Mayo Education Centre January/February 2016 Title Date LearnStorm Khan Academy Wednesday th 20 January Time 6pm Venue Facilitator Mayo Education Centre Facilitator: Michael Lynagh (SP-16-01) Mayo Education Centre Wellbeing Workshop Wednesday rd 3 February For Parents 7pm (SP-16-02) Keeping our Young People Safe on the Internet For Teachers & Parents Tuesday th 9 February 7pm Facilitator: Ciara Delaney Wellbeing Advisor Mayo Education Centre Facilitator: Caroline Sweeney (SP-16-03) Supporting Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Wednesday th 10 February 7pm Mayo Education Centre Facilitator: Dr. Michele Dunleavy For Teachers, Parents & SNA’s (SP-16-04) Health & Wellbeing for Teaching Principals Thursday th 11 February 4.30pm to 7pm Mayo Education Centre (SP-16-05) Facilitators: Nuala Taaffe & Lisa Noone (PDST Advisors) BoardMaker Workshop Mayo Education Centre For Teachers & SNA’s (SP-16-06) Thursday th 11 February 7.30pm Facilitator: Dr. Michele Dunleavy Details This workshop in association with Learnstorm 2016, is an opportunity to gain information on the use of Khan Academy in the classroom and specifically on competing in Learnstorm 2016, which is a free nine week Maths challenge catering for children from Fourth Class to Fifth Year (previously known as Mathletes). From 29th January to 1st April 2016, students from 4th class to 5th year master maths skills to earn rewards for themselves and their school. LearnStorm gives every student a way to succeed, no matter their level. This workshop explains how to get involved and how to register your class and use Khan Academy in your classroom. Please feel free to bring a laptop with you. This workshop in association with the Family Centre explores strategies that aim to support parents in maintaining and enhancing their wellbeing. Topics explored include stress-reduction techniques for physical and mental health, positive psychology, mindfulness, meditation and movement. Young people have a natural interest in using modern technologies. These technologies can be very beneficial when used properly however there are some dangers too. As teachers and parents we have an enormous responsibility to ensure that our young people are aware of some basic safety precautions to keep themselves safe and to protect against cyber-bullying. This talk which is organised in association with the Family Centre will highlight simple ways to help keep our children safe online. This course in association with the Family Centre, Castlebar will assist teachers and parents to work collaboratively to provide effective support for pupils with ASD by: • Giving an overview of ASD and strategies that can be employed to develop the pupil’s independence. • Developing the provision of support to enable teachers and parents to ensure that pupils with ASD have access to the curriculum. • Create an environment whereby teachers and parents can gain an insight into how both groups can support the pupil with ASD. • Sharing ideas on available resources to support pupils with ASD. The facilitator, Dr. Michele Dunleavy has many years experience working with pupils with special educational needs, in particular ASD. Michele has also designed and delivered various courses on special needs at third level as well as working with primary and post-primary teachers. This workshop aims to provide practical tools and strategies which will support Teaching Principals in their role as school leaders. It will incorporate ideas on how best to manage themselves in an increasingly challenging work environment, while balancing this with the primary function of providing quality teaching and learning in the classroom. It will offer practical advice on: time management, prioritizing, protecting the integrity of the school day, staff management, distributing responsibility and setting boundaries. This practical workshop will provide an overview of Boardmaker for use throughout the school. With over 4,500 pictures, this is a useful piece of software for making visual supports for children with special educational needs. In addition to pictures, boardmaker can incorporate photographs of the child and or his/her environment. Participants will leave this workshop with practical ideas for the use of visual supports in their classroom and throughout their school. The above courses may fulfill part of your school’s Croke Park Agreement. Courses are FREE and are available on a first come, first served basis. Travel Expenses will be paid to teachers in accordance with the Department of Education and Skills regulations. It is very important that you contact us if you have any special requirements regarding mobility or special needs. To Book a place on any of the above courses, log onto Mayo Education Centre’s website at THE MAYO EDUCATION CENTRE WISHES TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE FUNDING PROVIDED BY THE TEACHER EDUCATION SECTION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SKILLS WITH ASSISTANCE FROM THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN