Commercial Applications

The Benefits of Spray Polyurethane Foam in
Commercial Applications
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................1
KNOwING whAT Type Of Spf TO ChOOSe................................2
Choosing Closed Cell SPF
Choosing Open Cell SPF
VIAble COmmeRCIAl USeS ........................................................3
why ARChITeCTS ARe ChOOSING Spf......................................3
SPF as a Thermal Control Layer
SPF as an Air Control Layer
SPF Meeting the ASHRAE and IECC Building Codes
why GeNeRAl CONTRACTORS ARe USING Spf ........................6
bUIlDING TypeS ThAT beNefIT fROm Spf ................................7
SPF in Schools
SPF in Healthcare Facilities
SPF in Offices
SPF in Hotels
Spf USeS IN exTeRIOR ApplICATIONS......................................10
SPF in Exterior Walls
SPF in Roofs
Spf USeS IN INTeRIOR ApplICATIONS ......................................13
SPF in Interior Walls
SPF in Floors
beNefITS wheN USING Spf......................................................14
Overall Energy Savings When Using SPF
Reduced Construction Costs with SPF
Energy Savings with SPF
hURRICANe wINDS AND The beNefITS Of Spf ......................15
RACKING STReNGTh..................................................................16
Spf AND hVAC CONSIDeRATIONS ............................................17
ClASSIfICATIONS AND CODeS fOR Spf ..................................17
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
ICC Evaluation Service Report (ESR)
Certified Applicators
2012 International Building Code and SPF
2012 International Energy Conservation Code (2012 IECC) and SPF
ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and SPF
California Title 24 and SPF
SUSTAINAble bUIlDING pRACTICeS AND Spf..........................20
lINKS AND ReSOURCeS ....................................Inside back cover
hen it comes to usefulness, not many building materials can compare
to spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation. SPF is an ideal insulation
material for architects when energy efficiency and code compliance related
to air tightness and thermal performance are important.
Spray polyurethane foam, available in open cell and closed cell, provides
an effective thermal and air control layer around a building’s envelope.
The air sealing properties and thermal insulation rating, as well as the design
flexibility aspects make SPF the all-in-one solution for architects and builders
insulating both standard and unconventional residential, commercial, institutional, military and industrial buildings.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 1
Open cell SPF has an R-value of 3.6 per inch.
Closed cell SPF has an R-value of 6 per inch.
KNOwING whAT Type Of Spf TO ChOOSe
There are two basic types of SPF commonly used in commercial construction today, and depending on the type of
commercial construction project you are tasked with, it is
important to know which type of SPF will work best in each
application. Although both open cell SPF and closed cell
SPF offer superior insulation performance, the two types
are not interchangeable.
Choosing Closed Cell SPF
ometimes called two-pound or medium density foam
(2lb/ft3 or 32kg/m3) closed cell SPF has a thermal
conductivity of less than 24 mW/mK. It has a high R-value
of around 6 per inch. Closed cell SPF is an excellent air
control layer, bulk water barrier and moisture vapor
retarder. It provides structural enhancements to buildings
and is effective in all climates. It is typically installed in wall
cavities, attics, basements, crawl spaces or on a building’s
exterior walls.
Choosing Open Cell SPF
lthough open cell SPF has a lower R-value (3.6) than
closed cell SPF, it is an effective thermal control layer
option for wall cavities, attics and crawl spaces. Usually
called low density or half-pound foam (0.5lb/ft3 or 8kg/m3).
Open cell SPF has a thermal conductivity of less than
39mW/mK and acts as both an air control layer and noise
absorber. Open cell SPF is softer and more flexible than
rigid closed cell foams. In general, it is best suited for
mixed or warm climates. It can be used in colder climates,
when installed in combination with a vapor retarder.
To create spray foam insulation, liquid polyurethane
precursors (an A-side — MDI and a B-side — polyol blend)
are combined to produce a foamed material structurally
composed of small bubbles or cells. The two components
are mixed under pressure in a spray nozzle from which they
are applied directly onto wall, roof or foundation building
assemblies. Once applied, SPF immediately adheres to the
surface and then expands 20 to 120 times its original size,
filling gaps and acting as an adhesive to bond materials.
When properly installed, SPF can be an ideal air control
material because it forms a continuous air control layer
around penetrations like pipes, door assemblies and
windows. Additionally, it is structurally strong enough to
withstand significant air pressure from inside and outside the
structure, and is very durable during and after construction.
Closed cell SPF has been accepted by the highly aggressive Miami-Dade Florida Building Codes for High Velocity
Hurricane Zone (HVHZ), passing rigorous evaluation for
wind resistance properties in uniform static air pressure
and also cyclic wind pressure loading. When applied under
roof decks, closed cell SPF can reduce uplift and protect
the structure — something critical in areas where hurricane
wind speeds can reach 185 miles per hour.
In addition to thermal and air control layer performance,
closed cell SPF offers unique attributes in storm-prone
areas by adding structural strength. It can also be used in
commercial roof replacement as a simple, effective way to
replace an old roof, while adding energy efficiency and
water durability.
Relative to closed cell spray foam insulation, open cell
spray foam insulation has a higher vapor permeability and
higher thermal conductivity, but offers different advantages
than closed cell spray foam insulation. Open cell SPF is a
far more economical choice for builders and remodelers,
often costing 30% less to purchase and install. Also, water
is the primary blowing agent for open cell SPF, which
makes it attractive to building owners interested in
environmentally-friendly products.
page 2 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
While much emphasis has been placed on improving
energy efficiency, indoor air quality and structural durability
in residential construction, commercial construction should
not be overlooked.
When designing a commercial building, architects must
both satisfy the requirements of all adopted building codes
and also satisfy the requirements (and budget) of the project
developer. In addition, architects must design a structure
that complies with any building energy codes or green
building standards the project hopes to meet. This challenge
affects the entire design of the structure, including building
envelope design, heating, cooling and ventilation systems
and lighting. Complying with energy codes also impacts
the materials selected for the building by requiring proper
window glazing, enhanced insulation levels and lighting
design that will reduce energy use, while providing a
comfortable environment for the occupants.
It is a common assumption that commercial buildings
have less air leakage than residential structures; however,
according to Tom Kearns, Detailing Manager, The Facade
Group, LLC, “air infiltration in commercial buildings is similar
to residential structures even though the construction may
be different.”
