Influence of the Stator Slot Opening on the Characteristics of Windings with Concentrated Coils D. Gerling Institute of Electrical Drives, University of Federal Defense Munich Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39 85579 Neubiberg, Germany Abstract-In this paper the influence of the stator slot opening on the characteristics of windings with concentrated coils is investigated. The analysis is based on the computation of the fourier coefficients of the electric loading distribution. The components of the working wave and the harmonics are evaluated in dependency of the stator slot opening. I. will be ϕ0 = m ( m being the number of phases), the geometrical shift between two phases will be α 0 = 2π pS ⋅ m (in mechanical degrees, pS being the number of stator pole pairs) INTRODUCTION Permanent Magnet Machines with concentrated windings gain more and more attention because of some outstanding advantages: • The end windings are much shorter than for machines with distributed windings, resulting in lower stator resistance, less copper weight, and larger active length of the machine for a given overall machine length. • The winding manufacturing and machine assembly is much easier, resulting in less costs. • The maximum obtainable copper filling factor is higher than for a distributed winding, resulting in better machine performance. • The danger of phase-to-phase short circuits is much lower. Nevertheless, there is a main drawback of such a concentrated winding: The harmonics of the electric loading and magneto-motive force (MMF) distribution cannot be controlled by typical means used with distributed windings: • The concentrated winding is already a special kind of a short-pitch winding, so that this degree of freedom cannot be used to influence the harmonics. • The distribution in more than one slot per pole per phase (like used for distributed windings) is not possible, because this contradicts the requirement to have a coil winding around a single tooth. Of course, having coil windings belonging to one phase on at least two neighboring teeth is possible for the concentrated winding (this will be called “slot per pole per phase”, even if it has a different influence on the harmonics like the “slot per pole per phase” for a distributed winding). or β 0 = 2π (in electrical degrees). It could be shown in [1], m that even for a different geometrical phase distribution a constant torque can be achieved, but the most efficient version is that one described before. Therefore, in this paper the phase distribution is limited to the conventionally used multi-phase winding. The following figure 1 gives an impression, why the symmetrical phase shift between the different phase currents like described above is advantageous. In addition, it gives a hint, that the phase shift for even number of phases is different from that for odd number of phases: If the phase shift is realized like shown in the following figure, the best situation concerning symmetry is achieved. 2π m 2π 2m 1 1 4’ 2 3’ 2’ 3 2 3 3’ 4 a) 2’ 1’ 1’ b) Figure 1. Current phasors for multi-phase windings: a) odd number of phases (example: m=3); b) even number of phases (example: m=4). II. NUMBER OF PHASES III. STATOR WINDING As three-phase machines are most relevant for practical cases, the following analysis will be limited to odd phase numbers greater than 1. The phase shift between two currents 978-1-4244-4252-2/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 2π A. MMF of Every Slot There are Electrical Machines with concentrated windings that do not use the fundamental MMF wave for torque 2073 production, because the amplitude of the fundamental MMF wave is lower than the amplitude of a higher harmonic wave (see e.g. [1]). Therefore, for these machines the “main” or “working” MMF wave is different from the fundamental wave. In the following such a machine with a two-layer concentrated winding and odd number of phases (larger than 1) is assumed. The nomenclature “two-layer winding” in the context of a concentrated winding means, that every stator tooth contains a coil (in contrary, “single-layer winding” means that every other tooth contains a coil). In both cases there are wires in every slot. It is quite