The European offshore wind industry key trends and statistics 2015 February 2016 A report by the European Wind Energy Association Contents Contents Executive summary 3 Annual market in 2015 4 Cumulative market 10 Market outlook for 2016 and 201714 Finance 19 Information presented here uses best information at time of publication and may include revised data for previous periods. If you have a query on the distribution or reproduction of this report, please contact Oliver Joy at EWEA at Contributors: Author and Statistical analysis: Construction analysis Andrew Ho (the European Wind Energy Association, EWEA) Financial analysis Ariola Mbistrova (EWEA) Turbine orders analysis Giorgio Corbetta (EWEA) Editor: Review: Data: Photo: Iván Pineda (EWEA) Kristian Ruby (EWEA) Clean Energy Pipeline Courtesy of A2SEA The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 2 Executive summary Executive summary Offshore wind power market in 2015 • 3,019 MW of net installed, grid-connected capacity was added in 2015, 108% more than in 2014. A net addition of 754 new offshore wind turbines in 15 wind farms were grid-connected from 1 January to 31 December 2015. • 419 new turbines were erected in 2015. Seven turbines were decommissioned in the UK and Sweden, resulting in a net addition of 412 turbines. • 53 of these turbines equivalent to 277 MW are awaiting grid connection. • 14 projects were completed in 2015. Work is on-going on six projects in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Cumulative offshore wind power market • 3,230 turbines are now installed and grid-connected, making a cumulative total of 11,027 MW. • Including sites under construction, there are 84 offshore wind farms in 11 European countries. • 80% of substructures are monopiles, 9.1% are gravity foundations, jackets account for 5.4%, tripods account for 3.6% and tripiles account for 1.7%. Market outlook • Once completed, the six offshore projects currently under construction will increase total installed grid-connected capacity by a further 1.9 GW, bringing the cumulative capacity in Europe to 12.9 GW. Trends: turbines, foundations, water depth and distance to shore • The average offshore wind turbine size was 4.2 MW, a 13% increase over 2014. This was due to the increased deployment of 4-6 MW turbines in 2015. • The average size of a grid-connected offshore wind farm in 2015 was 337.9 MW, 8.2% less than the previous year. There were some large offshore wind farms: 576-600 MW sites at Gwynt y Môr and Gemini. However, the majority of German sites were 288 MW. • The average water depth of wind farms completed, or partially completed in 2015 was 27.1 m and the average distance to shore was 43.3 km. Financing highlights and developments • Ten projects, worth €13.3bn, reached final investment decision (FID), a doubling over 2014. In total 3,034 MW of new capacity reached FID during 2015. • Total investments for the construction and refinancing of offshore wind farms and transmission assets hit a record level of €18bn. • Reduced risk perception for offshore wind projects has led to the emergence of project bonds as a means of financing. For the first time in 2015, €1.5bn was raised through project bonds for the construction and refinancing of offshore wind farms. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 3 Annual market in 2015 Annual market in 2015 Offshore wind installations 3,018.5 MW of new offshore wind power capacity was connected to the grid during 2015 in Europe, a 108.3% increase over 2014 and the biggest yearly addition to capacity to date. • During 2015, work was carried out on 22 offshore wind farms in Europe. • 14 utility-scale wind farms were completed. • Work continued on two other wind farms where several wind turbines were erected. • Work has started but no turbines are yet connected in five other wind farms. • Two sites had decommissioning of turbines, with a full decommissioning at the Yttre Stengrund site in Sweden. TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF WORK CARRIED OUT AT EUROPEAN OFFSHORE WIND FARMS