Electrical Contractors’ Association KEY FACTSHEET VOLTAGE DROP IN CONSUMER INSTALLATIONS Voltage drop in a consumer’s installation can be a contentious issue. Nevertheless, it is an important aspect of installation design because, if it is too high, certain equipment will either not function correctly or not function at all. BS7671 Requirements: 525.1 In the absence of any other consideration, under normal service conditions the voltage at the terminals of any fixed current-using equipment shall be greater than the lower limit corresponding in the product standard relevant to the equipment. 525.100 Where fixed current-using equipment is not the subject of a product standard the voltage at the terminals shall be such as not to impair the safe functioning of that equipment. achieved. Circuit cable conductor sizes are then calculated and selected to ensure that the total voltage drop from the origin of the installation is such that, under full load conditions, the lower voltage limits recommended by the equipment manufacturers are maintained. In the event that the minimum voltage cannot be achieved it may be necessary to provide protection against under-voltage or voltage fluctuations. The following does not take account of any spare capacity that may be required within the total voltage drop assessment process. The designer should discuss such requirements with the client before the assessment is undertaken. The Origin of the Installation: 525.101 The above requirements are deemed to be satisfied if the voltage drop between the origin of the installation (usually the supply terminals) and a socket-outlet or the terminals of fixed current-using equipment, does not exceed that stated in Appendix 4 Section 6.4. It is important to note that the main criteria in 525.100 is the safe functioning of the equipment which means that, providing the equipment can operate safely and function correctly at its supply voltage, there is no limit on the voltage drop in the system. This is also important where voltage optimisation equipment is utilised. The designer should be aware that Appendix 4 (referred to in Regulation 525.101) provides one method of complying with BS 7671 requirements. However, other methods that take into account permissible system tolerances are equally valid. It should also be noted that BS 7671 appendices provide guidance and are non-regulatory. It is important when designing an installation, to assess the characteristics of the equipment being installed. In particular, the designer should identify the equipment manufacturers’ recommended operating voltages and ensure that they can be For installations supplied from the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) low-voltage Public Network, the origin is normally the point at which electricity is supplied to the premises; e.g. the service cable at the intake cut out and metering point. Installations that are supplied at HV to a dedicated on-site transformer or a private generator are usually deemed to be a Private Network. In such installations the origin is the supply transformer or generator output terminals. Calculating Voltage Drop When calculating voltage drop due consideration should be given to the following: motor starting currents; in-rush currents; control voltages (particularly those associated with computerised systems). Notes: (i) Motor control contactors and relays can ‘drop out’ if the coil voltages fall towards 80% of the operating voltage. (ii) The effects of harmonic currents may also need to be considered and included in the calculation. (iii) Voltage transients and voltage variations due to abnormal operation can be ignored. VOLTAGE DROP IN CONSUMER INSTALLATIONS - CONTINUED Control equipment circuits can be protected against voltage drop or voltage fluctuations by using an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). The nominal voltage from a DNO supply for an installation is 230V single phase and 400V three phase, with a permitted tolerance of +10% / -6%. Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations (ESQCR) 2002 - requirements in premises supplied from a Public Network are fixed and cannot be altered by the consumer. On a Private Network there is more flexibility, as the consumer is able to adjust the transformer tappings and thus vary the open circuit voltage. BS 7671:2008 Section 6.4, Table 4Ab gives guidance on voltage drop percentages that are deemed to satisfy the regulations. It also shows the means of calculating voltage drop that may be used by the designer. The Table shows voltage drop percentage limits for lighting and other circuits in both low voltage Public and Private Networks. The limits apply to the nominal voltage of 230 V single phase and 400V three phase. The maximum voltage drop values taken from Table 4Ab are shown below: 230 VOLTS Network Type Lighting Other Circuits (i) Public Networks 3% (6.9V) 5% (11.5V) (ii) Private Networks* 6% (13.8V) 8% (18.4V) *The voltage drop within each final circuit on Private Networks, should not exceed the values given in (i) above for Public Networks 400 VOLTS Network Type Lighting Other Circuits (i) Public Networks 3% (12.0V) 5% (20.0V) (ii) Private Networks 6% (24.0V) 8% (32.0V) *The voltage drop within each final circuit on Private Networks, should not exceed the values given in (i) above for Public Networks When calculating the voltage drop in a circuit, the design current can be taken as being either the equipment rated current or, where there are a number of loads, the total connected load multiplied by a diversity factor. Additionally, where the total circuit length exceeds 100 metres, the limits given in Table 4Ab may be increased by 0.005% per metre up to a maximum of 0.5%. The voltage drop can be apportioned throughout the system circuits as the designer wishes, but the final circuit voltage drop is limited to the values given for Public Networks, regardless of whether it is a Public Network or a Private Network. For example: in a Private Network a lighting final circuit has a voltage drop limit of 3%, which allows 3% for the distribution circuit(s). ‘Other Circuits’ in a Private Network have a final circuit voltage drop limit of 5%, leaving 3% for the distribution circuit(s) installed from the origin to the final circuit distribution board(s). Therefore, in order to apply a higher level of voltage drop on the distribution circuit(s), it is necessary to reduce the voltage drop on final circuits further to compensate for the gain in voltage drop on the distribution circuit(s). Where a dwelling is supplied from the Public Network, the above is not normally necessary as final circuit distribution board(s) are usually close to the supply origin. Normally calculations are based on a nominal supply voltage of 230/400V at the origin. If the supply voltage is known to be permanently in excess of 230/400V the designer has scope for increasing the voltage drop percentages. In a Private Network these percentages could be increased by selecting and setting a higher transformer output terminal voltage. Where the supply voltage at the origin is lower than the nominal 230/400V, the designer needs to consider the effect of the minimum permissible supply voltage. This is a maximum of 6% below the nominal supply voltage, which equates to 216.2V and 376V respectively. This tolerance may be used when calculating the overall voltage drop in a Private Network, which means there can be 12% allowable voltage drop for lighting circuits and 14% for other circuits, whilst still remaining compliant with BS 7671. The designer can take advantage of this and apportion it throughout the installation to a cost advantage, but with the two caveats outlined above for the final circuit voltage drop limitation and the necessity for the operating circuit voltage to be at the level required by the connected equipment. VOLTAGE DROP IN CONSUMER INSTALLATIONS - CONTINUED Example for a Private Network Supply: A 10KW single phase load requires a minimum of 220 volts to operate correctly. The final circuit is a 63 amp protected circuit supplying the load via a 2 core 10mm2 PVC/PVC XLPE SWA armoured cable. The final circuit length is 30 metres and the constant load current is 52.17 amps. The Vd/A/m figure is 4.7 (Table 4E2B of BS 7671:2008). Maximum voltage drop for the final circuit is 5% (from (i) of the Table above). The note below the table says you must use Public Network figures on Private Network final circuits. Voltage drop on final circuit: 4.7 x 52.17 x 30/1000 = 7.36 volts. This equates to 3.2% of the nominal voltage, which is below the maximum permitted 11.5 volts (5%). The load only requires 220 volts to operate, so the minimum voltage we require at the distribution board is 220 + 7.36 = 227.36 volts. If the Private Network transformer has a single phase open circuit voltage of 245 volts, we have available 17.64 volts for use on the distribution circuit(s) design. This equates to 7.6% of the nominal voltage (230v), which makes the total voltage drop 10.9%. This is below the 14% figure given above, which takes into account the permissible tolerances on the DNO supply. It can be seen from this, the lower the open circuit transformer voltage, the less the designer has available to him for calculating circuit voltage drop in his design. Extending from an Existing Distribution Board The foregoing applies to new installations where the designer has control over the distribution as well as final circuit(s). Difficulties arise when adding circuits to an existing distribution board(s). The designer needs to ensure that the new circuit(s) complies with the current BS 7671 requirements, particularly with respect to voltage drop. In an ideal situation the designer of the added circuit(s) will have the original design information available to use. Such information would include: final circuit load currents; submain and distribution circuit load currents; diversity factors that have been applied in the primary design; conductor sizes and voltage drop. This information will enable the designer to assess the effect the additional load will