ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES The objective of this chapter is to explore the electrical properties of materials, i.e. their responses to an applied electric field. We begin with the phenomenon of electrical conduction: the parameters by which it is expressed, the mechanism of conduction by electrons, and how the electron energy band structure of a materialinfluences its ability to conduct. These principles are extended to metals, semiconductors and insulators. Particular attention is given to the dielectric characteristics of insulating materials. The final sections are devoted to the peculiar phenomena of Ferro electricity and piezoelectricity. FREE ELECTRON THEORY The electrical conductivity is one of the properties of materials that vary most widely and the best conductors such as copper and silver have values of about 108Ω-1m-1 and a good insulator such as polystyrene has conductivity 10-15Ω-1m-1. In a metal, the current is carried by conduction electrons, and hence the name electronic conduction. In an isolated atom, the electrons are tightly bound to the nucleus. These electrons are known as core electrons. But there are a few electrons which are loosely bound to the nucleus and are called as valance or conduction electrons which are responsible to the properties of the materials. When the crystal is formed, the valence electrons are treated as electrons of the crystal and do not belong to the individual atom in that crystal. In a crystal, the valence electrons experience an effective potential of all the positive ion cores and is less than that when it experience an effective potential of all positive ion cores and is less than that when it experiences in an isolated atom. A useful assumption can be made here that the effective potential inside the metal is constant and can be considered as zero as a first assumption. This is the fact that at the surface of a metal, the atoms are not completely bonded and there appears the so called surface potential which is much higher than the effective potential. Thus the valance electrons are freely moving in a metal, and it requires certain amount of energy which is more than the surface energy to leave the metal. Thus, the electrons are in potential energy well of depth W as shown in figure 3.1. Remember that we have studied infinite potential well or particle in a rigid box problem in quantum mechanics. The free electron theory of metals is a fundamental theory for understanding the electrical properties. Figure:Free electrons are in potential well of depth W. Here are some important characteristics of metals and these will be discussed in detailed in the classical free electron theory of metals proposed by Drude and Lorentz Main characteristics of metals: (1) Metals exhibit an excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. (2) Metals obey Ohm`s law. In the steady state condition, the current density j is proportional to the applied electric potential. J α E or J = σ E (3) Where, σ is electrical conductivity, which is about 107mhos m-1. (4) At low temperatures, the resistivity ρ is proportional to the fifth power of absolute temperature. ρ α T5 (5) Above Debye temperature, the resistivity of metals is proportional to the absolute temperature. Thus metals have positive temperature coefficient of resistivity. (6) In the case if the metal contains small impurity, the resistivity can be written as ρ = ρi +ρph (T) (7) Where ρi is constant which increases with impurity content and ρph (T) is the temperature dependent part, and this equation is known as Matthiessen`s rule. (8) The ratio of thermal and electrical conductivity is a constant at constant temperature. K/σ = LT. (9) This is known as Wiedemann-Franz Law. The constant L is called Lorentz number (10) Metals exhibit the phenomenon of superconductivity, its resistivity disappears in temperature range 0 < T < Tc. The temperature Tc is called critical temperature and above this temperature the resistivity is finite. (11) For most metals, the electrical resistivity decreases with increase of pressure. (12) Metal alloys exhibit order-disorder transitions and the resistivity shows pronounced minimum corresponding to the ordered phase. CLASSICAL FREE ELECTRON THEORY OF METALS: DRUDE – LORENTZ THEORY: The discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson in 1897 enbaled P. Drude to produce a very satisfactory theory of the electrical and thermal conductivities of metals in 1900. In 1904-1905, H. A. Lorentz gave an improved mathematical formulation of Drude theory without essentially adding anything to its physical content. These two independent models are now combined and called it as Drude-Lorentz classical free electron theory of metals. In order to understand this model, consider a sodium crystal. Each sodium atom contains 11 electrons and its electronic configuration is 1s22s22p63s1. The inner shells are completely filled and the outer shell is unfilled and contains only one electron. The inner 10 of the electrons are in filled shells which are tightly bound to the nucleus to form a net positive charge. These electrons can be treated as core electrons. The remaining 11th electron in the outer shell is loosely bound to the nucleus and moves around the positive ion core. This electron is called as valence electron or conduction electron. In this sodium crystal the atoms are close enough to form metallic bonds between them and the valence electrons are not associated with the parent atom as illustrated in the figure 3.2. These electrons may be considered as moving freely in between positive ions or the crystal hence they constitute a free electron gas similar to the molecules in a gas container. The theory connected to these electrons is known as free electron theory or free electron gas theory of metals. Figure: Valence electrons in sodium metal (left) and the free electron approximation (right). This model has been developed by the application of Kinetic theory of gases, MaxwellBoltzmann statistics and Equilibrium Theorem to the electrons in the metal. For the purpose of understanding the electrical and thermal properties of metals, the following basic assumptions have been made in the theory. Basic Assumptions: A metal consists of positive ion cores surrounded by delocalized electrons called valence electrons which are freely moving between charged ions similar to the molecules in a gas container. Hence they constitute a free electron gas. The mutual repulsion between the electrons is neglected and this approximation is called independent electron approximation (true). Forces between conduction electrons and ion cores should be neglected and this approximation is called free electro approximation (not true). All collisions are assumed to be elastic in nature i.e., no energy is lost in the interaction process. The potential experienced by the electrons due to the positive ions is completely uniform and without loss if generality, this potential can be considered as zero. As a result, there is no change in the energy of the electron when it is moving inside the metal or it strikes the surfaces. The total energy of conduction electrons in a metal is all kinetic energy. At room temperature, the conduction electrons cannot escape from the surface of the metal because of the surface potential. Thus the electrons are confined within volume of the metal. This means that the potential energy of the electron inside the metal must be lower than that at the surface of the metal. Therefore, we assume that the edges of the metal surfaces are the sites of sharp potential barrier and crystal acts as potential energy box. In this energy box, the conduction electrons move freely like molecules in a gas container. Since the electron gas in a metal having properties similar to those of an ordinary molecular gas, so one can approximate that the free electron gas also obeys the same laws of Kinetic theory of gases. The free electron gas is now treated as a perfect gas and at thermal equilibrium; the electrons obey the Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. According to the equipartition theorem, in the absence of electric field, the energy associated with each electron at a temperature T is 3/2KBT, where KB is the Boltzmann constant. Based on the above assumptions, a simple physical model has been developed to understand the electrical conductivity in metals. According to the free electron theory, the free electrons in a metal move randomly with an average speed ~ 105 m/s. Consider a metal consists of valence electrons. These electrons are freely moving in all possible directions in the absence of an electric field as shown in the figure 3.3. Hence, their average velocity becomes zero. Let n be number of free electrons per cubic meter in the conductor and vibe the velocity of the ith electron, then the average velocity va of free electrons can be expressed as 1 Va = 𝑛 𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑣i =0 At thermal equilibrium, there is an equal probability for number of electrons moving in one direction to those moving in the opposite direction. Therefore the free electrons follow Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function. This fact explains that in the absence of an external electric field, the contribution of electrons to electric current in a conductor is zero. Figure:Random motion of electrons in the absence of electric potential. SUCCESSESOF THE CLASSICAL FREE ELECTRON THEORY This theory has been given an idea about the electrical conductivity which depends on temperature. This theory successfully explained the Ohm‘s law. This theory successfully explained the conductivity of monovalent metals. This theory successfully explained the skin depth. This theory is used to verify the Wiedmann-Franz law, which relates the electric conductivity and thermal conductivity K in metals. 