PASI lectures, Ushuaia, Argentina, October 2000 C.O. Reinhold In collaboration with THEORY: S. Yoshida, P. Kristofel, and J. Burgdörfer EXPERIMENT: M. Frey, B. Tannian, C. Stokely, and B. Dunning Lecture 1: Introduction, basic concepts. Tailoring Rydberg wavepackets Lecture 2: The kicked Rydberg atom Why Rydberg atoms ?: (i.e. atoms in highly excited states) - unique arena to study classical quantum correspondence - high degree of control (experimentally) using current electromagnetic pulses Short designer pulses Coherent control. Non-linear dynamics. PROBLEM: Rydberg Atom in a classical timedependent electric field F(t) H H H = H atom + r . F(t) p2 = + V(r) 2 H atom Atomic units: D =1, Hydrogen: V(r) = -1/r Alkali: V(r) = -1/r + short range potential me=1, e=1, rBohr=1, pBohr=1 Atom in a given n level F(t) En=-1/(2n2) Torb= 2πn3 = 2π/(En+1-En) Forb = 1/<r2>= n-4 DESIRED PULSES: Short pulses: duration < Torb Strong pulses: field strength > Forb n Torb Forb 1 0.15 fs 5 109 V/cm 20 1.2 ps 3 104 V/cm 400 10 0.2 ns V/cm Laser/microwave pulse F(t) Half-cycle pulse (HCP) Fp Tp t t Collisional pulse at a large impact parameter q v b perpendicular field Fp=q/b parallel field 2 Tp=2b/v t t Designer pulses Field Single pulse time Field Two pulses time Field Trains of pulses time 1993 Sub picosecond half-cycle pulses Jones et al, Noordam et al, Bucksbaum et al HCP Tp = 0.5ps ν ~ 1 THz Orbital period of H(n=15) 1996 Nanosecond "designer" pulses Field (V/cm) Dunning et al, T p>0.5ns 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 5 2ns 0.8 0.4 109ns 0.0 10 15 20 25 30 100 time (ns) Tp ~ 10ns (ν ~ 100MHz), 200 300 time (ns) Orbital period of H(n=400) 400 Typical experiment Actual field in an experiment F(t) ns µs Prepare the Rydberg atom using a long laser pulse µs time Manipulate the Analyze the atom with a product with a designer pulse F(t) ramped field Typical result for a single HCP on K(388p) Survival probability ionization threshold How many atoms were not ionized by F(t) ? 1.0 0.8 0.6 Theory 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 Experiment 0.2 0.4 Fp / Forb 0.6 Typical calculations 2D time-dependent Lz=Const. ==> problem H = Hatom + z . F(t) ; State of the electron QUANTUM | Ψ(t)ñ Wavefunction CLASSICAL f(r,p,t) Probability density in phase space Dynamics Classical Liouville equation. Solvable using a Monte Carlo approach ==> Hamilton equations. Schrödinger equation. Solvable using an expansion in a finite basis set ==> finite set of coupled equations Final Initial Initial state f(r,p,0) = Const δ[En-Hatom(r,p)] x χ(l<L<l+1) x χ (m<Lz<m+1) | Ψ(0)ñ = |n,l,mñ Ionization by a single pulse 10% ionization thresholds for Na(nd), H(nd), K(np) ∆p/p orb 10 Jones et al (1993) *2.5 Dunning et al (1996-99) 1 quantum & classical 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Tp/T orb Tp >> Torb equivalent to static field ionization Tp << Torb equivalent to a sudden impulse or ''kick'' ò ∆p = - dt F(t) Pif = | áψf | exp(i∆p.r) | ψi ñ | Threshold: ∆p ~ porb = n-1 2 Threshold F p ~Forb = n-4 Classical scaling invariance for H(n) scaled variables 2 r p r 0 = r/rorb = r/n p 0 = p/porb = p n t t 0 = t/Torb = t/2πn F F 0 = F/Forb = Fn 3 4 Classical dynamics is only a function of scaled variables. Departures from