2120 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 A Three-Phase UPS That Complies With the Standard IEC 62040-3 Fernando Botterón and Humberto Pinheiro Abstract—This paper proposes a down-sampled discrete-time internal-model-based controller in the synchronous reference frame with a reduced number of poles. This controller is suitable for three-phase pulsewidth modulation inverters with output transformer for double-conversion uninterruptible power supply applications. It is demonstrated that the use of a down-sampled rate and fewer poles in the internal model results in a number of benefits, among which are the following: 1) improvement of the transient response; 2) increase of the stability margin of the closed-loop system; 3) a straightforward implementation in fixed-point digital signal processor (DSP) and microcontroller implementation as well as a reduction of the required memory space; and 4) a simple solution for the saturation of the output transformer. As a result, it is possible to obtain output voltages with reduced total harmonic distortion while ensuring good transient performance for both linear and nonlinear loads. To confirm the advantages claimed for the proposed synchronous reference dq frame internal-model-based controller and to demonstrate the steady-state and transient performance under the test conditions of the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 62040-3, the experimental results from a 10-kVA space-vector-modulated three-phase inverter, which is fully controlled by a DSP TMS320F241, are presented. Index Terms—Digital control, discrete-time control, internal model principle, power transformers, uninterruptible power systems (UPSs). I. I NTRODUCTION T HE USE of uncontrolled rectifiers within critical loads, e.g., in computers and medical equipment, requires uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) that are capable of maintaining low total harmonic distortion (THD) at the output voltages even under highly distorted load currents [1]. These types of loads distort the UPS output voltages as a result of unbalanced nonlinear currents drawn by them, thus causing voltage drops across the output inductance–capacitance (LC) filter, which is used to attenuate the pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) inverter high-frequency harmonics. This becomes a concern in mediumand high-power UPS, where the switching frequency is low to limit the switching losses. Other factors also contribute to UPS output voltage distortion. Among them are the inherent Manuscript received November 7, 2005; revised February 28, 2006. This work was supported in part by CAPES and in part by CNPq. F. Botterón is with the Departamento de Electrónica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Obera 3360, Argentina (e-mail: botteron@ gmail.com). H. Pinheiro is with the Power Electronics and Control Research Group, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria 97105-900, Brazil (e-mail: humberto@ctlab.ufsm.br). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2007.894782 nonlinearities of the PWM inverter, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and power semiconductor voltage drops. Moreover, transformerless UPSs are susceptible to interference from spikes and transients caused by assorted devices connected to the utility grid. These interferences, transferred through the UPS to the load, reduce the UPS output voltage quality. Thus, UPSs with output transformer provide a safer and more robust solution than transformerless UPSs since the transformer offers a galvanic isolation to the load from undesirable disturbances of the main supply [2]. In digitally controlled systems, quantization of the analogto-digital converters, digital PWMs, and roundoff resulting from fixed-point arithmetic can generate errors that result in a dc component at the inverter output voltage. These errors, added to the inevitable nonideal features of real live circuit implementation and amplified by an inappropriate selection of the controller, can lead the output transformer to saturate, degrading the overall performance of the system [13]–[15]. It is important to point out that a standard such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62040-3 recommends that the output voltage dc component shall be less than 0.1% of its root mean square (rms) rated value and specifies that the distortion factor “D” of sinusoidal UPS output voltages must to be less than 8%. To deal with these issues, many discretetime control structures for single-phase and three-phase UPSs are reported in the literature. With the well-known Repetitive Controller [4]–[6], which is established on the internal model principle [3], several high-performance approaches have been proposed to achieve high-quality output voltages in three-phase and single-phase PWM inverters [7]–[23]. Reference [7] proposes a discretetime control strategy using a repetitive controller extended to a proportional–integral (PI) compensator structure in stationary αβ frame to compensate voltage distortions due to nonlinear and unbalanced loads. The steady-state performance is improved by using a 30th-order low-pass finite-impulse response (FIR) filter after implementing the measures to attenuate the high-frequency components so that the voltage error contains only lower frequencies. However, the proposal referenced above presents a cancellation issue: the zero at z = 1 (in the discrete-time domain) of the plant introduced by the transformer cancels with the pole at z = 1 of the repetitive controller, which violates the internal model principle [3], as demonstrated in [15]. This problem may eventually lead the transformer to saturation. In [9], the modified plugin repetitive controller combined with the conventional Onesampling-ahead preview compensator in stationary αβ frame has been reported to improve the output voltage distortion when 0278-0046/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 Fig. 1. 