COURSE OUTLINE Course UnitTitle Course UnitCode Typeof Course Unit Levelof Course Unit NationalCredits Number of ECTSCreditsAllocated Theoretical(hour/week) Practice(hour/week) Laboratory (hour/week) Yearof Study Semester whenthecourse unit isdelivered Course Coordinator Name of Lecturer (s) Name of Assistant(s) Technical Drawing TD 102 Compulsory Modeof Delivery 3 3 6 ECTS 4 1 1 Mustafa Alas Mustafa Alas FacetoFace; Formal Lectures Language of Instruction English Prerequisitesandco-requisites - RecommendedOptionalProgramme Components - Objectivesof theCourse: This course involves an introductory experience in technical drawing as a tool of technical communication. Primary emphases are on development of basic drafting skills, visualization and solving graphical problems. The objective of the course is to teach students the tools and techniques for making engineering drawings. By the end of the course, students should gain the practical knowledge of civil engineering design drawing ability as well as comprehending architectural, electrical and mechanical drawings. The scope of the course is in two parts, which part 1 involves introduction to basics of technical drawing skills for drawing basic geometric shapes and graphical projection techniques (Perspective and Parallel projection- Isometric and Orthographic drawings). In the second part of the course students are taught to use their gained skills in part 1 and interpret them for drawing advanced civil engineering design project. Learning Outcomes Whenthiscourse hasbeencompletedthe studentshould be ableto 1 Assessment 1 AssessmentMethods:1. WrittenExam2.Assignment3. Project/Report 4.Presentation 5. Lab.Work Course‘sContributionto Program CL 1 1 Ability to relate and apply fundamental sciences to learning the essential civil engineering concepts and theories of different branches. 2 Ability to understand the derivation of these concepts and theories by relating them to the real-life engineering cases within the related civil engineering branch. 2 Ability to define clearly and analyze the engineering problems by applying the introduced civil engineering concepts and theories of the related branch. 4 Ability to use decision-making skills and perform design calculations correctly for the solution of the defined problem/project by applying the introduced theories of the related civil engineering branch. 4 3 4 Ability to understand and carry out the practical applications of learned civil engineering concepts and theories on site and/or laboratory. 3 Ability to use software packages for the analysis and/or the design of the defined civil engineering problems/projects. 1 Ability to manage time and resources effectively and efficiently while carrying out civil engineering projects. 5 8 Ability to participate in team-works in a harmonized manner for the solution of the targeted problem. 4 9 Ability to write technical reports and/or to carry out presentations on the studied engineering project using the modern techniques and facilities. 2 10 Ability to carry out and finalize a civil engineering study/project by showing professional ethics. 5 5 6 7 CL:Contribution Level(1:VeryLow, 2: Low, 3:Moderate,4:High,5:VeryHigh) Course Contents Week 1. 2. 3. 4. Chapter 1 1 1 2 Exams Introduction to Technical drawing and its significance in industry. Description of Instruments used in technical drawing and their use. Drawing of basic geometric shapes Line types and their application. Lettering and numbering. Dimensions and scaling Orthographic projection method; Definition, significance and drawing applications 2 5. 2 6. 3 7. Isometric projection method; Definition, significance and drawing applications Perspective projection method; Definition, significance and drawing application Free hand sketching techniques Mid-term Examination 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 4 Comprehension of architectural, electrical, and mechanical drawings to produce civil engineering drawings. Preliminary preparations for Civil Engineering design drawing. 5 Application of slab plan drawing 5 Sectioning, beam detailing and creating the beam table in Slab application plan 6 Column application plan drawing 6 Stirrup and column/shear wall longitudinal cross section detailing in Column application plan 7 14. Application of foundation plan drawing. Sectioning and detailing of foundations Final Examination 15. RecommendedSources 1. 2. Technical Drawing, Frederick Ernest Giesecke , Macmillan Publishing Company, 8th edition Technical Drawing, Prof..Dr.Atun A. NEU Press, 2nd edition Assessment Assignment 1 MidtermExam(Written) Assignment 2 Final Exam(Written) %15 %20 %15 %50 Total 100% ECTSAllocatedBased on theStudentWorkload Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Workload(hour) 15 4 60 Tutorials - - - Assignments 2 18 36 Course durationinclass(includingthe Exam week) Project/Presentation/ReportWriting 2 18 36 E-learning Activities - - - Quizzes - - - MidtermExamination 1 2 2 FinalExamination 1 3 3 Self-Study 15 3 45 TotalWorkload 182 TotalWorkload/30 (h) 6.06 6 ECTS Creditof the Course 4