𝐾 =𝐿 𝜍𝑇 Where, L is called the Lorentz number and it is a constant value. FAILURES OF CLASSICAL FREE ELECTRON THEORY This theory fails to explain the temperature variation of electrical conductivity in metals. Experimentally the conductivity σ 𝛼 T-1. According to the free electron theory, the conductivity is proportional to the electron concentration. It is supersizing that the divalent metals and even trivalent metals exhibit less conductivity than monovalent metals despite the fact that the former have higher electron concentration compared to the later one. Wiedmann-Franz law is constant for all the temperatures in the free electron theory. But this is not true at low temperatures is ten times larger than the value at room temperature. This theory is unable to explain the negative and positive hall coefficients in semiconductor. This theory could not predict the different colors of metals. QUANTUM FREE ELECTRON THEORY OF METALS: SOMMMERFELD THEORY The study of metallic properties in terms of the motion of free electrons has been started before the invention of quantum mechanics. Drude and Lorentz made first attempts to understand the properties of metals using the laws of classical mechanics. This classical theory has several remarkable successes like the verification of ohm‘s law and the Wiedmann-Franz law but it could not reconcile with all the experimental observations. The failures of classical free electron theory leads to the invention of quantum free electron theory which was introduced by sommerfeld. In this theory, he applied quantum laws to the electrons in a metal in addition to the Fermi-Dirac statistics and Pauli Exclusion Principle. He developed a model based on the assumptions which are discussed as below. Basic assumptions of the theory: Sommerfeld free electron theory of metals is simple theory in which the electron can be treated as a quantum particle. The classical free electron model is modified by taking into account quantum mechanics and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Free electrons are valence electrons of the atoms just like in the classical theory. A valence electron in a metal finds itself in the field of all ions and that of the other electrons. The mutual repulsion between the electrons is neglected and the potential representing the attractive interaction of ions is assumed to be completely uniform everywhere inside the solid. The independent electron approximation and the free electron approximations are retained in the sommerfeld theory also. Distribution of electrons in the energy states in an electron gas obeys the Fermi-Dirac quantum statistics. Only electrons close to the Fermi energy are scattered that is only a fraction of valence electrons contribute to the electrical conductivity and such a fraction of electrons is called effective number of electrons or conduction electrons. Each energy level corresponding to the principal quantum number splits up into two very close energy levels representing the electron spin-up and spin-down states. According to Pauli Exclusion Principle only one electron can occupy one energy level. Thus an energy level in this model can accommodate at the most two electrons. The potential energy of the electrons within the metal is constant and might be taken as zero everywhere except at the ends of the box. Hence, the electrons are moving freely in the metal and can be treated as free electron gas in a potential energy box. Thus it is called sommerfeld quantum free electron theory of metals. Sommerfeld applied these assumptions and the first to find the possible energy levels of electrons in the potential energy box by solving the solution of the wave equation. Then he applied the Pauli Exclusion Principle for the distribution of a large number of electrons among these energy levels in the metal. The expression for the energy of a free electron in a potential energy box and is given by, 𝐸= ħ2 𝜋 2 2 𝑛 2𝑚𝐿2 n=1,2,3… From the above equation it is clear that the energy eigen values depend on the values of n, the principal quantum number. For a given value of n, there must be one energy level. So we have a set of energy levels constituting a discrete energy spectrum. QUESTIONS ON FREE ELECTRON THEORY: 1. List out basic postulates of classical free electron theory. 2. Explain the failures of classical free electron theory. 3. List out basic postulates of quantum free electron theory. 4. Explain the failures of quantum free electron theory. PARTICLE IN A PERIODIC POTENTIAL: BLOCH THEOREM One of the first great successes of quantum theory in applied physics is band theory, which eventually resolved the puzzle of electrical transport in metals, semiconductors, and insulators. The core of modern understanding of electronic and optical properties of solidstate materials is based on the band theory, which describes the properties of electrons in a periodic potential. The periodic potential is due to the periodic arrangement of atoms in a crystal. The description of the electron in the periodic material has to be via the Schrodinger equation −ħ𝟐 𝟐 𝜵 + 𝑼 𝒓 𝝍 𝒓 = 𝑬𝝍(𝒓) 𝟐𝒎𝟎 where U(r) is the background potential seen by the electrons. Due to the crystalline nature of the material, the potential U(r) has the same periodicity, R, as the lattice U(r) = U ( r + R) If the background potential is zero, the electronic function in a volume V is Ψ(r)= 𝑒 𝑖𝑘 .𝑟 𝑉 and the electron momentum and energy are p= ħk 𝑬= ħ𝟐 𝒌𝟐 𝟐𝒎𝟎 The wave function is spread in the entire sample and has equal probability (ψ*ψ) at every point in space. Let us examine the periodic crystal. We expect the electron probability to be same in all unit cells ofthe crystal because each cell isidentical. If the potential was random, this would not be the case, as shown schematically in Fig. 3.7a. This expectation is, indeed, correct and is put in a mathematical form by Bloch‘s theorem. Bloch‘s theorem states that the eigen functions of the Schrodinger equation for a periodic potential are the product of a plane wave eik.rand a function Uk(r), which has the same periodicity as theperiodic potential. Thus Ψk r = 𝑒 𝑖𝑘.𝑟 𝑈𝑘 (𝑟) Figure: (a) Potential and electron probability value of a typical electronic wave-functionin a random material. (b) The effect of a periodic background potential on an electronic wavefunction. In the case of the periodic potential, 𝜓 2 has the same spatial periodicity as the potential. This puts a special constraint on ψ(r) according to Bloch's theorem is the form of the electronic function. The periodic part Uk(r) has the same periodicity as the crystal; i.e., 𝑼𝒌 (r)=𝑼𝒌 (r+R) The wave-function has the property Ψk r + R = 𝑒 𝑖𝑘 . 𝑟+𝑅 𝑈𝑘 𝑟 + 𝑅 = 𝑒 𝑖𝑘 . 𝑟 𝑈𝑘 𝑟 𝑒 𝑖𝑘.𝑅 = 𝑒 𝑖𝑘 .𝑅 Ψk r The wave-function is illustrated in Fig. 3.7b. Before discussing the solutions of the periodic potential problem, let us take a look at some of the important properties of crystalline materials. KRONIG-PENNEY MODEL The Kronig-Penney model is represented by the one-dimensional periodic potential shown in figure 3.8. Even though the model is one-dimensional, it is the periodicity of the potential that is the crucial property that yields electronic band structure. The mathematical form of the repeating unit of the potential is Figure: Kronig-penney potential. V(x)=Vo -b<x<0 =0 0<x<a As shown in the above figure the potential has a period of c=a+b. The schrodinger equation for the model is, The coefficients in both of these equations are constants, so the solutions are similar to that of a particle in a box. The solutions to Equations 2 are Figure: A plot of energy against wave number k showing the band gaps that appear when k A(1+R)= Nπ. The dashed line is the parabolic result for free electrons. After solving the above equations, 𝐸= ħ2 𝑘 2 2𝑚 and which represent the allowed energies of a particle in a box. BRILLOUIN ZONES: The Brillouin zones highly depend on momentum of electrons (k-space). The energy spectrum of an electron moving in the presence of periodic potential field is divided into allowed and forbidden zones. When a parabola representing the energy of a free electron is compared with the energy of an electron in a periodic field, it is clear that the discontinuities in the parabola occur at values of k given by, K = nπ/a where n = ±1, ±2, ±3. … since k is the wave vector. k = 2π/λ = n π/a 2a = n λ From the parabola it can be observed that the electron has allowed energy values in the region (zone) extending from