DURING 2015 Wind farm name Country Status DanTysk Germany Fully grid-connected H1 2015 Gwynt y Mor United Kingdom Fully grid-connected H1 2015 United Kingdom Fully grid-connected H1 2015 Meerwind Süd Ost Germany Fully grid-connected H1 2015 Westermost Rough United Kingdom Fully grid-connected H1 2015 Amrumbank West Germany Fully grid-connected Baltic 2 Germany Fully grid-connected Borkum Riffgrund I Germany Fully grid-connected Butendiek Germany Fully grid-connected Global Tech 1 Germany Fully grid-connected Luchterduinen Netherlands Fully grid-connected Nordsee Ost Germany Fully grid-connected Trianel Windpark Borkum Germany Fully grid-connected Kentish Flats 2 Extension United Kingdom Fully grid-connected Westermeerwind Netherlands Partially grid-connected Gode Wind II Germany Turbines installed Gemini Netherlands Foundations installed GodeWind I Germany Foundations installed Nordsee One Germany Foundations installed Sandbank Germany Foundations installed Robin Rigg United Kingdom Turbines decommissioned Yttre Stengrund Sweden Fully Decommissioned Humber Gateway 1 1 Meerwind Süd Ost was incorrectly cited in 2014 as being fully grid-connected. 15 turbines were grid-connected in 2015. All necessary changes are reflected for both 2014 and 2015 in this report. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 4 Annual market in 2015 FIG 1: SHARE OF NET ANNUAL OFFSHORE WIND CAPACITY INSTALLATIONS PER COUNTRY (MW) Netherlands 180 5.9% 75.4% of all net capacity brought online was in Germany (2,282.4 MW), a four-fold increase in its grid-connected capacity compared to 2014. This was in large part due to the delay in grid connections finally coming online in 2015 in Germany. UK 566 18.7% Germany 2,282 75.4% The second largest market was the UK (566.1 MW, or 18.7% share), followed by the Netherlands (180 MW, or 5.9% share). TABLE 2: NUMBER OF TURBINES AND MW FULLY CONNECTED TO THE GRID DURING 2015 PER COUNTRY (MW) Country Germany Netherlands Sweden UK Total No. of farms 10 2 -1 4 15 No. of turbines connected 546 60 -5 153 754 MW connected to the grid 2,282.4 180 -10 566.1 3,018.5 Baltic Sea 278 9.2% Irish Sea 141 4.7% FIG 2: SEA BASIN SHARE OF 2015 NET ANNUAL INSTALLATIONS (MW) Of the total 3,018.5 MW connected in European waters, 86.1% were in the North Sea, 9.2% in the Baltic Sea, and 4.7% in the Irish Sea. North Sea 2,598 86.1% Annual market share in 2015 - wind turbine manufacturers MHI Vestas 392 12.9% Adwen 550 18.2% FIG 3: WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS’ SHARE OF 2015 NET ANNUAL INSTALLATIONS (MW) Senvion 271 8.9% Siemens 1,816 60% The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Siemens continues to be the top offshore wind turbine supplier in terms of net annual installations. With 1,816.4 MW of new capacity connected, Siemens accounts for 60% of the 2015 market. Adwen (550 MW, 18.2%), MHI Vestas (391.5 MW, 12.9%) and Senvion (270.6 MW, 8.9%) are the other turbine manufacturers who had turbines grid-connected in full-scale wind farms during 2015. 5 Annual market in 2015 FIG 4: WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS’ SHARE OF 2015 NET ANNUAL INSTALLATIONS (UNITS CONNECTED) Senvion 44 5.8% Similarly, in terms of net grid-connected units, Siemens remains at the top with 476 turbines of various individual turbine capacities (3-6 MW, accounting for 62.7% of connected capacity) connected in European waters during 2015. Adwen 110 14.5% Siemens 476 62.7% MHI Vestas 129 17.0% MHI Vestas connected a net total of 129 turbines (ranging from 3-3.3 MW) representing 17%2. Adwen connected 110 turbines to the grid, each rated at 5 MW, representing 14.5% of all turbines connected. Senvion also connected 44 turbines, with an individual turbine rating of 6.15 MW, making up 5.8% of gridconnected turbines in 2015. Annual market share in 2015 - wind farm developers/owners3 E.ON was the largest developer in the European offshore sector in 2015 with 17.1% of total connections. Combined with RWE Innogy (344.4 MW, 11.4%), EnBW (288 MW, 9.5%), Stadtwerke München (235.5 MW, 9.5%), DONG Energy (234 MW, 7.8%), the top 5 developers added 1.6 GW of installed capacity, representing 53.6% of total installations in 2015. FIG 5: DEVELOPERS’ SHARE OF 2014 ANNUAL INSTALLATIONS (MW) Others 1,054 34.9% E.ON 515 17.1% RWE Innogy 344 11.4% EnBW 288 9.5% Vattenfall 148 4.9% Trianel 200 6.5% Stadtwerke München 236 7.8% DONG Energy 234 7.8% 2 MHI Vestas numbers factor in two turbines decommissioned at Robin Rigg. Five NEG Micon turbines at Yttre Stengrund are not considered part of the MHI Vestas portfolio and are recorded seperately. 