scaling invariance ==> quantum dynamics Uncertainty principle σp σr > 1 (atomic units) σp0 σr0 > n-1 0 n ∞ "scaled Planck constant" = n -1 Ionization probability Correspondence principle for one kick 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 quantum n=1 10 -3 n=5 classical scaling invariant curve n=10 10 -4 10 -1 10 0 10 ∆p0 classical suppression Quantum result Classical limit λ = 1/∆p << rorb=n ∆p0 >> n -1 2 1 Producing and probing coherent states PUMP FA(t) FB(t) Hfree PROBE Coherent state (wavepacket) | Ψ(t)ñ = Σ ak | φkñ e -i εk t Hfree | φkñ = εk | φkñ áΨ(t)|O| Ψ(t)ñ = Σ ak a*n áφn|O| φkñ e -i (εk-εn) t quantum beating frequencies: ωkn = (εk - εn) Probing the time evolution H(t) = Hfree + z FB(t) Probe duration < (2π/ωkn) RADIAL WAVEPACKETS PRODUCED BY SHORT LASER PULSES Stroud (UR), Noordam(FOM), Bucksbaum(UM) et al (1980s) PUMP Hfree=Hatom PROBE | Ψ(t)ñ n=39,40,41 PUMP | φiñ PROBE ionizes the atom when r is small Recent pump-probe schemes using designer pulses Dunning et al, Jones et al Pumps kick field step train of kicks Probes probing the momentum probing the z coordinate Coherent state produced by a sudden kick Probability density 10 2 á∆Eñ = (∆p) /2 Ionization after a kick with ∆p0=0.5 1 before the kick, K(417p) 0.1 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 E0=E / |E n| á pz ñ t=0 = ∆p á pz ñ t = Σ Ann' e -i (E n'-En) t E(n+1) -En ≈ n -3 : classical orbital frequency Correspondence principle for the time evolution Short times: classical-quantum correspondence 0.5 ∆p0 = -0.5 ápz0ñ 0.3 H(100s) 0.1 -0.1 classical quantum -0.3 -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 0.5 quantum revival ápz0ñ 0.3 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 t0=t/Torb Long times: classical dephasing / quantum revivals The correspondence "break" time Why is there one ? Classical: continuous energy spectrum Quantum: discrete energy spectrum revival ==> time evolution phases exp(-iEn) can be in phase Why is there break time long for Rydberg atoms ? narrow width spectrum ==> harmonic spectrum E n + δn 2 ö æ 3δn δn æ ö − E n = δnω n ç1 − + 2ç ÷ ÷ ç 2n è n ø ÷ø è classical orbital frequency ωn = n-3, Torb=2π/ ωn t dephasing = 4n T 2 orb 3δn n t revival = Torb 3 Probing the momentum with a sudden kick - 2 Before the kick, t=t p __ + V(r) Hatom = 2 + Immediately after the kick, t=t ^ 2 (_________ p + _∆p z ) + V(r) Hatom = 2 Classical energy transfer 2 ( ∆p ) _____ + pz ∆p ∆E = ∆Hatom = 2 Whether or not the atom is ionized depends on the value ofz p Quantum result + | Ψ(t )ñ = e i z ∆p - | Ψ(t )ñ á pz ñ + = á pz ñ - ∆p t t á Hatom ñ + - á Hatom ñt- = ∆p á pz ñ - + (∆p)2/2 t t Pump/probe experiment for K(417p) Dunning et al (1996) 1.0 0.3 0.9 experiment 0.8 0.2 ápzñ 0.1 0.7 0.0 -0.1 theory -0.2 F(t) 0.5 delay 0.4 -0.3 -0.4 0.