Table 1-1 - Demographics State of South Carolina Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children Country Mexico India Germany Guatemala Philippines Canada Colombia China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) Honduras England # 2,979,297 1,284,968 236,687 61,079 16,695 5,741 % 64.08 27.64 5.09 1.31 0.36 0.12 74,971 9,795 8,793 7,709 7,651 7,505 7,445 7,005 6,561 5,253 1.62 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.11 93,640 5,283 3,661 2,272 2,207 1,977 1,837 1,631 1,498 1,479 2.02 0.11 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 168,386 122,084 237,195 359,957 132,307 232,566 3.93 2.85 5.54 8.41 3.09 5.43 2,261,766 2,387,236 48.65 51.35 1,086,009 2,927,959 635,034 23.36 62.98 13.66 512,353 41.89 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese Note 1: All % represent a share of the total state population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 2-1 - Demographic Trends 1990 State of South Carolina 2000 % # % 68.89 3,108,019 66.33 29.33 1,381,305 29.48 0.85 109,506 2.34 0.60 51,111 1.09 0.21 25,138 0.54 2010 Race/Ethnicity # # % White, Non-Hispanic 2,794,722 2,979,297 64.08 Black, Non-Hispanic 1,189,625 1,284,968 27.64 Hispanic 34,477 236,687 5.09 Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic 24,426 61,079 1.31 Native American, Non-Hispanic 8,590 16,695 0.36 National Origin Foreign-born 59,298 1.46 136,017 2.90 266,597 4.90 LEP Limited English Proficiency 44,289 1.09 96,071 2.05 150,637 2.77 Sex Male 1,957,410 48.25 2,268,462 48.42 2,261,766 48.65 Female 2,099,048 51.75 2,416,360 51.58 2,387,236 51.35 Age Under 18 1,072,638 26.44 1,214,701 25.93 1,086,009 23.36 18-64 2,518,880 62.10 2,896,991 61.84 2,927,959 62.98 65+ 464,939 11.46 573,130 12.23 635,034 13.66 Family Type Families with children 510,981 46.74 387,566 46.04 512,353 41.89 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total state population for that year, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 4-1 - R/ECAP Demographics State of South Carolina R/ECAP Race/Ethnicity Total Population in R/ECAPs White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic R/ECAP Family Type Total Families in R/ECAPs Families with children R/ECAP National Origin (Based on State) Total Population in R/ECAPs #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin # 156,896 38,238 104,668 10,634 746 474 233 % 24.37 66.71 6.78 0.48 0.30 0.15 34,089 15,964 46.83 156,896 5,596 70 159 318 17 70 83 199 616 19 3.57 0.04 0.10 0.20 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.39 0.01 Country Mexico India Germany Guatemala Philippines Canada Colombia China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) Honduras England Note 1: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 2: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 5-1 - Opportunity Indicators, by Race/Ethnicity State of South Carolina Total Population White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Population below federal poverty line White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Low Poverty Index School Proficiency Index Labor Market Index Transit Index Low Transportation Cost Index Environmental Health Index 47.51 31.33 38.90 55.14 37.28 57.81 40.76 50.98 60.77 47.38 46.56 31.74 42.37 58.59 34.50 30.30 28.89 37.05 36.71 25.26 22.61 23.67 28.97 30.30 21.05 59.67 59.36 56.12 52.96 62.89 37.10 23.32 27.80 43.04 32.65 51.88 37.02 46.67 58.21 41.12 37.11 25.10 34.06 47.69 31.21 30.76 28.62 38.20 43.59 23.44 22.58 23.59 29.18 31.96 18.14 60.51 60.49 56.49 51.59 65.18 Note 1: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS; Great Schools; Common Core of Data; SABINS; LAI; LEHD; NATA Note 2: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 6-1 - Demographics of Households with Disproportionate Housing Needs Disproportionate Housing Needs Households experiencing any of 4 housing problems* Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic Total Household Type and Size Family households, <5 people Family households, 5+ people Non-family households Households experiencing any of 4 Severe Housing Problems** Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic Total State of South Carolina # with problems # households % with problems 322,245 192,950 27,495 7,028 2,260 5,885 557,870 1,207,510 460,740 58,555 19,623 5,825 16,000 1,768,255 26.69 41.88 46.96 35.82 38.80 36.78 31.55 274,480 54,230 229,160 # with severe problems 1,058,305 133,740 576,210 25.94 40.55 39.77 % with severe problems 150,440 106,300 17,275 3,609 1,090 3,285 282,005 # households 1,207,510 460,740 58,555 19,623 5,825 16,000 1,768,255 12.46 23.07 29.50 18.39 18.71 20.53 15.95 Table 7-1 - Demographics of