k = -π/a to +π/a. This zone is called first Brillouin zone. After the forbidden gap, where there is a discontinuity in energy. Another zone of energy extending fromk = -π/a to -2π/a and k = π/a to 2π/a. This zone is known as second Brillouin zone. Similarly, other higher order Brillouin zones can be defined. The different Brillouin zones correspond to primitive cells of a different type that come up in the theory of electronic levels in a periodic potential. The first Brillouin zone is considered as the Wigner-Seitz (WS) primitive cell in the reciprocal lattice. In other words, the first Brillouin zone is a geometrical construction to the WS primitive cell in the k-space. In a direct lattice, the procedure of drawing a WS cell is as follows: i) Draw lines to connect a given lattice points to all nearby lattice points. ii) Draw new lines or plane at the mid point and normal to the lines in (i). iii) The smallest volume enclosed in this way is the WS primitive cell. [See figure 3.10]. Figure: Construction of primitive Wigner-Sietz cell in 2-D direct space lattice. Construction of a Wigner-Seitz cell in the reciprocal lattice (called first Brillouin zone): To construct the first Brillouin zone, we need to find the link between the incident beam (like electron or neutron or phonon beam) of wave vector This relation may be found as diffracted if its wave vector 𝑘 and the reciprocal lattice vector 𝐺 . , [for example, an x-ray beam in the crystal will be 𝑘 has the magnitude and direction required by this latter relation]. Thus the procedure to build up the first Brillouin zone is as follows (see figure 3.11): i) Select a vector 𝐺 from the origin to a reciprocal lattice point. Figure 3.11: Construction of primitive Wigner-Sietz cell in 2-D direct space lattice. ii) Construct a plane normal to the vector zone boundary. 𝐺 at its mid point. This plane forms a part of the iii) The diffracted beam will be in the direction iv) Thus the Brillouin construction exhibits all the wave vectors k which can be Braggreflected by the crystal. Important note: A wave whose wave vector drawn from the origin terminates on any of the planes will satisfy the condition of diffraction. Such planes are the perpendicular bisectors of the reciprocal vectors. Remarks: The planes divide the Fourier space of the crystal into fragments as shown for a square lattice. - The central square is a primitive cell of the reciprocal lattice. It is a Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice (called the first Brillouin zone). (See figure 3.12). - The first Brillouin zone is the smallest volume entirely enclosed by the planes. Figure: Construction of first Brillouin Zone Conclusion: Wigner-Seitz cell: smallest possible primitive cell, which consist of one lattice point and all the surrounding space closer to it than to any other point. The construction of the W-S cell in the reciprocal lattice delivers the first Brillouin zone (important for diffraction). Figure: Smallest volume formed by the first Brillouin zone Importance of Brillouin zone: The Brillouin zones are used to describe and analyze the electron energy in the band energy structure of crystals. ENERGY BAND STRUCTURES IN SOLIDS: In an isolated atom electron occupy well defined energy states, when atoms come together to form a solid, their valence electrons interact with each other and with nuclei due to Coulomb forces. Inter atomic spacing is small in solids compared with liquids and gases. Due to this closeness of atoms, energy levels of the atoms are disturbed. Energy levels of the valence electrons are most affected. Each energy level splits up into a number of closely spaced levels. These split energy levels form a continuous band called energy band as shown in fig 3.13. Energy level is the discrete energy of an electron in an atom. But energy band is the energy of the same electron when it is in a solid. At large separation distances, each atom is independent of all the others, so they have energy levels. But the atoms come close to each other, electrons respond to the influence of other nuclei and electrons. So each atomic level splits into N levels each of which may be occupied by pairs of electrons of opposite spins. The extent of splitting depends on inter atomic separation. Firstly outer most electron shells are disturbed. In each energy band, energy levels are discrete; the difference between adjacent states is infinitesimally small. At the equilibrium spacing, band formation may not occur for electron sub shells nearestthe nucleus as shown in fig 3.13. Further gaps exist between adjacent bands. The electron does not have any energy with in energy gap. Figure: Electron energy versus inter atomic separation for an aggregate of atoms ENERGY BAND STRUCTURES AND CONDUCTIVITY: There are four types of band structures which are possible at 0 K. The highest filled state at 0 K is called Fermi Energy (EF). The two important energy bands are: Valence band: Valence band is the wide range of energies possessed by the valence electrons.The highest filled energy band where the electrons are present at 0 K. Conduction band: Conduction band is the wide range of energies possessed by the conduction electrons. A partially filled or empty energy band where the electrons can increase their energies by going to higher energy levels within the band when an electric field is applied. CLASSIFICATION OF SOLIDS INTO CONDUCTORS, SEMICONDUCTORS & INSULATORS: ENERGY BAND STRUCTURES AND CONDUCTIVITY FOR METALS In metals (conductors), highest occupied band is partially filled or bands overlap. Conduction occurs by promoting electrons into conducting states that starts right above the Fermi level. The conducting states are separated from the valence band by an infinitesimal amount. Energy provided by an electric field is sufficient to excite many electrons into conducting states. Ex: Copper atomic number is 29, its electronic configuration is - 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1. Each copper atom has one 4s electron. For a solid consisting of N atoms, the 4s band can accommodate 2N electrons. Thus only half of the 4s band states are filled. This is shown in fig 3.14(a). For the second band structure, there is an overlap of filled band (valence band) and empty band (conduction band). Ex: Magnesium atomic number is 12, its electronic configuration is 1s22s22p63s2. Each magnesium atom has two 3s electrons. In a solid of magnesium, the 3s and 3p bands are overlapped. This is shown in fig 3.14(b). Figure: The various possible electron band structures in solids at 0 K. (a) The electron band structure found in metals such as copper, in which there are available electron states above and adjacent to filled states, in the same band. (b) The electron band structure of metals such as magnesium, wherein there is an overlap of filled and empty outer bands. (c) The band structures of insulators. (d) The band structure of semiconductors. Energy Band Structures and Conductivity for Semiconductors and insulators: As shown in fig 3.14, (c) and (d) band structures are similar. The valence band is completely filled with electrons. There is large energy gap between filled valence band and empty conduction band. Ex: Insulators. If the energy gap between valence and conduction band is smaller than that of insulator, it is semiconductor. Electrical conduction requires that electrons be able to gain energy in an electric field. To become free, electrons must be promoted (excited) across the band gap. The excitation energy can be provided by heat or light. In semiconductors and insulators, electrons have to jump across the band gap into conduction band to find conducting states above Ef. The energy needed for the jump may come from heat or from irradiation at sufficiently small wavelength (photo excitation). The difference between semiconductors and insulators is that in semiconductors electrons can reach the conduction band at ordinary temperatures, where in insulators they cannot. An electron promoted into the conduction band leaves a hole(positive charge) in the valence band, that can also participate in conduction. Holes exist in metals as well, but are more important in semiconductors and insulators. REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1.1. What are the salient features of the free electron gas model? Obtain the Ohm‘s law based on it. 1.2. Assuming the electron-lattice interaction to be responsible for scattering of conduction in a metal, obtain an expression for conductivity in terms of relaxation time and explain any three drawbacks of classical theory of free electrons. 1.3. Discuss the various drawbacks of classical free electron theory of metals and explain the assumptions made in quantum theory to overcome the drawbacks. 1.4. Explain the salient features of quantum free electron theory. 1.5. In terms of electron energy band structure, discuss reasons for the difference in electrical conductivity between metals, semiconductors, and insulators. PROBLEMS: 1.1. An electron is bound by a potential which closely approaches an infinite square well of width of width 0.2nm. Calculate the lowest three permissible quantum energies the electron can have. 1.2. Assuming the electrons to be free, calculate the total number of states below E=5eV in a 4.1. The resistivity of aluminium at room temperature is 2.62x10-8 ohm-m. Calculate (i) the drift velocity (ii) mobility (iii) relaxation time and (iv) mean free path on the basis of classical free electron theory. 