2015 Bursary Awards Program - Municipal Engineers Association

Municipal Engineers Association
1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22
Oakville, ON L6J 0B2
Tel: (289) 291-6472
Fax: (289) 291-6477
2015 Bursary Awards Program
A. Purpose
B. Eligibility
C. Entry Requirements
D. Selection Committee and Awards Criteria
E. Nomination/Application Form
A. Purpose
The MEA wishes to connect with prospective university engineering students to give them a
sense of belonging to a respected discipline within the long standing engineering profession. To
this end, the MEA is providing financial assistance to encourage secondary school students to
pursue a career in municipal engineering. In promoting the training and education of
undergraduate engineers, the Association will provide bursaries to persons proposing to attend
any Ontario or Canadian university (or equivalent) in an undergraduate engineering degree
B. Eligibility
This award is open to all children and/or dependents of current, full-time, municipal
employees and elected municipal Councilors in Ontario. Full time “part time” employees
who work at least 24 hours per week, are also eligible if they qualify for OMERS pension
and benefits.
Must be an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen.
Student must be in the process of completing a secondary school program in Ontario and be
eligible for graduation in the year of application.
Student must have been accepted and commit to entering into an undergraduate
engineering program at an Ontario or Canadian University (or equivalent) as a full-time
Interest in, and contribution to, their community through active participation in extracurricular
activities at their school and/or in civic organizations.
Intend to pursue a career related to municipal engineering or public works as indicated or
demonstrated through any applicable work experience and/or activities.
The awards are non-renewable and non-transferable.
C. Entry Requirements
Application for the MEA Bursary must be made by means of the Entry Form (see
Each Application Form must be completed in full and signed by the Applicant and the
Municipal Employee Parent or Guardian.
Candidates must complete an application to the Municipal Engineers Association which
includes the student's secondary school transcript; their curriculum vitae (which must include
details of extracurricular activities and contributions to the community) ; and a 500 word
essay on a topic of public interest related to municipal engineering or public works. This
submission, in pdf format, should be sent electronically to info@municipalengineers.on.ca
before April 4th 2015. The application form is available to be filled in on line at
Each Application must include a copy of the University Offer of Admission Letter and/or any
other supporting documents confirming enrolment/acceptance at an Ontario University (or
equivalent) and their response to enter into an undergraduate engineering program as a fulltime student (if this is not available at the time of submission, the application can proceed,
but it must be provided prior to actual award of the MEA bursary cheque).
D. Selection Committee and Awards Criteria
Applications will be assessed on the following general criteria:
A Selection Committee will be appointed by members of the Municipal Engineers
Association, and will include a minimum of two (2) members of the current Board of
Directors of the Association.
Applications will be judged using a scoring system that is based on the completeness of the
application (10%), creativity and logic of the essay (20%), rationale of why you want to be an
engineer and any applicable work experience (25%), community and extracurricular
activities (15%), financial need (10%), and general presentation of the application (20%).
This will be evaluated from the following:
1. Review of secondary school transcripts of academic achievement.
2. Evaluation of the 500-word essay based on the Applicant's interest in, knowledge of and
future goals pertaining to municipal engineering or public works as a career, together
with extra-curricular activities and any applicable work experience.
3. Any letters of introduction, reference, and/or recommendations included from secondary
school teaching staff or other testimonials from community groups.
4. Curriculum vitae or Resume including descriptions of work experience
Final selection is made on an equal opportunity basis for children/dependents of municipal
employees and municipal elected representatives.
The decision of the Association with respect to the bursary awards shall be final.
Applications will not be returned, they become property of MEA. MEA retains the rights to
publish any essay submitted.
We thank all students for their application but only those selected by the Committee to
receive a Bursary Award will be contacted.
Bursaries will be awarded by the MEA, based on the recommendations of the Selection
Committee, to secondary school students with strong academic performance combined with
demonstrated leadership and involvement in professional affairs and extracurricular
activities, committed to entering an accredited university engineering program.
Municipal Engineers Association
1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22
Oakville ON L6J 0B2
Tel: (289) 291-6472
Fax: (289) 291-6477
1. Contact Information
Student Name
Home Address/Telephone/E-mail
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian’ Municipal Employer
& Job Title
Parent/Guardian’s Municipal
Business Address/Telephone/E-mail
2. Education
Please provide us with a copy of secondary school transcript and volunteer hours form.
Letters of reference are welcome.
Post-Secondary Schools applied for
Engineering Program applied for
3. Why have you selected an Engineering Program?
Tell us about your interest in the selected education program and in being an engineer.
4. Special Interests
Summarize any special interests you have acquired from employment, volunteer work, or
through other activities, including hobbies or sports.
5. Why should you receive this Bursary?
Summarize your interest in this bursary.
6. Essay Submission
Please indicate your essay topic and attach a copy of your essay to this Application.
7. Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I
understand that if I am accepted for this bursary, any false statements, omissions, or other
misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in withdrawal of the bursary.
Student Name (printed)
Applicant Signature / Date
Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
NOTE: If you have any questions , please feel free to call or email to the contact below
John Simmonds, P. Eng. FEC
Executive Director
Municipal Engineers Association
249 358 0453
Municipal Engineers Association
1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22
Oakville, ON L6J 0B2
Tel: (289) 291-6472
Fax: (289) 291-6477
The Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) is a non-profit professional association
representing the interests of municipal engineering through engineering and public works
employees serving Ontario Municipalities. MEA has created an award to recognize the
technical excellence of entry-level engineering students as well as their community involvement
and their strong communication skills.
Up to ten (10) awards of $1,500 will be made to secondary school
students across Ontario on behalf of the Municipal Engineers
Candidates must make written application by Entry Form, including curriculum vitae, to the MEA
demonstrating their eligibility for the bursary and stating the reasons that they should be
Candidates must be in their final year of a secondary school program.
Candidates must have been granted conditional acceptance at a Canadian University in an
engineering program and will be required to show proof of entering that program.
Interest in, and contribution to, their community through active participation in extracurricular activities on campus and/or in civic organizations;
The student is to make their submission to the Municipal Engineers Association by
April 1, 2015 and;
As part of the application, the Municipal Engineers Association requires the student to
submit a 500-word essay on an engineering-related topic.
All applicants must be children and/or dependents of current, full-time municipal employees
in Ontario.
For more information, contact the Municipal Engineering Association at