Households with Severe Housing Cost Burden Households with Severe Housing Cost Burden* Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic Total Household Type and Size Family households, <5 people Family households, 5+ people Non-family households State of South Carolina # with severe cost burden 132,620 93,210 11,090 2,710 890 2,805 243,325 # households 1,207,510 460,740 58,555 19,623 5,825 16,000 1,768,255 % with severe cost burden 10.98 20.23 18.94 13.81 15.28 17.53 13.76 114,945 14,615 113,775 1,058,305 133,740 576,210 10.86 10.93 19.75 Table 8-1 - Publicly Supported Housing Units by Program Category Housing Units Total housing units Public Housing Project-based Section 8 Other Multifamily HCV Program State of South Carolina # % 2,137,683 15,157 15,951 2,728 26,265 Note 1: Data Sources: Decennial Census; APSH Note 2: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( 0.71 0.75 0.13 1.23 Table 9-1 - Publicly Supported Housing Residents by Race/Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Asian or Pacific Islander # % State of South Carolina Housing Type # % Public Housing 1,438 11.16 11,322 87.86 107 0.83 8 0.06 Project-Based Section 8 3,039 21.23 10,995 76.82 192 1.34 51 0.36 Other Multifamily 1,152 54.37 932 43.98 23 1.09 5 0.24 3,092 102,350 182,145 358,110 13.39 47.68 43.21 50.62 19,507 98,050 173,755 264,930 84.50 45.68 41.22 37.45 445 9,255 19,995 31,645 1.93 4.31 4.74 4.47 17 1,600 3,544 6,649 0.07 0.75 0.84 0.94 64.08 1,284,968 27.64 236,687 5.09 61,079 1.31 HCV Program 0-30% of AMI 0-50% of AMI 0-80% of AMI State of South Carolina White 2,979,297 Black # Hispanic % Note 1: Data Sources: Decennial Census; APSH; CHAS Note 2: #s presented are numbers of households not individuals. Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( # % Table 10-1 - R/ECAP and Non-R/ECAP Demographics by Publicly Supported Housing Program Category State of South Carolina Public Housing R/ECAP tracts Non R/ECAP tracts Project-based Section 8 R/ECAP tracts Non R/ECAP tracts Other HUD Multifamily R/ECAP tracts Non R/ECAP tracts HCV Program R/ECAP tracts Non R/ECAP tracts Total # units (occupied) % Elderly % with a disability* % White % Black % Asian or % Families % Hispanic Pacific Islander with children 4,297 9,684 14.80 19.94 16.84 17.12 6.31 13.42 92.86 85.52 0.68 0.90 0.07 0.06 55.95 51.58 2,928 11,406 14.14 22.94 6.79 15.94 8.42 25.11 89.70 72.80 1.24 1.45 0.14 0.45 64.29 51.56 116 1,773 84.17 53.43 19.17 51.80 31.90 58.03 68.10 40.51 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.17 3,813 22.13 21.19 9.11 88.80 1.97 0.12 45.98 21,760 14.68 16.37 14.11 83.76 1.93 0.07 56.64 Table 11-1 - Disability by Type Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty State of South Carolina # % 168,386 122,084 237,195 359,957 132,307 232,566 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total population within the state. Note 2: Data Sources: ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( 3.93 2.85 5.54 8.41 3.09 5.43 Table 12-1 - Disability by Age Group State of South Carolina Age of People with Disabilities # % age 5-17 with Disabilities 41,099 0.96 age 18-64 with Disabilities 348,831 8.15 age 65+ with Disabilities 244,977 5.72 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total population within the state. Note 2: Data Sources: ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 13-1 - Disability by Publicly Supported Housing Program Category People with a State of South Carolina Disability* # % Public Housing 2,215 17.03 Project-Based Section 8 2,034 13.98 Other Multifamily 1,025 46.21 HCV Program 4,048 17.09 Note 1: The definition of "disability" used by the Census Bureau may not be comparable to reporting requirements under HUD programs. Note 2: Data Sources: ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 1 # 123,762 48,994 9,238 1,475 651 219 Country Mexico 2,762 India 82 Germany 278 Guatemala 247 Philippines 245 Canada 288 Colombia 70 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 160 Honduras 60 England 211 % 66.15 26.19 4.94 0.79 0.35 0.12 1.48 0.04 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.04 0.09 0.03 0.11 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 3,774 44 81 69 119 50 104 23 0 37 2.