ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY Reviewers: Please refer to SECTION TITLE for GENERAL comments. Please refer to LINE NUMBERS for SPECIFIC comments. [PLEASE DO NOT EDIT IN THE DOCUMENT.] Constrained Optimization Methods in Health Services Research – An Introduction: Report 1 of the ISPOR Optimization Emerging Good Practices Task Force 1 Abstract 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Health services should be organized to give the greatest possible benefit to patients. Identifying optimal system and patient health services is the purview of mathematical optimization models. Once a range of alternatives has been identified, it is often possible to determine if the problem has an optimal solution. Seldom is the term ‘’optimal’ based on evidence that demonstrates such solutions are, indeed, optimal – in a mathematical sense. This is a missed opportunity that could result in poor policy choices— e.g., selection of policies associated with a local optimal solution, rather than a global optimal solution for the system. 9 10 11 12 13 14 In this report, we introduce constrained optimization methods with “optimal” defined as the best possible solution for a given problem given the complexity of the system inputs, outputs/outcomes, and constraints. We present definitions of important concepts and terminology, as well as the methods and their formulation basics. We also explain how these mathematical optimization methods relate to simulation methods, to standard health economic analysis techniques, and to the emergent fields of analytics and machine learning. 15 16 17 18 19 20 This task force report identifies: 1) key optimization concepts and the main steps in building an optimization model; 2) the types of problems where optimal solutions can be determined in real world health applications and 3) the appropriate optimization methods for these problems. While a number of examples are included to illustrate how applying optimization works, we developed a simple model based on a culinary production problem – “Why making pizza and maximizing health care value are the same problem”. 21 22 23 24 Guidance on optimization methods is important because current health economic and outcomes evaluation methods generally simulate different outputs based on known parameter distributions, but do not provide guidance on optimal system design and optimal care pathways given system or resource constraints. 25 1 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 26 1. Introduction 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 In common vernacular, the term “optimal” is often used loosely in health care applications to refer to any demonstrated superiority among a set of alternatives in specific settings. Seldom is this term based on evidence that demonstrates such solutions are, indeed, optimal – in a mathematical sense. By “optimal” we mean the best possible solution for a given problem given the complexity of the system inputs, outputs/outcomes, and constraints. Failing to identify a truly optimal solution represents a missed opportunity that could result in a poor clinical decision or choice of policy. 41 42 43 44 45 46 Constrained optimization methods trace their origin to the development of the simplex algorithm--the primary approach to solving linear programming problems--in 1947 (Kirby, 2003). Since that time, a variety of constrained optimization methods have been developed in the field of operations research and widely applied across a broad range of industries. This creates significant opportunities to transfer knowledge from fields outside the health care sector, to the optimization of health care delivery systems and provide value. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Patient scheduling, provider resource scheduling, and logistics are another large area of research in the application of constrained optimization methods to healthcare (Burke et al., 2006; Cheang et al., 2003; Lin et. al., 2013a; Lin et al., 2013b; Sir et al., 2015). Constrained optimization methods can also be used by health care systems to identify the optimal allocation of resources across interventions subject to a variety of different types of constraints (Earnshaw, 2002; Thomas et al., 2013). Constrained optimization methods from operations research have been applied to problems of diagnosing disease (Lee and Wu, 2009; Liberatore and Nydick, 2008) and the development of optimal treatment algorithms (Lee et al., 2008; Ehrgott, et al., 2008). 55 56 57 58 59 60 Constrained optimization methods may also be very useful in guiding clinical decision-making in actual clinical practice where physicians and patients face constraints such as proximity to treatment centers, health insurance benefit designs, and the limited availabili ty of health resources. The potential benefits of constrained optimization may be especially evident relative to decision making that is based upon clinical trials evidence where such constraints are explicitly removed through study design. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 These methods are now being applied to outcomes research and health economic problems due to their relevance in health technology assessment (Thokala P, et al. 2015). Researchers who conduct health systems and outcomes research studies come from diverse backgrounds and some may lack understanding of systems science and basic training in the theory and methods for operations research. In addition, many researchers may not be aware of the range of operations research methods available and the contexts in which they should be used most appropriately, recognizing both their strengths and limitations. Thus, there is a need for guidance for this emerging area of outcomes research in health care delivery and economics. 69 70 71 Recently, the ISPOR Emerging Good Practices Task Force on Dynamic Simulation Modeling Applications in Health Care Delivery Research published two reports in Value in Health (Marshall et al. 2015a, 2015b) and one in Pharmacoeconomics (Marshall et al. 2016) on the application of dynamic Identifying optimal health system and patient care interventions is the purview of mathematical optimization models. There is a growing recognition of the applicability of constrained optimization methods from operations research to health care problems. In a review of the literature, Rais and Viana (2010) note more than 200 constrained optimization and simulation studies in health care. For example, constrained optimization methods have been applied in problems of capacity management and location selection for both healthcare services and medical supplies (Ndiaye and Alfares, 2008; Araz et al., 2007, Bruni et al., 2006; Verter and Lapierre, 2003). 