Summer Reading Assignments 12th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES U.S. Government / Economics The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction by Floyd G. Cullop Assignments – Read the book and complete the following: Part A: 1. Explain the purpose of the Preamble of the Constitution 2. List the Bill of Rights and explain the importance of each of the first ten amendments. 3. Explain the Four Articles of the Constitution. Part B: Copy and then answer the questions on the following pages: 1. Check yourself pg. 22-23 5. Check yourself pg. 49-50 2. Check yourself pg. 27-28 6. Check yourself pg. 57-58 3. Check yourself pg. 34-35 7. Check yourself pg. 82-85 4. Check yourself pg. 42-44 U.S. Government / Economics (Honors and Advanced Placement) 1. The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction by Floyd G. Cullop Assignments – Read the book and complete the following: Part A: 1. Explain the purpose of the Preamble of the Constitution 2. List the Bill of Rights and explain the importance of each of the first ten amendments. 3. Explain the Four Articles of the Constitution. Part B: Copy and then answer the questions on the following pages: 1. Check yourself pg. 22-23 5. Check yourself pg. 49-50 2. Check yourself pg. 27-28 6. Check yourself pg. 57-58 3. Check yourself pg. 34-35 7. Check yourself pg. 82-85 4. Check yourself pg. 42-44 2. Macro Mayhem: A Dia Fenner Economic Thriller by Michael L. Walden and M.E. Whitman Walden. Assignment: Read all chapters and complete the following: 1. One paragraph summary for each chapter 2. List and explain the economic terms introduced in each chapter. 3. One page reflection/opinion about the novel. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignments 11th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES American History The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation by Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon Assignment: A. Read and write an outline of Chapter 1: 1. Main Idea: One sentence 2. Supporting details: 5 details which support your main idea 3. Your Opinion: Well developed Paragraph 4. Of the Commission's conclusions, what do you find most compelling/important? B. Read chapter 2 and answer the following: 1.What could the U.S. have learned from Bin Ladin's interview? 2.How did Bin Ladin raise funds? 3.How did Bin Ladin get recruits? 4.Do you think our democracy has helped Bin Ladin? Explain. C. Read Chapter 3 and answer the following: 1.What happened in the 1993 attack and what were its consequences? 2.What was the failure of law enforcement? 3.What was the problem with the intelligence community? 4.What were some of the commission's conclusions? Do you agree with the commission's conclusions? Support your opinion. D. Read Chapter 4 and answer the following: 1. How does the title of this chapter relate to the information discussed in the chapter? 2. What happened in 1998? 3. Explain in detail the response of the U.S. to what happened in 1998. 4. How would you have responded to the situation? E. Read Chapter 5 and answer the following: 1. How does the title of this chapter relate to the information discussed in the chapter? 2. Who was Khalid Sheik Mohammed? And what role did he play in the 911 attack? 3. What was the importance of the Hamburg group? How were they able to blend in? 4. What did you find surprising about the “Money Trail” in the chapter? F. Read Chapter 6 and answer the following: 1. How does the title of this chapter relate to the information discussed in the chapter? 2. What was meant by Millennium attacks? 3. Explain what happened to the USS Cole? 4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement “The Clinton and Bush administrations played a blame game about what who said what and what information was shared”. Support your opinion with details from the chapter. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignments G. Read Chapter 7 and answer the following: 1. How does the title of this chapter relate to the information discussed in the chapter? 2. When did the 911 pilots arrive in the U.S. and who was the president? 3. Where were most of the hijackers from? Explain why. 4. In a PARAGRAPH explain the final strategies and tactics. H. Read Chapter 8 and explain the meaning of the title "The System was Blinking Red". I. Read Chapter 9 and explain how the title of this chapter relates to the information discussed within the chapter? Support your answer in half a page. J. Read Chapter 10 and explain how the title of this chapter relates to the information discussed in the chapter? Support your answer in half a page. K. Read Chapter 11 and look up the meaning of "Foresight and Hindsight" in a dictionary. Write the definitions down, then explain why they used these two words as the title for this chapter. Provide specific details in half a page. L. Read Chapter 12 and identify and explain the three strategies identified in this chapter. M. Read chapter 13 and write a half page summary of the chapter. N. Write a one page opinion about the work of the 911 commission and their findings. American History (Honors and Advanced Placement) The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Assignment: Create 3 well-crafted and polished journal entries in response to the assigned novel; each should be a minimum of two typed double-spaced pages. The following is a list of possibilities or suggestions, but is by no means exhaustive; creativity will be rewarded. Two grades will be given per entry for a total of 8 grades. The journal entries must cover the entire book; they should be spread evenly in relation to the beginning, middle and end of the novel. They should also reflect a variety of the choices listed below. All options may only be used once. • React, respond, expand, and explain a “five stare quote” of your choice. A “five stare quote” is a quote that “jumps off the page” at you for any reason. It may be profound, humorous, universal, or any reason you choose. For clarity, you must include the entire quote in the entry and note the page number you found it on. • Create an original piece of writing that is inspired by the novel; it may be a poem, short story, short drama or section of dialogue, advertisement, review, etc. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignments • Address a question that the novel has raised for you and then answer that question. It should be an essential question from the text and write a justification and possible answer after completing your reading. Include the chapter where the question is raised. • Create an original piece of art for one of your entries. Some possibilities could include: a drawing, painting, photo series, song lyrics/ composition, a collage, a digital collage. Must be able to place in the notebook. • Create a collection of 10 plus artifacts, in a digital, magazine cut out, or drawings, for one of the characters in the book. Attach a written rationale for your chosen items. (The total written rationales should be equivalent to the two-page minimum). • Choose a minimum of four characters for the novel and find a fitting song with lyrics for each one of them. Print out the song lyrics and explain why you chose that particular song for the character. Copy the songs and create a CD cover that illustrates a major motif or theme of the text. • Create a short list of enduring understandings that emerge as you read. Use evidence from the book to support your claims about the enduring understandings you take away for the book. How will these understandings shape decisions you will make in the future? How have these understandings shaped our society and historical knowledge? AICE American History A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn Assignment: Read and take detailed notes on Chapters 1-7 (pgs 1-148) Be prepared for an assessment on each of these chapters during the first week of school. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignments 10th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES ***(Cambridge students only) U.S. Government / Pre-AICE Economics: 1. The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction by Floyd G. Cullop Assignments – Read the book and complete the following: Part A: 1. Explain the purpose of the Preamble of the Constitution 2. List the Bill of Rights and explain the importance of each of the first ten amendments. 3. Explain the Four Articles of the Constitution. Part B: Copy and then answer the questions on the following pages: 1. Check yourself pg. 22-23 5. Check yourself pg. 49-50 2. Check yourself pg. 27-28 6. Check yourself pg. 57-58 3. Check yourself pg. 34-35 7. Check yourself pg. 82-85 4. Check yourself pg. 42-44 2. Micro Mischief: A Dia Fenner Economic Thriller by Michael L. Walden and M.E. Whitman Walden. Assignment: Read all chapters and complete the following: 1. One paragraph summary for each chapter 2. List and explain the economic terms introduced in each chapter. 3. One page reflection/opinion about the novel. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignments 9th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES World History (Honors and Pre-AICE) Ishmael: An Adventure in Mind and Spirit by Daniel Quinn Assignment: 1. Read the book and take notes on what you read. 2. Write down five questions about the book that you would like to discuss in class. 3. On a sheet of copy paper, create a flyer that compares and contrasts the “Taker” culture with the “Leaver” culture. Your flyer design may consist of visual images, individual words and/or phrases. World History (Advanced Placement) Cracking the AP World History Exam, 2008 Edition by Princeton Review Assignment: Read, examine and take full notes on the Princeton Review A.P. preparation book. Read all sections of the book and be prepared to take an open-note test. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignments SOCIAL STUDIES ELECTIVES AICE ECONOMICS: Micro Mischief: A Dia Fenner Economic Thriller by Michael L. Walden and M.E. Whitman Walden. Assignment: Read all chapters and complete the following: 1. One paragraph summary for each chapter 2. List and explain the economic terms introduced in each chapter. 3. One page reflection/opinion about the novel. Psychology and AICE Psychology: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Assignment: 1. Explain at least 5 significant points about the psychology of Logotherapy as described in the book. 2. Describe the use of Logotherapy in the treatment by Dr. Frankl, of the old man whose wife had died. In your own words, tell of the "system of thinking necessary to find what Dr. Frankl calls, "meaning" in a person's life. Each question may use quotes but, only if they are first accompanied by YOUR own words and also accompanied by a page and reference location in your copy of the book (your books and notes will be randomly chosen for verification). AICE International History: 1945-1991 The Cold War: A New History by John Lewis Gaddis Assignment: Read and take notes on the book. Be prepared for an assessment on the book during the first week of school. ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL