Agilent Technologies Diode Modeling Strategy From DC -> CV -> Spar -> Spectrum Agilent Technologies 1 forward What we are going to model: reverse DC forward DC reverse ... a real, measured diode which cannot be modeled with a simple SPICE diode model ... CV S-Parameter Spectrum Agilent Technologies 2 Introducing the SPICE Diode DC model RS BV IBV slope ~ 1/N IS Agilent Technologies Unfortunately, this is not the reality !!! 3 Therefore, we will use a sub-circuit for modeling the diode, consisting of several diode *LEGO* pieces Agilent Technologies 4 DC forward Parameter Extraction Agilent Technologies 5 applied to a diode DC characteristic: higher current at a given vD means a parallel diode RS AI N DMAIN DM DLOW OW L D ΔI vD Agilent Technologies 6 ... and a higher voltage at a given iD means a series diode RS ΔV DSAT RS iD DM AI N DMAIN AT S D Agilent Technologies 7 Developing the customized DC forward Model stepping from low to high voltage bias, a real diode exhibits a 1. DL OW DMAIN T 4. RS 2. D DSAT DLOW 3 MA IN RS SA .D ideal diode model: ⎡ ⎛ ia ⎞ ⎤ ia ( v a ) = IS ⋅ ⎢ exp ⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎝ vt ⋅ N ⎠ ⎦ ⎣ -> -> -> -> recombination range MAIN diode range transition to ohmic ohmic range Agilent Technologies 8 This leads to the "DC forward" subcircuit -> The subcircuit is based on the measurements. .SUBCKT LED 1=A 2=C *forward bias modeling RS 1 11 1m DSAT DMAIN DLOW *model .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL 11 12 12 2 12 2 cards DLOW DMAIN DSAT DSAT DMAIN DLOW D D D IS=1E-20 IS=1E-27 IS=.01 -> The extraction strategy follows out of that. -> The parameters of the 3 diodes are extracted from the individual diode sub-range N=3 N=1 N=.7 1 .ENDS 11 12 2 Agilent Technologies 9 DC Forward Modeling step-by-step recombination diode modeled serial diode modeled MAIN diode modeled series resistor modeled Agilent Technologies 10 DC reverse Modeling ohm in negative biased mode from low to high current, our diode exhibits a -> MAIN diode range, -> transition to ohmic, -> ohmic range ic M N AI Agilent Technologies 11 This enhances the subcircuit further to: .SUBCKT LED 1=A 2=C *forward bias modeling RS 1 11 1m DSAT 11 12 DSAT DMAIN 12 2 DMAIN DLOW 12 2 DLOW 1 cards DLOW DMAIN DSAT DREV D D D D IS=1E-20 IS=1E-27 IS=.01 IS=1E-15 12 2 21 *reverse bias modeling DREV 2 21 DREV RSREV 21 1 1m *model .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL 11 N=3 N=3 N=.7 N=5 corresponding to the measurements, the subcircuit i.e. THE MODEL is enhanced and the model parameters are extracted. .ENDS Agilent Technologies 12 DC reverse Parameter Extraction Agilent Technologies 13 DC Reverse Modeling step-by-step reverse MAIN diode modeled (pA range ignored, meas.resolution!) reverse series resistor modeled Agilent Technologies 14 Cac ( v ac ) = CV Modeling CJO C JO ⎛⎜ 1 − ⎝ v ac VJ ⎞⎟ ⎠ M Parameter CJO corresponds to CV(Vac=0V). M models the CV slope in the OFF state M VJ models the CV slope in the ON state VJ Agilent Technologies 15 Junction Capacitance Formula Cs (pF) LCRZ meter 1.6p For vD < FC * VJ there is : Cj C s (vD ) = Mj v ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 1 − VD ⎟ j ⎠ ⎝ and else : 1.2p slope: MJ 0.8p CJ -3 ⎡ vD ⎤ Cs ( v D ) = * 1 − FC * (1 + MJ ) + MJ * ⎥ ( 1+MJ ) ⎢ V (1 − FC ) J⎦ ⎣ -1 0 1 vD (V) CJ FC*VJ VJ Agilent Technologies 16 Linearizing the CV formula (for vD < FC*VJ): CV curve Cs = CJ ⎛ v ⎞ ⎜⎜1 − D ⎟⎟ VJ ⎠ ⎝ MJ (1) A logarithmic conversion of equation (1) yields ln(Cs) = ln(CJ) - MJ ln[1 - vD / VJ ] (2) This equation can be linearized following ylin = b + m xlin when substituting: ylin = ln(Cs) b = ln(CJ) m = - MJ Agilent Technologies xlin = ln[1 - vD / VJ] (3) (4a) (4b) (4c) (4d) 17 This enhances the subcircuit further to: .SUBCKT LED 1=A 2=C *forward bias modeling RS 1 11 1m DSAT 11 12 DSAT DMAIN 12 2 DMAIN DLOW 12 2 DLOW 1 cards DLOW DMAIN DSAT DREV D D D D 2 12 21 *reverse bias modeling DREV 2 21 DREV RSREV 21 1 1m *model .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL 11 IS=1E-20 IS=1E-27 IS=.01 IS=1E-15 N=3 N=3 N=.7 N=5 CJO=1f CJO=1m M=.4 VJ=2 FC=.5 .ENDS Agilent Technologies QUIZ: explain why a DSAT.CJO=1m is required !!! 18 CV Parameter Extraction Agilent Technologies 19 CV Modeling step-by-step Click a box around those meas. data which are below the expected FC*VJ. This is typically a ‘vac‘ which corresponds to a ‘cac.m‘ not bigger than 2-3 times CJO (y-axis intersect of ‘cac.m‘), and execute Transform ‘br_CJO_VJ_M‘. Agilent Technologies 20 - the starting points are determined by the DC fitting S-parameter Modeling - the traces vs. frequency are determined by the capacitance freq vd -> usually, only fine-tuning is required for the DC and CV (not loosing DC and CV accuracy of course !!) Agilent Technologies QUIZ: -> where is the locus curve for neg.DC bias ? -> what explains the shift of the curves starting points to the right ? 