2 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 simulation modeling (DSM) to evaluate problems in health care systems. DSM enables the evaluation of a wide range of intended and unintended outcomes from health care interventions or policy changes in health care systems. These methods help decision-makers to anticipate the downstream consequences of changes in the health care system. Decision makers are able to test ‘what if’ scenarios of a proposed policy before implementation -- without actually having to implement the policy first. While simulation can provide a mechanism to test/evaluate various scenarios, by design, they do not necessarily provide optimal solutions. The Optimization Task Force emphasizes mathematical approaches to identify optimal resource allocations in the face of constraints. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 The overall objective of the task force on optimization methods is to develop guidance for health services researchers, knowledge users and decision makers regarding operations research methods to optimize healthcare delivery and value in the presence of constraints. Specifically, this task force will (1) introduce the value of constrained optimization methods in conducting research on health care systems and individual-level outcomes research; (2) describe problems for which constrained optimization methods are appropriate; and (3) identify good practices for designing, populating, analyzing, testing and reporting high quality research for optimizing healthcare delivery and value at both the systems and individual levels in the presence of constraints. 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Because this is a practice area with a substantial amount of material to cover, the Optimization Task Force will publish two reports. In this first paper, we introduce readers to constrained optimization methods. We present definitions of important concepts and terminology, and provide examples of health care decisions where constrained optimization methods are already being applied. We also describe the relationship of constrained optimization methods to health economic modelling and simulation methods. The second paper will present a series of case studies illustrating the application of these methods including model building, validation, and use. 96 97 2. Relationship of Constrained Optimization to Related Fields 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 a) Constrained Optimization Methods Compared with Traditional Health Economic Modelling in Health Technology Assessments Constrained optimization methods differ substantially from traditional health economic modeling methods traditionally used in health technology assessment processes. The main difference between the two approaches is that traditional health economic modeling approaches, such as Markov models, are built to estimate the costs and effects of different diagnostic and treatment options. If decision makers, are basing their judgements on modeling results, they may not formally consider the constraints and resource implications in the system. Constrained optimization methods provide a structured approach to optimize the decision problem and to present the best alternatives given an optimization criterion, such as constrained budget or availability of resources. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 These differences have major implications. There is an opportunity to learn from optimization methods to improve HTA processes. Optimization is a better means of capturing the dynamics and complexity of the health system to inform decision making for several reasons. Constrained optimization methods (a) explicitly take budget constraints and impact into account; (b) can handle other constraints in the health system, such as capacity; (c) take emergent behavior and evolution over time into account instead of informing a decision of a single technology at a single point in time; and (d) inform not only about affordability, but also about implementability and feasibility. 115 116 117 i. Informed decision making about resource allocation requires an external estimate of the decision-maker’s willingness to pay for a unit of health outcome – the threshold. HTA then relies on the principle that by repeatedly applying the threshold to individual HTA decisions, 3 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY optimization of the allocation of health resources will be achieved. However, health economics (HE) usually is about relative efficiency without directly aiming for budget optimization because many jurisdictions do not explicitly implement a constrained budget nor do they employ mechanisms to retrospectively evaluate cost-effectiveness of medical technologies. 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ii. Constrained optimization methods also allow consideration of the effect of other constraints in the health system, such as capacity or short-term inefficiencies. Capacity constraints are usually neglected in health economic models. In HE models, the outcomes are central to decision makers while the process to arrive at these outcomes is ignored. For health policy makers and health care planners, such capacity considerations are critical and cannot be neglected. Likewise, some technologies are known for short-term inefficiencies, e.g., large equipment such as PET-MR imaging, are usually not taken into consideration. It takes a certain amount of time before a new device operates efficiently, and such short-term inefficiencies do influence implementation (Van de Wetering, Woertman, and Adang 2011). 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 iii. Emergent behavior and evolution over time Health economic models with a clinical perspective, such as a whole disease model (Tappenden, 2012), or a treatment sequencing model, may allow the full clinical pathway to be framed as a constrained optimization problem that accounts for both intended and unintended consequences of health system interventions over time with feedback mechanisms in the system. Each combination of decisions within the pathway can be a potential solution, constrained by the feasibility of each decision, e.g., the licensed indication for various treatments within a clinical pathway. 