I DonaldE, Schmudlach BackTo Basic Let us look upon,Why arewe here today?Whatdo we believe? Why? We arehereto worshipthe oneandonly God,our Fatherandour Creator.The giver of all that is good,assetforth in His book. We are hereto takepart in the memorialto His son,JesusChrist,our Saviorand King. We saythis is whatwe believe,oneGod,our Father,our Creator. We believethat JesusChristis His oneandonly Son,our Saviorand King, the onewho'slife we areto follow. Why?becauseGodhasmade the promisesthat ifwe do so,follow His son,who died uponthe crossfor we canspendetemitywith man'ssins,andfollow God'scommandments, Him in heaven. Turn with meto, Hebrewschapter4, verses12 and13. For the word of God is living andactiveandsharperthan anytwoedgedsword,andpiercingasfar asthe divisionof soulandspirit, of both joints andmarrow,andableto judge the thoughtsandintentionsof the heart.And there is no creaturehidden from His sight, but all things are openandlaid bareto the eyesof Him with whomwe haveto do." Ruby and I weretalking aboutthe comingmonthssometimeago. Havinghadto takea leaveof absencefrom her work. Shestatedshewas goingto talk to her salesteamaboutgoingbackto basic,havingto that waswhatthe Churchneededto do. Having rebuild. I suggested foundit wasan item of discussionin The SpiritualSwordandmanyother periodicals. Are we teaching? "theword of God is living andactive." This is not just a colleetionof words,it is not old andout dated,assomesay,it is living, active,It is living NOW!, it is neededNOW! It is ' powerful 2 NOW, it hasasmuchmeaningNOW! asin the first century! when it was written Are we teachingthe word of God is, "sharperthan anytwo-edged sword,andpiercingasfar asthe divisionof soul andspirit, of bothjoints andmarrow," It still dealswith the inner secretsof man,the inner thoughtsandintentsof man. To this very dayits still dealswith todays manandtodaysproblems. My friendsits all herein this, God'sbook. We needto go backto the BIBLE, backto the lst. centurychurch. The Bible camefromthe Lord. THE BIBLE IS TIIE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD! It doesnot needto be changedby manassomemenseemto believe. Are we teaching?2 Timothychapter3 verse16, "All Scriptureis inspiredby Godandprofitablefor teaching,for reproof,for correction,for trainingin righteousness; " Are we teaching? 2Peterchapter1 verses20 &,21, "But know this first of all,^thatno prophecyof Scriptureis a matterof one'sown z L for no prophecywasevermadeby an actof humanwill, interpretatiofr, but menmovedby the Holy Spirit spokefrom God." Are we teaching,TheBible is timeless,it comesfrom the Lord and the Lord is timeless,asexplainedin,2 Peterchapter3 Verse8, "But do not let this onefacl escapeyour notice,beloved,that with the Lord one dayis asa thousandyears,andathousandyearsasoneday." Man'sexistenceis time-riddenandthat time will run out. It is always laterthen onethinks. With God this is not so. The word of the Lord is for ever. It is the sameyesterday,today, and forever 3 1 PeterchapterI verses24 &25, " For, ALL FLESHIS LIKE GRASS,AND ALL ITS GLORY LIKE THE FLOWEROF GMSS. TF{EGRASSWITFMRS.AND THE FLOWERFALLS OTT.25 gUT TFIEWORD OF THE LORD ABIDES FOREVER.'' Grassandit's flowershavea givenlife span,andit diesandin those dayswasus for fires. "THE WORD OF TFIELORD ABIDES FOREVER.'' So we find we must returnto the word, which camefrom God, which will lastfor ever,which is timeless,which waswritten accordingto 2 PeterchapterI verseZl,by "menmovedby the Holy Spirit spokefrom God." Thatword is the Bible which showsus how the lst. century churchworshipandhow Christianslived their lives. Thereactionto the Bible hasvariedsenseit waswritten. Some hatedit andsomestill do. Somewereindifferentand somestill are, Soulslost. Somelovedit andtried to live by its teachingsaswe do and believethe Bible is the devineguidewheremancanfind the truth. Some paidwith their lives for the hatredotherhadfor it and if you readsomeof the periodicalswritten from othercountriestherearesomewho still die becausemanyin todaysworld, still hateit. Are we teaching?TheBible is God'sword, JohnchapterI verseI "In the beginningwasthe Word, andthe Word waswith God,andthe Word wasGod." Are we teaching?TheBible revealsto man,GodHimself,the Creator,Genesischapter1 versel, "In the beginningGod created" 4 TheBible revealsGodto be the Giver of all that is goodto all who askHim, Matthewchapter7 verse11. Are we teaching?TheBible revealsthat JesusChristis the sonof God. Matthew chapter3 whereJesuswent to Johnthe Baptiststo be baptized,and after being baptized,"Jesuswent up immediatelyfrom the water;andbehold,the heavenswereopened,andhe sawthe Spirit of God asa dove,and cominguponHim, andbehold,a voiceout of descending the heavens,saying,"This is My belovedSon,in whom I amwellpleased." The Bible revealsthe will of Godto men,for aswe heardfrom John chapter1 verse1, "the Word wasGod" Let us look at the Churchon that first day; listen to Acts chapter2 verse44, 'And all thosewho hadbelievedweretogether,andhadall thingsin common;" God'sfamily carriesout God'swill best,whenthey work together. of thosewho believed Acts chapter4 verse32, " Andthe congregation wereof oneheartandsoul;" Guy Woodsin an xticle entitledThe Churchof TheBible, wrote, "The Churchis a fellowshipof believers,directedby Christ,governed solelyby His will asevidencedin the New Testament. He went on to writeo" it hasno creedbut Christ, no rule of faith and practicebut the New Testament,no organizationsavethat which the Lord Himselfordained." What was it that Jesustold the elevenwhen He spokewith them after He had arisenandtheypassedon to thosetheybaptizedlater. Listento 5 Mark chapterl6 verse15,"Go into all theworld andpreachthe gospelto all creation.""TheGospel,""TheGoodNews,"the teachingofthe life of Jesus,His death,resection.Are we teaching"TheGoodNews" Ifwe in the Churchof Christ,in this century,in this time in the life of the world that God createdfor man,will returnto the "GoodNews"the teachingandlife of Jesus,the basicof the word, the patternof salvation, setforth in the Lords book, the Churchwill live and grow in the truth. Let us think on the basicof God'sword. Are we teaching?Thevirgin birth of Christ.Are we teachingHis way Are we teachingHe is settingat the of life, His deathandresurrection. right handofthe Fatherandwill judge everyonewhenhe returns.Are we teachingthat only thosewho follow Him andthe Fatherscommandswill go to heavenandthosewho die in sin will go to hell ? Are we teaching?Thatthosewho know us, seeChristiansby the examplewe setandjudge all Christiansby our lives ? My friendsin this way we areour brotherskeeper. Are we teachingsin?I Johnchapter3 verse4, "Everyonewho andsin is lawlessness." practicessin alsopracticeslawlessness; Listento God'sword, I Corinthianschapter6 verse9 artd10, " Or do you not know that the unrighteousshall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;neitherforyicators,nor idolaters,nor adulterers,nor 10no, thieves,northe covetous,nor effeminate,nor homosexuals, drunkards,nor revelers,nor swindlers,shallinheritthe kingdomof God. Are we teaching?How God institutedmarriagein Genesis? Are we teachingwhat Christsaidaboutdivorcein Matthewchapterl9 verse9, 6 "And I sayto you, whoeverdivorceshis wife, exceptfor immorality,and marriesanotherwomancommitsadultery." We could go on foreveron teachingsin, I havebeenworking for sometime on an attemptto cut a sennonon sin downto 20 minutes. JamesEashterstatedin his book,The Storyof Jesus,"Sin against God is merelythe expressionof lack of loveto God. Sin againstmanis the expressionof lack of loveto man." I askthat you think uponthis. Doesnot all sin showa lack of love. Thenwe havethe problemofteachingwe hearof in, I Timothy knowing chapter2 verse23,"Butrefusefoolish andignorantspeculations, that they producequarrels."What everhappenedto the phraseI heardso manytimesbackin the 1950's,"spe where the Bible is silent." Let us go on to the teachingsof "WhatmustI do to be saved",as printedin manyof the Churchof Christbulletinseachfirst dayofthe week. Are we teachingonemustHearthe