2121 Three-phase PWM inverter, ∆Y transformer, filter, and load. three-phase rectifier loads are connected at the UPS output. However, in this case, the output transformer is not considered. Therefore, connecting an insulating transformer at the inverter output, a pole–zero cancellation occurs with the plug-in repetitive controller in closed loop. In [10], the author proposes a two-layer voltage controller scheme in synchronous frame with a PI regulator to ensure zero steady-state error at the fundamental frequency and a repetitive-based controller with a high-pass filter to compensate for the harmonics at the inverter output voltages. However, inadequate choices of the high-pass filter cutoff frequency may result in dc components that can saturate the transformer at the inverter output. Moreover, the repetitive controller with a high-pass filter produces pole–zero cancellation, which may lead to output transformer saturation. Other solutions that are also based on the internal model principle were presented in [11] and [12]. In [11], a threelayer control scheme is proposed. It consists of a proportional compensator in stationary αβ frame, an integral controller in synchronous frame to compensate the fundamental component, and a selective harmonic compensator in stationary frame based on a passband FIR filter with unit gain and zero phase at the selected harmonics. Reference [12] proposes a robust controller based on the passivity theory framework for three-phase UPS. This controller guarantees asymptotic stability with good steady-state performance for nonlinear and unbalanced loads. Although the controllers proposed in [11] and [12] may be adequate solutions for reducing distortion in output voltages and for operating with an insulating transformer, the computational requirements to implement them increase significantly with the number of compensating harmonics. In addition, since the controller coefficients are not integer numbers, this controller is sensitive to quantization and roundoff errors, and as a result, the tracking at selected harmonics is compromised. References [18] and [19] propose a down-sampled repetitive controller in synchronous frame with reduced number of poles, which only compensate odd harmonics in stationary frame. This controller gives reduced THD output voltages of a three-phase UPS. It also makes it possible to solve the output transformer saturation; still more due to the slower sampling rate, it is not necessary to include a zero-phase-shift low-pass FIR filter [6] to improve the robustness of the closed-loop system. On the other hand, [20] proposes an odd-harmonic digital repetitive plugin controller to reject these kinds of disturbances in stationary frame. This odd-harmonic repetitive controller does not have a pole at z = 1, so it is suitable for operating with an output transformer. However, a low-pass FIR filter must be included in the periodic signal generator loop to reduce the repetitive frequency gains, and this consequently increases the closedloop system robustness. As a result, this filter compromises tracking and disturbance rejection. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that few papers explore the UPS transient behaviors. Moreover, few papers explore the controller transient behaviors using the discrete-time internal model principle. Hence, to obtain output voltages with reduced THD and an improved load transient, this paper proposes a down-sampled internal-model-based controller in synchronous reference frame with a reduced number of poles. This internal-model-based controller acts together with a proportional–derivative (PD) predictive compensator, which has the function to stabilize the closed-loop system. This compensator results in a simple form for digital implementation and only requires the measure of the UPS output voltage [15], [23]. The main feature of the proposed internal-model-based controller is that it is a straightforward solution for output transformer saturation. In addition, the reduced number of poles of the proposed internal model in synchronous frame improves the transient performance for linear and nonlinear loads as well as enhancing the stability margin of the closed-loop system. Thus, it is demonstrated that the transient performance with the proposed controller can be improved by satisfying the rigorous output dynamic performance classification 1 of the standard IEC 62040-3, which classifies UPS by performance. To demonstrate the advantages claimed, the proposed discretetime controller structure is digitally implemented in a 16-bit fixed-point digital signal processor (DSP), and experimental results in steady state and transient conditions from a 10-kVA prototype are given. II. S YSTEM D ESCRIPTION A typical double-conversion UPS power circuit is shown in Fig. 1. Among the three-phase inverter configurations, the one 2122 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 shown is a strong candidate since: 1) it provides galvanic isolation to the load; 2) it allows the output voltage to be selected according to customer needs; and 3) it provides a neutral by the delta-star (∆Y) connection. The dc-bus voltage is almost constant and supplied by a six-pulse three-phase uncontrolled diode rectifier, which provides energy to the inverter in normal operation mode. The dc-to-ac conversion is accomplished by a space-vector-modulated three-phase three-leg inverter with insulated-gate bipolar transistor. The high-frequency harmonics introduced by the modulation are attenuated by the LC filter. It is important to point out that the filter inductors are located at the transformer primary side so as not to introduce distortions in the output voltages that result from zero-sequence voltages produced by unbalanced load currents, which will be shorted on the delta connection at the transformer primary side [15]. Since this inverter is not capable of controlling zero-sequence voltages, it is important to minimize the zero-sequence impedance to reduce the distortions in the output voltages. Hence, the topology in Fig. 1 offers a degree of freedom to minimize the zero sequence impedance. III. T HREE -P HASE PWM I NVERTER , ∆Y T RANSFORMER , F ILTER , AND L OAD M ODEL A. Stationary Frame Model From the circuit in Fig. 1, the dynamic equations of the inverter, transformer, filter, and load can be obtained by applying Kirchhoff’s laws. To simplify the system modeling, it is considered that the leakage inductances of the primary and secondary sides of the transformer are lumped at the secondary side. The coil resistances are also neglected. The following equations are then obtained: M L −L −L 2L+ M+Ld d u12 d iab ML u23 = 2L+ M +Ld −L ibc −L d dt u31 ica ML −L −L 2L+ M +Ld d van M + (1) vbn M + Ld vcn ias iab vas d M 1 d − (2) ibs = i vbs bc dt M + Ld dt M + Ld ics ica vcs v̇an i i 1 as 1 oa v̇bn = ibs − iob . (3) C C v̇cn ics ioc In these equations, M is the mutual inductance, L is the filter inductance, Ld is the equivalent leakage inductance, and C is the filter capacitance. In addition, u12 , u23 , and u31 are the line , vbn , and to-line PWM voltages produced by the inverter; van vcn , and ioa , iob , and ioc are the phase-to-neutral voltages and load currents referred to the transformer primary side; and iab , ibc , and ica are the phase current in the delta connection. B. Synchronous Reference Frame State-Space Model Transforming (1)–(3) to αβ and then to synchronous frame as in [25], using the linear transformations given in the Appendix, the state-space model is given by ẋdq (t) = Adq xdq (t) + Bdq udq + Fdq wdq , where the matrices Adq , Bdq , and Fdq are given as 0 −ω 0 0 −M/D 0 ω 0 0 0 0 −M/D 0 0 0 −ω −(3L+M )/D 0 Adq = 0 0 ω 0 0 −(3L+M )/D 0 0 1/C 0 0 −ω 0 0 0 1/C ω (M + Ld )/D 0 0 (M +Ld )/D M/D 0 Bdq = 0 M/D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fdq = . 