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 The model can evaluate alternative guidance configurations and report the performance in terms of an objective function (cost per QALY, net monetary benefit). There is emerging literature in this area (Kim 2015; Tosh 2015). It may avoid piece-meal guidance development, such as the United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s single technology assessment (NICE STAs) that may use different models and different evidence, resulting in suboptimal resource allocation. iv. Implementability An advantage of constrained optimization is the imposition of constraints to achieve specific performance outcomes (minimum or maximum) associated with an objective function. HE models are not typically constrained in this way – it is assumed resources are available as required. In some sense, classic HE cost effectiveness models are ‘hypothetical’ to illustrate the potential value as measured by a specific outcome with respect to cost, whereas optimization is focused on what can be achieved in an operational context. This suggests constrained optimization methods are much better for informing decisions about implementability as they actually consider these barriers in the modeling approach. b) Constrained Optimization Methods as Part of Analytics Constrained optimization as a technique falls within the area of analytics. Broadly, analytics can be classified into descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. Descriptive analytics concern the use of historical data to describe data, patterns and test hypotheses. Research typically uses theory and concepts to identify hypotheses, and historical data is used to test these hypotheses using statistical methods. Examples may include natural history of aging, disease progression, evaluation of clinical interventions, policy interventions, and many others. Traditional health services and outcomes research for the most part falls within the area of descriptive analytics. 4 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 164 165 166 167 168 Predictive analytics focus on trying to forecast or foretell the future states of disease or states of systems. With the surge in the amount of data on health and health care, large amounts of data, also referred to as big data, are warehoused, Predictive analytics looks for trends and patterns in data to estimate future values for variables. Prediction can be helpful in determining what is expected as well as help inform clinical, administrative and policy decisions. 169 170 171 172 Prescriptive analytics uses the understanding of systems, both the historical and future based on descriptive and predictive analytics respectively to determine future course of action/decisions. Constrained optimization is a specialized form of prescriptive analytics, since it helps with determining the optimal decision or course of action in the presence of constraints. 173 Figure 1. 174 Future states Optimal decision Optimization 175 Wilson, ISPOR 2014 176 177 c) Constrained Optimization Methods Compared with Dynamic Simulation Models 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Dynamic simulation modeling methods (DSMs), such as system dynamics, discrete event simulation and agent based modeling are used to design and develop mathematical representations, i.e., formal models, of the operation of processes and systems. They are used to experiment with and test interventions and scenarios and their consequences over time in order to advance the understanding of the system or process, communicate findings, and inform management and policy design (Marshall et al. 2015a, 2015b, 2016;, Harrison et al., 2007; Banks, 1998; Sokolowski, 2011). These methods have been broadly used in health applications (e.g., Milstein et al 2011, Troy and Rosenberg 2009, Macal et al. 2014). 186 187 188 189 190 Unlike constrained optimization methods, DSMs do not produce a specific solution. Rather they allow for the evaluation of a range of possible or feasible scenarios or intervention options that may or may not improve the system’s performance. Constrained optimization methods, in general, seek to provide the answer to which of those options is the “best”. Hence, the types of problems and questions that can be addressed with DSMs (Marshall et al 2015a, 2015b, 2016) are different from 5 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 191 192 those that are addressed with optimization methods. However, both types of methods can be complementary to each other in helping us to better understand systems. 193 194 195 196 197 198 Traditionally, constrained optimization methods have served two distinct purposes in DSM development. 1) model calibration – fitting suitable model variables to past time series is discussed elsewhere (Marshall et al 2015a, 2015b, 2016; 2) evaluating a policy’s performance/effect relative to a criterion or set of criteria. However, the complexity of DSMs compared to simple analytic models may render constrained optimization cumbersome, inappropriate and potentially infeasible due to the large search space e.g., using methods of optimal control. 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Due to this complexity, alternative approaches such as algorithmic search strategies are available. Historically, these types of methods have been used in system dynamics and other DSMs. Due to their heuristic nature, there is no certainty of finding the “best” or optimal parameter set rather “good enough” solutions. Hence, the ranges assigned need careful consideration in order to get “good” solutions, i.e., prior knowledge of sensible ranges both from knowledge about the system and knowledge gained from model building. There are many examples that show the usefulness of optimization in system dynamics to gain insight about policy design and strategy design, particularly when the traditional analysis of feedback mechanisms becomes risky due to the large numbers of loops in a model, i.e., hundreds. Similar procedures to evaluate policies and strategies can be can be utilized in discrete event simulation (DES) and agent based modeling (ABM), e.g., simulated annealing algorithms and genetic algorithms. 210 d) Constrained Optimization Methods Compared with Machine Learning 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 With the increased volume and complexity of health care data, especially medical claims and electronic medical record data, and the ability to link to other information such as feeds from personal devices and socio demographic data, big data methods such as machine learning are garnering increased attention (Crown, 2015). Machine learning methods, such as predictive modelling and clustering, have an important intersection with constrained optimization methods. Machine learning methods are valuable for addressing problems involving classification, as well as addressing data dimension reduction issues and identifying predictors. 