easy to extend the following investigation to single-layer windings and even number of phases (just for the sake of clarity of reading, these cases are not regarded in the following analysis). The current in the k -th phase ( k = 1… m ) can be calculated as: 2π ⎞ ⎛ (1) I k = ˆI ⋅ sin ⎜ ωt − ( k − 1) ⎟ m⎠ ⎝ As we are regarding a two-layer winding, the magnetomotive force in every slot consists of two parts: Two different coils from neighbouring teeth are energized in every single slot. In the following, the slots shall be numbered with n , so that the slots of the first pole are numbered by Z (2) n = 1… S 2pS with ZS being the number of stator slots (equal to the number of stator teeth). Slot number 1 shall be defined in the following as that slot, where the first coil of the first phase is started. In this slot we always have in addition the wires of the last coil of the last phase, see the following figure 1 for the example of a three-phase winding. Furthermore, the following figure 1 shows a winding with a number of slots per pole per phase of q = 2 ; the orientation of such two directly neighboring coils of a single phase is always opposite. Figure 2. Exemplary winding topology; for the sake of simplicity the original round stator lamination has been wound off into a straight version. The magneto-motive force of every slot (number of ampereturns) of the first pole can be described as follows (assuming the same number of turns N for each coil; the function int ( x ) means that the largest integer less than or equal to x is taken): N ⋅ ( − I m + I1 ) if n =1 ⎧ ⎪ ⎛n⎞ ⎛ n +1 ⎞ ⎞ ∆Θ n = ⎨ ⎛ ZS int ⎜ ⎟ −1 int ⎜ n −1 ⎟ −1 if 1 < n ≤ ⎪ N ⋅ ⎜⎜ Iint ⎛⎜ n ⎞⎟ ⋅ ( −1) ⎝ q ⎠ + Iint ⎛⎜ n +1 ⎞⎟ ⋅ ( −1) ⎝ q ⎠ ⎟⎟ ⋅ ( −1) 2 ⋅ pS ⎩ ⎝ ⎝q⎠ ⎠ ⎝ q ⎠ (3) 2 Because of the regarded symmetry, the magneto-motive force of the slots of the remaining poles becomes: ∆Θ n = ∆Θ ⎛ n −1 ⎞ n − int ⎜ ⎟⋅m⋅q ⎝ m⋅q ⎠ ⋅ ( −1) ⎛ n −1 ⎞ int ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ m ⋅q ⎠ , if ZS 2 ⋅ pS 1 + 1 ≤ n ≤ ZS (4) For the exemplary winding topology that is regarded in this paper ( m = 3 , q = 2 , pS = 2 , resulting in ZS = 2pS qm = 24 ) the following magneto-motive force of every slot can be deduced (assumptions: peak current Î = 1A , number of turns per coil N = 1 ): ∆Θn 0 1 2 0 5 10 15 20 n Figure 3. Magneto-motive force of every slot versus slot number for the exemplary winding topology for the time t = 0 . 2074 25 B. Electric Loading of Every Slot The idea of the electric loading separates the field in the slots of the electrical machine from the field in the air-gap [2]: Representing the energized coils in the stator slots by an electric loading on a smooth stator surface gives (nearly) the same air-gap field like in reality, but simplifies the calculation by far.1 To investigate the effect of the slot opening, this slot opening will be regarded as a parameter in the following, handling the slot opening as a percentage of the stator slot pitch τS . With 1 ≤ z1 ≤ 80 and z1 s z1 = ⋅ τS , 100 As the locations and amplitudes of every step of the electric loading characteristic are known, a fourier analysis according to [3] can be performed. The advantage of this method against e.g. FFT-methods is the following: • There is no limitation in the number of coefficients that can be calculated. • There is no requirement to the symmetry of the data points. 10 5 (5) τS = A (α) 2π 0 (6) ZS the slot opening s z1 varies between 1% and 80% of the stator 5 slot pitch τS . Having the electric loading as the number of ampere-turns in every slot divided by the slot opening, the change of amplitude of the electric loading on the circumference of the machine can be calculated as follows (as the amplitude varies at the begin and end of the slot opening, the control variable will be 1 ≤ n1 ≤ 2 ⋅ ZS ): ∆A ampln1 1 ⎧ ∆Θ ⎪ int ⎛⎜ n1 ⎞⎟ +1 ⋅ s z1 ⎪ ⎝ 2⎠ =⎨ ⎪ −∆Θ ⋅ 1 n1 ⎪⎩ 2 s z1 ⎛ n1 ⎞ ≠ n1 ⎟ ⎝2⎠ 2 if int ⎜ if ⎛ n1 ⎞ n1 int ⎜ ⎟ = ⎝2⎠ 2 (7) 10 0.6 0.8 1 α 2π Figure 4. Electric loading versus circumferential angle for 10% slot opening (red, additional amplitude factor 0.1) and 80% slot opening (blue). ∆A anglen1 ai = bi = −1 ∑ ∆A ampl i ⋅ π n1=1 1 ∑ ∆A ampl i ⋅ π n1=1 ⎛ n1 ⎞ = n1 ⎟ ⎝2⎠ 2 ϕ Ai = arctan ⎜ if int ⎜ n1 2⋅ZS Ai = int ⎜ 0.4 2⋅ZS ⎛ n1 ⎞ ≠ n1 ⎟ ⎝2⎠ 2 if 2 n1 ( ) ( ) ⋅ sin i ⋅ ∆A anglen1 ⋅ cos i ⋅ ∆A anglen1 (9) 2 a i + bi ⎛ ai ⎞ ⎟ ⎝ bi ⎠ (8) Now the electric loading versus the circumferential angle can be plotted. In the following figure 4 the electric loading distribution for 10% and 80% slot opening (measured against the stator slot pitch) is shown in red and blue, respectively. It has to be emphasized that the amplitude of the characteristic for 10% slot opening is divided by 10 in this figure, just to have both characteristics shown in one graph (because of the much smaller slot opening, the electric loading amplitude is much higher at constant current). 1 0.2 If the ordinal number of the fourier coefficients is called “i”, for example the first 1000 coefficients can be calculated as follows: 1 ≤ i ≤ 1000 : These variations take place at the following angles: ⎧⎛ int ⎛ n1 ⎞ + 1 ⎞ ⋅ τ − s z1 ⎪⎪⎝⎜ ⎝⎜ 2 ⎠⎟ 2 ⎠⎟ S 2 =⎨ ⎪⎛⎜ int ⎛⎜ n1 ⎞⎟ − 1 ⎞⎟ ⋅ τ + s z1 ⎪⎩⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎠ S 2 0 There are two effects which are not covered by this method: The slot leakage and the field deformation because of the stator slotting are neglected. The following figure 5 shows the amplitudes A i of the electric loading versus ordinal number for closed slots and a 50% slot opening (measured against the stator slot pitch) in red and blue, respectively. The following can be clearly deduced: • The fundamental wave does not have the highest amplitude, i.e. the fundamental wave should not be chosen as working wave. • For closed slots (which is equivalent to the simple model that the electric loading is concentrated in the centre of the slot opening) there are always pairs of harmonics with maximum amplitude (these are the so-called “slotharmonics”). 2075 • For open slots (e.g. 50% slot opening, please refer to figure 5) the harmonics are damped more and more with increasing ordinal number. These findings give the strong recommendation that the wave with the lowest ordinal number of all “slot harmonics” should be chosen as working wave.2 opening (measured against the stator slot pitch) the characteristic is shown in red and blue, respectively. 10 5 8 A (α) 6 0 Amplitude 4 5 Ai 2 0 10 0 10 20 30 40 0 0.2 0.4 α 2π 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 6. Electric loading versus circumferential angle for 10% slot opening (red, additional amplitude factor 0.1) and 80% slot opening (blue); calculated from the first 1000 fourier coefficients. 50 ordinal number i Figure 5. Fourier coefficients of the electric loading versus ordinal number (red: closed slots; blue: 50% slot opening). 1 C. Electric Loading and MMF Distribution To check the calculation, the electric loading distribution can be calculated from the fourier coefficients (as just a limited number of coefficients is calculated, this will give an approximation to the exact function). Considering the first 1000 coefficients the graph in figure 6 can be drawn from equ. (10), which is in good agreement with figure 3:3 A (α) = 0.5 Θ (α) 0 1000 ∑ ( a i ⋅ cos ( i ⋅ α ) + bi ⋅ sin ( i ⋅ α ) ) (10) 0.5 i =1 As the MMF distribution can be calculated from the integration of the electric loading distribution (see e.g. [2]), this MMF distribution can be calculated as follows:4 1000 1 ⎛1 ⎞ (11) Θ ( α ) = ∑ ⎜ a i ⋅ sin ( i ⋅ α ) − b i ⋅ cos ( i ⋅ α ) ⎟ i ⎠ i =1 ⎝ i The result for the MMF distribution is shown in figure 7 (please have in mind that figure 3 shows the magneto-motive force of every slot ∆Θ and not the magneto-motive force versus circumferential angle Θ ( α ) ). For 10% and 80% slot 2 It has to be mentioned that in reality the saturation of the tooth tips will change these characteristics slightly, but the general effects remain unchanged. 3 Please have in mind that figure 6 shows the electric loading of every slot and figure 3 shows the magneto-motive force of every slot; these characteristics differ in amplitude. 4 Again, per unit values are calculated, as the bore radius is assumed being 1 in equ. (11). 