Pre pay for a crossing or Top­Up a Dart Charge Account Did you know you can register online at­charge * Information that must be provided 1. About you (For Pre­Pay only) Title First Name* Middle Name Last Name* House number and street* Town/ City* County Postcode* Country* Contact phone number* Email Address Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other 2. Vehicle details for Pre Pay only Please use this section to tell us about the vehicle you will use to make the crossing Vehicle Vehicle Registration Mark (Number plate) Make (e.g Ford) Model (e.g Focus) Colour Please select the vehicle class; Class B: Car, including trailers, motor homes, vans and buses with 9 seats or less £2.50 Class C: 2 Axle Goods, including vans £3.00 Class D: Multi Axle Goods £6.00 Please confirm that you own the vehicle(s) above or have the permission of the vehicle owner to register and receive information about their vehicle on their behalf 3. Payment details Please choose one* of the following: Pre Pay for a Journey Please ensure you have provided your vehicle and personal details above For one­off pre payments, payments are valid and may be used for crossings for up to 12 months in the future only. You may pay for a maximum of 500 crossings in advance. The charges will apply to the next crossings made using the vehicle detailed above Manually Top-Up account Dart Charge Account Number 3.1 Pay using a payment card Top up or Pre Payment Amount £* Minimum top up amount is £10 Please tick one* of the following: Visa MasterCard Amex Maestro Name on Card * Card Number * Expiry date * Valid from MM/YY CVV If you would like us to retain your vehicle and card payment details for future crossings as part of our Pay­As­You­Go service then please tick this box By signing the box below I authorise Dart Charge to charge my payment card with the amount shown in the Payment Amount box above By signing the box below you are confirming you are the cardholder and that you authorise Dart Charge to take payment. Signature * Date * DD/MM/YYYY 3.2 Payment by Cheque or Postal Order Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to Dart Charge Please enclose Cheque or Postal Order and send to; Dart Charge, PO Box 842, Leeds, LS1 9QF Value of Cheque or Postal Order Enclosed £* 4. Declaration Please read the following declaration very carefully. By signing this form, I certify that the details given on this form are to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I understand that filing a false declaration knowingly and wilfully is a criminal offence for which I may be prosecuted. By signing this form I understand that I must allow sufficient time including allowing for postal delays for this payment to be received and processed. If I do not allow adequate time then a Penalty Charge may be applied. I confirm that I have read and that I understand the above declaration Signature * Date * DD/MM/YYYY A full copy of the Dart Charge Terms and Conditions can be found on­charge or you request a copy by phone on 0300 300 0120. Finally Please send this form with your Dart Charge payment to: Dart Charge, PO Box 842, Leeds, LS1 9QF Ensure that you pay the correct postage when sending your application form to us. Sanef Operations Ltd may charge you if insufficient postage is paid. Sanef Operations Ltd may do this by deducting the amount of postage from your account credit. About Dart Charge We are the Secretary of State for Transport of Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR. The Accounts, Local Residents’ Discount Scheme, Tags and website are operated on our behalf by Sanef Operations Limited as our agent (company number 8703645, registered in England and Wales, with registered office at ST John's Offices, Albion Street, Leeds, LS2 8LQ (VAT number GB174301040).