218 219 220 221 222 223 Constrained optimization would suggest developing models to predict patterns using all input variables from big data, which could represent hundreds, thousands or millions of inputs. On the other hand, minimal models can elegantly describe trends or patterns. However, they have high mean squared errors that can question the predictive validity of such approaches. The concept of optimization allows one to develop machine-learning models that select an appropriate number of variables to create predictively valid models that are manageable and accurate. 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 3. Definition of Constrained Optimization Constrained optimization is an essential tool to inform decision making based on quantitative information. It is the systematic set of procedures applied to find the best among a set of feasible solutions. It entails maximizing or minimizing an objective function that is representative of the quantifiable measure of interest to the decision maker subject to constraints also faced by the decision maker. Maximizing/minimizing the objective function is carried out by systematically selecting input values from within an allowed set of values and computing the value of the objective function. Note that, programming and optimization are often used as interchangeable terms in the literature, e.g., linear programming and linear optimization. (Programming here refers to mathematical programming as opposed to computer programming.) 6 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 The components of a problem are its objective function(s), its decision variable(s) and its constraint(s). After formulating the problem mathematically, optimization can be described as finding the minimum or maximum of a given objective function by changing its decision variables within the feasibility space subject to a set of constraints. Definitions of these components are elaborated below: 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 4. 261 262 263 264 265 266 At the outset, this problem seems fairly straightforward. One might decide on four regular pizzas to use up all the baking time that is available. This feed eight people while leaving £5 as excess budget. An alternate approach might be to make as many large pizzas as you can since each can feed one more person than a regular pizza. You would end up with three large pizzas (totaling £15). This approach can feed a total of nine people leaving 15 minutes extra baking time unused. There are others combinations of regular and large pizza, such as respectively, three and one, two each, etc. 267 268 269 270 This is graphically represented in Figure 2. The optimal solution is two regular pizzas and two large pizzas. This approach uses the total one hour backing time as well as the total £15 budget. Since regular and large pizzas feed two and three people, respectively, we are able to feed 10 people and still meet the time and budget constraints. 271 272 273 274 275 276 No other combination of pizzas is capable of feeding more people while still meeting the time and budget constraints. Note that not all resource constraints have to be completely used to attain the optimal solution. The pizza example is a small-scale problem with only two decision variables; the number of regular and large pizza that can be made. Hence, they can be represented graphically with one variable on each axis. Larger problems cannot be represented graphically, hence we turn to mathematical approaches, such as the simplex algorithm to find the solutions. Parameters are constant for a given optimization model and system. The values are determined based on real world aspects of the decision-making problem being solved. Decision variables are the constituents of the system for which decisions should be taken. They should describe the decisions that can be taken and which will change the value for the objective function. The objective function is a function of the decision variables, which represents the quantitative measure that the decision maker aims to minimize/maximize. The constraints are the restrictions on decision variables. These restrictions are defined by inequalities relating to functions of decision variables. They determine the allowable/feasible values for the decision variables. A Simple Illustration of a Constrained Optimization Problem -- Let’s Make Pizza! (Why making pizza and maximizing health care value are the same problem.) To illustrate the concept and terminology, we describe a constrained optimization problem for making pizza. Although it is a simple example, it illustrates many of the concepts and definitions just described. It is movie night, and you have offered to feed pizza to as many hungry people as possible. You have two options--baking regular or large pizzas. Regular pizzas can feed two people and larges ones can feed three people. Each pizza, irrespective of size, takes 15 minutes to bake, only one pizza can be baked at any given point in time. You have one hour of total oven time at your disposal. Regular pizzas cost £2.50 each, and large pizzas cost £5 each. You have a total budget of £15. What is the greatest number of people you can feed? 277 7 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 4 Time constraint (1 hour) 3 Objective function 2 Large Pizza Budget constraint (£15) 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Regular Pizza 7 8 19 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 The mathematical formulation of the model is as follows: 307 308 5. max subject to fR xR + fL xL cR xR + cL xL ≤ B tR xR + tL xL ≤ T xR ,xL ≥ 0 and integer (objective function) (budget constraint) (time constraint) (decision variables) Where: cR,cL= cost of regular and large pizza, respectively B = total budget available tR,tL= time to make regular and large pizza, respectively T = total time available fR,fL= number of people a regular and large pizza can feed, respectively xR,xL= number of regular and large pizzas to make, respectively In the current version of the problem, the parameters are: fR = 2 people, fL = 3 people cR = £2.50, cL = £5, B = £15 tR =0.25 hours, tL = 0.25 hours, T = 1 hour So the model is as follows: max subject to 2 xR + 3xL (objective function) 2.5xR + 5xL ≤ 15 (budget constraint) 0.25xR + 0.25xL ≤ 1 (time constraint) xR ,xL ≥ 0 and integer so, What is the greatest number of people you can feed? Problems That Can Be Tackled with Constrained Optimization Approaches 8 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 309 310 311 312 313 In this section, we discuss problems where constrained optimization approaches can shed