1 0 0.2 0.4 α 2π 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 7. Magneto-motive force versus circumferential angle for 10% slot opening (red) and 80% slot opening (blue); calculated from the first 1000 fourier coefficients. D. The Effect of Stator Slot Opening To judge the possibilities of harmonic reduction by means of special design of the stator slot opening, the two main harmonics (ordinal number 10 and 14, see figure 4) will be regarded in the following. The following figure 8 shows the 10th and 14th harmonic as a function of stator slot opening in per unit values, i.e. normalized to the value at closed slots (as the 10th and 14th harmonic is a “slot harmonic” pair, the normalization value is the same for both harmonics). It can be clearly seen that the harmonic with the higher ordinal number is damped more 2076 intensely, like it is expected. To give an example: If the 14th harmonic is damped by about 10%, the 10th harmonic (which shall be used as working wave) is damped by about 5%.5 Another relevant finding is demonstrated in figure 9: It can be seen that the relative damping of the 14th harmonic (measured against the 10th harmonic) reveals practically the same value like the per unit value of the 10th harmonic (which is the working wave). In other words: The more relative damping of the main troublesome harmonic (14th) is achieved, the more relative damping of the working wave has to be accepted. 1 0.95 per unit value 0.9 0.85 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 relative slot opening in % Figure 8. Per unit value of the 10th (red) and 14th (blue) harmonic versus relative slot opening. 1 IV. CONCLUSION It is well-known that for influencing the harmonics of the MMF distribution, the distribution factor and the short-pitch factor can be exploited. Having a concentrated winding, the short-pitch factor is already disposed to realize this special kind of winding. Making use of the distribution factor would mean, distributing one coil side into more than one slot. This contradicts the requirement of a concentrated winding. In summary, two of the most relevant means of reducing MMF harmonics cannot be used with concentrated windings. Nevertheless, there are two other means that can be helpful: skewing and slot opening. In this paper, the focus is on the slot opening. All means to influence the MMF harmonics mentioned above are in some way proportional to the sinus of the harmonic number [2]. For machines with distributed windings, where the working wave is the fundamental one, this is quite advantageous, because the harmonic waves can be damped. For machines with concentrated windings, where the working wave is not the fundamental one, the situation is much different. The electric loading harmonics have the characteristic, that always a pair (with just a small difference in the harmonic number) has the same amplitude (these pairs are called the “slot harmonics”). Only one harmonic of such a pair can be selected to become the working wave, the other should be damped as much as possible. The amount of damping can be only relatively small, because the difference in the harmonic number is small. It could be shown in this paper that it is advantageous to select the smaller harmonic number from the relevant “slot harmonic” pair to become the working wave, because the higher one can be damped better. A calculation method and an exemplary analysis are given in this paper. 0.95 REFERENCES per unit value 0.9 [1] 0.85 [2] [3] 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 relative slot opening in % Figure 9. Per unit value of the 10th harmonic (blue circles) and the ratio of 14th to 10th harmonic (red line) versus relative slot opening. 5 This situation is much worse than known from distributed windings: As here the working wave is the fundamental one, the working wave is much less damped when influencing the harmonics. 2077 D. Gerling, “Analysis of the Magnetomotive Force of a Three-Phase Winding with Concentrated Coils and Different Symmetry Features,” 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2008), Wuhan, China, October 17-20, 2008 D. Gerling, “Electrical Machines and Drives“, Lecture, Institute for Electrical Drives and Actuators, University of Federal Defence Munich, Germany (in German) G. Koehler, A. Walther, “Fouriersche Analyse von Funktionen mit Sprüngen, Ecken und ähnlichen Besonderheiten” Archiv für Elektrotechnik, XXV. Band, 1931 (in German)