UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY College of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Discussion Notes: Large-signal PMOS behavior EE 105 Prof. Wu 1 Spring 2008 Large signal PMOS behavior (long-channel) Figure 1 shows a PMOS transistor with the source, gate, and drain labeled. Note that ID is defined to be flowing from the source to the drain, the opposite as the definition for an NMOS. As with an NMOS, there are three modes of operation: cutoff, triode, and saturation. I will describe multiple ways of thinking of the modes of operation of a PMOS. I’ll only focus on long-channel devices in these notes, but everything can easily be generalized to short-channel devices. ID S G VG + − + V − S D Figure 1: PMOSFET Note first that for a PMOS, the following equations generally hold for the devices and modes of operation we care about: VT H < 0 VGS < 0 VDS < 0 VDSat = VGS − VT H < 0 This is in contrast to the behavior of an NMOS, which typically has all of these voltages as positive values. Also note the following definitions (you should know these by know, but just in case): VGS ≡ VG − VS VDS ≡ VD − VS VSG ≡ VS − VG VSD ≡ VS − VD All of the following ways of formulating the large-signal equations for PMOSFETs are completely equivalent. Use whichever you feel most comfortable with. 1.1 Method A For this method, I will describe the PMOS behavior in terms of VGS , VDS , and VT H . 1 Cutoff VGS > VT H ID = 0 Triode VGS < VT H VDS > VGS − VT H = VDSat W VDS ID = µp Cox (VGS − VT H ) − VDS L 2 Note that since VDS > VGS − VT H (and both values are negative), the term (VGS − VT H ) − negative. However, since VDS is also negative, the current ID is positive. VDS 2 is Saturation VGS < VT H VDS < VGS − VT H = VDSat 1 W 2 ID = µp Cox (VGS − VT H ) [1 − λ (VDS − VDSat )] 2 L Note that VGS − VT H is negative, but since we square it, the term ends up being positive. Also note that since VDS < VDSat (and both values are negative), the term multiplied by λ is negative, so the minus sign makes the last term positive. Thus, ID is positive. 1.2 Method B This method involves flipping the subscripts of the voltages VGS and VDS and flipping the signs of VT H and VDSat . That means we’ll use the positive voltages VSG and VSD and the negative voltages VT H and VDSat in the large signal equations. Cutoff VSG < −VT H ID = 0 Triode VSG > −VT H VSD < VSG + VT H VSD W (VSG + VT H ) + VSD ID = µp Cox L 2 Saturation VSG > −VT H VSD > VSG + VT H 1 W ID = µp Cox (VSG + VT H )2 [1 + λ (VSD + VDSat )] 2 L 1.3 Method C Here, we use all positive voltages, some with flipped subscripts, some with absolute value signs: VSG , VSD , |VT H |, and |VDSat |. 2 Cutoff VSG < |VT H | ID = 0 Triode VSG > |VT H | VSD < VSG − |VT H | VSD W (VSG − |VT H |) + VSD ID = µp Cox L 2 Saturation VSG > |VT H | VSD > VSG − |VT H | 1 W 2 ID = µp Cox (VSG − |VT H |) [1 + λ (VSD − |VDSat |)] 2 L 1.4 Method D Finally, we can use all positive voltages but modified entirely with absolute value signs: |VGS |, |VDS |, |VT H |, and |VDSat |. Note that these formulas are identical to the NMOS formulas aside from the absolute value signs and the usage of hole mobility (µp ) rather than electron mobility (µn ). Cutoff |VGS | < |VT H | ID = 0 Triode |VGS | > |VT H | |VDS | < |VGS | − |VT H | W |VDS | ID = µp Cox (|VGS | − |VT H |) + |VDS | L 2 Saturation |VGS | > |VT H | |VDS | > |VGS | − |VT H | 1 W 2 ID = µp Cox (|VGS | − |VT H |) [1 + λ (|VDS | − |VDSat |)] 2 L 3