Infiltration in commercial buildings can have many negative
consequences, including reduced thermal comfort, interference with the proper operation of mechanical ventilation
systems, degraded indoor air quality, moisture damage
of building envelope components and increased energy
Commercial buildings have unique needs that are different
than typical single-family or multi-unit residential structures.
Heavy usage by retail clients, high turnover of occupants,
large utility costs and liability concerns related to structural
integrity can impact the economic viability of the commercial
building. A better-built structure that has superior durability
and reduced operating costs is highly attractive to owners
and occupants of commercial spaces.
For these reasons, attention has been given to methods of
improving air tightness both in existing buildings and new
construction. Builders, engineers and architects are more
often opting to utilize the benefits of SPF in commercial
buildings today because when properly installed, SPF can
actually improve building durability, structural strength and
resistance to water and moisture. SPF is one of the leading
materials that meets and often exceeds building code
requirements, including air barrier and insulation or R-value.
More specific information about how SPF can help achieve
or surpass locally adopted building codes is noted later in
this white paper.
R-Value of Common Materials
Brick 0.2
Open Cell SPF
Closed Cell SPF
Source: Huntsman
In addition, commercial construction often includes design
elements that are non-typical. Architects are often called
upon to create large entryways, unique features and specific
design elements for commercial buildings. Because SPF
can be used for a multitude of purposes, it is often an
ideal material for insulating, creating an air control layer or
serving as a structural support material in unique building
design situations.
When evaluating different building materials, design attributes and energy performance expectations, SPF is often a
valuable asset in the architect’s material selection process
for three main reasons:
1. SPF provides exceptional thermal resistance
2. A separate air barrier is not needed when
specifying SPF
3. Specifying SPF in buildings will facilitate code
compliance with ASHRAE (formerly the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers) and International
Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
1. SPF as a Thermal Control Layer
he thermal control layer keeps building occupants
comfortable and energy costs low. Traditionally, the
thermal control layer was simply thought to be the insulation
used, or specifically the thickness or R-value of the insulation installed in the structure. Today, we understand that
the thermal control layer is more complicated than simply
putting a few inches of fibrous insulation between the
studs. A successful thermal control layer must offer complete coverage without gaps, spaces or compression that
can reduce insulation effectiveness. The thermal barrier
must also address thermal bridging and heat loss through
conductivity. Finally, the thermal control layer must work
in conjunction with the rest of the architectural design,
integrate with the building envelope and support heating
and cooling expectations.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 3
Another benefit of using SPF as a thermal control layer is
that the material can provide complete and continuous
coverage around the building envelope (e.g., foundation
and slab, walls and roof). The monolithic and continuous
coverage means SPF can minimize thermal bridging
caused by fasteners, joint cracks, load shifts and penetrations into the structure. Thermal bridging is especially
important to address in commercial construction where
steel framing is more common. Brackets and fasteners
used to support traditional insulating materials act as
thermal bridges to the metal framing assembly and transfer
heat from the exterior to the interior. Because SPF offers
complete coverage without the need of fasteners, thermal
bridging is almost completely eliminated when it is used
as a thermal control layer.
Finally, SPF as a thermal control layer integrates well with
the air control layer, penetrations, plumbing and mechanical ventilation system and the overall building design.
Unlike other insulating materials which are installed as
individual pieces that need to be secured or fastened in
place, SPF is not an independent material but instead
bonds to the structure and becomes an integral part of the
building. By adhering directly to the building, closed cell
SPF can more easily accommodate unique design features
while providing a superior thermal barrier to ensure that
comfort and energy efficiency goals are met.
There are four key attributes to a well-designed and
successfully installed air barrier system:
• Air tightness
• Durability
• Continuous coverage
• Structural integrity
Architects select closed cell SPF because it can satisfy
all four basic requirements of a successful air barrier.
A successful air barrier must be impermeable to airflow,
and closed cell SPF has an almost zero air permeable
rating, meaning that airflow through the material is virtually
An air barrier must also have sufficient durability over the
building’s expected life, without being easily damaged
or compromised during construction. Once sprayed,
closed cell SPF hardens into a monolithic material that
is structurally strong enough to maintain integrity during
the construction process and for years after.
2. SPF as an Air Control Layer
n simple terms, an air barrier is a material (e.g., film, sheet,
coating or membrane) that controls or stops airflow from
the outside of the building to the inside. It can be made from
many different materials, but to be an effective an air barrier,
it must be properly installed and provide a complete shield
around all sides of the building. When installed in a structure,
the air barrier material becomes part of an air barrier assembly, which combines with the building’s windows, doors, and
design features to form an air barrier system.
The primary objective of the system is to block the random
air movement into and out of a building and its walls and
roof assemblies. A facility with unchecked air movement
can have a host of problems, including higher energy use
and costs, water intrusion, moisture issues and poor indoor
air quality.
A unique feature of SPF is that architects can specify it
as both a building’s thermal control layer and air control
layer. This “two-for-one” benefit reduces construction time
and material costs, and can help eliminate the challenge
of integrating an air barrier and thermal insulation to create
an effective wall assembly.
Spray foam sprayed into the stud cavities seals the gaps,
cracks, and transitions creating an air tight space.
A well-designed and well-installed air control layer will provide continuous coverage around the entire building from
the roofing to the below-grade structure. If any part of the
air barrier system fails to control air movement, the entire
system is considered a failure. When properly installed,
closed cell SPF can be an ideal air control layer material
because it forms a continuous barrier around penetrations
such as pipes, door assemblies and windows, expanding
and filling gaps that normally would require taping or
caulking if other air barrier materials were used.
The final requirement of a successful air barrier is that the
materials used have sufficient structural integrity to resist
wind loads, stack pressure and other pressure loads without
deforming or failing. This is especially important when using
page 4 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
building wraps or other materials that require mechanical
fasteners. The long-term durability of closed cell SPF allows
it to maintain structural integrity and resist wind loads and
stack pressure without becoming detached from the building envelope and failing. For more information, please refer
to Controlling Air Flow and Water Movement with Spray
Polyurethane Foam. To request a copy of this brochure,
please email
Understanding the term
continuous insulation or “CI”
The building envelope includes the roof, wall and floor
systems that surround the space being heated and cooled.
The code provisions require the selection of either building
materials or assemblies that do not exceed the maximum
air leakage requirements (CFM/ft2). The 2012 IECC also
allows the building envelope to be tested to not exceed a
maximum air leakage rate as a method for demonstrating
compliance with the code. Both ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and
the 2012 IECC require that all seams, penetrations and
transitions between approved building materials or
assemblies are sealed.
