Davis High School Pyramid of Interventions 2015 – 2016 Tier 3: Intensive Interventions (5% of students) Administrative involvement (LCM Team) Meet with counselor to review interventions Administration/ counselor / parent /student Conference Ongoing communication with all involved In-school suspension Specialized/Intensive Programs Read 180, Auto Learner, North Star Program, Study skills, Summer Boot Camp IEP/504 Referral Online district credit recovery DATC Alternative Education Referal Mt. High, 3 to 6, Canyon Heights, Adult Education Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Individualized response 5% of students Daily follow up Rapid response 10% of students Counselor involvement Referral with documentation of action taken Contract with scheduled follow-up Follow-up with teacher as to intervention chosen Parent contact by phone, email, letters Counselor/parent/ teacher/ student conference o Schedule changes o Silent mentor o Support groups o Personal tutor, peer tutor o Personalized help as directed o Mandatory tutorials Conference with administration for further ideas more targeted Tier 2: Supplemental Interventions More intensive and Tier 2: Supplemental Interventions (10% of students) Teacher Support Collaborative Support School Support Please refer to back more targeted Tier 1: Universal Interventions – Support for ALL Students (85% of students) More intensive and Weekly follow up Tier 1: Universal Interventions 3 Week identification Preventative 85% of students Davis High School Pyramid of Interventions Tier 1 Tier 1: Universal Interventions – Support for ALL Students Teacher Support Collaborative Support Personalization – Get to know your students o Observations o Teacher/student conference* o Student guided contracts/goals* o Sophomore Ignite (10th grade) and Advisory (11th – 12th grade) o Modifications/accommodations* o Test History on Encore Collaboration time o Monday Late Starts – Core Team time o Friday Late Starts – SLC time o Out of school time Core Teams o Courses meet/establish state DESK standards o Common disclosures o Common pacing: - What do we expect students to learn? o Common assessments : - How will we know if they’ve learned it? o Assessment feedback : - How will we respond when some students Haven’t learned it? o Three week grading period o Re-teach and re-test* o Differentiated instruction* Classroom environment o Syllabus/Common Disclosure o Defined procedures and routines o Formative assessments o Differentiated instruction* o Evaluate your own “Best Practices” Communication with students & parents o On line attendance/grade access o Three week grading period o Calendar (unit/term) o Email/call/letter to parents* o Teacher webpage Extra help o Tutorials o Help sessions (lunch, before & after school) o Computer labs Small Learning Communities o Student sense of identity/belonging o Determine course pathway o Discuss concerns with teachers who teach the same student(s) School Support Parent notification o Midterm & term grades o Tardies & absences o School newsletter - “Speaking of Davis” o School website School wide policies o District policies o Davis High Policies o Safe schools Tracker o Attendance o Intervention screen documentation* o Email to teachers Student exploration opportunities o Advisories o Career center o Counseling center Universal screening o Reading o Writing o Math Proper academic placement o Read 180 o North Star o Math levels o UBSCT prep courses School wide use of intervention screen