0 0 −1/C 0 0 −1/C 0 (4) The state vector has been selected as xdq (t) = [idp iqp ids iqs vd vq ]T , and the input and disturbance vectors as udq (t) = [ud uq ]T and wdq (t) = [iod ioq ]T , respectively. In these matrices, D is defined as D = 3LM + 3LLd + M Ld . From (1), it is seen that the voltages applied at the transformer input are the line-to-line voltages produced by the inverter. To avoid an additional transformation from line-toline to phase voltages that must be performed in the DSP, the space vector modulation is accomplished using the line-to-line voltages referred above. C. Synchronous Reference Frame Discrete-Time Model To obtain a discrete-time model for the discrete-time controller design, the synchronous frame state equation in the continuous time domain obtained above is solved throughout a sampling period T . For this purpose, it is considered that the control action udq (t) remains constant in a sampling period T . Thus, the discrete-time state-space equation of the plant that takes into account the delay of a digital implementation is given by G H0 xdq (kT ) H1 xdq (k+1)T = + udq (kT ). udq_d (k+1)T udq_d (kT ) 0 0 I (5) In (5), the additional state variable udq_d represents the delayed control action that models the real-time digital BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 2123 Fig. 2. Timing chart of DSP controller. Tpwm : switching period. T : sampling period and PD compensator computing period. Td : time delay. Tim : internalmodel-based controller computing period. Tim = 2T , and Td = T . implementation delay, and the matrices G, H0 , and H1 are given as G = eAdq T Adq Td H0 = eAdq (T −Td ) A−1 − I)Bdq dq (e Adq (T −Td ) H1 = A−1 − I Bdq dq e (6) where Td is the time delay mentioned above, which is related to a given DSP implementation. It is important to note that to obtain (5), the sampling of the variables of interest and the updating of the control law are performed as shown in the timing chart of Fig. 2. With this sampling scheme, it is possible to use a low switching frequency to limit the switching losses while preserving an acceptable sampling frequency. Also, since sampling is carried out at zero vectors, the resulting low-frequency harmonics over the sampled data are reduced when compared with one sample per sampling period [24]. Since the discrete-time controller proposed here is modeled using an input–output approach, it is useful to obtain the input–output description of the plant, which can be found from (5), by applying the Z transform. Strictly speaking, since the plant represented by (5) is multiple-input–multiple-output, it is obtained a sampled transfer function matrix of the system, i.e., Gp (z) = Cdq (zI − Gdq )−1 Hdq + Ddq where (7) Gdq Hdq Cdq G H0 = 0 0 H1 = I = [ 02×4 I2×2 Ddq = [02×2 ] . 02×2 ] (8) In this case, the resulting sampled transfer function matrix can be written as g1 (z) g2 (z) (9) Gp (z) = −g2 (z) g1 (z) where the sampled transfer functions g1 (z) and g2 (z) are given by the proper rational functions g1 (z) = b0 z 4 + b1 z 3 + b2 z 2 + b3 z + b 4 z 5 − a1 z 4 + a2 z 3 − a3 z 2 + a4 z g2 (z) = −c0 z 4 − c1 z 3 − c2 z 2 + c3 z + c4 . z 5 − a1 z 4 + a2 z 3 − a3 z 2 + a4 z (10) Note that (9) shows that the system presents a cross coupling given by the transfer functions g2 (z) and −g2 (z). In order to simplify the controller design, is useful to work with a single-input–single-output (SISO) system. It is shown that the influence of the cross transfer functions is negligible, or in another words, the system is weakly coupled. It is possible to see in Fig. 3 that for a large variation in frequency, the transfer function g2 (z) significantly attenuates the output vq when an input signal in ud is applied or vice versa. Hence, the system can be treated as a SISO control problem with a transfer function given by g1 (z) without significantly affecting the closed-loop performance. In order to define a proper discrete-time voltage controller for the plant described by g1 (z), upon the internal model principle foundation, it is important to show the impact that the zeros of the plant have in the selection of the controller structure. Fig. 4 shows the zeros of g1 (z). Fig. 4 shows that this plant presents a pair of zeros at the fundamental frequency in synchronous frame, which is associated with the insulating transformer. These zeros indicate that the transformer does not transfer the dc component to its output. This means that an inadequate selection of the discrete-time 2124 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 Fig. 3. Frequency responses of g1 (z) and g2 (z). T = 198.41 µs. Fig. 5. Fig. 4. Zero map of the input–output-sampled transfer function of the plant g1 (z). controller may produce a pole–zero cancellation, which causes any residual dc component from the digital implementation to be amplified, which in turn may lead the transformer to saturate, as demonstrated in [15]. To avoid this problem, a new discrete-time voltage controller in synchronous frame based on the internal model principle, and adequate for the system in Fig. 1, will be described in the next section. IV. P ROPOSED D ISCRETE -T IME I NTERNAL -M ODEL -B ASED C ONTROLLER IN S YNCHRONOUS R EFERENCE F RAME This section develops the proposed discrete-time voltage controller based on the internal model principle in synchronous reference frame. Let us consider the design problem of a SISO Discrete-time feedback SISO LTI system. linear time-invariant (LTI) system in the discrete-time domain shown in Fig. 5, where the strictly proper transfer function of the plant is given by g1 (z). The problem is to design a controller with a proper transfer function gc (z) so that the feedback system is asymptotically stable and meets the specifications of zero error tracking in steady state even with disturbance signals present in the plant. The design procedure, which was developed from the internal model principle theory presented in [15] for discrete-time systems, can be summarized in two steps: 1) introduction of 1/φ(z), a model of the reference and disturbance signals inside the loop, where φ(z) is the least common denominator of the unstable poles of r(z) and w(z) and 2) stabilization of the feedback system using a conventional compensator. It must be emphasized that neither root of the internal model φ(z) must be a zero of the transfer function of the plant so as to ensure the exact cancellations of the unstable modes of the reference and disturbance signals. A. Proposed Internal Model With the aim of defining an adequate internal model for the plant g1 (z), five candidate internal models are presented below. Fig. 6 shows the pole map of a discrete-time internal model that is often used in conventional repetitive controllers [5]. When this internal model is implemented in stationary frame, the pole at z = 1 is cancelled with the zero of the plant at the same location. On the other hand, if this internal model BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 2125 Fig. 6. Pole map. Internal model of the conventional repetitive controller [5]. T = 198.41 µs, and 1/φ(z) = 1/(z N − 1). Fig. 8. Pole map. Internal model with poles at even multiples of 60 Hz. T = 198.41 µs, and 1/φdq (z) = 1/(z N/2 − 1). Fig. 7. Pole map. Internal model with poles at odd multiples of 60 Hz. T = 198.41 µs, and 1/φ(z) = 1/(z N/2 + 1). Fig. 9. Pole map. Internal model with reduced number of poles. T = 198.41 µs. is implemented in synchronous frame, the same pole–zero cancellation occurs at 60 Hz. So this particular internal model is inappropriate for this application as demonstrated in the experimental result of Fig. 20. It can be seen that the output phase voltages have the desired levels with a low THD, but the currents at the transformer primary side appear with a significant offset, which increases continuously, shutting down the PWM inverter as a result of overcurrents. Fig. 7 shows a discrete internal model with poles at frequencies that are odd multiples of 60 Hz, while Fig. 8 presents an internal model with poles at frequencies that are even multiples of 60 Hz. These internal models have been employed in threephase UPS controllers [18], [19] as well as in an odd-harmonic repetitive controller [20] for single-phase applications [21], [22]. When the internal model in Fig. 8 is implemented in synchronous frame, there is no pole–zero cancellation with the plant. Similarly, the pole–zero cancellation is not a concern for the internal model of Fig. 7 in stationary frame. On the other hand, when operating with low switching frequencies, it is desirable to keep the sampling frequency as high as possible to improve the closed-loop performance. Usually, Tpwm = 2T . In this case, the high gains of the poles close to the Nyquist frequency may lead to system instability. In order to overcome this limitation, a zero-phase-shift low-pass FIR filter can be included [6] to improve the robustness at high frequencies. However, this filter will increase the tracking error and compromise disturbance rejection. Fig. 9, on the other hand, presents an internal model with a reduced number of poles. In this case, the internal model has been chosen to compensate the fundamental and the harmonics 2126 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 Fig. 10. Internal model with reduced number of poles and roundoff error in coefficients. T = 198.41 µs. root of φdq (zim ) is a zero of the plant. Also, this proposed internal model is computed with a reduced sampling rate. As a result, the Nyquist frequency of the internal-model-based controller is smaller than the first set of harmonics generated by the switching operation of the PWM inverter, i.e., there are no internal model poles in the model uncertainty region of the plant. Note that this internal model results in a reduced computational effort controller without the roundoff error of the fixedpoint implementation since the coefficients of its polynomial are integer numbers. Therefore, we propose here a discrete-time control structure with a faster loop at a sampling period T to keep a satisfactory sampling rate and a down-sampled internalmodel-based controller. This results in a multirate closed-loop system, as presented in Fig. 12. From the two-step design procedure presented at the beginning of this section, the proposed internal-model-based controller, which operate at a sampling period Tim = 2T , can be included in the closed loop. To complete the internal-modelbased controller design, the numerator Nim (z) of the transfer function Gim (z) shown in Fig. 12 must be selected. To avoid compromising the simplicity of this controller being considd . As ered, this numerator can be selected as Nim (zim ) = kim zim a result, the sampled transfer function of this controller can be written as Gim (zim ) = Nim (zim ) , φdq (zim ) N/2 where φdq (zim ) = zim −1. (11) In this transfer function, the controller gain kim determines the convergence time of the voltage error to zero, and the parameter d is the time advance step size used to compensate the closed-loop phase at high frequencies [23]. These parameters must be chosen to ensure the asymptotic stability of the closed loop and to meet a desired performance. The next step is to design the conventional compensator Gc (z) to stabilize the closed loop with the plant Gp (z) = g1 (z). In this case, a predictive PD compensator has been selected whose proper transfer function Gc (z) is given as Gc (z) = k1 z −1 + k2 z −2 . Fig. 11. Pole map of the proposed internal model in synchronous frame. N = T1 /2 T , T1 = 1/60, T = 198.41 µs, Tim = 2T , and 1/φdq (zim ) = N/2 1/(zim − 1). from 2nd to 7th. Note that it is possible to include more poles if desired. This internal model is adequate for the system in Fig. 1 since it does not cancel the zeros of g1 (z). However, the poles of this internal model are sensitive to roundoff errors in the polynomial coefficients, which are a concern in fixed-point arithmetic implementation. As a result, the pole location of the internal model can be significantly modified, as illustrated in Fig. 