3 Grid-connected market shares are indicative only. Projects owned or developed by several companies have been split according to their respective shares. Where the shares are not known, they have been split in equal parts between the partners. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 6 Annual market in 2015 Annual market share in 2015 - substructures FIG 6: FOUNDATION TYPES’ SHARE OF 2015 ANNUAL MARKET Jacket 12 3% Monopile substructures remained by far the most popular substructure type in 2015 with a net total of 385 installed (97%), taking into account the seven monopiles that were decommissioned in the UK and Sweden. Monopile 385 97% 12 jacket foundations were also installed, representing 3% of all newly installed substructures. FIG 7: SHARE OF FOUNDATIONS INSTALLED IN 2015 BY MANUFACTURING COMPANY4 Foundations installed in 2015 were supplied by EEW (41.1%), Sif (34.1%), Bladt (21.6%), Smulders (3.8%), with decommissioning of AMEC foundations resulting in a decrease in market size by 0.6% AMEC -3 Smulders 15 Bladt 86 -20 Sif 136 EEW 163 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Net installation of foundations 4 Shares are calculated according to the actual number of individual foundations installed in 2015. When the project developer contracted more than one company to manufacture the foundations, and where the respective shares (in case of consortia/joint venture) were not specified, foundations installed were split in equal parts between the partners. Shares also consider decommissioned infrastructure. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 7 Annual market in 2015 Annual market share in 2015 - cables5 FIG 8: SHARE OF INTER-ARRAY CABLE SUPPLIERS TO OFFSHORE WIND FARMS IN 2015 (NO. OF CABLES, PERCENTAGE) ABB 39 5.2% JDR 15 2.0% Parker Scanrope 57 7.6% Prysmian 218 28.9% Nexans 104 13.8% NSW 198 26.3% NKT 123 16.3% LS Cable & System 3 6.4% In 2015, 218 inter-array cables manufactured by Prysmian were energised, representing the largest market share at 28.9%. 198 cables connecting wind turbines manufactured by NSW were energised, representing 26.3% of all energised cables. 123 cables manufactured by NKT were also energised (16.3%), together with 104 by Nexans (13.8%), 57 by Parker Scanrope (7.6%) 39 by ABB (5.2%), and 15 by JDR (2%) FIG 9: SHARE OF EXPORT CABLE SUPPLIERS IN 2015 (NO. OF CABLES, PERCENTAGE) NSW 6 12.8% Prysmian 21 44.7% ABB 7 14.9% NKT 10 21.3% In terms of export cables in 2015, 47 export cables manufactured by Prysmian were energised (44.7% of all export cables). Ten export cables manufactured by NKT (21.3%), along with seven from ABB (14.9%). Six from NSW (12.8%), and three from LS Cable & System (6.4%) completed the market in 20156. 5 Shares are calculated taking into account the number of grid-connected turbines in each wind farm during 2015 and considers decommissioned infrastructure. 6 Shares are calculated by taking into account the number of export cables in wind farms fully completed of partially completed. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 8 Annual market in 2015 Wind turbine capacity and wind farm size The average capacity rating of the 754 offshore wind farms under construction in 2015 was 4.2 MW, 12.9% larger than in 2014. Larger capacity turbines were deployed by all manufacturers in 2015. The completion of large numbers of German offshore wind farms designed at 288 MW overall capacity offsets the completion of the large 576 MW Gwynt y Môr site, and construction at the 600 MW Gemini offshore wind farm, affecting the overall average size of sites. The average size of wind farms in construction in 2015 was 337.9 MW, an 8.2% decrease from 2014. Water depth and distance to shore The average water depth of offshore wind farms where work was carried out in 2015 was 27.2 m, slightly more than in 2014 (22.4 m). The average distance to shore for those projects was 43.3 km, significantly more than in 2014 (32.9 km). This reflects the greater share of projects that were under construction and completed in Germany, which are sited further from shore when compared with other countries. FIG 10: WATER DEPTH, DISTANCE TO SHORE AND SIZE OF OFFSHORE WIND FARMS UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING 2015 120 Distance to shore (km) 100 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Water depth (m) United Kingdom The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Netherlands Germany 9 Cumulative market Cumulative market Europe’s cumulative installed capacity at the end of 2015 reached 11,027.3 MW, across a total of 3,230 wind turbines. Including sites under construction, there are now 84 offshore wind farms in 11 European countries. With installed capacity now capable of producing approximately 40.6 TWh in a normal wind year, there is enough electricity from offshore wind to cover 1.5% of the EU’s total electricity consumption7. FIG 11: CUMULATIVE AND ANNUAL OFFSHORE WIND INSTALLATIONS (MW) 3,500 12,000 11,000 3,000 10,000 9,000 2,500 7,000 Annual (MW) 2,000 6,000 1,500 5,000 Cumulative (MW) 8,000 4,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 500 1,000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 - 2.00 5.00 16.8 - 2.80 - 4.00 50.5 170. 276. 89.7 90.0 92.5 318.4 373.5 576.9 882.7 873.5 1165 1567 1446 3018 4.95 6.95 11.9 28.7 28.7 31.5 31.5 35.5 86.0 256.1 532.3 622.0 712.0 804.5 1122 1496 2073 2955 3829 4994 6561 8008 11027 Annual Cumulative 1997 1998 1999 2012 2013 2014 2015 TABLE 3: NUMBER OF WIND FARMS WITH GRID-CONNECTED TURBINES, NO. OF TURBINES CONNECTED AND NO. OF MW FULLY CONNECTED TO THE GRID AT THE END OF 2015 PER COUNTRY. Country BE DE DK ES FI IE NL NO PT SE UK Total No. of farms 5 18 13 1 2 1 6 1 1 5 27 80 No. of turbines 182 792 513 1 9 7 184 1 1 86 1,454 3,230 Capacity installed (MW) 712 3,295 1,271 5 26 25 427 2 2 202 5,061 11,027 The UK has the largest amount of installed offshore wind capacity in Europe (5,060.5 MW) representing 45.9% of all installations. Germany follows with 3,294.6 MW (29.9%). With 1,271.3 MW (11.5% of total European installations), Denmark is third, followed by Belgium (712.2 MW, 6.5%), the Netherlands (426.5 MW, 3.9%), Sweden (201.7 MW, 1.8%), Finland (26 MW), Ireland (25.2 MW), Spain (5 MW), Norway (2 MW) and Portugal (2 MW). 7 The most recent data (2013) for EU 28 final energy consumption of electricity from Eurostat Is 2,770 TWh. Source: Eurostat [nrg_105a], extracted on 17 January 2016. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 10 Cumulative market FIG. 12: INSTALLED CAPACITY - CUMULATIVE SHARE BY COUNTRY FIG. 13: INSTALLED WIND TURBINES - CUMULATIVE SHARE BY COUNTRY Finland 26 0.2% Ireland 26 0.2% Finland 9 0.3% Ireland 7 0.2% Sweden 202 1.8% Spain 5 0.05% Sweden 86 2.7% Norway 1 0.03% Portugal 2 0.02% Belgium 182 5.6% Portugal 1 0.03% Netherlands 427 3.9% Belgium 702 6.5% Norway 2 0.02% Denmark 1,271 11.5% Netherlands 184 5.7% Spain 1 0.03% Denmark 513 15.9% UK 5,061 45.9% Germany 3,292 29.9% UK 1,454 45% Germany 792 24.5% FIG. 14: INSTALLED CAPACITY, CUMULATIVE SHARE BY SEA BASIN Atlantic Ocean 0.1% Baltic Sea 12.9% Irish Sea 17.6% North Sea 69.4% In terms of the number of grid-connected wind turbines in Europe, the UK leads the market with 1,454 turbines (45%), followed by Germany (792 wind turbines, 24.5%), Denmark (513 turbines, 15.9%), Belgium (182 turbines, 5.6%), the Netherlands (184 turbines, 5.7%), Sweden (86 turbines, 2.7%), Finland (nine turbines, 0.3%) and Ireland (seven turbines). Norway, Portugal, and Spain all have one wind turbine each. The 11,027.1 MW of offshore wind capacity are mainly installed in the North Sea (7,656.4 MW, 69.4%). 