Improving the Regulation of Multi-Output Flyback Converters C. Mullett F. Cathell ON Semiconductor 732 Montclair Drive Santa Paula, CA 93060 ON Semiconductor 7402 W. Detroit St., Suite 140 Chandler, AZ 85226 Abstract---Flyback switched-mode converters are among the most popular in the low-power range, due to their simplicity and low cost. They are especially popular in multi-output applications, due to the low parts count---one diode and capacitor per output. They would be even more popular if the output regulation were better. This paper reviews the common techniques to tighten the output regulation, and summarizes the measurements of performance of each, to aid the designer in making accurate choices from the available approaches. [1] Finally, a four-output design example is built and tested. drops across the diodes. Taking into account the diodes, we have Vout1 = ( n ) (Vout 2 + Vd 2 ) − Vd 1 m (1) I. INTRODUCTION Flyback converters store energy in the transformer during the conduction time of the primary switch, then deliver that stored energy to the secondary circuits after the primary switch is turned off. Because the energy storage occurs in the transformer, there is no need for energy-storage inductors in the secondary circuits as in the usual buck-derived topologies such as forward converters, half- and full-bridge converters, etc. This results in very simple secondary circuits---one diode and filter capacitor for each output---making the flyback a very popular choice for multi-output power supplies. This paper provides insight into various ways to improve the regulation of these multiple outputs and includes the results of tests on the basic schemes. II. THE BASIC CIRCUIT Figure 1 shows a typical two-output off-line flyback, in which output 2 is chosen is the master, leaving output 1 quasiregulated. Output 2 is well-regulated, but output 1 is affected by the load on output 2, and also has poor regulation at light load. The mechanism for this behavior is the coupling between the secondary windings of the transformer. The voltage across the secondary of output 2 is determined by the desired output voltage, Vout2, since the PWM controller on the primary side will adjust the pulse width to deliver the required output, and the voltage on the m-turn winding that feeds output 2 will be clamped at Vout + Vd, where Vd is the forward voltage drop of the rectifier diode feeding output 2. the turns ratio, n/m, of the other secondary winding will determine the output voltage of the other output, Vout1. Taking into account the voltage drop of the diodes, the output voltage on output 1 will be approximately (n/m)•Vout2, neglecting the voltage 978-1-422-2812-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE Figure 1. Dual-output off-line flyback converter. The equations for the output voltages as a function of the input voltage, Vin, as shown on the figure, assume continuous conduction of the transformer, where D is the duty ratio of the primary switch and D’ is the complement, 1-D. Two facts can be inferred from Equation 1. First, Vout1 depends on both Vd1 and Vd2, and second, the relative contributions of the two diode drops are affected by the turns ratio, n/m. However, even if n = m, the diodes would not compensate each other due to mismatch of the diodes and the fact that the two loads, R1 and R2 are usually unequal. Also, the two secondary windings are not perfectly coupled, and this leads to a load-dependent inaccuracy of the ratio of voltages between the two windings. The usual remedies for these shortcomings are to tightly couple the two windings by interleaving or bifilar winding construction, and sometimes to alter the turns ration on the windings to compensate for the diodes. III. STACKED WINDINGS Perhaps the most popular step to improve the second output’s regulation is to stack the windings as shown in Figure 2. In this case, only the upper winding is unique to the upper output. Because the lower winding is feeding the regulated output, and the current through the lower diode is not 1923 conducting any of the upper output’s current, the voltage across the lower winding will remain well-regulated, leaving only the upper winding as quasi-regulated. A consequence of this, however, is that when the load is changed on the lower output, the voltage on the upper output will also be affected. [2, 3, 4] and the desired compromise between one output’s “tightness” compared to that of the other. V. COMBINED