Many green building standards and local building codes
may suggest continuous insulation in the building envelope
to improve the thermal control layer and reduce energy loss.
But what is CI? ASHRAE standard 90.1 defines continuous
insulation as “insulation that is continuous across all structural members without thermal bridges other than fasteners
and service openings. It is installed on the interior, exterior,
or is integral to any opaque surface of the building envelope.”
The key to CI is that it covers all areas of the building
envelope, whereas traditional insulation materials installed
in stud bays leave gaps in the thermal control layer.
Considering all insulation options which qualify as “CI,”
SPF provide the unique ability to expand during the
installation to fill gaps and voids in the building envelope.
3. SPF Meeting the ASHRAE and IECC Building Codes
The commercial building codes, ASHRAE/IES Standard
90.1-2010 (90.1-2010) and the commercial provisions of
the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (2012
IECC) require that the building envelope be carefully
designed to limit uncontrolled infiltration and exfiltration.
Controlling air movement is especially important in humid
regions of the country as humidity can increase the latent
load inside the building, requiring the additional use of the
building's cooling system to bring the level of humidity
down to acceptable levels.
ne of the primary concerns for an architect is to ensure
that the project they are working on will meet the
adopted local building codes, as well as any additional
energy building codes that may apply. A building that
can’t pass a code inspection because of poor design
can be an embarrassing, expensive mistake.
For the architect, the key is to select materials that will
meet or exceed the 2012 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2010
requirements. SPF is on the list of pre-approved materials
that are deemed to comply with the maximum air leakage
requirement. Specifically, closed cell SPF can be installed
with a minimum density of 1.5pcf (24kg/m3) and a thickness
of no less than 1.5 inches (38mm). Also, open cell SPF
with a density between 0.4 and 1.5pcf (6 and 24kg/m3) and
having a thickness of no less than 4.5 inches (114mm) can
be used.
Knowing that SPF is on the approved list for the latest
building codes and energy standards means that architects specifying SPF can rest assured that their choice of
material will make the entire building process easier, and
the end product will satisfy the energy efficiency and
expectations of the owner and occupants.
Example of 2012 IECC Prescriptive R-value Requirements for Commercial Building Walls
Source: Jay Crandell, P.E., Ares Consulting,,
Climate Zone
Wood Frame
Metal Frame
Metal Building
R13+R3.8ci or R-20
R13+R3.8ci or R-21
R13+R3.8ci or R-22
R13+R3.8ci or R-23
5/4 Marine
R13+R3.8ci or R-24
R13+R7.5ci or R20+R3.8ci
R13+R7.5ci or R20+R3.8ci
R13+R15.6ci or R20+R10ci
1. IECC = International Energy Conservation Code
published by the International Code Council Inc.
Refer to ASHRAE 90.1 for alternative codecompliant wall R-values.
2. Wall R-values are shown as cavity insulation
alone or as X + Y, where the first number is the
cavity insulation R-value and the second is for
continuous insulation.
3. The commercial wall R-values are based on all
commercial building groups, except R (residential),
which may require additional continuous insulation
R-value depending on climate zone.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 5
General contractors are finding that SPF can be an ideal
material to choose for commercial building projects for
a number of reasons. The general contractor, like the
architect, must satisfy building code requirements and
the expectations of the client, but there are other considerations that are unique to the general contractor. Time is
money for the general contractor, and project delays, cost
overruns or long punch-lists can quickly turn a profitable
project into a financial loss.
When watching the budget of a commercial building project,
the general contractor may select SPF for two reasons:
Reduced construction time
Reduced initial building costs
Because SPF can be applied as a layer of insulation in
a single operation, it does not require large crews for
installation of mechanical fasteners, glue, netting or any of
the other installation requirements encountered when using
traditional insulation types. This means that SPF can be
quicker and easier to install in most commercial construction
settings. Once sprayed, SPF immediately bonds to the
surface it is sprayed on and rapidly expands into hard-toreach places, filling all the gaps and voids. This means that
subcontractors won’t have to spend time revisiting the
installation area and making sure that all joints, seams
and penetrations are caulked and sealed.
The other financial advantage of using SPF in commercial
buildings is that the single application of SPF can serve as
both the air control layer and the insulation. What this means
to the general contractor is that fewer subcontractors are
needed on the job site. With fewer people to manage and
less interruption to the building cycle, closing times can
be reduced on projects without sacrificing quality. In fact,
closed cell SPF is a superior air control layer product
because the expanding foam seals and also provides
a barrier for water vapor as well.
Because general contractors are financially responsible
for bringing projects to completion on time and on budget,
selecting SPF offers a product that will help them meet or
beat their deadlines.
page 6 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
bUIlDING TypeS ThAT beNefIT fROm Spf
With nearly 5 million commercial buildings and 115 million
residential households in the United States, buildings account
for almost 40 percent of the nation’s total primary energy use and
70 percent of the electricity used annually. Much of the energy
wasted in commercial and residential buildings is a result of poor
air sealing and insufficient thermal insulation.
Air sealing is one of the least expensive and most cost-effective
measures available to improve a building’s energy performance,
comfort and durability. By sealing uncontrolled air leaks, occupants can expect to see savings of 10 to 20 percent on heating
and cooling bills, and even more in older structures that generally
are poorly insulated or were built without continuous air barriers.
In commercial buildings, a well-designed and properly installed
air barrier assembly can result in an even greater energy savings
potential. According to simulations by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), air barrier systems in commercial
buildings are estimated to reduce air leakage by up to 83 percent
and can reduce natural gas consumption by more than 40 percent
and electrical use by more than 25 percent.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in conjunction with the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), published a
report that determined that there are 16 building types that
represent approximately 70 percent of the commercial buildings
in the United States.
Although SPF can provide benefits to all styles of commercial
buildings, there are several types where SPF can provide
exceptional value, including:
1. Schools and education
2. Healthcare facilities
3. Offices
4. Hotels
16 Reference Building Types
Building Type
Floor Area
Large Office
Small Office
Stand-alone Retail
Strip Mall
Primary School
Quick Service Restaurant
Full Service Restaurant
Outpatient Health Care
Small Hotel
Large Hotel
Medium Office
Secondary School
Midrise Apartment
of Floors
DOE developed 16 reference building types that represent most commercial buildings across 16 locations,
which represent all U.S. climate zones. (Image source
Example of closed cell SPF applied to the exterior of
a church. Photo courtesy of West Roofing Systems, Inc.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 7
Closed cell SPF applied to the exterior walls at
Crieve Elementary.
