. The discussion provided an opportunity for participants to consider the extent of criteria that need to be considered. Responses included: o Dr Roets emphasized the need to consider flow regimes and physical, chemical and geomorphological characteristics of wetlands when designing buffer zones. He also proposed that the determination of buffer zones should follow a risk-based approach. o Mr Marneweck agreed with the need to consider flow regimes. Any decision-making must prioritize the maintenance of flows as these determine the condition and functionality of wetlands. Mr Marneweck further stressed that the geohydrological characteristics of wetlands need to be considered when delineating buffer zone widths, as these characteristics are important for protecting groundwater from the proposed activity. Furthermore, he also suggested that the precautionary principle should be applied to determine buffer zones. o Ms Newman suggested that before designing buffer zones, it is important to first consider the type of wetland habitat as this is important in determining what types of species occur there and what measures need to be considered to conserve them. Secondly it is also important to consider the condition of the wetland (i.e. Present Ecological State (PES)). o Ms Eagle stressed the importance of considering the proposed/planned landuse in the decision-making process. This is because different landuse types will affect wetlands differently in terms of sediment flows, runoff, chemical composition of water, etc. Thus the threat of the proposed landuse is a key criterion that needs to be considered. o Mr Ndlopfu supported Ms Eagle’s comments and suggested that depending on the buffer requirements, the recommended buffer zones should go beyond current wetland buffer guideline widths, providing sufficient justification is provided. o Mr Madikizela highlighted the importance of using the buffer models in delineating buffer zones to address issues such as flood risk, climate risk, etc. He paid special emphasis to climate change risk as currently climate change is of great concern globally. o Mr Bahadur cautioned that policy should always guide the determination of buffer zones. o Mr Madikizela agreed with Mr Bahadur and stated that the Water Research Commission (WRC) will review policies associated with buffer zone development to make them more efficient at delivering the required outcomes. o Mr Marneweck stressed the importance of considering soil characteristics when determining buffer zones. o Ms Eagle suggested that site characteristics (e.g. slope, vegetation, soils, etc.) play an important role in determine a buffer zone. She also cautioned that the management of a buffer zone is equally important. Mr MacFarlane thanked the participants for providing feedback on what criteria they felt 124 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report needed to be considered for determining buffer zones. It was agreed that there are a wide range of criteria that need to be considered, which makes it challenging to develop a method for determining buffer zones. Mr MacFarlane indicated that the majority of the criteria recommended will be addressed when he goes through the draft model. Mr Madikizela requested that a copy of Deliverable 8 and the draft models developed be distributed to the participants. Action: Project Team 2.2 Presentation of a wetland case study Mr Bredin presented a wetland case study, which would be used to describe how the wetland buffer model works (Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the presentation). 2.3 Draft buffer zone model Mr MacFarlane went through a step-by-step process, explaining the model and how the model was derived. In summary he indicated that the model has been designed to allow for a desktop assessment and a more detailed site-based assessment. The desktop assessment option considers the worst case scenario in terms of the threat of the proposed landuse and can only be used as a guideline for planning (i.e. no decisions should be taken from the results of a desktop assessment). The site based assessment considers the threats of the proposed development / landuse, the sensitivity of the wetland, the site based characteristics of the buffer zone, biodiversity, and additional mitigating measures. The sitebased assessment takes into account a wide range of criteria, which will make it a robust method for determining buffer zones (this still needs to be proven during the testing phase). Feedback on the proposed buffer model included: o It was acknowledged by all that the model considers a wide range of criteria, which are important for determining buffer zones. While not all criteria are considered, it was agreed that the focus should be on producing a method / model that would allow for the guidance of management decisions, which is based on the assessment of the majority of key criteria. o Mr Marneweck suggested that the inclusion of soil data should still be considered. He suggested that the ARC land type classification of soils could be considered. Mr MacFarlane indicated that it would be important to consider the surrounding soils. However, he acknowledged that it would be difficult to incorporate this information into the existing model. o It was suggested that turbidity could be included, as this determines the sensitivity of wetlands to sediment impacts. Other criteria that may be worth investigating included: extent of open water; sensitivity to vegetation on being submerged; and vulnerability to erosion. o It was suggested that the model should be customized based on site characteristics such as aspect, slope, etc. Mr MacFarlane indicated that the model does take into account site based characteristics for the proposed buffer zone. o Mr Bredin highlighted that buffers are not the only option in mitigating landuse impacts on wetlands. He indicated that the model provides an opportunity for the user to consider alternative mitigating measures, which may be more effective at mitigating a specific impact from a land use activity. Thus, a reduced buffer zone could be considered in conjunction with the alternative mitigating measures. o It was suggested by all that the model should try to find a link between geographic constraints and buffer management. Furthermore, it was stressed that the parameters used should be specific for a specific management objective. o It was suggested that limitations of the model should be clearly stated to prevent 125 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report misinterpretation or misuse. o It was suggested that the model should only be used by qualified persons, who have attended training on how to use the model. o It was suggested that a matrix of wetland tools should be considered, however, it was agreed that this was not part of the project’s scope of work. o The use of either the macro channel or the active channel in determining the buffer zone width for rivers needs to be clarified. Action: Project Team o It was highlighted that the model should consider important catchment aspects (especially flow), as understanding of the catchment itself (i.e. drivers) is paramount for guiding management decisions. It was also suggested that the risks posed by different land-uses should only be considered once the understanding of drivers has been attained. Mr MacFarlane indicated that certain drivers are taken into consideration in the model. o Mr Marneweck suggested that the use of indicator species should be considered. o Mr Marneweck stressed that it was critical that it be made clear that buffer zones are not appropriate for open cast mining and that this should be clearly stated in the model. Mr Bredin agreed. The findings from applying the model to the case study resulted in a discussion of appropriate minimum buffer zones. Ms Eagle emphasized that based on the fact that many small municipalities lack qualified personnel who could make sound recommendations regarding the application of the models outputs, minimum buffer zones should be ‘capped’. It was emphasized that to prevent misapplication, the model output should set an appropriate minimum buffer distance. Mr Bredin agreed, and indicated that a distance of 15m has been proposed and will be investigated as part of the testing phase. Action: Project Team Mr MacFarlane briefly presented the tool developed to aid in the selection of appropriate alternative mitigating measures. Ms Eagle indicated that while the tool is useful it must align with current mitigating measures recommended in other guidelines / policies being applied at a municipal and provincial level. ………………………………….. CHAIRPERSON ……………………………………. COMMITTEE SECRETARY …………………………………… DATE 126 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION Water Linked Ecosystems ATTENDANCE REGISTER Date of workshop & meeting 17 September 2013 Project No K5/2200 Venue PULA COMMITTEE ROOM, WRC, MARUMATI BUILDING, 18 AVENUE, CORNER FREDERIKA STREET, RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA TH Surname & Initials Company Member / Project Team / Stakeholder Tel Number Fax Number Mr Madikizela E-mail address For office use Cap Madikizela B. Fourie N. Newman N. Zungu M. WRC DWA City of Cape Town INR SC Member SC Member SC Member Project Team 012 330 0340 082 881 7321 072 4959715 073 979 3489 Kleyn D.H. Roets W. Bredin I.P. Macfarlane D. Mitchell S. Marneweck G.C. Mbedzi F. Ndlopfu V. Fairall P. Eagle J. Boon M. Gouws J. Bahadur U. DAFF DWA INR Eco-Pulse Consulting Services EON Consulting Wetland Consulting Services DWA GDARD Emifula Consulting City of Johannesburg Lidwala EPS Cape Nature SANBI SC Member SC Member Project Team Project Team SC Member SC Member SC Member Stakeholder Stakeholder SC Member Stakeholder SC Member SC Member 082 789 6915 012 336 6910 082 442 1424 084 368 4527 082 795 1465 012 349 2699 012 808 9509 071 440 5703 012 993 0969 082 414 2431 074 761 2327 079 497 3229 127 Chairman 012 331 2565 012 336 6836 086 614 7806 033 346 0895 012 349 2993 012 808 0338 021 866 8000 012 843 5200 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.3. Appendix C – Attendance register for the SASAQS workshop SASAQS WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE REGISTER 03 JULY 2013 NAME Mandla Dlamini Brigitte Melly Denise Scheal Alexis Olds Mathew Bird Justine Ewart-Smith Gerhard Diederides Donovan Kotze Samantha Adey Dimitri Veldkornet Janine Adams Peter Ramollo Daniel Lemley Meredith Cowie Luirenne Human Phumelele Gama Gavin Snow Theile Mohlala Warren Aken Santosh Bachoo Namhla Mbona Graham Jewitt Pierre de Villiers Bruce Paxton Kelly Rautenbach Liaan Pretorius Dean Ollis Nancy Job H Malan B Grant B Bester Prof Guy Bate Candice Haskins Natalie Newman Siyabonga Buthelezi ORGANISATION NMMU NMMU NMMU Cape Nature NMMU Freshwater Research Centre Environmental Biomonitoring Services UKZN/MWP Consultant NMMU NMMU