GosFel,Romanschapterl0 verse 17, "So faithcomesfrom hearing,andhearingby the word of Christ." Did you notice,faith comesaboutby whatyou hear,this is whatPaul mentin Romanschapter1 verse16, "For I am not ashamedof the gospel, for it is the powerof God for salvationto everyonewho believes,"Paul's message wasthe gospelof Christ,the "GoodNews" Johnchapter3 versel6, Are we teachingonemustBelievein.Tesus, "For God so lovedthe world, that He gaveHis only begottenSon,that whoeverbelievesin Him shouldnot perish,but haveeternallife" 7 To reallybelievethat JesusChristis the sonof God andhold that belief,we mustput our trust in Him andhavecompleteconfidencein that, following Him aloneis our way to salvation. Are we teachingMatthewchapter9 verse6,that Jesuswasgiven authorityto forgivesin, andin Matthewchapter28 verse18,andLuke chapter5 verse24. In all theseversesJesustells you He hasauthorityto forgivesin. Rememberit is written,God said"this is My belovedSon." Are we teachingonemustrepent,Acts chapter2 verse38, "And Petersaidto them,"Repent,andlet eachof you be baptizedin the nameof JesusChristfor the forgivenessof your sins;andyou shallreceivethe gift ofthe Holy Spirit." Mark chapter1 verse15 Jesusis speaking,"Thetime is fulfilled, and thekingdomof Godis at hand;repentandbelievein the gospel." In Acts 2l verses28 through31, Jesus,tells of the manwho hadtwo sonandaskedthe first sonto go andwork in the vineyardandhe saidhe would anddid not. He askedthe secondsonandhe said." I will not" then we read,in thewordsof Jesus," yetheafterwardregrettedit andwe.tt.31 "Whichof thetwo did thewill of his father?" Are we teachingwhatrepentance means,onemusthavea changeof mind, a changeof way. Webster'sstates:"to feel sorryfor a pasterror,sin, omission,etc. To feel suchregretover somepastaction,intention,etc.as to changeone'smind." Thatmeansoneis not to do it again,period. is a changeofwill andwith it is a C. R. Nicholswrote "Repentance deepconvictionof sorrow,which bringsabouta reformationof life, or tuming from sin - evil - anddoingright." 8 Are we teaching?OnemustConfessthe Nameof Christ,Romans chapter10 verses9 & I0, "that if you confesswith your mouthJesusas in your heartthat God raisedHim from the dead,you Lord,' andbelievq 1 A shallbe saved;tt for with the heartmanbelieves,resultingin resultingin salvation." righteousness, andwith the mouthhe confesses, Jesusin Matthewchapter10 verse32 & 33 stated,"Everyone thereforewho shallconfessMe beforemen,I will alsoconfesshim before My Fatherwho is in heaven.JJ "But whoevershalldenyMe beforemen, I will alsodenyhim beforeMy Fatherwho is in heaven." that JesusChristis the sonof God as To confessis to acknowledge Peterdid in Matthewchapter16 verse16whenaskedby Jesus,"Who do they sayI am." "And SimonPeteransweredandsaid,"Thou artthe Christ,the Sonofthe living God." Are we teachingonemustbe baptized,Matthewchapter28 verse19, "Go thereforeandmakedisciplesof all the nations,baptizingthemin the nameofthe Fatherandthe Sonandthe Holy Spirit," This is onescoflrmitmentto following the commandsof the Father and submissionto the way of Christ. Rememberthe word of God from Acts chapter2 verse38, ''And Petersaidto them,"Repent,andlet eachof you be baptizedin the nameof JesusChrist for the forgivenessof your sins;" "for the forgivenessof your sins;" Not for any othermanmade reason,not asan afterthoughtassomenow believe,baptismis a commandfrom God as setforth in His Book. As we heardfrom brotherExum in his sennonon January11. Paul knew that evenafter fastingand prayrngfor days,eventhoughhe believed 9 in JesusChrist, eventhoughhe knew he had beenwrong abouthis previousways,he hadto be baptized"for forgivenessof his sins." that will I Peterchapter3 verse21, tells you ofthe transformation needto takeplaceto follow God'scommandsneededto reachheaven, "And correspondingto that,baptismnow savesyou--not the removalof din from the flesh,but an appealto God for a goodconscience--through the resurrectionof JesusChrist." Are we teachingonemustLive a RighteousLife, I Peterchapter2 