Using SPF can help reduce sound, making recovery rooms
in hospitals quieter and less stressful for patients.
1. SPF in Schools
2. SPF in Healthcare Facilities
ublic and private education campuses can greatly
benefit from SPF, whether the project involves new
construction or retrofitting and updating an existing building.
Schools often are on fixed budgets with utilities, and for
public education settings, they have to choose between
upgrades to the physical building and additional educational
programs for students. SPF reduces energy consumption
and can help to save on heating and cooling costs.
Some universities understand this well; for instance, Texas
A&M has installed SPF on over 90 percent of the 10 million
square feet of roofs on campus. According to Gerald Scott,
Director of Energy at Texas A&M University, the typical
payback for this size of investment is 4.5 years.
Some types of closed cell SPF are GREENGUARD Indoor
Air Quality Certified® and GREENGUARD Children and
SchoolsSM Certified. GREENGUARD tests products intended
for use in schools, daycares or other environments, where
children spend significant periods of time, and is referenced
by both The Collaborative for High Performance Schools
(CHPS) and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) Building Rating System.
ospitals are enormously complex buildings with many
unique requirements. Architects, designers, contractors, developers, owners and lessees of large hospitals
sometimes overlook energy usage because they are so
focused on meeting the hospital’s numerous other requirements. However, a study conducted by NREL on behalf
of the DOE found that 50 percent energy savings is achievable with conventional technologies, while still maintaining
all of the requirements necessary for safe and accredited
hospital operation.
One of the main elements of the energy savings involved
replacing the heating and cooling system and properly
sizing the mechanical equipment after air sealing exterior
walls and properly insulating roof systems. By reducing the
infiltration rates of the building and upgrading the heating,
cooling and ventilation system, hospitals in all climate
zones could reduce energy loads related to climate
control by at least 50 percent.
For this simulation, air barrier requirements and R-value
expectations were met or exceeded when using SPF.
Another important contribution SPF can make to health
care facilities involves restricting moisture, outdoor allergens
and pollutants. The water barrier qualities of SPF help
reduce the chance of condensation and mold growth.
SPF is also an excellent sound barrier, adding extra value
by making recovery rooms in hospitals quieter and less
stressful for patients.
page 8 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
Insufficient insulation can account for up to 40 percent
of a building’s heating and cooling costs.
Closed cell SPF being applied to a hotel in Washington, D.C.
3. SPF in Offices
4. SPF in Hotels
ccording to a study conducted by the U.S. DOE, as the
temperature rises, productivity decreases an average
of 2 percent for every degree over 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
In practical terms, this means that keeping cool can make
both the worker and the bottom line happy.
While mechanical ventilation can help regulate the room
temperature, heat loss through poor air barriers and
insufficient insulation can account for up to 40 percent
of a building’s heating and cooling costs.
Also, office buildings are usually steel frame construction,
which makes them vulnerable to thermal bridging. In steel
stud walls, thermal bridging happens most frequently
when mechanical fasteners are used to secure insulation
materials, and these fasteners come in contact with the
metal frame.
According to the article Improving Energy Performance of
Steel Stud Walls by Jan Kosny, Jeffrey E. Christian, and
André O. Desjarlais, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Buildings Technology Center, “the result is that thermal bridging
can reduce the thermal performance of insulation materials
by up to 55 percent.” Because SPF does not require metal
fasteners and can continuously cover existing thermal
bridges, most if not all incidents of thermal bridging can
be eliminated.
otel room comfort is largely left to the occupants, which
can lead to high energy costs as guests adjust heating
and cooling demands at will. However, the more consistent
the air temperature inside the room, the lower the utility bills
will be for the building operator and owner. Often hotels are
constructed with only the minimum amount of insulation
and air tightness required by building code at the time
of construction. By using SPF to create a complete and
continuous air control layer, hotels can reduce air infiltration
and help maintain a more comfortable space for guests.
In a recent renovation of the Gaylord Opryland Resort and
Convention Center, SPF was used to insulate a number of
guest room walls. The project required the removal of both
the fiberglass insulation and the exterior fiberglass-mat faced
gypsum board sheathing, leaving exposed brick. Replacing
the exterior sheathing would have required removal and
replacement of the brick, an expensive proposition.
Rather, the general contractor developed the idea to use
closed cell SPF with a baffle system.
The baffle system provided an air gap for the drainage plane,
while serving as a surface for spraying and transferring
loads on the brick back to the studs. The baffle was testsprayed prior to installation to ensure it would have good
adhesion. Two inches of closed cell SPF were then applied
directly onto the baffle system. The adhesion and structural
rigidity of the foam solidified the wall system and added
strength. SPF provided an R-13 thermal insulation layer
and served as the air control layer. Finally, the wall system
was finished on the interior with drywall.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 9
When applied to the exterior of commercial buildings, in
either new or retrofit situations, SPF can greatly reduce
energy use, air infiltration and water intrusion. The two
primary areas where SPF is used on the exterior of
buildings are walls and roofing applications.
fiberglass insulated wall assemblies at low and high temperatures with induced air infiltration (Source: ATI ASTM C
Because SPF allows very little air permeation, there is
almost no measurable movement of air through the
insulation material as is common in fiberglass or cellulose
insulation. This helps reduce the negative effects of air
movement within the building envelope, such as “wind
washing” and the stack effect.
SPF in Roofs
Closed cell SPF being applied to the exterior of a building.
SPF in Exterior Walls
ne of the positive attributes of SPF is that it is a very
versatile building material. SPF is compatible with
many wall types and can be sprayed onto the exterior
sheathing in new construction projects, or assimilated
between stud cavities in retrofit situations.
SPF-insulated buildings have superior thermal performance
due to the air barrier properties SPF provides, as well as
reduced thermal bridging through the studs. In addition,
studies have found that SPF can improve the structural
integrity of the building in areas of high wind events by
increasing the “racking strength” of the walls.
One of the most important attributes of closed cell SPF
in external wall applications is that it is an effective water
barrier, as well as an air control layer. Moisture intrusion is
one of the biggest threats to the structural integrity and
durability of commercial buildings, accounting for up to 89
percent of damage to the building envelope (Source:
Bomberg, M.T. and Brown, W.C. (1993), “Building Envelope
and Environmental Control: Part 1-Heat, Air and Moisture
Interactions” Construction Canada 35 (1), 15-18). Reducing
moisture intrusion through the wall, whether in vapor or
liquid water form, is critically important for the long-term
durability of the structure and health of the occupants.
