Assignment 5: Updated Outline and PowerPoint Slides


Assignment 5:

Updated Outline and PowerPoint Slides

Kie-98.1114 Communicating Technology

Deadline: Next class meeting

For this assignment, you will need to update your outline by adding metalanguage to the body of your presentation, as well as to create a first skeletal version of your Powerpoint slides , and then print out a handout page to bring and use in the

Walk-thru exercise at our next class.

Updated Outline

Use the Outline Template ( outline template.docx

) to create this fuller version of your outline. Fill in the template with your own answers to the questions presented in each part of the template.

You can easily do this by highlighting the text with your mouse and then either writing on top of my text or pasting your new text over the old. Do not change the color or numbering system in the template. Figure 1 shows an example of what your outline should look like. This second version of your outline should contain, in addition to the introduction, the following metalanguage written in red, cursive text and enclosed by parentheses


 Transition statements between

(1) the Introduction and the first main topic area .

(2) each new main topic area .

Use either the Restate-forecast technique, a rhetorical question or a topic sentence (See the class notes for Session 10).

(3) the Body and the Conclusion of your talk.

 Name your outline Lastname5.doc


Upload this into Moodle as a Microsoft

Word document (not as a pdf!).

Figure 1.

Example updated outline .

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PowerPoint slides

Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following slides:

(1) The first slide (often called a ‘teaser’ slide ) should show a picture illustrating the problem solved by your innovation, rather than a title .

(5) The Conclusion slide should be a mirror image of the introduction in that the audience is reminded of

“the territory” that has been covered.

(2) When you introduce yourself, show a title slide that contains the presentation title, your name, and name of your department and university.

(6) Return to the original problem by once again showing the teaser slide , and now tell the audience why in the future this problem no longer exists

(because of your solution , of course!)

(3) The third slide (the overview slide ) should have a numbered list containing the 3-5 main topic areas covered in your outline. Do not show any subtopics in this slide.

(7) End with a further information slide that lists 3 or more sources that you used.

(4) At least one slide should be created for each main topic area . Each slide should have a heading from one of the 3 topics in the overview slide.

Use proper referencing styles when writing this list

(Click the following link).

Footnote and Citation Style Guides, Lehigh University,

Library and Technology Services, 2011, viewed

September 7, 2011,

(8) Name your PowerPoint presentation slides



(9) If you plan to use a presentation program other than Microsoft PowerPoint , please contact our technical support <


to determine whether your particular software program is currently installed on our computer.

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Walk-thru Practice

In Session 11 (next class) of our course, you will be presenting in teams, a short, two-minute abbreviated version of your presentation. To do this, you will need to use the Slide Template (In Moodle Session 12) to create the first rough version of your PowerPoint slides. Print out two copies of your PowerPoint slides: one for yourself, another for your teacher. Use the settings in Fig. 2 to print a handout having 2 slides per page.

Page range:


Print what:


Slides per page:


Figure 2.

Use these settings to print ‘handouts’ of your presentation slides containing two slides per page.

The purpose of this task is to allow you to give and get feedback on the effectiveness of

(1) the problem presented in the introduction ,

(2) the organization of the body, and more importantly

(3) the transitions ( ‘verbal bridges’) that you should use to move between sections within your presentation

The task of the listeners in your team is to give constructive feedback on these 3 areas and to suggest alternative problems, wording in introductions, content, etc. To see an example of a short walk-thru presentation , click on the following link:




Next Class

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