Types of Fuel Injection Schemes

Types of Fuel Injection Schemes
Direct (cylinder) injection
Port injection
Manifold riser injection
GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection)
Direct fuel injection
inlet port and manifold riser injection
These terms include designs in which the injection nozzles are located to
spray fuel into the valve port (right) or into the induction manifold adjacent to
the valve port (left).
A Schematic diagram of the electronic fuel injection system
Signals and controlled variables at the ECU
QL Intake air quantity, ϑL Air temperature, n Engine speed, P Engine load range, ϑM Engine
temperature, VE Injected fuel quantity, QLZ Auxiliary air, VES Excess fuel for starting,
UB Vehicle-system voltage.
Mono-Jetronic schematic diagram
1 Fuel lank, 2 Electric fuel pump, 3 Fuel filter, 4 Fuel-pressure regulator, 5 Solenoid-operated
fuel injector, 6 Air-temperature sensor, 7 ECU, 8 Throttle-valve actuator, 9 Throttle-valve
potentiometer, 10 Canister-purge valve, 77 Carbon canister, 12 Lambda oxygen sensor,
13 Engine-temperature sensor, 14 Ignition distributor, 15 Battery, 16 Ignition-start switch,
17 Relay, 18 Diagnosis connection, 19 Central injection unit.
D-Jetronic schematic diagram
Functional schematic diagram of the K-Jetronic
A Schematic diagram of the K-Jetronic: Mechanical multipoint port fuel-injection
system (without electronic control unit).
The Schematic diagram of the K-Jetronic system with closed-loop lambda control
(with electronic control unit)
1 Fuel tank, 2 Electric fuel pump, 3 Fuel accumulator, 4 Fuel filter, 5 Warm-up regulator, 6 Injection
valve, 7 Intake manifold, 8 Cold-start valve, 9 Fuel distributor, 10 Air-flow sensor, 11 Timing valve,
12 Lambda sensor, 13 Thermo-time switch, 14 Ignition distributor, 15 Auxiliary-air device,
16 Throttle-valve switch, 17 Electronic control unit, 18 Ignition and starting switch, 19 Battery.
The Schematic diagram of a KE-Jetronic system with lambda closed-loop control.
1 Fuel tank, 2 Electric fuel pump, 3 Fuel accumulator, 4 Fuel filter, 5 Primary-pressure
regulator, 6 Fuel-injection valve, 7 Intake manifold. 5 Cold-start valve, 9 Fuel distributor,
10 Air-flow sensor, 11 Electro-hydraulic pressure actuator, 12 Lambda sensor, 13 Thermotime switch, 14 Engine-temperature sensor, 15 Ignition distributor, 16 Auxiliary-air device,
17 Throttle-valve switch, 18 Control unit, 19 Ignition and starting switch, 20 Battery.
Principle of the L-Jetronic (simplified)
A Schematic diagram of an L-Jetronic system with lambda closed-loop control.
1 Fuel tank, 2 Electric fuel pump, 3 Fuel filter, 4 ECU, 5 Injection valve, 6 Fuel rail and
pressure regulator, 7 Intake manifold, 8 Cold-start valve, 9 Throttle-valve switch, 10 Air-flow
sensor, 11 Lambda sensor, 12 Thermo-time switch, 13 Engine-temperature sensor,
14 Ignition distributor, 15 Auxiliary-air device, 16 Battery,17 Ignition and starting switch.
A Schematic System diagram of Motronic MS with integrated onboard diagnostics.