1.3. Using the Fermi function, evaluate the temperature at which there is 1% probability that an electron in a solid will have an energy 0.5eV above EF of 5eV. 1.4. Use the Fermi distribution function to obtain the value of F(E) for (E-EF) = 0.01eV at 200K. OHM’S LAW: It is defined as the voltage apply to a conductor which is equal to the product of current passing through the conductor times its resistance. This law is independent of size and shape of the conductor under consideration. However, it can alsobe expressed in terms of current density J and electric field E. The current density in the direction of electric field is defined as the amount of charge flowing across a unit area of cross section per unit time in a conductor. If n is a number of electrons crossing a unit area in unit time then the amount of charge is equal to ―– ne‖. Average velocity of electrons is the drift velocity. The flow of charge per unit time through unit area of the conductor is equal to the product of electon charge times the drift velocity of the electrons which is current density J = -nevd. Substituting the value of vd in the above equation J= 𝑛𝑒 2𝜏 𝑚 E JαE Or J=σE It follows that the electric current density is proportional to the applied electric field. This equation is known as Ohm‘s law and proportionality constant is called electrical conductivity σ. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY (MICROSCOPIC FORM OF OHM’S LAW): In general the electrical conductivity is a property of a conducting material which opposes the flow of current. σ= 𝑛𝑒 2𝜏 𝑚 This is one of the central results of the classical free electron theory of metals. This formula is not useful for calculating the conductivity of a given metal, since it contains an unknown term called relaxation time. The theory itself has important implications. This picture of electron gas undergoing constant scattering and is still used. For a particular metal n, e and m are constants. Therefore, the electrical conductivity depends on the relaxation time ‗τ‘. Thus in the absence of collision process the relaxation time is infinite and hence the conductivity becomes infinite. The electrical conductivity can also be expresses interms of mobility. σ = neµ Thus ingeneral the electrical conductivity of a metal depends on two factors. They are n and µ. Electrical Resistivity (ρ) Electrical resistivity is a measure of how strongly a materialopposes the flow of electric current. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of electric charge. The S.I. unit of electrical resistivity is Ω-m. It is commonly represented by a Greek letter ρ. (vi) Electrical conductivity (σ) It is the ability of a substance to conduct an electric current. It is the inverse of the resistivity. 𝜍= 1 𝜌 Figure: Schematic representation of the apparatus used to measure electrical resistivity. Ohm's law can be rewritten in terms of the current density J = I/A as: J = σ E. Ohm‘s law can be expressed in both microscopic and macroscopic forms. 𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅 (Macroscopic form) 𝐽 = 𝜍𝐸 (Microscopic form) Electrical conductivity varies between different materials by over 27 orders of magnitude. Metals: σ > 105 (Ω.m)-1 Semiconductors: 10-6<σ < 105 (Ω.m)-1 Insulators: 10-6 (Ω.m)-1<σ<10-20(Ω.m)-1 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY OF METALS (MATTHIESSEN’S RULE): The resistivity ρ is defined by scattering events due to the imperfections and thermal vibrations. Total resistivity ρtot can be described by the Matthiessen‘s rule: 𝜌𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝜌𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 + 𝜌𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 + 𝜌𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 Whereρthermal - from thermal vibrations, ρimpurity - from impurities, ρdeformation - from deformation-induced defects resistivity increases with temperature, with deformation, and with alloying. APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTING MATERIALS One of the best materials for electrical conduction (low resistivity) is silver, but its use is restricted due to the high cost. Most widely used conductor is copper: inexpensive, abundant, high σ, but rather soft – cannot be used in applications where mechanical strength is important. Table: Room temperature electrical conductivities for eight common metals and alloys Solid solution alloying and cold working improve strength but decrease conductivity. If hardeningis preferred, Cu-Be alloy is used. When weight is important one uses aluminum, which is half as good as Cu and more resistant to corrosion. Heating elements require low (high R), and resistance to high temperature oxidation: nickel chromium alloy. QUESTIONS: 2.1. Verify Ohm‘s law based on quantum free electron theory. 2.2. Discuss the origin of electrical resistance in metals. 2.3. Demonstrate that the two Ohm‘s law expressions, V = I R and J = σ E, are equivalent. 2.4. How does the electrical resistance of a metal change with temperature? ELECTRON MOBILITY AND DRIFT VELOCITY: When an electric field E is applied to a conductor, the electrons modify their random motion and move with an average drift velocity vd in a direction opposite to that of the electric field as illustrated in figure 3.4 and an electric current is established in the conductor. The flow of current in a conductor is an indication that the electron in it moves in a specific direction. As a result, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function of the electrons in the conductor undergoes a change. The directional motion of the electrons is due to the applied electric field. The group of electrons within the conductor drifts in the direction opposite to the applied electric field. This motion is called a drift motion and the associated velocity of the electron is called drift velocity. Figure: Electrons are moving opposite to the applied electric field E. Due to the electric field E an electron inside the metal experiences a force and this force F is equal to the product of electric charge and electric field. F=-e * E where‗–e‘ is the charge of the electron. As a result, the electron acquires acceleration. According to newtons second law of motion, the force experienced by the electron is given by F=m * a where‗a‘ is the acceleration of the electron and m is the mass of the electron. Eliminating F from the above equations gives the acceleration of the electron under the influence of electric field –eE=ma. a= −𝑒𝐸 𝑚 It is clear from the above equation that the electrons are accelerated indefinitely because of growth of their velocity due to electric field i.e. its drift velocity vd increases with time. However the electrons are not accelerated indefinitely because during their motion the electrons collide with impurities and lattice imperfections in the crystal. Here Drude assumed that the conduction electron acquires random motion after collision with impurities and lattice imperfections. In the collision process the electron loses the energy and after collision it again gains energy from the electric field. The velocity of the electrons after collision does not depend upon its velocity before collision. When the electron collides with the lattice imperfection it stops momentarily and moves in another direction with a new velocity. Thus electrons acquire random motion even in the presence of electric field and this is shown in figure 3.5. This problem can be solved by considering these collisions are similar to the collision process of an ideal gas in a container. The collision process introduces the concept of relaxation time, which influences the conductivity in the metals. The average time between successive collisions of electron with the lattice imperfection is called relaxation time and is denoted by τ. Figure: Random velocity of an electron in the applied electric field E. The acceleration of the electron due to collision with impurities is given by –vd/ τ (negative sign is due to the acceleration is opposite to the direction of electric field). Now, the acceleration is equal to sum of the acceleration due to electric field and acceleration due to collision with impurities. a= −𝑒𝐸 𝑣𝑑 𝑚 –𝜏 After sometime the acceleration of the electrons due to the electric field and acceleration due to collision should compensate with each other but leads to steady state condition of the electron gas. As a result the acceleration of electron becomes zero −𝑒𝐸 𝑚 𝑣𝑑 –𝜏 =0 The drift velocity of the electron is then obtained by arranging the above equation. vd= −𝑒𝜏𝐸 𝑚 Thus the electrons in a conductor attain a constant drift velocity under the application of the electric field. The drift velocity is proportional to applied electric field and the proportionality constant is called the electron mobility µ. RELATION BETWEEN