DENC NMMU NMMU NMMU NMMU NMMU WRC Golder KZN WILDLIFE SAMBI UKZN Cape Nature Freshwater Research Centre NMMU NMMU FCG Independent FRC SEF SEF NMMU City of Cape Town City of Cape Town DWA-EC 128 EMAIL Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.4. Appendix D – Attendance register for the NWI workshop ATTENDANCE REGISTER Development workshop for the WRC Buffer Project (K5/2200) – National Wetland Indaba 2013 rd Date: 23 of 0ctober 2013 First Name Surname Organisation Tel Number Cell phone E-mail address Ian Bredin INR 033 346 0796 082 442 1424 Doug Macfarlane Eco-Pulse 084 368 4527 Support Chavalala City of JHB 011 587 4268 083 575 8722 Pule Makena City of JHB 011 587 4266 076 335 1196 Freddie Letsoko City of JHB 011 587 4274 083251 2598 Lize Shaw Mondi 035 902 2973 082 527 1845 Bokang Ntloko Letseng Diamonds 0026663071081 0026663071081 Brad Graves Groundtruth 033 343 2229 Fiona Eggers Groundtruth 033 343 2229 Noluthando Bam EC- DEDEAT 043 605 7069 082 332 6722 Hennie Swamevelder EC-DEDEAT 042 292 0339 083 406 3159 Nancy Job Private Valerie Rilian (Du plessis) DWA 012 336 8679 082 809 2155 Paul Meulenbeld DWA 012 336 7663 082 662 7719 Shaun Westraadt West Projects 073 556 7260 Janet Ebersother Eco-Route 082 557 7128 044 381 0515 129 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report First Name Yolande Surname Vermaak Wietsche Roets Kathy Organisation GIB-wfwetlands wfwater Tel Number 042 283 0329 Cell phone 072 877 1033 E-mail address DWA 012 336 6570 082 604 7730 Taggart Natural Scientific Services 011 7877 400 082 448 1923 Jan Huyser Komatiland forests 013 754 2729 083 627 8607 Chris Foster Komatiland forests 083 677 0839 083 677 0839 Steve Haiely Environmental Services 083 631 8633 013 7511 693 ? Bertus Fourie Galag environmental 082 921 5445 Zukiswa Ngxowa DAFF:LUSM 043 704 6800/9 084 051 3128 Coryl Logie St Francies Links 042 294 0588 083 529 5410 Bekky Mashego Komatiland Forests 013 754 2700 083 677 0921 Heather Malan Freshwater Res Centre 083 411 7375 Lulu Pretorius UFS 0795066702 Gary Rudzani Taylor Nemukula Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality WESSA 083 744 1939 071 155 2316 Bisuairk Mashau GDARD 011 240 2500 083596 9821 Anger Phaliso Mabodo cc 011 900 7703 082 389 2409 Collin Silima SANBI 015 516 2072 071 686 1975 Eric Qonya Env Affairs 043 707 4108 083762 2723 Mamasangane Ncubuka SANBI 012 843 5225 0725079685 Goolam Tambe Cape Nature 012 955 5940 0837860027 Gail Andrews Rand Water Godfrey Lambani Rand Water ? 0116820148 130 0732819220 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report First Name Zungu Surname Mene Organisation DEDEAT Tel Number 0415085804 Cell phone E-mail address Nosinodi Ntola DEDEAT 0475311191 0763707969 Laura Danga Primeafrica 0123480317 0747982221 Martin Ferreira Jeffares & Green 011 807 0660 0833601813 Liz Day FCG 0834542309 Kate Snaddon FCG 0722327709 Jodi Lategan NMMU Zamekhaya Somdaka DEDEAT 0437074101 Julia Glenday Living Lands 0795071449 Sithembile Shaddai Mbatha Daniel Ekurhuleni Metro municipality DWA Western Cape 0119993140 0219416244 0763053533 0833206605 Namsha Muthraparsad 0123368083 0826504736 Tracy Johnson DWA: Environment Recreation UFS 0761016851 Dirk Va wyk UFS 0835009984 Andre Beetge SANBI 0842402264 Mbodi Maureen SANBI PTA 0765209831 David Lindley WWF 0832229155 Nifara Mahadeo WWF SA 0731602745 Grant ? ? 0833246503 Henna De Beer Eskom 0829404539 131 0828390786 0782598823 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.5. Appendix E – Mitigation measures proposed under Scenario A: Agriculture (irrigated commercial cropland) for Froggy Pond Threat Type Water Quantity - volumes of flow Water Quantity - patterns of flow Construction Phase Sedimentation and turbidity Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? M N M VH Y Y Description measures of proposed mitigation Refined Threat Class Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. M Berms to be constructed along contours to limit concentrated flow paths forming. Contour-ploughing can be used to limit erosion risk in the steep slopes alongside the wetland. M Although some practical mitigation measures can be prescribed for the site and activity, it is unlikely that this particular risk will be reduced to any large degree. H On-site sediment control measures and management of activities can assist to a degree in reducing sediment impacts during construction. It is however likely that the risk of sedimentation will be difficult to reduce due to the nature of the activity and steep nature of the slopes in the area above the wetland, hence the threat class has been adjusted down from Very High to High only. This impact will be difficult to mitigate as nutrients from fertilizers will eventually end up contaminating inflowing waters to wetlands. Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients H Y H Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants M N M Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) VL N VL Water quality – concentration of VL N VL 132 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Threat Type Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? VL N Description measures of proposed mitigation Refined Threat Class Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. salts (salinization) Operational Phase Water quality – temperature VL Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) M N M Water Quantity - volumes of flow H N H Water Quantity - patterns of flow H Y Berms to be constructed along contours to limit concentrated flow paths forming. M Contour-ploughing can be used to limit erosion risk in the steep slopes alongside the wetland. H Sedimentation and turbidity H Y Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients H N H Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants L N L Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) VL N L Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) M N M Water quality – temperature VL N L Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) M N M 133 This impact will be difficult to mitigate as any bacteria/pathogens from manures will eventually end up contaminating inflowing waters to wetlands. Although some practical mitigation measures can be prescribed for the site and activity, it is unlikely that this particular risk will be reduced to any large degree. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.6. Appendix F – Mitigation measures proposed under Scenario B: low impact residential development for Froggy Pond Threat Type Water Quantity - volumes of flow Construction Phase Water Quantity - patterns of flow Threat Class L M Additional mitigation measures? Description of proposed mitigation measures Y Storm water management during construction to manage/attenuate flows on-site Y Storm water management during construction to manage/attenuate flows on-site and redirect away from wetlands to prevent erosion/scouring. Sedimentation and turbidity VH Y Recommendations provided for managing erosion and sedimentation onsite through practical measures such as sediment fences/barriers as well as the consideration of methods of reducing the risk of erosion through dewatering activities, managing earthworks/activities on steep slopes, rehabilitating erosion points, method/timing and phasing of activities to reduce risks, etc. Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients VL Y Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of 134 Refined Threat Class Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. L The risk of this impact is considered low provided that on-site attenuation is successful L A risk of increased runoff from construction sites will remain during construction activities. Efforts to direct flows away from sensitive water resources and to implement a storm-water management system will help to reduce these risks. H On-site sediment control measures will aim to limit exposed surfaces and to control sediment-laden runoff prior to entering water courses. Potential slope instability concerns resulting in slumping and erosion will pose a significant risk until areas are properly stabilised. VL Pollution control measures at source are specifically aimed to address this risk Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Threat Type Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? Description of proposed mitigation measures Refined Threat Class Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. VL Pollution control measures at source are specifically aimed to address this risk spills, etc. Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants VL Y Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) VL N VL Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) VL N VL Water quality – temperature VL N VL Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Water Quantity - volumes of flow Water Quantity - patterns of flow Operational Phase Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of spills, etc. Sedimentation and turbidity VL L H H Y Generic recommendations for management of wastes/sanitation, etc. Y Operational storm water management plan including on-site attenuation VL L The risk of this impact is considered low provided that on-site attenuation is successful Y Appropriate design of storm water outlets to reduce flow concentration and erosion L A storm water management system will be implemented to ensure that releases are closely aligned with pre-development conditions Y Implement an appropriate Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) characterized by a combination of open, grass-lined channels/swales and stone-filled infiltration ditches rather than simply relying on underground piped M On-site mitigation can greatly reduce the potential for soil erosion and silt-laden runoff entering wetlands 135 Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Threat Type Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? Refined Threat Class Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. Y Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of spills, etc. VL Pollution control measures at source are specifically aimed to address this risk Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing contaminated storm water runoff L Pollution control measures at source are specifically aimed to address this risk Description of proposed mitigation measures systems or concrete V-drains Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients VL Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants M Y Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) L N L Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) L N L Water quality – temperature L N L Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) VL Y Recommendations aimed at preventing accidental waste water releases (e.g. management of septic system with preventative measures, tie in to municipal piped sewers, etc.) 136 VL The risk