ECE 420 Homework #2 Transformers Due: Lesson 12 (20 points) Ideal Transformer. a. (10 points) Beginning with the voltage and current relations of an ideal transformer (equations 2-4 and 2-5 in the textbook), derive the formula for reflection of impedance across an ideal transformer. b. (10 points) Figure 2-37c on page 122 of the text shows a wiring diagram for a Delta-Wye three phase transformer. The phase shift, according to the text below the figure, is 30 degrees with the secondary lagging the primary. Draw a wiring diagram for a Delta-Wye three phase transformer where the secondary leads the primary by 30-degrees. The voltage and current relations are VP VS IP =a IS = 1 a Rearrange the current relation IS IP =a Multiply the voltage relation by the rearranged current relation VP IS = a a VS IP Rearrange this expression VP IS 2 =a IP VS VP IP 2 =a VS IS Define the load impedance as the ratio of VS to IS. VS ZS = IS Substitute for VS and IS. VP IP 2 = a Z Q. E. D. b. (10 points) Figure 2-37c on page 122 of the text shows a wiring diagram for a Delta-Wye three phase transformer. The phase shift, according to the text below the figure, is 30 degrees with the secondary lagging the primary. Draw a wiring diagram for a Delta-Wye three phase transformer where the secondary leads the primary by 30-degrees. The given Fig 2-37c shows Y lagging ∆ by 30 degrees. c a A b b a ab B C c A N C AB N B As discussed in class, the oppositely directed phase shift is shown below. c a A a c b B C b C N N A B The dots show that we performed a 180 degree shift. We renamed the lines on the delta side to account for a -120 degree shift. The net on the delta side is 180-120=+60 degrees. That +60 degrees shift from the given circuit is the change necessary to create a delta leading by 30 degrees. 2. (15 points) Single Phase Steinmetz Model. Do Problem 2.1 on page 144 of the textbook. 2.1 A 100kVA, 8000/277V distribution tranformer has the following resistances and reactances: RP 5 Ω RS 0.005 Ω XP 6 Ω XS 0.006 Ω RC 50kΩ XM 10 kΩ The excitation branch impedance are given referred to the high voltage side of the transformer. a. Find the equivalent circuit for thistransformer referred to the low voltage side. RP N:1 jXP RC N 8000 V 277 V R'p RP 2 RC 2 28.881 3 5.994 10 Ω X'P XP 7.193 10 2 3 Ω N 59.945 Ω X'M N XM 11.989 Ω 2 N 3 RS 5 10 R`P RS jXM N R'C jXS 3 XS 6 10 Ω jX`P Ω jXS R`C jX`M RS b. Find the per unit equivalent circuit of the transformer. Set up the bases on the low voltage side: S, V, and Z. Sbase 100 kV A pu 1 VbaseL 277 V 2 VbaseL ZbaseL ZbaseL 0.767 Ω Sbase Recall R'p 5.994 10 3 3 X'P 7.193 10 3 Ω R'C 59.945 Ω RS 5 10 Ω X'M 11.989 Ω XS 6 10 3 Ω Ω These are all reflected to the low voltage side. Calculating the per unit values of each: R'p R'C RS 3 3 R'Ppu 7.813 10 pu R'Cpu 78.125 pu RSpu 6.516 10 pu ZbaseL ZbaseL ZbaseL X'Ppu X'P ZbaseL 9.375 10 R`Ppu 3 pu X'Mpu X'M ZbaseL 15.625 jX`Ppu XS 3 XSpu 7.82 10 pu ZbaseL jXSpu R`Cpu RSpu jX`Mpu c. Assume that his transformer is supplying rated load at 277 V and 0.85 pf lagging. What is this transformer's input voltage? What is its voltage regulation? lagging 1 j 1 SL 100 kV A pfL 0.85 lagging VL 277 V Find the power factor angle and the current. θL acos pfL 31.788 deg j θL SL e IL ( 306.859 190.174i) A IL 361.011 A VL Work our way back through the circuit to find the input voltage. E2 VL RS j XS IL ( 279.675 0.89i ) V E2 279.677 V arg E2 0.182 deg arg IL 31.788 