Stylistic 3400 Pen Tablet

T e c h n i c a l
P r o c e d u r e
Stylistic 3400
Pen Tablet
Disassembly Procedure
1. Before beginning the disassembly
procedure, make sure the unit is
powered off. Remove the pen and
turn the unit over.
2. Remove the battery by pressing the
release button while sliding down
the locking clip.
3. Remove the two screws securing
the memory expansion cover and
lift it off.
4. Remove the two screws securing
the cover to the hard disk drive and
lift it off. Lift the drive out.
5. Remove a total of ten perimeter
and interior case screws.
6. Using a case cracker or plastic
screw driver, pry off the upper
cover from the lower housing.
7. Remove the two screws that secure
the LCD assembly.
8. Remove the two screws that secure
the pen holder and lift it off.
9. Tilt the LCD assembly up to access
and remove the inverter card’s flex
10. Tilt up the magnesium tray to
remove the LCD flex cable from
the motherboard.
11. At the rear, detach the LED status
indicator cable and the microphone cable. Lift off the LCD
12. Detach the inverter cable and lift
the LCD assembly off the magnesium tray.
13. Remove the digitizer’s corner
securing screws and disconnect its
cable. Lift the digitizer off the
LCD assembly.
14. Remove the screw securing the
motherboard to the case.
15. Disconnect the bridge battery’s
cable and lift it out.
16. Disconnect the IR/keyboard flex
17. Remove the two nuts securing the
videoport to the case.
18. Now, being careful of the audio
and RJ-11 jacks at the rear,
maneuver the motherboard assembly out of the case.
19. Remove the two screws securing
the heatsink.
20. Tilt the heatsink over so as to
detach the fan’s cable from the
21. The speaker’s cable can also be
detached if necessary.
22. To isolate the modem, detach its
output and input cable connectors.
Remove its three securing screws.
24. The CMOS battery on the other
side can also be detached and
removed if necessary.
23. Pry the modem off the motherboard
25. Finally, detach and remove the
DC-in jack.
Te c h n i c a l
P r o c e d u r e
Stylistic 3400
Pen Tablet
Assembly Procedure
1. To begin the assembly procedure,
attach the DC-in jack to the motherboard.
2. Attach the CMOS battery.
3. Position the modem card and attach
its output and input cables. Secure
the modem with its three screws.
4. Attach the speaker.
5. Position the heatsink in order to to
attach the fan.
6. Then position the video port to the
heatsink and attach the port cable to
the underside of the motherboard.
8. Lower the motherboard back into
the case, positioning the speaker
and the audio and RJ-11 jacks at
the rear.
7. Secure the heatsink with its two
9. Secure the motherboard to the case
with its center screw.
10. Insert and lock the IR/keyboard
11. Connect the bridge battery’s cable
and position the battery into its
12. Position the magnesium tray to
the case over the motherboard
13. Position the LCD assembly so that
you can attach the cable to the
inverter card.
14. At the rear, attach the cables from
the LED status indicator and the
15. Connect the LCD flex cable to the
16. Attach the inverter card’s cable.
17. Align the digitizer to the LCD
assembly. Connect the digitizer’s
18. Secure the digitzer and the LCD
assembly with six screws.
19. Replace and secure the pen holder
with its two screws.
20. Position the upper cover to the
lower housing and snap it into
21. Replace the ten perimeter and
interior case screws.
22. Place the hard disk drive into its
compartment and connect its flex
24. Replace the cover to the memory
expansion module and secure it
with its two screws.
23. Position the drive’s cover and
secure it with its two screws.
25. Place the battery into its compartment and slide up its locking clip.