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.02 7,417 5,057 10,012 14,776 5,582 9,764 4.29 2.92 5.79 8.55 3.23 5.65 92,118 94,966 49.24 50.76 42,599 116,342 28,143 22.77 62.19 15.04 20,073 39.64 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 2 # 664,023 258,477 50,282 15,595 4,759 1,608 Country Mexico 13,890 India 1,832 Germany 2,341 Guatemala 1,663 Philippines 3,511 Canada 2,011 Colombia 1,070 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 1,643 Honduras 1,130 England 1,510 % 65.68 25.57 4.97 1.54 0.47 0.16 1.39 0.18 0.23 0.17 0.35 0.20 0.11 0.16 0.11 0.15 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 17,207 1,422 1,047 227 415 959 515 414 207 301 1.72 0.14 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.03 30,526 20,673 42,992 64,073 24,010 41,956 3.26 2.21 4.59 6.84 2.56 4.48 493,057 517,958 48.77 51.23 240,701 650,591 119,723 23.81 64.35 11.84 115,882 43.91 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 3 # 447,927 252,329 39,153 13,066 2,259 995 Country Mexico 11,167 India 2,368 Germany 2,002 Guatemala 1,300 Philippines 796 Canada 920 Colombia 530 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 1,770 Honduras 1,223 England 613 % 58.35 32.87 5.10 1.70 0.29 0.13 1.45 0.31 0.26 0.17 0.10 0.12 0.07 0.23 0.16 0.08 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 14,303 1,268 384 1,049 515 195 391 95 187 110 1.86 0.17 0.05 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.01 22,785 16,422 31,576 49,924 19,254 33,358 3.26 2.35 4.52 7.14 2.75 4.77 374,340 393,258 48.77 51.23 180,161 499,758 87,679 23.47 65.11 11.42 86,764 44.82 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 4 # 114,054 85,171 4,242 1,980 622 165 Country Mexico 1,748 India 519 Germany 206 Guatemala 80 Philippines 200 Canada 200 Colombia 67 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 95 Honduras 31 England 63 % 54.78 40.90 2.04 0.95 0.30 0.08 0.85 0.25 0.10 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 1,635 79 127 0 31 5 48 33 21 0 0.80 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 7,359 6,451 13,138 18,107 5,990 10,838 3.88 3.40 6.92 9.54 3.16 5.71 98,256 109,964 47.19 52.81 50,958 129,083 28,179 24.47 61.99 13.53 23,147 41.70 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 5 # 619,975 135,605 48,573 12,672 1,701 1,074 Country Mexico 13,283 India 2,836 Germany 1,554 Guatemala 1,628 Philippines 716 Canada 1,493 Colombia 4,459 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 1,788 Honduras 1,570 England 935 % 74.63 16.32 5.85 1.53 0.20 0.13 1.61 0.34 0.19 0.20 0.09 0.18 0.54 0.22 0.19 0.11 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 20,222 1,199 889 554 479 142 271 826 144 249 2.45 0.15 0.11 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.03 29,688 19,919 45,411 61,862 23,111 42,567 3.84 2.58 5.87 8.00 2.99 5.51 404,090 426,632 48.64 51.36 195,411 522,384 112,927 23.52 62.88 13.59 94,287 42.78 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 6 # 116,542 41,965 23,319 2,074 387 238 Country Mexico 8,763 India 135 Germany 558 Guatemala 623 Philippines 233 Canada 783 Colombia 329 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 141 Honduras 807 England 545 % 62.32 22.44 12.47 1.11 0.21 0.13 4.69 0.07 0.30 0.33 0.12 0.42 0.18 0.08 0.43 0.29 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 10,248 45 208 15 200 95 52 0 11 24 5.48 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 6,968 3,705 6,926 12,382 4,196 6,977 4.14 2.20 4.12 7.36 2.49 4.15 92,994 94,016 49.73 50.27 40,489 110,720 35,801 21.65 59.21 19.14 19,124 37.30 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 7 # 209,522 35,835 16,735 3,027 1,081 395 Country Mexico 5,333 India 315 Germany 632 Guatemala 1,283 Philippines 540 Canada 853 Colombia 354 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 680 Honduras 711 England 603 % 77.35 13.23 6.18 1.12 0.40 0.15 1.98 0.12 0.23 0.48 0.20 0.32 0.13 0.25 0.26 0.22 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 7,180 628 301 15 137 147 119 148 62 667 2.67 0.23 0.11 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.25 11,879 7,651 13,554 23,055 8,469 13,840 4.57 2.94 5.22 8.87 3.26 5.33 132,466 138,424 48.90 51.10 54,439 170,005 46,446 20.10 62.76 17.15 26,620 36.57 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 8 # 219,615 67,900 17,025 5,894 630 349 Country Mexico 7,402 India 790 Germany 606 Guatemala 271 Philippines 385 Canada 348 Colombia 342 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 427 Honduras 325 England 346 % 69.61 21.52 5.40 1.87 0.20 0.11 2.36 0.25 0.19 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.10 0.11 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 7,561 319 345 170 155 145 205 57 676 50 2.41 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.22 0.02 11,491 8,284 18,427 27,842 9,927 18,134 3.96 2.85 6.35 9.59 3.42 6.25 152,660 162,840 48.39 51.61 76,681 195,605 43,214 24.30 62.00 13.70 35,880 42.65 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 9 # 50,423 50,110 3,532 1,260 334 130 Country Mexico 965 India 155 Germany 133 Guatemala 102 Philippines 544 Canada 50 Colombia 44 