1 Carbon canister, 2 Shutoff valve, 3 Canister-purge valve, 4 Fuel-pressure regulator,
5 Injector, 6 Pressure actuator, 7 Ignition coil, 8 Phase sensor, 9 Secondary-air pump,
10 Secondary-air valve, 11 Air-mass meter, 12 Control unit (ECU), 13 Throttle-valve sensor,
14 Idle actuator, 15 Air-temperature sensor, 16 EGR valve, 17 Fuel filter, 18 Knock sensor,
19 Engine-speed sensor, 20 Engine-temperature sensor, 21 Lambda oxygen sensor,
22 Diagnosis interface, 23 Diagnosis lamp, 24 Pressure differential sensor, 25 Electric fuel
Motronic block diagram
Effect of Mean Effective Pressure and Fuel Consumption on coefficient of air
excess at constant speed
SFC: Specific Fuel Consumption, MEP: Main Effective Pressure
Influence of air ratio on exhaust emissions
The Russian Gaz-52 stratified-charge spark-ignition engine
The cylinders are fed with two separate carburetted mixture streams through separate inlet
valves. The main inlet valve supplies a relatively weak charge, while a small quantity of rich
mixture is fed through the small inlet valve into the pre-combustion chamber
The IFP Renault-CNRS variable fuel/air ratio
process. In this stratified-charge engine, the
rich mixture is fed into the inlet port through a
separate tube. The encircled numbers illustrate
the different sparking plug positions tested
The IFP Renault-CNRS system. One
method of feeding a mixture supply
of two different mixture ratios
A possible solution, using a special carburettor or metering device having two or
more throttles. The main throttle valve would function in the usual manner,
controlling the main portion of the weak-mixture charge. A smaller metering system
supplies the rich-mixture tube through its own throttle valve, and a third throttle valve
regulates the con-nection between the large and small metering systems
The Schlamann stratified-charge engine
Honda CVCC (compound vortex controlled combustion), pre-chamber
stratified charge engines
In the Honda engine a valve controls the supply of a rich carburetted mixture to the
pre-chamber, while the main inlet valve controls the supply of a weak mixture to the
main part of the combustion chamber. An alternative system is to use fuel injection
into the pre-chamber, and admit either air or a weak carburetted mixture to the
main chamber
Texaco controlled combustion system TCSS,
single-chamber stratified charge engine
The GDI consists of the following four basic
1) Upright straight intake ports,
(A strong down-flow is generated along the
intake cylinder liner during the intake stroke)
2) High pressure fuel injection pump,
(A swash type axial plunger pump for high
volumetric efficiency is used for the high
pressure fuel injection which provides high
pressure fuel directly injected into the
High pressure swirl injector
3) High pressure swirl injector,
(An electro-magnetic injec-tor was developed
to achieve accurate and precise control of
injection quantity and timing)
4) Curved lop piston.
(The top land configuration is modi-fied to
provide a cavity, right under the spark plug
tip, which is aimed to strengthen the air
motion generated by the Upright Straight
Intake Port and also to lead a concentrated
fuel spray)
Detail of curved top piston
GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) Engine
Stratified combustion injects fuel on the compression stroke, just prior to ignition,
making for high economy but low power. Homogenous combustion injects fuel
on intake as in a conventional engine.
The GDI (gasoline direct injection) engine injects the fuel directly into the cylinder,
and controls the injection tim-ing carefully according to the operation range to
achieve combustion in the ultra-lean range.
Comparison of the PFI and GDI mixture preparation systems
In the PFI engine, fuel is injected into the intake port of each cylinder, and there
is an associated time lag between the injection event and the induction of the fuel
and air into the cylinder
The GDI engine offers the potential for leaner combustion, less cylinder-tocylinder variation in the air-fuel ratio and lower operating BSFC values
Comparison of the fuel quantity required to start GDI and PFI
engines at different ambient temperatures
The theoretical advantages of the GDI engine over the contemporary PFI engine
are summarized as follows
1) Improved fuel economy (up to 25% potential improve-ment, depending on test
cycle) resulting from:
-less pumping loss (unthrottled, stratified mode);
-less heat losses (unthrottled, stratified mode);
-higher compression ratio;
-lower octane requirement;
-increased volumetric efficiency;
-fuel cut-off during vehicle deceleration (no manifold film).
2) Improved transient response:
-less acceleration-enrichment required (no manifold film).
3) More precise air-fuel ratio control,
-more rapid starting;
-less cold-start over-fueling required.
4) Extended EGR tolerance limit.
5) Selective emissions advantages.
-reduced cold-start UBHC emissions;
-reduced CO, emissions.
-Enhanced potential for system optimization.