1,943.2 MW or 17.6% are installed in the Irish Sea, and 1,420.5 MW (12.9%) in the Baltic Sea, and 7 MW in the Atlantic Ocean. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 11 Cumulative market Cumulative market share: wind turbine manufacturers WinWind 0.5% GE Renewable Energy 0.4% BARD 3.6% Other 0.3% Adwen 5.7% Samsung 0.1% Senvion 7.4% MHI Vestas 18.5% Other 1.4% WinWind 0.6% BARD 2.5% GE Renewable Energy 0.5% Samsung 0.03% Senvion 4.3% MHI Vestas 23% Siemens is the lead offshore wind turbine supplier in Europe with 63.5% of total installed capacity. MHI Vestas (18.5%) is the second biggest turbine supplier, followed by Senvion (7.4%), Adwen (5.7%), and BARD (3.6%). Turbine portfolios for GE and Alstom are consolidated into GE Renewable Energy following the acquisition of Alstom’s power unit in 2015. Areva and Gamesa turbines are also consolidated into Adwen. Siemens 63.5% Adwen 3.9% FIG. 15: WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS’ SHARE AT THE END OF 2015 (PERCENTAGE) Siemens 63.6% The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 FIG. 16: WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS’ SHARE AT THE END OF 2015 (PERCENTAGE) In terms of the total number of wind turbines connected to the grid at the end of 2015, Siemens remains the top supplier with 2,059 turbines, accounting for 63.6% of the market. MHI Vestas has 750 grid-connected turbines representing 23.2% of total turbines, followed by Senvion (140 turbines, 4.3%), Adwen (127 turbines, 3.9%), BARD (80 turbines, 2.5%), WinWind (18 turbines, 0.6%), and GE Renewable Energy with 15 turbines (0.5%). 12 Cumulative market Cumulative market share: wind turbine developers/owners FIG. 17: OWNERS’ SHARE OF INSTALLED CAPACITY (PERCENTAGE) DONG Energy maintains its position as the biggest owner of offshore wind power in Europe with 15.6% of cumulative installations at the end of 2015. DONG Energy 15.6% Other 31.8% E.ON 9.6% E.ON (9.6%), Vattenfall (8.9%), RWE Innogy (6.4%) and Stadtwerke München (3.8%) complete the top five developers and owners. RWE Innogy 9% CPDQ 1.4% SEAS-NVE 1.5% Vattenfall 8.8% EnBW 1.6% ENECO 1.7% Stadtwerke München 3.8% Iberdrola 1.8% Ocean Breeze Energy 3.6% Trianel 1.8% SSE 3.2% Blackstone 2.1% Green Investment Bank 2.8% Substructures FIG. 18: SHARE OF SUBSTRUCTURE TYPES FOR ONLINE WIND TURBINES END 2015 Tripiles Experimental 55 1.7% 2 0.1% Tripods Floating 120 3.6% 2 0.1% Jacket Share of monopiles increased to 80.1%, as did jackets, which now account for 5.4% of the 3,313 foundations installed in Europe, a figure which includes those awaiting turbine installations or grid connections. 178 5.4% Gravity 303 9.1% Monopiles 2,653 80.1% The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 13 Market outlook for 2016 and 2017 Market outlook for 2016 and 2017 The volume of new grid-connected installations will be lower in 2016 than it was in 2015. This is due in part to the high volume of turbines installed in 2014 that were only grid-connected in 2015 in Germany; and in part to the reduced number of project starts in 2015 compared to 2014. Iberdrola’s Wikinger wind farm in Germany and E.ON’s Rampion in the UK, meaning that overall average wind farm sizes will increase in 2016. Average turbine size will also increase as the industry develops larger models. Once completed, the six offshore projects currently under construction will increase installed capacity by a further 1.9 GW, bringing the cumulative capacity in Europe to 12.9 GW. EWEA has identified 26.4 GW of consented offshore wind farms in Europe that could be constructed over the next decade. A total of 63.5 GW of projects are understood to be in the planning phase. However, turbine orders in 2015 were stronger than in 2014, presenting an early indication of good momentum for offshore wind after 2016. Year-on-year orders grew by 74.5% to 5.1 GW of firm and conditional orders placed. Offshore construction work is expected to start at sites larger than those worked on in 2015, such as FIG. 19: QUARTERLY OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE ORDERS 2014-2015 (MW) 2,500 2,000 MW 1,500 1,000 500 0 Q1 14 Q2 14 Q3 14 Q4 14 Turbine Orders Q1 15 Q2 15 Q3 15 Q4 15 Trend FIG. 20: OFFSHORE MARKET: PROJECTS ONLINE, UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND CONSENTED (GW) 70 60 50 GW 40 30 20 10 0 Planned Under consenting procedure The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Consented Under construction Online 14 Market outlook for 2016 and 2017 Ireland 3.8% Denmark 2% Belgium 4.2% Others 1.3% FIG. 21: SHARE OF CONSENTED OFFSHORE CAPACITY PER COUNTRY (PERCENTAGE OF MW) The UK has the highest share of consented offshore wind capacity (55%), followed by Germany (26.2%). Sweden (7.5%), Belgium (4.2%), Ireland (3.8%) and Denmark (2%) have the remaining share of consented sites. Sweden 7.5% UK 55% Germany 26.2% Irish Sea 8.6% Mediterranean Sea 1% Baltic Sea 12.4% North Sea 78% The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 FIG. 22: SHARE OF CONSENTED OFFSHORE WIND FARMS BY SEA BASIN (PERCENTAGE OF MW) In the medium term, an analysis of consented wind farms confirms that the North Sea will remain the main region for offshore deployment (78% of total consented capacity) with significant developments also foreseen in the Irish Sea (8.6% of consented capacity) and in the Baltic Sea (12.4%). Whilst consented projects exist in the Mediterranean, there is no immediate outlook for deployment. 15 Trends: turbines, water depth and distance to shore Trends: turbines, water depth and distance to shore Wind turbine capacity Wind turbine capacity has grown 41.1% from 2010 to 2015. In 2015, the average capacity of new wind turbines installed was 4.2 MW, a significant increase from 3.0 MW in 2010, reflecting a period of continuous development in turbine technology to increase energy yields at sea. The deployment of 4-6 MW turbines seen in 2015 will be followed by the gradual introduction of 6-8 MW turbines closer towards 2018. FIG. 23: AVERAGE OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE RATED CAPACITY 4.5 4 3.5 3 MW 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 0 16 Trends: turbines, water depth and distance to shore Wind farm size In the last five years, the average wind farm size has more than doubled, from 155.3 MW in 2010 to 337.9 MW in 2015. Multiple consents granted last year in the UK for 1.2 GW sites in the Dogger Bank provide indications for the scale of offshore wind farms in the longer term. FIG. 24: AVERAGE SIZE OF OFFSHORE WIND FARM PROJECTS 1,000 900 800 700 600 MW 500 400 300 200 100 The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Planned U/C Consented 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 0 17 Trends: turbines, water depth and distance to shore Water depth and distance to shore Offshore wind farms have moved further from shore and into deeper waters. At the end of 2015, the average water depth of grid-connected wind farms was 27.1 m and the average distance to shore was 43.3 km. This is primarily the result of increased deployment in Germany during 2015, where sites are an average of 52.6 km from shore. By comparison, UK projects were on average 9.4 km from the shoreline. Dutch projects were sited at an average of 31.4 km away from shore. FIG. 25: AVERAGE WATER DEPTH AND DISTANCE TO SHORE OF ONLINE, UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND CONSENTED WIND FARMS 120 100 Distance to shore (km) 80 60 40 20 - (20) - 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Water depth (m) Online The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Consented Under construction 18 Finance Finance Highlights and developments in 2015 The financial markets in 2015 continued to support the offshore wind sector across a variety of instruments and actors. The record level of commercial debt that was raised in 2015 through project finance, green and/ or non-recourse bonds indicates that financial markets are willing to back well-structured projects. Ten projects worth €13.3bn in total reached final investment decision in 2015, compared to €6.5bn, a doubling from 2014. In total, 3 GW of new gross capacity were financed across four countries, 66% of which was in the United Kingdom. FIG. 27: TOTAL INVESTMENT REQUIREMENT FOR NEW ASSETS 2010-2015 14 12 bn EUR 10 104% 8 -10% 46% 6 -27% -19% 4 2 0 2010 2011 2012 Investment requirement FIG. 28: INVESTMENTS IN THE OFFSHORE WIND SECTOR IN 2015 Total investments in offshore wind in 2015 were more than €18bn; this includes investments in construction of offshore wind projects, transmission assets and refinancing. 