10. Based on the internal models presented above, and having considered them inadequate for the system in Fig. 1, we now propose a suitable discrete-time internal model for the plant g1 (z). The pole map of the proposed internal model in synchronous frame is shown in Fig. 11. This internal model has half the poles of the internal model shown in Fig. 8, and no (12) This compensator has been selected mainly for its simple structure, which only requires the measurement of the phase to neutral output voltages. In addition, it provides a significant phase and gain margin to the closed-loop system. The predictive PD controller gains k1 and k2 are determined by placement of the dominant poles of the closed-loop system [23]. It is important to point out that the tandem connection of Gc (z) with Gp (z) is completely characterized by the proper transfer function Gc (z)Gp (z) since there is no pole–zero cancellation between Gc (z) and Gp (z), as established in [15]. B. Stability Analysis Since the closed-loop system operates with two different sampling rates, the stability analysis can be performed in two steps. Step 1: The closed-loop stability of the tandem connection of the plant with the PD compensator must be ensured. This faster BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 2127 Fig. 12. Control structure of the proposed closed-loop multirate SISO discrete-time voltage controller in synchronous frame for axis “d.” z = eT s , and zim = eTim s . Fig. 13. Closed-loop system. Tandem connection of the plant plus predictive PD compensator. Fig. 15. Single-rate equivalent of the multirate closed-loop system with a sampling period Tim . Fig. 14. Nyquist plot of Gc (z)Gp (z). k1 = 0.12, k2 = −0.08, and T = 198.41 µs. system in Fig. 12, we transform it to an equivalent system sampled at slower rate Tim . As a result, the equivalent closedloop system becomes as that shown in Fig. 15. The sampled transfer function of the equivalent slow-rate plant GMF (zim ) can be found from the equivalent slow-rate state-space representation of the plant and PD compensator, which is given in the Appendix. This transfer function can be expressed as GMF (zim ) loop operates with a sampling period T , which results in the control structure shown in Fig. 13. To ensure the closed-loop asymptotic stability of the system represented in Fig. 13, the roots of the polynomial 1 + Gc (z)Gp (z) = 0 must be inside the unit circle. To demonstrate that this closed loop is stable, the Nyquist plot of the open-loop transfer function Gc (z)Gp (z) can be used, as shown in Fig. 14. It can be seen that the tandem connection of Gp (z) with Gc (z) has a large gain margin, which in this case is about 16 dB, and an infinite phase margin. Therefore, the closed-loop system in Fig. 13 is asymptotically stable. Step 2: This step is to ensure the overall stability when the proposed internal-model-based controller (11) is introduced. To extend the previous stability criteria to the multirate controller = 6 5 4 3 2 − n1 zim − n2 zim + n3 zim − n4 zim + n5 zim n0 zim . 7 6 5 4 3 2 zim −d1 zim −d2 zim + d3 zim + d4 zim −d5 zim + d6 zim −d7 (13) The closed-loop stability of the tandem connection of Gim (zim ) with GMF (zim ) can be proved using the Nyquist criterion plots of the open-loop transfer function, i.e., Gim (zim )GMF (zim ). Fig. 16 shows the Nyquist plot for N = 42, kim = 1, and d = 1. It can be seen that the closed-loop system with an internal-model-based controller remains stable with a significant gain and phase margin. To demonstrate the benefit of performing the proposed discrete-time down-sampled internal-model-based controller, 2128 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 From Fig. 12, we can see that the control law applied to the plant is given by ud (kT ) = ucd (kT ) + uimd (mTim ). Fig. 16. Nyquist plot of G(zim ) = Gim (zim )GMF (zim ). N = 42, and Tim = 396.82 µs. (16) Note that (14)–(16) are written for the axis “d”; therefore, similar equations can be written for the axis “q.” Regarding the gain, kim must be selected to guarantee a fast convergence of the voltage error to zero, maintaining the closed-loop system stability. The values of kim and d are given in Table II. It is important to emphasize here that simplicity is a significant advantage of the proposed controller if compared with the controller presented in [11]. It becomes clear by realizing that the proposed internal-model-based controller implementation is just (15). In fixed-point arithmetic, the quantization and rounding errors may result in roots of the polynomial internal model to be quite different from the desired one (see Fig. 10). However, since the proposed internal-model-based controller polynomial coefficients are 1s or 0s, the internal model roots have low sensitivity to these errors. This is another advantage if compared with the controllers of [11, eq. (9)] and [12, eq. (27)]. V. S TEADY -S TATE AND D YNAMIC O UTPUT V OLTAGE C HARACTERISTICS OF THE UPS The UPS output specifications according to IEC 62040-3 must have output voltage dynamic performance characteristics not exceeding the limits in [1, Figs. 1, 2, or 3] for the application of increasing/decreasing load steps under linear and reference nonlinear load for the test conditions in Section 6.3 of this standard. The objective of classifying UPS by performance is to provide a common base on which all UPS manufacturer and supplier data are to be compared. This enables purchasers of equipment with similar UPS power ratings to compare products from different manufacturers under the same measurement conditions. Fig. 17. Nyquist plot of the single-rate system operating at lower sampling frequency. G(z) = Gim (z)Gp (z)/(1 + Gp (z)Gc (z)), N = 42, kim = 1, d = 1, and T = 396.82 µs. the Nyquist plot of the closed-loop system in Fig. 12, which operates with a single rate at lower sampling frequency, is shown in Fig. 17. It can be seen that the gain margin stays almost the same if compared with the gain margin in Fig. 16, but the phase margin decreases significantly when the system operates at a single rate. Therefore, the stability margin of the proposed multirate system in Fig. 12 is significantly bigger than the single-rate system at lower sampling frequency, which therefore represents the benefit of the proposed multirate controller. Concerning digital implementation, by applying the inverse Z-transform to (12) and (11), we can obtain the respective recursive difference equations of the