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 F(t) Survival probability 0.6 0.4 0.3 0 10 20 30 Delay time (ns) 40 50 Pump/probe experiments for Rb(390p) Dunning et al (2000) -0.2 delay 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.1 experiment 0 10 20 0.2 30 40 0.80 0.2 áz0ñ delay 0.75 0.1 áz0ñ Survival probability 0.8 -0.1 ápz0ñ ápzñ 1.0 0.70 0.0 0.65 -0.1 experiment 0.60 0 10 20 Delay time (ns) 30 -0.2 40 Probing the z coordinate with a field step Before the field step H = Hatom After the field step FDC H = Hatom + z FDC Whether or not the atom is ionized depends on the value of z V(r) + z F DC H > Ebarrier Ebarrier Using a field step to produce Stark wavepackets H0 = Hatom + z FDC DC pump Short rise time ==> coherent superposition of Stark states | Ψ(t)ñ = Σ áφs|Ψ(0)ñ | φsñ e -i εk t H0 | φsñ = εs | φsñ Hydrogen: εs = εn,k = - 1 2n 2 3 + FDC n k 2 εs - εs' ≈ j ωorb + k ωStark nearest neighbor spacing: ωStark = 3 FDC n Stark dynamics Field j1,2 = ( L ± n A ) / 2 ω = 2 ωStark L: angular momentum A: Runge-Lenz vector j1 A j2 1st Field 2nd 3rd Angular momentum wavepacket H(17d) at t=0 Quantum t/Torb Classical t/Torb / Probing Stark beats with a short half-cycle pulse HCP probe Field delay DC pump time ωStark Survival probability 0.9 Energy ωorb ωStark Field 0.7 0.5 classical simulation 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 experiment K(388p) 0 100 200 300 400 Delay time (ns) FDC = 5mV/cm, FHCP= ± 80mV/cm Stark map near n=100 of K(m=0) Diagram of extreme Stark states near n=400 450 n= 45 0 field ionization threshold 410 n=(-2E) 1/2 430 FULL MIXING chaotic spectrum 390 n= 39 9,4 00 ,40 1 370 0 n=35 350 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 F0 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Raw nearest neighbor spacing density near n=100 Spectral density Hydrogen: Poisson spectrum Potassium: Wigner spectrum ∆E/(3FDC) Step field ==> weighted spectrum weight= overlap with state prior to the step 0.25 0.20 Hydrogen 0.15 Spectral density 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.15 Potassium 0.10 0.05 0.000 50 100 ∆E/(3F DC ) 150 Coherent states produced by a train of pulses PROBE PUMP Field delay time Survival probability time 100 pulses with scaled frequency ν 0 0.30 0.35 ν0=0.7 0.28 0.26 0.31 0.24 0.29 0.22 0.27 0.20 0.25 0 p0 5 Initial Energy level 10 15 ν0=1.3 0.33 20 0 5 10 15 Delay time (ns) ν0=0.7 q0 ν0=1.3 20 Tailoring Rydberg wavefunctions Classical quantum correspondence High n, large perturbations, short times Producing and probing coherent states Recent interesting studies Information storage and retrieval with Rydberg atoms Ahn, Weinacht, and Bucksbaum, Science (2000) Rydberg antihydrogen production using a fast field step Wesdorp, Robicheaux, Noordam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3799 (2000 The kicked Rydberg atom H(n) Half-cycle pulse (HCP) Torb= 2πn F(t) Forb= n 3 -4 Tp Tp << Torb sudden momentum transfer or ''kick'' ∆p = - ò dt F(t) The kicked atom: linear superposition of HCPs H = Hatom + z F(t) unidirectional F(t) T alternating F(t) time ν = 1/T Simple driven systems Ideal testing ground for quantum systems that may become chaotic in their classical limit Experimental realizations 1980s-90s Rydberg atoms + microwave field Koch et al (Stony Brook), Bayfield (Pittsburgh) 1994 Atoms in a trap subject to a modulated standing wave Raizen et al (Austin) 1997 Rydberg electrons subject to trains of half-cycle pulses Dunning et al (Rice) The 3D periodically kicked atom (unidirectional pulses) H = Hatom + z F(t) 2 _ __ 1 _ z ∆p p __ ≈ r 2 Σ δ(t-kT) k Lz = Const ==> 2 1/2 degrees of freedom time dependent The 1D periodically kicked atom 2 _ __ 1 _ q ∆p __ p H= δ(t-kT) q 2 k 1 1/2 