Tank Lining Applications

Spring 2005 • Volume 10 Issue 7
In This Issue...
Tank Lining Applications ......................1
Coatings at CORROSION/2005...............3
Coating Inspection Procedures
During Shop-Priming Operations .........6
Coatings—A $108 Billion
Opportunity ..........................................9
Thermal-Spray Metallizing
Inspection—Shifting Gears ..................9
Chairman’s Corner .............................. 11
Get This! ............................................. 11
Peer Corner.........................................12
Coatings Resources—
Technical Committees .........................13
Coatings Resources—
Standards & Reports ........................... 16
CIP Schedule ....................................... 18
Don’t Miss Mike Ditka! ....................... 19
Supplement to
Materials Performance
© 2005 NACE International
The Newsletter for NACE Coating Inspectors and Students
Tank Lining Applications
By Wayne Pruitt, Brock Maintenance, Inc.
a nk l in i ng
have always been
near and dear to my
heart. Inspection,
weather impacts,
env i ron ment a l
control measures,
qualified applicators, the right
specification, adequate equipment, proper
surface preparation, proper material selection, quality control, and quality assurance
are just a few of the necessary considerations
when taking on a tank lining project. Unlike
an exterior project where you have visual
access to the life of the applied coating, tank
lining applications are out of sight and
out of mind once they have been installed
and put back into full product immersed
service. Lining application failures can be
catastrophic to a facility owner and cost
thousands of dollars in lost revenue, not to
mention the expense of the lining repairs
and/or replacement. Environmental regulations are strict and tank storage facilities are
guarded against product leakage and ground
There usually are time constraints, and
of course the old client adage of “bring the
cost in at or under budget” make tank lining
applications very high-profile projects. Consider that the lining application will no longer
be visible for routine or random inspections
after the manways have been secured and
precious product has been introduced.
Why Apply Tank Linings?
Every tank lining project shares a basic
need for a protective coating, whether it be
for corrosion control or for product purity
purposes. Makes sense? The tank I am
about to describe is no different. When I
think back on all of the tank lining project
applications I have been involved in over
the past 28 years as a coatings contractor,
this one humbles me to the core. I have
had many, many great experiences with
storage tank lining applications over the
span of my long coatings career.
Inside & Out
This most memorable project consisted of
abrasive blasting the exterior chalked and
weathered coating to a NACE No. 3/SSPC-SP
6 (commercial blast) and applying an epoxy
primer, epoxy intermediate, and a urethane
finish coat to a total system film thickness
of 12 to 15 µm dry film thickness (DFT).
Easy enough. The interior had an old epoxy
phenolic lining that we would abrasive blast
out to a NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 (near white)
and apply three coats of epoxy phenolic
also at 12 to 15 µm DFT. This tank was a
riveted crude oil storage tank at a Houston
area refining facility and was 120 ft wide by
48 ft high. The interior specifications also
called for an epoxy phenolic stripe coat to
all welds and seams. There was visible corrosion to the interior roof, side walls, and
floor, with leakage evident around many of
the seam rivets. Riveted steel storage tanks
continued on page 2 “Tanks”
continued from page 1 “Tanks”
were common and constructed back in the
1950s. Continuous weld-sealed seam storage
tanks became the most common way to store
liquid product in the early to mid 1960s and
are still the most commonly built. A 10 ft by
10 ft door sheet was cut out of the lower tank
shell course to allow scaffolding and motorized personnel boom lifts for access to be
placed inside the tank. Most of the abrasive
blasting to the interior roof and walls was
done out of the boom lifts.
The A Team
I had my best team of tank lining craftsmen and my best lining supervisor working
the project. These guys had a history of being very productive and providing a quality
finished product. These craftsmen were so
good that they literally went from one storage
tank project to another. One of the biggest
challenges on a large project like this is
keeping enough blasting abrasive and lining
materials on hand. Every lining project has
to be estimated and budgeted properly. A
crew of eight men can consume and apply a
tremendous amount of these materials on a
large lining project.
Documented Hold Points Are Critical
There are many inspection hold points on
a project like this. A third-party inspector
hired by the owner facility and my site quality
control person would do a joint inspection
on all of the hold points to verify and document the quality and approve the hold point
before moving on to the next step in the
surface preparation and application process.
The coatings manufacturer was also doing
random quality assurance to confirm that
their materials were applied properly under
acceptable conditions. All of this is typical on
a lining project.
Looks Great
The crew completed the project as planned.
The lining application was installed according to specification and looked absolutely
beautiful. Cure time on the application was complete. Every
riveted seam had been caulked
and sealed to perfection. Every square inch
of epoxy phenolic-coated interior surface
had been jeep tested with low-voltage Tinker
& Rasor sponge units and this baby was ready
for the next phase. The A Team was moved to
the next lining project.
What’s Next?
The door sheet is installed and buttered
up (welded) and the welded seam gets the
same system that was applied to the rest
of the tank interior. It is common after
applying a lining of this nature to fill the
tank with water (commonly referred to as
hydroing the tank) to confirm the integrity
of the lining and mechanical capabilities
of the tank. This process normally takes
about one week. If no leakage is found the
tank is emptied, cleaned out, and product
is introduced. No leakage was found.
The Call!
I remember getting a most haunting
call from the client shortly after the tank
had been cleaned out: “Wayne, you have
got to get over here right now! The lining
application has failed and visible damage
is everywhere!” My first reaction was “You
are joking, right?” “No, I am not.” I could
tell by the tone of his voice that he was
on a very short fuse. The tank was just a
couple of minutes away from my field office. En route to the tank my stomach was
in a knot and all I could think about was
what could have gone wrong. The client
was standing in front of the manway as I
arrived at the tank, flashlight in hand, with
a look of disgust on his face. A hole watch
was posted at the manway and permits
were already posted for our entry.
Catastrophic Failure Everywhere!
We climbed in through the manway to
see shocking evidence of coating failures
to the bottom half of the tank shell and to
much of the tank floor. Now I was really
sick! I spent the better part of the next five
minutes trying to rationalize how the perfect lining application could turn out to be
such a catastrophe. After careful review I
came to the quick conclusion that this was
not a coating failure at all. No, the material
manufacturer was not at fault, the coatings
contractor was not at fault, and the quality
control process was not at fault.
The Mark of Zorro
Then what? As I investigated the damaged areas I noticed unusual patterns
burned through the coatings as if someone
had written graffiti on the walls and floor.
It literally looked as if Zorro himself had
been turned loose in the tank to leave his
mark everywhere. I guess the tell tale sign
was when I discovered the words neatly
burned on the first shell course reading
“Joe loves Mary.”
So What Happened?
After further review, the following contributing factors resulted in the failure:
• The tank had been filled with firewater
during the hydro process, which was
common and I believe still is.
• The water source (firewater) had left
the tank shell and floor covered in a
film of heavy black contaminants.
• A tank cleaning crew had been assigned by the client to go in and
pressure wash the contaminants off
the thin film coatings application.
• The water source also had traces
abrasive particulates.
The combination of too much water pressure and traces of abrasive particulates created a wet abrasive blasting scenario.
Closing Comments and Lessons Learned
Of course I was relieved to find that neither
I nor my A Team of craftsmen had fault in the
coating failures that were evident inside the
tank. However, the client still felt the same
degree of discomfort since costly repairs
would have to be performed and the immediate product service of the tank would be
delayed. This true story took place very early
in my coatings career and I have never taken
a tank lining project lightly since. ■
Coatings-Related Activities at CORROSION/2005
Here are some coatings-related activites you might be interested in
at CORROSION/2005, April 3-7, 2005, in Houston, Texas.
Highlighted activities are free.
Sunday, April 3
Protective Coatings Specialist (PCS) Exam
Plan to take the PCS exam at CORROSION/2005. To schedule an exam contact Paula McCordic at 281-228-6214
or paula.mccordic@nace.org. The exam is four hours.
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Technical Committee Meetings
■ Coating and Lining Applicator Qualification (TG 320) [04]
1 to 5 p.m.
■ Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems:
Review of NACE Standard RP0375 (TG 296) [03] [04, 35]
2 to 3:30 p.m.
■ Fretting Corrosion Between Piping and Pipe Supports (TEG
229X) [02] 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Monday, April 4
■ How to Avoid or Reduce Premature Coating Failures/FREE—
Mike O’Brien, Mark Ten Resource Group Inc. 1 to 5 p.m.
■ Pipeline Integrity Symposium (STG 35) 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
■ Marine Corrosion Symposium (STG 44) 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Technical Committee Meetings
■ Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control
Issues Forum (TEG 314X) [35] [02, 03, 04, 05, 34]
8 a.m. to noon
■ Tank Truck Interiors: Coating and Lining Inspection (TG
069) [43] [03] 9 to 10 a.m.