Another benefit of using SPF in exterior walls is that it can
mitigate some of the natural air pressure forces that can
impact energy efficiency. Testing of wall assemblies by
Architectural Testing Inc. demonstrated SPF with its air
infiltration reduction characteristics performed better than
oof failure is a primary cause for water intrusion into
the building, and traditional methods of removing and
replacing roofing material can be expensive and expose
the structure to additional damage. SPF can be used as a
re-roofing material, applied directly on the existing roof
structure. It provides two important benefits to a building
through waterproofing and increased insulation value.
Further, the application of SPF to an existing roof structure
is simple and fast. The expanding foam is simply applied
directly over the existing metal, wood, concrete, membrane
or built-up roofing material. Once the SPF has been applied
to the proper thickness, a protective layer of elastomeric
coating or gravel is applied over the insulation. This combination of foam insulation and protective layer produces a
durable, weather-resistant surface that is strong enough
to walk on.
In new construction, SPF is ideal for flat commercial
roofs because it is lightweight, durable, and requires less
maintenance compared to traditional roofing systems.
Once applied, SPF can help make roofs weather-proof
and has a 30 year expected service life. Additionally, as a
roofing material, SPF also increases the structural strength
of the building by providing wind uplift resistance which
can be critical in hurricane-prone regions.
SPF applied to the roof of two commercial buildings.
Photos courtesy of West Roofing Systems, Inc.
page 10 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
Typical examples of Spf Usage in Commercial wall Assemblies
Masonry Unit
Cell SP
Interior Gypsum Board
Masonry Unit
Drainage Plane
Drainage Plane
(Between Brick and Closed Cell SPF)
(Between Brick and Closed Cell SPF)
Wood Wall Studs
Metal Wall Studs
Interior Gypsum Board
Closed Cell SPF
Closed Cell SPF
Drainage Plane
(Drainage Plane line between
Closed Cell SPF and Brick)
Oriented Strand Board
Interior Gypsum Board
Oriented Strand Board
Interior Gypsum
Drainage Plane
(Drainage Plane line between
Closed Cell SPF and Brick)
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 11
Typical examples of Spf Usage in Commercial wall Assemblies
Metal Wall Studs*
Closed Cell SPF
Interior Gypsum Board
Masonry Units
Drainage Plane
(Drainage Plane line between
Closed Cell SPF and Maonry Units)
Metal Wall Studs*
Closed Cell SPF
Interior Gypsum Board
Masonry Units
Drainage Plane
(Drainage Plane line between
Closed Cell SPF and Maonry Units)
page 12 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
* Can also be wood wall Studs
When installed on the interior of walls or as part of the floor
system, SPF is an integral part of the overall design strategy
to improve comfort, indoor air quality and durability, and to
reduce energy bills. Both walls and floors can be places of
air infiltration, especially in industrial settings, and have the
potential of water intrusion, especially in the form of vapor.
SPF in these areas can help promote a healthier and more
durable space for the occupants.
SPF in Interior Walls
nterior walls in commercial buildings can benefit from
SPF in a number of ways, including noise reduction and
isolating specific areas of the building from adjacent work
Air infiltration through floors is also a concern if they are
above crawl spaces. Using SPF as an air and water vapor
control layer will reduce energy use and also protect the
structure from mold and rot due to water damage. An additional benefit of closed cell SPF installed in floors above
crawl spaces is that the material qualifies as an “air impermeable material,” which is required in areas of unacceptable
radon levels. When installed above crawl spaces as a
continuous air control layer, commercial buildings can
employ closed cell SPF as part of their radon mitigation
Conference rooms, executive offices and human resource
departments are all areas in commercial office buildings
where sound mitigation is critical in order to maintain a
professional atmosphere. Open cell spray foam has strong
sound reduction properties, often employed in recording
studios to mitigate sound intrusion. Reducing sound transmission within a commercial building is also important in
manufacturing facilities, like book binderies, that operate
noise-generating machinery. Other buildings that could
benefit from noise reduction between interior walls include:
Another successful application for SPF in interior walls
of commercial buildings is in industrial settings, where
air quality issues can impact adjacent work spaces.
Manufacturing facilities that generate airborne toxins or
pollutants need to be isolated from the administrative areas
of the building. This can include automotive repair, paint
and body shops, chemical companies and printing
facilities where paper dust is generated.
SPF in Floors
imilar to the challenges of interior walls, floors can
benefit from reduced noise transmission and air
infiltration when SPF is applied. This is especially true
in office buildings and hotels, where sound transmission
through the floor can be especially disruptive.
Closed cell SPF being applied to the floor of a building.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 13
The renovation of the Gaylord Opryland’s Cascade Atrium
features closed cell SPF. The new bar and lounge, known
as The Falls Bar, presented some unique challenges. In
designing this area, the general contractor found the existing
concrete foundation would be unable to support the
bar’s weight. Polystyrene was considered, but there were
concerns over it settling under the weight of the structure.
The foundation was designed as a waffle grid of concrete
channels with SPF in between. To form the channels for
the concrete, expanded polystyrene (EPS) boards were
covered with polyethylene sheeting, one of the few materials
SPF will not adhere to. The boards were cut to form the grid
in the foundation, into which concrete was poured. This
process required significant detailed labor work to deal
with the curved structure and all the pipes and conduit
running in the foundation. Once the EPS board grid was
formed, 14 inches of closed cell SPF was sprayed — into
the grid pattern in multiple passes of two to two-and-a half
inches each.
Once satisfied that the foam was of acceptable quality, the
polyethylene sheeting-covered EPS boards were removed
leaving a waffle grid of channels. Concrete was then
poured into the channels to complete the structure. The
result was a lighter weight foundation for the new bar and
lounge that did not require the existing concrete base to
be replaced.
The Falls Bar during the construction phase
with the use of SPF.
beNefITS wheN USING Spf
Overall Energy Savings When Using SPF
he financial benefits of using SPF in commercial
construction are primarily recognized in two specific
areas: overall construction cost savings and annual savings
through energy conservation. Other financial benefits of
selecting SPF as an air control layer and insulation material
include increased productivity through a more comfortable
work environment, improved air quality, and the increased
property value of a more durable and energy efficient
Reduced Construction Costs with SPF
or the builder or general contractor associated with
new or retrofit construction, SPF can offer financial
value to a project in three ways.