21 S-Parameter DC-Off Modeling The parasitic Anode-Ground and Cathode-Ground capacitors show up and will be modeled, together with their tan-delta losses (RA0, RC0). Agilent Technologies 22 The Off-State S-parameters have been converted to Y-pars, and the paras. caps CC0 and CA0 are fitted CC0 CA0 CAC NOTE: CAC was modeled in the CV-modeling section, at 1MHz. Therefore, it matches nicely (at low freq.). The C(freq) curve from S-pars, however, exhibits an increase of Agilent Technologies capacitance vs. freq. This is an indicatation for the presence of a series inductor (see S-par On-State-modeling in the next slides). 23 The capacitor losses (RA0 and RC0) are fitted too, from S->Y converted S-params Agilent Technologies 24 S-Parameter DC-On Modeling The diode Transit Time and Series Inductor (Package) show up and will be modeled. Agilent Technologies The screenshot above: see the Transform README in Setup ‘Spar_mdlg/off_state‘ 25 Converting S-parameters to CV plots: The influence of the diode transit time TT to the CV curve TT=1p Diffusion Capacitance: CD = TT * gD with gD = ∂ iD ∂ vD TT=0 Agilent Technologies VJ Quiz: what causes the CV curve to collapse at pos. DC bias ? 26 influence of diode conductivity on CV curve the parallel diode conductance 'kills' the capacitance RS rdiode CV Agilent Technologies 27 The influence of the diode transit time TT to S-parameters TT=0 TT=0 TT=1p TT=1p Agilent Technologies DISCUSSION: -> TT shifts Sxx and Sxy for medium DC bias 28 This enhances the diode subcircuit further to: .SUBCKT LED 1=A 2=C *forward bias modeling RS 1 11 1m DSAT 11 12 DSAT DMAIN 12 2 DMAIN DLOW 12 2 DLOW 1 11 *reverse bias modeling DREV 2 21 DREV RSREV 21 1 1m *model .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL cards DLOW DMAIN DSAT DREV D D D D IS=1E-20 IS=1E-27 IS=.01 IS=1E-15 2 12 21 N=3 N=3 CJO=1f N=.7 CJO=1m N=5 M=.4 VJ=2 FC=.5 TT=1p .ENDS Agilent Technologies 29 Package Modeling - the additional phase shift stems from the package series inductance freq LS vd freq Agilent Technologies blue: without LS red: including LS LS 30 This gives the final DC-CV-Spar-Modeling subcircuit: .SUBCKT LED 1=A 2=C LS 1 10 1p *forward bias modeling RS 10 11 1m DSAT 11 12 DSAT DMAIN 12 2 DMAIN DLOW 12 2 DLOW 1 11 10 *reverse bias modeling DREV 2 21 DREV RSREV 21 10 1m *model .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL .MODEL cards DLOW DMAIN DSAT DREV D D D D IS=1E-20 IS=1E-27 IS=.01 IS=1E-15 2 12 21 N=3 N=3 N=.7 N=5 CJO=1f CJO=1m M=.4 VJ=2 FC=.5 TT=1p .ENDS Agilent Technologies 31 Large-Signal RF Modeling fine-tuning the model by spectrum modeling • Measurement setup for harmonic distortion (HD) characteristics (fundamental, 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonics) for the PIN diodes • in the ON state (ID= 10mA), the power levels are swept between -20dBm and +20dBm • same power levels for the HD characteristics in OFF state (VD= -3V to 0V). DC Source Controller Diode Synthesized Source PA Agilent Technologies Bias ‘T’ Bias ‘T’ ZS Spectrum Analyzer ZL 50Ω matching to be checked carefully 32 OFF State Spectrum Modeling @ -1.5V -20dBm .. 20dBm power range CJO Agilent Technologies M CJO models the level of the fundamental M and VJ model the level of the harmonics 33 OFF-state time domain locus curve @ -1.5V -20dBm ia ia va +20dBm va Agilent Technologies 34 ON state spectrum modeling @ 0.9V -20dBm .. 20dBm power range DC params TT and LS Agilent Technologies The fundamental is modeled by the DC params TT and LS model the level of the harmonics 35 ON-state time domain locus curve @ 0.9V -20dBm +20dBm ia va va Agilent Technologies 36 THE FINAL RESULT DC – CV – Spar - LargeSignalRF: DC forward DC reverse 1 11 10 12 2 21 CV S-Parameter Spectrum Agilent Technologies 37 CONCLUSIONS With the example of a diode, a typical device modeling sequence from DC -> CV -> Spar -> Spectrum was demonstrated. Such strategies can be applied also to - all kinds of transistors - and passive components like spiral inductors varactor diodes resistors etc. Agilent Technologies The open architecture of IC-CAP, together with ADS, is an ideal tool for modeling engineers to successfully develop accurate models quickly. 38