■ Liners, Thermoplastic for Oilfield Pipelines (TEG 225X) [03]
[33, 35] 9 a.m. to noon
■ Liners, Thermoplastic for Oilfield Pipelines (TEG 225X) [03]
[33, 35] 9 a.m. to noon
■ Tank Truck Trailer Interiors: Corrosion Protection with
Coatings and Linings (TG 068) [43] [03] 10 to 11 a.m.
■ Truck and Trailer Rails and Equipment: Manufacture and
Coating (TG 322) [43] 11 a.m. to noon
Specific Technology Group (STG), Task Group (TG), and Technology Exchange Group (TEG) numbers
follow the title Symposia or Technical Committee Meeting. STG numbers are two digits; TG and TEG
numbers are three digits; note that TEG designations are always followed by an “X.” Two-digit numbers
in brackets that follow the fi rst bracketed STG number (the administrative STG) indicate other STGs
that have a direct interest in the committee's assignment. For an electronic copy of this schedule go
to www.nace.org/tracker and choose coatings and linings.
■ Process Industry—Pulp and Paper (STG 38)
11 a.m. to noon
■ Offshore Steel Pipelines: Control of External Corrosion (TG
169) [30] [05, 35] 1 to 3 p.m.
■ Coatings, Tape for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld
Joints on Pipelines (TG 251) [03] [04, 35] 1 to 3:30 p.m.
■ Welding: Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Techniques (TG
129) [45] 1 to 4:30 p.m.
■ Linings, Thin-Film Organic for Process Vessels (TEG 303X)
[03] [34] 1 to 4 p.m.
■ Oil and Gas Production—Nonmetallics and Wear Coatings
(Metallic) (STG 33) 2 to 3 p.m.
■ Railcars: Corrosion Protection and Control Program (TG
063) [43] [02, 03] 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
■ Coatings, Liquid Epoxy for External Repair, Rehabilitations,
and Weld Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines (TG 247) [03]
[04, 35] 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
■ Coatings, Liquid Epoxy for External Repair, Rehabilitations,
and Weld Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines (TG 247) [03] [04,
35] 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 5
■ Outside Coatings Demo—Live demonstration of plural
component spray application of 100% solids material and
Sponsored by Graco. 9 to 11 a.m.
■ Liner Based Secondary Containment for Aboveground
Storage Tanks/FREE
Sponsored by ILTA, presented by Timothy Dyring,
Environmental Protection Services. 1 to 2 p.m.
■ CoatingsPro Perspective—A Look at Coatings and Corrosion/
Sponsored by CoatingsPro Magazine. 1 to 4 p.m.
■ Coatings Specs—The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly/FREE
Presented by Ken Tator, KTA. 4 to 5 p.m.
■ Coach Mike Ditka, “Let Me Tell You About Teamwork”/FREE
Mr. Ditka will speak from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. and then be
available for a “meet and greet” until 7:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Sherwin-Williams, Graco, CC Technologies,
Mobley, Betco, and Muenters 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
continued on pages 4 and 5
continued from page 3
■ Pipeline Integrity Symposium (STG 35) Continued 9 a.m. to
6 p.m.
■ Marine Corrosion Symposium (STG 44) Continued 9 a.m. to
5 p.m.
■ New Developments in the Protection of Steel in Concrete
Symposium (STG 01) Continued 9 to 11:30 a.m.
Technical Committee Meetings
■ Railcars: Interior Protection of Railcars Hauling Sulfur (TG
067) [43] [03] 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
■ Coatings and Linings, Protective: Atmospheric (STG 02)
Meeting to explore the issues associated with corrosion at the
interface between piping and pipe supports. 9 to 10 a.m.
■ Materials, Advanced, for High-Temperature Service in the
CPI (TEG 123X) [37] 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
■ External Pipeline Coatings: Performance Requirements
for High-Temperature Service (TG 336) [03] [02] 9:30 to
11:30 a.m.
■ Offshore Ballast Water Tank Coatings: Standard Test Method
(TG 263) [03] [33] and Offshore Exterior Submerged
Coatings: Standard Test Method (TG 264) 10 a.m. to noon
■ Transportation, Land (STG 43) 10:30 a.m. to noon
■ Offshore Steel Platforms—Corrosion Control: Review of
NACE Standard RP0176 (TG 170) [30] [02,05] 10:30 a.m. to
■ Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Treatment Systems: Standard
for Materials and Repair Methods for Piping, Tanks, and
Concrete (TG 221) [38] [02,03] 11 a.m. to noon
■ Pulping Liquor Corrosion (TEG 131X) [38] 1 to 3 p.m.
■ Offshore Platform Maintenance Coatings (Nonimmersion):
Standard Test Methods (TG 260) [02] [33], Offshore
Platforms: Coatings for Corrosion Control of Steel (TG 313),
Offshore Platforms: Coatings for Atmospheric and Splash
Zone New Construction (TG 312) 1 to 3 p.m.
■ Rail Industry: Information Exchange on Coatings-Related
Issues (TEG 291X) [43] 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
■ Building Systems (STG 46) 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
■ Pipelines: Close-Interval Potential Surveys on Buried or
Submerged Metallic Pipelines (TG 279) [35] [05]
3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
■ Nonvisible Contaminants, Identifying Specific Levels (TG
288) [04] 3:30 to 5 p.m.
■ Coatings and Linings, Protective: Atmospheric (STG 02 and 03)
This meeting will consist of a panel discussion on “Failure Modes
of Buried Pipeline Coatings,” which is intended to precede the
“Oil and Gas Coating Technology” symposium scheduled for
Wednesday and Thursday. Panelists will include Jeffrey L. Didas,
Colonial Pipeline Co.; Matt Dabiri, Williams Gas Pipe Line; Sylvie
Le Borgne, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo; and Colin Frayne,
The Metro Group. 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 6
■ Outside Coatings Demo—Live demonstrations where the winners of the Houston Coating Society will be showcased/FREE
Sponsored by the Houston Coating Society. 9 to 11 a.m.
■ Coatings Used in Conjunction with Cathodic Protection: A
Presented by Richard Norsworthy, Lone Star Corrosion
Services Co. 9 to 11 a.m.
■ How to Deal with the Media after an Environmental Incident/
Presented by Phil Fouche, Quatro Products. 10 to 11:30 a.m.
■ Coatings Under Insulation/FREE
Presented by Peter Bock, International Paint, Inc. 1:30 to
3:30 p.m.
■ Tank Linings: You Want What? When?/FREE
Presented by Bob Hummel, Sherwin Williams. 3 to 4 p.m.
■ Oil and Gas Technology Symposium (STG 02 and 03)
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
■ Direct Assessment Symposium (STG 35) 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
■ Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper Industry Symposium
(STG 38) 9 to 11:30 a.m.
■ PANEL—Potential Legal Ramifications/Issues Arising from
Inspection Issues Symposium (STG 04) 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Technical Committee Meetings
■ Pipeline Coating: Aboveground Techniques for the
Underground Evaluation of Condition (TG 294) [35] [03, 05]
9 to 11 a.m.
■ Marine Vessel Corrosion (TEG 181X) [44] 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
■ Coatings and Linings, Protective: Surface Preparation
(STG 04) 9 to 10 a.m.
■ Military and Aerospace Equipment: Aging Systems and
Condition-Based Maintenance (TEG 178X) [40] 9:30 to
11:30 a.m.
■ Surface Preparation of Contaminated Steel Surfaces (TG
142) [04] [02, 03, 43] 10 a.m. to noon
■ Reinforced Concrete: Design Considerations for Corrosion
Control (TG 290) [01] 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
■ Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe: Corrosion Control (TG 014) [35]
[02, 03, 05, 39] 1 to 5:30 p.m.
continued from page 4
■ Lining, Tanks and Vessels for Immersion Service: Fabrication
Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design
Considerations—Review of NACE Standard RP0178-2003
(TG 295) [04] [02, 03, 43]
1 to 3 p.m.
Thursday, April 7
■ Ensuring Coating Performance—Special Session/FREE
Presented by Jeff Davis, President of Brock Maintenance, Inc.
9 to 9:45 a.m.
■ Coating Condition Surveys—Special Session/FREE
Presented by Terry Greenfield, Principal of CorroMetrics 10
to 11 a.m.
■ Direct Assessment Symposium (STG 35) Continued 8 to
11:30 a.m.
■ Oil and Gas Technology Symposium (STG 02 and 03)
Continued 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
■ AC Corrosion Mechanisms and Control Symposium
(STG 35) 1 to 4:30 p.m.
Technical Committee Meetings
■ Nonmetallic Materials of Construction (STG 10) 8 to 11 a.m.
■ Marine Corrosion and Transportation (STG 44) 8 a.m. to
■ Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings (STG 35) 9 to 11 a.m.
■ Reinforced Concrete: Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcement (TG
057) [01] [46] 1 to 3 p.m.