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 30 Honduras 281 England 125 % 46.92 46.63 3.29 1.17 0.31 0.12 0.90 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.51 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.26 0.12 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 1,269 0 22 61 20 109 0 0 0 17 1.18 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 4,169 4,449 6,702 9,461 3,370 6,098 4.35 4.65 7.00 9.88 3.52 6.37 51,732 55,724 48.14 51.86 27,431 66,104 13,921 25.53 61.52 12.96 12,452 43.98 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 10 # 267,883 149,251 16,549 2,643 2,439 346 Country Mexico 6,439 India 591 Germany 373 Guatemala 419 Philippines 301 Canada 346 Colombia 59 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 188 Honduras 310 England 210 % 60.36 33.63 3.73 0.60 0.55 0.08 1.45 0.13 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.05 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 6,430 227 238 97 61 109 74 32 160 0 1.45 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.00 20,516 13,704 27,012 43,564 15,462 27,624 5.02 3.36 6.62 10.67 3.79 6.77 214,135 229,658 48.25 51.75 100,981 271,125 71,687 22.75 61.09 16.15 46,007 38.55 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-2 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Sub-State Area 11 # 145,571 159,331 8,039 1,393 1,832 222 Country Mexico 3,219 India 172 Germany 110 Guatemala 93 Philippines 180 Canada 213 Colombia 121 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 83 Honduras 113 England 92 % 45.53 49.84 2.51 0.44 0.57 0.07 1.01 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 3,811 52 19 15 75 21 58 3 30 24 1.19 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 15,588 15,769 21,445 34,911 12,936 21,410 5.45 5.51 7.50 12.21 4.52 7.49 155,918 163,796 48.77 51.23 76,158 196,242 47,314 23.82 61.38 14.80 32,117 38.63 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total sub-state area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-3 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Entitlement Areas # 1,358,734 533,459 128,763 36,765 5,745 2,919 Country Mexico 42,068 India 6,622 Germany 5,621 Guatemala 5,069 Philippines 3,526 Canada 4,619 Colombia 5,860 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 4,864 Honduras 4,175 England 3,159 % 59.45 23.34 5.63 1.61 0.25 0.13 1.84 0.29 0.25 0.22 0.15 0.20 0.26 0.21 0.18 0.14 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 54,780 3,753 2,554 1,808 1,490 933 1,153 996 1,130 1,104 2.51 0.17 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 73,136 49,925 103,942 153,345 57,612 103,681 3.43 2.34 4.88 7.19 2.70 4.86 1,017,249 1,080,155 48.50 51.50 482,691 1,346,741 267,973 23.01 64.21 12.78 233,067 43.45 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details ( Table 1-3 - Demographics Race/Ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Native American, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic National Origin (Based on State) #1 country of origin #2 country of origin #3 country of origin #4 country of origin #5 country of origin #6 country of origin #7 country of origin #8 country of origin #9 country of origin #10 country of origin Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language (Based on State) #1 LEP Language #2 LEP Language #3 LEP Language #4 LEP Language #5 LEP Language #6 LEP Language #7 LEP Language #8 LEP Language #9 LEP Language #10 LEP Language Disability Type Hearing difficulty Vision difficulty Cognitive difficulty Ambulatory difficulty Self-care difficulty Independent living difficulty Sex Male Female Age Under 18 18-64 65+ Family Type Families with children State of South Carolina - Non-Entitlement Areas # 1,414,105 660,961 94,700 19,199 9,828 2,470 Country Mexico 37,484 India 3,789 Germany 3,781 Guatemala 2,748 Philippines 4,517 Canada 3,356 Colombia 1,785 China (excl. Hong Kong & Taiwan) 2,287 Honduras 2,898 England 2,424 % 59.84 27.97 4.01 0.81 0.42 0.10 1.49 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.18 0.13 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.10 Language Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean French Tagalog German Arabic Russian Portuguese 43,989 1,579 1,107 968 799 1,154 847 672 368 384 1.86 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 101,634 75,926 140,832 218,639 78,901 136,353 4.39 3.28 6.09 9.45 3.41 5.89 1,090,557 1,139,193 48.91 51.09 524,341 1,381,244 324,165 23.52 61.95 14.54 241,436 40.26 Note 1: All % represent a share of the total area population, except family type, which is out of total families. Note 2: Data Sources: Decennial Census; ACS Note 3: Refer to the Data Documentation for details (