Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers On completion of this chapter you should be able to predict the behaviour of given transistor amplifier circuits by using equations and/or equivalent circuits that represent the transistor’s a.c. parameters. 1 Reasons for Adopting this Technique The gains of an amplifier circuit may be obtained by drawing the load lines on the plotted output characteristics. However, for a number of reasons, this is not a truly practical method. (a) Manufacturers do not provide graphs or data to enable the characteristics to be plotted. (b) Even if such data were available, the process would be very time consuming. (c) Obtaining results from plotted graphs is not always very accurate—much depends upon the skill and interpretation of the individual concerned. For these reasons an alternative method, which involves the use of equations and/or simple network analysis, is preferred. This method involves the use of the transistor parameters, the data for which is provided by manufacturers. This information is most commonly obtained from component catalogues produced by suppliers such as Radio Spares and Maplin Electronics. 2 BJT Parameters You should already be familiar with the d.c. parameters such as input resistance (RIN), output resistance (ROUT), and current gain (hFE), and their relationship to the transistor’s output characteristics. In addition, an a.c. amplifier circuit may be redrawn in terms of the appearance of the circuit to a.c. signals. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. 67 68 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers VCC C C RC RB RS b RS b RC RL RB Vbe RL Vce VS Vce VS Vbe RL (b) a.c. equivalent (a) circuit Fig. 1 The a.c. equivalent circuit of Fig. 1(b) is useful in that the current flow paths of the a.c. signal and the effective a.c. load can be appreciated, but in order to analyse the complete amplifier circuit the load lines would still need to be drawn on the characteristics. What is required is a simple network representation of the transistor itself, which can then be inserted into Fig. l(b) in place of the transistor symbol. There are a variety of transistor parameters that may be used in this way. Amongst these are Z-parameters, Y-parameters, hybrid parameters, and h-parameters. For the analysis of small-signal audio frequency amplifiers the use of h-parameters is the most convenient, and will be the method adopted here. Provided that the transistor is correctly biased and the input signal is sufficiently small so as to cause excursions of currents and voltages that remain within the linear portions of the characteristics, then the transistor itself may be considered as a simple four-terminal network as shown in Fig. 2. i2 i1 ν1 Linear network ν2 Fig. 2 The relationships between the four quantities of a linear network can be expressed by a number of equations, two of which are: 1 Ai1 B 2 ..................[1] i2 C i1 D2 ..................[2] Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Examination of the units involved in these two equations reveals that A must be an impedance (ohm), B and C are dimensionless (ratios), and D must be an admittance (siemen). Since there is a mixture or hybrid of units involved, they are known as the hybrid or h-parameters, having the following symbols: A hi ohm; B hr ; C hf ; D ho siemen If the transistor is conected in common emitter configuration the two equations would be written as follows 1 hie i1 hre 2 i2 h fe i1 hoe 2 If the transistor is connected in common base configuration then the parameters would be hib, hrb, hfb and hob respectively. The h-parameters are defined as follows: hi: is the input impedance with the output short-circuited to a.c. Thus, hi 1 ohm i1 hr: is the reverse voltage feedback ratio with the input open-circuited to a.c. Thus, hr 1 2 ho: is the output admittance with the input open-circuited to a.c. Thus, h0 i2 siemen v2 hf: is the forward current gain with the output short-circuited to a.c. Thus, h f i2 i1 Notes: 1 In modern transistors hr is very small (104) so this parameter will be ignored. 