deg 3 E1 N E2 8.077 10 25.712i V E1 IL E1 I1 ( 10.789 7.392i) A RC N j XM 3 V1 N arg E1 0.182 deg I1 13.078 A V1 E1 RP j XP I1 8.176 10 53.487i V V'1 E1 8.077 kV ( 283.079 1.852i) V arg I1 34.416 deg V1 8.176 kV arg V1 0.375 deg V'1 283.085 V arg V'1 0.375 deg Find the no load current and voltage by similar circuit analysis, but with load current at zero. V1 INL ( 0.169 0.816i) A INL 0.833 A RC j XM RP j XP arg INL 78.293 deg RC j XM 1 VNL V1 INL RP j XP ( 282.88 1.958i) V N Calculate the voltage regulation. VNL VL Vreg VL VNL 282.887 V Some students may estimate the no load voltage as the input reflected voltage. 100 % 2.125 % V1 N VL VL 2.197 % d. What are the copper losses and core losses under the conditions of part (c)? Pcu I1 RP 2 Pcore E1 IL RS 1.507 kW 2 2 RC 1.305 kW e. What is the transformer's efficiency under the conditions of part (c)? PL SL pfL 85 kW η PL PL Pcu Pcore 0.968 3. (15 points) Three Phase Transformer Connections and Ratings. Do Problem 2.10 on page 147 of the textbook. For each of the six configurations, the problem asks for the voltage, turns ratio, and apparent power rating of the individual transformer windings. Find also the current rating of each winding. A three phase tranformer bank is to handle 500kVA and have a 34.5kV / 11kV voltage ratio. Find the rating of each individual transformer in the bank (high voltage, low voltage, turns ratio, and apparent power) if the transformer is connected to... S3 500 kV A VP 34.5 kV VS 11 kV No other information is given about the voltages, so they are assumed to be line-to-line. a. Y - Y V1 VP 19.919 kV 3 b. Y - ∆ VP V1 19.919 kV 3 V1 Na 3.136 V2 S3 Sa 166.667 kW 3 V1 Na 1.811 V2 S3 Sa 166.667 kW 3 V1 Na 5.432 V2 S3 Sa 166.667 kW 3 V2 VS 11 kV V1 Na 3.136 V2 S3 Sa 166.667 kW 3 V2 VS 11 kV V1 Na 3.136 V2 Sa V2 VS 11 kV V1 Na 1.811 V2 Sa V2 VS 6.351 kV 3 V2 VS 11 kV c. ∆ - Y V1 VP 34.5 kV V2 VS 6.351 kV 3 d. ∆ - ∆ V1 VP 34.5 kV e. open -∆ V1 VP 34.5 kV f. open - Y - open - ∆ VP V1 19.919 kV 3 S3 288.675 kW 3 S3 3 288.675 kW 4. (15 points) Three Phase Transformers. Do Problem 2.11 on page 147 of the textbook. A 100 KVA, 230kV / 115 kV, ∆ Y three phase transformer has a per unit resistance of 0.015pu and a per unit reactance of 0.06pu. The excitation branch elements are RC=100pu and XM=20pu. Let's define the impedance parameters referred to the 230kV side of the transformer as Req 7.935 Ω Xeq 31.74 Ω R eq RC 52900 Ω 2:1 jX eq IL I1 + RC V1 230 kV N4 2 115 kV XM 10580 Ω jX M ‐ + + E1 VL ‐ ‐ a. If this transformer supplies a load of 80MVA at 0.8pf lagging, draw the phasor diagram of one phase of the transformer. 6 lagging 1 MVA 10 V A VL 115 kV SL 80 MVA pfL 0.8 lagging θL acos pfL 36.87 deg We assume here that the high side VLL=230kV and the low side VLL=115kV. Other interpretations are both possible and reasonable. If you made a different interpretation, calculate VLL on the low voltage side, declare it here, and proceed with the problme Find the current in the load. j θL SL e IL ( 321.308 240.981i) A IL 401.635 A 3 VL arg IL 36.87 deg Find the internal voltage on the primary side E1 VL N4 230 kV Sum the currents to get the input current. IL E1 E1 I1 ( 165.002 142.23i ) A N4 RC j XM arg I1 40.761 deg Find the input voltage. V1 E1 Req j Xeq I1 ( 235.824 4.109i) kV V1 235.859 kV arg V1 0.998 deg A phasor diagram shows the sum of the voltages. 