insight. The selected examples do not represent a comprehensive picture of this field, but provide the reader a sense of what is possible. In Table 1, we provide a summary of the section, comparing problems using the terminology of the previous section, with respect to decision makers, decisions, objectives, and constraints. These terms will be defined more formally in Section 4. Table 1 – Examples of health care decisions for which constrained optimization is applicable Type of health Typical Typical decisions Typical Typical care problem decision objectives constraints makers Resource allocation within and across disease programs Health authorities, insurance funds Public health agencies, health protection agencies Organ banks, transplant service centers Radiation therapy providers List of interventions to be funded Increase population health Overall health? budget Optimal vaccination coverage level Ensure disease outbreaks can be rapidly and cost effectively contained, Matching organ donors with potential recipients Minimizing the radiation on healthy anatomy Availability of medicines, disease dynamics of the epidemic Disease management Models Leads for a given disease management plan Identify the best plan using a whole disease model, maximizing QALYs Workforce planning/ Staffing / Shift template optimization Hospital managers, all medical departments (e.g., ED, nursing) Operation room/ ICU planners Clinical department managers Strategic health planners Best interventions to be funded, best timing for the initiation of a medication, best screening policies Number of staff at different hours of the day, shift times Detailed schedules Minimize waiting time Availability of beds, staff Detailed schedules Minimize over- and under-utilization of health care staff Ensure equitable access to hospitals Availability of appointment slots Resource allocation for infectious disease management Allocation of donated organs Radiation treatment planning Inpatient scheduling Outpatient scheduling Hospital facility location Matching of organs and recipients Positioning and intensity of radiation beams Set of physical sites for hospitals 314 9 Increase efficiency and maximize utilization of healthcare staff Every organ can be received by at most one person Tumour coverage and Restriction on total average dosage Budget for a given disease or capacity constraints for healthcare providers Availability of staff, human factors, state laws (e.g., nurse-to-patient ratios), budget Maximum acceptable travel time to reach a hospital ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 An important application of optimization in planning health care expenditure is the resource allocation problem faced by a planner. A planner has a number of investment opportunities, but a fixed budget that is not adequate to fund cover all these opportunities (Stinnett and Paltiel 1996). Perhaps the simplest case of this is where the investment opportunities are incremental to current care and fall in distinct categories, e.g., children’s services, cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and mental health (as in Airoldi, Morton et al. 2014). Evaluation of financial efficiency and resources used for delivery of health & social services have been accomplished using constrained optimization (Medina-Borja et al., 2007; Pasupathy and Medina-Borja, 2008). 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 In this case, decisions about investments in different clinical areas can be made independently of one another and the optimization problem – of choosing the best set of investment opportunities to fund subject to a fixed budget constraint in order to meet an objective such as maximizing total QALYs – is called a knapsack problem (Martello and Toth 1990). The size of the knapsack represents the budget available, and the objective is to maximize health by filling the knapsack (spending the budget) with a set of health interventions. The standard cost-effectiveness rule of prioritizing projects based on their incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) and funding only those with an ICER above a critical threshold can be understood as an algorithm for solving (perhaps approximately) this knapsack problem (Weinstein and Zeckhauser 1973). 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 Other resource allocation problems may not be so straightforward. For example, consider the case of allocating resources for the prevention and cure of an infectious disease such as HIV, Hepatitis C, TB, malaria, or polio (Castillo-Chavez and Feng 1998, He, Li et al. 2015, Juusola and Brandeau 2015). Here, there may be significant and complex interactions between different investments: if the planner invests in vaccination, there may be fewer cases to treat in the future (and so investment in highly capital-intensive treatment facilities may be wasted). On the other hand, vaccination itself is costly, and if the disease has low prevalence, it may be cost-effective to target treatment (Lee, Yuan et al. 2015). 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Unlike the knapsack problem, where the optimal solution can be identified using nothing more complex than a spreadsheet, optimizing infectious disease programs may involve making multiple runs of a stateof-the-art simulation (Marshall, Burgos-Liz et al. 2015, Marshall, Burgos-Liz et al. 2015) of the infectious disease dynamics, to plot out how the particular patterns of resource allocation perform against the objective (of minimizing the total number of cases, or maximizing the probability of achieving disease eradication). For a review of mathematical approaches for infectious disease prediction and control, see Dimitrov and Meyers (2010). 347 348 349 350 351 In other settings, the critical resources might not be money. For example, allocating donated organs (such as kidneys) is more complex than allocating money because not every kidney will be compatible with every donor (in contrast, money is fungible – one dollar is always worth the same, no matter who receives it). In this case, the underlying problem becomes a matching problem (Roth and Sotomayor 1992). 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 Matching problems can be thought of as trying to arrange a large number of marriages – not everyone will get the best match, but the objective is to ensure that as few people are left on the shelf (patients without kidneys; kidneys without patients). Bertsimas, Farias et al. (2013) have an interesting discussion about how to incorporate fairness in such problems: some measures of prioritization (for example, time on waiting list) may be incorporated in the objective function, but some fairness considerations may also be included as constraints (for example at least x percent of transplants should go to patients of a certain blood type). 