2 Just as conductance G 1/R siemen, so admittance, Y 1/Z siemen. 3 The h-parameters will vary with temperature, ageing and frequency. For the analysis at this level we shall consider that they remain constant. 4 Since the transistor is a current-operated device it is convenient to represent its collector circuit as a current generator with its ‘internal’ impedance (1/ho) in parallel. 69 70 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Considering the amplifier circuit of Fig. 1, the complete h-parameter equivalent circuit would be as shown in Fig. 3. c b i1 hie RS i2 hfei1 RB 1/hoe ν1 ν2 RL νS e e Fig. 3 For practical purposes it may be assumed that the h-parameters will have the same numerical values as their d.c. counterparts i.e. hi RIN ; h f hF ; 1 / ho ROUT 3 h-parameter Equations Ignoring hr the original two equations may be written as: 1 hi i1…………...........…[1] i2 h f i1 ho 2 ……………[2] and using these equations the following results can be obtained. Amplifier current gain, Ai Amplifier voltage gain, A hf (1) 1 ho RL h f RL hi (1 ho RL ) Ai RL hi (2) Thus, knowing the values for a transistor’s h-parameters, the prediction of amplifier gains can simply be obtained by either using the above equations or by simple network analysis using the h-parameter equivalent circuit. Worked Example 1 Q For the amplifier circuit of Fig. 4, (a) sketch the h-parameter equivalent circuit and, (b) determine the amplifier current and voltage gains using (i) network analysis, and (ii) h-parameter equations. The h-parameters are hie 1.5 k; hfe 90; hoe 50 S Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers VCC 12 V RC 2.2 kΩ RB 68 kΩ RS VS RL 600 Ω 10 kΩ 100 mV rms Fig. 4 A hie 1.5 k; hfe 90; hoe 50 106 S (a) The h-parameter circuit will be as shown in Fig. 5. iS i2 i1 iL 90i RS 600 Ω ν1 νS 1/hoe 20 kΩ RB hie 68 kΩ 1.5 kΩ ν2 RC 2.2 kΩ 0.1 V rms Rin RL Fig. 5 (i) 1/hoe RC RL 2.2 10 106 20 k; RL’ ohm k 1.8 k R R 2.2 10 50 C L Input circuit: Rin hie RB 68 1.5 1.47 k hie RB 68 1.5 Using potential divider technique: v1 Rin 1.47 v s volt 0.1 V Rs Rin 1.47 0.6 v1 71 mV i1 v1 71 103 amp 47.3 A hie 1 .5 1 03 Output circuit: 90i1 90 47.3 106 4.26 mA Using current divider technique: i2 20 1 / hoe 90i1 amp 4.26 20 1.8 1 / hoe RL i2 3.91 mA RL 10 kΩ 71 72 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers v2 i2 RL’ volt 4 103 1.8 103 v2 7.2 V (ii) Ai i2 3.91 103 82.7 Ans i1 47.3 106 Av v2 7.04 99 Ans v1 71 103 Ai 90 hfe 1 hoe RL’ 1 (50 106 1800 ) Ai 90 82.6 Ans 1.09 Av Ai RL’ 82.6 1.8 1.5 hie Av 99 Ans Thus, allowing for the cumulation of rounding errors in part (i), the results from the equations agree with those from the network analysis. The actual current that will flow in the load of the previous example will not in fact be i2, but only a fraction of that, and is shown in Fig. 5 as iL. Thus the power delivered to the external load will be less than the maximum possible. This problem may be minimised by the use of a matching transformer connected between the load and the amplifier circuit output terminals. Worked Example 2 Q The transistor used in the circuit of Fig. 6 has the following h-parameters hie 2 k; hoe 60 S; hfe 100. Calculate (a) the amplifier current gain, (b) the actual power delivered to the external load, and (c) the turns ratio required for a matching transformer in order to maximise the power delivered to the load. VCC RC 4.7 kΩ R1 120 kΩ RS 600 Ω R2 20 kΩ RE 1 kΩ VS 0.2 Vp-p Fig. 6 A hie 2 k; hoe 60 106 S; hfe 100 RL 5 kΩ Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers (a) The h-parameter equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 7. i1 iS i2 iL 100i1 Rs 600 Ω R1 120 kΩ ν1 R2 20 kΩ hie 2 kΩ 1/hoe 16.7 kΩ RC 4.7 kΩ ν2 νS 0.2 Vp-p Rin RL Fig. 