■ Reinforced Concrete (STG 01) 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Coating Inspection Procedures During Shop-Priming Operations
Roberto Malfanti (NACE Certified Coating Inspector #6462)
IMC engineering s.r.l., Genova, Italy
he shipbuilding industry, particularly
in Japan, South Korea, and Europe, has
realized many benefits in terms of quality,
speed, and cost from the development of shop
primer technology. (In the U.S., shop primer
is also known as pre-construction primer.)
However, some in the coating industry have
not properly acknowledged the role of this
coating material. Very often the shop primer
is not considered as a separate layer of the
coating system. In many cases, though,
it does remain on the substrate beneath
subsequent layers and must be applied,
checked, and inspected like any other paint
application. The shop primer’s nature and
characteristic make the coating quite different from other “paints.” Its formulation,
application, and quality control procedures
are very different from those of other coatings. Unfortunately, many who use these
coatings are unfamiliar with these unique
What Is Shop Primer?
As the name indicates, shop primer is a
coating that is designed to provide shortterm protection of steel during fabrication
and before application of the remaining
coating layers. It must do two things: protect
steel from rusting in a typically aggressive
industrial environment and assure a sound
surface for subsequent coats. Choosing the
right shop primer depends on many factors. Some of these criteria include steel
type, fabrication procedure and duration,
plant technical characteristics for surface
preparation and application, method and
degree of secondary surface preparation,
desired long-term protective coating system,
budget, and health and safety rules. Though
not exhaustive, this list shows that choosing
the right shop primer is not easy.
A summary of the requirements that a shop
primer must satisfy is as follows:
1. It must not negatively influence speed
and quality during cutting operations.
2. It must not affect welding quality and
3. It must not diminish weld strength.
4. It must not emit toxic fumes during
welding and heating.
5. It must be easy to apply with automatic
6. It must dry quickly, allowing one to
handle the steel plates shortly after application.
7. It must exhibit good adhesion on abrasive-blasted steel.
8. It must resist mechanical damage and
high temperatures.
9. It must provide good corrosion protection.
10. In addition to being non-saponifiable,
it must resist water, rain, solvents, and
11. It must accommodate overcoating with
a wide-ranging paint system.
Like any other coating material, a shop
primer contains ingredients such as pigments, extenders, binders, solvents, dryers,
and rheological and leveling agents. However,
the demands placed on it are more similar
to the desired properties of paints; hence, a
shop primer is a sophisticated and technologically advanced product.
Paint manufacturers, particularly those
serving the marine industry and understanding its uniquely rigorous demands,
have taken great strides in developing highperformance products.
Many types of shop primer have been
produced over the years—polyvinyl butyral
(PVB), zinc-rich, and epoxy iron oxide to
name a few. The marine industry commonly
uses inorganic zinc (IOZ) silicate shop primer, although epoxy iron oxide is still locally
used and produced. This article will focus
exclusively on IOZ silicate shop primer.
Recent developments in silicate technology
led to the formulation of zinc silicate shop
primers with lower elementary zinc concentrations. On a practical level, the advancements enhanced the preservation benefits
of zinc-rich primer and eliminated earlier
defects associated with cutting and weldability. Most zinc silicate shop primers are twocomponent, solvent-borne, moisture-cured
ethyl silicates that are applied at a dry-film
thickness (DFT) of 15 to 25 µm. These coatings exhibit excellent weather and abrasion
resistance, but they offer marginal benefit in
terms of the speed and quality of welding and
cutting. Thanks to their completely inorganic
structure, these primers provide very good
thermal stability. Furthermore, because they
form only a limited number of zinc salts, the
shop primers are compatible with most paint
systems and may even withstand systems
intended for immersion service and cathodic
protection. The emission of zinc fumes falls
within acceptable limits, decreasing health
risk. Though zinc silicate primers do offer
many benefits, there is, of course, room for
improvement—particularly in the areas of
cutting and welding speed.
Today and Tomorrow
Modern shipbuilding techniques (block
stage methods) have translated into shorter
construction periods and the requisite faster
cutting and welding processes. Not surprisingly, health and safety rules and requirements have improved as well.
Prompted by the changes in shipbuilding,
paint manufacturers in recent years have
developed “medium zinc silicate” and “low
zinc silicate” shop primers. The former
have a zinc content of 38 to 40% by weight
and 13 to 15% by volume; the latter have a
zinc content of 24 to 30% by weight and 8
to 12% by volume. The reduced zinc levels
have improved the quality and speed of cutting and welding operations. In addition,
the medium and low primers resist heat up
to temperatures of 800°C without burning;
this has resulted in a drastic reduction of
back-burning damages.
The future of shop primer hinges on the
development of a water-based zinc silicate
formulation that meets rules limiting the
amount of volatile organic compounds in
the coating. In spite of paint manufacturers’
efforts to develop and formulate this type of
shop primer, the goal has proved elusive.
Much work remains in terms of research and
testing before a suitable and effective waterbased shop primer becomes a reality.
Application and Control
The range of applications for shop primer
is very wide. These coatings are used in
virtually every case in which steel is used
as a construction material. Not surprisingly,
questions abound regarding the correct
application on myriad plates, pipes, and profiles. Although small workshops may apply
shop primers manually, this article focuses
on the automatic machine application of
these coatings.
In a shipyard, a conveyor carries steel
stock to the site’s shop-priming equipment.
The prefabrication workshop, where plates
and profiles are cut, sits on the side of the
equipment opposite the conveyor. The principal components of this “production chain”
include the preheater, centrifugal blasting
enclosure, paint chamber with mixing site,
drying oven, abrasive silo, and separator with
filters. A continuous hydraulic press may
also be positioned at the entrance. From an
application standpoint, it is essential to prop-
erly clean the surface and obtain the correct
film thicknesses. Because the shop-priming
process is almost completely automated,
setting the machinery to follow the correct
parameters is critical; this process alone can
take days to complete.
The specified degree of preparation follows ISO 8501-1 Sa 2,5 (NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP
10) in nearly all cases. The standard calls for
the use of reusable steel abrasive in various
sizes—generally a mixture. Not only must
the abrasive remove mill scale and rust, but it
must also produce a suitable anchor pattern.
Shipyards commonly use only steel shot in
an attempt to reduce turbine blade wear. In
fact, this practice fails to achieve the scouring action of grit and produces an incorrect
anchor pattern. An airless blast-cleaning
machine basically comprises an electric
motor, a turbine (blasting wheel), and a
V-belt transmission. A 40- to 70-hp (30- to
52-kW) electric motor usually supplies the
motive power, but units with power outputs
ranging from 15 to 100 hp (11 to 75 kW)
can be used. In addition to power output,
the number of revolutions (i.e., speed) is an
important consideration. Because kinetic
energy is directly proportional to particle
speed, increasing the particles’ velocity
markedly improves both production rate and
blasting quality. Blasted steel is transported
to a painting chamber, where movable arms
fitted with conventional or airless nozzles
and a pump apply shop primer. Moving the
coated steel through a drying tunnel with
heating and forced ventilation ensures a
quick, ready-to-handle condition. In order
to assure optimal results, shipyard personnel must check all parameters and perfectly
adjust the shop-priming machinery. This
automated process leaves no room for
errors for two primary reasons:
1) The area treated per day by even a
medium-sized machine is large.
2) Shop-primed steel is a substrate that will
receive, with more or less preparation,
a final anticorrosive system. Therefore,
it must exhibit well-defined mechanical
and chemical characteristics.
continued on page 8 “Primers”
continued from page 7 “Primers”
In regard to checking various elements, the
coating inspector must do the following:
■ Analyze the condition of the steel in
stock (for cleanness and the presence
of pitting, laminations, and other steel
■ Check the impeller system parameters to
achieve the specified grade of blasting.
■ Select the correct abrasive.
■ Check the abrasive for cleanness and
water-soluble salts content.
■ Determine the correct line speed.
■ Determine the necessary elements for
achieving the required roughness.
■ Check the grade of abrasive blast cleaning and the related roughness.
■ Set the correct paint application by
regulating the pressure and the longitudinal/transversal speed; selecting the
proper nozzle, angle, and distance; and
measuring DFT.
■ Check the mixing site.
■ Ensure correct drying to minimize
handling damages.
■ Control DFT by different methods (steel
plates, glass plates).
■ Control film porosity by glass plates.
The most important points that have to be
checked are the following:
1) Steel cleanness:
a) Verify that the steel has been abrasiveblasted to Sa 2, 5 according to ISO 8501-1
(NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10).
b) Perform the “Dust Test” in accordance with ISO Standard 8502-3. The
cleanness rating of the surface should
not exceed the quantity rating 2 or dust
size 2 of this standard.
2) Check the surface roughness of the steel
using comparators such as Rugotest No.
3, Kean-Tator ISO 8503-1, or by replica tape according to NACE Standard
RP0287. The blasting profile should be
in the range of Rz 40 to 70 µm.
