TLT-5200/5206 COMMUNICATION THEORY, Exercise 6, Fall 2012 TLT-5200/5206 COMMUNICATION THEORY, Exercise 6, Fall 2012 Problem 1. » beta = 20/3; » J = besselj([0:15]',beta) The instantaneous frequency of an FM modulated signal varies between fmin = 99.98 MHz and fmax = 100.02 MHz when the modulating signal is a sine wave with fm = 3 kHz (assume Am = 1). J = a) The carrier frequency is in the middle in sine modulation, so fc f max f min 100.02 99.98 MHz 100 MHz 2 2 b) Carrier swing is the maximum range of instantaneous frequency, so swing f max f min 40kHz c) Frequency deviation f is the maximum deviation of instantaneous frequency from the carrier frequency fc f f max f c 100.02MHz 100MHz 20kHz d) Modulation index is given by (Am = 1) 0.2817 -0.1053 -0.3133 -0.0827 0.2389 0.3694 0.3151 0.1979 0.1005 0.0432 0.0162 0.0054 0.0016 0.0004 0.0001 0.0000 Based on the Carson's rule, peaks for n = -7…7 ( B = 46 kHz) are to be considered. The other approximation considers peaks for n = -8…8 (B = 52 kHz) to be "important". Am 1 f 20kHz 6.7 fm 3kHz n=7 e) Theoretically, the bandwidth of an FM signal is always infinite. Practical approximations for the "important" part of the spectrum are n=-8 n=8 fm B 2 f f m 220kHz 3kHz 46kHz , Carson' s rule f fC B 2 f 2 f m 220kHz 6kHz 52kHz , " low distortion" rule f) The spectrum consists of peaks at fc + nfm, n = … -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, … . The relative amplitudes of the peaks are given by the Bessel functions Jn(). Now, the modulation index = 6.7 and the values can be obtained from tables or from Matlab (next page). Remember also that J-n() = (-1)nJn(). Figure 1: Spectrum of the FM signal with modulation index = 6.7 (only positive frequencies shown). 1/6 2/6 n=-7 TLT-5200/5206 COMMUNICATION THEORY, Exercise 6, Fall 2012 Problem 2. We want to increase the frequency deviation from f = 4kHz to f' = 24kHz. This can be achieved with a frequency multiplier which multiplies the instantaneous frequency (remember f(t) = fC + fx(t) for FM). 24/4 = 6 times multiplication needed. TLT-5200/5206 COMMUNICATION THEORY, Exercise 6, Fall 2012 » beta = 3; » J = besselj([0:10]',beta) J = -0.2601 0.3391 0.4861 0.3091 0.1320 0.0430 0.0114 0.0025 0.0005 0.0001 0.0000 » beta = 0.5; » J = besselj([0:5]',beta) J = 0.9385 0.2423 0.0306 0.0026 0.0002 0.0000 This, however, increases also the center frequency to 6*5 MHz = 30 MHz 20 MHz extra frequency shift needed to make the final carrier frequency 50 Mhz (80 MHz or 20 MHz LO signal). Input signal frequency fm = 8 kHz. fm = 8 kHz B = 24 kHz Block-diagram: f0 = 5 MHz f = 4 kHz x(t) FM modulator = 0.5 f0' = 30 MHz f' = 24 kHz Instantaneous frequency multiplier, n=6 fC = 50 MHz f' = 24 kHz fm f BPF =3 f0 =3 B (Carson) LO signal (80 or 20 MHz) Figure 2: Block-diagram for processing the signal. The modulation index is = Amf/fm, so = 4/8 = 0.5 before the instantaneous frequency multiplier = 24/8 = 3 after the instantaneous frequency multiplier Figure 3: FM spectrum before instantaneous frequency multiplier (only positive frequencies shown). fm = 8 kHz B = 64 kHz f 0' f fm According to the Carson's rule (of thumb), the bandwidth B of the signal is B = 2(f + fm) meaning that B = 2(4 kHz + 8kHz) = 24 kHz before and B = 2(24 kHz + 8kHz) = 64 kHz after the instantaneous frequency multiplier. Figure 4: FM spectrum after instantaneous frequency multiplier (only positive frequencies shown). 3/6 4/6 B (Carson) TLT-5200/5206 COMMUNICATION THEORY, Exercise 6, Fall 2012 TLT-5200/5206 COMMUNICATION THEORY, Exercise 6, Fall 2012 Problem 3. Relative power in 2nmax +1 frequency components around center frequency The starting point in analyzing FM systems with tone modulation is always the series expansion xc (t ) Ac cos c t (t ) 1 0.8 ... Ac J n ( ) cos c n m t. 0.6 n Based on the first line, the power of the modulated signal xc(t) is always Ac2/2 in exponential modulations, so 0.4 0.2 J n ( )2 1. n 0 This means that the power in some band W relative to the total power is given by the sum of squares of Jn() over the given bandwidth W. Now, = 2 and we can use Matlab again for calculations. The given band WFM (see the problem sheet) includes the peaks for n = -2 … 2. We can also utilize the fact that J-n() = (-1)nJn() , so J-n()2 = Jn()2. » beta = 2; » J = besselj([0:1000]',beta); » Ptot = 2*sum(J(2:1001).^2) + J(1)^2; Ptot = 1.00000 » P1 = 2*sum(J(2:3).^2) + J(1)^2; » relative = 100*P1/Ptot relative = 96.4334 So approximately 96.4 % of the total power is located at the given bandwidth. 5/6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nmax Figure 5: Relative power as a function of spectral components included around the center frequency (n = -nmax…nmax). Modulation index = 2. The Carson's rule for the bandwidth gives in this case B = 2(+ 1)fm = 6fm ( nmax = 3 ) whereas the “low-distortion criterion” (this one was emphasized on lectures) gives B = 2(+ 2)fm = 8fm ( nmax = 4 ). With these values, the relative powers are 99.7587 % and 99.9898 %, respectively. 6/6