7 Input circuit: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 siemen mS Rin R1 R2 hie 120 20 2 67 1 1 6 60 mS Rin 120 120 so, Rin 1.79 k v1 Rin 1.79 vs 200 mV pk-pk Rs Rin 0.6 1.79 v1 150 mV pk-pk i1 Output circuit: RL’ v1 0.15 75 µA pk-pk amp hie 2000 RC RL 4.7 5 k RC RL 4.7 5 RL’ 2.42 k 100i1 7.5 mA pk-pk i2 1 / hoe 16.7 100i1 7.5 mA pk-pk 1 / hoe RL’ 16.7 2.42 i2 6.55 mA pk-pk Ai i2 6.55 103 i1 75 106 Ai 87.3 Ans Check: Ai (b) iL 100 hfe 87.3 1 hoe RL’ 1 (60 106 2420 ) RC 4.7 i2 6.55 mA pk-pk RC RL 9.7 iL 3.17 mA pk-pk PL I L2RL watt, where I L is the r.m.s. value so, I L iL 3.17 mA 1.12 mA 2 2 2 2 RL 5 kΩ 73 74 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers PL (1.12 103 )2 5000 PL 6.3 mW Ans (c) For maximum power transfer, RL must match the parallel combination of 1/hoe and Rc—call this Rp. Rp Rp so, Np Ns Np Ns 16.7 4.7 k 3.67 k 16 .7 4 .7 N p2 Ns RL ohm Rp RL 3.67 5 0.856 : 1 Ans 4 FET Parameters and Equivalent Circuits Since a FET has an extremely high input impedance then its input circuit may be represented simply as an open circuit. Also, being a voltage operated device it is convenient to represent the output circuit as a voltage source with the internal resistance (rds) in series with it. The small-signal equivalent circuit will therefore be as shown in Fig. 8. The FET parameters rds and gm should already be familiar to you. From Fig. 8: Vo RL gm rdsVi volt RL rds Vo g r R A m ds L Vi RL rds but in practice, rds (3) RL , so Vo g r R m ds L Vi rds and, A gm RL (4) d D G rds Vi gmrdsVi S V0 S Fig. 8 RL Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Worked Example 3 Q The FET used in the amplifier circuit of Fig. 9 has parameter values of rds 80 k and gm 4 mS. Calculate (a) the amplifier voltage gain, and (b) the effective input resistance of the amplifier circuit. VDD R1 56 kΩ RD 2 kΩ RG 1 MΩ Vi RS 1 kΩ R2 4.6 kΩ V0 RL 3 kΩ Fig. 9 A rds 80 103 ; gm 4 103 S; RL 3 k RD RL 32 ohm k RD RL 5 RL 1.2 k (a) For this circuit, the effective a.c. load, RL’ and since rds RL , then equation (4) may be used so, Av gmRL 4 103 1.2 103 Av 4.8 Ans In order to check the validity of using the approximation of equation (4), we can also calculate the gain using equation (3) and compare the two answers. Thus, Av gmrds RL’ 4 103 80 103 1.2 103 384 000 ’ 03 81 200 rds R L 80 103 1.2 10 Av 4.73, which confirms the validity of equaation (4) Note that a FET amplifier provides very much less voltage gain than a comparable BJT amplifier. (b) Looking in at the input terminals, for a.c. signals, the gate resistor RG is in series with the parallel combination of R1 and R2, as shown in Fig. 10. Rin RG R1 R2 56 4.7 ohm 106 R1 R2 60.7 Rin 1.0043 M Ans (say 1 M ) 75 76 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers G RG Rin R1 R2 S Fig. 10 Thus, the inherently high input resistance of the FET is preserved in the amplifier circuit by the inclusion of RG. 5 Practical Implications It should be borne in mind that when designing an amplifier circuit, the results of the equations as shown in this chapter give only theoretical answers. If an amplifier circuit thus analysed is then constructed and tested, the actual gain figures achieved may well be different to those predicted. There are a number of reasons for this: the resistors will have actual values depending upon how close to tolerance they are, and the transistor parameters cannot be guaranteed to be exactly those quoted by the manufacturer. Indeed, manufacturers recognise this by quoting minimum, maximum and typical values for such parameters as hf. In calculations the typical value is normally used. Thus the mathematical analysis should be considered as only the first step in the design process, and component values will then need to be adjusted in the light of practical tests. Summary of Equations BJT amplifier: Current gain, Ai hf 1 ho RL Ai RL hi Power gain, Ap Ai Av Voltage gain, Av FET amplifier: Approx. voltage gain, Av gmRL or, more accurately, Av gm rds RL rds RL Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Assignment Questions 1 The h-parameters for the transistor used in the circuit of Fig. 11 are hfe 250, hie 5 k, and hoe 40 S. VCC 3.9 kΩ 56 kΩ (a) sketch the h-parameter equivalent circuit and hence, or otherwise, (b) calculate the amplifier current, voltage and power gains. 