First, because SPF can act as an air control layer and
thermal control layer, fewer trades or subcontractors are
needed to complete a project. This can be especially
important in areas experiencing a high volume of construction starts. Finding qualified subcontractors who are skilled
in proper installation of air barrier systems and insulation
can be a challenge for a builder or general contractor.
Scheduling the preferred trades can be difficult and delay
the project while waiting for preferred installers to be
available. Reducing the number of trades required to
complete a project not only reduces the number of days
the project takes to complete, but also reduces the
likelihood of delays due to scheduling challenges.
“I have heard many reports from builders
who say they can’t hire enough people, they
can’t find subcontractors, they’re unable to
get the labor necessary to build homes that
they do have on order — even at the low
level of building that’s occurring right now.”
— DAVID CROWE, chief economist for the
National Association of Home Builders
The Falls Bar close up of waffle grid using SPF.
Air leakage at the roof/wall transition.
Photo courtesy of PIE Forensic Consultants.
Source: Article “Homebuilding is Booming but Workers are Scarce,”
National Public Radio.
page 14 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
Another way that SPF helps reduce construction costs is
that from a material standpoint, closed cell SPF is the insulation material, air control layer and water barrier in one. By
themselves, each of these materials would require sourcing,
delivery, storage and then either glue or mechanical
fasteners to install. In contrast, SPF is installed by trained
and certified professionals who bring to the jobsite all the
equipment, tools and materials necessary to complete the
task. By not having to manage, store and protect air barrier
and insulation materials prior to installation, the builder
or general contractor can reduce their liability concerns
related to damage or theft of building materials.
Finally, SPF is often a more economical for builders and
contractors because it can be installed faster and easier
than other air barrier and insulation materials. Using more
traditional insulation materials and air sealing techniques
would require several passes over the same area to install
each separate component of the building envelope. Each
time an area is revisited, whether for air barrier installation,
insulation installation or air sealing cracks, seams and
voids, it lengthens the overall building schedule of the
project. In contrast, installation of SPF only requires a single
pass to manage air infiltration, the thermal boundary and air
tightness. This savings in time can be significant, especially
in large construction projects such as hospitals and
multi-story office buildings.
Energy Savings with SPF
esides water mitigation, probably the most well-known
benefit of SPF is its ability to be a superior air control
layer and insulation material. These attributes result in a
host of benefits to the building, but the financial savings
through reduced energy consumption are especially
attractive to occupants and owners.
Buildings insulated with SPF typically require less energy to
heat and cool. Side-by-side energy efficiency comparisons
have shown up to 40 percent energy savings by using SPF
over commonly specified insulation materials.
Source: MM reviews the sustainability characteristics of SPF roofing
and insulations systems by Mason Knowles.
The beNefITS Of Spf
According to Honeywell’s white paper, Severe Weather
and Closed-Cell Spray Foam: A Better Building Technology,
“The material [closed cell SPF] has been shown to increase
the ability of homes to withstand the effects of flooding,
storm surge and high winds. Longstanding endorsements
for closed cell foams by such groups as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), coupled with newer
research by the University of Florida, highlight the effectiveness of these products in resisting flood and wind forces as
well as structural damage.”
Hurricane winds are unique and pose a specific threat to
wooden frame built commercial buildings and traditional
roof systems. First, the sustained winds from a hurricane
can last for hours with occasional gusts up to 50 percent
greater than sustained air speed. This means that a
category 2 hurricane with winds at 100 mph could have
gusts that exceed 150 mph, which is equal to category
4 strength. Also, because hurricanes move slowly, wind
direction changes slowly as the storm passes. This means
that any weakness in the roof system will eventually have
to face the brunt of the storm.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 15
Wind uplift is the most common cause of roof damage in
hurricanes. Uplift is a naturally occurring vacuum created
in strong wind events that results in a rapid and sustained
loss of air pressure due to high winds moving around the
Higher wind speeds, in general, can cause a reduction in
air pressure as they flow over objects, and during a hurricane, air speed on the roof can be two times the sustained
wind speed on the ground. During strong gusts, on
relatively flat roof surfaces where the wind is flowing more
than striking, air pressure can quickly drop as air speed
increases. This loss of air pressure can act as a vacuum
and start to pull roofing materials into the air stream, where
the direct force of the wind can immediately sweep them
away. The dynamics of simple air pressure against the
exterior of the house can create incredible pressure and
uplift on a roof and result in extensive damage. Additionally,
internal pressures cause roof failures in hurricanes as well.
In 2007, Dr. David O. Prevatt conducted a study at the
University of Florida’s Department of Civil and Coastal
Engineering to determine how closed cell SPF could be
used to increase the structural integrity of roof assemblies
during severe weather events like hurricanes. Specifically,
the research focused on evaluating how the spray-on
adhesive could protect the roof from uplift and reduce the
chance of water intrusion during storm events. To test the
material, two approaches were taken. First, a continuous
three-inch thick blanket of closed cell SPF was applied
between the 2” x 4” roof rafters to evaluate the effectiveness
of a full, monolithic covering of closed cell SPF in the roof
assembly. The next approach was to apply closed cell SPF
as a three-inch fillet to the junction of the roof plywood deck
and the roof rafter/truss top chords.
The study found that using closed cell SPF either in a
continuous three-inch blanket or in fillets increased the
roof panel wind uplift. Additionally, the study found that the
fillets of SPF increased wind uplift resistance an average
of 2 times, while the 3 inch fill increased it 3 times the uplift
capacity of roof panels fastened using conventional
mechanical fasteners and nailing patterns. In fact, roofing
sections with closed cell SPF applied as an adhesive were
able to withstand air pressures in excess of 153 psf or
roughly the wind speed found in a category 4 hurricane.
In 1992 the Polyurethane Foam Contractors Division
(PFCD) of the Society of the Plastics Industry contracted
with NAHB Research Center to test rack and shear strength
of SPF insulated wood stud wall panels. In 1996, the PFCD
contracted again with National Association of Home
Builders (NAHB) Research Center to test the racking
strength of SPF insulated metal stud wall panels. The SPF
assemblies were compared to “standard constructed”
wall assemblies.