predictive PD controller and the proposed down-sampled internal-model-based controller as ucd (kT ) = k1 ed (k − 1) + k2 ed (k − 2) (14) uimd (mTim ) = kim ed [mTim − (N/2) + d] + uimd [mTim − (N/2)] . (15) A. Reference Nonlinear Load Steps in Normal Mode Step nonlinear loading is defined as the application of the test circuit, which is shown in Fig. 18, for dissipating the required steady-state output active power for the percentage load step relative to the rated steady-state output active power of the UPS. The load circuit is then first deenergized before application so that its capacitor voltage starts from zero voltage when applied to the UPS output. To determine the UPS output dynamic performance, the deviation from the under/overvoltage limits defined [1] must be obtained. Then, using the test circuit in Fig. 18, the required step loads (33% of the rated output apparent power) must be applied or reduced in accordance with those in [1, Section] monitoring the load capacitor voltage. The capacitor voltage changes should remain within the stated tolerances in [1, Figs. 1 or 2, Section 5.3.1]. In Fig. 18, Uc is the rectified voltage, R1 is the load resistor set to dissipate an active power equal to 66% of the total apparent power, and Rs is a series line resistor set to dissipate an active power equal to 4% of the total apparent power. The procedure BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 2129 TABLE I SETUP PARAMETERS Fig. 18. Reference nonlinear load test [1]. TABLE II CONTROLLER PARAMETERS Fig. 19. Resistive load test [1]. for calculating the passive elements of this reference nonlinear load is described in [1, Annex E]. B. Linear Load Steps With the UPS operating in normal mode, a resistive load equal to 100% of the output active power must be applied in two steps using the circuit in Fig. 19: one equal to 20% and one equal to 80%. The step must be performed at the peak value of the output waveform. Similarly, unloading must be measured by reducing the load to 20% of the rated output active power by switching off the 80% load. In both cases, the output waveform must be observed and stored so as to permit calculation of any dynamic performance deviation. This deviation is referred as the rms value above or below the rated value, which is obtained on a successive half-cycle by half-cycle. The computed values of this dynamic deviation must remain within the stated limits in [1, Figs. 1, 2, or 3, Section 5.3.1]. VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS The circuit in Fig. 1 has been tested experimentally to verify the proposed discrete-time-voltage internal-model-based controller using a DSP TMS320F241 to control a 10-kVA UPS. The steady-state load tests have been performed using resistive linear loads and nonlinear single-phase and threephase uncontrolled diode rectifiers. The reference nonlinear load, as described in Fig. 18 and designed according to the standard IEC 62040-3, has an input series resistor Rs = 0.5 Ω, Fig. 20. Experimental result. Line current ia at the transformer primary side with dc component. With the internal model of the conventional repetitive controller. Output phase-to-neutral voltages. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 10 A/div. N = 84, and T = 198.41 µs. φ(z) is in Fig. 6. a load resistor R1 = 30 Ω, and a filter capacitor Cc = 4700 µF, and allow to obtain a crest factor of 3. The setup parameters are given in Table I, and the controller parameters are given in Table II. A. Steady-State Performance Fig. 20 shows the output phase voltages and the input current at the transformer primary side with a significant dc component when the system in Fig. 1 operates with an internal model based on the conventional repetitive controller. This fact can be proven through the harmonic spectrum presented in Fig. 21, which denote a dc component around 140%. On the other 2130 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 Fig. 21. Transformer primary side line current harmonics spectrum with dc component. With the internal model of the conventional repetitive controller. Fig. 24. Experimental result. Unbalanced linear load. With the proposed controller. Output phase-to-neutral voltages van , vbn , and vcn , and load current ia . THD = 0.7%. Unbalance factor = 0.6%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 20 A/div. Fig. 22. Experimental result. Line current ia at the transformer primary side without dc component. With the proposed internal-model-based controller. Output phase-to-neutral voltages. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 10 A/div. N = 42. φ(z) is in Fig. 11. Fig. 25. Experimental result. Open-loop operation. Three-phase uncontrolled rectifier at 10 kVA. Output phase-to-neutral voltages van , vbn , and vcn , and load current ia . THD = 7%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 20 A/div. Fig. 23. Transformer primary-side line current harmonics spectrum without dc component. With the proposed internal-model-based controller. side, Fig. 22 shows the same waveforms as Fig. 20 with the system in Fig. 1 operating with the proposed internal-modelbased controller. It can be seen that this current appears without offset, as demonstrated in the harmonic spectrum of this current given in Fig. 23, where the dc component is less than 1%, which can be attributed to sensor error. These tests validate that the proposed internal-model-based controller does not produce pole–zero cancellation and consequently does not saturate the output transformer. The performance of the proposed controller with linear load has been tested using an unbalanced resistive rated load connected between a phase and a neutral wire; the experimental result is shown in Fig. 24. It can be seen that the UPS output voltages have a low THD as well as a reduced unbalance factor. On the other hand, Figs. 25 and 26 show the threephase line-to-neutral voltages and the nonlinear load current in phase a, which is drawn by three-phase and single-phase uncontrolled rectifiers, when operating without the proposed controller. It can be seen that the THD of the output voltages is very high, around 7% and 10%, respectively. Figs. 27 and 28 show the operation of the proposed controller with the same nonlinear loads. It is seen that with the proposed controller, high-quality output voltages are obtained. Also, in Fig. 28, the single-phase uncontrolled rectifier is connected between one phase and neutral. BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 