ELECTRON MOBILITY (µ) AND CONDUCTIVITY: The electron mobility is defined as the drift velocity vdper unit applied electric field E. µ= 𝑣𝑑 𝐸 Substituting the value of dirft velocity in the above equation we get µ= −𝑒𝜏 𝑚 The above equation shows that mobility of an electron depends on the relaxation time and hence it depends on temperature. PROBLEMS: 1. Calculate the drift velocity and mean free path of copper when it carries a steady current oh 10 amp and whose radius is 0.08cm.Assume that the mean thermal velocity=1.6*106 m/s and resistivity of copper is 2x108 ohm-m. SEMI CONDUCTORS INTRODUCTION: The electrical conductivity of the semiconducting materials is not as high as that of the metals. Nevertheless they have some unique electrical characteristics that render them especially useful. The electrical properties of these materials are extremely sensitive to the presence of even minute concentrations of impurities. Energy Band Structure for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors: The band gap of a semiconductor is the minimum energy required to excite an electron that is stuck in its bound state into a free state where it can participate in conduction. The band structure of a semiconductor gives the energy of the electrons on the y-axis and is called a "band diagram". The lower energy level of a semiconductor is called the "valence band" (E V) and the energy level at which an electron can be considered free is called the "conduction band" (EC). The band gap (EG) is the gap in energy between the bound state and the free state, between the valence band and conduction band. Therefore, the band gap is the minimum change in energy required to excite the electron so that it can participate in conduction. Once the electron becomes excited into the conduction band, it is free to move about the semiconductor and participate in conduction. However, the excitation of an electron to the conduction band will also allow an additional conduction process to take place. The excitation of an electron to the conduction band leaves behind an empty space for an electron. An electron from a neighboring atom can move into this empty space. When this electron moves, it leaves behind another space. The continual movement of the space for an electron, called a "hole", can be illustrated as the movement of a positively charged particle through the crystal structure. Consequently, the excitation of an electron into the conduction band results in not only an electron in the conduction band but also a hole in the valence band. Thus, both the electron and hole can participate in conduction and are called "carriers". The concept of a moving "hole" is analogous to that of a bubble in a liquid. Although it is actually the liquid that moves, it is easier to describe the motion of the bubble going in the opposite direction. Intrinsic semiconductors - electrical conductivity is defined by the electronic structure of pure material. Extrinsic semiconductors - electrical conductivity is defined by impurity atoms. Intrinsic semiconductors Highly pure semiconductors with no impurities are called intrinsic semiconductors. In such a material there are no charge carriers at 0K. Since the valence band is filled and the conduction band is empty. At higher temperatures, the electrons reaching the conduction band due to thermal excitation leave equal number of holes in valence band. In intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons is equal to the number of holes. The bond structure and band structures of intrinsic semiconductors are shown in below fig 3.15. Examples: Si, Ge, GaP, GaAs, InSb, CdS, ZnTe (a) (b) Figure: (a) For a semiconductor, occupancy of electron states after an electron excitation from the valence band into the conduction band in which both a free electron and a hole are generated. (b) Electron bonding model of electrical conduction in intrinsic silicon after excitation. Number of electrons in the conduction band increases exponentially with temperature.Eg is the band-gap width. In an electric field, electrons and holes move in opposite direction and participate in conduction.Since both electrons and holes are charge carriers in an intrinsic semiconductor, the conductivity is 𝜍 = 𝑛 𝑒 𝜇𝑒 + 𝑝 𝑒 𝜇ℎ where p is the hole concentration and μh the hole mobility. Electrons are more mobile than holes, μe>μhIn an intrinsic semiconductor, a hole is produced by thepromotion of each electron to the conduction band. Therefore, n = pand (only for intrinsic semiconductors) 𝜍 = 𝑛 𝑒 𝜇𝑒 + 𝜇ℎ = 𝑝 𝑒 𝜇𝑒 + 𝜇ℎ n (and p) increase exponentially with temperature, whereas μe and μh decrease (about linearly) with temperature.The conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is increasing with temperature (different from metals) 𝜍 = 𝑛 𝑒 𝜇𝑒 + 𝜇 ℎ FERMI LEVEL AND DOPING: The application of intrinsic semiconductors is restricted due to its low conductivity. In electronic devices, high conducting semiconductors are more essential. The concentration of either electrons or holes in a semiconductor should be increased depending upon the requirements in the electronic devices. This can be carried out simply by adding impurities (one atom in 107 host atoms) to the intrinsic semiconductors. The process of adding impurity to the intrinsic semiconductors is called doping. The doped semiconductor is called as extrinsic semiconductor. The concentration of electrons and holes are not equal in an extrinsic semiconductor. Usually the doping material is either penta-valent atoms (P, AS, Sb, Bi) or trivalent atoms (B, Al, Ga, In). The penta-valent atom is called donor atom because it donates one electron to the conduction band of pure semiconductor. The trivalent doping atom is called acceptor atom because it accepts one electron from semiconductor atom. The added impurity is called dopant. In Extrinsic semiconductors, electrical conductivity is defined by impurity atoms. Example: Si is considered to be extrinsic at room T if impurity concentration is one impurity per 1012 lattice sites (remember our estimation of the number of electrons promoted to the conduction band by thermal fluctuations at 300 K) unlike intrinsic semiconductors, an extrinsic semiconductor may have different concentrations of holes and electrons. It is called p-type if p > n and n-type if n > p. Thus there are two types of extrinsic semiconductors depending on the type of impurity added. 1. N-type extrinsic semiconductors 2. P-type extrinsic semiconductors N-type extrinsic semiconductors: Excess electron carriers are produced by substituting impurities that have more valence electron per atom than the semiconductor matrix. Example: phosphorus (or As, Sb) with 5 valence electrons, is an electron donor in Si since only 4 electrons are used to bond to the Si lattice when it substitutes for a Si atom. Fifth outer electron of P atom is weakly bound in a donor state(~ 0.01 eV) and can be easily promoted to the conduction band.Impurities which produce extra conduction electrons are called donors,Elements in columns V and VI of the periodic table are donors for semiconductors in the IV column, Si and Ge. ENERGY BAND DIAGRAM FOR P-TYPE AND N-TYPE SEMI-CONDUCTORS: The hole created in donor state is far from the valence band and is immobile. Conduction occurs mainly by the donated electrons thus n-type. Figure: Extrinsic n-type semi conduction model (electron bonding). An impurity atom such as phosphorus, having five valence electrons, may substitute for a silicon atom. (a) (b) Figure: (a) Electron energy band scheme for a donor impurity level located within the band gap and just below the bottom of the conduction band. (b) Excitation from a donor state in which a free electron is generated in the conduction band. P-type extrinsic semiconductors: Excess holes are produced by substituting impurities that have fewer valence electrons per atom than the matrix. A bond with the neighbors is incomplete and can be viewed as a holeweakly bound to the impurity atom. Elements in columns III of the periodic table (B, Al, Ga) are donors for semiconductors in the IV column, Si and Ge. Impurities of this type are called acceptors. (a) (b) Figure: (a) Energy band scheme for an acceptor impurity level located within the band gap and just above the top of the valence band. (b) Excitation of an electron into the acceptor level leaving behind a hole in the valence band. Figure: Extrinsic p-type semi conduction model (electron bonding). An impurity atom such as boron having three valence electrons, may substitute for a silicon atom. The energy state that corresponds to the hole (acceptor state) is close to the top of the valence band. An electronmay easily jump from the valence band to complete the bondleaving a hole behind. Conduction occurs mainly by theholes (thus p-type). For extrinsic p-type semiconductors 𝜍 = 𝑝 𝑒 𝜇𝑝 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY: 1. Review of conductivity and resistivity of different types of semiconductors. 2. Recapturing the temperature dependence of the conductivity for metals and intrinsic semiconductors. FACTORS EFFECTING CARRIER CONCENTRATION IN SEMI-CONDUCTORS: Temperature effect on intrinsic carrier concentration When we speak of an intrinsic semiconductor several factors come to mind: 1. It is extremely pure, containing an insignificant amount of impurities. 