3) Check of the spray pattern by measuring
the following parameters:
a) The effective fan width of the
sprayed primer (meters)
b) The transverse speed of the
spray gun (passes/min)
c) The speed of the plate (m/min).
Taking into consideration the a.m. parameters, one can calculate the overlap
using the following equation:
(Effective Fan Width [m])
x (Traverse Speed [strokes/min])
Speed of the plate (m/min)
During production the spraying pattern
must be regularly checked. In case any
parameter of the unit is changed, perform
the check again and adjust the spraying
4) Check the uniformity of the applied
fi lm. The uniformity of the applied
shop primer can be checked using
~8 x 25-cm glass panels taped on
the abrasive-blasted steel surface and
than sprayed. After the glass panel has
dried, examine it against a light source
to check spraying pattern uniformity,
applied film density, and whether any
porosity is present.
5) Check the DFT. Because the roughness
of the steel surface is often higher than
the thickness of the shop primer, one
cannot measure the DFT of the shop
primer directly on the steel plate or
profile surface. Furthermore, the shop
primer’s very fast drying time makes
it impossible to measure the wet-film
thickness. Hence a special measuring
method exists for this purpose.
Take DFT measurements on smooth
test panels, whose length should be 25
to 30% greater than the spraying angle
of the nozzles. The added length allows
one to also measure the overlapping area.
The steel panels should be 500 x 100 x 1
mm. Do not use panels less than 1 mm
thick because they will yield incorrect
measurements. Measure the DFT with an
electromagnetic instrument, and calibrate
the tool on an unpainted steel panel. Take
at least 10 readings equally spaced over
the length of each test panel. At least 85%
of the values should be within ±3 µm
of the specified film thickness. Tape the
smooth test panels onto both sides of the
steel plates.
In addition to the above steps, be sure
to inform the plant manager, personnel,
and owner surveyor on a daily basis of
inspections performed before, during,
and after application. Any automatic plant
must be checked constantly by personnel
or suitable devices, but recognize that
only regular human surveys can assure
good results.
The coating inspector must record and
report the following points:
1) Plates and profiles: what is being
painted and which rust grade appears
on the steel?
2) Abrasive material: type and size of
blasting media used
3) Profi le: what is the surface profi le
after blasting and the method used
to measure it?
4) Speed of the conveyor
5) Dust test result
6) Steel temperature immediately before
7) Name and type of the shop primer
8) Batch number of the paint (both base
and curing agent)
9) Which type and how much thinner has
been added?
10) Viscosity (e.g., DIN Cup 4/second)
11) Paint temperature
12) Pump ratio
13) Input pressure of the pump
14) Size and width of the nozzles
15) Number of nozzles
16) Overlap type, namely, one- or twodirectional spraying
17) Distance between the nozzle and the
steel plates or profiles
18) DFT measurement
19) Storage of the steel plates and profiles
20) Comments and remarks. ■
Coatings—A $108 Billion Opportunity
he Houston Coating Society held its first
meeting of 2005 on Thursday, January
6, 2005, featuring NACE International
Coatings Market Manager Larry Christie as
the guest speaker. His presentation was titled
“Coatings—$108 Billion Opportunity.” Larry
gave an overview of the perception of coatings for corrosion control versus the reality.
Based on his 30-plus years in the coatings
industry, he reviewed the numerous positive
changes that have taken place regarding
coating formulations and new and redesigned application and surface preparation
equipment. He discussed the improvements
made in specifications and project quality
that have occurred since the inception of the
NACE Coating Inspector Program more than
20 years ago. His presentation discussed the
ongoing development of the NACE Applicator
Training Program and his vision of even
better-quality coatings-related projects
once this new program is offered to the
industry. There have always been many
career opportunities in the field of coatings. Larry pointed out that given the large
sum of $108 billion spent annually in
the United States coatings industry, there
will virtually be no end to future business
Door prize winners at the meeting were
Tom Vahle and Anthony Leidelmeyer of
Sherwin Williams Paints, who each received a NACE golf shirt and golf balls.
Meeting attendees were sorry to hear of
the passing away of valued NACE member
Gary Cox. Gary was remembered with a
story by his good friend Bill Osburn and a
minute of silence. Our condolences go to all
of Gary’s family, his many friends, and from
his friends at NACE International. ■
Monica Chauviere (ExxonMobil),
President of the Houston Coating
Society (HCS), introduced Guest
Speaker Larry Christie, NACE
International Coatings Market
Manager, at the January Houston
Coating Society meeting.
Thermal Spray Metallizing Inspection—Shifting Gears
by Bill Goulette, Certified Coating Inspector
kay, Mr.
Inspector. You
have a new assignment. The Boss needs
you to be the inspector on a project in
which various metal
parts are being thermal spray metallized.
Where do you start? The beginning is as good
a place as any. First you will need to obtain
a copy of the specification. Also, you need to
be familiar with the standards referenced in
the specification.
One problem may be that your experience
has been primarily with organic coatings.
You have inspected numerous applications
involving epoxies, polyurethanes, vinyl
esters, etc., but this is your first metallizing
inspection assignment.
At this point you realize that you don’t
know all you need to know about metallizing.
After some initial preparation (homework)
and a few deep breaths, you will realize that
you have some answers but you also have
some questions. A good course of action at
this point is to seek guidance from a trustworthy, reliable person who has worked with
this process before.
You also realize that you need to shift gears
a little bit. You have witnessed inorganic zinc
(IOZ) coating applications so you predict
there are some similarities. You are partly
correct in that the nature of the IOZ film is
different from most organic coatings. It is
conductive, it is less temperature-sensitive, it
is solvent-resistant, and it is porous. The big
difference is that the anodic metal (zinc) in
the IOZ coating is bound to itself and to the
substrate by a binder that is the result of a
chemical reaction.
Metallizing has no binder and is not
dependent on chemistry in the same way
as other inorganic coatings. Basically, it is
a metal that usually has been drawn into
wire form, which is then melted and splat-
tered onto the substrate. This not an elegant
description and does not take into account
the technology and skill required to do this,
but it captures the essential character of the
Therefore, you will be inspecting a metal
rather than a resin. This takes you slightly
out of your comfort zone. Never fear, it is a
coating film and you are a coating inspector.
Do your thing.
For industrial corrosion protection
there are two methods of metallizing
application—flame spray and electric
arc. The first (and oldest) is flame spray.
This method uses a handheld gun to push
a wire (aluminum, zinc, or whatever)
through a flame (commonly oxygen/acetylene). The flame melts the metal wire and
compressed air propels the metal to the
substrate. This method usually employs
smaller-diameter wire or less wire volume
continued on page 10 “Thermal”
continued from page 9 “Thermal”
per unit time compared to the arc spray
method. The result is lower production
and higher associated labor cost. Often
the completed film is slightly “smoother”
than the results of arc spray. On the other
hand, arc spraying uses electric voltage/
amperage to cause two wires (one positive
and one negative) to arc. The resulting
melted metal is propelled to the substrate
by compressed air. This brings us to the
next gear shift.
The completed film will not be smooth
or slick like an organic coating film. It is,
after all, melted metal that has been splattered onto the substrate. Some experience
or judgment will be required to determine
whether the applicators are applying an
overly rough film. The metallizing should
be generally uniform and free of large
irregular lumps. (You can recognize that
there is a problem if the film is visually
lumpy and significantly thicker than what
was specified.) This is usually a result of
an application fault that causes the gun to
spit out large chunks of wire.
ing, or solvent cleaning is very important.
Abrasive blasting to NACE No. 1/SSPC-SP 5
(White Metal) is normally preferred, but
NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 (Near-White Metal)
is sometimes used for benign atmospheric
exposures. Again, consult the specification.
The only thing of significance here is that
the anchor profile is typically deeper and
must be angular (sharp) to assure optimum
adhesion. Aluminum oxide or steel grit are
the commonly used abrasives and the anchor
profile is typically in the 3 to 5 mil (75 to 125
µm) range.
Metallizing Application
Another good thing to know is that in
both processes (flame and arc) there are
some adjustments that the applicator can
make to adjust the application quality. Flame
adjustments, wire feed speeds, air pressure,
voltage, and amperage are all elements
that affect application quality. For instance,
increasing atomization air pressure can
result in a smoother more uniform film, but
too much air will tend to quench the melted
particles before impact with the substrate
and may affect the tensile strength of the
completed film.
The coating film should be applied in
multiple passes. Typically three or four
passes are needed to produce a specified
thermal sprayed aluminum (TSA) total dry
film thickness (DFT) of 7 to 14 mils (178
to 356 µm). The reason for this, besides
thickness control, is to avoid abnormal
internal film stresses that can occur when
one thick hot pass is used to achieve the
total thickness. Also, spray angles should
be as close to perpendicular as possible.