Although the GDI engine provides important potential advantages, it does have
a number of inherent problems
1) difficulty in controlling the stratified charge combustion over the required
operating range;
2) complexity of the control and injection technologies required for seamless
load changes;
3) relatively high rate of formation of injector deposits and / or ignition fouling;
4) relatively high light-load UBHC emissions;
5) relatively high heavy-load NOx emissions;
6) high local NOx - production under part-load, stratified-charge operation;
7) soot formation for high-load operation;
8) increased particulate emissions;
9) three-way catalysis cannot be utilized to full advantage;
10)increased fuel system component wear due to the combi-nation of high-pressure
and low fuel lubricity;
11)increased rates of cylinder bore wear;
12)increased electrical power and voltage requirements of the injectors and drivers;
13)elevated fuel system pressure and fuel pump parasitic loss.
Typical GDI engine system layout.
Fuel injection systems for full-feature GDI engines must have the capability to provide
both late injection for stratified-charge combustion at part load, as well as injection during
the intake stroke for homogeneous-charge combus-tion at full load
The Mitsubishi GDI Combustion System
The Schematic illustration of the Mitsubishi GDI combustion system
(a) fuel injection strategies, (b) piston geometry, (c) the combustion mode calibration.
The Mitsubishi GDI Combustion System
The Mitsubishi GDI engine system layout
Toyota GDI
Combustion System
Combustion chamber
configuration of the Toyota
GDI engine.
Zone (a) of the cavity is designed to be the mixture formation area, and is positioned upstream of
the spark plug. The wider zone (b) is designed to be combustion space and is effective in
promoting rapid mixing. The increased width in the swirl flow direction was reported to enhance
the flame propagation after the stratified mixture is ignited. The involute shape (c) is designed to
direct the vaporized fuel towards the spark plug. The intake system consists of both a helical port
and a straight port, which are fully independent. An electronically activated SCV (swirl control
valve) of the butterfly-type is located upstream of the straight port. When the SCV is closed, the
resulting swirl ratio is reported to be 2.1. The helical intake port utilizes a vari-able-valve-timingintelligent (VVT-i) cam-phasing system on the intake camshaft. These valves are driven by a DC
motor so that the desired valve opening angle can be controlled according to the engine operating
Toyota GDI engine system.
Toyota GDI engine system.
Detailed SCV operating map of the Toyota GDI engine.
Nissan GDI Combustion System
The engine can operate in both the
homogeneous-charge mode, and a 30%
reduction in cold-start UBHC (unburned
hydrocarbons) emissions relative to the
base-line PFI engine
The engine could be operated with
stable combustion using a mixture
leaner than an air-fuel ratio of 40,
resulting in a 20% improvement in fuel
economy when compared with a
baseline PFI engine that operates with a
stoichiometric mixture.
NEODi (Nissan Ecology Oriented performance and Direct Injection)
The Nissan 1.8L Inline4 GDI engine system.
The homogenous charge combustion process injects the fuel in the intake stroke to
gain time for evaporation and mixing before ignition. With stratified charge
combustion, the fuel is injected in the compression stroke to prevent excessive
diffusion of the mixture while the liquid-phase evaporates, with the aim of
positioning the mixture in the vicinity of the spark plug.
Mercedes-Benz GDI Combustion System
The Mercedes-Benz GDI combustion system has a verti-cal, centrally mounted, fuel
injector. Dynamometer tests of the Mercedes-Benz GDI combustion system for a
range of injection pressures from 4 to 12 MPa indicate that the fuel consumption,
UBHC emissions and COV (coefficient of variation) of IMEP (indicated mean
effective pressure) are minimized at 8 MPa.
Mazda GDI Combustion System
The direct gasoline injection engine can
manage both fuel economy improvement and
high power output by changing stratified charge
operation injected in the compression stroke
and homogeneous operation injected in the
induction stroke. Swirl air motion, which
remains the mainstream, is effec-tive in medium
load from the point of view of mixture
dispersion. However, tumble air motion
attenuating the mainstream at the end of the
compression stroke has the advantage of
keeping the mixture stratification near the spark
plug in light load. A hemispherical piston cavity
coincides the mixture transportation route of the
fuel spray in these air motions.
1) In light load, swirl air motion enables stable and adequate mixture
formation and leaner mixture operation.
2) A wider and deeper piston cavity can trap the curved fuel spray precisely, and
realize the optimized mixture formation over a wide range of engine load and