FEEDBACK Another technique to improve the regulation of the subordinate output, but this time with some degradation to the main output, is to combine the feedback, as shown in Figure 4. Vout 1 n Vin Load (R1) Vout 1 = m+n)D Vin D' 1 Vout 2 m PWM Controller Load (R2) Vout 2 = mD Vin D' Optocoupler R6 R3 R4 TL431 2.5 V ref. amplifier Figure 2. Stacked windings. R5 Figure 4. Combined feedback. In this configuration, Vout1 is larger than Vout2, since the two windings are stacked in “series aiding” fashion. Note, however, that it is also possible to stack them in “series subtracting” fashion by reversing the polarity of the second (n) winding. IV. STACKED OUTPUTS It is, of course, possible to combine any number of outputs into the one feedback path, and the feedback can be weighted to favor one or more outputs over the others by choosing the feedback resistors appropriately. [7] Figure 5 illustrates the process of combining two outputs into the single feedback system, with the ability to set the importance of each output via weighting the feedback network. Another method is to stack the outputs, rather than stack the windings. [5,6] Although very similar in appearance, the performance is decidedly different. As shown in Figure 3, the bottom of the upper winding is connected to the terminal of the lower output, which is precisely regulated by the feedback loop. Now upper output is virtually unaffected by changes in load on the lower output, and the regulation of the upper output is improved due to the smaller number of turns that are unregulated. This configuration is shown in Figure 3. Figure 5. Combined feedback with weighting of the two outputs. Designing the feedback network is simple, as illustrated in Figure 6 and the equations that follow. Vout 2 Vout 1 Optocoupler Figure 3. Stacked outputs. In all three of the above cases, individual load regulation and cross-regulation are different, and not one is a clear winner. The choice will depend on the ranges of loads on the outputs 978-1-422-2812-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 1924 TL431 2.5 V ref. amplifier i2 = W2 • i0 R2 i0 R0 R1 i1 = W1 • i0 Vref Figure 6. Details of the weighted feedback network. Remembering that W1 and W2 must sum to one (W1 + W2 = 1) and choosing an arbitrary value for i0, the two resistors can be determined as follows: Vout1 − Vref = i1 R1 R1 = Vout1 − Vref R2 = (2) = i1 capacitor between the unloaded winding and another that is loaded can reduce or eliminate the ringing on the unloaded output. For this to work, it is absolutely necessary that the two terminals of the capacitor are connected between two nodes that exhibit the same waveform. This requires that the two windings have the same number of turns, as shown in Figure 8. In this example, the number of turns on the upper winding (n) must equal the number of turns on the lower winding (m), hence, m = n. Vout 2 − Vref = i2 Vout1 − Vref (3) W1i0 Vout 2 − Vref (4) W2i0 With cap: Clean pulse; improved regulation at low-current load Vout 1 Vout 1 = n As an example, consider a dual-output circuit where Vout1 = 5 V and Vout2 = 12 V, and the current through R0 is chosen to be 1 mA. In this example, outputs 1 and 2 are weighted at 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. Then: R0 = R1 = R2 = Vref i0 = 2.5 = 2.5 kΩ 1 mA Vout1 − Vref W1i0 Vout 2 − Vref W2i0 = 12 − 2.5 = 31.7 kΩ 0.3 ⋅1 mA (7) R0 Vout 2 = Vout 1 = nD Vin D' R4 TL431 2.5 V ref. amplifier Vout 1 i0 TL431 2.5 V ref. amplifier Vout 2 m=n PWM Controller R3 R1 Vout n i1 = W1 • i0 R5 Figure 8. A capacitor couples two windings to reduce ringing on the unloaded winding. Optocoupler R2 1 Load (R2) There is no theoretical limit to the number of outputs that can be included in the feedback scheme. The general method for handling a total of n outputs is shown in Figure 7 and in the equations that follow: i2 = W2 • i0 Vin Optocoupler (6) Vout 2 D' Low-current load (R1 = large) Vin (5) 5 − 2.5 = 3.57 kΩ 0.7 ⋅1 mA = nD It is possible to apply the capacitor coupling technique where the two windings have unequal turns by tapping the winding that contains the greater number of turns, such that the waveform at the tap is identical to the waveform of the other winding, as shown in Figure 9. In this case, the 12 V winding would be tapped at 5/7 of its total turns, since it is actually a 7 V winding connected to the 5 V dc output. in = Wn • i0 Rn Vref Figure 7. Feedback circuit for a number (n) of