of this impact is considered low provided that on-site management of waste water is successful Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.7. Appendix G - Mitigation measures proposed for the Mixed-use development scenario at Hammarsdale wetland Threat Type Water Quantity - volumes of flow Construction Phase Water Quantity - patterns of flow Threat Class L M Additional mitigation measures? Y Description of proposed mitigation measures Storm water management during construction to manage/attenuate flows on-site and redirect away from wetlands to prevent erosion/scouring. Y See above Recommendations provided for managing erosion and sedimentation onsite through practical measures such as sediment fences/barriers as well as the consideration of methods of reducing the risk of erosion through dewatering activities, managing earthworks/activities on steep slopes, rehabilitating erosion points, method/timing and phasing of activities to reduce risks, etc. Sedimentation and turbidity VH Y Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients VL Y Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants VL Y Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) VL N Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of spills, etc. Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of spills, etc. Refine d Threat Class L L A risk of increased runoff from construction sites will remain during construction activities. Efforts to direct flows away from sensitive water resources and to implement a storm-water management system will help to reduce these risks. H On-site sediment control measures will aim to limit exposed surfaces and to control sedimentladen runoff prior to entering water courses. The potential height and instability of the platform banks is a concern however as slumping and erosion will pose a significant risk until properly stabilised. VL VL VL 137 Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Threat Type Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) Water quality – temperature Additional mitigation measures? Description of proposed mitigation measures Refine d Threat Class VL N VL VL N VL Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) VL Y Generic recommendations for management of wastes/sanitation, etc. VL Water Quantity - volumes of flow L Y Operational storm water management plan: including on-site attenuation, appropriate design of storm water outlets to reduce flow concentration and erosion L Water Quantity - patterns of flow Operational Phase Threat Class H Y See above Sedimentation and turbidity H Y Implement an appropriate Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) characterized by a combination of open, grass-lined channels/swales and stone-filled infiltration ditches rather than simply relying on underground piped systems or concrete V-drains Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients VL Y Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of spills, etc. Generic pollution control measures aimed at managing potential contaminants on site, reducing risk of spills, etc. Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants M Y Water quality – changes in acidity L N L Platforms will be designed to ensure that drainage from the main platform is away from the water resource and associated buffer zone. A stormwater management system will then be implemented to ensure that releases are closely aligned with pre-development conditions. M Flows from the platforms will be directed away from the buffer zones. With appropriate bank stabilization, the risk of erosion of platform banks can be significantly reduced. VL M L 138 Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. Pollution control measures at source together with contingency plans are specifically aimed to address this risk. Depending on the specific types of industry, risk will be variable but is likely to remain moderate. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Threat Type Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? Description of proposed mitigation measures Refine d Threat Class (pH) Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) Water quality – temperature Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) L N L L N L VL Y Generic recommendations for management of wastes/sanitation, etc. 139 VL Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.8. Appendix H: Mitigation measures proposed for the golf course development at Fafa Estuary. Threat Type Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? Description of proposed mitigation measures Water Quantity - volumes of flow VL Y Managing storm water drains to prevent flows across the site which could also contribute towards VL erosion. Y Practical management measures onsite to control erosion and sedimentation- e.g. use of fences or barriers, storing and reuse of top soil after M construction, dewatering especially when windy etc/ Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients L Y Prevent contamination on site using measures such as preventing spills etc. generic Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants L Y Prevent contamination on site using measures such as preventing spills etc. generic Water Quantity - volumes of flow L Y Ensure storm water drains are functioning L properly. Irrigate only when necessary. Sedimentation and turbidity L Y Maintain the vegetation on the slopes to prevent L run-off causing erosion Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients H Y Use of organic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Limiting application of chemicals to the fairways, M mechanical control of weeds and other generic pollution control on site. Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants M Y Same as above Construction Phase Sedimentation & turbidity Operational Phase Specialist justification for refined threat ratings Refined with clear reference to Threat Class supporting documentation. M 140 VL VL L Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.9. Appendix I - Mitigation measures proposed for the irrigation development at the Gouritz Estuary Threat Type Threat Class Additional mitigation measures? Recommendations provided for managing erosion and sedimentation onsite through practical measures such as sediment fences/barriers as well as the consideration of methods of reducing the risk of erosion through dewatering activities, managing earthworks/activities on steep slopes, rehabilitating erosion points, method/timing and phasing of activities to reduce risks. Refined Threat Class H Y H Y H Y Water Quantity - patterns of flow H Y Sedimentation and turbidity H Y Capturing run-off and allowing sediments to settle. M H Y Agricultural run-off will be directed into an artificial wetland system. Potential use of organic fertilizers. M H Y Agricultural run-off will be directed into an artificial wetland system. M H Y Agricultural run-off will be directed into an artificial wetland system. M Sedimentation and turbidity Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients Water Quantity - volumes of flow Operational Phase Description of proposed mitigation measures Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) Agricultural run-off will be directed into an artificial wetland system. Efficient irrigation systems will need to be applied. Runoff to be channeled into ditches / artificial wetlands. M M M M 141 Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting documentation. On-site sediment control measures will limit exposed surfaces and control sediment-laden runoff prior to entering water courses. The artificial wetland is expected to significantly reduce nutrient inputs to the estuary. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.10. Appendix J – Mitigation measures proposed for the Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill, Elands River MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED TO ADDRESS RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS / ACTIVITIES This table provides a description of additional mitigation measures identified to reduce the threat posed by landuses / activities. Where additional mitigation measures are proposed, these must be appropriately justified. Operational Phase Construction Phase Threat Type Water Quantity - volumes of flow Water Quantity - patterns of flow Sedimentation and turbidity Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) Water quality – temperature Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Water Quantity - volumes of flow Water Quantity - patterns of flow Sedimentation and turbidity Water Quality - Increased inputs of nutrients Water quality - Increased toxic contaminants Water quality – changes in acidity (pH) Water quality – concentration of salts (salinization) Water quality – temperature Water quality – pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) Additional mitigation Description of proposed mitigation measures Threat Class measures? L N L N H N L N M N VL N M N L N L N M Y Water used by the mill has been provided by the Ngodwana L N M N M N Stormwater runoff from the mill will be included into the H Y treatment works. H N VH N H N L N 142 Refined Threat Specialist justification for refined threat ratings with clear reference to supporting Class documentation. M M Because stormwater runoff will be diverted into waste treatment works threat of toxics entering Elands River is reduced. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.11. Appendix K - Preliminary buffer zone outcomes calculated using calculations applied in the draft buffer zone model under a suite of input scenarios. Variables changed under different scenarios are indicated in yellow. Low threat Very Low threat Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 0.20 0 0.20 Buffer requirements Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 0.1 1 1 0.5 0.2 1 0.20 1 0.3 0.20 0.5 0.2 0.20 0.5 0.20 Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal 0.1 2.0 2.0 1.3 1 0.2 1.8 2.3 1.7 1 1 0.3 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.5 1 0.1 2.0 2.0 1.3 0.2 1 1 0.2 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.5 0.2 1.5 1 0.3 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.20 0.5 0.2 1 0.7 0.14 2.0 2.0 1.3 0.20 0.5 0.2 1 1 0.2 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.20 0.5 0.2 1 1.86 0.372 4.7 4.0 4.0 0.20 0 0.1 0.5 0.7 0.035 2.0 2.0 1.4 0.20 0.5 0.2 1 1 0.2 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.20 1 0.3 1.5 1.86 0.837 33.1 60.7 20.9 0.40 0 0.3 1 1 0.3 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.40 0.5 0.4 1 1 0.4 5.5 5.2 4.6 0.40 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 9.5 12.0 7.1 0.40 0.5 0.4 0.5 1 0.2 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.40 0.5 0.4 1 1 0.4 5.5 5.2 4.6 143 Preliminary review on buffer outcomes Climate has only a small effect on outcomes Sensitivity has a moderate impact on outcomes Site-based attributes can have a noticeable impact on outcomes When dealing with a highly sensitive ecosystem and very poor buffer zone, the buffer zone is increased dramatically. Level of increase seems inappropriate for sensitivity and site-based attributes > 1. Climate has only a small effect on outcomes Sensitivity has a moderate impact on outcomes Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Threat High Moderate threat Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 0.40 0.5 0.40 Buffer requirements Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 0.4 1.5 1 0.5 0.4 1 0.40 0.5 0.4 0.40 0.5 0.40 Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal 0.6 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.7 0.28 2.6 1.8 2.5 1 1 0.4 5.5 5.2 4.6 0.4 1 1.86 0.744 25.0 43.3 16.3 0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.105 2.0 2.0 1.3 0.40 0.5 0.4 1 1 0.4 5.5 5.2 4.6 0.40 1 0.5 1.5 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 0.60 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 9.5 12.0 7.1 0.60 0.5 0.6 1 1 0.6 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 1 0.7 1 1 0.7 21.6 36.1 14.3 0.60 0.5 0.6 0.5 1 0.3 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.60 0.5 0.6 1 1 0.6 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 0.5 0.6 1.5 1 0.9 39.2 74.3 24.4 0.60 0.5 0.6 1 0.7 0.42 6.2 6.3 5.0 0.60 0.5 0.6 1 1 0.6 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 0.5 0.6 1 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 0.60 0 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.175 2.0 2.0 1.5 0.60 0.5 0.6 1 1 0.6 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 1 0.7 1.5 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 0.80 0 0.7 1 1 0.7 21.6 36.1 14.3 0.80 0.5 0.8 1 1 0.8 29.7 53.4 19.0 144 Preliminary review on buffer outcomes Site-based attributes can have a major impact on outcomes When dealing with a highly sensitive ecosystem and very poor buffer zone, the buffer zone is increased dramatically. Level of increase seems inappropriate for sensitivity and site-based attributes > 1. Climate has only a small effect on outcomes Sensitivity effect has increased considerably. Variability is regarded as too high. To consider refining the range of scores assigned to the sensitivity assessment. Site-based attributes can have a major impact on outcomes. Variability is regarded as too high. To consider refining the range of scores assigned to the site-based attributes. Range is far too variable. Adjustment to accounting methodology definitely required. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Very High Threat Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 0.80 1 0.80 Buffer requirements Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 0.9 1 1 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.80 0.5 0.8 0.80 0.5 0.80 Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal 0.9 39.2 74.3 24.4 1 0.4 5.5 5.2 4.6 1 1 0.8 29.7 53.4 19.0 0.8 1.5 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 0.5 0.8 1 0.7 0.56 12.5 17.7 9.0 0.80 0.5 0.8 1 1 0.8 29.7 53.4 19.0 0.80 0.5 0.8 1 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 0.80 0 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.245 2.1 1.8 2.1 0.80 0.5 0.8 1 1 0.8 29.7 53.4 19.0 0.80 1 0.9 1.5 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0 0.9 1 1 0.9 39.2 74.3 24.4 1.00 0.5 1 1 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 1 1.1 1 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 9.5 12.0 7.1 1.00 0.5 1 1 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0.5 1 1.5 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0.5 1 1 0.7 0.7 21.6 36.1 14.3 1.00 0.5 1 1 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0.5 1 1 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.315 3.2 2.3 3.0 1.00 0.5 1 1 1 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 1 1.1 1.5 1.86 1 50.2 98.7 30.5 145 Preliminary review on buffer outcomes Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report 10.12. Appendix L - Refined buffer zone outcomes based on revisions to buffer zone calculations. Variables changed under different scenarios are indicated in yellow. Low threat Very Low threat Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 0.20 0 0.20 Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 0.10 1 1 0.5 0.20 1 0.20 1 0.30 0.20 0.5 0.20 Buffer requirements Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal 0.10 2.0 2.0 1.3 1 0.20 1.8 2.3 1.7 1 1 0.30 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.20 0.85 1 0.17 2.0 2.0 1.5 0.5 0.20 1 1 0.20 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.20 0.5 0.20 1.15 1 0.23 2.0 1.9 1.9 0.20 0.5 0.20 1 0.7 0.20 1.2 1.6 1.2 0.20 0.5 0.20 1 1 0.20 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.20 0.5 0.20 1 1.86 0.20 3.3 4.4 3.1 0.20 0 0.10 0.85 0.7 0.09 1.4 1.4 0.9 0.20 0.5 0.20 1 1 0.20 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.20 1 0.30 1.15 1.86 0.35 7.3 5.6 6.5 0.40 0 0.30 1 1 0.30 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.40 0.5 0.40 1 1 0.40 5.5 5.2 4.6 0.40 1 0.50 1 1 0.50 9.5 12.0 7.1 0.40 0.5 0.40 0.85 1 0.34 3.8 2.9 3.4 0.40 0.5 0.40 1 1 0.40 5.5 5.2 4.6 0.40 0.5 0.40 1.15 1 0.46 7.7 8.9 6.0 0.40 0.5 0.40 1 0.7 0.40 3.9 3.7 3.2 146 Preliminary review on buffer outcomes Minimum buffer requirements would override these low values Climate has a