359 360 In other clinically-oriented problems, consider how radiation treatment planning might be framed as an optimization problem (Shepard, Ferris et al. 1999). In this setting, a cancerous tumor within a 10 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 361 362 363 364 365 patient’s anatomy is targeted with several beams of radiation passing through the tumor from different directions (a single beam of radiation strong enough to control the growth of the tumor would do unacceptable damage to healthy tissue in its path). A typical objective function in this setting might be to minimize the damage to healthy tissue while a constraint might be ensuring that the tumor receives a dose of radiation sufficient to prevent further tumor growth. 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 The decision variables might be the angles at which the beams are positioned (Craft 2007) or the intensity of the subcomponents of beams, referred to as beamlets (Romeijn, Ahuja et al. 2006). Although the basic problem sounds straightforward in principle, the complexities of the underlying physics and biology, the existence of conflicting treatment goals, uncertainties caused by daily setup procedures and organ motion, as well as ensuring that information garnered in the course of treatment is efficiently integrated into the treatment plan means that accurately solving this problem presents substantial conceptual and computational challenges (Bortfeld 2006, Sir, Epelman et al. 2012, Akartunalı, Mak-Hau et al. 2015), hence requiring constrained optimization approaches. 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 Other clinical problems where optimization can be applied relate to problems of disease management such as the timing of the initiation of treatment. The promise of health gain from treatment must be balanced against reasons for holding off treatment which may include cost, undesirable side-effects, emergent drug resistance, or the possibility that the presenting symptom may be not as threatening as it appears, e.g., maybe a tumor has been detected, but it is benign. It may be that there is an optimal stage in the disease progression or point in the patient’s life cycle where the balance shifts from favoring nonintervention to favoring treatment. The modelling framework for identifying such critical points is the Markov Decision Process framework (Puterman 2014). This framework has been used to analyze timing decisions in diseases as diverse as HIV, diabetes and breast cancer (Shechter, Bailey et al. 2008, Denton, Kurt et al. 2009, Chhatwal, Alagoz et al. 2010). 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 Workforce planning in healthcare involves several important tactical and operational decisions that can be grouped under three broad stages, which progress from organizational budgeting, to optimizing shift templates, and then finally to assigning individual healthcare professionals to shifts. In the budgeting stage, each department/unit is allocated a certain amount of full-time equivalent (FTE) of different roles (e.g., physician, nurse, clinical assistants, etc.) based on historical patient demand patterns, financial considerations, and other managerial constraints (Trivedi 1981, Kwak and Lee 1997, Mincsovics and Dellaert 2010). 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 As a tactical decision, shift templates should be periodically adjusted so that staffing levels meet patient demand at different times of the day and days of the week. This stage involves several constraints related to human factors (e.g., certain shift start times cannot be not allowed), mandatory staff-to-patient ratios (Lin et al., 2013b; Sir et al., 2015; Das et al., 2016), coordination of shifts of a certain role with other roles and hospital units (e.g., the nurse and physician shift in an emergency department should be aligned) and budget (Warner and Prawda 1972, Green, Soares et al. 2006, Sinreich and Jabali 2007). Once the shift templates are determined, each individual healthcare professional must be assigned to various shifts within a certain planning period (e.g., a month) (Arthur and Ravindran 1981, Cohn, Root et al. 2009, Defraeye and Van Nieuwenhuyse 2016). 400 401 402 403 Many models developed for this stage propose different mechanisms to incorporate individual preferences while ensuring some degree of fairness among individuals and safety guidelines (e.g., a resident cannot be assigned to two shifts unless they are apart from each other for a certain amount of hours) (Azaiez and Al Sharif 2005, Lin, Sir et al. 2013). 404 405 406 A related operational problem to workforce planning is appointment scheduling, which, in broad terms, involves determining to which appointment slot associated with a specific provider or diagnostic resource a patient is assigned based on medical urgency, patient priority, provider/organizational 11 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 407 408 409 410 preferences, etc. (Gupta and Denton 2008). Due to dynamically changing provider and resource calendars, appointment scheduling problems are often modeled using a dynamic programming framework (Patrick, Puterman et al. 2008) with possible objectives of minimizing service level (also referred to as access target) violations for different priority group and minimizing wasted capacity. 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 A highly related strategic problem is to determine how to allocate limited capacity for different patient priority groups. Several exogenous factors further complicate the appointment scheduling problem including late cancelations or no shows, patient/provider tardiness, delays in appointment duration, and emergency add-ons to the calendars (Cayirli, Yang et al. 2012). One special case of appointment scheduling is surgery scheduling, which received a great amount of attention due to surgical services being a major revenue source for hospital systems (Gupta 2007). More specifically, an operational problem that is solved daily by surgery schedulers involves determining the operating room assignment and start time of a set of scheduled surgeries. The most challenging aspect of this problem is the high uncertainty associated with surgery durations (Batun, Denton et al. 2011). 