have on the supply voltage to existing loads, thus preventing power supply problems on both new and existing equipment within the installation. In many cases the information is not going to be readily available, if at all. Never-the-less, the designer must still consider all the existing circuits listed above for their loading and voltage drop. In which case, clearly, some form of survey of the existing installation needs to take place. One method to adopt is to measure or ascertain all the existing circuit(s) currents under load conditions, together with the resultant voltage levels at the origin and all distribution board(s), then the additional circuit(s) can be designed, taking into account existing voltage drop limitations. Permitted voltage tolerances can also be taken into account, as described for Private Networks above. The increase in voltage drop due to the additional circuit load can be calculated as a % of the nominal supply by using the data from the voltage drop tables for the cable(s). However, it may be impractical to measure or ascertain the maximum load currents and resultant voltages by this method. Therefore, other methods may have to be considered in order to obtain a realistic voltage drop % in an installation. One other method is to determine the maximum load of each circuit by surveying and recording the information from the data plates attached to the connected equipment. The designer then has to make a judgement on the diversity that can be applied, so that the maximum actual circuit loading(s) and voltage drop can be assessed throughout the installation, as detailed above. Another method is firstly to ensure that any additional final circuits have their voltage drop calculated in accordance with the criteria given above for both Public and Private Networks (Table 4Ab values). Then note the percentage voltage drop obtained in each case. Existing final circuits and distribution circuits should have their voltage drop verified to ensure they meet the same criteria, so as to verify that the new circuits do not have any adverse affect on any of the existing circuits. VOLTAGE DROP IN CONSUMER INSTALLATIONS - CONTINUED Vd (FC) = In (ZL – ZL (DB)) Vd (DIST) = In (DIST) (ZL (DB) – ZL (ORG)) Do this for every distribution circuit that is supplying additional circuits and ensure it is not below the minimum permissible supply voltages given above. Again, the two caveats previously given must be given due consideration. There should be sufficient supply voltage remaining, above this minimum level, to accommodate the voltage drop on the existing final circuits. If not, further calculation will be required to reapportion the voltage drops in the installation. The minimum supply voltage required (V (REQ)) can be expressed as: V (REQ) > 216.2V + Vd (ORG) + Vd (FC) (for single phase supplies) and; V (REQ) > 376V + Vd (ORG) + Vd (FC) (for three phase supplies) Using this method a realistic worse case voltage drop can be assessed and the designer is able to demonstrate that the requirements of BS 7671 section 525 are satisfied. FURTHER INFORMATION Contact: Electrical Contractors’ Association Tel: 020 7313 4804 or visit the website www.eca.co.uk P18331407 The ECA Logo is a Registered Collective Mark. Next, ensure the distribution circuit(s) will not become overloaded by the additional circuit load and then assess the effect on the distribution circuit(s) voltage drop by the additional circuits. Calculate the voltage drop on the distribution circuit(s) by measuring or ascertaining the circuit impedance between line and neutral or line and line at the origin (ZL(ORG)), as applicable; then measure or ascertain the circuit impedance between line and neutral or line and line at the distribution board(s) (ZL(DB)); deduct ZL(ORG) from ZL(DB) to obtain the impedance of the distribution circuit(s) (ZL(DIST)); multiply ZL(DIST) by the current rating of the distribution circuit final circuit protective device (In), to obtain the voltage drop on the distribution circuit (Vd (DIST)); subtract the voltage drop figure from the voltage measured or ascertained at the origin (V (ORG)) and record the resultant supply voltage figure (V(s)). This is shown in the equation below. As mentioned above, Ib may be used in place of In, where an accurate maximum load figure for the circuit can be ascertained. Information presented is accurate at time of printing. Existing final circuits can have their voltage drop verified by: measuring or ascertaining the line to neutral or line to line impedances measured at the furthest point on each circuit (ZL), then deduct the line to neutral or line to line impedances (ZL (DB)), as applicable, from the ZL value, giving the resultant value ZL (FC); multiply ZL (FC) by the current rating (In) of the final circuit protective device, to give the final circuit voltage drop, as shown in the equation below. Use of In gives the worse case condition for the circuit. Therefore, Ib may be used instead of In, where an accurate maximum load figure for the circuit can be ascertained.