Society of Civil War Historians Biennial Conference June 2–4, 2016

Society of Civil War Historians Biennial Conference
June 2–4, 2016, The Chattanoogan Hotel, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Conference Registration Form
All participants are required to register. Registration forms are due on or before May 13, 2016. Registration forms
that will not reach the SCWH office by May 13 should be brought to the meeting for on-site registration. You can
also register on-line with a credit card at under the eStore – George and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center.
NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please print your name as it is to appear on your name badge.)
AFFILIATION: _______________________________________________________________________________________
□ Home
E–MAIL: ________________________________________________________
STREET: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ______________________________________________ STATE: ________________ ZIP: ___________________
Member Registration Fee
□ $75
□ $100 after 5/13/2016
Non-Member Registration Fee
□ $100
□ $125 after 5/13/2016
Student Registration Fee (ID required)
□ $25
□ N/C *
*Graduate students on the conference program are not required to pay a registration fee*
Thursday Bus Tour (additional details on back of form) □ $12
Thursday Opening Dinner at The Chattanoogan Hotel
□ N/C
Friday Lunch Panel for Graduate Students Only
□ N/C
(additional details on back of form)
*Graduate students please indicate your first and second faculty table choice:
_____ Judkin Browning, Appalachian State University – Military
_____ Judy Giesberg, Villanova University – Gender
_____ Caroline Janney, Purdue University – Memory
_____ Brian Luskey, West Virginia University – Labor/Capital/Class
_____ Yael A. Sternhell, Tel Aviv University – Slavery and Emancipation
_____ Elizabeth Varon, University of Virginia – Politics and Political Culture
Saturday Closing Reception at The Chattanoogan Hotel
□ N/C
Conference Registration: Checks payable to Penn State. Registration forms and remittance should be returned to
SCWH Conference, Penn State University, 108 Weaver Building, University Park, PA 16802.
Membership Applications: (membership information and applications can be found at http:// Remittance should be returned to UNC Press Journals Department, 116 South
Boundary Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
Society of Civil War Historians Biennial Conference
June 2–4, 2016, The Chattanoogan Hotel, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Additional Details for the Battlefield Tour and
Graduate Student Luncheon
Battlefield Tour: Thursday, June 2, 12:00-4:30 pm
*Please note: The bus will depart promptly at 12 noon. Cost is $12.00/person; pre-registration is
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, the oldest such reservation in the nation,
preserves a large portion of the Chickamauga Battlefield. Fought in September 1863, the Battle of
Chickamauga marked the only major Confederate victory in the Western Theater at the combined
cost of more than 34,000 casualties. Our tour will cover the highlights of this three-day engagement, with special emphasis on the action on September 20, the battle's decisive day. Moderate
walking will be required at some of the tour stops. The tour will conclude with a brief stop at the
Visitor Center, which features an outstanding book store along with exhibits on the engagement.
Friday, June 3, 2016, 12:45 – 2:15 p.m.: Graduate Student Luncheon
**Please Note: This lunch is for graduate students only. (advance registration is required)
Sponsored by the Society of Civil War Historians
The grad student luncheon will involve thematic tables where grad students will be able to have
a frank discussion of a given topic within the field of Civil War historiography. Partnered with a
scholar in the field, the small group of grad students will work with the faculty member to discuss great models of Civil War scholarship within your subfield, other books perhaps even outside of the Civil War Era that people find useful, how to incorporate the given theme into the
classroom, and ways to pitch yourself to publishers. In addition, it might be a way to present
your own work to others with similar interests and get some honest feedback.
Grad students will be asked to submit a one page dissertation abstract to and to make first and second choice selections on the registration form. The Grad
Student Connections Committee will do their best to assign you to the greatest topic of interest,
given limitations of space and the need to have a minimum number of individuals at each table.
Faculty Tables:
1. Judkin Browning, Appalachian State University – Military
2. Judy Giesberg, Villanova University – Gender
3. Caroline Janney, Purdue University – Memory
4. Brian Luskey, West Virginia University – Labor/Capital/Class
5. Yael A. Sternhell, Tel Aviv University – Slavery and Emancipation
6. Elizabeth Varon, University of Virginia – Politics and Political Culture