Department: Course Plan to Complete a: Economics B.A. in Economics Year 1 Fall Prefix EC Math Course # Course Name (catalogue) 011 Principles of Macroeconomics 019 Fundamentals of Calculus I TAP seminar* Distribution Distribution Credits Prefix 3 EC 3 3 3-­‐4 3 15-­‐1 6 Spring Course # Course Name (catalogue) 012 Principles of Microeconomics D2 -­‐ Diversity (Non-­‐European Cultures Course) Distribution Distribution Credits 3 3 3 3-­‐4 12-­‐1 3 Year 2 Fall Prefix EC EC Course # Course Name (catalogue) 170 Economic Methods 143 International Economics: Trade Distribution Distribution Elective Credits Prefix 3 EC 3 4 3 3 Spring Course # Course Name (catalogue) 172 Microeconomic Theory Distribution Minor Elective Elective Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15-­‐1 6 15 Year 3 Fall Prefix EC EC Course # Course Name (catalogue) 171 Macroeconomic Theory 133 Economics of Environmental Policy Distribution Minor Elective Credits Prefix 3 EC 3 3 3 3 Spring Course # Course Name (catalogue) 120 Money & Banking D1 Diversity Minor Elective Elective Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 15 Year 4 Fall Prefix Course # Course Name (catalogue) EC EC 200 220 Econometrics & Applications Sem B: Macroeconomics & Finance Minor Minor Elective Credits Prefix 3 3 3 3 3 EC Spring Course # Course Name (catalogue) Sem D: International & Development 240 Economics Minor Elective Elective Elective Credits 15 Notes: EC 1 1, EC 1 2, EC 1 70, EC 1 71, EC 1 72 and EC 2 00 are offered every semester. EC 1 2 i s usually taken after EC 1 1. EC 4 0 or a TAP c lass i n Economics may be substituted for one of the 1 00-­‐l evel field c ourses. 100-­‐l evel field c ourses c an be taken at any point following EC 1 1 and EC 1 2; thus i n Years 2 , 3 or 4 of this plan. Any c ombination of 1 00-­‐l evel field c ourses may be taken i n any order; this plan shows one example. EC 1 70, EC 1 71, and EC 1 72 c an be taken at any point following EC 1 1, EC 1 2 and Math 1 9; thus beginning i n Year 2 of this plan. The theory and methods c ourses may be taken i n any order; this plan shows one example. 200-­‐l evel c ourses may be taken at at any point following EC 1 70, 1 71 and EC 1 72; thus i n Year 3 (Spring semester) or Year 4 of this plan. Any c ombination of 2 00-­‐l evel c ourses may be taken i n any order; this plan shows one example. Distribution Requirements: B.A. degrees in the College of A rts and Sciences require c ompletion of 7 distribution c ategories: Fine Arts: o ne 3 -­‐c redit c ourse i n a fine a rts d iscipline Foreign L anguage: two 3 -­‐c redit c ourses i n the same foreign l anguage Humanities: two 3 -­‐c redit c ourses i n a h umanities d iscipline Natural Sciences: two c ourses from specific d epartments; o ne c ourse must i nclude a l ab Literature: One 3 -­‐c redit c ourse i n l iterature Mathematical Sciences: One math c ourse n umber 1 7 o r h igher, o r Statistics 5 1 o r h igher, o r Computer Science 0 08 o r h igher, o r Philosophy 1 3. Social Sciences: Two 3 -­‐c redit c ourses i n social science d isciplines General Requirements: One Diversity Category 1 c ourse – minimum 3 c redits One Diversity Category 2 c ourse from l ist o f D2 Non-­‐European Cultures c ourses One Writing a nd Information L iteracy c ourse– minimum 3 c redits >>A TAP c ourse will satisfy UVM's Writing and Information L iteracy requirement and might also c ount toward a distribution. >>>Diversity c ourses might also c ount toward a distribution. 3 3 3 3 3 15