0 V Re E1 Vre Re E1 I1 Req Re V1 0 V 0 V Im E1 Vim Im E1 I1 Req Im V1 0 V 3 6 10 3 4 10 Vim V1 ( 235.824 4.109i) kV I1 j Xeq 3 2 10 0 I1 Req E1 230 kV 3 2 10 0 5 5 1 10 2 10 Vre It is also possible to get a phasor diagram of the sum of the currents. 0 0 IL Re N4 E I L 1 Re IRe N4 RC IL E1 E1 Re N4 RC j XM 0 I L Im N4 E I L 1 Im IIm N4 RC IL E1 E1 Im N4 RC j XM 0 5 3 10 0 IL N4 50 IIm ( 160.654 120.49i ) A I1 ( 165.002 142.23i ) A 100 E1 RC 4.348 A E1 150 j XM 0 50 100 21.739i A 150 200 IRe b. What is the voltage regulation under these conditions. V1 VNL ( 117.912 2.054i) kV N4 Vreg VNL VL VL VNL 117.93 kV VL 115 kV 100 % 2.548 % c. Sketch the equivalent circuit referred to the low voltage side of one phase of this transformer. Calculate all the transformer impedances referred to the low voltage side. 2:1 R`eq + + V1 V`1 ‐ ‐ Req 7.935 Ω Xeq 31.74 Ω jX`eq I1 IL + R`C jX`M VL ‐ RC 52.9 kΩ XM 10.58 kΩ Reflection of impedance is by the square of the turns ratio; The corresponding impedances will be smaller on the low voltage side. R'eq Req N4 R'C 2 RC N4 2 1.984 Ω X'eq Xeq N4 13.225 kΩ X'M XM N4 + 118.6kV - 7.935 Ω 2.645 kΩ 1.98 Ohm j7.94 Ohm + 237.2kV - 2 2 Load j2.65 kOhm + 237kV - 13.2 kOhm d. Determine the losses in the transformer and the efficiency of the transformer under the conditions of part b. Find the losses in the resistors using the currents and voltages already found. Pwinding 3 I1 Pcore 3 E1 Req 1.13 MW 2 2 RC VL IL 64 MW 3 Pout Re 3 3 MW Efficiency η Pout Pout Pwinding Pcore 0.939 5. (15 points) Three Phase Steinmetz Model. Do Problem 2.12 on page 147 of the textbook. Work in Volts, Amps, and Ohms. State which side of the transformer your diagram is referred. Three 20kV, 24000 / 277V distribution transformers are connected in ∆ - Y. The open circuit test was performed on the low voltage side of this transformer bank and the following data were recorded: VlineOC 480 V IlineOC 4.10 A P3φOC 945 W The short circuit test was performed on the high voltage side of this transformer bank and the following data were recorded: I assume here that the ratings are the nominal line-to-line voltage on each side of the transformer. Other interpretations exist. If you assumed something else, state your assumption and proceed with the problem. VlineSC 1400 V IlineSC 1.8 A P3φSC 912 W a. Find the per unit equivalent circuit of this transformer bank. YOC GC IlineOC VlineOC BM ZSC 2 4.102 10 3 1 Ω 1 YOC YOC GC GC 0.014 Ω VlineSC IlineSC 3 24000 277 1 YOC 0.015 Ω VlineOC 3 P3φOC N5 RC 1 GC 243.81 Ω 1 XM 70.35 Ω BM 1.347 kΩ Reflect to low voltage side. 86.643 RSC P3φSC IlineSC XSC 2 281.481 Ω R'SC RSC N5 ZSC ZSC RSC RSC 1.317 kΩ X'SC 2 0.037 Ω XSC N5 2 0.175 Ω Reflect to the low voltage side. 0.037 Ohm j0.175Ohm j70.4 Ohm 244 Ohm b. Find the voltage regulation of this transformer bank at the rated load and 0.90 power factor lagging. S5 20 kV A VL5 277 V pf5 0.90 lagging j θ5 S5 e I5 ( 64.982 31.472i ) A VL5 θ5 acos pf5 25.842 deg VL5 VL5 IP5 I5 ( 66.118 35.41i) A RC j XM E25 VL5 IP5 R'SC j X'SC ( 285.693 10.276i ) V VNL5 E25 Vreg5 VNL5 VL5 VL5 100 % 3.205 % c. What is the transformer bank's efficiency under these conditions. Find the losses. R'SC 0.633 kW 2 Pwinding5 3 IP5 Pcore5 E25 3 2 RC 1.006 kW Find the power out Pout5 3 S5 pf5 54 kW Efficiency η Pout5 Pout5 Pwinding5 Pcore5 0.971 6. (10 points) Transformers in a Distribution System. Do Problem 2.14 on page 148 of the textbook. A 13.8kV single phase generator supplies power to a load through a transmission line. The load's