2. The properties of the material depend only on the element(s) the semiconductor is made of. 3. For every electron created, a hole is created also, no = po = ni. For an electron-hole pair to be created in an intrinsic semiconductor, a bond must be broken in the lattice, and this requires energy. An electron in the valence band must gain enough energy to jump to the conduction band and leave a hole behind. ni represents the intrinsic carrier concentration, or we can see it as the number of bonds broken in an intrinsic semiconductor. As the temperature is increased, the number of broken bonds (carriers) increases because there is more thermal energy available so more and more electrons gain enough energy to break free. Each electron that makes it to the conduction band leaves behind a hole in the valence band and there is an increase in both the electron and hole concentration. As the temperature is decreased, electrons do not receive enough energy to break a bond and remain in the valence band. If electrons are in the conduction band they will quickly lose energy and fall back to the valence band, annihilating a hole. Therefore, lowering the temperature causes a decrease in the intrinsic carrier concentration, while raising the temperature causes an increase in intrinsic carrier concentration. QUESTIONS: 1. Review of energy band diagram for p-type and n-type semi-conductors. 2. Recapture of factors effecting carrier concentration. CONDUCTIVITY CONDUCTORS: AND MOBILITY OF CHARGE CARRIERS IN SEMI- When an electric field E is applied across a piece of material, the electrons respond by moving with an average velocity called the drift velocity. Then the electron mobility μ is defined as where is the drift velocity (m/s) is the magnitude of the applied electric field (V/m) is the mobility (m2/(V.s)) In other words, the electrical mobility of the particle is defined as the ratio of the drift velocity to the magnitude of the electric field: Electrical mobility is proportional to the net charge of the particle. This was the basis for Robert Millikan's demonstration that electrical charges occur in discrete units, whose magnitude is the charge of the electron. Electrical mobility of spherical particles much larger than the mean free path of the molecules of the medium is inversely proportional to the diameter of the particles; for spherical particles much smaller than the mean free path, the electrical mobility is inversely proportional to the square of the particle diameter. Derivation for Electric current and conductivity Let L be the length of the conductor A be the area of cross-section N be number of electrons in the conductor T be the time taken by electron to travel a distance L Vd be the average drift velocity Current ( I )= Total charge Q Time Total charge = number of electrons in the conductor * charge = Nq Nq I= T Speed = distance / time Average drift speed = L / T = V T=L/V Substituting T in current equation I = NqV / L Current density ( J ) = I / A = NqV / LA in the above equation N / LA is electron concentration,let it be n J = n q v = ρv =nqµE =σ E Where σ is called conducty of metal and its units are ( ohm – meter )-1 INTRODUCTION TO INSULATORS: An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow freely, and therefore make it impossible to conduct an electric current under the influence of an electric field. This contrasts with other materials, semiconductors and conductors, which conduct electric current more easily. The property that distinguishes an insulator is its resistivity; insulators have higher resistivity than semiconductors or conductors. A perfect insulator does not exist, because even insulators contain small numbers of mobile charges (charge carriers) which can carry current. In addition, all insulators become electrically conductive when a sufficiently large voltage is applied that the electric field tears electrons away from the atoms. This is known as the breakdown voltage of an insulator. Some materials such as glass, paper and Teflon, which have high resistivity, are very good electrical insulators. A much larger class of materials, even though they may have lower bulk resistivity, are still good enough to prevent significant current from flowing at normally used voltages, and thus are employed as insulation for electrical wiring and cables. Examples include rubber-like polymers and most plastics. ENERGY BAND DIAGRAM AND BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF INSULATORS: Energy Band Diagram :The range of energies that an electron may possess in an atom is known as the energy band. There Important energy bands are, Valence Band Conduction Band Forbidden Band Valence Band :The Range of Energy possessed by valence electrons is known as valence Bands. Conduction Band :The valence electrons are less tightly bound with the nucleus. So that even an appication of small elctric field some of the valence electrons detached from the nucleus and it becomes free electrons. These fee elctrons are responsible for the conduction of current in good conductors. The electrons are also called conduction electrons. The Range of energy possed by these elctrons is known as conduction band. Forbidden Band (or) Energy Gap :The energy band in between the condition band and the valence band is called forbidden Band. Classification of Materials (or) Solids According to Energy Bands :Solids are classified in to there types 1. Insulators 2. Conudctors 3. Semi conductors Insulators :The materials in which the condition band and valence bands are separeated by a wide energy gap (≈ 15 eV) as shown in figure. A wide energy gap means that a large amount of energy is required, to free the electrons, by moving them from the valence band into the conduction band. Since at room temperature, the valence electrons of an insulator do not have enough energy to jump in to the condition, therefore insulator do not have an ability to conduct current. Thus insulators have very high resistively (or extremely low conductivity) at room temperatures. However if the temperature is raised, some of the valence electrons may acquire energy and jump in to the conduction band. It causes the resistively of insulators to decrease. Therefore an insulator have negative temperature co-efficient of resistance. Conductors :The materilas in which conduction and valence bands overlap as shown in figure are called conductors. The overlapping indicates a large number of electrons available for conduction. Hence the application of a small amount of voltage results a large amount of current. Semiconductors :The materials, in which the conduction and valence bands are separeated by a small energy gap (1eV) as shown in figure are called semiconductors. Silicon and germanium are the commonly used semiconductors. A small energy gap means that a small amount of energy is required to free the elctrons by moving them from the valence band in to the conduction band. The semiconductors behave4 like insulators at 0K, because no electrons are available in the conduction band. If the temperature is further increased, more valence elctrons will acquire energy to jump into the conduction band. Thus like insulators, semiconductors also have negative temperature co-efficient of resistance. It means that conductivity of semiconductors increases with the increases tempertature. VARIOUS EXAMPLES OF INSULATORS: A very flexible coating of an insulator is often applied to electric wire and cable, this is called insulated wire. Since air is an insulator, in principle no other substance is needed to keep power where it should be. High-voltage power lines commonly use just air, since a solid (e.g. plastic) coating is impractical. However, wires that touch each other produce cross connections, short circuits, and fire hazards. In coaxial cable the center conductor must be supported exactly in the middle of the hollow shield in order to prevent EM wave reflections. Finally, wires that expose voltages higher than 60 V can cause human shock and electrocution hazards. Insulating coatings help to prevent all of these problems. Some wires have a mechanical covering with no voltage rating—e.g.: service-drop, welding, doorbell, thermostat wire. An insulated wire or cable has a voltage rating and a maximum conductor temperature rating. It may not have an ampacity (current-carrying capacity) rating, since this is dependent upon the surrounding environment (e.g. ambient temperature). PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS INSULATORS: Electrical Insulator must be used in electrical system to prevent unwanted flow of current to the earth from its supporting points. The insulator plays a vital role in electrical system. Electrical Insulator is a very high resistive path through which practically no current can flow. In transmission and distribution system, the overhead conductors are generally supported by supporting towers or poles. The towers and poles both are properly grounded. So there must be insulator between tower or pole body and current carrying conductors to prevent the flow of current from conductor to earth through the grounded supporting towers or poles. The materials generally used for insulating purpose is called insulating material. For successful utilization, this material should have some specific properties as listed below- 1. It must be mechanically strong enough to carry tension and weight of conductors. 2. It must have very high dielectric strength to withstand the voltage stresses in High Voltage system. 3. It must possess high Insulation Resistance to prevent leakage current to the earth. 4. The insulating material must be free from unwanted impurities. 5. It should not be porous. 6. There must not be any entrance on the surface of electrical insulator so that the moisture or gases can enter in it. 7. There physical as well as electrical properties must be less affected by changing temperature. Now a days glass insulator has become popular in transmission and distribution system. Annealed tough glass is used for insulating purpose. Glass insulator has numbers of advantages over conventional porcelain insulator. DIELECTRICS INTRODUCTION: All dielectric materials are electrical insulators. But all electric insulators need not be dielectrics. Ex: Vacuum is an insulator but it is not dielectric. The distinction between a dielectric material and an insulator lies in the application. The insulating materials are used to resist the flow of current through it, when a potential difference is applied across its ends. On the other hand the dielectric materials are used to store electric energy. Dielectrics are the materials having electric dipole moment permanently or temporarily by applying the electric field. In dielectrics all the electrons are bound to their parent molecules and there are no free charges. Further at the ordinary temperatures, the electrons cannot be dislocated either by thermal vibrations or by ordinary applied voltages. Generally the dielectrics are non-metallic materials of high resistivity and have negative temperature coefficient of resistance. A dielectric material is an insulator in which electric dipoles can be induced by the electric field (or permanent dipoles can exist even without electric field), that is where positive and negative charge are separated on an atomic or molecular level with εr = 81 for water, 20 for acetone,12 for silicon, 3 for ice, etc. TYPES OF DIELECTRICS: Those materials which have the ability to transfer the electric effects without conducting are known as dielectrics. Dielectrics exist basically in two types. Polar Dielectrics: Polar dielectrics are those in which the possibility of center coinciding of the positive as well as negative charge is almost zero i.e. they don‘t coincide with each other. The reason behind this is their shape. They all are of asymmetric shape. Some of the examples of the polar dielectrics is NH3, HCl, water etc. Non Polar dielectrics: In case of non polar dielectrics the centres of both positive as well as negative charges coincide. Dipole moment of each molecule in non polar system is zero. All those molecules which belong to this category are symmetric in nature. Examples of non polar dielectrics are: methane, benzene etc. DIELECTRIC MATERIALS IN CAPACITORS: Dipole formation and/or orientation along the external electric field in the capacitor causes a charge redistribution so that the surface nearest to the positive capacitor plate is negatively charged and vice versa. The process of dipole formation/alignment in electric field is called polarization and is described by P = Q1/A. Dipole formation induces additional charge Q1 on plates: total plate charge Qt = |Q+ Q1|. Therefore, 𝐶 = 𝑄𝑡 𝑉 has increased and dielectric constant of the material εr = C / Cvac> 1. In the capacitor surface charge density (also called dielectric displacement) is D = Q/A = εrεoE = εoE +P Polarization is responsible for the increase in charge density above that for vacuum. FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS: Dielectric constant (€r) The dielectric characteristic of a material are determined by the dielectric constant or relative permittivity ‗€r ‗of that material. The dielectric constant determines the share of the electric stress which is absorbed by the material. It is the ratio between the permittivity of the medium and the permittivity of free space. 𝜀𝑟 = 𝜀 𝜖𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 The dielectric constant ‗€r‘ has no unit and it is a measure of the electric polarization in the dielectric material. Electric polarization When an electric field is applied to a crystal or a glass containing positive and negative charges, the positive charges are displayed in the direction of field, while the negative charges are displaced in the opposite direction. This displacement produces local dipoles throughout the solid. Thus the process of producing dipoles by an electric field is called polarization in dielectrics. Polarization vector (P) It is found that the strength of the induced electric dipole moment is proportional to the applied electric field. 𝜇 = 𝛼𝐸 Where α is the constant of proportionality, called the polarizability. If µ-is the average dipole moment per molecule and N is the number of molecules per unit volume then the polarization the solid is given by the polarization vector ‘P’ and it can be written as 𝑃 = 𝑁𝜇 So the polarization vector ‗P‘ is the dipole moment per unit volume of the dielectric material. Electric displacement vector ’D’: The electric displacement vector (or) electric induction ‗D‘ is a quantity which is a very convenient function for analyzing the electrostatic fields in the dielectric and is given by D = Ɛ E = Ɛ€o E + P From this one can get 𝑃 = 𝜀 − 𝜀𝑜 = 𝜀𝑜 𝜀𝑟 − 1 𝐸 This quantity ‗D‘ is similarly to the magnetic induction‘B‘ in the magnetism. Further the electric displacement vector ‗D‘ has the remarkable property that its sources are only the free electric charges. The dielectric constant of vacuum is 1 and is close to 1 for air and many other gases. But when a piece of a dielectric material is placed between the two plates in capacitor the capacitance can increase significantly. 𝐶 = 𝜀𝑟 𝜀𝑜 _ + 𝐴 𝐿 _ + + Figure: Polarization Mechanism Magnitude of electric dipole moment is µ = q d. DIELECTRIC STRENGTH (OR) DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN Very high electric fields (>108 V/m) can excite electrons to the conduction band and accelerate them to such high energies that they can, in turn, free other electrons, in an avalanche process (or electrical discharge). The field necessary to start the avalanche process is called dielectric strength or breakdown strength. DIELECTRIC LOSS When an ac electric field is applied to a dielectric material, some amount of electrical energy is absorbed by the dielectric material and is wasted in the form of heat. This loss of energy is called dielectric loss. This loss is at the electric field frequencies in the vicinity of the relaxation frequency for each of the operative dipole types for a specific material. A low dielectric loss is desired at the frequency of utilization. QUESTIONS: 1. Define and explain (i) dielectric constant (ii) electric susceptibility (iii) electric polarization and (iv) polarizability. 2. Explain local field in a dielectric material? Explain how the local field could be calculated for a cubic dielectric crystal. 3. Explain the polarization mechanism in dielectric materials. 4. Establish a relation between the electronic polarizability (άe) and relative permittivity (έr) using the concept of internal field. ELECTRIC POLARIZATION: When an electric field is applied to a crystal or a glass containing positive and negative charges, the positive charges are displayed in the direction of field, while the negative charges are displaced in the opposite direction. This displacement produces local dipoles throughout the solid. Thus the process of producing dipoles by an electric field is called polarization in dielectrics. Polarization vector (P) It is found that the strength of the induced electric dipole moment is proportional to the applied electric field. 𝜇 = 𝛼𝐸 Where α is the constant of proportionality, called the polarizability. If µ-is the average dipole moment per molecule and N is the number of molecules per unit volume then the polarization the solid is given by the polarization vector ‘P’ and it can be written as 𝑃 = 𝑁𝜇 So the polarization vector ‗P‘ is the dipole moment per unit volume of the dielectric material. TYPES OF POLARIZATION: Polarization is the alignment of permanent or induced atomic or molecular dipole moments with an external applied electric field. There are three types of polarization (fig. 3.21). 