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 Facility location is a classical optimization problem where a decision maker determines where to locate/build facilities among a set of candidate locations and how to assign different demand locations to these facilities. The most common objective is to minimize cost that has two main components: the cost of building facilities and transportation cost for serving clients at different demand locations from the built facilities (Simchi-Levi, Chen et al. 2014). Facility location has many applications to health care (Daskin and Dean 2005). One interesting application is optimizing hospital network planning considering uncertainties in patient demand (Mestre, Oliveira et al. 2015). Another application is determining optimal location of emergency medical service stations in case of a large-scale disaster (Jia, Ordóñez et al. 2007, Lee, Chen et al. 2009). 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 6. 439 Table 2. Steps in an optimization process Steps in a Constrained Optimization Process Comprehensive descriptions of the steps involved in optimization have been published (e.g. An overview of the main steps involved is presented in Table 2. It is important to emphasize that the process of optimization is iterative, rather than comprising a strictly sequential set of steps. However, in contrast to alternative methods such as dynamic simulation modelling, constrained optimization goes beyond the elaboration of outcomes under different scenarios. The goal of constrained optimization is to identify the optimal solution to a particular objective subject to existing constraints. In addition, there is software available for supporting optimization. Step Problem structuring Mathematical formulation Model development Select optimization method Perform optimization Perform validation Report results Description Specify the objective and constraints, identify decision variables and constant parameters and list and appraise model assumptions Present the objective function and constraints in mathematical notation using decision variables and constant parameters Develop the model to estimate the objective function and constraints using decision variables and constants Choose an appropriate optimization method and algorithm based on the characteristics of the model Use the optimization algorithm to search for the optimal solution Examine performance of model for reasonable values of parameters and decision variables Report the results of optimal solution (i.e. values of decision 12 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY Decision making 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 variables, constraints and objective function) and sensitivity analysis Interpret the optimal solution and use it for decision making a) Problem structuring This involves specifying the objective, i.e. goal, identifying the decision variables, constant parameters and the constraints involved. These can be specified using words, ideally in non-technical language so that the optimization problem is easily understood. Table 1 presents the objective, variables, constraints and the relevant decision makers associated with different exemplar health care optimization problems. This step needs to be performed in collaboration with all the relevant stakeholders, including decision makers, to ensure all aspects of the optimization problem are captured. As with any modelling technique it is also crucial to surface key modelling assumptions and appraise them for plausibility and materiality. b) Mathematical formulation 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 After the optimization problem is specified in words, it needs to be converted into mathematical notation. The standard mathematical notation for any optimization problem involves specifying the objective function and constraint(s) using decision variables and constant parameters. This also involves specifying whether the goal is to maximize or minimize the objective function. The standard notation for any optimization problem, assuming the goal is to maximize the objective, is as shown below: 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 Maximize z=f(x1, x2, …. xn) subject to cj(x1, x2, …. xn)≤Cj for j=1,2,..m where, x1, x2, …. xn are the decision variables, f(x1, x2, …. xn) is the objective function; and cj(x1, x2, …. xn, p1, p2, …. pk)≤Cj represent the constraints. Specification of the optimization problem in this mathematical notation allows clear identification of the type (and number) of decision variables, constant parameters and the constraints. It should be noted that the objective function and the constraints also include constant parameters p1, p2, …. pk, which are fixed (i.e. their values do not change during the optimization problem). 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 c) Model development The next step after mathematical formulation is model development. The model should estimate the objective function and the left hand side (LHS) values of the constraints, using the decision variables and constant parameters as inputs. The complexity of the model can vary depending on the decision problem, from simple linear equations to sophisticated health economic/health care delivery simulation models. Similar to other types of modelling, the choice of the model depends on the outputs required and the level of detail included in the model depends on the accuracy required, e.g., in the estimation of the objective function and the LHS of constraints). d) Select optimization method This step involves choosing the appropriate optimization method. Optimization problems can be classified depending upon the nature of the objective functions and the constraints. The broad classifications include linear vs non-linear, deterministic vs stochastic, continuous vs discrete, single vs multi-objective optimization. For instance, if the objective function and constraints consist of linear functions only, the corresponding problem can be identified as linear optimization. Similarly, in deterministic optimization, it is assumed that the constant parameters used in the optimization problem are fixed while in stochastic optimization, uncertainty is incorporated. The optimization problems can be 13 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 484 485 486 487 488 continuous (i.e. fractional values are allowed) or discrete (for example a hospital ward may be either open or closed; the number of CT scanners which a hospital buys must be a whole number). Most optimization problems have a single objective function, however when optimization problems have multiple conflicting objective functions, they are considered as multi-objective optimization problems. e) Perform optimization 489 490 491 492 493 494 Optimization involves running the model for different sets of decision variables to find a combination of decision variables that achieve the objective, using specific algorithms. Broadly speaking, optimization methods use two types of optimization algorithms – iterative methods and heuristic methods. Iterative methods might reach the optimal solution within a pre-specified maximum amount of steps or might converge on the optimal solution. Examples of these include simplex methods for linear programming and the Newton method for non-linear programming (e.g., Minoux, 1986; Kelly, 1999). 