0.2 V V 1 pk-pk VCC 4.7 kΩ 7.5 kΩ 500 Ω 4.7 kΩ 120 kΩ Fig. 13 V0 0.25 V V1 pk-pk 5 The parameters for the FET in Fig. 14 are rds 85 k and gm 4.1 mS. (a) calculate the amplifier voltage gain, and (b) the power dissipated in the external 15 k load. Fig. 11 VDD 30 V 2 The circuit of Fig. 11 is now reconnected so that the transistor is connected in common base configuration. If the common base parameters hib and hob are 100 and 20 S respectively, 1.2 MΩ (a) sketch the equivalent circuit, and V1 (b) calculate the amplifier current, voltage and power gains. 3 10 kΩ 56 kΩ Figure 12 shows a simply biased common source FET amplifier, where the transistor parameters are gm 3 mS, and rds 75 k. Calculate the amplifier voltage gain. VDD 15 kΩ 15 kΩ 3V pk-pk 4.7 kΩ 4.7 kΩ Fig. 14 6 For the two equivalent circuits shown in Figs. 15(a) and (b), sketch the amplifier circuits that they represent, showing component values, and also identify the values for the transistor parameters in each case. 90 kΩ 120 V1 20 kΩ 5 kΩ V1 1.2 MΩ 1 MΩ 6.8 kΩ RS (a) i1 Fig. 12 600 Ω 82 kΩ 10 kΩ 4 The transistor of the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. 13 has the following parameters: hie 2.5 k, hfe 120, and hoe 100 S. Sketch the equivalent circuit and determine the amplifier current and voltage gains, and the power dissipated in the external 7.5 k load. 50i1 3 kΩ V1 (b) Fig. 15 25 kΩ 4.7 kΩ 10 kΩ 77 78 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Supplementary Worked Example 1 Q Calculate the minimum value of hfe required for the transistor in Fig. 16 in order that a power of 3.5 mW is dissipated in the 10 k load resistor. The values for hie and hoe are 4 k and 50 µS respectively. VCC 100 kΩ 0.25 V pk-pk 4.7 kΩ 600 Ω 10 kΩ Fig.16 A The h-parameter equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 17. Since RB hie then the shunting effect of RB will be negligible, and it has therefore been omitted from the calculation. hie 4000 ; hoe 50 106 S; Vi 0.25 V pk-pk; Po 3.5 103 W i1 hfei1 VS RB V1 100 kΩ 1/hoe 20 kΩ hie 4 kΩ V2 RC 4.7 kΩ 0.25 V pk-pk Fig. 17 P0 V22 watt so V2 P0 RL volt 3.5 103 10 4 RL V2 5.916 V V1 4 hie Vs volt pk-pk 0.25 4.6 hie Rs V1 0.21 7V pk-pk so, V1 0.217 7 76.8mV r.m.s. 2 2 V2 5.916 Voltage gain required, Av V 0.768 1 Av 77 RL 10 kΩ Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Av so, hfe 1/hoe RL 47 hfe RL where RL 3.2 k 1 / hoe RL 14.7 hie (1 hoe RL ) Av {hie (1 hoe RL )} 77{4(1 50 106 3.2 103 )} 3.2 RL hie 112 Ans Supplementary Worked Example 2 Q The FET in the circuit of Fig. 18 has rds ⴝ 50 k and gm ⴝ 5 mS. Determine the value of the output voltage, V2, and the power developed in the 25 k load. A rds 50 103 ; gm 5 103 S VDD 40 V 39 kΩ 100 kΩ V2 V1 4V pk-pk 25 kΩ 2 MΩ 2.2 kΩ Fig. 18 RL 25 3.9 RD RL ohm 15.2 k RD RL 25 3.9 RL , then the approximate equation for voltage gain Now, since rds is NOT should not be used, hence Av gmrds RL 1.5 103 50 103 15.2 103 rds RL 65.2 Av 17.48 Thus, V2 17.48 4 V pk-pk 70 V pk-pk so, V2 24.75 V Ans P0 V22 24.752 watt RL 25 103 P0 0.2 mW Ans Note that had the approximate equation Av gm RL been used in this case an error of about 22% would have resulted in the value for Av. This would be an unacceptably large error. The approximate form of the equation should be used only when rds is at least 10 times larger than RL . 79 80 Analysis of Small-signal Transistor Amplifiers Answers to Assignment Questions 1 2 3 4 5 (b) Ai 210; Av 197; Ap 41 370 (b) Ai 0.91; Av 42.8; Ap 39 25.7 Ai 95.5; Av 98.1; Po 6.5 mW Av 24.6; Po 45.4 mW