outputs. remembering again that W1 + W2 + … +Wn = 1, each resistor is determined as shown in equation 8 below. Rn = Vout n − Vref Wn ⋅ i0 (8) Figure 9. Using the capacitor coupling to a tapped winding. VI. CLAMPING THE RINGING When one of the outputs becomes unloaded the waveform on the secondary exhibits a “ringing” on top of the pulse, causing the output to rise as a result of the diode “peak detecting” the signal, as shown in Figure 8. Installing a small 978-1-422-2812-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE VII. ANOTHER MULTI-OUTPUT TECHNIQUE The flyback multiple-output technique is not limited to flyback converters. In fact, the technique can be applied to 1925 buck-derived converters by adding one or more windings to the output inductor as shown in Figure 10. [8] Figure 10. Additional output formed by a flyback winding on a buck regulator’s output inductor. The circuit takes some of the energy stored in the output inductor and delivers it to a second output during the “flyback” portion of the switching period of the buck regulator. During this interval the voltage across the inductor’s main winding is simply the output voltage, Vout1, plus a diode drop, with the voltage positive at the dotted end of the winding. The same voltage, scaled by the turns ratio, appears on the added winding, and the added output, Vout2, will be the winding voltage minus the forward voltage of the added rectifier diode. Operation of this circuit is best when the inductor is in continuous conduction, because the two windings are well-coupled when the main diode is conducting. It is important to realize that continuous conduction requires that the added load current not drive the current to zero, meaning that the ampere-turns of the added winding be less that the ampere-turns of the main winding. Figure 11. Circuit for measuring the regulation of an added output. E f f e c t s of St a c k i ng a nd A ddi ng t he C a pa c i t or ( A l l a r e nor ma l i z e d t o 5 . 0 0 V a t 1 A l oa d) 7 6. 5 6 Conf i g. 1 Conf i g. 2 Conf i g. 2 wi t h Cap. 5. 5 VIII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 5 The circuit shown in Figure 11 is used to evaluate the effect of adding a second winding (output C) by either stacking the winding (configuration 1) or stacking the output (configuration 2), and also the effect of adding the coupling capacitor to configuration 2. The results are shown in the graph of Figure 12. Note that the zero-load value of output C is improved in configuration 2, even without the capacitor, due to placing the bottom of the winding of output C on the output terminal of output b, which has virtually no overshoot and ringing. Finally, adding the coupling capacitor further reduces the no-load output. Note that the capacitor could not be added to configuration 1, because it would result in a high-frequency short circuit across the winding of output C. It also requires that the two windings have equal turns (m). These techniques are not new. Stacking windings and outputs has been done throughout the history of transformerbased power supplies. It has been the purpose of this paper to remind designers of the effectiveness, especially in multioutput flyback converters as they become even more popular in modern electronic products. An example in a modern consumer product is given in Reference 6, “50 W Four-Output Internal Power Supply for Set Top Box.” The complete documentation package is available at no charge on the ON Semiconductor Web site, 978-1-422-2812-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 4. 5 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1 1. 2 Load on Out put C ( A ) Figure 12. Regulation of the added output (C) with output B held at 1 A. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 1926 C. Basso, Switch-Mode Power Supplies. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008, p. 714. “Wide Input Range DC to DC Converter, Design Note DN06007/D, ON Semiconductor, . “8 W, 3-Output Off-Line Switcher,” Design Note DN06003/D, ON Semiconductor, . “10 W, Dual Output Power Supply,” Design Note DN06020/D, ON Semiconductor, . F. Cathell, “High Efficiency Eight Output, 60 W Set Top Box Power Supply Design,” Application Note AND8252/D, ON Semiconductor, “50 W Four-Output Internal Power Supply for Set Top Box,” Reference Design Documentation Package, TND334/D, ON Semiconductor, Bassp. p.718. “1 W, Dual Output, Off-Line Converter,” Design Note DN06002/D, ON Semiconductor,