degrees of freedom Σ Time evolution ==> simple discrete map Classical or quantum evolution operator U(kT,0) = Π k Free U(Hatom,T) -iHatomT e Kick U(∆p) iz∆p e (quantum) How many atoms survive after many pulses ? Experiments and classical simulations 0.6 3D, n=390, 50 pulses 1D, n=50 1 0.4 finite width pulses 100 δ kicks experiment 0.3 0.2 0.0 1 1000 δ kicks 0.1 delta kicks 0.1 Survival probability Survival probability 0.5 0.1 10 1 Scaled frequency, ν0 = ν/νorb 0 3D, n=390 10 -1 10 ν0 = 1.3 0.7 Classical stabilization !! 0.6 -2 10 2.1 1.9 -3 10 0 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 Number of pulses, N 10 Isolating stable orbits stroboscopic Poincare section t=k/νp (k=1,2,...) ρ=Const. pρ=Const. Consecutive intersections of a stable orbit with a plane yields a closed loop. 2 Hatom = 2 pz + p ρ 2 + 2 Lz 2 2ρ 1 - 2 2 1/2 (ρ + z ) Section for ∆p=0, ρ ~ 0, p ρ ~ 0, L z~0 2 2 pz 1 Hatom ~ __ - ___ 2 |z| Hatom = 0 pz 1 0 Lz = Const ~ 0 Hatom = -2 Hatom = -0.5 -1 -2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 z 2.0 2.5 3.0 Section just before a kick, ρ=0, pρ=0, for ν0=1.3 2 ( ∆p ) _____ + p z ∆p = 0 ∆E = 2 pz=-∆p/2 x Most stable periodic orbit ∆p x Fixed point Correspondence between the 1D and 3D models Structures in the classical survival probability Survival probability 1D, n=50 1 100 kicks 1000 kicks 0.1 0.1 1 10 Scaled frequency ν0=1.3 ν0=0.7 p0 q0 p 02 1 Initial energy level E 0 = − 0.5 = − 2 q0 Classical-quantum correspondence ? 1D kicked atom ∆p 1D ==> accurate quantum calculations can be be performed for large n 1/q Survival probability 10 1D H(n=50) atom after 200 kicks 0 Classical Quantum 10 -1 10 -1 10 0 Scaled frequency 10 1 How can we compare classical and quantum dynamics in phase space ? Husimi distributions: Quantum analog of classical phase space distributions: Husimi disctributions of Floquet states Quantum analog of Poincare sections Usual quantum description of the electron - State of the electron: |Ψ(t)ñ - Dynamics: Schrödinger Equation i d|Ψ(t)ñ dt = H Ψ | (t)ñ - Boundary condition |Ψ(0)ñ = |Φi(t)ñ : initial state Alternative quantum description of the electron State of the electron: Wigner function Weyl transform of the density matrix 1 fw (q,p,t) = π ò 2ipy dy áq-y|Ψ(t)ñ áΨ(t)|q+yñ e fw (q,p,t): real quasi probability density (not positive definite) áAñ = ò dqdp fw(q,p,t) A(q,p) 2 |áq|Ψ(t)ñ| = Dynamics: ò dp fw(q,p,t) quantum Liouville equation dfw = L qm fw dt Classical limit: L qm ≈ Lcl Probability density Comparing classical and quantum densities 0.25 0.20 quantum 0.15 classical 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 p 2.5 3.0 Direct comparison with Wigner functions is difficult Husimi distribution: Gaussian smoothed Wigner function 2 fh (q,p,t) = | ágq,p|Ψ(t)ñ| > 0 2 -(q-q') /a gq,p(q') = C e e ipq' minimum uncertainty Gaussian wavepacket Husimi distribution of the 1D n=50 level PQM(q,p) 0.05 0.03 0.01 -0.01 -0.03 2 -0.05 1 0 p0 2.0 2.5 1.5 -1 1.0 -2 0.5 0.0 q0 classical -0.5 = 2 p 0 __ 2 _ __ 1 q0 -1/2 PCL ~ (p0) probability maximizes at the outer turning point Classical phase space vs quantum Husimi distributions Floquet analysis in a finite basis set Soft boudary conditions outgoing flux (norm not conserved) finite Hilbert space Floquet states: U(T,0) |φkñ = e |φkñ complex quasi eigenenergy period-one evolution operator |Ψ(NT)ñ = -iεkT Σk ck e -iεkNT |φkñ Stable Floquet states: Im(εk) = 0 Husimi distributions of stable Floquet states for ν0=1.3 quantum classical quantum Periodic orbits and fixed points stable unstable Any trace of unstable periodic orbits in quantum mechanics ? Quantum localization for high frequencies Survival probability 1.0 n=50, ν0=16.8, ∆p0=-0.3 breaktime 0.9 quantum 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 1 classical 10 100 Number of kicks ∆p Husimi distribution of a stable Floquet state for ν0=16.8 P(q,p) -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 q0 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.5 unstable periodic orbit 2.5 2.0 Stable Floquet states ==> scarred states Heller (1980s) p0 Why does the survival probability oscillate ? Localization in the continuum E=0 Correspondence for high frequencies, ν0=16.8 and strong perturbations, ∆p0=-0.3 Initial level Classical phase space D Husimi distributions of stable Floquet states X: classical fixed points : Unstable periodic orbits Lack of correspondence for weak perturbations, ∆p0=+0.01 n=50 ν0=16.8 Initial level Classical phase space Husimi distributions of stable Floquet states D X: classical fixed points What do periodic orbits resemble ? Stark orbit Coulomb orbit F(t) = å ∆p δ(t - kT) = Fav + 2Fav å cos(2πmνt) m ≥1 k Fav=∆p/T = average field H(t) = HStark − 2qFav å cos(2πmνt) m≥1 HStark = H atom − qFav Localization in energy space Types of diffusion Resonant diffusion Classical diffusion What stops diffusion ? è Non-linear level spacing è Quantum uncertainty Occupation probability after 600 kicks Localization widths Dipole coupling and driving frequency Energy excursion within the periodic orbit, ∆Eorbit Small ∆p è ∆Eorbit<<ω ω Direct excitation probabilities by all harmonics X Time averaged numerical result Dipole coupling Correspondence for the localization width Occupation probability after 600 kicks Large ∆p è ∆Eorbit> ω ∆Eorbit ω Direct excitation probabilities by all harmonics Dipole coupling The kicked Rydberg atom Classical quantum Correspondence Long times - short times - high n - large perturbations Classical quantum Outlook - Localization in 3D - Adding noise and other trains of pulses - Any train of pulses leading to long lived coherent states ? Cross-disciplinary Transport of atoms through solids Transmission of fast atoms through solids The randomly kicked atom STATE OF THE SYSTEM: reduced density matrix ρ(t) DYNAMICS: quantum Liouville equation i dρ dt = [Hatom,ρ] + R ρ p2 Hatom = 2 + V(r) dissipative interaction with the environment Screened ion field CLASSICAL TRANSPORT: STATE OF THE SYSTEM: ρcl(r,p,t) DYNAMICS: classical Liouville equation Microscopic interaction Vint First order transition probability per unit time H dP ∝ ò d∆p dt Transition amplitude for a given ∆p f |e HH i∆p. r H ~ | i Vint (∆p) Fourier transform: Probability distribution of kicks Similarity to quantum optics Microscopic approach: Langevin equation ρ(t) = 1 N N . Σ u=1 |Ψu(t)ñáΨ u(t)| quantum trajectory Langevin equation: undeterministic Schrödinger equation H = Hatom r. Σ k Random multiple elastic and inelastic collisions with particles in the solid. ∆pk δ(t-tk)