2131 This represents the worst case with the phase-rated unbalanced nonlinear load. It can be seen from these experimental results that the THD of the output voltages is very low, which is around 1%, even with this severe operational condition. Also, with the proposed controller, the unbalance factor has been reduced below 1%. The THDs of the UPS output voltages presented in Figs. 24, 27, and 28 are well below the limits of IEC 62040-3. In addition, the individual odd and even harmonics does not exceed the limits of this standard, as shown in Fig. 29 and Table III. B. Transient Performance Fig. 26. Experimental result. Open-loop operation. Single-phase uncontrolled rectifier at 10 kVA. Output phase-to-neutral voltages van , vbn , and vcn , and load current ia . THD = 9.8%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 50 A/div. Fig. 27. Experimental result. With the proposed controller. Three-phase uncontrolled rectifier at 10 kVA. Output phase-to-neutral voltages van , vbn , and vcn , and load current ia . THD = 0.8%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 20 A/div. Fig. 28. Experimental result. With the proposed controller. Unbalanced load. Single-phase uncontrolled rectifier at 3.3 kVA. Output phase-to-neutral voltages van , vbn , and vcn , and load current ia . THD = 1.2%. Unbalance factor = 0.92%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 50 A/div. To verify the transient performance of the UPS output, the standardized tests described in Section 6.3.7 of the standard IEC 62040-3 were performed, and the deviations from the undervoltage and overvoltage limits defined in [1, Figs. 1, 2, or 3] were obtained, as described in Section VI, for nonlinear and linear loads. Fig. 30 shows the dynamic deviation of the load capacitor voltage of each phase of the reference nonlinear loads (Fig. 18) at loading steps. On the other hand, Fig. 31 presents the deviation of the load capacitor voltage due to the removal of reference nonlinear loads. Figs. 30 and 31 demonstrate that the proposed controller satisfies the voltage limits under dynamic conditions not exceeding the undervoltage and overvoltage transient limits of classification 1. Figs. 32 and 33 show the dynamic deviation of the output voltage rms value when performing the linear load steps as described in Section VI. These experimental results again demonstrate that the proposed controller ensures that the dynamic deviation values do not exceed the undervoltage and overvoltage transient limits of classification 1 both in the load application and when it is removed. Thus, this UPS is suitable for feeding most types of critical loads with high-quality output voltages. The experimental results for loading and removal of the reference nonlinear load are presented in the time domain in Figs. 34 and 35. Fig. 34 shows the reference nonlinear load step from 33% to 66%, while Fig. 35 shows the reference nonlinear removal from 66% to 33%. It can be seen that the undershoot and overshoot require no more than one fundamental period before returning to the rated value. It is important to note that the output voltage transient during the nonlinear load step is a consequence of the fact that the large reference nonlinear load capacitor Cc is uncharged when it is connected to the UPS output. Even in this case, the minimum load rectifier average output voltage value does not exceed the transient limits imposed by classification 1 in [1]. This transient can be reduced by increasing the inverter output current capability. The experimental waveforms for the dynamic test with linear load are presented in Figs. 36 and 37 to complement the information given by Figs. 32 and 33. Fig. 36 shows the linear load step from 20% to 80% of the rated output active power, and Fig. 37 presents the unloading step from 80% to 20%. VII. S UMMARY This paper has proposed a new discrete-time down-sampled internal-model-based controller in the synchronous reference 2132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 Fig. 29. Levels for individual harmonics UPS output voltages with the proposed controller and IEC 62040-3. TABLE III LEVELS FOR INDIVIDUAL HARMONICS UPS OUTPUT VOLTAGES WITH THE PROPOSED CONTROLLER Fig. 30. Output dynamic performance characteristics of the three-phase UPS. Step reference nonlinear loading from 33% to 66% and from 66% to full load. BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 Fig. 31. Output dynamic performance characteristics of the three-phase UPS. Step reference nonlinear removal from 100% to 66% and from 66% to 33%. Fig. 32. Output dynamic performance characteristics of the three-phase UPS. Step linear loading from 20% to 80% rated active power load. Fig. 33. Output dynamic performance characteristics of the three-phase UPS. Step linear removal from 80% to 20% rated active power load. 2133 2134 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 Fig. 34. Experimental result. Output phase-to-neutral voltage van . Reference nonlinear load step from 33% to 66%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 50 A/div. Fig. 35. Experimental result. Output phase-to-neutral voltage van . Reference nonlinear load removal from 66% to 33%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 50 A/div. Fig. 37. Experimental result. Output phase-to-neutral voltage van . Linear load step from 80% to 20%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 50 A/div. in a multirate system with the plant plus a PD compensator to stabilize the closed loop in one sampling rate and the internal-model-based controller with half of the former sampling frequency. This paper demonstrates that, by modifying the order of the polynomial of the internal model in synchronous frame, it is possible to ensure that the residual dc components (in stationary abc frame) are not amplified, thus avoiding transformer saturation. In addition, it is not necessary to include a zero-phase-shift low-pass FIR filter in the loop of the internalmodel-based controller. With regard to digital implementation, the proposed discrete-time controller is an attractive solution for fixed-point DSPs because it is easy to implement and has low sensitivity to roundoff error. In addition, for DSP and microcontrollers with reduced random access memory, this proposed internal model saves the memory space that is required to store the voltage error in a circular buffer. Furthermore, the predictive PD compensator that stabilizes the closed loop