1. Electronic polarization 2. Ionic polarization 3. Molecular (orientation) polarization (c) Figure: (a) Electronic polarization that results from the distortion of an atomic electron cloud by an electric field. (b) Ionic polarization that results from the relative displacements of electrically charged ions in response to an electric field. (c) Response of permanent electric dipoles (arrows) to an applied electric field, producing orientation polarization. Electronic (induced) polarization: Applied electric field displaces negative electron ―clouds‖ with respect to positive nucleus. It occurs in all materials. Ionic (induced) polarization: In ionic materials, applied electric field displaces cations and anions in opposite directions Molecular (orientation) polarization: Some materials possess permanent electric dipoles (e.g. H2O). In absence of electric field, dipoles are randomly oriented. Applying electric field aligns these dipoles, causing net (large) dipole moment. Ptotal = Pe + Pi + Po FREQUENCY DEPENDENCE OF POLARIZATION: For alternating currents, an applied voltage or electric field changes direction with time. Now, consider a dielectric material which is connected to ac supply. With each direction reversal, the dipoles attempt to reorient with the field as shown in below fig 3.22. Figure: Dipole orientations for (a) one polarity of an alternating electric field and (b) for the reversed polarity. As shown in above fig.in a process requires some finite time. For each type of polarization some minimum reorientation time exists, which depends on the ease with which the particular dipoles are capable of realignment. A relaxation frequency is taken as a reciprocal of this minimum reorientation time. Electrons have much smaller mass than ions, so they respond more rapidly to a changing electric field. For electric field that oscillates at very high frequencies (1015Hz) only electronic polarization can occur. Compared with electrons, ions have large mass so ionic polarization can‘t occur at optical frequencies. It requires large time to displace ions. At smaller frequencies (1013 Hz) ionic polarization also occur in addition to electronic polarization. Figure: Variation of dielectric constant with frequency of an alternating electric field. Electronic, ionic and orientation polarization contributions to the dielectric constant are indicated. Now third type is orientation polarization. Orientation of permanent dipoles which require the rotation of a molecule can occur only if the oscillation is relatively slow. So at low frequencies (106 – 1010 Hz) the orientation polarization occurs in addition to electronic and ionic polarization. Space charge polarization is the slowest process and occurs only at power frequencies (102 Hz). Thus at low frequencies the value of total polarization is very high and at high frequencies the value of total polarization is very small. If polarization is large, dielectric constant is also large from formulae D=ε0E+P and D=εE. Dielectric constant versus frequency graph is as shown in fig 3.23. TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF POLARIZATION (Additional): Electronic and ionic polarizations are practically temperature independent at normal temperatures. But orientation polarization and space charge polarization are affected by temperature.In orientation polarization, the sum of dipoles in presence of electric field is opposed by thermal vibrations of atoms. So polarization decreases with increasing temperature. In contrast to this in some polar substances, normal temperatures will oppose the permanent dipoles to align in the field direction. But higher temperatures facilitate the movement of dipoles. So polarization increases with increasing temperature. For example: 1. Dielectric constant of solid HCl decreases from 19 to14 when temperature is increased from 100 to 160 K. This shows that the number of molecules per unit volume decreases due to the expansion on melting. 2. Solid nitrobenzene is a polar molecule, but it does not exhibit orientation polarization in its solid state because the rotation of molecules is prevented under an applied field. But in liquid state, the molecules have sufficient energy to reorient themselves in the applied field. The relative dielectric constant increases from 3 to 37 on melting. This is in contrast with the results obtained for solid HCl. FERRO ELECTRICITY: Ferro electricity is defined as the spontaneous alignment of electric dipoles by the mutual interaction in the absence of an applied electric field. It arises from the fact that the local field increases in proportion to the polarization. Thus, ferro-electric materials must possess permanent dipoles.Ex.:BaTiO3, Rochelle salt(NaKC4H4O6.4H2O), potassium di hydrogen phosphate(KH2PO4),Potassium niobate (KNbO3).These materials have extremely high dielectric constants at relatively low applied field frequencies. Thus, capacitors made from ferro electric materials are smaller than capacitors made of other dielectric materials. Properties of Ferro electric Materials: 1. Ferro electric materials can be easily polarized even by very weak electric fields. 2. They exhibit dielectric hysteresis. Lagging of polarization behind the applied electric field is called dielectric hysteresis. Ferro electricity is a result of dielectric hysteresis. 3. Ferro electric materials possess spontaneous polarization, which is a polarization that persists when the applied field is zero. 4. Ferro electric materials exhibit ferro-electricity when the temperature T<Tc where Tc is ferroelectric curie temperature when T>Tc, they are converted into para electric materials. 5. They exhibit domain structures as in the case of ferromagnetic materials. 6. Ferro electric materials exhibit piezo electricity and pyro electricity. Piezo electricity means the creation of electric polarization by mechanical stress. Pyro electricity means the creation of electric polarization by thermal stress. Spontaneous polarization and domains in BaTiO3: The structural changes in BaTiO3 crystal due to lattice variation give rise to ferro electricity. Above 1200C BaTiO3 has a cubic crystal structure with the titanium ions exactly at the body centre, Barium ions are at the body corners and oxygen ions are at the face centers as shown in fig 3.25. At those temperatures, there is no spontaneous dipole moment. If the crystal is cooled below 1200C the titanium ions shift to one side of the body centre. This displaces the neighboring ions along one of the crystal directions which become elongated. This gives the tetragonal structure due to the shifting of the titanium ion. This displacement of the titanium ion creates electric dipoles and all the dipoles of the adjacent unit cells get aligned in Figure: A barium titanate unit cell in an isometric projection which shows the displacements of Ti4+ and O2- ions from the center of the face. one direction. Below 1200C temperatures there is an enormous value for dielectric constant. The dielectric constants of these materials are some three orders of magnitude larger than that in ordinary dielectrics. Since ferro electric materials are similar to ferromagnetic materials. They exhibit domain structure. Applications of Ferro electric Materials: 1. In optical communication, the ferro electric crystals are used for optical modulation. 2. The high dielectric constant of ferro electric crystals is also useful for storing energy in small sized capacitors in electrical circuits. 3. These are used in electro acoustic transducers such as microphone. HYSTERESIS LOOP: When most materials are polarized, the polarization induced, P, is almost exactly proportional to the applied external electric field E; so the polarization is a linear function. This is called dielectric polarization (see figure). Figure: Hysteresis of Ferroelectrics Some materials, known as paraelectric materials, show a more enhanced nonlinear polarization (see figure). The electric permittivity, corresponding to the slope of the polarization curve, is not constant as in dielectrics but is a function of the external electric field. In addition to being nonlinear, ferroelectric materials demonstrate a spontaneous nonzero polarization (after entrainment, see figure) even when the applied field E is zero. The distinguishing feature of ferroelectrics is that the spontaneous polarization can be reversed by a suite P Paraelectric polarization P E Ferroelectric polarization ably strong applied electric field in the opposite direction; the polarization is therefore dependent not only on the current electric field but also on its history, yielding a hysteresis loop. They are called ferroelectrics by analogy to ferromagnetic materials, which have spontaneous magnetization and exhibit similar hysteresis loops. PIEZO ELECTRICITY: In some ceramic materials, application of external forces produces an electric (polarization) field and vice-versa. Applications of piezoelectricmaterials is based on conversion of mechanical strain into electricity (microphones, strain gauges, sonar detectors) stress-free with applied stress Examples: barium titanate BaTiO3 leadzirconate PbZrO3 quartz. Figure: (a) Dipoles within a piezoelectric material. (b) A voltage is generated when the material is subjected to a compressive stress. QUESTIONS: 1. Explain ferro electricity (write a note on ferro electricity). 2. What are the important characteristics of ferro electric materials? 3. Explain clearly the phenomenon of ferro electricity. 4. Briefly explain why the ferroelectric behavior of BaTiO3 ceases above its ferroelectric Curie temperature.