Being alert to pre-heat requirements is
one way to show that you are a “clued-in”
thermal spray inspector. Flame spray applications usually require a preheating of
the start area, although this criterion has
no particular value when arc spraying.
The reason is this: Strangely, moisture
can result from the flame as a result of the
combustion gasses mixing to form H2O.
This moisture can cause flash rusting. Preheating burns off initial moisture resulting
from the flame and increases the spread
between the dew point and surface temperatures. The electric arc spray processes
employ very high-deposition energies and
obviously involve no flame.
Surface Preparation
Seal Coat
Now we are back on more familiar ground.
The surface prep is virtually the same as
for other coatings. Organic and inorganic
contaminant should be removed
from the substrate to be coated.
Pressure washing, steam clean-
Red alert. We, meaning us experienced
coating inspectors, are accustomed to
policing single DFTs of 2 to 6 mils (50 to
150 µm). We want to ensure that the anchor profile is covered; therefore, we are
tempted to want to see enough seal coat
Film Quality
to fully cover the surface roughness. This
was one of the more difficult gear shifts I
had to make when I began inspecting TSA.
The seal coat is usually thinned down to
a 20 to 40% volume solids material and
applied to achieve a DFT of 0.5 to 1.5 mils
(13 to 38 µm). However, this is not going to
cover the rough TSA in the way you prefer.
It will not provide a full strong color. It will
look as if there is not enough of it, but there
probably is. The seal coat is intended to fill
microporosity in the metallizing to prolong
the time before anode oxidation. It is not
meant to be thick enough to be a barrier
coating, nor is it intended to prevent corrosion current between the environment
and the metallization. How else is the TSA
going to be sacrificial? Although a seal coat
may visually appear as though there is not
enough of it and it is usually unattractive,
you just have to live with it as long as it
meets specification criteria.
Thickness Inspection
DFT tests per SSPC-PA 2 using magnetic
instruments, such as Type 1 gauges. Yeah,
we can do that—piece of cake
Don’t spoil the mystery of the moment by
asking about a holiday test. The metal film
is conductive...you can’t holiday test it. An
interesting holiday test that is used by some
end users is to let it sit out in the rain for a
day (or wet it). The little orange spots will
alert you where the coating is too thin or
incorrectly sealed. Strange, huh?
Proof Testing
In addition to the visual and thickness
inspection, metallizing is typically proof
tested by bend test, knife-cut, or adhesion
testing (or combination of these). Bend
testing involves spraying a thin sample
panel with the same setup as production spraying and bending it 180 degrees
continued on page 11 “Thermal”
continued from page 10 “Thermal”
around a mandrel (typically 0.5 in.). There
should be no significant cracking and
no spalling when scraped. Fine hairline
cracks are acceptable. A knife cut involves
cutting the film with a blade and rating the
bond. This test is somewhat subjective and
is normally used when other methods are
not available. For my money, the truest
test is the quantitative adhesion test. It is
typically performed in accordance with
ASTM D 4541 or ASTM C 633. See the
specifications for these requirements and
pass/fail values.
A guide for these methods can be found
in NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS
23.00, Specification for the Application
of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing)
of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and
Composites for the Corrosion Protection
of Steel. A guide to operator qualifications
can be found in ANSI/AWS C2.18-93, Guide
for the Protection of Steel with Thermal
Spray Coatings of Aluminum, Zinc, and
Their Alloys & Composites—Annex C.
Familiarity with the above issues will
get you off to a good start. Don’t shy away
from metallizing inspection because the
best training is experience. Make us proud
Mr. Inspector. ■
Chairman’s Corner
n past issues of “InspectThis!” I have
discussed the vast opportunities now
afforded to the NACE Coating Inspector
Program (CIP) in offering our program in
many foreign countries. We all go through
learning processes in our lives and the
CIP is going through just that. As we have
recently offered programs in such locations as Asia, Australia, China, Europe,
Africa, and South America, we are learning the importance of including relevant
standards that affect coating inspectors in
their particular locations.
All of you receiving “InspectThis!” are
at a minimum Level I Coating Inspectors
and therefore realize that we don’t have the
luxury of simply adding all of these standards to a course that is already maxed out
as to how much information can be offered
in a one-week training course. Therefore,
we are currently looking at other ways of
providing this added information to those
students directly affected.
To maintain the integrity of the CIP and
of your recognition we must keep the same
training and testing guidelines no matter
where the course is being presented. A
major goal of CIP has always been that
CIP recognition
means the same
anywhere in the
We are currently consulting
with coating inspection experts
in areas of the
world where our Ray Stone,
courses are be- CIP Chairman
ing presented to
determine which standards should be
included for the students in those areas.
One method currently being considered by
the committee is to include these as an appendix to the manuals in the areas needed,
therefore allowing the instructor to discuss
pertinent issues where the (ISO, Australian,
European, etc.) standards differ in scope
and definition from the NACE and SSPC
standards we use for testing purposes.
Just as we teach in the courses, it is of
primary importance that the inspector
acquires, maintains, and understands
the standards specific to the specification
and the conditions of the location he/she
is working in. ■
ongratulations to Henry Mowers from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. He is the winner
of our latest drawing for a free CIP course (from the Winter issue of InspectThis!).
Henry successfully completed the CIP Session I Course in Orlando, Florida, in February 2004.
When told about winning the course Henry said, “THIS IS GREAT!” Good luck Henry!
Still don’t get it? Send an e-mail to InspectThis@nace.org or send a fax to 281/228-6368
letting us know that you saw this article and we will put your name into a drawing for a
free course registration. To be eligible you must have passed either the CIP Level 1 Course
or the CIP Exam Course 1, and your recognition/certification must be active. You can use
the free course for a Level 2 ( Session III) or Peer Review, the choice is yours. The free
course must be taken before June 30, 2006. (The prize is transferable, but may not be
resold. If the prize is transferred, the person receiving the prize must meet the same criterion and have completed
Level 1 before March 1, 2005.) ■
Peer Corner
Steve Poncio
elcome to
the “Peer
Corner.” I’m Steve
Ponc io, N AC E
Internat iona l
Treasurer and
one of the CIP
Peers. You may
have a chance to
visit with me for
a couple of hours
for a CIP Peer Review in the near future,
or maybe you have already enjoyed that
experience. “InspectThis!” Editor Laura
Bartlett has asked me to kick off or reestablish the column we in the past have
called the “Peer Corner.”
I sincerely hope each one of you have
enjoyed the holidays and I wish all a successful New Year.
In years past we have used this space
to pass on helpful advice about taking an
oral examination and also have shared
some humorous items such as the time
when one of the Peers dragged a “nonstudent” into a Peer Review, offered him
coffee, and then found out he was just
standing in the area and was not a peer
candidate at all (not once but twice).
The goal of our articles will be to help
ease some of the undue anxiety that exists
out there regarding Peer Review. We want
to help potential candidates understand
and then be able to focus on what is
important—job knowledge—and not fear
the Peers or the exam.
I can tell you that a lot of misinformation
exists in the coating inspector population.
This column will attempt to answer any
questions you may want answered and
dispel the misinformation (by the way
there is no “doctor death”).
At this time I would encourage you to
send any questions or concerns you may
have. For those who have had the pleasure
of taking the Peer Exam, please pass on
any humorous incidents or advice that you
think would be helpful.
Until next time here are a few tips:
■ Pay attention to the instructions given
to you by the Peer prior to the questions being asked.
■ Do not be afraid to ask for clarification if you do not understand what is
being asked of you.
■ Develop an outline, either mentally or
by making physical notes, and think
before you speak.
■ Leave time for the Peers to ask clarifying questions.
By the way, Peers do not own or wear
black hoods. ■
Get in on the Ground Level
Help Develop the Standards That Affect You
Whether you want to help shape change in the coatings industry or just gain a better understanding of the standards that affect you, participating in NACE technical committee meetings
is your best resource for the latest in cutting-edge coatings technology. If you are a member
and would like to join a committee, go to the Members Only section of the NACE Web site to
join online, contact ann.miller@nace.org, or call 281/228-6264.
The following is a list of NACE Technical Committees that deal specifically with the
protective coatings and linings industry. If you are a member of NACE, you may participate
in technical committee activities.
■ Specific Technology Groups (STGs) are groups of technical committees organized
under a specific scope of activity. They either sponsor or administer a number of Task
Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs).
■ TGs are small committees formed by one or more STGs to produce specific documents
as assigned. The work of each TG generally culminates in a technical committee
■ TEGs are committees that are formed by STGs to conduct symposium and/or technical
information exchanges (TIEs). TEGs do not generate technical committee publications.
STG 02
Coatings and Linings, Protective:
Scope: Determine uses, application, and
performance of coatings for atmospheric service. Atmospheric service denotes industrial
and commercial equipment, architectural
structures, and bridges.