has a straightforward design and only requires the measure of the UPS output voltages. The experimental results presented in this paper demonstrate that the steady-state output voltages have high quality under both linear and nonlinear loads with a low THD and a reduced imbalance factor for unbalanced loads. In addition, the output voltage dynamic performance of the three-phase UPS is found to be very good, meeting the severe classification 1 of IEC 62040-3, for both linear and nonlinear loads. A PPENDIX Fig. 36. Experimental result. Output phase-to-neutral voltage van . Linear load step from 20% to 80%. Voltage scale: 50 V/div. Current scale: 50 A/div. frame, which is adequate for three-phase three-leg PWM inverters that operate with an insulating transformer, for UPS applications. The proposed discrete-time control system results The linear transformation that converts the state variables from the stationary abc to the stationary αβ0 frame, and from αβ to dq synchronous frame, is given by 1 −1/2 −1/2 √ √ 2 3/2 − 3/2 Tabc_αβ0 = 0 √ √ √ 3 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 Tαβ _dq = cos(ωt) sin(ωt) . − sin(ωt) cos(ωt) (17) BOTTERÓN AND PINHEIRO: THREE-PHASE UPS THAT COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARD IEC 62040-3 The real coefficients of the transfer functions in (10) are given as b0 = 0.2276 b1 = 0.7325 b3 = 0.2166 b4 = 0.03064 c0 = 0.01096 c1 = 0.111 c3 = 0.03678 c4 = 0.001553 a1 = 0.2007 b2 = 0.08777 xc (k + 1)T = Gc xc (kT ) + Hc ed (kT ) 0 0 1 , Hc = , and ed (kT ) is the sampled where Gc = 1 0 0 voltage error of axis “d” given by ed (kT ) = rd (kT ) − yd (kT ). a4 = 0.09056. n1 = 0.274 n2 = 0.0366 n5 = 2.99 × 10−5 n4 = 0.0010 d1 = 0.12 d2 = 0.103 d4 = 0.0037 d5 = 0.00079 d6 = 5.23 × 10−5 xp (k + 1)T = Gdq xp (kT ) + (i,1) Hdq ud (kT ) (18) (i,1) where Gdq is given in (8), and Hdq is the first column of the Hdq matrix in (8), where i = 1, 2, . . . 8. The output of the plant is given by (1,j) yd (kT ) = Cdq xp (kT ) xp (k + 2)T = (i,1) ud (kT ) = Cc xc (kT ) + Dc ed (kT ) + uim (mTim ) (19) (1,j) G2dq − Hdq Cc Hc Cdq (i,1) (22) where Cc = [k1 k2 ], Dc = 0, uim (mTim ) is the internalmodel-based control action at sampling rate Tim , and xc (kT ) = [ed (k − 1) ed (k − 2)]T . In order to obtain an equivalent slow-rate state-space representation of the plant plus a PD compensator at 2T , we can write (18) and (20) as xp (k + 2)T xc (k + 2)T Space-state representation of the single-rate equivalent closed-loop system in Fig. 15. Here, we describe the state-space representation of the single-rate closed-loop system operating at sampling rate Tim , which has been used to obtain the sampled transfer function GMF (zim ) in (13). Consider the state-space equations of the plant and the PD compensator, i.e., (21) The control action can be written as d3 = 0.012 d7 = 1.36 × 10−6 . (20) c2 = 0.008563 These coefficients have been obtained with a sampling rate of T = 198.41 µs. The real coefficients of the closed-loop transfer function GMF (zim ) in (13) obtained at 2T = 396.83 µs are the following: n3 = 0.013 (1,j) where Cdq is the first row of the Cdq matrix in (8), and j = 1, 2, . . . 8. The state variable representation of the PD is given as a2 = 0.5854 a3 = 0.06041 n0 = 1.01 2135 = (i,1) G2dq Hdq Cc Gc xp (kT ) (1,j) xc (kT ) −Hc Cdq Gdq G2c (i,1) (i,1) Hdq Cc Hc Gdq Hdq + (1,j) (i,1) Gc Hc −Hc Cdq Hdq (i,1) ed (kT ) Hdq rd (k + 1) + + ud (kT ) Hc (i,1) Hdq uim (mTim ). + (23) 0 Substituting (21) and (22) in (23), we find the equivalent single-rate state-space representation of the system in Fig. 15, i.e., (24) shown at the bottom of the page. Finally, the sampled transfer function GMF (zim ) in (13) can be obtained by applying the Z transform to (24), which leads to GMF (zim ) = Csr (zim I − Gsr )−1 Hsr where the matrix Csr = [01×4 (i,1) Hdq Cc Gc + Gdq Hdq Cc (25) 1 01×5 ]. xp (kT ) (1,j) (1,j) (1,j) (i,1) xc (kT ) −Hc Cdq Gdq − Gc Hc Cdq G2c − Hc Cdq Hdq Cc (i,1) (i,1) (i,1) (i,1) (i,1) Hdq Cc Hc + Gdq Hdq Hdq + Gdq Hdq Hdq + rd (k) + rd (k + 1) + uim (mTim ) (1,j) (i,1) (1,j) (i,1) Hc Gc Hc − Hc Cdq Hdq −Hc Cdq Hdq xp (k + 2)T xp (kT ) (24) = Gsr + Hr rd (k) + Hrr rd (k + 1) + Hsr uim (mTim ) xc (k + 2)T xc (kT ) xc (k + 2)T 2136 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 4, AUGUST 2007 R EFERENCES [1] Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)—Part 3: Method of Specifying the Performance and Test Requirements, First Edition 1999–03, International Standard IEC 62040-3. [2] R. Koffler, “Transformer or transformerless UPS?” Power Eng. J., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 34–36, Jun./Jul. 2003. [3] B. Francis, O. 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[24] F. Botterón, H. Pinheiro, H. A. Gründling, J. R. Pinheiro, and H. L. Hey, “An improved discrete model for three-phase voltage-fed space vector modulated converters,” in Proc. 7th Brazilian Power Electron. Conf.—COBEP, 2003, pp. 911–922. [25] F. Botterón, H. Pinheiro, H. A. Gründling, J. R. Pinheiro, and H. L. Hey, “Digital voltage and current controllers for three-phase PWM inverter for UPS applications,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annu. Meeting, Oct. 2001, vol. 4, pp. 2667–2674. Fernando Botterón was born in Rosário, Argentina, in 1967. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Misiones, Argentina, in 1995, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. Since 1996, he has been a Professor in the Departamento de Electrónica, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. His research interest includes discretetime control and digital modulation techniques applied to static converters for medium- and high-power uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Dr. Botterón is a member of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP) and the Brazilian Society of Automatic (SBA). Humberto Pinheiro was born in Santa Maria, Brazil, in 1960. He received the B.S. degree from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, in 1983, the M.Eng. degree from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 1999. From 1987 to 1990, he was a Research Engineer of a Brazilian UPS company and joined the Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where he lectured on power electronics. Since 1991, he has been with Federal University of Santa Maria, as an Adjunct Professor. His research interests are uninterruptible power supplies, wind power systems, and control applied to power electronics.