impedance is 500 Ohms at 36.87 degrees. The transmission line's impedance is 60 Ohms at 60 degrees. a. If the generator is directly connected to the load,what is the ratio of the load voltage to the generated voltage? What are the transmission losses in the system? VG 13.8 kV Zline 60 e j 60 deg Ω Zload 500 e j 36.87 deg Ω Use a voltage division to find the load voltage. VL6 VG Z Zload line Zload 4 1.241 10 526.681i V VL6 12.417 kV The ratio of load voltage to generated voltage is VL6 Vratio 0.9 VG To find losses, first find the current and then calculate the losses as |i|2 r. VL6 IL6 ( 19.218 15.73i) A Zload Ploss6 IL6 2 Re Zline 18.503 kW b. What percentage of the power supplied by the source reaches the load? arg VL6 2.431 deg Calculate power in and load power, then take the ratio: Pin6 Re VG IL6 265.205 kW PL6 Pin6 Ploss6 246.702 kW PL6 Pin6 93.023 % c. If a 1:10 step up transformer is placed at the output of the generator and a 10:1 step down transformer is placed at the load end of the transmission line, what is the new ratio of the load voltage to the generated voltage? What are the transmission losses in the system? Assume the transformers to be ideal. Reflect the line impedance to the load side. Zline ( 30 51.962i ) Ω 10 N6 1 Z'line Zline N6 2 ( 0.3 0.52i ) Ω Reflect the generator across two transformers, which gives the same numerical value of the generator as a voltage source. 1 1 V'G VG N6 13.8 kW N6 A Use a voltage division to find the load voltage. Zload 4 VL6 V'G 1.378 10 6.491i V Z'line Zload VL6 13.785 kV The ratio of load voltage to generated voltage is Vratio VL6 V'G 0.999 To find losses, first find the current and then calculate the losses as |i|2 r. VL6 IL6 ( 22.048 16.552i ) A Zload arg VL6 0.027 deg Ploss6 IL6 2 Re Z'line 228.024 W d. What percentage of the power supplied by the source reaches the load? Calculate power in and load power, then take the ratio: Pin6 Re V'G IL6 304.26 kW PL6 Pin6 Ploss6 304.032 kW PL6 Pin6 99.925 % e. Compare the efficiencies of the transmission system with and without transformers. With the transformers in place, the transmission system efficiency is significantly improved. The losses are more than a factor of 80 lower with the transformer, so the efficiency improves from 93% to 99.9%. 7. (10 points) Transformer Polarity. A single phase transformer is said to have subtractive polarity. Go to the library or the Internet and look up a description or definition of this term “subtractive polarity”. a. (5 points) Explain what this means and how verify it. b. (5 points) Show a simple transformer diagram with the polarity dots properly placed and the four terminals labeled (H1-H2-X1-X2) for this subtractive polarity transformer. This is a way to specify the polarity of a transformer. It describes a test for polarity. High voltage terminals are designated as H teminals, e.g., H1 and H2. Low voltage terminals are designated X, e.g., X1 and X2. To perform the test, connect adjacent H and X terminals together as shown below. Connect a voltmeter to the other two H and X terminals. V oltm eter N :1 Subtractive polarity H1 + + VH VL ‐ ‐ X1 X2 H2 If the voltage measured is less than the input voltage VH, then the transformer is said to be subtractive. Its polarity is as shown above. If the voltage measured is greater than the input voltage VH, then the transformer is said to be additive. Its polarity is as shown below. Voltmeter N:1 + ‐ VH VL ‐ +