2013 2014 % y-o-y change Construction: Transmission assets Construction: Offshore wind projects Refinancing: Offshore wind projects and transmission assets 2,987 This makes 2015 a record year in terms of total committed funds. 2015 1,783 €18 bn worth of investments in offshore wind and transmission assets 13,251 The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 19 Finance In 2015 the UK had the largest level of investment in new offshore wind farms, at €8.9bn. Cumulatively, over the last 5 years, Germany has received the most investment, attracting €19.8bn for the construction of new offshore wind projects, or 43% of the total funds committed to the sector for the same period. FIG. 29: INVESTMENTS IN NEW OFFSHORE WIND FARMS 2010-2015 Sweden 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 Portugal Denmark Belgium Netherlands United Kingdom Germany 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Investments in new assets (mEUR) Non-recourse debt Given the scale of the offshore wind sector in 2015, project finance remained an important tool in the market. €5bn, equivalent to 44% (1.3 GW) of the new gross capacity was financed on a non-recourse basis. This is a significant increase from the previous year. As a trend, offshore wind farms in Germany are completed utilising project finance. On the corporate finance side, the UK generally favours on-balance sheet financing. FIG. 30: CORPORATE FINANCE AND NON-RECOURSE DEBT LEVELS 2010-2015 6,777 7,000 6,362 5,923 6,000 5,026 mEUR 5,000 4,000 2,000 3,228 2,971 3,000 3,181 2,724 2,007 1,563 1,464 1,000 1,256 0 2010 2011 2012 Corporate finance The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 2013 2014 2015 Non-recourse debt 20 Finance FIG. 31: PROJECT FINANCE TRANSACTIONS 2010-2015 5,000 Nordergründe 111 MW Belwind (Phase 1) 165 MW 4,500 Nobelwind 165 MW 4,000 Nordsee One 332 MW 3,500 mEUR 3,000 Westermost Rough 210 MW 2,500 2,000 Baltic 1 48 MW 1,500 1,000 Gemini 600 MW Walney 367 MW Meerwind 288 MW Borkum West 2 200 MW Veja Mate 400 MW Westermeerwind 144 MW Galloper 336 MW London Array 630 MW Northwind 216 MW 500 C-Power2 295 MW Lincs 270 MW Gunfleet Sands 172 MW Global Tech 1 400 MW 0 2010 2011 2012 Five new projects and one re-financing (Belwind) were recorded in 2015. The general trend of easing loan terms continued in 2015, with three factors at play. The liquidity in the financial markets, the low interest rate environment, and the considerable experience gained throughout a decade have all contributed to the competitiveness of offshore wind in the infrastructure sector. Commercial banks are willing to take a larger share of financing. Debt-to-equity ratios remain largely in the margins of 70:30. However, there is sufficient appetite from the financial sector to push the margins further on the debt side, with many international names. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 2013 Buitendiek 288 MW 2014 2015 The larger capacity size of projects has increased financing needs. As a result, multilateral backing remains important as a form of risk sharing on projects. Notably in 2015, the European Investment Bank (EIB) directly committed €817m for offshore wind projects under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). The EIB has been involved this year in the financing of Galloper (336 MW), Nobelwind (165 MW), and Nordergruende (111 MW) offshore wind farms. However, certain projects have progressed without multilateral backing as risks are better understood. Nordsee One became the first project to be completed without the presence of any multilateral financial institution. 