verce24,"andHe Himselfboreour sinsin His body on the cross,that we might die to sin andlive to righteousness; " Heremy friendswe find is an importantreasonto go backto basic. We haveherewhatBill Brown usedto call "bringthemin the front door andloosingthemout the backdoor. Why? Becausewe arenot doing as Jesustold His disciplesin Matthewchapter28 verse20 to do. "teaching you; andlo, I amwith you always, themto observeall that I commanded evento the endofthe age." Give themthe knowledge,teachthemthe stepsto salvation. When they takethosesteps,whenthey obeyand arebaptized,don't leavethem therestandingwet. They still needhelp from the matureChristian teachers.Theystill needmoreknowledgeofthe word to facethe sinsof the world. They needthe knowledgeto remainin the truth, to remain steadfastthroughouttheir lives. For we find asPeterstates,that knowledgewill bring graceandpeace and muchmore. In 2 Peterchapter1, startingin verse2, "Graceandpeacebe multipliedto you in the knowledgeof God andof Jesusour Lord;" , I0 "throughthe true knowledgeof Him who calledus by His own glory and excellence. Thenverse4 he tells whatknowledgewill do, "For by theseHe has grantedto us His preciousandmagnificentpromises,andinyour andin knowledge,self-control,andinyour sellcontrol, perseverance, godliness;- andinyour godliness,brotherlykindness, your perseverance, andtnyour brotherlykindness,love.- For if thesequalitiesareyoursand are increasing,they renderyou neitheruselessnor unfruitful in the true knowledgeof our Lord JesusChrist." In verse9 &,10we find, "For he who lacksthesequalitiesis blind or short-sighted,having forgottenhis purification from his former sins. Therefore,brethren,be all the more diligent to makecertainaboutHis callingandchoosingyou;" Herewe havea list of what the knowledgeof the Fatherandhis Son, Jesus,our Saviorcanbring to all, the matureandthe young,in the Lord. Grace,peace,"Everythingpertainingto life andGodliness"asstatedin verse3. Thenin verse10we find, "for aslong asyou practicethesethings, you will neverstumble;" It hasbeensaid,that aslong asmanis on earththerewill be sin. As long asmansinsthe truth of God'sword will hit thembetweenthe eyes. The truth will revealto manwhat he really is. Man needsthe truth, not whathe wantsto hear. Not the soft sideof life. Not oncesaved,alwayssave.He needsto know sin is sin. That thereis afiery hell, That sin will leadto hell. He needsto know that man mustwork out his own salvation.He needsto know that God did not ]I promisemanarosegardenhereon earth,therewill be trials andproblems, but God is therefor thosewho follow His Son,who died for the sinsof man. Man needsto hearandknow the basicof the truth. Man needsto know that the dayof Jesus'retumwill come,that day ofjudgement. Yes,thereareunbelievers,we weretold therewould be in2Peter chapter3 verses3 and4, " Know this first of all, that in the last daysmockerswill comewith their mocking,following aftertheir own lusts,a andsaying,"'Whereis the promiseof His coming?" Jesuswill return,but God is patient,aswe readin 2Peterchapter3 verses9 and 10, "TheLord is not slow aboutHis promise,assomecount slowness,but is patienttory4rdyou, not wishingfor anyto perishbut for IU But the dayofthe Lord will comelike a all to cometo repentance. thief, in which the heavenswill passawaywith a roar andthe elements will be destroyedwith intenseheat,andthe earthand its works will be burnedup." Are we teaching?Only He knowsthat day,somanneedsto know that oneshouldnot try the Lordspatients. Brothersandsistersif you takeonething from this lesionlet it be the lastthreewordsfrom the reading,"fulfillyour ministry." If you areheretodayandhavethe desireto follow the Savior,to takethosestepsyou haveheardto dayto live that life of dedication, the righteouslife, todayis a goodday. If you areheretodayandhave a problemaffectingyou Christianlife andwould like prayerssentup to God from your fellow Christian,thereis not oneherewho will not willingly standbyyour sideandpraywith you. Pleasecome forward,let your desiresbe known,aswe standandsing