moderate effect on outcomes with buffers of nearly double the size proposed for high rainfall areas relative to arid areas with limited storm water runoff. Sensitivity has a minor effect on outcomes in scenarios with very low risk ratings Site-based attributes have a more significant Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report eat Thr h Hig Moderate threat Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 0.40 0.5 0.40 Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 0.40 1 1 0.5 0.40 1 0.40 0 0.30 0.40 0.5 0.40 Buffer requirements Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal Preliminary review on buffer outcomes 0.40 5.5 5.2 4.6 1.86 0.40 10.3 9.7 8.5 impact on outcomes in scenarios with very low risk ratings 0.85 0.7 0.26 1.6 1.2 1.5 0.40 1 1 0.40 5.5 5.2 4.6 1 0.50 1.15 1.86 0.58 24.8 36.0 17.6 0.60 0 0.50 1 1 0.50 9.5 12.0 7.1 0.60 0.5 0.60 1 1 0.60 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 1 0.70 1 1 0.70 21.6 36.1 14.3 0.60 0.5 0.60 0.85 1 0.51 9.9 12.8 7.4 0.60 0.5 0.60 1 1 0.60 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 0.5 0.60 1.15 1 0.69 20.8 34.5 13.9 0.60 0.5 0.60 1 0.7 0.60 10.4 15.6 7.2 0.60 0.5 0.60 1 1 0.60 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 0.5 0.60 1 1.86 0.60 27.6 41.4 19.2 0.60 0 0.50 0.85 0.7 0.43 4.5 4.6 3.6 0.60 0.5 0.60 1 1 0.60 14.8 22.3 10.3 0.60 1 0.70 1.15 1.86 0.81 56.1 101.2 35.8 The range of recommended buffers is highly variable when taking factors affecting risk and site based attributes into account. While the variability is quite high, much of the variability would be reduced when applying a minimum 15m buffer. 0.80 0 0.70 1 1 0.70 21.6 36.1 14.3 Climate has a moderate effect on outcomes 147 Notable increases in BZ requirements for highly sensitive systems with buffer attributes poorly suited to reduce impacts from diffuse source pollution. Climate has a moderate effect on outcomes with buffers of nearly double the size proposed for high rainfall areas relative to arid areas with limited storm water runoff. Sensitivity has a clear impact on outcomes, with buffer zones nearly doubling for highly sensitive systems relative to those of very low sensitivity. Site factors have a major influence on buffer zone requirements. This is consistent with the literature which suggests that buffer width alone is only one of the factors determining buffer zone effectiveness. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Very High Threat Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 0.80 0.5 0.80 Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 0.80 1 1 1 0.90 1 0.80 0.5 0.80 0.80 0.5 0.80 Buffer requirements Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal Preliminary review on buffer outcomes 0.80 29.7 53.4 19.0 1 0.90 39.2 74.3 24.4 with buffers of nearly double the size proposed for high rainfall areas relative to arid areas with limited storm water runoff. 0.85 1 0.68 20.1 33.0 13.5 0.80 1 1 0.80 29.7 53.4 19.0 0.5 0.80 1.15 1 0.92 41.3 78.9 25.5 0.80 0.5 0.80 1 0.7 0.80 20.8 37.4 13.3 0.80 0.5 0.80 1 1 0.80 29.7 53.4 19.0 0.80 0.5 0.80 1 1.86 0.80 55.3 99.4 35.3 0.80 0 0.70 0.85 0.7 0.60 10.2 15.2 7.1 0.80 0.5 0.80 1 1 0.80 29.7 53.4 19.0 0.80 1 0.90 1.15 1.86 1.04 101.0 201.1 60.9 1.00 0 0.90 1 1 0.90 39.2 74.3 24.4 1.00 0.5 1.00 1 1 1.00 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 1 1.10 1 1 1.10 62.5 126.7 37.3 1.00 0.5 1.00 0.85 1 0.85 34.3 63.4 21.6 1.00 0.5 1.00 1 1 1.00 50.2 98.7 30.5 1.00 0.5 1.00 1.15 1 1.15 69.2 142.0 40.9 148 Sensitivity has a clear impact on outcomes, with buffer zones nearly doubling for highly sensitive systems relative to those of very low sensitivity. Site factors have a major influence on buffer zone requirements. This is consistent with the literature which suggests that buffer width alone is only one of the factors determining buffer zone effectiveness. The range of recommended buffers is highly variable when taking factors affecting risk and site based attributes into account. While the variability is quite high, much of the variability would be reduced when applying a minimum 15m buffer. Climate has a moderate effect on outcomes with buffers of nearly double the size proposed for high rainfall areas relative to arid areas with limited storm water runoff. Sensitivity has a clear impact on outcomes, with buffer zones nearly doubling for highly sensitive systems relative to those of very low sensitivity. Deliverable 11: Practical Testing / Field Testing Report Scenario Threat rating Climatic risk score Threat rating (adjusted for climate) 1.00 0.5 1.00 Sensitivity Site-based attributes Risk Score 1.00 1 0.7 0.5 1.00 1 1.00 0.5 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 Buffer requirements Sediment Retention Nutrient Inputs Pathogen removal Preliminary review on buffer outcomes 1.00 35.1 69.1 21.3 1 1.00 50.2 98.7 30.5 1 1.86 1.00 93.3 183.7 56.6 Site factors have a major influence on buffer zone requirements. This is consistent with the literature which suggests that buffer width alone is only one of the factors determining buffer zone effectiveness. 0.90 0.85 0.7 0.77 18.7 32.9 12.1 0.5 1.00 1 1 1.00 50.2 98.7 30.5 1 1.10 1.15 1.86 1.27 159.7 335.9 93.1 149 The range of recommended buffers is highly variable when taking factors affecting risk and site based attributes into account. While the variability is quite high, much of the variability would be reduced when applying a minimum 15m buffer.