495 496 497 498 499 500 Heuristic methods provide approximate solutions to optimization problems and are typically used when iterative methods are unavailable or computationally expensive. Examples of these techniques include relaxation approaches, evolutionary algorithms (such as genetic algorithms), simulated annealing, swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, and tabu search. Besides these two methods, other methods are also available to tackle large-scale problems, as well (i.e. decomposition of the large problems to smaller sub-problems). 501 502 503 504 There are software programs that help with optimization, interested readers are referred to the website of INFORMS ( for a list of optimization software. It should be noted that the users need to specify, and more importantly understand, the parameters for these optimization algorithms, e.g., the termination criteria such as the level of convergence required or the number of iterations). 505 f) Perform validation 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 Once the optimization algorithm has finished running, the results need to be interpreted. First, the results should be checked to see if there is actually a feasible solution to the optimization problem, i.e. whether the optimal solution satisfies all the constraints. If not, then the optimization problem needs to be adjusted, e.g., changing the objective, or relaxing some constraints or adding other decision variables. If a feasible optimal solution has been found, the results need to be understood – this involves interpretation of the results to check whether the optimal solution, i.e., values of decision variables, constraints and objective function makes sense. 513 514 515 516 This may also involve running sensitivity analyses, e.g. running the optimization problem using different values for using additional decision variables and constraints, in order to verify the robustness of the optimization results. Sensitivity analysis is an important part of building confidence in and sensechecking an optimization model, ensuring that it is a good representation of the problem at hand. 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 g) Report results The final optimal solution and if applicable, the results of the sensitivity analyses should be reported. This will include the results of the optimum ‘objective function’ achieved and the set of ‘decision variables’ at which the optimal solution, i.e., the optimum objective function, is found. Both the numerical values (i.e. the mathematical solution) and the physical interpretation, i.e., the non-technical text describing the meaning of numerical values, should be presented. The optimal solution identified can be contextualized in terms of how much ‘better’ it is compared to the current state. For example, the results can be presented as improvement in benefits such as QALYs or reduction in costs. 14 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 It would also be useful to report the optimization method used and the results of the ‘performance’ of the optimization algorithm, e.g., number of iterations to the solution, computational time, convergence level, etc. Dashboards can be useful to visualize these benefits and communicate the insights gained from the optimal solution and sensitivity analyses. h) Decision making The final optimal solution and its implications for policy/service reconfiguration should be presented to all the relevant stakeholders. This typically involves a plan for amending the ‘decision variables’, e.g., shift patterns, screening frequency, (see Table 1 for a complete list) to those identified in the optimal solution. This needs getting the ‘buy-in’ from the decision makers and all the stakeholders, e.g., frontline staff such as nurses, hospital managers, etc., to ensure that the numerical ‘optimal’ solution found can be operationalized in a ‘real’ clinical setting. After the decision is made, data should still be collected to assess the efficiency and demonstrate the benefits of the implementation of the optimal solution. 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 7. Summary and Conclusions 552 553 554 555 556 557 In this report, we introduce readers to the vocabulary of constrained optimization models and outline the broad types of models available to analysts for a range of different health care problems. We outline the relationship of constrained optimization methods to traditional health economic modelling and simulation models. We illustrate the formulation of a straightforward linear program to make pizza and solve the problem graphically. Although simple, this example illustrates many of the key features of constrained optimization problems that would be commonly encountered in health care. 558 559 560 561 562 In the second task force report, we describe several case studies that illustrate the formulation, estimation, evaluation, and use of constrained optimization models. The purpose is to illustrate actual applications of constrained optimization problems in health care that are more complex than the pizza example described in the current paper and make recommendations on emerging good practices for the use of optimization methods in health care research. This is the first report of the ISPOR Constrained Optimization Methods Task Force. It introduces readers to the application of constrained optimization methods to health care systems and patient outcomes research problems. 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Health care is constantly evolving – ch budgets, new policies, new interventio 22 ISPOR Optimization Task Force Report DRAFT for REVIEW ONLY Deterministic vs stochastic All the information is assumed to be certain (e.g. costs of the pizza, how many it can feed, how long it will take to cook) Know that the information is uncertain uncertainty in the costs and benefits of interventions) Linear vs Non-linear Linear (i.e. each additional pizza costs the same and feeds the same number of people) Non-linear (e.g. Quality/outcomes ma linear, also interactions between the in etc) 795 796 797 23