TEG 145X
Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust
Preventives for Interim (Temporary)
Corrosion Protection: Advances and
Novel Applications
Assignment: To conduct a symposium based on
the recently revised NACE Standard RP0487.
TG 146
Coatings, Thermal-Spray
Assignment: To prepare state-of-the-art reports
and recommended practices and develop training, testing, and other programs to promote the
awareness and proper use of thermally sprayed
metals, plastics, ceramics, etc.
TG 148
Threaded Fasteners: Coatings and
Methods of Protection for Threaded
Fasteners Used with New Structural
Steel, Piping, and Equipment
Assignment: To develop a state-of-the-art
report on effective coatings and methods for
corrosion control of these connections.
TEG 192X
Coating Industry Problems
Confronting Owners and Contractors
Assignment: To provide a format for handling
problems and issues that affect the owner and
contractor utilizing coatings. Problems and
issues may include hazardous waste, volatile
organic compounds, applicator training,
federal and state regulations, and others that
may develop.
TEG 229X
Fretting Corrosion Between Piping
and Pipe Supports
Assignment: Determining extent and mitigation of corrosion damage associated with
coating failures and/or pipe wall thickness
reduction due to abrasion from relative movement between pipe and pipe supports.
TEG 255X
Coatings, Thermal-Spray for
Corrosion Protection
Assignment: Exchange of information
regarding thermal-spray coatings used for
corrosion protection.
TG 258
Coatings for Concrete in Atmospheric
and Nonimmersion Service, Selection
Assignment: To write a standard recommended practice on the selection of coatings
for concrete in atmospheric and nonimmersion service.
TG 260
Offshore Platform Maintenance
Coatings (Nonimmersion): Standard
Test Methods
Assignment: To write test methods that utilize
effective and economical hardware and test
specimens. Test methods will include (1) prohesion/ultraviolet exposure, (2) salt contamination
resistance, (3) edge retention, (4) thermal cycling resistance, (5) wet adhesion, (6) wormhole
wettability, (7) impact resistance, and (8) abrasion resistance. They cover the coating systems
for offshore platform structural steel—splash
zone, anti-skid, above-the-water areas.
TG 261
Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors and Rust
Preventives for Interim (Temporary)
Corrosion Protection
Assignment: To write a standard on rust
preventives and vapor corrosion inhibitors for
interim (temporary) corrosion protection.
TEG 311X
Threaded Fasteners: Coatings and
Methods of Protection for Threaded
Fasteners Used With Structural Steel,
Piping, and Equipment
Assignment: Share information concerning,
and discuss effective methods for, corrosion
control of fasteners used with structural, piping, and equipment connections.
TG 312
Offshore Platforms: Coatings for
Atmospheric and Splash Zone New
Assignment: To develop standard test methods for new construction coatings. The test
methods are similar, but not identical to, those
for maintenance coatings.
TG 313
Offshore Platforms: Coatings for
Corrosion Control of Steel
Assignment: To write a standard addressing
corrosion control of steel offshore platforms
by protective coatings. Sections on protective
coatings in NACE Standard RP0176 will then
be removed.
STG 03
Coatings and Linings, Protective:
Immersion and Buried Service
Scope: Determine effectiveness, performance
criteria, and quality needs of immersion
coatings and lining materials used
in immersion service.
TEG 033X
Pipeline Rehabilitation Coatings
Assignment: To discuss the technologies
of underground pipeline coatings used for
pipeline rehabilitation.
TG 034
Pipeline Coatings, External: Gouge Test
Assignment: To write a test method and
criteria for evaluation of gouge resistance of
a particular coating.
TG 139
Linings, Polyurea Internal for Water
Tanks: Application and Inspection
Assignment: To develop a recommended
practice for the application and inspection of
polyurea internal linings for water tanks.
TEG 225X
Liners, Thermoplastic for Oilfield
Assignment: To provide a forum for participants to discuss liner operation experience
and research activities.
TG 247
Coatings, Liquid Epoxy for External
Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld
Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines
Assignment: To develop a recommended
practice for minimum specifications for liquid
coatings and their application, inspection, and
testing for use in the field.
TG 248
Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for
External Repair, Rehabilitations, and
Weld Joints on Pipelines
Assignment: To develop a recommended
practice for minimum specifications for heatshrink sleeve coatings and their application,
inspection, and testing for use in the field.
TG 251
Coatings, Tape for External Repair,
Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on
Assignment: To develop a recommended
practice for minimum specifications for tape
coatings and their application, inspection, and
testing for use in the field.
TG 263
Offshore Ballast Water Tank
Coatings: Standard Test Method
Assignment: To develop a new test
standard for offshore ballast water tank
coatings. The new test standard will
utilize effective and economical hardware and
test procedures. These include (1) free-film water absorption/desorption, (2) wet adhesion, (3)
edge retention, (4) flexibility, (5) condensation
resistance, (6) thick-film cracking resistance,
(7) cathodic disbondment, and (8) salt-fog resistance. The methods cover coating systems for
offshore ballast water tank coatings for both new
construction and maintenance purposes.
TG 264
Offshore Exterior Submerged
Coatings: Standard Test Method
Assignment: To develop a new test standard for
offshore exterior submerged coatings. The new
test standard will utilize effective and economical hardware and test procedures. These include
(1) free-film water absorption/desorption, (2)
wet adhesion, (3) edge retention, (4) flexibility,
(5) cathodic disbondment, (6) impact resistance, and (7) salt-fog resistance. The methods
cover the coating systems for offshore platform
submerged coatings in new construction only.
TG 265
Coating, Polyolefin Resin Systems:
Review of NACE Standard RP0185-96
Assignment: Review and revise as necessary
NACE Standard RP0185-96, “Extruded Polyolefin
Resin Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for
Underground or Submerged Pipe.”
TG 281
Coatings, Polyurethane for Field
Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth
Weld Joints on Pipelines
Assignment: To develop a recommended
practice for a minimal specification for the
field application, repair, and testing for a polyurethane coating to be used on the exterior of
buried pipelines.
TG 296
Coating Systems, Wax, for
Underground Piping Systems: Review
of NACE Standard RP0375
Assignment: Review and revise as necessary
NACE Standard RP0375, “Wax Coating Systems
for Underground Piping Systems.”
TEG 303X
Linings, Thin-Film Organic for
Process Vessels
Assignment: Informal presentations concerning use, performance, durability, application, and inspection of thin-fi lm linings to
prevent corrosion or protect product quality
by linings applied to process vessels.
STG 04
Coatings and Linings, Protective:
Surface Preparation
Scope: Determine effectiveness, performance
criteria, and quality needs of various methods
of surface preparation for the application of
coatings and linings.
TG 006
Blasting: Review of Joint Standards
NACE Nos. 1 To 4/SSPC-SP 5, 10, 6,
7—White Metal Blast Cleaning,
Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning,
Commercial Blast Cleaning, and
Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
Assignment: To review, revise, or reaffirm as
necessary joint blasting standards NACE No.
1-4/SSPC-SP 5, 10, 6, 7.
TG 007
Assignment: To revise and update SSPC-SP 1
(“Solvent Cleaning”) into a joint standard.
TEG 064X
Railcar Surface Preparation
Assignment: To keep abreast of industry
changes and techniques and report findings
TG 142
Surface Preparation of Contaminated
Steel Surfaces
Assignment: To review and update NACE
Publication 6G186, “Surface Preparation of
Contaminated Steel Surfaces.”
TG 259
Salt Contaminants, Nonvisible,
Soluble on Coated and Uncoated
Metallic Surfaces Immediately Prior
to Coating Application: Evaluation
Assignment: Prepare a technical committee
report on evaluating nonvisible soluble salts
on steel and other nonporous surfaces prior
to coating application.
TG 275
Surface Preparation of Metals to WJ-1
(Clean to Bare Substrate) by HighPressure Waterjetting
Assignment: Develop a standard recommended practice for surface preparation of
metals to WJ-1 by high-pressure waterjetting.
This standard will be based on information
provided in NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12, “Surface
Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating.”
TG 276
Surface Preparation of Metals to
WJ-2 (Very Thorough or Substantial
Cleaning) by High-Pressure
Assignment: Develop a standard recommended practice for surface preparation of
metals to WJ-2 by high-pressure waterjetting.
This standard will be based on information
provided in NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12, “Surface
Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating.”
TG 277
Surface Preparation of Metals to
WJ-3 (Thorough Cleaning) by HighPressure Waterjetting
Assignment: Develop a standard recommended practice for surface preparation of
metals to WJ-3 by high-pressure waterjetting.
This standard will be based on information
provided in NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12, “Surface
Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating.”
TG 278
Surface Preparation of Metals to WJ-4
(Light Cleaning) by High-Pressure
Assignment: Develop a standard recommended practice for surface preparation of
metals to WJ-4 by high-pressure waterjetting.
This standard will be based on information
provided in NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12, “Surface
Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating.”
TG 288
Nonvisible Contaminants, Identifying
Specific Levels
Assignment: Develop a standard to correctly
identify various levels of nonvisible contaminants, primarily soluble salts, to assist specifiers in designating desired levels.
TG 295
Lining, Tanks and Vessels for
Immersion Service: Fabrication
Details, Surface Finish Requirements,
and Proper Design Considerations—
Review of NACE Standard RP0178-2003
Assignment: Review of NACE Standard
RP0178-2003, “Fabrication Details, Surface
Finish Requirements, and Proper Design
Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be
Lined for Immersion Service.”
TG 320
Coating and Lining Applicator
Assignment: To develop a joint NACE/SSPC
standard for qualification of industrial coating
and lining applicators.
TG 323
Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning
Assignment: To prepare a technical committee report on surface preparation by
processes that involve abrasive, possible air,
and pressurized water—wet abrasive blast
STG 43
Transportation, Land
Scope: To promote the development of techniques to extend the life of land transportation
TG 063
Railcars: Corrosion Protection and
Control Program
Assignment: Develop guidelines for railcar
lining requalification.
TG 066
Railcars: The Application of SolventFree Coating Using Plural-Component
Spray Equipment
Assignment: To prepare a state-of-the-art report on the application of solvent-free coatings
with plural-component spray equipment.
TG 067
Railcars: Interior Protection of
Railcars Hauling Sulfur
Assignment: To produce a report on state-ofthe-art methods for protecting sulfur cars.
TG 068
Tank Truck Trailer Interiors:
Corrosion Protection with Coatings
and Linings
Assignment: To prepare a state-of-the-art
report on coatings and linings that are applied
to the interior surfaces of tank truck trailers
for the purpose of mitigating corrosion. This
report will include a description of the generic-type systems, commodities transported,
and life expectancy of the systems.
TG 069
Tank Truck Interiors: Coating and
Lining Inspection
Assignment: Prepare a state-of-the-art report
relating to inspection requirements as provided in HM183. This report will include the
criteria required to prevent damage of the applied coating and/or lining during the yearly
inspection and provide the necessary steps to
ensure a continual serviceable system.
TEG 180X
Automotive Corrosion
Assignment: Discuss corrosion issues facing the ground transportation (automotive)
TEG 228X
Coatings Corrosion Protection and
Control Program
Assignment: Exchange information on corrosion protection and control program for
railcar coatings.
TG 271
Railcar and Tank Trailer Interiors,
Used: Surface Decontamination
Assignment: To prepare a technical committee report describing surface decontamination procedures for used railcars and tank
trailers prior to coating application.
TEG 272X
Railcars for Molten Sulfur: Technical
Advances for Lining Application and
Assignment: Information exchange on
technological advances in lining application
and service standards for tank cars in molten
sulfur transportation.
TEG 291X
Rail Industry: Information Exchange
on Coatings-Related Issues
Assignment: Technical information exchange
in conjunction with an STG meeting.
TG 322
Truck and Trailer Rails and
Equipment: Manufacture and Coating
Assignment: To prepare a standard recommended practice for manufacture and coating
of truck and trailer rails and equipment. ■
NACE International
Protective Coatings and Linings
Atmospheric Service Standards
NACE Standard RP0281-2004
Method for Conducting Coating (Paint)
Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric
Exposures, Item #21026
NACE Standard RP0487-2000
Considerations in the Selection and
Evaluation of Rust Preventives and
Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Interim
(Temporary) Corrosion Protection,
Item #21037
NACE Standard RP0297-2004
Maintenance Painting of Electrical
Substation Apparatus Including Flow
Coating of Transformer Radiators,
Item #21081
NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/
SSPC-CS 23.00
Specification for the Application of
Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of
Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and
Composites for the Corrosion Protection
of Steel (RP0203-2003), Item #21100
Atmospheric Service Reports
NACE Publication 6H188
(1996 Edition)
Coatings over Nonabrasive Cleaned Steel
Surfaces, Item #24129
NACE Publication 80200/SSPC-TR 4
Preparation of Protective Coating
Specifications for Atmospheric Service,
Item #24209
NACE Publication 02103
Liquid-Applied Coatings for HighTemperature Atmospheric
Service, Item #24219
NACE Publication 02203/ICRI
Technical Guideline 03741/SSPC-TR 5
Design, Installation, and Maintenance
of Protective Polymer Flooring Systems
for Concrete, Item #24220
Immersion/Buried Service Standards
NACE Standard RP0274-2004
High-Voltage Electrical Inspection of
Pipeline Coatings Prior to Installation,
Item #21010
NACE Standard RP0375-99
Wax Coating Systems for Underground
Piping Systems, Item #21013
NACE Standard RP0185-96
Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems
with Soft Adhesives for Underground or
Submerged Pipe, Item #21029
NACE Standard RP0188-99
Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New
Protective Coatings on Conductive
Substrates, Item #21038
NACE Standard RP0490-2001
Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded
Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250
to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils), Item # 21045
NACE Standard RP0892-2001
Linings Over Concrete for Immersion
Service, Item #21060
NACE Standard RP0394-2002
Application, Performance, and Quality
Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded
Epoxy External Pipe Coating,
Item #21064
NACE Standard RP0298-98
Sheet Rubber Linings for Abrasion and
Corrosion Service, Item #21085
NACE Standard RP0399-2004
Plant-Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel
Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control, Item #21089
Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon
Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks
(RP0202-2002), Item #21093
NACE Standard RP0402-2002
Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy
(FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth
Weld Joints: Application, Performance,
and Quality Control, Item #21096
NACE Standard RP0602-2002
Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe
Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control, Item #21098
Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied
in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels
(RP0103-2003), Item #21099
NACE Standard RP0303-2003
Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves
for Pipelines: Application, Performance,
and Quality Control, Item #21101
NACE Standard RP0304-2004
Design, Installation, and Operation
of Thermoplastic Liners for Oilfield
Pipelines, Item #21103
NACE Standard TM0174-2002
Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation
of Protective Coatings and Lining
Materials in Immersion Service,
Item #21206
NACE Standard TM0102-2002
Measurement of Protective Coating
Electrical Conductance on Underground
Pipelines, Item #21241
Immersion/Buried Service Reports
NACE Publication 10D199
Coatings for the Repair and
Rehabilitation of the External Coatings
of Buried Steel Pipelines, Item #24201
NACE Publication 6A100
Coatings Used in Conjunction with
Cathodic Protection, Item #24207
Surface Preparation of Concrete
(RP0397-2003), Item #21082
NACE Publication 6A195
Introduction to Thick-Film
Polyurethanes, Item #24186
Industrial Blast Cleaning (RP0299-99),
Item #21088
NACE Publication 6A198
Introduction to Thick-Film
Polyurethanes, Polyureas, and Blends,
Item #24197
NACE Publication 6A287 (1997 Edition)
Electroless Nickel Coatings, Item #24089
Surface Preparation Standards
NACE Standard RP0178-2003
Fabrication Details, Surface Finish
Requirements, and Proper Design
Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to
Be Lined for Immersion Service, Item
NACE Standard RP0287-2002
Field Measurement of Surface Profile of
Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces
Using a Replica Tape, Item #21035
White Metal Blast Cleaning (RP04942000), Item #21065
Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
(RP0594-2000), Item #21066
Commercial Blast Cleaning (RP06942000), Item #21067
Brush-Off Blast Cleaning (RP0794-2000),
Item #21068
Surface Preparation and Cleaning of
Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating
(RP0595-2002), Item #21076
Surface Preparation Reports
NACE Publication 6A192/SSPC-TR 3
(2000 Edition)
Dehumidification and Temperature
Control During Surface Preparation,
Application, and Curing for Coatings/
Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other
Enclosed Spaces, Item #24083
NACE Publication 6G197/SSPC-TU 2
Design, Installation, and Maintenance
of Coating Systems for Concrete Used in
Secondary Containment, Item #24193
NACE Publication 6G198/SSPC-TR 2
Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning,
Item #24199
Land Transportation Standards
NACE Standard RP0386-2003
Application of a Coating System to
Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel
Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food, and
Chemical Service, Item #21033
NACE Standard RP0295-2003
Application of a Coating System to
Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail
Tank Cars, Item #21070
NACE Standard RP0495-2003
Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel
as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and
Lining Applicators in the Rail Industries,
Item #21072
NACE Standard RP0398-98
Recommendations for Training and
Qualifying Personnel as Coating
Inspectors in the Railcar Industry, Item
NACE Standard RP0302-2002
Selection and Application of a Coating
System to Interior Surfaces of New and
Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur
Service, Item #21095
Land Transportation Reports
NACE Publication 14C196
The Application of Solvent-Free Epoxy
Coatings to Railcars Using PluralComponent Spray Equipment, Item
NACE Publication 14C296
Protective Coatings for Mitigating
Corrosion Under Insulation on Rail
Tank Cars, Item #24191 ■
NACE Standard RP0592-2001
Application of a Coating System to
Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail
Tank Cars in Concentrated (90 to 98%)
Sulfuric Acid Service, Item #21057
NACE Standard RP0692-2003
Application of a Coating System to
Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail Cars,
Item #21058
CIP Course Schedule through June 30, 2005.