The purpose of the study was to compare the relative
structural strength of most common “baseline wall
assemblies” to SPF installed to the similarly constructed
wall assemblies. In the 1992 study, SPF insulated wall
panels were tested with 16, 24, 32 and 48 inch on-center
(OC) stud spacing. In the 1996 study, the walls were tested
at a 16-inch OC stud spacing. This study was conducted
in accordance with ASTM E-72 Standard Methods of
Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building
Construction. A follow-up study was conducted in
2005 at Architectural Testing Inc. on SPF installed to
polyiso sheathing as an exterior covering to wall with
wood stud spacing at 16-inch OC.
acking performance tests performed at the NAHB
Research Center in 1992 and 1996 and at Architectural
Testing Inc. (ATI) in 2005 demonstrated medium-density
sprayed polyurethane foam increases racking strength
70 to 200 percent to wall assemblies sheathed with various
sheathing materials, including oriented strand board (OSB),
plywood, gypsum wallboard, vinyl siding and polyiso
The research demonstrated that SPF significantly increased
racking strength in both wood and metal stud construction.
In the 1992 study, SPF filled walls achieved similar racking
strength at stud spacing of 16, 24, 36 and 48 inches.
SPF increased strength of weaker substrates such as
gypsum drywall, vinyl siding and polyiso foam insulation at
a much greater percentage than stronger substrates such
as OSB and plywood. Special bracing for wind resistance
would not be required for strength purposes when using
SPF in the walls. As a structural material, medium-density
SPF can add strength to wall and ceiling assemblies of all
sizes and heights, depending on the framing.
page 16 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
SPF installed between metal studs: (3.5 inches)
• Increased racking strength of drywall sheathed walls:
2,400 lbs to 5,380 lbs
Increased racking strength of OSB sheathed walls:
4,800 lbs to 6,000 lbs
SPF installed between wood studs: (3.5 inches)
• Increased racking strength of vinyl sheathed walls:
913 lbs to 2,800 lbs
Increased racking strength of plywood sheathed walls:
2,890 lbs to 5,300 lbs
Increased racking strength of polyiso sheathed walls:
1,109 lbs to 2,159 lbs
SPF installed between wood studs: (1.5 inches)
• Increased racking strength of polyiso sheathed walls:
1,109 lbs to 2,257 lbs
When specifying SPF for commercial buildings, architects
and mechanical engineers should take into account that
the overall heating and cooling load of the building will
be significantly less than when using other air barrier
and insulation materials.
SPF can, in residential settings, reduce the HVAC tonnage
requirements by up to 50 percent, meaning a much smaller
unit can be installed, which will result in financial savings
during the building process and energy savings during the
period of occupancy. For more information, please refer to
Proper Design of HVAC Systems for Spray Foam Homes,
a report written by Doug Garrett, CEM, ACCA Certified
Instructor, Building Performance and Comfort Inc. To
request a copy, please email
Also, SPF makes an ideal insulator and air sealer for duct
work. Sealing ducts that run through unconditioned spaces
can significantly reduce energy loss, and can also prevent
additional air pressure within the building envelope.
Making sense of the alphabet soup in codes and standards
associated with commercial construction can be confusing;
however, it is important to understand some of the requirements, certifications and general classifications of building
materials in order to discern which materials are best suited
for your project or application. This applies to both the
materials and also certifications of installers.
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
he Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) was created
in 1948 to help improve construction specification
quality in the post-war construction boom. Through one of
their annual products called MasterFormat, CSI creates a
comprehensive list of building products and materials that
are defined and organized to help with estimates, creating
building specifications and general product data. SPF is
classified in the CSI MasterFormat in Division 7, Section
07210 – Building Insulation.
Closed cell SPF being applied to the exterior of a building.
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 17
ICC Evaluation Service Report (ESR)
hen choosing a brand of SPF to use, it can be helpful
to research the product through industry-trusted
mechanisms. The International Code Council (ICC) has a
subsidiary called the ICC Evaluation Service that evaluates
building material products and also vets the materials to
see if they are acceptable or within compliance to various
industry codes and standards. Generally, the building
material manufacturer will request that their product be
evaluated and then use the report as a basis for providing
technical information and product validation to the industry.
When specifying SPF in a building project, it is important
that the manufacturer provide an ESR of the SPF so that
the architect, engineer and builder will be able to properly
install the material in accordance with related codes and
industry standards.
Certified Applicators
rade organizations often manage certification programs
for their members in order to maintain a high level of
installation quality in the work force. This is also true for SPF.
The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) has created
a certification program specifically for spray foam applicators. The program was developed in compliance with the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ISO 17024
standard, meaning that holders of these certifications have
passed a very specific series of required tests in order to
validate their expertise in their field. Individual certifications
for SPF installers are at four different levels in the two
categories of insulation and roofing.
To become certified under SPFA’s program, individuals
must pass an exam and meet various criteria for the level
of certification they would like to achieve. It is a progressive
program with each level dependent on the candidate
passing the exam for the previous level. Safety, installation
practices and proper applications for SPF are all part of
the certification program. For more information on the SPFA
certification program, please visit
When choosing SPF for a project, it is important to specify
that all trade contractors and SPF installers have the most
recent industry-recognized certification.
2012 International Building Code and SPF
exterior walls shall provide the building with a weatherresistant exterior wall envelope. The exterior wall envelope
shall include flashing and be designed and constructed
in such a manner as to prevent the accumulation of water
within the wall assembly by providing a water-resistive
barrier behind the exterior veneer, and a means for
draining water that enters the assembly to the exterior.
In addition to this, the WRB must be constructed with a
minimum of one layer of No.15 asphalt felt, complying with
ASTM D 226 for Type 1 felt or other approved materials,
which shall be attached to the studs or sheathing in such
a manner as to provide a continuous water-resistive barrier
behind the exterior wall veneer.
For this code requirement, closed cell SPF is a pre-approved material for commercial building water barriers.
Chapter 26 of the IBC, section 2603, refers specifically to
foam polyurethane insulation and should also be referenced
when specifying SPF for a commercial building project.
Also in Chapter 26, in Appendix X, are fire requirements
related to SPF. When specifying SPF for a project, it is
important to reference the IBC and ensure that the building
design and product selected comply with the thermal
barrier and ignition barrier requirements in the code.
2012 International Energy Conservation Code
(2012 IECC) and SPF
he 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (2012
IECC) requires that the building envelope be carefully
designed to limit uncontrolled air movement. The building
envelope includes the roof, wall and floor systems that
surround the space being heated and cooled. The provisions require that either building materials or assemblies
be selected that do not exceed the maximum air leakage
requirements (CFM/ft2).
SPF is on the list of pre-approved materials that are
deemed to comply with the maximum air leakage requirement. Specifically closed cell SPF can be installed with a
minimum density of 1.5pcf (24kg/m3) and a thickness of not
less than 1.5 inches (38mm). Open cell SPF, with a density
between 0.4 and 1.5 pcf (6 and 24kg/m3) and having a
thickness of not less than 4.5 inches (114mm), can also
be used.
hapter 14 of the 2012 International Building Code (IBC)
pertains to exterior walls and specifically addresses
water-resistive barriers (WRB) that are meant to protect the
building from liquid and vapor water intrusion. Section
1403.2 addresses weather protection and stipulates that
page 18 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and SPF
California Title 24 and SPF
he American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is a professional
organization that works to improve building systems,
energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and
sustainability within the industry through research,
standards writing, publishing and continuing education.
ASHRAE 90.1-2010 is the energy standard published
as a guide to help members design, specify and install
buildings to achieve a higher level of energy efficiency.
As with the 2012 IECC, SPF is a pre-approved material
for use as an air barrier.
Spray polyurethane foam being applied to the exterior
of army barracks at Fort Drum, N.Y.
itle 24 within the California Code of Regulations (CCR)
is reserved for state regulations that govern the design
and construction of buildings, associated facilities and
equipment. These regulations are also known as building
Recently the CCR recognized open cell SPF as a viable
insulation material, allowing it to be used in new construction
and retrofit situations. However, like any building code or
standard, CA Title 24 should be reviewed and specifierapproved prior to beginning a project.
Spray polyurethane foam applied to the exterior of a dining
facility at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Climate Zone Map
The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications • page 19
Whether it is “green” building or “sustainable” building, the
push to create more durable, energy efficient structures
that generate less waste during and after construction
remains a priority for many builders, developers and architects. Because of its high R-value and low air permeability
rating, SPF can significantly help achieve sustainable goals
in commercial building projects.
From an energy savings standpoint, SPF is on the front line
of conservation of natural resources and reducing greenhouse gasses. Buildings are the largest user of energy in
the U.S. today. According to the U.S. DOE, buildings
account for more than 40 percent of all energy used in the
U.S. annually, and over 40 percent of that energy is used
for heating and cooling. Based on current building stock,
though, up to 30 percent of the energy used to heat and
cool buildings is lost through the building envelope as a
result of inefficient air barriers and poor insulation levels.
Building with SPF can greatly reduce energy loss through
the building envelope while also providing superior
insulation to the building.
While relatively lower energy bills are an immediate indication that a building material is contributing to a sustainable
planet, a more holistic evaluation is achieved by conducting
a life cycle assessment (LCA).
To determine the true sustainable attributes of SPF, the
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) initiated an LCA
to evaluate the environmental impact of SPF formulations
used in residential and commercial building applications.
This study is the first comprehensive LCA of spray foam
insulation conducted in North America.
The entire SPF life cycle consists of cradle-to-end of life
phases for making, processing, transporting, installing,
using and, finally, disposing of spray foam insulation.
For purposes of analysis, the spray foam insulation life
cycle was divided into the following five key phases:
1. Raw materials manufacturing and blending
2. Transportation
3. Installation
4. Use phase
5. End of life
The results of the study showed that the energy and environmental benefits from SPF use in new commercial roofing
retrofits far outweigh the embodied energy and embodied
environmental impacts. The study also concluded that the
energy and impacts “invested” to make, install, transport
and dispose of the insulation at end of life are minimal
compared to the substantial use-phase benefits.
Besides lowered energy bills and a comprehensive LCA,
another indication that SPF is a sustainable building
material is to review the associations and green building
programs that include SPF as a beneficial contributor to
sustainable building and design.
As a building material, SPF can contribute to credit or
points for programs like LEED,® Green Globes and
NAHB National Green Building Standards in the following
Energy and atmosphere
Sustainable sites
Material and resource
Indoor environmental quality
Innovation in design
In addition, SPF has also been proven a valuable asset to
the military and federal government by helping to improve
the energy efficiency of public buildings. By Executive
Order 13514, all new federal buildings must be net zero, or
consume no more energy than can be generated onsite, by
the year 2030. For more information, please refer to Military
Standards and Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Insulation.
To request a copy, please email
SPF is also contributing to the American Institute of
Architects (AIA) 2030 target that all new buildings,
developments and major renovations be designed to meet
a fossil fuel, greenhouse gas-emitting, energy consumption
performance standard of 60 percent below the regional
(or country) average/median for that building type.
Whether the objective is to increase energy efficiency,
meet or beat sustainability goals, provide sound insulation,
create a superior air control layer or improve structural
integrity in high wind areas, SPF is a proven asset to any
builder or architect’s path to success. By matching the
needs of the structure with the benefits of SPF, almost any
new or existing commercial building can benefit from SPF.
LEED is a registered trademark of U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified is a registered trademark of
GREENGUARD Environmental Institute.
GREENGUARD Children and Schools is a registered service mark of
GREENGUARD Environmental Institute.
page 20 • The benefits of Spray polyurethane foam in Commercial Applications
NISTIR 7238 - Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on HVAC Energy Use.
June 2005. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Building Technologies.
U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock
Building Energy Codes 101 - An Introduction. DOE EERE PDF found at:
Building Envelope Air Leakage Failure in Small Commercial Buildings Related to the Use of Suspended Tile Ceilings
Building Energy Code Resource Guide: Air Leakage Guide
Prepared by Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) for the U.S. Department of Energy, September, 2011
EPA – 2008b. ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes Thermal Bypass Checklist Guide
Air Sealing Technology Fact Sheet (PDF) EERE, Building America Website
Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelop/Air tightness on HVAC Energy Use (PDF)
Steven J. Emmerich, Tim McDowell, Wagdy Anis Produced by National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, June 2005
Improving Energy Performance of Steel Stud Walls, Ornl
Meeting the Commercial Continuous Air Barrier Requirements for ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and the 2012 ICC IECC- Code Notes
Large Hospital 50% Energy Savings: Technical Support Document. NREL September 2010
Control Of Temperature For Health and Productivity in Offices Olli Seppanen, William J. Fisk, David Faulkner,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Environmental Energy Technologies Division Indoor Environment Department
Berkeley, CA June 2004
Measure Guideline: Hybrid Foundations Insulation Retrofits. K. Ueno and J. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P. Eng.
Building Science Corporation (BSC), May 2012 prepared for the U.S. DOE Building America Program
California Title 24
The Florida Building Code
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