21 Finance Equity finance The equity markets have remained active, in particular during the pre-construction phase. In total, 2.8 GW have been divested in 2015, compared to 1.8 GW divested in 2014. The current trend of increasing project size, cost, and distance from the shore are all factors that have contributed to this peak volume of capacity divested as part of recycling capital. Partnerships are turning into a key strategy to free up capital from the balance sheets through the sale of project stakes. FIG. 32: DIVESTMENTS IN THE OFFSHORE WIND SECTOR 1,751 1,800 1,600 Capacity in MW 1,400 1,200 1,000 824 800 600 474 400 200 0 775 274 207 Q1 14 107 Q2 14 Q3 14 Pre-construction Q4 14 Construction FIG. 33: MARKET SEGMENTATION OF MAJOR EQUITY INVESTORS IN 2015 Power producers continue to lift the majority of equity capital in the offshore wind sector. However, due to the large scale investment and stable income returns, there is greater interest from the financial services industry. The involvement of financial services in equity financing so far has been mainly limited to assets under construction. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Q1 15 Q2 15 176 Q3 15 Q4 15 Operations Diversified financial services 11% Policy driven lenders 5% Independent power producer 4% Institutional investors 10% Power producers 70% 22 Finance Transaction highlights: project bond issuance One of the main developments in 2015 was the diversification of the financial structures employed during construction and operation project stages. Project bonds are emerging as a competitive lending tool compared to the more established sources of corporate debt or project finance. The Gode Wind 1 (330 MW) project bond became the first of its kind issued within the offshore wind sector. The bond was issued by Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) to finance their 50% stake acquisition from DONG Energy in the currently under-construction project. The €780m deal was supported by GIP, an infrastructure fund, with €230m in equity finance. A group of institutional investors, with Talanx as cornerstone lender, subscribed to the project bond. Later in the year came the refinancing of Meerwind Süd Ost (288 MW) offshore wind farm. Having previously reached financial close in 2011, Meerwind Süd Ost is now in the operational stage. The transaction of €960m provided windows of opportunity for new investors to emerge. Transmission assets FIG. 34: INVESTMENTS IN TRANSMISSION ASSETS 2011-2015 2,200 2,000 Total investment requirements for transmission assets in 2015 reached €2bn, including refinancing. €1.9bn was raised through commercial debt, out of which €1.5bn was through bond issuances. In Germany alone, Dutch grid operator TenneT raised €1bn for DolWin 1 transmission line through a green bond issuance that was twice oversubscribed. 1,800 1,600 mEUR 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 With the offshore wind sector, transmission lines have also evolved into a strategic asset class due to their inflation linked, stable revenue streams. Capitalising on this low risk exposure and solid credit quality, transmission asset sponsors have been able to utilise the liquidity in the capital markets to finance their transactions. Total investment requirement Transaction value Outlook for 2016 €11bn of estimated financing will be required for 3,052 MW of new capacity in 2016. Several transactions are already under appraisal or expected to go through final investment decision in 2016. Projects under appraisal include Otary Rentel (294 MW) wind farm, Hornsea The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 Phase 1 (1,200 MW), Hohe See (492 MW), Dudgeon (402 MW), Beatrice (664 MW), and the refinancing of Luchterduinen (129 MW). 23 Finance Offshore Wind Energy 2017 6 - 8 June 2017 London, UK The world’s largest offshore wind energy conference and exhibition CO-ORGANISED BY: The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2015 24