Please check the NACE Web site www.nace.org/EDUSchedule for updates.
CIP Level 1
CIP 1-Day Bridge Specialty Course
Mar 6-11, 2005................ Norfolk, VA, U.S. .............. 05I44185
Mar 20-25, 2005 ............. Marabella, Trinidad6 ........05I44191
Apr 3-8, 2005 .................. Bandung, Indonesia1 ........ 05I44165
Apr 10-15, 2005 ............... Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I44108
Apr 10-15, 2005 ............... Orlando, FL, U.S............... 05I44184
May 2-7, 2005 .................. Bogota, Colombia18 .......... 05I44107
May 8-13, 2005 ............... Brisbane, Australia1 ..........05I44167
May 15-20, 2005 .............. Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I44125
May 16-21, 2005 .............. Cuernavaca, Mexico19....... 05I44135
May 29-Jun 3, 2005 ......... Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia1 . 05I44122
Jun 12-17, 2005 ............... Ventura, CA, U.S. ...............05I44117
Apr 2, 2005 ..................... Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I44506
Jun 18, 2005.................... Ventura, CA, U.S. .............. 05I44505
CIP Level 2
Mar 6-11, 2005................ Barcelona, Spain30 ........... 05I44703
Mar 6-11, 2005................ Anchorage, AK, U.S. ......... 05I44790
Mar 6-11, 2005................ Norfolk, VA, U.S. .............. 05I44785
Mar 6-11, 2005................ Vallejo, CA, U.S. ............... 05I44793
Apr 10-15, 2005 ............... Orlando, FL, U.S............... 05I44784
Apr 17-22, 2005 ............... Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I44708
May 8-13, 2005 ............... Antwerp, Belgium3 ........... 05I44702
Jun 5-10, 2005 ................. Houston, TX, U.S. ..............05I44725
Jun 12-17, 2005 ............... Ventura, CA, U.S. ...............05I44717
Marine Coating Inspection
Mar 31-Apr 2, 2005 ......... Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I43804
This course is being hosted by the Australasian Corrosion Association Inc. (ACA),
Australia. Register for this course by contacting ACA by phone: 613 9874 0800,
fax: 613 9874 4800, or e-mail: aca@corrprev.org.au. Please note fees for hosted
courses may differ from the standard course fees in North America. Contact the
ACA for information on course fees.
This course is being hosted by Quorum—United Technologies for Corrosion
Prevention (EMTS, France). Register for this course by contacting EMTS by phone:
+33 442 241222, fax: +33 442 241233, or e-mail: ma@emts-quorum.com. Please
note fees for hosted courses may differ from standard course fees in North America.
Contact EMTS for information on course fees.
This course is being hosted by Quorum—United Technologies for Corrosion
Prevention—Corrosion Protection Consultants, Belgium (CPC). Register for
this course by contacting CPC by phone: +32 3 6443456, fax: +32 3 6441989, or
e-mail: kristel1@yucom.be. Please note fees for hosted courses may differ from the
standard course fees in North America. Contact Corrosion Protection Consultants
for information on course fees.
This course is being hosted by Trinidad Inspection Services (TISL). Register for
this course by contacting Rameshwair Rampersad or Mr. R. Navarro at phone: 1
868 658 3817, fax: 1 868 658 3727, or e-mail: training@tistt.com. Please note fees
for hosted courses may differ from the standard course fees in North America.
Contact TISL for information on course fees.
This course is being hosted by the Asociacion Colombiana de Ingenieros de
Corrosion. Register for this course by contacting Martha Rengifo by phone:
571/620-6801, fax: 571/620-2827, or e-mail: nacecolombia@andinet.com Please
note fees for hosted courses may differ from the standard course fees in North
America. Contact the Asociacion Colombiana de Ingenieros de Corrosion for
information on the course.
This course is being hosted by Corrosion y Proteccion, S.A. de C.V. Register for this
course by contacting Lorenzo Martinez Gomez by phone: 52-777-1000909, 52-7771002165, 52-555-4358013, 52-555-4310623, or e-mail: lmg@corrosionyproteccion.
com. Please note fees for hosted courses may differ from the standard course fees
in North America. Contact Corrosion y Proteccion for information on course fees,
or visit their Web site at www.corrosionyproteccion.com.
This course is being hosted by Quorum— United Technologies for Corrosion
Prevention (Rotterdam Painting Consultants b.v.). Register for this course by
contacting Ben van den Tol by phone: 31 180 440000, fax: 31 180 440010, or
e-mail: info@rpcbv.nl. Please note fees for hosted courses may differ from the
standard course fees in North America.Contact Rotterdam Painting Consultants
bv. for information on course fees.
This course is being hosted by Quorum—United Technologies for Corrosion
Prevention (Iberia Corrosion Engineering S.L.). Register for this course by
contacting Jose M. Faura, phone: 34 93 2151039, fax: 34 93 4873608, or e-mail:
jmfaura@ice-quorum.com. Please note fees for hosted courses may differ from
the standard course fees in North America. Contact Iberia Corrosion Ingineering
S.L. for information on course fees.
CIP Session III
Apr 10-14, 2005............... Orlando, FL, U.S............... 05I44384
Jun 5-9, 2005 .................. Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I44325
CIP Exam Course 1
Apr 6-8, 2005 .................. Orlando, FL, U.S................05I44619
Apr 12-14, 2005............... S. Etienne, France2 ...........05I44608
CIP Peer Review
Mar 11-13, 2005 .............. Norfolk, VA, U.S. .............. 05I44485
Mar 11-13, 2005 .............. Vallejo, CA, U.S. ............... 05I44493
Apr 15-17, 2005 ............... Orlando, FL, U.S...............05I44484
Apr 22-24, 2005 .............. Houston, TX, U.S. .............05I44408
Jun 10-12, 2005 ............... Houston, TX, U.S. ............. 05I44425
Jun 17-19, 2005 ............... Ventura, CA, U.S. .............. 05I44417
I only have one thing to say, “Don’t miss Coach Mike Ditka!”
s I mentioned in my Fall 2004
“InspectThis ! ” ar ticle, Coach
M ike Ditk a w i l l be spea k i ng at
CORROSION/2005 on Tuesday evening,
April 5 from 5:30 to 6:15. To make this
event even better, it is free to attend!
Ditka will be speaking about teamwork. Teamwork is an essential element
in the successful completion of any large
industrial coating project. In addition to
having a complete knowledge of how a project works, all parties
must work as a team, with the common goal of completing the
project as specified, on time, and within budget. To emphasize the
importance of teamwork, sponsors for this event are representative of a typical industrial coatings project team. NACE would like
to thank the sponsors of this event.
Sponsors and the position they represent on the “team” are
listed below:
Sherwin-Williams (material manufacturer)
Graco (equipment supplier)
CC Technologies (inspection company)
Greater Houston CVB (owner)
Mobley (contractor)
Betco Scaffolds (contractor supplier of scaffolding)
Munters Corporation (contractor supplier of dehumidification units)
(I would like to note that there could be many more players on
an industrial coatings project team. This group is a hypothetical
team—to be used strictly as an example of what an industrial
coatings project team could look like.)
Coach Ditka knows what it takes to succeed as a team. During
his 11 years with the Chicago Bears, Ditka’s teams dominated
the NFC Central with 52 regular season victories (between 19851988). This victory record is the most ever by an NFL team in any
four-year period. Ditka ranks second among all Bears coaches
in both tenure and victories. In 1985, Mike Ditka’s team posted
an 18-1 record. Ditka is the only Chicago Bear coach to lead his
club to five straight post-season appearances. In 1988, he won
Coach of the Year honors during the same season in which he
suffered a mid-season heart attack (11-22-88), and posted a 12-4
regular season record.
Prior to the 1982 season, Ditka signed on as head coach of the
Chicago Bears, taking over a team that had had just two winning
seasons in the previous 19 years. During his 10-year tenure as
head coach, Ditka led the Bears to six NFC Central titles, three
additional appearances in the NFC title game (each time, their
opponent went on to win the Super Bowl), and a Super Bowl
victory (1986). He has been awarded Coach of the Year honors
(1985 and 1988) by The Sporting News, the Associated Press,
and pro football writers.
Ditka is one of only two men to have won a Super Bowl as a
player, assistant coach, and head coach.
This is sure to be an event you won’t want to miss!
See you there!
Laura Bartlett
Marketing Specialist—Communications
NACE International
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